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Gary: The original Belden Lineman

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What really tripped me out about the table scene with Gary and Kristina is, Kristina KNOWS that Gary is still setting with Amber. She KNOWS that Gary is still trying to kick it with Amber. She KNOWS that Gary is not trying to make any commitment to her at all. She KNOWS that Gary still has feelings for Amber as warped as they may be and she's still sitting her dumb ass in that house with that man. Kristina isnt deluded about anything that's going down and she's still there.


Kristina honey,

You is Kind

You is Smart

You is Important.

  • Love 8

HAHAHA. I'm tempted to order a batch, just for fun. Thing is, I don't really want to give Gary Shirley any of my money. Maybe if it were like, Girl Scout cookies or something where the cash wasn't going directly in his pocket. Guess I will be baking my own cookies.


Gary looks so uncomfortable.  I'm sure next season we'll find Gary using one of those motorized scooters.  I guess he figures "Why bother losing weight? I'm getting laid left and right and women are crying over me...If it ain't broke don't fix it."

Maybe next he'll come out with his own line of RASCALS!! It certainly would make more sense than condoms.

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Gary's cookie venture reminds me of Lucy and Ethyl selling salad dressing.  They were selling it for less than it cost them to make and ship the stuff.  I want to see Gary on Teen Mom dressed up as an elderly, morbidly obese woman saying, "Don't buy Gary's cookies.  They're awful and the condoms don't work."

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    I'd hate to see her ex-husband if she left him for GARY


I wish I could "like" this more than once! Who in the eff is the guy she left for GARY? Holy cow! There must be slim pickens' in Anderson, Indiana.  Does she not have a car to get out of this city and find herself someone less disgusting?  Did the ex abuse her?  Why is her self-esteem so low that she'd put up with Gary and his treatment? 

Maybe an upcoming episode will show him getting in trouble for his cookies & condoms "business".


What a name for a business! "Gary's Cookies and Condoms." 

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What really tripped me out about the table scene with Gary and Kristina is, Kristina KNOWS that Gary is still setting with Amber. She KNOWS that Gary is still trying to kick it with Amber. She KNOWS that Gary is not trying to make any commitment to her at all. She KNOWS that Gary still has feelings for Amber as warped as they may be and she's still sitting her dumb ass in that house with that man. Kristina isnt deluded about anything that's going down and she's still there.


Kristina honey,

You is Kind

You is Smart

You is Important.



Well said.

Edited by GreatKazu

I just hope they give her a normal-ish name. As far as 16 & Pregnant baby names go, Leah really lucked out as far as her name and its spelling. She won't have to spend her lifetime explaining to people how to say it, spell it, or why it's SO unique. I hope her half-sister is just as lucky.

And don't add an unnecessary Y or extra vowels, etc.

(yes, Maci, looking at you with that unnecessary Y in Jayde....although it is at least a normal name, even with the Y)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 4

Never knew Gary sold cookies. I'm not on Twitter and the like. So , I looked today. I can't believe people actually buy these cookies ; made in his own kitchen? For some reason , I thought it was a company somewhere making them and slapping his name on them. I'm actually in disbelief. They all and all look pretty basic too. I hate to wonder how much he is making by selling these.

  • Love 1

Never knew Gary sold cookies. I'm not on Twitter and the like. So , I looked today. I can't believe people actually buy these cookies ; made in his own kitchen? For some reason , I thought it was a company somewhere making them and slapping his name on them. I'm actually in disbelief. They all and all look pretty basic too. I hate to wonder how much he is making by selling these.


... but they come with "Gary Time" condoms!  (which are apparently not very effective?)  I can't believe anyone buys them either - I imagine his sales must be very low.

At least the added letters are pronounced. I also believe Gary will remain in this child's life.


True - or so we hope, since I haven't actually heard them say it aloud yet. Hopefully it's not some cutesy way to call her "miley" or "emil" (pronounced eh-meal) with silent "e's" here and there. I agree, I think Gary will remain in her life. I still feel really bad for Kristina in this whole situation, even though I know she's partly to blame.

I do agree he will stay in this child's life. It also would have been nice for the site to reference both older half-sisters, not just Leah.


I agree, but I feel like Kristina is trying really hard to keep her daughter out of the "limelight" (so to speak).  I know she isn't filmed, and I rarely hear her mentioned on the show. I don't know if that's by Kristina's choice or someone else's, but maybe that's why they didn't mention her.

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I agree, but I feel like Kristina is trying really hard to keep her daughter out of the "limelight" (so to speak).  I know she isn't filmed, and I rarely hear her mentioned on the show. I don't know if that's by Kristina's choice or someone else's, but maybe that's why they didn't mention her.

I think that in maybe the first or second episode of the season, Kristina mentioned that her ex doesn't want their daughter on the show.  Good choice, IMO.  


Gary tweeted a picture of Amber with baby Emilee.  Not sure that was the greatest idea, Amber seems thrilled in this picture.


  • Love 1

Gary tweeted a picture of Amber with baby Emilee.  Not sure that was the greatest idea, Amber seems thrilled in this picture.



Ugh this photo made me cringe on so many levels. Looks like another way Gary is screwing around with Amber's head, to me, and maybe Kristina's too. Was this taken in the hospital?  Kind of looks like it based on some of the stuff in the background (cafeteria tray for example), but wow, did Amber actually come visit the new 'family' in the hospital?  Talk about awkward and/or painful for both women. I bet Gary was smugly smiling the whole time.  Emilee is cute. Looks like they went with Shirley for her last name.


On a totally shallow note I thought it was hilarious the only things left on the cafeteria tray plate were the lettuce and tomato (and maybe a relish packet?).  Heaven forbid any of them eat anything healthy. Granted the lettuce and tomato might've been nasty, I just thought it was funny.

  • Love 3

My daughter did the same thing as Amber. When her ex had a baby with someone else, the pregnancy was hard to cope with. Amber's brother nailed it when he said it was a release of the heart. My daughter had a hard time but when the baby finally got here and she held it, it was over. This was her children's sister for life. It's a baby. A new little person. I'll get to meet the adorable little girl myself, in person, soon.

I think Amber is just pissy in the picture because of Gary or not being camera ready, or whatever. Give it a few months. They'll be posting pics of her and the baby playing at drop-offs. It just takes time to settle in. For everybody.

  • Love 2

Ugh this photo made me cringe on so many levels. Looks like another way Gary is screwing around with Amber's head, to me, and maybe Kristina's too. Was this taken in the hospital?  Kind of looks like it based on some of the stuff in the background (cafeteria tray for example), but wow, did Amber actually come visit the new 'family' in the hospital?  Talk about awkward and/or painful for both women. I bet Gary was smugly smiling the whole time.  Emilee is cute. Looks like they went with Shirley for her last name.


On a totally shallow note I thought it was hilarious the only things left on the cafeteria tray plate were the lettuce and tomato (and maybe a relish packet?).  Heaven forbid any of them eat anything healthy. Granted the lettuce and tomato might've been nasty, I just thought it was funny.

HA!  The first thing I also noticed was how the lettuce and tomato were the only things left on the plate.


As for Amber visiting, it's entirely probable that she was taking care of Leah while Gary and Kristina were in the hospital having Emilee, and then brought Leah over to meet her new sister and trade off visitation with Gary.  She probably didn't make a whole trip just to see Gary's new family.

  • Love 1

HA!  The first thing I also noticed was how the lettuce and tomato were the only things left on the plate.


As for Amber visiting, it's entirely probable that she was taking care of Leah while Gary and Kristina were in the hospital having Emilee, and then brought Leah over to meet her new sister and trade off visitation with Gary.  She probably didn't make a whole trip just to see Gary's new family.


You have no idea how glad I am I wasn't the only one who noticed the plate lol.


I agree, I figured that Leah was probably with Amber and then they went to meet her new sister, but it still seems odd to have her holding the new baby. Maybe she was trying to make it more comfortable for Leah. I know we've already seen it bothering Leah that Amber didn't want to meet Kristina previously.

  • Love 1

You have no idea how glad I am I wasn't the only one who noticed the plate lol.


I agree, I figured that Leah was probably with Amber and then they went to meet her new sister, but it still seems odd to have her holding the new baby. Maybe she was trying to make it more comfortable for Leah. I know we've already seen it bothering Leah that Amber didn't want to meet Kristina previously.

When you put it like that, you're right, it is weird. Amber didn't want to meet the woman who cared for her child when she was in gel, but she'll hold that woman's baby? I have to stop trying to find the logic in these people.

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