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1 hour ago, FairyDusted said:

DF#1 Janelle cuz she was here first and DF#2 for the DF she married.

I get all of that. What I'm confused about is that you said "David just said that to piss off dumb fuck #2". If David is dumb fuck #2 was he trying to piss himself off? 

How can David be trying to piss off dumb fuck #2 if he is dumb fuck #2? 

Am I making sense? 

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15 hours ago, Linny said:

Now I see why the reunion drama took up two full episodes, because this shit was dull and a little depressing. Best part was Watson waving at the camera, he's such a cute little fella. No matter how low this show sinks, we've always got Chelsea's cute kids and functional relationship to provide some sense of normality.

I felt really bad for Gracie during her disagreement with Ali. I don't think she meant to knock Ali over or hurt her, but Leah gave her no benefit of the doubt by immediately calling Corey and using him to threaten Gracie with punishment. It sounds like this is a pattern of behavior (note Corey's "I know how you are" comment) but I don't necessarily think it's fair to Gracie. Siblings argue, it's totally natural, but Leah and Corey seem to come down unduly hard on Gracie without acknowledging that Ali is also culpable in their fights.

I actually think Briana and Javi have an easy chemistry, but I think it's clear he wants a family to devote himself to and being with Briana fulfills that need. If she weren't a sort of damsel in distress with two young kids with mostly absent fathers, I don't know that Javi would be waiting around cleaning the kitchen while Briana puts on makeup. 

Kail and her lesbian friend/maybe girlfriend was a total waste of time. Give me more Jo and Vee! The seven minutes we got of them was not enough, I want more of those two being adorable and sassy.

My take on the Jace situation is that as he's growing up and understanding more of the fucked up dynamics surrounding him, he's starting to push back and play both sides. Jenelle's overreaction of calling 911 was undoubtedly motivated more by her desire to catch Barb at a low moment than it was Jace's safety. She wants ammunition for her next court appearance, pure and simple. I really feel for Barb in the years ahead; I wholeheartedly believe she's going to try her best to keep Jace on the right path, but between his burgeoning anger issues and Jenelle's lack of communication skills and inability to maintain a level-head, it's going to be an uphill battle. 

Updates: Kail and her lesbian lover broke up...Kail is now talking about having a fourth child via sperm donor. Javi and Brianna broke up and things got nasty on Twitter between them. Jenelle is close to being fired herself from the show and she's still bashing Barb. Chelsea is pregnant with baby girl. Rumors swirl around the status of Leah and Corey's relationship...hook ups and more.

Personally, I am concerned about Barb's health. All this stress with Jace and his wellbeing and emotional health and the continued contentious relationship with Jenelle combined with health choices like smoking could be a recipe for a heart attack or stroke. I am assuming she is in her 60's...all of these risk factors at her age could lead to heart issues or other chronic illness. Jace is getting older and if he has anger management issues now, they will only get worse and more physical as he enters puberty. 

Good for Jo and Vee ( and I guess Chris too)! I'm giving Kail zero credit for making this decision. I bet she's pissed that Jo and Chris have any say and have done something that might reduce her paycheck. I'd like to think Javi will do the same. There's no point in filming a Teen Mom who can't be shown with her kids, right?

It really looks like this show is on its last leg. What are we all going to start watching now so we can still snark together? I just discovered the whole 90-Day Fiance thing...

  • Love 7

“It’s never gonna end, is it?”

It’s official: Teen Mom 2 isn’t going anywhere!

The Ashley can exclusively reveal that the long-running MTV reality show has been picked up for a ninth season!

“MTV isn’t about to get rid of the show, especially now with shows like Jersey Shore Family Vacation doing so well,” a behind-the-scenes source told The Ashley.

The Ashley hears that Briana DeJesus has signed on for Season 9, despite telling producers at the Season 8B Reunion that she was quitting the show.

“Briana got a big pay increase because it is her second season,” a behind-the-scenes source said. “There was no way she was turning that down.”

The one hold out was/is? Jenelle Evans, who absolutely refused to sign a contract unless her husband David Eason (who was fired from ‘Teen Mom 2’ in February) was accommodated by MTV in some way.

“Jenelle is only negotiating through her lawyer. Some of the executive producers have been on the phone [with the lawyer] for the last few days, trying to negotiate,” the source said. “She was not budging and MTV was not budging.”

Negotiations were still going on as of earlier this week, and MTV was not giving in to Jenelle’s demands.

“Basically, Jenelle wants David included in filming, and if that’s not possible, she wants him to be allowed to be around while she’s filming,” the source added. “She doesn’t care if he isn’t shown on-camera or paid. She told [the producer] that if she is filming at their home, she is not going to make David leave.

“She also wants him to be able to attend Reunions  and other filming events with her–even if he doesn’t go on camera– and for MTV to pay for his travel,” the source added.

The source also weighed in on why MTV didn’t just offer Jenelle more money to convince her to sign on.

“They can’t offer Jenelle more money to sign because all the girls– except Briana, who was not originally part of the cast–have to make the same amount,” a different source tells The Ashley. “If they give Jenelle more money, they have to give the other three girls more money. They do give out different bonus deals to the girls, though.”

(The Ashley is told that the four girls have what’s called a most favoured nations clause in their contracts to ensure this.)

This clause is why the network really wants all of the girls to sign their contracts at the same time. (As The Ashley told you, they were supposed to be signed at the Season 8B Reunion taping but, due to the complete chaos that took place there, they were not.)

At press time, The Ashley does not know if Jenelle has signed her contract, or if negotiations are still ongoing.

Jenelle wasn’t the only ‘Teen Mom 2’ girl making demands for Season 9. One source tells The Ashley that Leah Messer–who negotiates through her manager– made a list of demands for the new season, but nearly all of them were shot down by MTV.

“One of the things Leah wanted was for MTV to pay for a professional makeup artist to do her makeup before she filmed,” the behind-the-scenes source told The Ashley. “MTV told her no way!”

Kail [Lowry] and Chelsea [Houska] didn’t make any new demands, from what The Ashley has heard.

As The Ashley previously told you, the cast for Season 9 will be smaller than previous seasons, as Kail’s ex, Jo Rivera and his fiance Vee Torres have decided not to film anymore. Isaac, the son Kail shares with Jo, will also not be filming for Season 9, and it’s possible that Kail’s youngest son Lux will not be on-camera, due to his father, Chris Lopez, not wanting his son filmed.

Despite this, MTV has big hopes for this season, according to one source.

“MTV is hoping the girls keep the drama going,” the source said. “They are hoping it turns into a ‘Real Housewives’ sort of show, I think.”


Edited by druzy
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I'm very curious to see where this goes with Jenelle. Surely they don't want to lose her, as she brings good drama, but I don't see MTV backing down about David. 

Then again, much of Jenelle's drama has revolved around her men. So without David, what's she going to show? I hope they'll just let her go. 


Leah wants a makeup artist before regular filmimg??? Can't they keep up SOME pretense that this is reality TV?

  • Love 11

Some of the crew and her castmates have told MTV they refuse to  be around UBT. They'd be smart to just cut her loose if she won't back down on demanding they go back to letting him be around. What are they going to do? Issue a new statement saying they're now cool with a homophobic, racist, violent lunatic on their show? If Jenelle can't manage to hold up her end of the bargain without him lurking to tell her what she can say, she needs to leave. 

  • Love 9

I watched One Tree Hill until it ended. After season 1, I was already going "why am I still watching this? Well, I already started & it won't go on much longer. Might as well finish." A dog ended up eating a transplant heart after it fell out of a cooler at a hospital. That wasn't the last season. I still finished (Jamie Scott beat Nathan's scoring record as a teen!). That said...bye bye TM2 season 9. No more viewing from me. I'll always have Chelsea. The rest of them can eat a bag of dicks (like they normally do).

  • Love 11
5 hours ago, CaliforniaLove said:

I watched One Tree Hill until it ended. After season 1, I was already going "why am I still watching this? Well, I already started & it won't go on much longer. Might as well finish." A dog ended up eating a transplant heart after it fell out of a cooler at a hospital. That wasn't the last season. I still finished (Jamie Scott beat Nathan's scoring record as a teen!). That said...bye bye TM2 season 9. No more viewing from me. I'll always have Chelsea. The rest of them can eat a bag of dicks (like they normally do).

@CaliforniaLove will you still stop by and snark ?

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

I always feel obligated to finish a damn series. 'Law and Order SVU' takes up entire shelf. I collect 'Grey's Anatomy' even though I quit watching years ago. I just can't not know how things end. I watch in this is the background as it is.  

uhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....all of the seasons of Melrose Place & the original 90210...and Gossip Girl.  and the last season of The Hills. #clearlyihatemyself

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