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Married At First Sight: The First Year

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And inf0rm4nt: thanks for all the info :) What other shows did she try to get on before the Bachelor? And did she and The Ex live in NYC?

Can't really remember he names of the other shows she was trying to get on, I think they were all smaller than the Bachelor or new shows that hadn't been pitched to networks yet. But she was trying to get on stuff for a while.

Ex lives in central NY near where she grew up. She'd been going out there to visit him regularly right up until going on MAFS.

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So I haven't watched the episode yet but did watch Jamie do her usual Persicope blather which is the same each week. Cue teary Jamie saying it is so miserable to watch the episode and she doesn't not what to say, it hard being vulnerable blah blah blah, cue Doug sitting at his laptop across the room appearing to not care about his wife blathering on.


This week we had a breakthrough Doug actually cared and participated while Jamie blathered he wrote this



Ahh how sweet he is defending Jamie surely she is grateful, why nope while Doug is reading it out she is butting in telling him he is wrong. He should have told her something should be left unsaid, they found out it was a marriage a month before the wedding not one week and he doesn't need to defend her and she is still going with she does this to inspire others not to repeat her mistake. Now considering she broadcast this about 9 hours ago I can see that there has been vast improvement in he attitude all that local therapy must be helping *end sarcasm*


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Her sister's reaction to her was priceless. I kind of felt like she wanted to say "GIRL YOU ARE CRAZY". Did anyone else notice that she has bat shit crazy eyes. I do think Jamie lives on another psychological planet than the rest of us. She lives in a world where it is all about her and has nothing to do with Doug. I seriously feel bad for anyone that has to be associated with her craziness. Also, Jason's story line is so fabricated, and I really don't care about Neph. And WHY is Jamie already nagging for a baby in the preview for next week?

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Why all Neph coverage? He is now the 3rd couple in the show?


He wears the same blue t- shirt with white letters first when he has the fight with Jason outside, again when they are in the bar and a third time at his birthday party. I know they film all in one day but he doesn't need to make it look that way.

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Someone on MAFS thought Neph's life would be interesting.  They should be tied to a chair and forced to watch him 24/7 for a week.  They would be running for the scissors to poke their eyes out.  Everything about him, the new girlfriend, his family screams FAKE. 


Jason thinks his father is scum for leaving him and never contacting him again...yet he has such a strong desire to meet him.  To do what?  Kick his ass?  This whole "problem" is soooo convoluted.  I enjoy watching Jason and Courtney interact in their daily lives and don't need this boo-hoo my grandma died and I still miss her and couldn't share that with you manufactured type problems.  Doug/Jaime are the big downers on this show...let Jason and Courtney be the young, crazy in love kids they are and don't try to find problems where there aren't any.


Loved Doug's brothers reactions and comments about Jamie.  Here's one guy who isn't impressed at all by her and thinks she's not worthy of Doug.

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It made me cringe when they showed his little room ugh, a 30 something year old "software engineer". And he kept saying "me and my brothers" why would you want your gf to share a bathroom with your brothers. Disaster in the making. "AND WHY DO WE CARE ABOUT THIS STORY LINE, AGAIN?" I kept asking myself that the whole time. LOL!

Edited by cn0te
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I need more of what Matt's heard about Jamie's ex. I know they hinted at him being older, but the way he was like "that old dude?" has dying to know just how old he is. He could easily be 40 with a twenty year old or whatever, but since Doug (and his brother?) are in their 30s, I don't see them calling him "an old dude" if he's around 40, but who knows. I was really hoping Jamie would have let Monet in on the fact that she suggested inviting the Ex to the party, because I think her reaction would have been priceless, since she's on record already Jamie needs to cut him off. Jamie's sister's reaction was great. Jamie's interview where she was all "how lucky am I! My husband gets I have this guy in my life!" had both my mother and I wondering if she's delusional or isn't smart enough to put on a better act, but Jamie's sister is making me lean towards delusional.

So Cortney hasn't changed her name yet? Jason called her "Cortney Hendrix". When Cortney was all "Oh, I know how to stalk", I hope Jason made a mental note of that (if he wasn't already aware), since, I can totally see her as a stalker. I did think her speech to him was nice. No matter what their relationship may really be like, I just thought that was genuine, probably because it was so accurate that any shame is on Jason's father. But I did not Jason's "poor kid from Brooklyn" lines about people feeling sorry for him, etc. Neph and his friends all seem to come from the same neighborhood... so who saw him as a "poor kid from Brooklyn." Jason is my age and not in a small town, I have a hard time believing he was the only kid with a single parent in the time he was growing up in the borough next to mine. Where is Neph's father, exactly?

I like Monet best in small doses, but, I can't understand why we're getting Neph (who is like Fetch, not gonna happen), and not Monet trying to date again, they could even play up it being harder since now she has to tell guys she has a failed marraige, or even deal with perhaps a guy being aware already she's been on TV etc, since, y'know, that would actually fit in with this being a continuation of season 1.

Edited by Gigi43
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Amazing how Jamie was saying to the camera how lucky she is that Doug is all good with this situation. Who is she kidding? No one would be ok with that. No one would really be ok with their spouse being so buddy buddy with an ex after being told all that junk she said. Her sister totally should have said how nuts she is for wanting the ex at that party. I don't care what he did in the past for them that is the past. I know with the baby thing that its not something one should ever be pushing to happen when your relationship needs work like their's does. You can't go from "oh I have feelings for my ex still" to "when do you want that baby". It just is a disaster waiting to happen there.

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I think the producers are exploiting Jason's single mother - no father situation.  I want my father, I don't want my father, I want my father...... Seems like we are watching a therapy show now.  Courtney answers all of Jason's concerns and issues like a therapist and it is hard to believe she came up with these answers on her own.


Jamie....  Another show where the attractive, hot woman is wanting the new and ex to fight for her.   They must be paying these people tons of money to put themselves on tv with Jamie spewing the crap that comes out of her mouth.  She wants them to meet and get along.  Right.  She wants the ex in her life in case her marriage does not work out so she can conveniently go back to him. 


Doug.... What kind of a man puts up with this?  As a matter of fact, if you tell someone you still care about your ex boyfriend and wonder if you made the right choice would ANYBODY still be around?  Again, they must be paying these people a ton of money.   This is also like watching a therapy show.

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Jamie is insufferable. And so delusional with her "How lucky am I? I get to be in love with my ex, beg my sister to invite him to parties where he doesn't belong and my husband is totally cool with it! No really! Tee hee!"



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He wears the same blue t- shirt with white letters first when he has the fight with Jason outside, again when they are in the bar and a third time at his birthday party.


TEAM FYL Brooklyn NY is one design of a t-shirt company that Neph has a connection with.  One of the shirts for sale has a caricature of Neph.


Jamie was without make-up for her bedroom pole dance!  No makeup for Doug, but plenty of make-up for her diary cams.


Lots of product promotion going on, but somehow they are not creating a sense of urgency to watch Monet's new show or workout at Iron Mike's.  No need to rush out to the "Tin Cup Cafe" either.  Interesting how Doug and Matt decided where to sit in the tavern they visited, luckily the cameras where in the right spot.

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The way Jamie was trying to explain it to Doug was so bizarre...."Me and my ex just had such a great relationship and I think that maybe I might have made a mistake that might affect my whole life" ...blah blah regurgitate blah.  How can ANYONE who has any sense of decency tell that to someone they profess to love?  Doug was so hurt.  You could see it in his eyes.  She basically told him she thinks it might have been a mistake to marry him.  If he is really still with her, I think there's some agreement between them or something else is going on, because I don't know any man who would allow someone to humiliate them in front of millions of people again and again and again. 

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I loved that Dr. Pepper pointed out that her feelings for her ex should be HER BURDEN. That is exactly right. Everyone who is married has thought about someone else at some point. If you feel guilty about that, it's on you to feel guilty. You have to shoulder that guilt alone. That's the deal. Unloading it on your spouse does nothing but hurt their feelings needlessly and is the ultimate selfish act, since you are unburdening yourself to burden them. It's one of many ways that Jamie doesn't seem to understand how to be a spouse.

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Jamie is so delusional, it's unreal. I hope it's unreal. I love how Doug's brother and Dr. Pepper both seemed totally over her in this episode. Dr. Pepper was basically like "Bitch, get yourself a proper therapist and stop wasting my time". She's not even trying to sugargoat her thoughts anymore. I'd love to know what Dr. Cilona is thinking watching this, since he was Jamie's biggest defender.


So Jamie's ex is her best friend? What the hell? Your spouse should be your best friend, or at least your best friend of the opposite gender. If your marriage is struggling and the person you're confiding is is your one true ex love, then that's just royally messed up. No wonder you don't feel close to your husband. Her sister's face was priceless when she tried to get her to invite the guy to the party. She was looking at Jamie like she had two heads.


Doug must be staying with her just for the paycheck, right? He can't possibly think they will have a long and happy marriage, when she's so utterly self-involved. He didn't even seem enthused by her awkward pole dance. Probably knows it's just an act for the cameras.


Jason's whole daddy drama is so weird. He hardly mentioned his dad for the first two seasons and now he suddenly has all this anger he needs to let go of by meeting him. How convenient. I just hope it doesn't put an unnecessary strain on their marriage. Just let them be a happily married couple!


Jasmine seems nice, but she can't possibly be happy living in a tiny room next to Neph's brothers and mother. What a nightmare!

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Jamie has taken up residence in a snowglobe of her own Crazy. She's writing the script as she goes along, and it's awful to watch. I think she's forgotten that Doug, his family and friends -- as well as her own family -- are real people with feelings. They're not fictional characters in Jamie's soap-and-social-media extravaganza.

Meanwhile the Neph/Jasmine interludes are hilarious to me. That couple has absolutely nothing to do with MAFS's premise and reason for being. How do the producers and Experts justify the Neph inclusion? I mean, the couple is actually acting as the show's third couple now, not simply as friends of a legit MAFS couple. Who's next?

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Meanwhile the Neph/Jasmine interludes are hilarious to me. That couple has absolutely nothing to do with MAFS's premise and reason for being. How do the producers and Experts justify the Neph inclusion? I mean, the couple is actually acting as the show's third couple now, not simply as friends of a legit MAFS couple.


Oh they aren't "acting as the show's third couple" they ARE the show's third couple. They need to be off my TV.

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I'm not sure what to think about all of Jamie's 'ex' drama. In some ways it seems fake. Like it is odd that no one ever mentions him by name, even accidently, as if the producers have made everyone agree not to use his name to protect his privacy.


In other ways it seems very real, because it seems just like Jamie to always find a reason to not be satisfied with the relationship she is currently in. If Jamie should ever leave Doug and go back to the ex, you just know that six months later she's going to be whining to the ex that she still has feelings for Doug and maybe it was a mistake to leave him. It seems like she's got a strong tendency to self-sabotage her relationships. (By the way, Jamie, have you ever considered that the ex may not want you back?)


I also think that Jamie has tried to convince herself that she is in love with Doug because he has been so kind and patient with her, but deep down she's no more attracted to him than she was when she walked down the aisle. I think Jamie still believes she could have done better than Doug.


Love that both Dr. Pepper and Doug's brother are completely over Jamie. Dr Pepper's assessment that she is self-indulgent is spot on.

Edited by absolutelyido
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Yikes, I definitely think the Jamie ex drama is manufactured to some extent to create drama for the show.  Either that or she and Doug are only together for the show money and she made a deal with Doug to stay together for that reason only, meanwhile she is really back with the ex.  I call total bullshit on him putting up with everything she threw at him about the ex.  Dr. Pepper is so right about never telling your partner something like that if you don't want to ruin the relationship.  I don't think even as delusional as Jamie seems that she would do that unless the relationship was already over and it was in the script.  And he would never have reacted so tamely if it wasn't in the script, too.  He's probably either already packed it in and this is a sham marriage for the money, or they are totally solid and this story line is pure fiction.  The way she was talking about the ex made me think he knew that she wasn't really into Doug and at some point during this whole mess made a play to get her back, which is one of the sources of her suddenly opening up about the "feelings" she still has for him.  I think they are more than just feelings.  I wasn't born yesterday.


I never watched season 1 so this follow-up is all I have to judge these couples on.  I just don't buy that Jamie ever had any real feelings for Doug.  To her this was a role and she was going to play it for all it was worth, and I don't necessarily think she's been deceptive with him about it.  She may have leveled with him about it months ago and what we are seeing now is a dramatization of something that happened in the past and was resolved with a pact to stay together for the show money and put on an act for that purpose.  I definitely sense that she would never have chosen or stayed with a guy like Doug.  She is far more of a princess in her own mind than to be with a guy that in many was is so mundane.  I don't think he's any prize either and he's really not that good looking.  His brother is far better looking, IMHO.  I think Doug looks older than his age.  He has some serious deep wrinkling going on and some big welt-like growths on his face, plus that half-assed  beard just makes him look all the more derelict-like.  That doesn't bode well for his aging process.  In my opinion, of course!


That said, I am totally sold on the solid nature of Cortney and Jason's relationship.  He is a cutie patootie and I totally get the anger about his dad.  But this storyline is also forced.  I can just hear the producers saying, "We have to think of some drama for you, like we can have you meet your real father like you haven't seen him in a long time so we can focus on your anger about him leaving you on the show".  I bet he already has a semi-relationship with his father and the whole thing about meeting him again will be staged.  I also wish they would just let him and Cortney be a happy couple and focus on Monet's dating.  Plus just leave Neph out of this altogether.  At first I thought perhaps he could be a decent guy but now I just think he's another jerkenstein.  And that girlfriend of his is totally going there just to be on TV.  Oh yeah, I was definitely not born yesterday!

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Yikes, I definitely think the Jamie ex drama is manufactured to some extent to create drama for the show.  Either that or she and Doug are only together for the show money and she made a deal with Doug to stay together for that reason only, meanwhile she is really back with the ex.  I call total bullshit on him putting up with everything she threw at him about the ex.  Dr. Pepper is so right about never telling your partner something like that if you don't want to ruin the relationship.  I don't think even as delusional as Jamie seems that she would do that unless the relationship was already over and it was in the script.  And he would never have reacted so tamely if it wasn't in the script, too.  He's probably either already packed it in and this is a sham marriage for the money, or they are totally solid and this story line is pure fiction.  The way she was talking about the ex made me think he knew that she wasn't really into Doug and at some point during this whole mess made a play to get her back, which is one of the sources of her suddenly opening up about the "feelings" she still has for him.  I think they are more than just feelings.  I wasn't born yesterday.


I never watched season 1 so this follow-up is all I have to judge these couples on.  I just don't buy that Jamie ever had any real feelings for Doug.  To her this was a role and she was going to play it for all it was worth, and I don't necessarily think she's been deceptive with him about it.  She may have leveled with him about it months ago and what we are seeing now is a dramatization of something that happened in the past and was resolved with a pact to stay together for the show money and put on an act for that purpose.  I definitely sense that she would never have chosen or stayed with a guy like Doug.  She is far more of a princess in her own mind than to be with a guy that in many was is so mundane.  I don't think he's any prize either and he's really not that good looking.  His brother is far better looking, IMHO.  I think Doug looks older than his age.  He has some serious deep wrinkling going on and some big welt-like growths on his face, plus that half-assed  beard just makes him look all the more derelict-like.  That doesn't bode well for his aging process.  In my opinion, of course!


That said, I am totally sold on the solid nature of Cortney and Jason's relationship.  He is a cutie patootie and I totally get the anger about his dad.  But this storyline is also forced.  I can just hear the producers saying, "We have to think of some drama for you, like we can have you meet your real father like you haven't seen him in a long time so we can focus on your anger about him leaving you on the show".  I bet he already has a semi-relationship with his father and the whole thing about meeting him again will be staged.  I also wish they would just let him and Cortney be a happy couple and focus on Monet's dating.  Plus just leave Neph out of this altogether.  At first I thought perhaps he could be a decent guy but now I just think he's another jerkenstein.  And that girlfriend of his is totally going there just to be on TV.  Oh yeah, I was definitely not born yesterday!


I think if you had watched the first season and the original Married at First sight with Jamie and Doug you would understand why all of us are sympathetic to Doug. No, he's not the best looking, but he's been so patient and so sweet to Jamie. Jamie has been icy and rude to him since day one. She's been undeserving of his kindness, and honestly his looks shouldn't be of importance if he's the right person for her. JMHO

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I love how Dr. Pepper basically asked Jamie, in her own way, "if you're still into your ex, why did you agree to do this show and marry someone else"? I wonder if Jamie isn't using this as some type of manipulation to get Doug to agree to have a baby. It's pretty far fetched, but she may just think that if she threatens to go back to her ex, Doug may concede to giving her the one thing she wants, that her ex wasn't willing to give her - a child.

I really resent that this Neph story line is being shoved down our throats. I'd rather watch Monet's dating escapades.

*IF* Jason's absentee father story line is as portrayed, this is a recipe for disaster. *IF* Jason and his dad and half-siblings have had no contact for all these years, I don't see how any good came come from digging them up. These people have stayed away for their (perhaps dubious) reasons, and all Jason will feel is hurt, anger and resentment. I can't see any of these folks being willing to air their pasts on television.

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I think if you had watched the first season and the original Married at First sight with Jamie and Doug you would understand why all of us are sympathetic to Doug. No, he's not the best looking, but he's been so patient and so sweet to Jamie. Jamie has been icy and rude to him since day one. She's been undeserving of his kindness, and honestly his looks shouldn't be of importance if he's the right person for her. JMHO


I don't think Doug is as selfless as you do - I don't care what he did in season 1, I think he is probably now in this for the money mostly and is willing to make himself look like a total sap in the process.  He claims he is not being a sap but truly cares about her or something to that effect, but come ON, what does she have to do to get him to show some balls and some real feeling towards her?  Oh yeah, I got it, why not invite her EX to someone's party along with Doug? Let's see how he'll wimp out with that!  I think Jamie may be testing his boundaries to see how much he'll take before he cries "uncle" and stands up for her (and himself) like a man.  Because right now all I see is him bellying up to her like a wimp - To me, that's not acting out of love and kindness, but being a total sap.  And there is a difference.  A guy who acts out of love and kindness would not let her do all that to him without standing up and saying ENOUGH ALREADY, either you stop with the stupidity or goodbye!  But personally I tend to believe he's letting this all happen all the while copping the stance that it's out of love for her and the kindness of his heart when in the back of his mind it's because he's just not enough of a man and/or he just can't back away from the money.  I think Jamie may actually be trying to find out whether he has any real feeling for her and he's failing miserably at it.  I also think there is something to her claims of him not acting like an adult with regard to the car payment.  I'm sorry but if my husband's parents wanted to do that for him he'd have said, "That's OK Mom and Dad, I can make my own car payment".  And truthfully I'd have more respect for that than any other attitude.  I don't care what the "custom" is in his family - As far as I'm concerned it's a custom that he should have said "thanks but no thanks" to if he were what I consider an adult man.  Of course, I think Jamie is totally fucked in the head, but I just don't see this guy as the suffering saint.  I see him as more of a wuss that hasn't totally grown up.  And I don't think watching the first season would change my mind about that, either.

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Doug not wanting to pay his own bills seems very strange to me.  However, I was raised to take care of myself, become independent and leave my parents home.  A friend of mine has an adult child almost 30 earning a six figure salary and she was paying his bills for him.   Her excuse.  He sometimes forgets to pay his bills.  This generation is raising a bunch of babies who can't cut the apron string and the parents love to be engrained in their lives.  She finally stopped when he got married. 

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I love how Dr. Pepper basically asked Jamie, in her own way, "if you're still into your ex, why did you agree to do this show and marry someone else"? I wonder if Jamie isn't using this as some type of manipulation to get Doug to agree to have a baby. It's pretty far fetched, but she may just think that if she threatens to go back to her ex, Doug may concede to giving her the one thing she wants, that her ex wasn't willing to give her - a child.


You know, as far fetched as that sounds, I think that's a possibility and she's testing him to see how far she can take it before he gives in to what she wants.  I think she may think it's a test of his loyalty and trustworthiness.  She may also be banking on him wimping out and giving into her with regard to that just so she won't leave him.  It looks to me like Jamie is so desperate to have a child that she'd reduce herself to this kind of strange manipulation in order to get it out of a guy - one that she's banking on being so desperate himself that he would give in rather than let her leave him.  It's not about her wanting Doug but about her wanting a baby at this point and Doug just happens to be her husband so he's the target for this.  Ugh.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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Did anyone hear Courtney say that her family was so afraid of getting involved with MAF, but her granny would have been all for it.  Why would her family be scared?  Are they in the Witness Protection Program? 

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Jason is trying to throw some money his friend's way, so he got the show interested in Neph.  You know Jasmine is not one bit interested in Neph.....she's interested in being on TV.  No woman would want to pick up and leave her life in another state to move into a mere acquaintance's 150 sq. ft. bedroom and cohabitate with his brothers and mother. 

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Did anyone hear Courtney say that her family was so afraid of getting involved with MAF, but her granny would have been all for it.  Why would her family be scared?  Are they in the Witness Protection Program? 

Allow me to answer. 


Most normal people do not want to their life played out on national tv.

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I disagree about Doug. Doug has been the same every single season. Nothing has changed at all about him. Seriously watch the other seasons. He's the same exact guy.


I agree. Doug may not be Prince Charming, but he's a good guy. Yes, he reverted back to childhood a bit when he lost his job and had to move back to his parents, but he even bought a home for himself before that happened, so it's not like he's been living with his parents all his life. I think the car loan might be in their name, since Doug was already in debt at the time, but as long as he's paying them then who cares? It's none of our business IMO.


I do think the ex thing is real, since what they're saying seems to match what the poster here said. I think he's been in the picture all this time as a "friend" and Doug is well aware of him, but being the optimist that he is, thought it's fine, they broke up for a reason and Jamie is married to him now. Obviously they didn't bring up the ex in previous seasons, since they were trying to sell Doug and Jamie as this dream couple, and it puts Jamie in a pretty dodgy light. She's hardly the desperate single who's been dating abusive losers all her life, if in truth she's been on and off with this supposedly great guy right up until she signed up for this show. But clearly Doug's heard about him plenty and even Doug's brother has, since he didn't seem surprised at all when Doug mentioned it and seems to think Doug needs to put a stop to it. I can see why he didn't react with massive jealousy like Jamie probably hoped, since he's already wondering himself if the marriage is worth saving. He'd probably be in a way relieved if she put him out of his misery and ran off  with the ex, since he could move on and stop feeling like he isn't good enough. Love isn't about trying to desperately hang onto someone even if they treat you like crap and are really in love with someone else. As they say "if you love someone, set them free". I think Doug loves Jamie, more than she deserves, but it's not reciprocated really, no matter what Jamie tries to sell.


Jamie is definitely being manipulative with all the drama. I think she tried to fall in love with Doug and even convinced herself that she did because she so badly wants a family and to be America's favourite couple or whatever. She thought that they'll fall in love, have a baby and keep getting TV deals thanks to it, but then Doug put the breaks on, because he's not totally nuts, so now she's like "I might as well have stayed with my ex, since I'm not getting a baby anyway". It's ALL about what she wants and what will keep her on TV. Now she's trying anything to either get that baby or get a divorce while making Doug seem like bad guy, because he's so immature etc. Sorry Jamie, but it's not working. I only have sympathy for Doug in this situation. He should be so lucky as to get rid of your uptight selfish ass!

Edited by MsPH
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I don't think that Doug is some amazingly tolerant good guy. He just seems like a beta who dislikes confrontation.


I just see it as a sign of maturity that he's not about to get into some stupid competition over his own wife. He shouldn't have to, not after all this time anyway.

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I agree with everything said by you MsPH. I agree on all points about Jamie and I think Doug just 1. doesn't like confrontation 2. realizes she's bat shit crazy 3. he's mature enough to realize that if she wants to go he can't keep her there 4. He's maybe also ready to move on. I don't for one minute ever think this was about fame for Doug. I think he came in with the truest of intentions. I think Jamie is the one that came in with the mounds of baggage, and no matter how nice you are to some people you can't fix crazy.

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I agree that Doug should not have to prove himself to Jamie or respond to some kind of challenge or manipulation set up by her.  He seems so checked out of the whole relationship by now and I can't really say that I blame him whatsoever given how bat shit crazy Jamie is.  I don't have any reason to think he didn't go into this with the purest of intentions while Jamie is a total nightmare.  He didn't deserve that.  He may look like he's not doing the right things now but that may only be because he's tired of Jamie and her dramatics and now just tunes her out and ignores her in a way.  Then it comes off as immature.  But I still think he shouldn't just let it go on if he really isn't invested in the relationship with her.  Whatever the reason is he's hanging on, he needs to let it go and get out of it with her.  That's why I think he's hanging on for the money or because he just doesn't have the strength of character to walk at this point, or both.

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I just see it as a sign of maturity that he's not about to get into some stupid competition over his own wife. He shouldn't have to, not after all this time anyway.


Definitely not, but unfortunately he is married to someone who is great at hearing what she wants to hear.


What he said: "If that's something that's going to continue to hold you up, I encourage you to go."


What she thinks he said: "Oh, you have this ex, and I see that you have a past, and maybe feelings well up, but I know he's so important to you and I won't take him away from you."


So: "We probably shouldn't stay married" vs. "We can all be friends." He shouldn't have to compete for Jamie, but since she thinks she doesn't have to change her behaviour with regard to eligible men even though she's married, Doug will probably have to force the issue for her to get it.

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Did anyone hear Courtney say that her family was so afraid of getting involved with MAF, but her granny would have been all for it.  Why would her family be scared?  Are they in the Witness Protection Program? 


I didn't hear her say they were afraid. But, I wouldn't be surprised if she did. She could have meant they were afraid for her getting into this actually. Or, just that they don't want any part in TV and are camera shy. Cortney's family staying away is making me like them a lot, personally! If my brother (or someone else I love) were doing MAFS, I would certainly not cut off contact over it no matter that I'd think it was strange choice because its not my life and it would take some disgusting act to make me cut off a loved one, but I would not be going on TV for him for this, especially if that means leaving the state as it would for Cortney's family. I was seen on TV once at a Yankee game according to some people I know and I felt awkward about it! Cortney and Jason have mentioned they've seen her family, so they're not shunning her. If they're telling the truth about Cortney's family embracing Jason, I really like that Cortney isn't constantly bringing that up to Jason when he's talking about his father issues. If he really is serious about wanting to maybe see his father, I would imagine the best in laws in the world couldn't make up for that because they have nothing to do with the situation, it's all Jason and his father, and Cortney really seems to get she isn't involved further than giving her opinion when he goes to her. I think in the beginning at least Doug was under the impression that Jamie getting embraced by his family would allow her to work out her issues that way.

Edited by Gigi43
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I think in the beginning at least Doug was under the impression that Jamie getting embraced by his family would allow her to work out her issues that way.


Last season Jamie was overwhelmed by how open to her Doug's mother & father were.  According to her, their kindness to her was like a fairy tail since the relationship she had with her family was not as traditional.


If this is for real, Imagine how Doug's parents are reacting to Jamie's interest in 'that old guy'.


It's possible she is really such a devious mess, but to insult her husband and in-laws, and expose herself as so uncommitted is really difficult to believe.  

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I was literally in stitches over the Dr. Pepper episode in which Pepper characterizes Jamie's treatment of Doug as "abuse."  Jamie's unhinged response was priceless; for a minute there I wondered if she were having a seizure or if Pepper had inadvertently detonated a covert explosive by accusing Jamie of abuse.  What added to the absurdity - or pathos - of this scene was Doug mechanically stroking Jamie's shoulders during her blubbering meltdown.  I was waiting to see if Jamie would bare those teeth in one final showdown of hostility and snap Doug's hand off, right then and there. I mean, really, if she is not into him physically then I would think any prolonged demonstration of affection would repulse her. 

Incidentally, I think it's only fair to add that I like Doug and feel as though a loving spouse could very easily look past the superficial, physical imperfections.  Honestly, though, Doug is not a bad-looking guy at all, in my opinion, to say nothing of his impressive physique.


I  remember the early episodes of the show and see a striking difference in Doug, then and now.  Doug's personality nowadays seems to reflect the emotional weight of living with a shrewish, self-absorbed faux wife.  He now appears tense and nervous -- almost skittish at times- and the levity and humor that had made him rather endearing in the beginning are all but gone.  His attempts at contriving something "fun" for him and Jamie by way of the his and her bicycles did hold promise, and for a few seconds there it actually appeared as though Jamie's enthusiasm was genuine.  That is, until her conversation with  whomever it was, during which Jamie could not remember the color of her bike.


As a "footnote" here, I wanted to add a word or two about Neph and Jasmine's inclusion in the show.  I find Neph to be amusing, and am waiting to see the fallout generated by the impulsive, short-sighted decision to live with Neph's mother (and brother?).  Neph is a character, I can see it already, and this girl, Jasmine, could easily be his alter ego.  I'm not writing those two off just yet.... 

Edited by StayingAfterSunday
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I will say I think how Cortney is with Jason on the dad search is best. She isn't pushing him in either direction from what I gather but just what he thinks he wants to do. I know my friend doesn't know her dad and has no clue where he is. She has wondered a few times over the many years we have known each other. Yet at this point in life with how her mother and sister are with her she wouldn't look because she would be to worried it would be the same thing. She doesn't have money but that is all her mother and sister usually cal for and obviously wouldn't want others doing it too. So she has no clue if she has other siblings or anything. While my husband knows where his is and how many half siblings he has from his dad. He has never known his dad at all. He had a half sister call many years ago and that was the only time we heard from them. We tried to reach out a couple of times but nothing so we just stopped bothering. I don't bring it up at all. I feel its up to him on anything he would ever want to do in that department. I have no experience in it myself so I just offer support to them on it and whatever else would be needed. I do think it kind of stinks that our kids can't get to know cousins they have out there and it just reminds me of how I don't know mine 2 cousins I have thanks to how family has always been.

  As for Jamie, she needs to get over herself. After reading she was on Dr. Oz (which he is a joke IMO but another topic), I think all she wants to do is be on tv. Anyway she can do it she will it seems like. I do wonder after reading some of the comments here if Doug is just checked out at this point because he knows its pointless and just is making the money until he can call it quits. I just can't see how they can be happy with the way she is coming off more and more now. Hopefully there will not be a baby involved in that mess either. 

  Does anyone know how old this Jasmine girl is? She looks very young compared to Neph. That whole thing feels like its more about getting their 15 mins than that they have a relationship going. Really who in their right mind would have some girl/guy come live with them and their mom and brothers or go move to live that way? Then on top of it they have mostly just talked over the internet and not been around each other much to know if its right to do this or not. 

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I think therapy is all well and good but sometimes you just need to realize it's not all about you. (Speaking of Jamie only)

I don't see how Doug's parents can stand to be in the same room as her. Especially his mom who was clearly skeptical about her.

I don't understand how lingerie and learning to pole dance is supposed to help them in the bedroom. Doug ALREADY wants to have sex with Jamie. She is so ridiculous.

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Otis explained of the bucket list, “He’s pushing off having a baby because our marriage is so rocky. I really want a family… and pop these kids out as fast as possible, but I’m not expecting.”


This stood out to me that Jamie said during the OK interview.  So her marriage is rocky, her husband does not want to have a baby, and Jamie is ready and willing to start popping out babies.  Delusional.

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This is my first time to post


1.  Jason - Does anyone know If his mother gave him a reason his father left?  Is it possible that one of those relatives has seen this show and contacted production?

2.  Jamie - From the first she has said she has trust issues.  Now she is acting in a most distrustful way

3.  Of course we only see what the editing wants us to see.

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I had no idea Jamie and Doug were having problems since I didn't know about the "The First Year" shows and just came upon them by accident.  Why does Jamie assume "the old guy" would want her back after all this time, besides the fact she is also married?  Sure sounds weird that she would need this comfort zone from the past but be able to go on 3-4 reality shows where she knows she will be publicly scrutinized.  She definitely has her problems.  Doug seems resigned to the fact that this is not going to last and probably won't end well.


Great to see Monet again and glad that Courtney and Jason are doing well (despite any drama necessary for this show to be on the air).

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Otis explained of the bucket list, “He’s pushing off having a baby because our marriage is so rocky. I really want a family… and pop these kids out as fast as possible, but I’m not expecting.”


This stood out to me that Jamie said during the OK interview.  So her marriage is rocky, her husband does not want to have a baby, and Jamie is ready and willing to start popping out babies.  Delusional.


Exactly! She wants kids and just needs a sperm donor. She's going to ruin her future children. I feel so sorry for her future kids. She's a nutcase

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One aspect of Monet's dating life I'm interested in is how hard is it now to go on having to tell guys you did something like MAFS, but if she's going to be dating guys on a show of her own I'll have to suspect maybe the guy is a famewhore, so not a big deal.

Wow that sounds like a lot of money to do these shows but I've heard elsewhere that reality shows offer good amounts, the trade off for a network/production co being they don't have to pay for rerunning the shows, DVD sales if their are any, and such, like scripted television stars are entitled to be so its beneficial if there's long term interest. The season 2 marriages must have been even worse than everyone thinks if they couldn't even fake it for that kind of money. I guess this is how Neph plans on buying that house, wonder what he's getting.

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