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Against all odds, Chester (my parents' cat with terminal cancer) is still alive and happy.  He's also lost even more weight and fur, so my mom got him a sweater today and just sent me this picture.  It will mostly be for when he insists on going out in the garage with his brother (he and Bandit like to hang out there sometimes at night; I guess it's their man cave). 

Chester in sweater 2.JPG

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22 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

The cat towards the back (on the washing machine) looks almost identical to my big cat.  He is a chewer and a head butt-er.  He chews so much that he has damaged/destroyed a lot of things so that I can't have him near sheets, shoes or anything with tags.  He also thinks biting is an affectionate act.  He bites and twists (purple nurple).  He is the one that has been real gloomy lately.

My other cat is smaller and mean to the above cat.  This cat is a tuxedo. 

Thank you all for posting pictures. 


You're quite welcome!  

Yes, my Pearl (white/calico) does like to chew, but not so much destructively, moreso on plastic bags, mislaid cellophane and things like that.  You know, things that end up in a pile of steaming cat yak, lol.  Onyx (black) shows indications of having seasonal affective disorder during the fall and winter months.  She tends to seek out lamps under which to hang out.  We live in a part of the country that is under a permacloud for about 4-5 months yearly, and the ambient light seems to help her cope with the lack of natural sunshine, which she loves to lay in.  I don't know if this could be your kitty's issue, but something to think about.

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

Against all odds, Chester (my parents' cat with terminal cancer) is still alive and happy.  He's also lost even more weight and fur, so my mom got him a sweater today and just sent me this picture.  It will mostly be for when he insists on going out in the garage with his brother (he and Bandit like to hang out there sometimes at night; I guess it's their man cave). 

Chester in sweater 2.JPG

Awww Chester looks like a sweetie.

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2 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

These are two of the prettiest cats I've ever seen.  Nacho (red) and Stella Flay, Bobby Flay's Maine Coon kids.


note-I don't know what changed, but I can no longer get IG links to automatically embed.  I use the IG 'copy link' feature, but this is all I get.

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2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Yeah, he has been to the vet often and there is nothing more they can do about it.  He looks like the picture you have of "Pearl" above, except with a black dot above his nose..  Many years ago he was put on medication (I don't recall which one) for awhile that calmed him down a bit, but he was still destructive, just less so.   I really wish I hadn't had the vet put him on medication back then, because now he won't defend himself when the tuxedo cat starts to go after him.  He will just sit there and let the tuxedo cat bite him.  No blood is drawn when the tuxedo cat bites.  Still, biting is biting.

I would like to tone down the aggressiveness of the other cat  (tuxedo).  All of a sudden he is becoming more and more of a jerk, biting and attacking the above cat more often and me as well.  He wants to be petted on his terms, which is fine.  But when he hops in my lap, he shouldn't be biting me when I try to pet him.

The tuxedo doesn't go after the other cat all of the time.  Just every so often, and they will at other times sleep next to each other.

I have Feliway plugged in all over the place, but it doesn't seem to be helping.

They go for their annual checkups and the tuxedo cat also goes in monthly to get his nails trimmed.  If I tried to trim them myself I would be torn to shreds.  The other cat will let me trim his nails as long as he gets snacks afterwards.

Sounds like a couple of challenging kitties you have there.  Above my pay grade, lol.

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Snip tried fairly hard to die of something wrong with her pancreas on Thursday and Friday. Yesterday the vet made a house call with an ultrasound machine and couldn’t quite tell if it was severe pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer. She’s medicated and a little bit better today, but sitting around overthinking everything your sick cat is doing, or not doing, is a terrible way to spend a Sunday.

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32 minutes ago, EighteenTwelve said:

Snip tried fairly hard to die of something wrong with her pancreas on Thursday and Friday. Yesterday the vet made a house call with an ultrasound machine and couldn’t quite tell if it was severe pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer. She’s medicated and a little bit better today, but sitting around overthinking everything your sick cat is doing, or not doing, is a terrible way to spend a Sunday.

I hope that it is not as serious as it sounds, and that Snip feels better soon! Best wishes and sympathy to you both from me, Artemus Squeakifur, and Amelia Fledermaus Snotnose (my two 12 year old cats).

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3 hours ago, EighteenTwelve said:

Snip tried fairly hard to die of something wrong with her pancreas on Thursday and Friday. Yesterday the vet made a house call with an ultrasound machine and couldn’t quite tell if it was severe pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer. She’s medicated and a little bit better today, but sitting around overthinking everything your sick cat is doing, or not doing, is a terrible way to spend a Sunday.

Aw. poor baby. I hope they can figure it all out and help her feel better. 

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17 hours ago, praeceptrix said:

Amelia Fledermaus Snotnose

Fledermaus! I put a toy mouse on the end of a stick and encourage Girl Cat to catch die fledermaus. Maybe someday I'll get a toy bat to replace the mouse.

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On 11/16/2020 at 4:36 PM, EighteenTwelve said:

Snip, 2007-2020. Pancreatic cancer.

My heart breaks for you! Been there done that and almost 2 years later the hurt is still there. My Boo was 12.5 years old when I lost him in Dec 2018. They will be at the Rainbow Bridge waiting for us when the time comes. Now I feed feral kitties that at some point I hope to TN&R one just might be socialized. 

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I'm supposed to be leaving this morning to join my parents in their motorhome for our annual Thanksgiving by the lake (they go Sun-Sun and I join them Wed-Sat), but Chester (their cat with cancer) didn't have a good night (I spend every other night here when they're gone).  He hadn't had a bad day in a while, and he generally snaps out of them in about 24 hours, so I hope that's all this is and he'll perk up back to normal today.  But I'm obviously not going to leave him alone (my friend would just be over for about an hour every evening).  Hopefully I'll be able to get on the road tomorrow and at least spend a couple of days there. 

If he gets worse, my parents will come home.  But fingers crossed this is just a bad day.

Edited by Bastet
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Squeaky went to the new vet. They are such a better fit for her because they only do cats. Her thyroid was normal so they consider her cured of her hyperthyroidism. In hindsight it was a great option. The cost of the radiation was the same as one years worth of medicine. She also gained 2 lbs (9 now) and she vet stated that her blood work was better than average for a kitty her age (17). She was good and didn’t growl or bite (Remember when she bit the vet tech who wouldn’t stop clipping her nails after I told her to stop 3X? Which resulted in the tech going to a Doc in the box, getting antibiotics and them labeling her as a dangerous animal so that if she bit anyone again that the sheriff would enforce euthanasia) so I was relieved. 

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Chester improved throughout the day Wednesday, and I knew he was feeling better that night when he came up and licked my face.  So I went down to the lake Thursday morning and came back early this afternoon.  He did fine with my friend checking in on them last night and putting food in the feeders for this morning, but he'll eat better with me here, and then even better when my parents come home.  So I'm bummed not to be getting my proper camping trip, but glad my parents are, at least, and very glad Chester is hanging in there.  He's unhappy right now, as he struggled to poop and then drank too much water and threw up, but that'll wear off in about an hour and he'll be back to purring and talking like he was when he realized I'd come back.

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All is well on the Chester front.  I had to baby him some (hand feeding) during the day to get him to eat a full amount (the cancer eats a large percentage of his nutrients, so it's extra important), but in the evenings he'd eat well on his own.  So I left my parents' house last night around 7:00, knowing he'd be okay for the 14 hours until they'd come home and wanting to spend the night in my own bed with my own kitty and sleep in.

Riley and I have played and snuggled almost enough to catch up, I think, as she's finally napping somewhere - in the sun - other than glued to me.  And when my parents came home this morning, Chester ran  - when he usually ambles - down the hall to greet them.  He has since snacked a couple of times, cuddled with each of them, and otherwise happily snoozed in the sunny spot on the guest bed.

So, of course in a perfect world I'd have loved to enjoy my usual Thanksgiving camping trip, especially this difficult year, but I'm really glad that once he started having some trouble I chose to split the time as I did - no regrets or resentment.  I at least got a brief Thanksgiving, my parents got a full week out in their motorhome for the first time this year, and little Chester whom no one would have thought a year ago would even still be here this Thanksgiving just keeps on keepin' on, completely content a good 80% of the time.  That's quality of life well worth a minor sacrifice to maintain!

I'm sure he will sleep glued to my mom's side tonight, occasionally venturing over to lick my dad's face.  Which will wake Bandit up, and he'll have to crawl up from my dad's hip to his chest for cuddles lest Chester ever get any attention he doesn't get.  The joys of sleeping with cats.

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@Bastet I applaud you for keeping Chester’s life pretty status quo. I’m glad you were still able to care for him and have some time with your parents. You kept it a holiday for all. I hope you had a good first night back, sleeping with your fur baby in your own bed. 
My kitties are family and I often choose them much to others peoples disapproval. (“Hey, they are just cats. Put out a water bowl and a big bowl of extra dry food and they will be fine.” Nope. I’m never going to do that or leave them when I evacuate.)

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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

I hope you had a good first night back, sleeping with your fur baby in your own bed. 

Indeed I did - and it was so good, we crawled back in for a two-hour nap this afternoon.

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11 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

The Christmas tree has been up since Saturday, and so far so good with the cats.

I barely had half the string of lights on mine when Luna materialized out of a puff of smoke and started attacking it.  When I get it decorated tomorrow, I expect some ornament casualties. But she's almost 4 now, so it's kind of old news for her at this point.

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22 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

I have a 15 year old orange tabby who is getting a senior cat burst of energy and killed two mice today. 


It was so nice of kitty to box them up for you, too!

Orange kitties are the best kitties (I have two orange boys).

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We have to go to the vet tomorrow because Little Girl's allergies are flaring. She has a sore on her chin. She's recently had some little flares that have resolved themselves. I tapered her off the steroid RX quite a while back. They were due for their annual exam in May, but I was unemployed at the time. I've since moved to the other end of the county, but I like their cat-only vet. It'll be a "fun" hour-long round trip with wailing cats tomorrow.

Here are my beautiful girls this morning, waiting for me to get up and feed them. Little Girl's the goblin in the background. Little Mama always has resting cat face.


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