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S05.E29: Finale Special: Check-Up with Dr. Drew — Part 1

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Can IUD's fall out that easily? I've only ever been on the Pill, so I don't know much about that sort of thing. 

I don't think so, I have had mine for nearly 3 years with no scares or movements at all. And I am childless. Sucker hurt like a mofo to be inserted and bugged for a couple weeks after....but since then it's been smooth sailing and no worries. So to me it's totally worth it for 5 years of no babies.

The main reason I went to the IUD was because I have taken the Pill since I was a teenager and I'm in my early 30's now. It seems safer to try the IUD vs always remembering to take pills. It's one less medication, at least.

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Seriously, this attitude these youngins have is so disgusting. Did they forget that AIDS/HIV is still a thing? How hard is it to slip on a condom? To tell your hookup baby daddy no way without one? Serious lack of responsibility going on.


These kids are a little older than the ones my Mom taught (but not much!) - she taught Jr. High and the kids didn't think HIV or AIDS was a big deal anymore. She was kind of in shock when the kids said "they have a pill for that now don't they?"

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IUDs can become dislodged. I had it happen to a friend of mine - TWICE. It didn't "fall out", but it came out of place enough that it was totally noticeable and she removed it the rest of the way. Her midwife told her that it's not super common, but not completely unheard of either. It does seem odd, though, that Chelsea's "falls out" and what was the deal with Leah? Did she claim hers fell out too? Or did she just remove hers at home? Bitches on reality tv are always taking out their own IUDs. I'm surprised there's not a show just for that.

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I had always assumed Leah had her IUD removed by a doctor.  I had a Mirena IUD for 5 years, and I've never had children, and I had no problems with it, other than I developed some ovarian cysts, which can sometimes happen with a hormonal IUD.  There were complications with insertion from mine do to body issues, but it hurt like hell to insert.  I couldn't imagine anyone intentionally taking it out without the help of a medical professional, even Leah or Chelsea.

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Coming up next season on Bravo: IUD Bitches! Aftershow hosted by Andy Cohen (or "I'm a REAL" Dr. Drew).

That would be phenomenal. If Andy were the host I might not want to punch things after each segment. None of them would get off easy!

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I just don't like Dr. Drew. And I don't like the way he talks to these girls. I've felt this way ever since Original Recipe Teen Mom reunion special-season 1, I think-when Maci and Ryan openly said they were no longer together and weren't going to get back together and Dr. Drew who just minutes before their segment saw clips of them, openly disliking each other, said he thought they should "stay together and work it out" for Bentley. The hell? I get that he probably most likely doesn't watch the seasons of the shows, but there were clips where Maci and Ryan were saying awful things to and about each other and he thinks this would be good for Bentley to be around? I..really don't get his logic.

He also seems to want all the girlfriends/babymoms/blended families to all get along and yes while I agree that would be nice and all, half the time it's probably a big reason why the Teen Mom didn't work out with the teen dad. And in the case of Chelsea/Adam/Taylor, I didn't get why he thinks Chelsea and Taylor should be meeting up and being friends. Taylor is nothing to Chelsea. Yes, she is the mother of Aubrees half sister but Adam should be encouraging that relationship and furthermore Taylor is really nothing to Aubree. Chelsea shouldn't be the one forced into making playdates for Aubree and Adam.

As for Leah and Corey.. obviously there's more stuff there and I said a page or so back that clearly Corey is smart enough to not talk so much about it on tv. Also, I think Corey explained himself well on the situation, he doesn't want to not be positive about things and not just be like, "oh she's tired she can miss therapy". Therapy when she's hurt or tired is not ideal but I don't think that she should b missing appointments for that, if anything it would probably help her to curb the pain instead of letting her stay home and watch tv or whatever.

Normally I'm for the adults just sucking it up and dealing with "family" for the sake of the kids. But. But, but, but I was on Chelsea's side from day one about Tayler and Paisley. She expressed it very badly (very, very badly), but the bottom line is Adam wasn't going to be any more of a father to Paisly than he is to Aubree. Not in the long run anyway. And Paisly isn't going to be his last abandoned child. Adam is going to continue to bring new women into Aubree's life, make a new baby, bring Aubree around just long enough for her to form an attachment and then bail on the whole mess. I think Chelsea saw the writing on the wall and didn't want Aubree to constantly have to do the "get a family/lose a family thing", nore did she want to take responsibility for organizing future meetings of the Kids Adam Can't Be Bothered With Club. Can't say I really blame her.

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IUDs can become dislodged. I had it happen to a friend of mine - TWICE. It didn't "fall out", but it came out of place enough that it was totally noticeable and she removed it the rest of the way. Her midwife told her that it's not super common, but not completely unheard of either. It does seem odd, though, that Chelsea's "falls out" and what was the deal with Leah? Did she claim hers fell out too? Or did she just remove hers at home? Bitches on reality tv are always taking out their own IUDs. I'm surprised there's not a show just for that.


Yeah... I had a friend as a teen whose Mom had an "IUD baby."  Didn't Robin Williams have a joke about IUDs not working, the baby just comes out wearing armor? I can't find it now but I remember hearing it. I always thought IUDs were supposed to be pretty reliable, up until I knew way too many people who had unexpected kids while using one. Then add in the factor of former teen moms who are way eager to get pregnant again, and I bet the reliability stats go way down.

McKenzie Douthit of Teen Mom 3 claimed to have removed her own IUD, if I recall correctly.


I thought there was at least one girl who did and advertised it on TV.  I thought she had a friend help her or something but I remember this too. Speaking of which I wonder how she's doing these days. I guess it's part of my love/hate relationship with Teen Mom. I think having any of them (Moms or kids) on TV is a very bad idea - but I wanna see the kids and see how the moms are doing!

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I think IUD have been greatly improved over the last 30 years or so. I think they're supposed to be very effective now.

In any case I believe that they just fell out for the Teen Moms about as much as I believe all the girls on 16&p were taking the pill, but the antibiotics stopped it from working.

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I think IUD and condom are buzzwords that Pinsky has to work into the conversation so he can pretend he is doing a public service. Add to that the multiple websites he mentions (itsyoursexlife and bedsider, I mean how many domain names do you need?).

It's a bonus that someone on the show actually has an IUD so he can work it into the conversation naturally.

I think Leah really does suffer from stress and anxiety (tho she blew any sympathy she might have gotten when she showed herself to be a cheating weasel), and I wish they could all work together on division of labor without as much drama. There's always money for lawyers! Was the wheelchair the entire reason things got so tense? It seemed like that foursome was functioning decently earlier to help the twins.

Adam makes it out to be all normal fun with Aubree on the dirt bike ("on private property!") but again, he has zero credibility after his DUI probz.

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And in the case of Chelsea/Adam/Taylor, I didn't get why he thinks Chelsea and Taylor should be meeting up and being friends. Taylor is nothing to Chelsea. Yes, she is the mother of Aubrees half sister but Adam should be encouraging that relationship and furthermore Taylor is really nothing to Aubree. Chelsea shouldn't be the one forced into making playdates for Aubree and Adam. 

I don't get it either. As a single working mother, Chelsea has enough on her plate without having to worry about making friends with Adam's random baby mommas. Aubree barely acknowledges Taylor when she's around as it is and at this young of an age seeing or not seeing her sister isn't affecting her life one way or the other. Like the poster above me said, there will be many more half-siblings to come.

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So very true wrestlesflamingos.


This show has touched upon several initialisms throughout the seasons:






ASPCA (when viewers commented that Jenelle needed to be reported)


Have I missed any?

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Adam makes it out to be all normal fun with Aubree on the dirt bike ("on private property!")

Ooh, that made me seethe. Like it's safer for a 4-year-old to ride a dirt bike without a helmet when it's on private property? Sure, there was less of a chance you would get arrested for child endangerment, you fucking waste of space, but there is as much of a chance of your daughter suffering a life-threatening head injury in someone's yard as there is on the sidewalk. For fuck's sake.

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That's what really concerns me about Adam regarding Aubree's care, and a major reason why Chelsea should push harder to see that his visits are indeed supervised as ordered. He seems oblivious to the fact that THAT WAS NOT A SAFE ACTIVITY. You cannot take a four-year-old around on a device like that without protective gear, and I may go a step further and say she should not be on that thing at all. I was utterly horrified when I saw what this "dirt bike" was. How could he think that was appropriate to bring his very young child on with NO helmet? How does that driver's license excuse factor in should they fall and she busts her head open?

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Yes, the MR-aH. lol


I think Adam has had one too many head injuries. He lives very recklessly, very, "who cares" type of behavior. It obviously shows with his driving, his "fuck you" to the laws and the courts, how he is with girls, having sex and "oh, a baby is coming".  He comes off very detached. I don't think I ever recall seeing him get mad or angry. Hardly any emotion. Although, he did give me such a creepy vibe when he seemed to get joy out of telling Aubree that one time he is going to take her, but then just left her behind at Chelsea's. It was as if he enjoyed telling his daughter one thing only to burst her bubble and watching her cry as he left out the door.  He also seemed to get real delight when he told Chelsea he was going to take Aubree. As Chelsea tried to take Aubree out of his arms, he held onto Aubree as if she was some toy, trying to keep her to himself and scaring Chelsea that he was just going to take off with her against her wishes.


That guy is just not right in the head. I don't know what it is, but alcohol is certainly not helping him at all.

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 Although, he did give me such a creepy vibe when he seemed to get joy out of telling Aubree that one time he is going to take her, but then just left her behind at Chelsea's. It was as if he enjoyed telling his daughter one thing only to burst her bubble and watching her cry as he left out the door. 

Adam is such a sick person. In that instance he was more than willing to hurt his daughter just to give the big F.U. to Chelsea. It was a win-win for him. It pissed Chelsea off and caused Aubree to be mad at her, not Adam. After all, Adam is simply a loving, attentive father who just wants the opportunity to spend time with his precious daughter. Chelsea is the evil bitch who won't let her go. It's not his fault.....


I just wanted to slap that shit-eating grin off his face when he walked out the door while Aubree was sobbing in Chelsea's arms.

Edited by BitterApple
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Yes, the MR-aH. lol

I think Adam has had one too many head injuries. He lives very recklessly, very, "who cares" type of behavior. It obviously shows with his driving, his "fuck you" to the laws and the courts, how he is with girls, having sex and "oh, a baby is coming". He comes off very detached. I don't think I ever recall seeing him get mad or angry. Hardly any emotion. Although, he did give me such a creepy vibe when he seemed to get joy out of telling Aubree that one time he is going to take her, but then just left her behind at Chelsea's. It was as if he enjoyed telling his daughter one thing only to burst her bubble and watching her cry as he left out the door. He also seemed to get real delight when he told Chelsea he was going to take Aubree. As Chelsea tried to take Aubree out of his arms, he held onto Aubree as if she was some toy, trying to keep her to himself and scaring Chelsea that he was just going to take off with her against her wishes.

That guy is just not right in the head. I don't know what it is, but alcohol is certainly not helping him at all.

"You drive too fast, don't meet your obligations, don't give a damn about anybody but yourself. My partner has a fancy word for people like you, sociopath. I just call you a screw-up."

-Detective Eams, Law & Order Criminal Intent

My guess is Adam should get real used to hearing snappy banter from the police.

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Yes, the MR-aH. lol


I think Adam has had one too many head injuries. He lives very recklessly, very, "who cares" type of behavior. It obviously shows with his driving, his "fuck you" to the laws and the courts, how he is with girls, having sex and "oh, a baby is coming".  He comes off very detached. I don't think I ever recall seeing him get mad or angry. Hardly any emotion. Although, he did give me such a creepy vibe when he seemed to get joy out of telling Aubree that one time he is going to take her, but then just left her behind at Chelsea's. It was as if he enjoyed telling his daughter one thing only to burst her bubble and watching her cry as he left out the door.  He also seemed to get real delight when he told Chelsea he was going to take Aubree. As Chelsea tried to take Aubree out of his arms, he held onto Aubree as if she was some toy, trying to keep her to himself and scaring Chelsea that he was just going to take off with her against her wishes.


That guy is just not right in the head. I don't know what it is, but alcohol is certainly not helping him at all.


I know. I feel so sorry for his kids - all of them. He seems to actually enjoy seeing them suffer. Makes me wonder what happened to him when he was little.


At first I wasn't too upset about the dirt bike thing. I was picturing him cruising around at maybe 5mph on some little bike. After I saw the video that he CHOSE TO SHARE, I had a Chelsea moment where I think I said aloud "oh helllll no!" 

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But Adam is a rebel, living the "DGAF" lifestyle!  He's a bro who doesn't let anyone tell him what to do!  I know a kid about his age who "lives" that way...in fact, he has "DGAF" tattooed in huge letters on his arm (wouldn't be surprised if Adumb has it too).  Any time anyone brings up laws, rules, regulations, etc. that this kid is breaking or disregarding, his reply is ALWAYS "I don't care".  Of course, this kid is a convicted felon with no prospects in life.  He's also always broke due to being completely unable to hold down a job because of his unwillingness to follow any rules, which Adumb would be if it weren't for MTV and/or his enabling parents.  These kids are wastes of oxygen, but they see themselves as the ultimate cool rebels.  


As for Chelsea, I don't think she sleeps with Adam because she's horny.  I think she does it to keep herself in the running to be his "choice" once he decides to settle down.  Or, she thinks it proves he really loves her and not any of the others.  I sure hope she outgrows this because like someone else said, it weakens her case to keep Aubree away from him when she herself can't stay away.

Edited by rhofmovalley
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At that age I wouldn't have wanted to talk to Mr. Weirdo either. 


Good point. I bet these kids don't even know the whole "don't talk to strangers" rule of thumb because, well, isn't everyone around them somewhat a stranger and yet also somewhat familiar? Camera people, Dr. Drew, their Mom or Dad's love-interest-of-the-week (for some of them), I'm sure they run into fans of the show sometimes, etc. They probably know the camera crews more than they know Dr. Drew. Kind of scary to think about actually.

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NikSac, I've always thought about that. A lot of strangers know these kids names, their parents and grandparents names and so much about them. How would you explain to a kid that young that yes, everybody knows your name but they are strangers?

I'm hoping that in the future, at lease one of these kids who grew up on reality TV write a book about feel about it once they are grown.

It would be an interesting read.

Edited by Maharincess
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But yeah the rolling of the eyes of Alleah Grace, was..something and she is a mini Leah

Yeah, I'm just gonna post what I think every time I see that child's face...she looks like an alien. . 


Lawd, I know I am going to hell, but damn, looking at that kid is not easy on my eyes. She definitely has Leah's look, and that huge chin. Oh sweet jesus, those two along with Kail have more chins than a roomful of people.

Edited by GreatKazu
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Last evening I was sitting in CVS waiting for my script to get filled , when what do I spot but Leah's mug on some weekly mag like US weekly or something headline screaming shes in in the battle of her life and is losing custody of her kids.. I started reading the article, and basically it s about what is discussed here except it does go into how her closest friends don't even talk to her anymore because of her drug problem.. Mainly her initial reason was getting something to take away the stress of having the girles and one with such health issues, but that she now seems to be on prescription pain meds. She just nods off in the middle of the sentence , and all that stuff, but before my name was called, I was just getting to the good stuff in the article , but it doesn't look good for her in the courts. Sorry if this particular article has already been mentioned , but I do want to give my thought on why she doesn't even want to give up even 50 percent of custody. I'm pretty sure when it's 50/50 custody nobody gets monitary support. Leah is complaining that being a sahm is all she knows. Well, I was the same way, but I was also an addict and alcoholic and that's all I wanted was to stay at home.. When your like that (so wrapped up in drugs ,alcohol etc) you don't want to go out into a working envirement! Also you start missing appointments because of drug use( and that's is why I think she wasn't getting her little girl to her therapy).. Pretty soon, if it isn't already too late, all that will matter to Leah is where to get her next prescription. She looked like hell and on the show last week , she was acting very weird. This girl is a MESS and I think Cory and Miranda feel sorry for her and it would be to her benefit to give those girls to their dad , who cares so very much for them , and focus on getting herself well.. She's very lucky to have someone like Cory and Miranda in her life, I didn't but I did go away and get myself well. I did leave my kids with their dad and his wife, but they were nowhere near as wonderful as Cory is I am very grateful for my kids dads wife because I wouldn't of left them with him alone.. That's all over now, but I'm just saying, by what we are witnessing on t.v. Leah needs help.

Edited by kathybgd
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I think money is part of why Leah is upset. I have a couple of friends that have full 50/50 custody and nobody pays child support. They just take care of stuff when they have the kids. I'm assuming it would be the same way with Leah and Corey. I'm sure Leah needs the money just to maintain. I actually think it's more that The suspicion that his child support is going to just junk instead of stuff the girls need may be part of what is bothering Corey. But I still think Leah is mainly upset to have her girls taken away. I don't think she's at the Janelle I don't give a fuck place yet.

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Corey told Dr. Drew about his concerns during Teen Mom 2's Reunion Special, saying, "We’ve heard rumors about the medication stuff, and I didn’t like that. I ain’t gonna lie. It’s Leah’s life, but it’s my daughters."


Leah explains she was only on the meds for about a week, but Corey is especially concerned about Leah's behavior at a recent cheer practice. “I noticed it at cheerleading and stuff like that, you could tell. I thought it was longer than a week...I don’t know exactly how long it went on, but there’s just things you could just pick up on.” Corey went on to add, “If we had them more time with us, they would have a more stable and consistent life.”



Aside from this, wasn't that infamous phone call with Leah dozing on the phone with Ali's physical therapist?  I'm think he most likely had something for the court from the PT certifying that they too had "witnessed" Leah drugged up.

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Aside from this, wasn't that infamous phone call with Leah dozing on the phone with Ali's physical therapist?  I'm think he most likely had something for the court from the PT certifying that they too had "witnessed" Leah drugged up.

Oh yes! I remember that scene, but I had forgotten who she was talking to.  You may be onto something there. If Leah was drugged up ON CAMERA, how many other times was she behaving that way that we didn't get to see and who witnessed this behavior? She may have shown up to Goggles appointments looking like she was stoned out of her mind. Who drove her to her appointments? It appears all of the times Leah is in a car, she is not driving. Why is that?  Leah can claim she was only heavily-medicated for a week, but I don't believe her.

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Oh yes! I remember that scene, but I had forgotten who she was talking to.  You may be onto something there. If Leah was drugged up ON CAMERA, how many other times was she behaving that way that we didn't get to see and who witnessed this behavior? She may have shown up to Goggles appointments looking like she was stoned out of her mind. Who drove her to her appointments? It appears all of the times Leah is in a car, she is not driving. Why is that?  Leah can claim she was only heavily-medicated for a week, but I don't believe her.

If it were only a week I doubt Corey would be so concerned. There has to be more to it that nobody is talking about. I wouldn't be surprised if Corey's lawyer advised him to not talk about specific details on camera. They could be damaging to the custody determination.

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Go to Leah's facebook page and look at her pictures from this summer 2014.  You can totally tell in some of those she is high on something. Esp around the time her hair was cut.

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Maybe Dr. Drew's questioning of Chelsea was producer driven.  They could have somehow known about Chelsea and Adam and wanted the viewers to know about it.

 I agree, on the Teen Mom, Teen Mom 2 Special Chelsea said that she sees men (obviously, now, that includes Adam) but doesn't tell MTV who and when she sees them.  So she gets a good girl edit while sneaking behind the camera.  I hope the producers are on to it and follow up on who these guys are that Chelsea dates/sleeps with.

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But is it a big deal that Chelsea is dating other guys or having sex with other guys? She is not in a committed relationship with anyone. She is allowed to date or have sex with whomever she wants. It is not as if she is cheating on anyone or lying to a partner. It isn't as if she is playing yo-yo by trying to decide between two guys like Leah and Kail did. She is not relying on one guy to care for her while possibly having feelings for another. She is a single adult female who, as far as I know, has every right to date and keep it under wraps or share it with the world. When Cory was dating, there was hardly any info put out there about the girls. It didn't change the dynamics of the show. I don't see it as Chelsea keeping anything hidden other than perhaps dating when the show is not filming.


The whole thing with Adam though, skeeves me out to the nth degree, not to mention she is giving him mixed messages because he won't take her seriously about Aubree when she is allowing herself to lie in bed with him.


I don't give a rat's ass as to who Chelsea might be dating.  What MTV should be forthright with, is the amount of money these girls are being paid, what they earn for MTV-related tours and interviews, and knocking down that damn fourth wall when filming. TM would be a different show. Another change would be the host of these damn reunion shows. Bring on the big guns such as Judge Judy, Dr. Phil, Iyanla, Dr. Laura, anyone who can actually dish it out to these people on this show, without tip-toeing around all the things we are not supposed to know because MTV won't allow anyone to discuss it.



Edited by SPLAIN
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But is it a big deal that Chelsea is dating other guys or having sex with other guys? She is not in a committed relationship with anyone. She is allowed to date or have sex with whomever she wants. It is not as if she is cheating on anyone or lying to a partner. It isn't as if she is playing yo-yo by trying to decide between two guys like Leah and Kail did. She is not relying on one guy to care for her while possibly having feelings for another. She is a single adult female who, as far as I know, has every right to date and keep it under wraps or share it with the world. When Cory was dating, there was hardly any info put out there about the girls. It didn't change the dynamics of the show. I don't see it as Chelsea keeping anything hidden other than perhaps dating when the show is not filming.


The whole thing with Adam though, skeeves me out to the nth degree, not to mention she is giving him mixed messages because he won't take her seriously about Aubree when she is allowing herself to lie in bed with him.


I don't give a rat's ass as to who Chelsea might be dating.  What MTV should be forthright with, is the amount of money these girls are being paid, what they earn for MTV-related tours and interviews, and knocking down that damn fourth wall when filming. TM would be a different show. Another change would be the host of these damn reunion shows. Bring on the big guns such as Judge Judy, Dr. Phil, Iyanla, Dr. Laura, anyone who can actually dish it out to these people on this show, without tip-toeing around all the things we are not supposed to know because MTV won't allow anyone to discuss it.

THIS. So much of all of this.

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The whole thing with Adam though, skeeves me out to the nth degree, not to mention she is giving him mixed messages because he won't take her seriously about Aubree when she is allowing herself to lie in bed with him.



Yes! Exactly!!

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But is it a big deal that Chelsea is dating other guys or having sex with other guys? She is not in a committed relationship with anyone. She is allowed to date or have sex with whomever she wants. It is not as if she is cheating on anyone or lying to a partner. It isn't as if she is playing yo-yo by trying to decide between two guys like Leah and Kail did. She is not relying on one guy to care for her while possibly having feelings for another. She is a single adult female who, as far as I know, has every right to date and keep it under wraps or share it with the world. When Cory was dating, there was hardly any info put out there about the girls. It didn't change the dynamics of the show. I don't see it as Chelsea keeping anything hidden other than perhaps dating when the show is not filming.

The whole thing with Adam though, skeeves me out to the nth degree, not to mention she is giving him mixed messages because he won't take her seriously about Aubree when she is allowing herself to lie in bed with him.

I don't give a rat's ass as to who Chelsea might be dating. What MTV should be forthright with, is the amount of money these girls are being paid, what they earn for MTV-related tours and interviews, and knocking down that damn fourth wall when filming. TM would be a different show. Another change would be the host of these damn reunion shows. Bring on the big guns such as Judge Judy, Dr. Phil, Iyanla, Dr. Laura, anyone who can actually dish it out to these people on this show, without tip-toeing around all the things we are not supposed to know because MTV won't allow anyone to discuss it.

I don't even think they should be paid. Let them struggle. Show American teens what it's really like to be a teen mom stop sugar coating it. And I so agree get rid of Dr quack. He's an ass. Stop covering up for these girls. Start asking the tough questions.

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I don't even think they should be paid. Let them struggle. Show American teens what it's really like to be a teen mom stop sugar coating it. And I so agree get rid of Dr quack. He's an ass. Stop covering up for these girls. Start asking the tough questions.

I think they should be. It's not like this is an educational film commissioned by Planned Patenthood. It's MTV making a ton of money over the right to present any edit they want. Let the damn girls get paid. Besides, Janelle is the only one where I don't feel like a significant portion of the money is going to the kids. I don't think its a bad thing that these kids have had stable housing and food while their moms are busy being crazy. It's not like the crazy would disappear without MTV. Janellle would still be an addict. Kali would still be a bitch, Leah would still be a mess, Chrlsea would still be a little slow (love you girl!). They would just have less money. I don't have any desire to see the kids fall below the poverty line to prove a point.

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Another change would be the host of these damn reunion shows. Bring on the big guns such as Judge Judy, Dr. Phil, Iyanla, Dr. Laura, anyone who can actually dish it out to these people on this show, without tip-toeing around all the things we are not supposed to know


And the host should be required to actually watch the season as part of their job. It's clear Dr. Drew has not even seen the show.

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So she gets a good girl edit while sneaking behind the camera.  I hope the producers are on to it and follow up on who these guys are that Chelsea dates/sleeps with.

After reading about the Leah/Robbie thing today, I couldn't help but remember this comment. It seems the one who is hiding and being sneaky is a MARRIED cast member. Who gives a shit about who the single girl who is dating and not breaking any wedding vows while putting on a sham for this show?

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You're right. Chelsea is single, and she's an involved mom, who also works. She can sleep with whomever she pleases.

but why adam? The boy who risks his daughters well being and knocks up everything with walking legs and a vagina. She complains about him and doesn't like the shit he does but is willing for him to take a piece of her biscuit.

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I actually noted in a previous post on the previous page, my opinion on the whole issue with her having sex with Adam. But the comment that I quoted is mentioning their hope that the producers of MTV are onto Chelsea and following her around so they can see who she is dating and sleeping with. My response is to that part of their post which is, who cares? How is that important to the show and how does that make Chelsea a bad person? I assume that is what they are implying because they are using the word "sneaky" and "good girl edit" as if Chelsea is committing a fraud upon us viewers when it seems the person who is committing a sham is Leah.

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I actually noted in a previous post on the previous page, my opinion on the whole issue with her having sex with Adam. But the comment that I quoted is mentioning their hope that the producers of MTV are onto Chelsea and following her around so they can see who she is dating and sleeping with. My response is to that part of their post which is, who cares? How is that important to the show and how does that make Chelsea a bad person? I assume that is what they are implying because they are using the word "sneaky" and "good girl edit" as if Chelsea is committing a fraud upon us viewers when it seems the person who is committing a sham is Leah.

Exactly. Chelsea is a single mom who can date/sleep with whoever she chooses. She's not hurting anyone doing that. And I can totally understand wanting to keep her sex life separate from TM2 and the viewers. I would too. Also, how does whoever she's dating/fucking have anything to do with her ability to raise Aubree? Now yeah, her sleeping with Adumb on the DL is stupid and certainly sends mixed messages, but I am sure Aubree does not know about it. Why would she? I can also see Chelsea not wanting to involve any dates/casual boyfriends in TM2 cos then if things don't work out she has to explain it on camera and it turns into a much bigger deal than it ever needs to be. She's a pretty girl, but I can see how guys in Vermillion could be put off by being on camera all the time. Most normal people don't want their dating life on display. But anyway, that's my $.02 on it.


As far as a "good girl edit", it isn't. Chelsea is just careful about what parts of her life she allows to be filmed. That's just being smart.

If anyone got the "good girl edit", it was Leah. Talk about a fraud!

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Chelsea is committing fraud? Excuse me while I double check the dictionary.


We don't see 100 percent of everything that goes on in the lives of the girls and the other participants. If Chelsea, or any of the other participants, have a dating life outside of the show, and they are not married or living with someone, I fail to see what fraud they are committing. That is the word being used right? Fraud? Yeah, not going to side on that opinion. If one hates Chelsea, fine, so be it. But, to segue that into Chelsea is some sort of schemer or a liar because she chooses to not bring a guy on screen, that is the part that I give a side-eye too. I'd rather she not bring a guy in front of the camera if all he is, is some guy she is banging. Jenelle has dome this shit over and over, bring a guy into her life, on camera, while telling us how she loves the guy. Now that is the shit that is fucking annoying. Don't play me like that with these damn "relationships" that are nothing more than a roll in the sack.


Maybe Leah, Kail and Jenelle could take a cue from Chelsea and learn not to put every fucking part of their lives out on social media. Look at what that has gotten them. They bitch about "haterz" who tell them shit for the stuff they post. They hate the viewers for not minding their own business while posting all of their business out there. Javi was the one who told people to "move on". Ha! What a fucking asshole. No, you don't get to dictate people labia mouth (kudos to whoever came up with that one). If you put shit out there, expect feedback.

Edited by GreatKazu
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