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Did anyone else have cats utterly despondent over the switch from big ol' CRT monitors they could sprawl across (for the warmth and for the enjoyment of draping their paws down the monitor to obscure their human's work) to flat panels?

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On 10/7/2022 at 4:58 PM, Bastet said:

Did anyone else have cats utterly despondent over the switch from big ol' CRT monitors they could sprawl across (for the warmth and for the enjoyment of draping their paws down the monitor to obscure their human's work) to flat panels?


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When I take care of (twice daily visits) my friend's cats, the kitties usually come running to see Auntie Bastet.  More than once, on a Sunday morning, I've had to go find them in their sleeping places instead, and then they yawn, stretch, and slowly make their way to the kitchen.  When that happens, I tell my friend they had a party again; they got their little kitty friends up and out in time, but couldn't hide the hangover. 

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My cats know that when I put my shoes on, I am leaving. They look forward to it because I always throw treats into my bedroom, so I can escape before they run out the door with me. Now, I think the treats wouldn't be necessary because they already wait in the bedroom. I still do it because now that I don't work from home anymore, I feel bad leaving.

A lazy Sunday morning in bed. Scully (on the left) never sleeps with me but she came this morning to have a little nap.


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3 minutes ago, supposebly said:

My cats know that when I put my shoes on, I am leaving. They look forward to it because I always throw treats into my bedroom, so I can escape before they run out the door with me. Now, I think the treats wouldn't be necessary because they already wait in the bedroom. I still do it because now that I don't work from home anymore, I feel bad leaving.

A lazy Sunday morning in bed. Scully (on the left) never sleeps with me but she came this morning to have a little nap.


Such handsome kits.  I miss my Onyx~ 😥

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5 hours ago, supposebly said:

I always throw treats into my bedroom, so I can escape before they run out the door with me.

That's what I do with a neighbor's cat when I take care of her.  She always tries to leave with me, so I have to toss treats away from the door to make my exit. 

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9 hours ago, Bastet said:

That's what I do with a neighbor's cat when I take care of her.  She always tries to leave with me, so I have to toss treats away from the door to make my exit. 

They wrap around your legs. I'll get your food but you can't leave with me.

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"Fun Dad" is off on his yearly trip with his college friends to the Pennsylvania wilderness (I don't actually know where they go...some guy's uncle's place), and the cats have quickly realized that they don't get to eat at 3am. I fed them at 10:30 last night and they didn't wake me until 6am. They know who the sucker is around here.😂

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1 hour ago, SuprSuprElevated said:


For Halloween, we decorate the house quite a bit. We have an arch between the living room and the library area. We like to hang this lacy spider web swag over it. Elizabeth pulled it down again today for the fourth time. She likes to make a tent of it and sit in there and stare out through the lace. It's like I've been telling my DH since we got her, she's a fucking marauder and a scallawag.


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I ran into two of the cutest doggies today when I had to drop off a package at the UPS Store. The windows were cracked open enough that they could stick their noses out-and one of them did! I SOOOO wanted to cuddle and pet, but that would have been presumptuous, so I talked to them, and praised them for their cuteness.

Their “mama” was in the store and when she came out-I recognized her as one of the people who was in line when I was talking about the Heritage of India festival where I had gotten the henna. 

I asked her if I could pet them and take their picture, and she said yes. They had to have been sitting in the car for at least 10 minutes-but they didn’t bark or yap at people as they passed. Just smiled doggie smiles. Oh! Their names are Buster and Bruno. Bruno is the brown one-and he did try to stick his snout out to try and lick me. When their mama gave her permission, I got in some petting and Bruno licked my wrists. Sooo adorbs! 

And while he looks like he’s frowning, it’s because he didn’t manage to lick my face!😂😂

Here they are: 



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4 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I ran into two of the cutest doggies today when I had to drop off a package at the UPS Store. The windows were cracked open enough that they could stick their noses out-and one of them did! I SOOOO wanted to cuddle and pet, but that would have been presumptuous, so I talked to them, and praised them for their cuteness.

Their “mama” was in the store and when she came out-I recognized her as one of the people who was in line when I was talking about the Heritage of India festival where I had gotten the henna. 

I asked her if I could pet them and take their picture, and she said yes. They had to have been sitting in the car for at least 10 minutes-but they didn’t bark or yap at people as they passed. Just smiled doggie smiles. Oh! Their names are Buster and Bruno. Bruno is the brown one-and he did try to stick his snout out to try and lick me. When their mama gave her permission, I got in some petting and Bruno licked my wrists. Sooo adorbs! 

And while he looks like he’s frowning, it’s because he didn’t manage to lick my face!😂😂

Here they are: 



The one has resting bitch face. Still cute.

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What do I feed stray cats?

They’re a few that approach me every day for a few days now. They sit and stare at me. I was eating a turkey sandwich tried to feed them bread/bit of turkey they did not want that. My neighborhood is full of strays so they are definitely not pets.

Thank you.


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OK I am the resident old lady cat lady... my feral cats get kibble and wet cat food twice (kibble sometimes 3x) a day.  I have put my order on Chewy for every 5 weeks 60# of kibble and 64 cans of wet food. Yeah, not much else to entertain me here... I have a yard full of "yard tigers" and love them all! (14 cats at this point...still looking for an open TNR local to me.)

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14 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

What do I feed stray cats?

Whatever cat food (no people food scraps) you can afford.  Canned food is better than dry.  Make sure to feed them on a schedule, and not leave food out as it will attract rodents and predators.

The most important thing to do with strays is get them fixed so they do not reproduce.  Check for a TNR (Trap Neuter Return) program in your area for a free or low-cost option (note that there's a long wait list at most these days, as they're overwhelmed by the population).  If they're feral, the best thing to do is care for them in place, but if they're socialized, you can look for homes.

I'm glad they've found someone to look out for them!

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Sadly there hasn't been a TNR center open here in the boonies of MT since Covid came around. I am trying to socialize as many of them as I can. About 1/2 of them will come to me and rub my legs and purr when I feed them. A few will even dart into the house momentarily. I am hoping I can find homes foe most of them .

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57 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

Sadly there hasn't been a TNR center open here in the boonies of MT since Covid came around.

Have you contacted "regular" vet clinics in your greater area to ask if they offer a discount on spay/neuter for community cats?  If there's no TNR program through animal control and no private organization providing such services in your greater area, that's the next thing to try (and, if available, then you could try fundraising to cover the costs, and start with neutering the males one by one, as that's a cheaper procedure).  I'm sorry to hear it's so hard to access in your area (fortunately, in mine there are a few free and several more low-cost options, but there's a long wait lately, and because of the explosion in the feral population they've had to drastically curtail if not wholly put on pause low-cost spay/neuter for pet cats; it's still a crisis).

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Dog question for you. 2x in the last month Cosmo has had me up in the middle of the night to go potty, but he didn’t have the runs! He did have to potty though. 

I would prefer to not be woken from my slumber, having to toss on clothes and shoes like a bat out of hell because he’s barking incessantly this winter.

Do you think I should do a last trip out before bed at maybe 9:30pm? He normally goes out around 5-6pm before he gets his dinner, and on work days his morning walk is about 6:30 (7:30am on non work days). 

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5 hours ago, ginger90 said:

That’s a very good idea. 😁

I did that when he first came to me, but then summer 2021 he wouldn’t go out later because of firecrackers and things so he didn’t seem to mind. Seems he needs to go back to one last potty break before bed. At least during the winter. Thanks!

ETA- turning in for the night after last potty break, Cosmo got a teeny treat in the dark. He’s barking & barking- I tell him “no more treats, go to bed!” But he keeps barking. The pitch of the bark is different, so I get up-his treat fell under the dresser- I got it for him. 

He’s happy now and ready for sleep. I took a photo but there’s a cluster of dog fur so I’m not posting that. Tired Spring Fever GIF by SWR Kindernetz🐶🐾

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22 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Do you think I should do a last trip out before bed at maybe 9:30pm?

We always take Jake out for one last stop before bed. If I'm up late, it can be close to Midnight for that last visit.

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3 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:


Larry is the cat that lives at 10 Downing Street in London. 

The "rescue" is very wealthy so Larry might want to keep him for awhile, if nothing else for the caviar and lobster.

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2 hours ago, luv2lurk said:

The "rescue" is very wealthy so Larry might want to keep him for awhile, if nothing else for the caviar and lobster.

Yeah, but apparently their current digs are even nicer than Number 10, so the Sunaks may not be moving in. Who will feed Larry?

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45 minutes ago, oliviabenson said:

How much does an emergency vet charge? 

That varies by area, like all vet costs, and depends on what services are provided.  I'd have to pull up my files to see how much more basic consults, tests, and procedures cost at my local emergency vet versus at my regular vet; you definitely pay more to have the same thing done in the middle of the night, but I've never really paid attention to what percentage more that is.  And then, of course, if hospitalization is required, that monitoring adds onto the cost, especially if it's an ICU situation.

I hope you're just looking ahead, and not potentially in need of emergency veterinary services now!

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2 minutes ago, oliviabenson said:

Someone told me emergency vet visit is $600. Wondering if it’s true.

I would imagine it would depend on the animal hospital and what's going on.  If your dog gets a splinter, it would probably be less.  If your cat got into a fight and is bleeding all over the place and his ear is half off, it will be more.

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@oliviabenson, call the local animal hospital, or wherever you would take your pet for emergency care, and ask. As everyone has said, it depends on where you are and what service is required.

Some vets also charge extra for emergencies. Again, nothing wrong with asking.

Edited by ABay
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3 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

Someone told me emergency vet visit is $600. Wondering if it’s true.

It could be true that's what their particular trip to an emergency vet cost, sure.  The nationwide average is $800-1500, but of course any given incident could be more or less depending on, as I said, where you're located and what services the pet needs.  And whether you're at a 24-hour hospital, an urgent care center, or paying for an emergency appointment at your regular vet's office during office hours.

5 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Larry isn’t happy again today. Seems his staff is busy with the duties of a new PM. 

I love the little podium!  But why are the people who create these funny things always so bad at spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation?  I swear, at least 75% of the ones I see have an error.

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