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Richard Blais: It's All About Him

Veruca Assault

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This place is the only place I've seen that's this anti-Richard. I'm pretty neutral on him. I think he obviously knows what he's talking about, and in a situation where he's the lone judge, he's really shone (on TC Canada, for example). I think he's still figuring out how to fit in at Judges Table. I've seen him make some very smart remarks (he actually used the term 'Moneyball' properly, which was nice), but at times, he does seem like he's trying too hard.


Honestly, the hate he gets here makes me like him more. From everything I've seen of him, his biggest crime is having a crappy haircut and making a mildly objectionable comment about the fact that he thought he choked in his first season.

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Honestly, the hate he gets here makes me like him more. From everything I've seen of him, his biggest crime is having a crappy haircut and making a mildly objectionable comment about the fact that he thought he choked in his first season.


I think it's a two-way street.  If Richard would take some time to think about how he deals with the contestants and what he might do to change, he might not see negative comments.  Richard is new at being a judge on "Top Chef."  As he grows into the role, he may become much better.  If he takes the time to think about the art of being diplomatic and helpful rather than rude, he may become more accepted by the audience.  However, for now, when he bluntly tells a contestant that her food is worse than cafeteria food, IMHO he deserves to go through the School of Hard Knocks.

Edited by Lura
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JMO, once someone has decided to become a professional television personality, they've put themselves in the business of being judged by how they present themselves on television, because that's their job. Although he's more of a consultant than a restauranteur, Richard ought to be used to that. Tom is forever pointing out that the highest priority is making the guests happy and not bolstering the chef's ego.

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This place is the only place I've seen that's this anti-Richard. I'm pretty neutral on him. I think he obviously knows what he's talking about, and in a situation where he's the lone judge, he's really shone (on TC Canada, for example). I think he's still figuring out how to fit in at Judges Table. I've seen him make some very smart remarks (he actually used the term 'Moneyball' properly, which was nice), but at times, he does seem like he's trying too hard.


Honestly, the hate he gets here makes me like him more. From everything I've seen of him, his biggest crime is having a crappy haircut and making a mildly objectionable comment about the fact that he thought he choked in his first season.



Yes, I see this too.  I am neutral.  Very few reality "stars" get me going.  Big Brother is an exception!  Ha ha!  I do become a tad unhinged with some on that show. :>) 

Edited by wings707
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do understand why a lot of people don't like Blais (his obsession with 'choking' and 'giving' Stephanie Izzard the win in their season was in very bad taste),


Yes, this particular rewrite of history was that it implies that Stephanie didn't deserve to win and only won because Blais "let her" by his unfortunate choking. I could buy it if it had been the other female contestant who ended up in the finals (lisa? Am I remembering this correctly, that Richard was third place?) who won, but Stephanie had been an extremely strong contender the whole time and Richard dissed her skill by acting like he "let her" win.


Its bs. He blew it. I respect that he'd been a front runner but so had Stephanie. It doesn't make him a *bad* chef but it does make him a shitty poor sport, and implies some sexism when he's rewriting it to how he let the girl win. Women have to put up with that bullshit all the time in all walks of life and I am certain Richard would not handle it gracefully to hear how he only won a competition because a female contestant let him and really should have won in his place.

  • Love 15
Its bs. He blew it.


Which is what he meant by choking, I have never had any issue with his using that term or think that it anyway implies he let her win. He didn't put out the best meal he could that day, Stephanie put out an amazing meal but if Richard had made a better meal he could have also won or Stephanie could have "choked" by not serving a meal she was happy with like he did. Heck she even talked about messing up her meal when she had to compete against Blais and Antonia during the All Star competition, she wasn't implying that Richard's meal wasn't better, just that she didn't put out her best effort. 

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I fall somewhere in the middle. I don't think he was implying that he let her win, but I think he was more than implying that his best is better than her best, and if he'd done his best he would have won. I don't think that's justified. Also, he was a little too gleeful in his talking head about trying to mindfuck Antonia at the end of All Stars. Someone who believed in himself as much as Richard does (and I absolutely believe the insecurity is something he was told to do to make him less unatrractive) shouldn't need to psych out his opponents.


The sad thing is, he may easily be every bit as good as he thinks he is, but he's just so ungracious about it that I assume he's not.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 9

So he didn't win, because he choked. It can't possibly be that Stephanie just simply outdid him. Had he brought his a game, he would have won. How is that not disrespectful to the actual winner? And how is that Richard owning the fact that he lost favor and square? He only conceded the win was Stephanie's fairly after his initial comments on how she won only because he choke got taken badly.. And rightly, because he was being a crybaby loser, saying she only won because he choked. If you don't see that as a fairly offensive way for the loser of a competition to describe it, as though it was his competition to win and Stephanie was a lesser chef who only won because he had a moment of personal failure, then you don't. And if you think Richard would have this about a male contestant, again, I won't be convincing you. But this is where my dislike of Richard started and I think he's a sexist ass.

Julia- I agree. He was playing the "if only" game. "if only I hadn't choked, I would have won because I am the better chef" that is where he is implying he should have won.

  • Love 7

I liked Richard fine on his season.  I liked others, such as Stephanie, better and I wanted Stephanie to win, but would have been OK with Blais winning.  As ZoloftBob above says, it's the "choked" statement he made at the beginning of All-Stars that turned me off from him.  He assumed that if he hadn't choked, he would have won.  He may have beat Lisa, but there's no guarantee that producing his finest meal ever would have been good enough to beat Stephanie.  He reminded me of Korto who, each time she appears on a Project Runway All-Stars, states she should have won instead of Leanne.

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I don't take much issue with that attitude, because I feel most chefs and competitive people have it. I'm an athlete, and I know that when I play, I absolutely feel that my best is better than other peoples (even if I know intellectually, that's not necessarily true). You have to in order to thrive in a competitive scenario. And for what it's worth, Tom, Ted Allen, and Gail have all stated in some form that it was Richard's competition to lose. So I don't blame him for that.

  • Love 3
Tom is forever pointing out that the highest priority is making the guests happy and not bolstering the chef's ego.

While chefs have as much ego as anyone else who runs their little world, Tom is talking to you, Richard--your insecurities are bleeding all over your scenes. Stem the flow. (For me, the semi-loathing also started with his assumptive win at Stephanie's expense. Add a cup of class, dude.)

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I just saw the third episode of All Stars in reruns, and there was a quickfire where each team handled three components and then, in under 15 minutes, created a dish out of them.

Richard's comments: "There was no time for democracy, so I just started yelling orders at people."
And his orders were, e.g., "Get the plates."


Then, after the challenge (which they won), Spike and Tre seemed congratulatory and having a good time. Cue Richard's talking head:
"Sure winning the challenge and 5,000$ was nice but most important was gaining some trust from my teammates on my leadership, since I took the leading position."

Cut to Tre and Spike just having a good time, probably thinking "got 5,000$, happy now, awesome!". I think the leading position existed pretty much in Richard's head.


This was such a Richard moment. Always focused on himself and looking to prop himself up against something. None of these qualities have subsided with him becoming a judge.

Richard, relax.

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Sorry.  I wrote a long post, and it disappeared.  That has happened to me frequently, and I don't know why.


That happens on boards sometimes.  I learned long ago always, always to copy my post to my clipboard before hitting reply.  Then, if it disappears, I can just paste it into another reply box.  Much easier and less frustrating than rewriting.

  • Love 1

THANK YOU, mlp!  So that's what the clipboard is for.  I've been copying things onto an email in case they get lost, but sometimes I forget to -- like this time.  Now, if I can figure out how to access the clipboard, I'll be in business! 


I decided tonight to look at Richard in a positive light just to see whether I could do it.  That doesn't mean that I won't engage in Blais snark from time to time, but at least I got a look at him fairly for a change.  Richard's parents both died before he went on "Top Chef."  When he won, his uncle stood where his parents would have stood.  He gets flack from his wife about being too busy, so I'm wondering whether he boasts because no one tells him he's doing a good job.  It's pretty surprising that he was just another run of the mill chef when he went onto "Top Chef," but after he won, his name became known, and suddenly he's a judge on the same show he won.  That has to be pretty heady stuff.  His recognition level has risen pretty fast, thanks to his own hard work as a sous chef on "Iron Chef America" and other gigs.  I just hope that one of these days Richard will slow down and grow up.

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I often wonder if Richard's marriage will survive his quest for fame and applause. During the "where they are now" show, her utter disgust at him sometimes was obvious. I got the impression she is the sole person responsible for raising their children, and they don't get to see Dad very much. Having lost his parents, you'd think he would want to be with his family more, and get out of the pressure cooker.

  • Love 4

I often wonder if Richard's marriage will survive his quest for fame and applause. During the "where they are now" show, her utter disgust at him sometimes was obvious. I got the impression she is the sole person responsible for raising their children, and they don't get to see Dad very much. Having lost his parents, you'd think he would want to be with his family more, and get out of the pressure cooker.



I remember that show and was taken back by how open she was with her hostility in front of the camera.  She must have been very angry about their situation to not be able to put on a more positive front knowing this would be seen by millions.   My heart went out to him.  He was probably much more horrified than me watching; he is living that.  


Things may be better now.  I remember what it was like raising 2 kids, it was exhausting and I had mega help from my husband.  

Edited by wings707
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Lura, I am going to have to take your approach to Blais-viewing. I had forgotten that horribly awkward scene with his wife (maybe it's because of that I assumed he was divorced) and your thoughts make sense. He has had a lot of emotion thrown at him in a relatively short span of time.

Made me think about why Richard is his own worst enemy and maybe it's because he feels the need to just try try try too hard. His critiques and THs can be so stilted that I just cringe.

Of course, I have no idea if this Blais-empathy will last but I appreciate the overview.

Bastet: X=10? I dunno. I just learned that not only is there a clipboard feature but there was also no reason for me to just plain give up when, I thought, the board ate my almost-post.

Edited by NewDigs

I can understand Blais thinking that he choked. Unfortunately, he's let himself be goaded into saying it over and over again. For that I'm inclined to blame production. Sooner or late, the cheftestants have to answer questions posed for their talking heads sessions. And the editors will use anything they say to stir the pot with viewers.

Richard's pompadour was epic this latest episode! It, almost, looked like a Chris March fabrication, for sale at your nearest Target. And those guns... I guess he is doing more than pushing himself away from the table as part of his weight-loss plan.

I kind of got a kick out of him this week. He seemed to be genuinely having fun. Especially in Whole Foods. And his other appearances were not nearly as stilted as previously though, to me, he is still reveling in his own bad self.

Still not a fan.

On several of the recent episodes, Blais looks like the little kid who was finally allowed to sit at the adults table instead of the kiddies table. It makes it hard to take him seriously as a judge when you see him surrounded by the real heavyweights each week.


Agreed. Particularly since he tries way too hard to be edgy and memorable. If Tom Colicchio isn't offended into apoplexy by the totes drabness and lack of pizzazz, there's really no reason for Richard Blais to turn purple and use all the insults you know he wrote out ahead of time before he even tasted the food.


Say what you will about Toby Young, at least he didn't show his belly to the other judges while he was yapping at the contestants.

Edited by Julia
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Blais has a part in the new movie, Why Him? He has posted some clips, which I'm linking here. I don't follow him but seem to keep getting links to his tweets. It's odd because he doesn't actually link Top Chef, but I keep seeing them. I'm also linking a tweet where I find him obnoxious. He bugs me. You will have to click on the photos to get it to go to the link.



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1 hour ago, Snarklepuss said:

You can't swing a dead cat on food TV anymore without hitting Richard Blais.  He's EVERYWHERE, non stop, all the time.  I can't believe that he's all over the place because that many people loooove him.  I think he must have a good agent, plus he's pushy enough all by himself and must kiss serious rear end.  Rachael Ray was singing his praises on her show recently and that plus the way he acted made me want to vomit.  Geez, the guy does have some talent but his personality is completely insufferable.   I think he's far worse than John Tesar.

59 minutes ago, susannot said:


"Cook your ass off" lasted for 8 episodes.  See the scathing review on the IMDB page above.  That must have dented poor Richard's narcissistic ego.

I don't hate Richard, but he's not my favorite.  That said, I do believe being on TV, being a celebrity "chef", is what he strives for.  I still remember one of his appearances on The Chew where he said out of all the Top Chef alum, Carla (Hall) was doing the best.  I love Carla, and she is doing well, but several others are doing quite well, opening restaurants that are constantly packed and getting good reviews.  That just proved to me he was measuring success by tv fame.  I do think he's a good chef, too, based on what I've seen and heard (or at least can be), but that's obviously not his goal any more.

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The IMdB review was interesting and I agree with most of it.  I hated the title - just tacky.  Richard wasn't the best or the worst show host I've ever seen.  As with all cooking competitions, I liked some contestants (and guest judges) better than others.  What killed the show for me wasn't Richard.  It was the humorless, know-it-all dietitian.  None of the regulars seemed to be having any fun.

Gawd.  I watched the first 15 min. of that until Richard's appearance.  It really, really stunk.  Surprised that Cranston agreed to appear in it.  The premise is that Cranston's pretty daughter is dating Franco.  He is an Internet or gaming zillionaire and has a fab house.  He invites her family for the holidays.  Among other indulgences for her family, he has Richard Blais prepare a pop up dinner.  We only see the appetizer, which the movie ridicules.

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12 hours ago, LillyB said:

Stephanie Izard is now an Iron Chef. I wonder how Richard feels about it.

Stephanie's the best and not just because she's from Chicago! I've never been to any of her restaurants, but I've seen her since she won Season 4 of "Top Chef," and she's been killing it in every challenge given to her on TV! I still remember that bread challenge when going up against Flay! I can't remember who won, but knowing the shady show IC had become, it was fixed to give it to him instead of her! She supposedly had a great finishing ice cream made with bread! ;-)

Edited by Fiero425
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On 12/25/2016 at 3:30 PM, spankydoll said:

He was such a poor sport when he lost. I just haven't been able to get past that with him. I was going to skip seeing that movie because the ick factor of Franco overwhelms my enthusiasm for Mr. Cranston. Adding Blais to the mix isn't helping me change my mind!

Yes! Richard was just a whiny sore loser when he lost. I can't get past that with him either. That and "molecular gastronomy' dishes...for some reason Padma and Tom love this guy.

On 10/21/2014 at 7:32 PM, Wings said:



He is, why not boast that?  It may bring business to his restaurants.  I will go there!

His Atlanta eatery charged $30.00 for a hamburger...talk about pretentious.

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On 11/19/2014 at 9:40 AM, Lamb18 said:

I know, at the end I ended up wanting Richard to win just so Isabella wouldn't.  But I really wanted Antonia to win.

Talk about a fall from grace and karma...Isabella is through in DC...he filed for bankruptcy on his restaurant empire and has a sexual harassment suit pending against him. Toodles asshat!

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On 12/29/2018 at 1:21 PM, Mischievious said:

I’m watching season 4 on Hulu because I love Stephanie but ugh ... Richard and Lisa. I think Richard has matured or something since being on Top Chef because I certainly don’t find him nearly as pompous as he was on this season. 

Blais is an attention whore. It's no coincidence that his podcast is called "Starving for Attention."

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