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S04.E03: Rocky Road

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I wonder if this is laying the ground work for some of the townspeople being upset that they got cursed again. That they get treated as pawns by even their friends? They put it all on the line to restore Snow/Charming to their kingdom - twice - and Snow/Charming return the favour by cursing them all. Maybe some of them resent it and it is making them especially fractious? While Snow and Charming are bending over backwards to accommodate the villains, maybe they could spare a thought for their allies?  I can't decide if this being OUAT that nobody minds being used as pawns or if this being OUAT anything a villain does is misunderstood while everything a hero does can never be forgiven. So, it is either building to something or just a sign of crappy writing.


This is the only thing that could possibly explain how Grumpy and Granny have been acting so far in 4A.  It's not hard to believe that Grumpy really prefers to be in the Enchanted Forest.  He was the first one to suggest it in Season 2.  Maybe Granny too even though we never really see evidence that she doesn't like running the diner.  As you said, maybe they felt betrayed by Snow and Charming since they weren't consulted about the Second Curse.  Maybe it might even be interesting since they have been given nothing of substance to do since their Season 1 centrics.  It sounds from the interviews that these actors still think back fondly on them.  But I'm not sure the writers are willing to give screentime to this, though it might work as one of Ginny's limited-subplots-of-the-week.


Though honestly, it's probably just Crap Writing.  I mean, they've done it before, in "We Are Both" by showing people like Archie and Blue driving towards the townline to get their memories erased.    The thing is, people like Grumpy and Granny would say their peace in front of Snow instead of doing passive aggressive stuff like in these last two episodes.  A true example of plot driving character.  But at least it's not happening to a MAIN character... we can't win them all.

Edited by Camera One
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Rumpel bowing to Hook's threats make no sense because to stop it from working he just needs to swap the real and fake again.  Its not like he can't get access to it any time he wants.


Memory-modification would have worked, but not Dagger-swapping. If Belle, holding the Real Dagger, was able to summon Rumple to prove she was holding the real one, all she had to do was ask him to tell the truth whether he had ever given her a fake, and the fat would be in the fire. 


Hook would never have tried to engage the Snow Queen in a fight.  Now that would have been stupid.  Blackbeard is one thing but a powerful magical being?


That's where the deleted scenes might have helped. Rumple collects the dust of the destroyed Urn and bottles it. Hook presumably gets that from Rumple, because there were bts pictures of Hook carrying that in his trek with Elsa. They probably felt it was getting too complicated, and just cut those scenes. 


I'm a huge shipper of Hook and Emma, but I do agree with you about the kiss.  I've watched it a few times, for science and, it seemed out of place for the conversation they had just had.  I could see a comforting hug and a sweet kiss like the premiere, but an epic make out session in the middle of the street, seemed odd in this scenario. 


He took the time to reassure her first though. It was only after she gave him a watery smile, did he dive in for the kiss. He probably wanted to kiss the daylights out of her on hearing how much he meant to her.


They were both motivated by wanting to keep the other safe. I agree with Shanna Marie that seeing Marian rapidly freezing over with no potential cure probably freaked Emma out. The same way, when Emma was freezing to death a few days ago, Hook could do practically nothing to help her. Moreover, Rumple had taunted him about Emma dying as well. So, Hook wanted to take control of the situation right from the start this time around. They both are used to taking independent decisions, and are only just learning to communicate with each other as a couple. So, it's not going to happen overnight.

Edited by Rumsy4
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During the scenes when Mary Margaret struggles with holding the baby and managing everything else, I just want to get in my car and drive to Storybrooke so I can teach her how to use an Ergo carrier, a moby wrap and a ring sling. 


I know the show wants us to think it's abnormal for MM to want to carry her baby all the time, but plenty of women want to hold their babies all the time, and there are benefits to mom and baby (or dad and baby, nanny and baby, whatever, anyone can babywear).  There are lots of babywearing devices on the market, or you can just tie a shawl around your shoulders and use that.  I know this because I've done it.  Surely someone in the entire enchanted forest, where there were no strollers, knows how to use this ancient parenting technique.


YES! I have some rings and cute fabric. I would totally make Mary Margaret an adorable ring sling. They are great on TV shows. You can hide the baby enough to use a doll. The actor has plenty of business with their free hands. I gave a talk on children in the Middle Ages with my newborn in a knotted sling. It can be done. 

That said, it would be awesome for Mary Margaret to choose a baby carrier because she thinks they are great and not because she's scared to death her child will disappear. They could have some good schitch with her choosing a child care provider: the old woman with the shoe has mad skillz but she's so tired, Mary frickin' Poppins could be in Storybrook, the ghosts in The Graveyard Book, or Ms Honey. 

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It's not hard to believe that Grumpy really prefers to be in the Enchanted Forest.


Grumpy and his fellow dwarfs were happy to be returned to the Enchanted Forest because they weren't ugly anymore (returning restored their big noses and ears).


Rumpel bowing to Hook's threats make no sense because to stop it from working he just needs to swap the real and fake again.


I think Hook is counting on Rumpel not liking to be out of control. Rumpel lasted about 2 seconds before he wanted the dagger back and could only control himself a few hours before he actually took it back to do the hat thing. So, Hook isn't far from the truth. Still, it is one of the more risky things he's tried and it will not end well for him. I think only Emma can make a deal with Rumpel and not end up super-regretting it later.

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Honestly, I don't know what I think about this episode. I liked some things (all the scenes with Elsa and Kristoff and Elsa and Hook and the last scene between Emma and Hook), but the rest not so much. Everything about Regina and Robin and Regina and Henry is so stupid that I prefer not to say anything. I know this is going to be very unpopular but I don't like Will and I'm very meh about the Snow Queen. I mean, I love Elisabeth Mitchell and she was great, but, in the end, the Snow Queen is just the same villian all over again: sobbing backstory ("I hate normal people because my family was scared of me and urned me") and related to, at least, three different characters. I just want a villian that is bad just because he/she is like that and that absolutely noone knows. I don't think I'm asking that much.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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Hook would never have tried to engage the Snow Queen in a fight.  Now that would have been stupid.  Blackbeard is one thing but a powerful magical being?

This is the guy who engaged the Dark One in fights multiple times and who in this episode antagonized and blackmailed the Dark One, so it wouldn't be entirely out of character for him to try to fight the Snow Queen if he thought he had a good reason to do so. He may say he's a survivor, but his survival instincts aren't always at the top of his priority list. Maybe Emma's right to be worried about keeping him safe. He certainly doesn't do a very good job of it. Maybe what he meant by being a survivor was that he utterly failed at getting himself killed, no matter how hard he tried. If he's not actively trying to get himself killed, then he should be even better at staying alive. So for him, seeking out the powerful Snow Queen but not engaging her in a fight was actually an improvement over his usual behavior.

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Trying to kill the Dark One was a suicide mission that he devoted his entire life to in a time when revenge enveloped his entire existence.  His goal in this episode was to follow the Snow Queen.  I seriously doubt he planned to try to fight her head-on.  

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If he planned on trying to fight her, he wouldn't have ducked or contacted Emma or waited around for her.  He decided to walk away when she wasn't showing. 


The way they walked away from DQ was really ridiculous though.  Between the cellphone noises and the talking and the let's just walk away slowly while making noise was just so ugh...

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If Regina wants to believe she was evil because the book said so, okay, but  we've seen that's not the way it works and someone should explain it to her. And I agree that it's very difficult to understand why Emma and the others seem willing to forgive everything Regina has done. I mean, I guess Henry's the main reason, but still... I can even fanwank that the characters from the Enchanted Forest have a different mindset about some things, like love, good, evil... and the heroes like Snow and Charming are always going to give a chance to the villains with redeeming potential  because  it's in their heroic DNA. But that doesn't explain Emma. Or the writers.


But I'm going to give the writers a chance too because I really want to  know who created that book. Merlin himself? That would be  cool. And maybe he'll tell Regina the book writes itself and she's dumb.


Loved Emma/Hook and the line about the cell phone XD I also like the relationship between Elsa and Kristoff;  the fight at the cave was awful, though. 

Edited by Helena Dax
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The way they walked away from DQ was really ridiculous though.  Between the cellphone noises and the talking and the let's just walk away slowly while making noise was just so ugh...


Seriously, they might as well have been wearing tap shoes, doing an Irish jig and singing "Dancing Through life" from "Wicked" as they walked away.

Edited by Camera One
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The way they walked away from DQ was really ridiculous though.  Between the cellphone noises and the talking and the let's just walk away slowly while making noise was just so ugh...


I know. They were sitting there hiding behind a log, but when the decided to leave, they just stood up (won't she see that?) and turned their back on the Snow Queen. Dangerous magical beings are like the ocean - never turn your back to them. If you do, at least run in a serpentine pattern.

Edited by kili
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The way they walked away from DQ was really ridiculous though.  Between the cellphone noises and the talking and the let's just walk away slowly while making noise was just so ugh...


Ugh yes. This sort of thing should be taken care of in the direction. Most episodes have scenes with such awkward blocking that I wonder if the directors they get are bad or they simply don't care enough. 

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I'm so distracted by the costuming on this show that it's hard to focus on the actual plot.  Is their wardrobe department that strapped for cash?  Jennifer Morrison is washed out to the point that she's literally fading into Emma's leather jacket, but the rest of the cast, male and female, are wearing the same hot pink lipstick. Also, Ginnifer Goodwin might have just had a baby, but they're doing her no favors.  The length of Mary Margaret's skirt, combined with those shoes, is like a crime against my eyes.   But? The Snow Queen's costume is sublime and everything Elsa's should have been.


Nitpick: I know her identity is a secret, but it was rude when Marian met the Snow Queen, revealed her name, and didn't ask for one in return.  No one does that!


I've held some (admittedly )idiotic but long-held resentment towards Elizabeth Mitchell because her Dinah Lee was so incredibly terrible on "Loving" like twenty years ago, but she is so, so good in this role.  Cool, calm, collected, and yet menacing.  She radiates complexity, which is a nice change of pace from the high-camp and on-note characters that make up this town.   BUT...if they all get together with pitchforks to chase the beast and the beauty, I might find some use for them.

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Everything about Regina and Robin and Regina and Henry is so stupid that I prefer not to say anything.


All I'm willing to say about Regina/Henry: 1) no way freakin' Henry, he who put his ten-year-old self on a bus from Maine to Massachusetts to bring Emma to Storybrooke to defeat the Evil Queen, believes the book is "wrong" about her, and 2) screw you, Regina, with Operation Mongoose. I know the story of Rikki-Tikki-Tavi and you can go take your pettiness elsewhere.

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Nitpick: I know her identity is a secret, but it was rude when Marian met the Snow Queen, revealed her name, and didn't ask for one in return.  No one does that!


I thought that was weird too.  They didn't even give a name in the flashback with Elsa.  They better make one up soon or people would think it's a mystery, when it's probably not a mystery like Charming's real name being David.  Unless the Snow Queen is actually Pocahontas or something, and it's the big reveal for the 4A cliffhanger.

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Whatever their independent actions in this episode, I'm just so glad that Hook and Emma do actually communicate about them. We didn't get five episodes of Emma trying to "protect" Hook and being snippy while Hook thinks she doesn't trust him and looks all sad about it while trying to prove himself to her again. We got one episode where both acted fairly in character given their personal histories and then Hook called Emma out on her issues and she explained her problem. It's not a particularly solvable issue, but at least they're both on the same page and act like adults and use words to explain themselves.


On a totally separate note, who in the casting department sold their soul to find a reindeer that can act? Sven and his reactions are made of win.

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One thing that I found ridiculous was that when David and Emma split up, the knave's tent was in plain sight. She just walked straight towards it and you could still see David in the background. I know she is a capable adult but since both of them were still RIGHT THERE, wouldn't it have been a good idea for them both to check the tent and then split up?

So the ice cream lady has been there this whole time and no one has thought to ask her name or where she was from in the Enchanted Forest? I am sure she must have come up with a cover story but Grumpy, Roland, and Robin never said her name? Robin didn't bother to introduce her to Marion? I thought they all knew about courtly manners and stuff like that!

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One thing that I found ridiculous was that when David and Emma split up, the knave's tent was in plain sight.


I find it ridiculous that Robin Hood and his merry men are still camping out.  They weren't avid outdoorsmen that prefer a tent.  They were dispossessed of their homes of hiding from Nottingham.

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I thought that was weird too.  They didn't even give a name in the flashback with Elsa.  They better make one up soon or people would think it's a mystery, when it's probably not a mystery like Charming's real name being David.  Unless the Snow Queen is actually Pocahontas or something, and it's the big reveal for the 4A cliffhanger.

If they do name her I hope it's a Nordic name. Her sister (Elsa's mother) was named Iðunn and her brother-in-law was named Agðar, and it would be nice to have some consistency. Drífa would be a rather appropriate name...

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Do we know, exactly, what the Snow Queen's motive was in freezing Marian?  Was it just an attempt to frame Elsa?


Probably just to frame Elsa.  I don't think there is a tie to Regina or someone would have suspected Regina (its really odd that no one had a Elsa or Regina as evil doer debate)


The only other motive I can think of is that there is some kind of magic thing that Snow Queen doesn't want happening regarding the accidental urn time travel that Marian is a key to because she came from the past while Hook/Emma returned from the past.  But that Is a stretch.

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Actually, that was explained in the Wonderland spin-off.

For those of us who never watched the spin-off, I do hope the writers are kind and give us a few lines about it.  Btw, does he have a lion tattoo too?


Mary frickin' Poppins could be in Storybrook,

Not available, she is currently over on Dr. Who having been taking over by someone named Missy.

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I find it ridiculous that Robin Hood and his merry men are still camping out.


I find it ridiculous that they are using those crappy little pup-tents to house a family of 3. Maybe items 1-3 on Mayor Snow's list was how to help the homeless people living in destitution on the edge of town. At least get them a decent tent. Winter is coming.


Do we know, exactly, what the Snow Queen's motive was in freezing Marian? Was it just an attempt to frame Elsa?


If she's choosing random victims, I wish she would have chosen that putz Robin. Sprinkle some magic toppings onto his ice cream and let him freeze to death. Snow Queen heard all about the rough time Marian has had and decides to ice her? That's cold. With Robin frozen, we can still have the failed True Love Kiss, but we get to skip the constipated declarations of love for another while one's spouse lies dying. Now I fear we are going to get poor Marian thanking her executioner for once again saving her life by gifting Regina her husband and son (who will only have more things to say "Regina let's me do it"  about by the time Marian wakes up again). Give the poor woman 5 minutes to bond with her own child!


I kind of hope the Snow Queen has a reason for picking Marian (like Marian could recognize her from the Enchanted Forest or saw the Snow Queen do something or is a major fan of ice cream (even if it is just dirt flavored) and can tell when it has been flash frozen or frozen while being churned) because it's too convenient for her to pick Marian. At least pick Grumpy. He's always in there eating ice cream. At least we could go a day or two without a lynch mob if he was peacefully frozen.


Although, I suppose that if the Snow Queen thinks magical beings and villains should get what they want, she would have a reason for getting rid of that pesky, non-magical Marian who is messing up poor Regina's life.

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 Snow Queen heard all about the rough time Marian has had and decides to ice her? That's cold. 


So she gave Robin and Roland ironic "rocky road" ice cream before icing their wife/mother.  Now that's cold.


And now Robin owes her a great debt for helping him solve his romantic conundrum.  

Edited by Camera One
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So she gave Robin and Roland ironic "rocky road" ice cream before icing their wife/mother.  Now that's cold.


She gave Marian something that looked like vanilla.  I thought it sucked given Regina's comment about the woman to Sydney.  Really?  I got it show, Marian = boring and not memorable.  No need to harp on it!

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So she gave Robin and Roland ironic "rocky road" ice cream before icing their wife/mother.  Now that's cold.


And now Robin owes her a great debt for helping him solve his romantic conundrum.  


Bwahaha... and he will even endanger his child in order to repay it.


She gave Marian something that looked like vanilla.  I thought it sucked given Regina's comment about the woman to Sydney.  Really?  I got it show, Marian = boring and not memorable.  No need to harp on it!


I know, right? Starting with the way they dress her...


So, I rewatched the episode, and enjoyed it again. Robert Carlyle definitely seemed to have more energy in his scenes this episode, probably because he was not confined to Belle. Emile de Ravin needs a better agent. She just stands around doing barely anything most of the time. On second thought, maybe that's alright. 


Emma was quite snippy with David too, and in a way, it's nice that she's giving him the full parental experience. lol


I think Ana has been kidnapped, and Will Scarlet is trying to find her, but is not ready to reveal his agenda to the Good guys yet. I wonder if he was swept in with the Second Curse, or whether he travelled via Rabbit. 


The Love Triangle from Hell scenes were revolting. But it was odd Regina sent Henry to her Vault alone when there was a potential villain with ice powers running around Storybrooke (not to mention the horrors contained in the Vault itself). 


The CS kiss was great! Emma's really making progress in opening up and being demonstrative, but of course, that means we'll get more angst. 

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So last night as I watched this, I thought David was using an ice pick to try to free Hook's boot from the ice and I was wondering why the hell David was wandering around the woods with an ice pick. Today, with more sleep and no long distance driving, I realized that he was using a knife. I'm sad that I realized this because I kind of want it to be an ice pick - like David is prepared for all situations ice related now due to the Frozen town. 

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I think Ana has been kidnapped, and Will Scarlet is trying to find her, but is not ready to reveal his agenda to the Good guys yet.


I think the average casual viewer might have problems with two characters named  "Ana" going missing. Sure, one spells their name with one "n" and one with two, but you can't really hear that. They'll think that Anna was cheating on poor, loyal Kristoff and nobody wants to see that.


I think that Ana will be absent and remain unmentioned until at least 4B if not longer.

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Can they say the events of "Wonderland" happened after this season?  Or will that not work?   Can't really think clearly right now to access the recesses of my memories regarding that spinoff.

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Can they say the events of "Wonderland" happened after this season?  Or will that not work?   Can't really think clearly right now to access the recesses of my memories regarding that spinoff.

I don't see how without completely axing the timeline.  OUATiW started in season 2 of OUAT--the episode with the wraith and the storm, I believe.  Rabbit came and got Will from Granny's diner during the storm.  OUATiW took place over a fairly short period of time, and while the epilogue scenes  could easily have taken place quite a bit later, the actual main events of the story should have all taken place before Henry was whisked off to Neverland.


I did notice something on my rewatch.  (Well, partial rewatch.  There were certain scenes I did choose to not subject myself to again.)  We've joked about Hook's true love being the floor.  Technically, Emma and the Floor both cheated on Hook this episode.  With each other.  I haven't decided yet if he'd be upset about that, or just make a suggestive remark.

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I don't see how without completely axing the timeline.  OUATiW started in season 2 of OUAT--the episode with the wraith and the storm, I believe.  Rabbit came and got Will from Granny's diner during the storm.  


I'll reply in timelines.

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Yes, but they are also from different levels (some rich, some poor, etc.). Nobody seems to realize the EF or other realm identity of Dairy Queen so his explanation could have been needed.


Also, Marian and Robin aren't from the Enchanted Forrest, or at least they weren't in the Enchanted Forrest when the first curse happened.  So, they haven't been in Storybook as long as others.  Now, I don't know how the Snow Queen ended up caught in the curse.


Actually, the whole timeline of the Frozen storyline is confusing me.  Didn't the title card say "five years ago" when we saw Anna leave for the Enchanted Forrest? But she got there before Snow and Charming met, and that was 30 years ago when you include the curse.


It's just so sad that the writers apparently have lost all interest in her and she is relegated to being a brainless, clueless, hideously attired human baby bjorn.


Ginnifer Goodwin had a baby in real life, right? Maybe they are reducing her role or giving her separate storylines to accommodate that?

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Didn't the title card say "five years ago" when we saw Anna leave for the Enchanted Forrest? But she got there before Snow and Charming met, and that was 30 years ago when you include the curse.


The title card said "five years later" after showing Anna and Elsa's parents on the ship during the storm, to the first scene where we see Anna and Elsa in front of their parents' grave stones.  


They didn't state a specific year for when Anna left for the Enchanted Forest (just "a long time ago").  So it would have been how ever many years ago it was when Charming was still living on the farm and hadn't met Snow.  Which would have been more than 30+ years ago for sure.  

Edited by Camera One
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They didn't state a specific year for when Anna left for the Enchanted Forest (just "a long time ago").  So it would have been how ever many years ago it was when Charming was still living on the farm and hadn't met Snow.


Okay, thanks for clarifying.  That makes a little more sense, but the curse still confuses the timeline.  That's always the case with this show though.

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I think the average casual viewer might have problems with two characters named "Ana" going missing. Sure, one spells their name with one "n" and one with two, but you can't really hear that. They'll think that Anna was cheating on poor, loyal Kristoff and nobody wants to see that.

I think that Ana will be absent and remain unmentioned until at least 4B if not longer.

A&E have confirmed

she'll be brought up and addressed, though if in 4A they'll likely just call her by her full name of Anastasia in order to avoid the confusion.


For those of us who never watched the spin-off, I do hope the writers are kind and give us a few lines about it. Btw, does he have a lion tattoo too?

Don't worry,

it will be brought up when Will and Robin reunite (plus, Maleficent was involved, so it will probably have importance in 4B). And no, Will does not have a lion tattoo. That's a tattoo for Robin, not for the Merry Men.

Edited by yeswedo
added spoiler tags
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I find it ridiculous that they are using those crappy little pup-tents to house a family of 3. Maybe items 1-3 on Mayor Snow's list was how to help the homeless people living in destitution on the edge of town. At least get them a decent tent. Winter is coming.

Heh, maybe they have those special Harry Potter tents!

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The title card said "five years later" after showing Anna and Elsa's parents on the ship during the storm, to the first scene where we see Anna and Elsa in front of their parents' grave stones.  


They didn't state a specific year for when Anna left for the Enchanted Forest (just "a long time ago").  So it would have been how ever many years ago it was when Charming was still living on the farm and hadn't met Snow.  Which would have been more than 30+ years ago for sure.  


After his brother was traded away to be a prince, though the price did not apparently include protection from mobsters. And apparently long before the king cam back to get the spare.

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Is this entire season going to be based on Frozen?  I didn't like the movie and I'm annoyed that one of my favourite TV shows has been taken over by Disney.  I thought this show was supposed to be about fairy tales, not some made-up money-making junk that Disney made up.

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Brief thoughts, though I haven't read the entire thread so apologies if these have already been mentioned a million times before:


Will Scarett's cameo made no sense. According to Alice at the end of the spin-off, he was living it up with Anastasia in Wonderland. Now he's wandering around stealing random stuff?


So Robin is apparently in love with the woman who tried to brutally murder his wife. Wow, writers. Just wow. You're really going with that? And I thought the BBC version (in which Robin allies himself with the man who DID brutally murder his wife) couldn't be topped.


Apparently Disney is refusing to let these writers play around with Elsa's iconic look, as there's no other way to explain her going on a journey with Kristoff in that dress, or wandering around Storybrooke in it while she's trying to stay incognito.


I'm perversely looking forward to Belle realizing that her pet project has no intention whatsoever of reforming himself.


Is Snow White's baby actually Gennifer and Josh's baby? I was watching it closely during the stroller scene, and it was definitely a real baby she was holding. Makes sense that they'd let her hang on to the one she's just given birth to, and I expect that's the reason why she's constantly carrying it.


So Robin and Marian just .... live in a tent in the woods?


I knew they'd throw in a "let it go" eventually, but I was hoping it would be directed at Regina in regards to all her life choices.

Edited by Ravenya003
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Ravenya003 - the baby on the show isn't Ginny and Josh's real-life son. I remember Ginny was asked about this at the premier, and she says they do bring their little guy to set with them, but they're going to steer him away from acting as a life plan. We'll see how that goes in about sixteen years.

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I got the impression that they wanted to keep their private lives private, nothing about keeping baby Dallas from an acting career in the future.

Interestingly, Josh Dallas said in a recent interview that there were usually more than one or two babies on set because of the strict limitations on the length of time babies are allowed to "work" per day.

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The Love Triangle from Hell scenes were revolting. But it was odd Regina sent Henry to her Vault alone when there was a potential villain with ice powers running around Storybrooke (not to mention the horrors contained in the Vault itself).


It was unwise for sure, but didn't seem too out of character for Regina, because she was always a negligent (at best) mother.  She let him rattle around the town alone as a ten year-old, left him home unsupervised on Saturdays while she trysted with Graham, he got on a bus to Boston, etc.  Pre-curse-breaking, maybe she figured no one would dare mess with her son, but now she should be way more careful, especially since he has been almost killed a couple times by villains.  She's too self-absorbed to think beyond the end of her nose notwithstanding making pronouncements about how much she loves the kid.  She's starting to treat him the way she did Henry, Sr.  Watch out, little guy.

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Henry has a history of doing some sneaky things (stealing Mary Margaret's credit card and getting on a bus to Boston for example). He's not a bad kid, per se, just curious and doesn't have that danger filter. He's also done stupid things (Neverland!). So I'm not sure that I would be too comfy with him slogging through my super secret magic stuff and trusting that he would just retrieve what I asked.

He's also pretty arrogant about things like what is and isn't his business, and has implicit faith in his own judgment.  If he saw something he was nosy about, and thought should be handled differently, he'd do it. 


He's one kid I'd definitely keep away from my dangerous stuff. 

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So I noticed in the last scene that Rumple no longer has his cane.  I don't even know if he had it in 4x01 but I'm pretty sure he had it in 3x22 when he was at the diner during the naming ceremony. 


That's an interesting development.  Even the limp is gone.

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So I noticed in the last scene that Rumple no longer has his cane.  I don't even know if he had it in 4x01 but I'm pretty sure he had it in 3x22 when he was at the diner during the naming ceremony.




He didn't in 4x01, actually! Nice find. He was even able to dance with Belle. I believe he had it in the naming ceremony, but not at the wedding in 3x22. It probably has some sort of subtle symbolism, but it's always been a staple for Mr. Gold.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Henry has a history of doing some sneaky things (stealing Mary Margaret's credit card and getting on a bus to Boston for example).


Even more relevant, he stole dynamite and used it. He also went into a dangerous, closed mine which collapsed - he did that to prove a point. He ate an apple turn-over he knew was poisoned.  He attempted to steal a car and drive it out of town. Regina's vault is the last place he should be sent by himself.


I still don't understand why they needed a box for the heart before the heart could be removed. Hearts have been carried around in hands and bags (Regina's and Aurora's) while also being buried in dirty holes in the ground (and put back in again without even brushing them off). Surely the heart could have been removed and placed in the in-tray on the desk or a shoebox until Regina had time to go get a heart box from the vault .

Edited by kili
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