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Married At First Sight: The First Year

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Eh, I think that sounds like an old wives tale. Jaimie just has a poor sense of style. Doug dresses like a college bro (shallow, but he'd be more attractive if he were a better dresser) and I don't think he's indicated a trauma history. Also, Jaimie, you're supposed to trim your fake eyelashes a bit before gluing them onto you face.


Oh, it's not even an old wives tale, it's just a character on a dumb TV show, I thought it was a funny corollary to Jamie's aesthetic though. I don't actually mean this actually is what's happening. 

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If I hadn't seen it more than once in real life, I wouldn't believe it on a TV show - but Jamie honestly believes she can have both a husband and a boyfriend. That's what she's trying so hard to do and is desperately trying to normalize it with all this "But he's my best friend! I can't give him up!" whining.


It also makes good blackmail to use against Doug, because the message I get is, "Let me have a baby or I'll go on keeping my boyfriend in my life." 


Jamie is so needy and empty that I'm sure she does feel she needs two men to fill the void in her soul - the husband for security and a baby, and the boyfriend for fun and emotional support. I've seen other women do this, and I've seen men do it, too. Their spouses live in hell while the double-dipper's life never gets any better and they can't ever figure out why. Eventually, everyone ends up divorced.


Whether real or fake, Jamie's giving everyone a textbook example of why trying to have it both ways never, ever works, and doesn't even help the person who's trying to do it. Keep it up, Jamie, and we'll all learn something. Especially Doug.

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Jamie is so needy and empty that I'm sure she does feel she needs two men to fill the void in her soul - the husband for security and a baby, and the boyfriend for fun and emotional support. I've seen other women do this, and I've seen men do it, too. Their spouses live in hell while the double-dipper's life never gets any better and they can't ever figure out why. Eventually, everyone ends up divorced.



I never figured out why the heck any spouse would put up with this type of behavior.


However, I think the only reason that Jamie puts up with Doug is for the paycheck and the reality show fame.  Once that is gone, so is Jaimie.


Doug is the type of guy that Jaimie would ditch on a blind date by having a friend give her a fake call for an "emergency".  She does not love or even particularly like him and it is obvious.


I think Doug does like Jaimie, but realized this long ago.  He is along for the ride, even though it makes him miserable, because he needs the money, as well. 


Also, he probably is under the delusion that her feelings could change and they could have a real marriage.

Edited by qtpye
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I think Doug does like Jaimie, but realized this long ago.  He is along for the ride, even though it makes him miserable, because he needs the money, as well.

I think Doug was genuinely emotionally invested in the relationship and he clearly loves Jamie...at leat he did, but Jamie's antics have severely  tanked his desire or investment in the marriage. You don't just break up with a spouse just because they're fucking up. He's giving her and the marriage a chance to maybe get better (as every spouse should), but I don't think his motivation is the money. The dude is in a fairly high salary position. 


Jamie is literally sabotaging the whole thing. She doesn't really love or respect Doug, you can tell. Maybe she doesn't want to be the one to do it, so she's trying to force Doug to break up with her so she doesn't look like the bad guy. 

Edited by LeonD
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I think Doug was genuinely emotionally invested in the relationship and he clearly loves Jamie...at leat he did, but Jamie's antics have severely  tanked his desire or investment in the marriage. You don't just break up with a spouse just because they're fucking up. He's giving her and the marriage a chance to maybe get better (as every spouse should), but I don't think his motivation is the money. The dude is in a fairly high salary position.


I think Doug was having financial difficulty not too long ago.  I was under the impression that he is a software salesman for his family's company and that could pay well, depending on his dedication.  However, the $40k per episode they are reportedly making for this show would be hard to walk away from, no matter how well he was doing.  That is $400K per season before taxes, if they have ten episodes.

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You two have little faith in the institute of marriage. Sometimes you stick around when you know you would have left if you were just dating. It's a matter of having faith in your ability to work things out as a couple.


I think Doug is a good dude. I doubt he would stay if he still didn't have faith in Jamie. 

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You two have little faith in the institute of marriage. Sometimes you stick around when you know you would have left if you were just dating. It's a matter of having faith in your ability to work things out as a couple.



Unlikely, since I have been happily married for about 10 years.  However, my husband would never treat me the way Jaime treats Doug...that is not a real marriage.

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I think Doug is a good dude. I doubt he would stay if he still didn't have faith in Jamie. 


Doug may very well be a good guy, however $20k per week for ten weeks is a lot of money and quite an incentive. 

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You two have little faith in the institute of marriage.


This has never been a marriage; it's always been a gimmick on which a reality show was premised. They didn't choose each other -- they were thrown together as strangers, by strangers.

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I know most would disagree, but I do really think Jamie WANTS to love Doug.  She probably has never had really strong feelings for him but everyone keeps saying he's such a good guy and really loves her, so she's been waiting for the feelings to come.  And because they haven't come, she creates feelings in her mind when he does something nice.  Her demeanor and comments about how great Doug was for setting them up to volunteer at the dog shelter was kind of over the top, IMO.  She needs to ask herself...have I given Doug and this marriage a real chance, with no outside interference or residual childhood trauma clouding it?  I don't believe she had, but if she can honestly say she has and she still does not have the type of feelings you must have for a man you call your husband, then she needs to end it.  And the same goes for Doug.  I still, after all this time, have a bit of doubt as to what his real feelings toward her are.  I would like to see these two work out...but if it's not there, it's not there.

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I said on this very board last season her about face about Doug was totally forced and over the top. She loves the idea of LOVE and wants a family so bad so will fake it to get what she wants. I don't think there is a relationship between these two when the cameras aren't on. I don't think they even talk to each other when they aren't filming. 

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I have to say that I agree with alot of what is said about Jamie. Its all about her and nothing more. I thought she worked still so why is she sitting around all day claiming she is lonely? Sorry but whining your friends don't live far and that is her reason is a joke. My friend doesn't live in the same state as me that I have had for over almost 30 yrs. We talk online or text. Its not hard to keep in contact with them or go out and make new ones where you live. That whole thing drives me nuts and comes off pathetic. She comes off as no matter what goes on in her life that she will never ever be happy. As others have pointed out, having a baby will not make her happy at all in the long run. She is so into herself that there is no way she could handle the attention a baby would be getting over her. The childhood excuses are so old now. Lots of us have had issues growing up or know someone that has but get over it and move on instead of using that as the reason for our bad behavior. SMH And meeting the ex??? WTF is she thinking with pushing that? Why doesn't she go meet Doug at the gym to spend time that way before going home? Some of the part with Dr. Pepper telling him to plain stuff was a little stupid with knowing how Jamie is at this point. Doug looks worn out and just over it all alot of the times. All I know is if my husband said was buddy buddy with an ex, I wouldn't have put up with that. If this ex is in a relationship I wonder how that person with him feels about all this or if she knows. 

   That whole thing with Cortney and Jason. I can understand to a point where she comes from on certain things but yet they got to get it together on where they want to live when they have kids. They obviously both know they don't want kids now and it will be a few years. I also agree that it feels like the show is more so trying to make them have problems come up but they get over it faster than most. I have to say that while my husband and I didn't get married like they did, he never did propose to me and I wish he had. We knew we would get married one day and it just was more a let's do it soon. That was almost 15 yrs ago. Anyway, I almost feel like the way Cortney and Jason are when they look like they might be fighting is more they are both being smartasses about things and its how they are so it works. 

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Jamie is so crazy it's getting intolerable. Once again she was hogging the spotlight at her father-in-law's birthday party and acting all overly affectionate with Doug, while he looked utterly checked out talking to his brother. I was also wondering if Jamie quit her nursing job since she has all this time to sit around and do nothing, but perhaps she works long shifts and has several days off in between. But if she keeps in contact with her "best friend" AKA ex via phone, then why can't she do the same with her girlfriends? Or are they all so happy to get rid off her finally that they ignore her calls? She's just making up things to whine about so people will feel sorry her. Doug was hurt and avoiding her so she makes it about herself again by claiming she's so lonely. She knows how to get his attention without having to actually change anything about herself. Such a manipulator. I can't believe she's still trying to get Doug and the ex to meet up. Does she seriously not get why Doug is avoiding her? Who wants to spend time with a spouse who's discussing all your marital problems with her ex? It's such a crazy situation I can't even wrap my head around it and Jamie wants to pretend it's all normal and they can all be friends. Just after telling Doug she's having romantic feelings for the ex. My mind boggles.


I'm glad Jason seems open to moving to Charlotte one day. Though probably not in 2 to 3 years. This may be a bit mean, but Cortney already looks like she's pregnant. Seriously, she should step it up for Mr. December. 

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This may be a bit mean, but Cortney already looks like she's pregnant. Seriously, she should step it up for Mr. December. 


Perhaps it's because she is overweight and tends to dress rather matronly. 

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I don't know what to think of Jamie. I can believe that she is driving Doug crazy about a baby and a house, but this Ex thing seems more and more like it is made up. Now this week she says the Ex is her best friend. In the original MAFS, Jamie was very consistent in saying that she had trust issues because of her (and her mother and sister's) experiences with men, and that her prior boyfriends were emotionally abusive. Now she has this Ex that is her BFF? Really? And if he is her BFF, why didn't she invite him to the wedding? Or their housewarming party?

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I looked at Doug's linked in. I am a corporate recruiter and look at profiles all the time. Looking at his work experience it shows he can't hold a job and since he is in sales he hasn't been hitting his numbers. He definitely needs the money.

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I don't think this ring-last name thing with Courtney was an issue until she spoke to her girlfriends aka her "clique". They are probably the ones that put it in her mind as utmost important, and for Jason, it came out of left field. He had all the right responses at the lunch table but he does not want to be pressured. And I get his point...Courtney could have taken his name anytime in the last 18 months....holding it ransom for a ring and proposal is superficial. Especially since they are already married!! Duh!

Did MAFS not give them a ring at the wedding? Why is she just noticing the lack of a proposal and ring now? Because her soririty clique brought it up to her? They seemed overly invested in making their pronouncement that Jason had to do it. Now I'm thinking the whole lunch thing was a setup by Courtney to manipulate Jason into giving her something else that she wants...especially since that seems the purpose of every leg of their whole vacation trip. Jason never got his day to lay out in the sun.

She wants a ring to flash to her friends, and a epic proposal story to brag about also to her friends. Being in NC just showed us her small minded mentality. I get Jason's point...a downpayment for a house, a vacation, proposal, and flashy expensive ring will eat through their MAFS nest egg really quickly. He needs to have a job lined up before moving anywhere or making big financial commitments to anything like that.

Although, why has he not mentioned once being a fireman anywhere else but NYC...? Every city in the US, even a tiny village has a fire department. Could he not just transfer there?

I find it hilarious that very few people commented on the Neph storyline. Lol!

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I find it hilarious that very few people commented on the Neph storyline. Lol!


LOL I forgot Neph existed until you wrote this! I will say I cannot believe Jasmine was so shocked that Neph suggested she try to find a job. WTF was she planning to do in NYC? It's an expensive city. Are her parents sending her money or do Neph's parents pay for everything? Plus she seemed utterly disinterested in making friends, or even in finding things to do on her own. I will give these two a month and a half, tops.

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I was expecting to see some interaction with Cortney's family during their trip - I guess the family just doesn't want to get involved with this show?  Housing is a lot more affordable just about anywhere outside of NYC, but they need to keep in mind that salaries are also commensurately lower.  Especially since 9/11, being a NYC firefighter has a very high level of pride.  I don't know how firefighting as a career works, but I wonder if Jason would have to start at the bottom of the totem pole somewhere else.  Or, perhaps with his NYC background he would be considered a higher level/better prospect for recruitment.  I don't know, I just don't see Jason being happy anywhere else.


I want to do that whitewater rafting experience - that looked very cool!


There was a commercial about a new reality show called "Black Love", and Monet is one of the cast!

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She wants a ring to flash to her friends, and a epic proposal story to brag about also to her friends. Being in NC just showed us her small minded mentality. I get Jason's point...a downpayment for a house, a vacation, proposal, and flashy expensive ring will eat through their MAFS nest egg really quickly. He needs to have a job lined up before moving anywhere or making big financial commitments to anything like that.



I agree that all those things are more important than a ring.  However, I am sure we are going to be treated to a finale where a jewelry company will donate a tacky ostentatious ring for free product placement ( I think they did something similar for Doug and Jaimie). 


Of course we will never hear that they got the ring for free or at a great discount.  Instead we will be treated to a finale where Jason drops to one knee, gives her the ring, and talks about she is the greatest thing to happen to him (which he might earnestly feel this way).


This ring and the (maybe) $400k they will earn this season, will give Courtney enough bragging rights among her sorority sisters to last a lifetime.


I looked at Doug's linked in. I am a corporate recruiter and look at profiles all the time. Looking at his work experience it shows he can't hold a job and since he is in sales he hasn't been hitting his numbers. He definitely needs the money.


This is a horrible thing to say, but sometimes I think Jaimie would like him a little better if he had more earning potential, beyond the reality show.  I just do not think he is professionally ambitious enough for her.

Edited by qtpye
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I don't know what to think of Jamie. I can believe that she is driving Doug crazy about a baby and a house, but this Ex thing seems more and more like it is made up. Now this week she says the Ex is her best friend. In the original MAFS, Jamie was very consistent in saying that she had trust issues because of her (and her mother and sister's) experiences with men, and that her prior boyfriends were emotionally abusive. Now she has this Ex that is her BFF? Really? And if he is her BFF, why didn't she invite him to the wedding? Or their housewarming party?

The Ex is most certainly real, and she definitely did/does consider him to be her best friend. However, I have my doubts as to whether those feelings were/are reciprocated.

Edited by Inf0rm4nt
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Inf0rm4nt, thank you once again for your insight.  I really do enjoy reading your comments.


The Ex is most certainly real, and she definitely did/does consider him to be her best friend. However, I have my doubts as to whether those feelings were/are reciprocated.


Since we have been talking about Doug's career potential....I have to ask, is the ex well off?  I sometimes think Jaimie wants an older man to take care of her financially and provide the security that she never had growing up.  Perhaps she want a father figure, which is actually totally creepy, but not surprising, since she does not even know who her biological father is.  Is is true that they tested four men and they all came up negative?


I know you might not know these things depending on your relationship with her and how long you have known her, but as usual, any info is greatly appreciated.

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Inf0rm4nt, thank you once again for your insight. I really do enjoy reading your comments.

Since we have been talking about Doug's career potential....I have to ask, is the ex well off? I sometimes think Jaimie wants an older man to take care of her financially and provide the security that she never had growing up. Perhaps she want a father figure, which is actually totally creepy, but not surprising, since she does not even know who her biological father is. Is is true that they tested four men and they all came up negative?

I know you might not know these things depending on your relationship with her and how long you have known her, but as usual, any info is greatly appreciated.

Happy to share.

Her Ex has an established career, is good at what he does and has had some major successes as of late. His career also puts him in the public eye, not to the point where he is a household name but there are people in certain circles who know him. I don't believe he is wealthy by any means but from what I've seen he is financially secure.

I believe his career and financial stability and older age were absolutely factors in her attraction to him. Early on I sensed a father figure thing going on.

Not sure about the tests to find her father - all I know is she's never known who he is.

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Being a NYC firefighter has come to be a job associated with a certain...glamor? It's not unusual for tourists to request pictures with firefighters (and police officers, for that matter).

I'm also guessing that, since he's a native New Yorker, he probably is New York-centric (can't imagine living anywhere else because New York is "the best," etc.). Usually traveling or going to school out-of-state can give people more perspective but he seems like he's stayed put most of his life.



I actually get the not wanting to move from the place you know so well and lived your life there. I've never lived anywhere else but where I am. Different city from where I grew up but not far from it really. As I have gotten older though I have said that IF I had to move that I would but only if I could stay on the West Coast still. While my husband has lived here and back east. So he is easier on it all. If Jason hasn't traveled alot over his life outside of his hometown its harder I can imagine. Yet he seemed a little more own on where Cortney lived now that he has been more. I can imagine the more they open up to traveling the more options could pop up for them both. I was wondering about the ring thing as well...I had thought she had one from the show when they got married. Of course maybe she just would like something he picked out on his own and gave her as an engagement ring since that wasn't part of things. Honestly who cares if she changes her last name or not. Plenty of us don't nowadays. For me, we have a long reason on why we have done things like we did. I think in this day and age that its just not that big a deal and a little lame to throw it in to the story to try to make it like its a problem for them. I would think with his job he could find one anywhere though. As was said though its that whole NY fireman not just some other kind of fireman. That is probably part of what is holding him back I bet too considering he has said he wanted to grow up to be a NY fireman and not just a fireman. 

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Didn't Cortney have NC friends go to the Vegas trip? Between the original wedding and that Vegas one, Cortney doesn't have a single ring? I find that questionable.

My mother -married 37yrs- summed up Jamie and Doug nicely, after Jamie pulled her "lets get another dog if we're not having a baby!" Thing: "She's such an asshole, he must be staying for the money, and that kinda makes him one to sell himself like this."

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I looked at Doug's linked in. I am a corporate recruiter and look at profiles all the time. Looking at his work experience it shows he can't hold a job and since he is in sales he hasn't been hitting his numbers. He definitely needs the money.


I thought he worked with his brothers and sisters? Not sure how many he has, but isn't it a family business they all work at?

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I'm so confused by this whole proposal/ last name / ring thing with Cortney and Jason. Didn't that already happen?? In season 1, Jason proposed (for reals this time), they went to Vegas and had their bachelor and bachelorette parties and then renewed their vows. How many times does this guy have to propose before Cortney is happy?

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I thought he worked with his brothers and sisters? Not sure how many he has, but isn't it a family business they all work at?

Not according to his Linkedin, he is currently working for ICMS which is a small software company. Mind you he has been there since Feb 2014 so he will likely be moving on soon!

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Jason himself has said that he thinks the NYFD is an elite crew and he has worked hard and is so proud to be a part of THAT group.  So moving to AnywhereUSA FD is not on his list.  I could get Courtney's point if he hadn't done the whole Vegas Vow Renewal bit - to me, that seemed to be the "choosing me himself" aspect that she claims to want.  I was most irked with her due to the fact that she knew the type of vacation he wanted, and they visit her friends who have a beautiful outdoor pool, on a lovely summer day, and his part of the vacay is to sit indoors with a guy he's never met, being grilled on his "intentions".  Who wants to lay out poolside having a beer when you could be justifying your existence indoors to a stranger?


Jamie - does she still have a job?  Or does she just lay about talking to the dog all day.  She couldn't have found a pet shelter to volunteer at if she was bored?  Or join a church or a meet-up group or talk to the neighbors or folks in the local dog park?  Next week she wants Doug to meet Myex - does that mean we get to meet him too?  Will we find out his real name or will he be introduced by his alias, "Myex"?  Inquiring minds want to know :)

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I could've sworn Jamie called the ex Matt in the preview, but perhaps it was Myex instead.

I thought it was Max at first but wasn't sure as she mumbled it. There was another sneak peek up on facebook and I am pretty sure she says my ex. She is really pushing for the meeting though and she wants Doug to met him and get along. She says she won't find it awkward as he is her best friend and it is not about showing each other up and she wants to be all Doug's. In the car on the way to her hometown she is pretty happy and Doug says the meeting could go horribly wrong and she fall back in love with her ex.

It looks like we find out next week as the synopsis for the episode says that Doug does meet him.

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The second clip from the car trip is gone I just went to link it now that I am home and there is only the original clip at the baseball practice venue. There was a lot of speculation on the clip that her ex was Lonnie Park the guy she wrote the wedding song with.

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The second clip from the car trip is gone I just went to link it now that I am home and there is only the original clip at the baseball practice venue. There was a lot of speculation on the clip that her ex was Lonnie Park the guy she wrote the wedding song with.


Oh wow, that would make a lot of sense actually. I found this vid of Jamie interviewing him and this pic of them together.


Pretty creepy if she made her ex write her wedding song, but nothing about Jamie surprises me anymore.

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I agree if he is the yearned for ex then it is weird even by Jamie's standards.


I did a quick snoop on Lonnie's Facebook and Linked In and something do fit


There is this picture of his two sons that he posted 5 years ago and they look like older teenagers then.



I can't find an age for him but his Linked In has he did an associates degree form 1987-1989 and he has owned his business for 23 years so my guess is he around 46 at a minimum. His business is about 15 minutes from Jamie's hometown.


Before the show came out Lonnie & Jamie did a radio interview promoting the wedding song, they do not speak to each other but Jamie calls Lonnie one of her closest friends




That is as far as I went as I feel like a stalker already and it all could be coincidence.

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The ex is indeed Lonnie. I have avoided saying his name so far because it seemed that he had refrained from involving himself in this show this far and I didn't want to put his business out there. But I figured it was only a matter of time before someone was able to dig it up. That plus apparently he'll be on the episode next week...

And yeah, the fact that he wrote her wedding song for this show not long after she had broken up with him has had my eyebrows raised over the legitimacy of this "marriage" from the beginning.

Edited by Inf0rm4nt
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Right up Jamie's alley. Semi-celebrity status, older, seems rather chill, a bit better looking than Doug (facially anyway), a musician. Jamie being jamie I bet she thinks every song he's written since has been about her and that's why she's falling back in love with him.


Seems like this was all just a ploy to make him jealous or at least hopefully get him to reconsider if losing her was worth it. The fact that he wrote her song (which I found strange & a bit forced even when they first aired the episode) is pretty weird. Seems like he enjoys being desired to be honest if he's leading her on.Most guys usually know when we've got a girl wrapped around our finger; he clearly has the power to ruin Doug's & Jamie's relationship. If he decided he wanted her back, she'd drop Doug like a sack of bricks.

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I just can't believe someone would be so selfish as to enter a blind marriage while still in love with their ex, which Jamie clearly is, otherwise she would've done the wise thing and cut off any contact with the guy ages ago. You can't just decide to fall out of love with someone, because it's the rational thing to do. That's not how it works. So if him not wanting more kids was the only reason they broke up, then I can see why she'd have a hard time getting over him. She's just making infinitely harder by keeping in constant contact with him. How does she ever expect to move on, if she doesn't let him go? Delusional! As long as she needs him and calls him her best friend, she hasn't moved on. So unfair to Doug, who didn't choose to be put in this position. No wonder he seems more fed up each episode. I would think the bare minimum requirement for participants of this "experiment" would be that they're truly single and not hung up on anyone. I wonder if Dr C. had any idea about the situation, since he was defending her so hard. Or was it all about his own ego?

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Lonnie Park may be enjoying or benefiting from the exposure, it's all part of a larger plot.


Wonder why the producers made an episode where both females appeared to be over the top demanding.  Cortney with her 'ask me to take your last name', although when sitting at the bar in the water park the 'I want a diamond' thing was a little contrived by the end of the conversation.  Jaimie was simply portraying her usual character, so the producers were not working their magic on her.


Poor Doug probably entered into this social experiment with good intentions and now finds himself in this spot.  Kind of like Davina and that creep Sean from MAFS season 2.

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Poor Doug probably entered into this social experiment with good intentions and now finds himself in this spot.  Kind of like Davina and that creep Sean from MAFS season 2.

Only difference being that Davina was kind of insufferable herself. 

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Yeah Doug sold his soul a long time ago for that MAFS check.   I think if season 2 would have gone as plan and those couples would have been on first year He would have ditched Jamie by now but since those couples imploded in epic fashion, he has stuck it out. 

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The ex is indeed Lonnie. I have avoided saying his name so far because it seemed that he had refrained from involving himself in this show this far and I didn't want to put his business out there. But I figured it was only a matter of time before someone was able to dig it up. That plus apparently he'll be on the episode next week...

And yeah, the fact that he wrote her wedding song for this show not long after she had broken up with him has had my eyebrows raised over the legitimacy of this "marriage" from the beginning.

I happen to know Jamie and Lonnie too.  I grew up near Jamie and she has always been after the spotlight and me and all of my friends always thought she was crazy and a fake. I think Jamie is all lies and has made this all up for tv because Lonnie's had another gf for a long time (I live nearby and I think his gf is even living there) There's a lot of ppl who felt sorry for him and what Jamie did with the other tv crap and I bet he doesn't want to get dragged into this show, he's a really nice guy. 

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