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  1. At least he was up front about it. I think it might be important to note that maybe his ex is a core part of his close social circle of friends. If it's not weird and it's a purely platonic relationship now, why not?
  2. I'm rooting for these ones. So far so good except for the girl who walked out on the strippers. They are such a mismatch personality wise. He's more fun loving and silly. If she's the type who "always tries to stay classy" they are going to clash later on in the relationship. We'll see how this goes, but I suspect they will have the hardest time connecting initially. Neil's ex literally looks like his new wife. Brunettes, same level of attractiveness with the same body types & everything. He does have that face that you learn to love. He's not unattractive, it just takes a second look to notice his good features.
  3. Only difference being that Davina was kind of insufferable herself.
  4. Right up Jamie's alley. Semi-celebrity status, older, seems rather chill, a bit better looking than Doug (facially anyway), a musician. Jamie being jamie I bet she thinks every song he's written since has been about her and that's why she's falling back in love with him. Seems like this was all just a ploy to make him jealous or at least hopefully get him to reconsider if losing her was worth it. The fact that he wrote her song (which I found strange & a bit forced even when they first aired the episode) is pretty weird. Seems like he enjoys being desired to be honest if he's leading her on.Most guys usually know when we've got a girl wrapped around our finger; he clearly has the power to ruin Doug's & Jamie's relationship. If he decided he wanted her back, she'd drop Doug like a sack of bricks.
  5. You two have little faith in the institute of marriage. Sometimes you stick around when you know you would have left if you were just dating. It's a matter of having faith in your ability to work things out as a couple. I think Doug is a good dude. I doubt he would stay if he still didn't have faith in Jamie.
  6. I think Doug was genuinely emotionally invested in the relationship and he clearly loves Jamie...at leat he did, but Jamie's antics have severely tanked his desire or investment in the marriage. You don't just break up with a spouse just because they're fucking up. He's giving her and the marriage a chance to maybe get better (as every spouse should), but I don't think his motivation is the money. The dude is in a fairly high salary position. Jamie is literally sabotaging the whole thing. She doesn't really love or respect Doug, you can tell. Maybe she doesn't want to be the one to do it, so she's trying to force Doug to break up with her so she doesn't look like the bad guy.
  7. Yeah, those two are such a boringly happy couple they aren't reality show material. They fight and resolve their problems too quickly for tv, They need crazy people on the show.
  8. Dr Pepper is the best. I'm a big fan of hers. Jamie...aahhh...she's so frustrating. She has god awful conflict resolution skills. Passive aggressive seems to be her default for some reason. I don't know what the hell she's thinking trying to get her husband to meet the guy she confessed to being in love with. Why are they even in touch? Courtney needs to just chill. Her friends are kind of morons though. She also needs to workout a bit; they used to be equally attractive, but Jason is clearly been keeping himself in shape.
  9. Pretty obvious what's happening here. I've always had a strong feeling that Jamie was full of it regarding her attraction & love for Doug. I almost believed it and genuinely started rooting for them, especially when Doug proposed. But now I think it's getting more and more obvious what was going on. Jamie's obviously got daddy issues. She NEEDS an older man who makes her feel secure in a relationship. It makes sense, she's had to be the responsible one for years, so she craves a man that's secure enough to take all responsibilities away from her. She had to break up with her old ex and join the MAFS show because he didn't want babies. She can't exactly have babies with old men, so she got married to a younger one hoping to bag a quick child out of it (explains why she was so pushy & quick to bring up children with Doug). I doubt she had/has any intention of ever staying married to anyone but an older man after the baby is born. If I was Doug I'd be ready to cut my losses on this one. This egg smells too funny.
  10. Do you understand why Ryan felt the way he did about the amount of sex and why he felt overwhelmed though. When it comes to sex very relationship goes through phases. You meet, you date, you have sex once or twice a day. It's once you both feel emotionally connected and truly emotionally satisfied in the relationship that you naturally want to do it everyday all the time, with 7 times a day marathons. At least that's how it is for most people. Jaclyn however, having not had sex in 2 years clearly had a lot of pent up sexual energy. She went too fast into having sex all the time when Ryan wasn't quite emotionally connected or satisfied enough. He wasn't ready to go from 0-60 for quickly. Ryan R is clearly an emotionally sensitive guy. If it doesn't feel right for him it affects him. Most macho guys would have tried to push through and have sex all the time even if they weren't quite emotionally there yet, Ryan didn't. He slowed it down. To me that's a sign of a guy who's thinking of this relationship as something Long term and he's trying to hold back a little so they have something to be excited about later.
  11. I think that would push a lot of less socially open (shy) and less good looking people out of the selection pool. Most people's "chemistry" is often very superficial and almost always purely physically based.Doug & Jamie would have never ever dated if they'd been required to meet first and find "chemistry". Having said that, Doug & Jamie even today don't actually look that close to me. There's a disconnect there and I personally don't think they're going to last more than a couple years. Could be wrong though. Totally agree. Courtship is a dance and the reward is intimate sex. Every couple that rushes into sex actually cheapens that intimacy and begins a relationship with false intimacy and less respect.It's unavoidable, that the fact is men do lose a little attraction and respect when a woman gives up to sex too quickly. If it comes too easily he doesn't feel the need to actually try to impress you anymore.
  12. I feel sorry for Ryan R. He got matched up with such an unattractive person. She's brash, too masculine and frankly quite unlikeable. Jaclyn clearly isn't ready to be in any marriage at all. Hell, she's not ready to even be someone's girlfriend. He does need to learn how to express himself though. I think he's so caught up in trying to keep their relationship positive and hopefully build attraction that he's failing to acknowledge the fact that she's not acting right. He's somewhat aware when he says "Is that the right way to set the tone of the relationship?", but he needs to say that to her not the camera. His lack of directness or assertiveness and communication is going to make things worse. Jessica &Ryan...trouble. He's a lot like me in that he rough plays and jokes around a lot, without malice. With the right girl (someone who gets that there no malice in the intentions) it's an awesome relationship, but for a girl like Jessica, who seems like a softly softly type of person this is going to create a lot of tension and she is going to read his playful/jokey nature as aggression or immaturity. Just look at the responses you guys are giving about him being an abusive person already.Jesus guys. Watch this space. These two a going to hit a hard wall in about 3-4 months and fight like hell hounds. I'll be impressed if they last more than 6 months. I like Sean & Davina. She seems super cool, but you can tell that there's something that needs addressing in her mind. The same with Sean. His insecurity bleeds through. Where his insecurity bleeds through, how and to whom he channels it to is the question to ask. Some guys that were bullied channel that insecurity and it kicks in when they feel bullied in adulthood. That's not too bad. Some gys feel insecure all the time and they attempt to get that security back by trying to always control the situation. That's not good at all. Guess we'll wait and see how Sean is.
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