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S16.E40: Live Finale

Tara Ariano

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I respect Cody for remaining loyal to his alliance with Derrick.  In the short run, Cody misses out some prize money and fame (bah! the small stuff in the grand scheme).  I foresee Cody going on to an amazing life filled with strong friendships.  Cody is a winner in my book.


I'm sure Cody will go on to have a fine life. But he would have also gone on to have a fine life if he HADN'T been a moron and threw away $450,000. So I don't think his dumb decision had much of a positive impact on his life. 

  • Love 9

I was disappointed in the brevity of Derrick's statements (barely qualifying for use of the plural) to the Jury, but I think I understand them.

One of the more common themes of this game is HGs snatching defeat from the jaws of victory through the overuse of their mouth - talking themselves right out the door.

Derrick read this jury correctly; they were ready to give him the money so long as he could give them some kind - ANY kind - of justification for doing so.

So he said just enough to give them a valid reason - then he shut up and sat down.

Not exciting, not dramatic, but effective.

Which pretty much sums up Derrick's game play this entire season.

  • Love 13

I forgot to mention that Derrick is pretty much the prototype for the ideal Big Brother player IMO. Male, late 20s/early 30s (meaning just young enough to fit it but wiser and more experienced), profession which requires you to read people, knowledgeable as anyone about the game, sympathetic story. Even his middling looks (in comparison to the other guys) probably help him out. It sounds ridiculous but it's almost like LeBron James being the prototype of a perfect basketball player.

  • Love 5

One part of the finale about broke my heart - during the TA reveal - when Zach realized the shitstorm in the House which contributed strongly to his demise Game-wise (the stolen clothing Caper) was a TA mission.

Which Frankie was in on - which didn't stop him shouting "ZACH'S THE SABOTEUR!!!"....

I was not a Zach fan, but I thought that whole mission was BS. I don't think CBS should have encouraged house guests touching other people's items in the first place and then to let Zach be the scapegoat for the whole thing was totally unfair. It broke my heart to see him in the DR talking about Frankie's "charity" and crying to just write Frankie the check and that he was wasting his time there. I hope Zach watches & sees what a wonderful friend he has in Frankie. <sarcasm>

  • Love 7

FYI - for those who didn't catch it:

  1. Ten MILLION votes for AFP this time - the most in the AFP vote's history.
  2. More than HALF - over 5 million - for Donny!


Mentioned only as a warning to any other relatives of moderately famous people who think their celeb connection's coattails are big enough to ride into an easy win, for AFP or anything else.  America's bigger than any one performer.


Your heart and mine. I was surprised he didnt offer his arms to her--just a piece of confetti.

He was just tryin' to feed his kid......even if it was just confetti!

  • Love 4

I could have sworn past F2 speeches were actual speeches rather lane 2-3 sentence statements. "I should win because I played a social game" "I should win because I was never on the block" I mean really? That was kind of boring for me. And why didn't Cody even mention his comp wins? Surely he has won more than Derrick, no?

Maybe Derrick told him not to mention that.  ;-)

  • Love 6

I firmly believe that you could force people to confess to their crimes just by playing recordings of Victoria and Nicole's voices.

Those 2 make me cringe every time they open their mouths.

Derrick should give it a try.

I so agree...what is it with that whiney tone? Victoria was much harder to deal with because in addition to the whining, we had to listen to how wonderful she was and how hard she played the game.

Made me laugh at the beginning of the show when they showed Derrick & Cody practicing what they were going to say & then showed Victoria slathering that makeup on

She said that she & Derrick made a final 2 the first night, if that was so, why was that not shown in addition to his agreement with Cody?

  • Love 2

I think it was Zach and Frankie saying they want to do TAR, not that they have been selected for it.  And I'm pretty sure they haven't been chosen as contestants.  I really think they're just angling for it.  Or maybe I'm just hoping they haven't been chosen.  Because I love that show, and I Can Not Even with them.  So I'm just going to keep repeating that it's just them trying to get on the show, not that they are on the show.  Going to say it 100 times, at least.  They're just hoping to get on TAR.  They're just hoping to get on TAR.  They're just hoping...


I don't think there's any way in hell that CBS would be willing to feature Frankie Grande on one of their shows ever again, Ariana or no.  I love TAR and would be thrilled to see Donny paired up with Zach or Hayden next season.  

  • Love 5

Who/what is "Wu"?


Wu/Woo (however it's spelled) was last season's Survivor runner-up.

Won the last competition, had a choice between taking a strong competitor (Tony), or an obvious goat he could easily beat (Kass).

Took the strong competitor for reasons of personal honor (beating the weaker opponent would be a hollow victory in Wu's book), ended up being beat by him.

Sound familiar?  :)

  • Love 9

As dull as his gameplay was - Derrick deserved the win.  And he wasn't a despicable winner.  Not unhappy with that at all.


Julie - you should have said 'By an OVERWHELMING majority...America's Favorite...'  But the look of pure joy and surprise on Donny's face made it worth it:  God help me, but I love that hairy dood.


Frankie - preening and camera hogging until the very end - seriously, why not just make a sign that said 'LOOK AT MEEEE!!!!!!'  The ONLY satisfaction was 1.) the -die down' of applause when he walked to his chair, and 2.)  His face when top three were announced, and he was genuinely shocked his 'millions of fans' + the brat army of people who are fans of his fellow womb-tennant didn't bother to vote enough to get him into top three.  Here's hoping he thoroughly enjoys investigating all the BB sites to realize just why is didn't warrant a top three vote.  (And Frankie - again...the disdain towards you has nothing to do with you being gay..nothing to do with you being 'famous' - it's all because you suck as a person, have no talent, and no one is remotely entertained by your preening.  Enjoy watching Bold & Beautiful!)


I'd rather see Caleb and Zach on TAR - now THAT would be some fun!

  • Love 12

I thought Cody did a better job than Derrick in the final speeches. I thought he made his game sound better than it actually was.


Really?  Much of his speech talked about how he worked so hard to make sure he gave info to Derrick and then removed Derrick's threats.  His speech was basically....I am a lap dog for Derrick, so I should probably win....and you know, not Derrick.  


I do think Cody is gonna have an eye opening as he sees things after he leaves the house.  I do think that Cody thought that he and Derrick did everything together and were on the same page, but he just didn't know that much like how Derrick took Victoria along, he took Cody along as well.  


Zach also revealed he'a doing TAR with Frankie.


NOOO!!!!  I never wanna see Frankie on my tv again.  Gross.  



Here's a Vine of Julie announcing the top 3 AFP.  I love the women's responses when Nicole's name was mentioned.


Thank you so much for this!  FRANKIE CLOSE YOUR MOUTH!!!!


I was also surprised that Nicole was a top 3 contender.  Although not in this vine, but Nicole didn't hear and I recall someone told her she was top 3 and she said, "REALLY??!?!"


Even she was surprised, as was Frankie.


And I also vote that I do NOT want to see Frankie on TAR or Survivor or on my TV screen again.  He is a famewhore to the max, every opportunity last night he pushed everyone aside and stood next to Julie.  When the camera pulled away to go to commercial he was "vogue-ing" the camera.  Put some pants on!!!

  • Love 6

BeatrixK said;


I'd rather see Caleb and Zach on TAR - now THAT would be some fun!


Same here! Those 2 would have so much fun and keep us...and themselves...entertained!


I so wanted to feel badly for Frankie, after all of his bragging about how he was going to win AF, probably counting in his head the millions of followers he had developed after his amazing stint on BB in addition to his very famous sister's fan base (these numbers are in his head, you know), he thought for sure he had it in the bag!  I just could not muster up any sympathy for him, in fact, rather enjoyed watching his face fall when the top 3 were announced. You know he was still holding out hope that those were the top 3 AFTER his #1.   


Mr. ToStandOn said as soon as Christina's vote was revealed that her vote was for the sake of her marriage.

Edited by alegtostandon



Here's a Vine of Julie announcing the top 3 AFP.  I love the women's responses when Nicole's name was mentioned.


After Nicole's name is mentioned, Cody slapped Derrick's arm in surprise.  I'm assuming they discussed this at length and she was not on their radar as being AFP and just now realized that Nicole was a fan favorite.

I can't imagine Caleb being asked to be on Bold and the Beautiful.  After his horrible attempt to read a question last night and botching up the words, I don't see him having a brain to study lines.  I'm surprised Cody wasn't offered a role, I could see him doing a soap.

After Nicole's name is mentioned, Cody slapped Derrick's arm in surprise.  I'm assuming they discussed this at length and she was not on their radar as being AFP and just now realized that Nicole was a fan favorite.

I kinda liked that moment. It showed that when all was said and done, they were still bros. Cody easily could have been driving the bitter train after his Overwhelming Loss, but that shows he didn't. It made me happy.

  • Love 2

I respect Cody for remaining loyal to his alliance with Derrick.  In the short run, Cody misses out some prize money and fame (bah! the small stuff in the grand scheme).  I foresee Cody going on to an amazing life filled with strong friendships.  Cody is a winner in my book.



I'm sure Cody will go on to have a fine life. But he would have also gone on to have a fine life if he HADN'T been a moron and threw away $450,000. So I don't think his dumb decision had much of a positive impact on his life. 

I don't really understand this whole "loyalty" thing on BB or Survivor. I think it is nice to be loyal up until maybe F4 if you must, but after that take who you will win against. It is a game. The entire point of staying in that house for 3 months is to try to win $500,000 not to stay loyal to your BFF and then get awarded $500,000. If Cody thought this would win him some points by taking Derrick, that is a different thing. And that isn't even loyalty, that is just taking who he thinks will get him the win. 


In Survivor, Wu pretty much said that he was NOT going to win against Tony but was taking him anyways because of his morals and honor. I wonder how he feels now, or how his family feels. Its like if Serena Williams had to play a match against Venus and was like, hmmm I'm going to let her win because she is family and I don't want to embarrass her or be unloyal to her. 


Its a game its a game its a game its a game. So I don't respect them for making those game-losing decisions. I think it does show how good Derrick was at this game to make Cody believe A) he could win over derrick by taking him, or B) convinced Cody that losing to Derrick was honorable. 



And I do not think its a coincidence that on both BB and Survivor it was the cop who won in the end and basically dragged along a follower. 

  • Love 3

Cody's not the brightest crayon in the box, but he's pleasant and easy on the eyes, and I think he'll end up doing okay for himself after this. I could see him getting offered a TAR spot with Zach, Caleb, Donny, etc. or a number of other opportunities. I agree that taking Derrick to the final two was a matter of character for him as much as it was blind loyalty, and I still really respect that and think other viewers did too, naivete aside. 


Also, while $250-300 k (whatever is left  after the tax man takes a cut of his combined winnings) is a nice chunk of change that will help secure Derrick's daughter's college fund, buy a new house, any number of things that will improve his family's quality of living, I wouldn't exactly call that amount "life changing" ala a Powerball win. He's not going to be able to retire on his earnings from Big Brother, nor could have Cody. 


But most important, how glorious is it that we live in an age where we can pinpoint the exact second Frankie's delusions are crushed and replay it for our own amusement again, and again, and again...

  • Love 4

I didn't even recognize Amber at first, and then I thought my eyes might be deceiving me when it looked like she went over to Caleb and gave him a huge hug. She'll be fine. Now that she doesn't have a game to worry about, she can shut him down the way he should be shut down, if she so chooses.


I still don't know what the hell Jocasta was on about, in either the jury interview or her final HOH choice question. A) How did she determine Derrick was "fake praying"? and B) what on earth does "a girl doesn't go lower than 90" or whatever she said even mean? Was she speaking in tongues again?


So happy for Donny. So very happy that Julie read the three top vote getters (and I think Nicole was probably a distant third, but still) and Frankie got the first of hopefully many whaps upside the head with the Clue Bat. Donny made out better than Cody, when you consider TA, AFP and the jury money. I'm glad his girlfriend said no to another show, much as I like him.


I'm not putting too much stock in Derrick's kid seeming freaked - tons of noise, lots of strangers, and Derrick does look physically quite different than when he went in the house. I actually think he's quite handsome now, with the weight loss and the shaving and no stupid glasses.


If any of these jamokes turn up on TAR, it better not be Frankie. I'll take any combo of Zach, Caleb, Hayden, Nicole, and even Devin over Frankie.

  • Love 1

I don't really understand this whole "loyalty" thing on BB or Survivor. I think it is nice to be loyal up until maybe F4 if you must, but after that take who you will win against. It is a game. The entire point of staying in that house for 3 months is to try to win $500,000 not to stay loyal to your BFF and then get awarded $500,000. If Cody thought this would win him some points by taking Derrick, that is a different thing. And that isn't even loyalty, that is just taking who he thinks will get him the win. 


In Survivor, Wu pretty much said that he was NOT going to win against Tony but was taking him anyways because of his morals and honor. I wonder how he feels now, or how his family feels. Its like if Serena Williams had to play a match against Venus and was like, hmmm I'm going to let her win because she is family and I don't want to embarrass her or be unloyal to her. 


Its a game its a game its a game its a game. So I don't respect them for making those game-losing decisions. I think it does show how good Derrick was at this game to make Cody believe A) he could win over derrick by taking him, or B) convinced Cody that losing to Derrick was honorable. 



And I do not think its a coincidence that on both BB and Survivor it was the cop who won in the end and basically dragged along a follower. 



I do think that loyalty is important to Cody, but I don't think he KNEW he would lose if he brought Derrick.  We did, but I really do believe that Cody thought he was just as involved as Derrick was (maybe even more so since he won more comps, etc), so I think that Cody felt that if he and Derrick went to the F2 that he could convince the jury that he was the best choice.  Once Cody watches the season back, he'll see what we've known all along.  I still say the first time Cody had a taste of it was the first jury question when Frankie said the jury saw him as just a puppet.  That clearly was a hard pill for Cody to swallow.  Oopsie!

  • Love 1

I don't remember seeing it, but Jacosta brought it up during the jury interview with Will.  "He fake prayed with me!" and then she went into a giant, IMO unchristianlike, rant about how she would never forgive him.


How she decided it was fake, I'm not too sure, but it sounds like Derrick admitted he doesn't pray to another houseguest, so maybe they went back and told her.



BB looked pretty awful streaming on my computer, so that was the best I could do. And I don't know how to get it to show up as an image, not a link… Sorry!


It was a predictable finale to a predictable season, although I'm glad Derrick won. He played an excellent game, and Cody was kind of an idiot for staying true to him. He could've won against Victoria, but nobody was going to win against Derrick. At least if he'd taken Victoria, it would've been 7 to 2 in his favor. (I imagine that Victoria would've gotten a couple of votes just because people would think it was funny.) And I figure that Jocasta and Donny being the only two to vote for Cody was because they were the only two voting for personal reasons. Everyone else rewarded gameplay.


I don't know why they even bothered to bring out the previously evicted houseguests if they weren't even going to talk to them at all. This show's finale is always structured so badly. While yes, we want to see who the winner is, we also want to see people dish about what went on in the house and reveal secrets. That's what the evicted houseguests are for. They reveal the things they saw on TV and tell people who was lying and backstabbing and the jury members react with shock or whatever. But I guess they wanted to let Derrick do his reveal himself. And I guess they didn't want to rub it in Joey's face that she was the initial member of Team America, not Derrick, but he was recruited after she was booted in the second week before they could even start the missions!


Frankie's face when he found out that he wasn't even in the top three for America's Favorite Player was absolutely delicious. I don't remember Julie announcing it like that before, so I can only assume they did it specifically so Frankie wouldn't just assume he was the runner-up. DELICIOUS.


Now, Frankie: Get off my TV forever. Don't even THINK about appearing on The Amazing Race because I like that show and could barely stomach it when Brenchel foisted themselves on it (although watching them nearly drown was kind of worth it). Oh, and LOOK INTO LONG PANTS.

Edited by Wootini
  • Love 1

How she decided it was fake, I'm not too sure, but it sounds like Derrick admitted he doesn't pray to another houseguest, so maybe they went back and told her.

I think he admitted it in a DR but how would Jocasta know about that yet? Whatever, I am loath to criticize how someone chooses to practice their religion but openly sanctimonious Pharisees like Jocasta annoy me to no end. She'll probably be dining out (and preaching) for years on how the Lord lifted her above those sinners in the BB house and she's glad she didn't win if it meant she didn't let herself dance with Satan.


If any of these jamokes turn up on TAR, it better not be Frankie. I'll take any combo of Zach, Caleb, Hayden, Nicole, and even Devin over Frankie.

I don't really watch TAR but I would if Caleb was on. He's so clueless and culturally unaware that it might turn out to be a huge learning experience for him. Plus he'd probably be funny as all get out.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 4

Wu must be so happy that another dumbass threw away the grand prize because of "honor". 


Cody and Wu should go on TAR together.  Imagine the promos  "W & C, blindly loyal nice guys who collectively threw away $1.5 million"


Frankie's reaction was priceless.  America does not hate Frankie because he's gay; It's because he's an asshole.

  • Love 5

I respect Cody for remaining loyal to his alliance with Derrick.  In the short run, Cody misses out some prize money and fame (bah! the small stuff in the grand scheme).  I foresee Cody going on to an amazing life filled with strong friendships.  Cody is a winner in my book.

I'm sorry, I have to disagree. Cody may very well go on to an amazing life and I hope he does. But taking the person you can more obviously win against is good gameplay, that's all. It's not considered disloyalty like it might be in the real world. You're playing a game. You are here to win the game. You take the person that you can win against. End of story.

I would bet that Derrick half expected Cody to take Victoria because that would be the winning move, a move I assume Derrick would have made if given the choice. And if either of them had taken her, the other would surely be upset to not make F2 but would understand that was smart gameplay. These guys are not friends, they are competitors for the same prize. If they want to go on to become friends after the game, that's when loyalty and other aspects of normal friendship can enter the picture.

In the scheme of things, you have to realize that 3 months ago these people didn't know each other, and three months from now they very possibly may be out of each other's lives again. But your family, and your bank account, remain.

  • Love 6

I'm gonna give MVP of this finale to Tenley. She looked about as bored by everything as I was. And she was giving Derrick the "Who the fuck even are you?" look when he was trying to feed her confetti. I wonder if he'll scream "I WAS JUST PUTTING FOOD IN YOUR MOUTH" at her later?


Runner-up for MVP is Donny and Jocasta for keeping Derrick from getting a unanimous vote. Thanks, guys!


Overall the finale was much better than I expected. Cody looked like the idiot and terrible player he was, Derrick's final speeches sucked, he didn't get a unanimous vote, Caleb provided many LOLs, Frankie lost AFP, and Donny won AFP. Not bad!


If only we could've seen Derrick's reaction to finding out Joey was actually the first member of TA.

  • Love 7

Yeah, Jocasta absolutely came off the worst of the jurors.

She totally seemed like a "Judgey Judy", what with the rant about "Fake-Praying" and all.


The only way I couldld've been happier with Frankie not winning the Fan-Favorite was if the Chenbot just turned to him and said "Overwhelmng No." (Cuz that REALLY should have been his first clue that he wasn't even in the running for Favorite Hamster.)

I would bet that Derrick half expected Cody to take Victoria because that would be the winning move, a move I assume Derrick would have made if given the choice.



I agree, RBonnie.  Derrick is that good.  He could have made that move and still not had housemates too upset.  All the housemates thought of him as a quiet, thoughtful guy...no threat to any of them. He's smart, steady, and patient with an excellent understanding of human psyches.  I wouldn't be surprised if the FBI came a-recruitin'.  


As for Jacosta...how dare she mention fake-praying?  Her phony "speaking in tongues" was so bad it couldn't rise to amateur level.

Edited by Former Nun
  • Love 4

As long as people own why they vote the way they do I don't have a problem with any reasoning for voting. There is no criteria for why you should win. Some people seem to think winning comps means a lot whereas for me it literally means nothing. I could never vote for someone that I thought was an asshole even if they played a good game.


I mean honestly, it seems like a mistake on Derrick's part to pull fake praying on Jocasta. Like all season it's been clear that she at least wants to appear like that kind of thing is the most important thing to her. I hope he never actually expected her vote because that'd be very stupid on his part. Derrick actually made mistakes and was overwhelmingly transparent sometimes, but these people weren't anywhere near his level and were all pretty stupid, so it never mattered.


Derrick once again proved he's the luckiest player ever (who never had the game actively rigged for him - tm Brian Cronin) because his answers and final speech were kinda awful but Cody (and honestly the entire jury) was just so unfathomably dumb that it didn't matter. But congrats on all that money, Derrick. I'm so happy my new fave Tenley is not going to be starving anymore!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 9

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