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S02.E07: She'd Better Not Be Staying

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I think Kat ran aboard the boat to tell everyone the rumor because she was secretly proud of it. The guy went off with HER over Amy, WOO!! Nah, the guy wanted the BJ she was throwing at him, that simple. Also, I too find it highly questionable that Amy had wisdom teeth removed while on charter. That makes zero sense. What oral surgeon did she stop by to see out in the British Virgin Islands? Riiight.


But I do believe that Amy liked a guy and Kat blew him in the next room. And I for one think it sucks (no pun intended). :p When me and my friends were single we had an unspoken girl code. If someone was crushing on a guy, he was off limits to everyone else. But sure, if a romance/hookup didn't develop after a bit he was open to anyone again. In this case, Kat is just so nasty and competitive. It wasn't a thing where she truly bonded with the guy and felt bad about Amy. She aggressively went after him just to prove she could. Icky.


I didn't know the word "dick" could be said on TV. Wow.


I like Captain Lee but why did he look Adrienne up and down when she was 6 inches from him in a string bikini, then made a comment-something about her being "in very little clothes" or something and she said, "as per usual." Maybe Adrienne once gave Captain Lee a hummer out at sea.


Adrienne twice now has been friendly with the most trashy guests....hmmm......


Kate is....just a bitch.



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 I need to know for real whether or not I'm crazy, because I don't actually think hooking up with someone your 'friend' (more likely work colleague) likes is awful unless it's in high school? I mean, I guess to me it would depend on the circumstances, but unless Amy was like a lovesick puppy, actively pining, and getting ready to ask him out/he's almost ready to ask her out, I don't necessarily believe in calling "dibs", friendship or not. Though what Kat did was wrong in the sense that she didn't actually seem to like the guy, just wanted sex, and Amy had an actual emotional and physical attraction to him apparently. I guess I'm saying it could be interpreted poorly for Kat, but without more details I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt.

However, the behavior after finding out the rumor...that's entirely wrong. From the second they boarded the boat again you knew that the whole crew would be aware in 5 minutes. She was itching to tell someone. I thought Kate should have kept her from slamming the door or apologized to Amy after talking to Kat, but I think Kate was more just nodding her head and engaging Kat rather than actively gossiping.

But, to be fair, Amy "was walking to her room" (as she told Kelley) when we saw her follow the other two interior ladies as soon as she heard Kat say she wanted to talk to Kate. Or maybe that's just my interpretation, meh.


I don't like the idea of calling dibs on people. That's ludicrous high school behavior. I don't even fault Kat for sleeping with Amy's work crush. If anything. her tantrum about it four years later was more nauseating. At the same time, Adrienne was cruel to spread the gossip to the charter guests. Given the circumstances, I'm actually shocked Kat managed to compose herself by dinner service and avoid a cat fight (no pun intended).


But back to Amy. As much as I iike her and feel bad she was rejected a few years ago, she was insufferable this episode. I don't think she was necessarily upset about the guy still but rather hurt that the stews were talking about her. The big twist is, they didn't say anything about her. It was her own paranoia that led to her hurt feelings and she wore the victim badge proudly. She's so whiny and the fact that she's held a four year grudge is really sad.



Kelley and Amy seem kind of whiney to me. Even if Amy was more justified in her whining this episode than Kelley. Maybe it's just because I never had siblings, but I don't get the tear/hug fest every week.


Kelley's relationship with Amy is unhealthy. My brother and I are about the same age as them and we're SUPER close. He's my best friend but I can't remember the last time either of us went crying to the other. Between the two of them there is a daily mental breakdown. I think they're both just insecure people who are lucky to have brought their security blanket on board. At the same time, Amy is oddly protective of him. Her 'date my brother or else' rant to Jennice was totally uncalled for.


On the topic of Jennice, her boyfriend situation is suspect. The way they were talking, it sounded like they had never actually met or at least hadn't hashed out the long distance details yet. Like most of this show, it was probably a breakup of conveniance for the cameras.

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I don't like the idea of calling dibs on people. That's ludicrous high school behavior. I don't even fault Kat for sleeping with Amy's work crush. If anything. her tantrum about it four years later was more nauseating. At the same time, Adrienne was cruel to spread the gossip to the charter guests. Given the circumstances, I'm actually shocked Kat managed to compose herself by dinner service and avoid a cat fight (no pun intended).




What is calling dibs on someone? Liking someone? Dating someone? Being married to someone? I just don't get it. If I am attracted to a guy and hope things will progress, share this with my good friend, and then she sleeps with him while I am knocked out on painkillers, how am I wrong to allow it to change the friendship? Call me naive, but I can imagine no world where this makes sense. I thought this was the most basic, primitive rule of the sisterhood and that collectively we had agreed we simply wouldn't do this. Honestly, the only place I can see behavior like this being tolerated would be in high school where girls are too young and too dumb to know better. I would forgive a HS girl for this but a grown ass woman - never. I would call her a skank and move in. Amy is a better person than I am.

I must have missed the part where Kat was composed, but I will watch again.

In her blog, Amy said that she and Kat were very close friends at the time. They have both said that they had forgotten how close they were back then until they started working together again.

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I hate to be negative, but I don't care for Captain Lee...  (hides head)  He just seems so blah to me.  Too bad they couldn't have hired a more brawny type to be the captain.  I think in this one we got the Gavin McCloud version (Loveboat).  Ok, I'll go back to trying to be nice :)

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Yeah Amy didn't seem to be upset about what happened four years ago, she seemed upset that Kat and Kate were talking about her behind her back which I think is completely understandable. 

Kate should have shut Kat down immediately. Disappointed in that. Why is it that nobody ever tells Kat to STFU and stop being such a bitch? I think she is deplorable, she is not a girls girl and really only cares about herself.

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Anyone else feel sorry for Jennice having to room with Amy after Amy's little "You don't know what you lost by not dating my brother" speech.  I get that she wants to take up for her brother but Jennice had a boyfriend at the time, couldn't Amy have taken that into consideration?

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What is calling dibs on someone? Liking someone? Dating someone? Being married to someone? I just don't get it. If I am attracted to a guy and hope things will progress, share this with my good friend, and then she sleeps with him while I am knocked out on painkillers, how am I wrong to allow it to change the friendship? Call me naive, but I can imagine no world where this makes sense. I thought this was the most basic, primitive rule of the sisterhood and that collectively we had agreed we simply wouldn't do this. Honestly, the only place I can see behavior like this being tolerated would be in high school where girls are too young and too dumb to know better. I would forgive a HS girl for this but a grown ass woman - never. I would call her a skank and move in. Amy is a better person than I am.


There's a huge difference between marriage versus having a crush on someone. Maybe I'm being obtuse but this goes beyond sisterhood. It's basic humanity; you can't control other people's feelings. Four years ago I told my roommate about my work crush. He came to a party we threw and they hit it off. Fully aware that I liked him, she slept with him and they've been together since. Not once have I held it against either of them because feuding with her isn't going to make him like me. To each their own, I guess.


But I'm inclined to believe there's much more to the story of Kat and Amy, starting with why someone would have their wisdom teeth removed while working on a charter yacht. Then subsequently invite over the boy she likes while she's knocked out on pain killers. I'm sure we'll never get the full story and frankly I don't care. I just wish they would finally talk it over and settle things so we can get back to watching Kate plan scavenger hunts and fold throw blankets into rocket ships.

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Adrienne: A CU#T pure and simple.   She just wanted to make everybody squirm on that boat from the Captain down. She didn't need to and now she all she is left with is a bad reputation on National TV. She is still a shrew and a pill at heart and it will always show. Hope this bites her in the ass.


Kat: She is an alley cat. When drunk I have no doubt she is worse.  To me a guy is fair game unless he's married or "belongs" to a friend. Do we know Amy told her about the guy? I don't know, the wisdom tooth story sounds far fetched. I think Kat is one of those who could be called a dame, she's ok around women but more comfortable around men. I don't mind her.

   After all those comments at dinner I thought she handled herself quite well. I would have LOVED if she would have apologized to the captain then dumped Adrienne's dinner plate over her head and went back to her cabin and packed her bags. I would have not faulted her one bit.


Kate: I still like her, bitchy resting face and all. Wish she would smile a bit more but it's just her. She is so much more professional and a much better hostess and chief stew than Adrienne could ever be.


Amy: She needs to grow up. She and her brother are both whiners. Also God help him if he ever gets married, she meddles in his life too much. She had no business talking to Jeanice the way she did. Not her place.


Jeanice: I still really don't care for her but she did handle Amy well.


Kelly: meh.


Ben: At least he kept his head down and worked. Was it only because the Captain was eating with them and wouldn't tolerate a 2-3 hour wait for dinner or did he just want to get Adrienne off the boat as quickly as possible?


Eddie: LOVED his about face run and swim back to the safety of the boat. That spoke volumes with out saying a word. Too bad Adrienne didn't see him. I wanted it to sting her...this is how people react to you.

Edited by Giselle
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A lot of people siding with Kat. I'm surprised. No, you definitely can't "claim" people. And people like who they like, it can't be controlled.  However, I don't think the guy "liked" Kat more than Amy. I think he saw an opportunity. I imagine this is what went down:


Amy gets on the boat after wisdom teeth removal, woozy but coherent. Guy she likes calls her, says he'll stop by to visit her when she's not feeling well. (I didn't get the feeling he was on the charter with them but someone visiting her.) They hang out, Amy gets woozier and sleepy and drifts off while he's with her.

Kat knows Amy is down for the count, moves in for the kill. She's drunk (as always) and immediately throws herself at the guy and is giving him a BJ within 20 mins. Amy stirs and goes to see where he is/if he left...finds them ahem, involved. I'm on Amy's side.


I also want to say that she did not seem whiny and holding a grudge at all to me. She never brought it up! It's four years later and she's a very pretty girl. Yea, pretty damn sure she hasn't been obsessing about some loser guy who got a random BJ from Kat of all people. She wanted to talk it out and Kat slammed the door in her face. Kat and Kate both made me sick.


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A lot of people siding with Kat. I'm surprised. No, you definitely can't "claim" people. And people like who they like, it can't be controlled.  However, I don't think the guy "liked" Kat more than Amy. I think he saw an opportunity. I imagine this is what went down:


Amy gets on the boat after wisdom teeth removal, woozy but coherent. Guy she likes calls her, says he'll stop by to visit her when she's not feeling well. (I didn't get the feeling he was on the charter with them but someone visiting her.) They hang out, Amy gets woozier and sleepy and drifts off while he's with her.

Kat knows Amy is down for the count, moves in for the kill. She's drunk (as always) and immediately throws herself at the guy and is giving him a BJ within 20 mins. Amy stirs and goes to see where he is/if he left...finds them ahem, involved. I'm on Amy's side.


I also want to say that she did not seem whiny and holding a grudge at all to me. She never brought it up! It's four years later and she's a very pretty girl. Yea, pretty damn sure she hasn't been obsessing about some loser guy who got a random BJ from Kat of all people. She wanted to talk it out and Kat slammed the door in her face. Kat and Kate both made me sick.

This all makes sense to me, and was about the way I envisioned it.

My son had his widsom teeth out last Thursday. They were nowhere to be seen on his last dental appt., then suddenly they were there, they were impacted, they were painful, and they had to come out ASAP. I am not sure why this is so unbelievable. If they were trying to make up a story, why not say Amy had the stomach flu or had broken her arm?

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That's the only part of the story that sounds sketchy to me. Why would Amy be having painful dental surgery while she was in the middle of a charter? I know for myself, I didn't even need to get all 4 wisdom teeth removed and I was miserable. Definitely in no condition to be working a service job like a yacht steward. The rest makes sense enough though. Sounds like something Kat could have done, judging by last season.

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Okay, this is how I see things. Adrienne repeats gossip she has heard secondhand from someone, Amy? I dunno. Adrienne tells the guests on Kat's boat this gossip about Kat's sex life. Totally inappropriate, wrong and EXTREMELY unprofessional of her.She crossed a line big time. Kat was humiliated, embarassed, slut shamed, and hurt. Then she got angry.  If it went down the way it was talked about - Kat did Amy a favor. If the guy had cared at all about Amy he would not have messed around with Kat. Let's face facts. Men are visual. Kat is a hot young woman. Amy - not so much. I am sure when they worked together and met men, Kat was hit on much more frequently than Amy.That's why whiney Amy doesn't like Kat. She's jealous of the attention Kat gets from men that she doesn't. I hope Kat messes with her every chance she gets. It's funny how NONE of the people on the show who have worked with Adrienne seem to like her. Oh yeah, that's because Adrienne is a bitch. She is pissed she is no longer on the show. That's why she came on the boat to visit.

I like Kate. She seems mature and she is really pretty. She seems much more interesting than Adrienne.

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That's the only part of the story that sounds sketchy to me. Why would Amy be having painful dental surgery while she was in the middle of a charter? I



There may have been some down time. I have a friend who works in yachting, and she gets short periods off from time to time (though she works a zillion hours when they're out).


Kelley's relationship with Amy is unhealthy. My brother and I are about the same age as them and we're SUPER close. He's my best friend but I can't remember the last time either of us went crying to the other.



But they're living in a space smaller than a house, with people they're arguing with, and they both seem to be pretty emotional. I get it. Though I don't think Amy should have had that "chat with Jennice." Incidentally, why don't Kelly and Amy share a room?


I think Bev and her friends got a great edit last season, and this season she and her new group took the things they were praised for--being "alive," enjoying everything--and went too far. It was not pretty. They should be embarrassed.


I thought Kate was totally out of line regarding Kat and Amy, but I thought her desperation to just have a good pirate scavenger hunt was sort of endearing. She doesn't seem excited about much--she just wants a scavenger hunt, damn it.

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Oh yes, and Adrienne asking Ben if he was behaving himself with Kat. None of that bitch's business what he does or whom he does it with. Who does she think she is? He's a grown man and can do damn well as he pleases with whom he pleases. I would not tolerate that bitch at all. I would tell her to keep her nose out of where I put my dick. Why does it seem like these  women are jealous of  Kat's ability to attract men? Adrienne so concerned with Kat's sex life?

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Okay, this is how I see things. Adrienne repeats gossip she has heard secondhand from someone, Amy? I dunno. Adrienne tells the guests on Kat's boat this gossip about Kat's sex life. Totally inappropriate, wrong and EXTREMELY unprofessional of her.She crossed a line big time. Kat was humiliated, embarassed, slut shamed, and hurt. Then she got angry.  If it went down the way it was talked about - Kat did Amy a favor. If the guy had cared at all about Amy he would not have messed around with Kat. Let's face facts. Men are visual. Kat is a hot young woman. Amy - not so much. I am sure when they worked together and met men, Kat was hit on much more frequently than Amy.That's why whiney Amy doesn't like Kat. She's jealous of the attention Kat gets from men that she doesn't. I hope Kat messes with her every chance she gets.

Maybe Kat's new tag line should be that she is really just a Good Samaritan? She will go down on a guy you care about for you to see if he reciprocates your feelings or is an asshole. I'm not sure how many folks would consider this a big favor. It does sound like Amy agrees from reading her blog, however. She learned what kind of guy he was, what kind of friend Kat was, and she moved on. Done and done.

I actually think that Amy is far more attractive than Kat. To me Kat looks like she has been rode hard and put away wet - over and over again. She looks hard, bloated, and pretty much up for anything, which I assume to be the case. I would imagine that she gets a lot of male attention, but I wonder if it is the kind of male attention she wants?

Anyone know how old Kat is?

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Not one comment about Adrienne sitting on the kitchen (galley??) counter in her green bikini while talking to Ben?


Guest: Chief Stew there is a pubic hair in my fish tartar!


Kate: If it's blond it's Kat's if it's brunette it's your friend Adrienne's. More champagne?

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That's the only part of the story that sounds sketchy to me. Why would Amy be having painful dental surgery while she was in the middle of a charter? I know for myself, I didn't even need to get all 4 wisdom teeth removed and I was miserable. Definitely in no condition to be working a service job like a yacht steward. The rest makes sense enough though. Sounds like something Kat could have done, judging by last season.

My guess is that if Amy had to have dental surgery while working, it was because of an infection. Impacted, infected wisdom teeth can cause some serious complications if let go. 


Kat showed us last year that when she's shitfaced, she lets anything with a dick know that she's available. I'm not sure if it's because of the hooch or because that's just who she is. Her nasty remarks last night make me think she's extremely competitive when it comes to men and it's like she was crowing about blowing the guy that came to visit Amy. When I was in my 20's, I had a friend a lot like Kat. Every time we went out, she had to let every guy that looked at her know that she was up for a romp, especially if any other woman was talking to him. I don't really consider that attracting men. Most of the men I knew back then would happily bang some drunk chick if she offered right after she slurred hello.

Maybe Kat's new tag line should be that she is really just a Good Samaritan? She will go down on a guy you care about for you to see if he reciprocates your feelings or is an asshole. I'm not sure how many folks would consider this a big favor. It does sound like Amy agrees from reading her blog, however. She learned what kind of guy he was, what kind of friend Kat was, and she moved on. Done and done.

I actually think that Amy is far more attractive than Kat. To me Kat looks like she has been rode hard and put away wet - over and over again. She looks hard, bloated, and pretty much up for anything, which I assume to be the case. I would imagine that she gets a lot of male attention, but I wonder if it is the kind of male attention she wants?

Anyone know how old Kat is?

Her bio on Bravo says she's 29. I also think Amy is much prettier than Kat. 

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When Adrienne was repeating the rumor she mentioned that the guy was someone that Amy cared about.

I didn't get the impression that Amy is pissed right now about what happened 4 years ago. I think she was pissed about Kat and Kate gossiping about it, then telling her to get the hell out when she came in and asked if they could talk about the gossip. Kat was clearly furious when she heard this story being repeated, but instead of going right to Amy about it, she went to someone who is basically their boss and gossiped about it. I think Kate handled the situation all kinds of wrong. She clearly appears to be taking sides, which I don't think a person in her position should do.

I never know exactly what slut shaming is, but I certainly wouldn't want to do it. I don't think it says anything good about Kat if Amy did indeed care about him and she is blowing him in the next room. If saying so is slut shaming, then I guess sign me up.


Agreed on all counts.


It seemed to me that Amy kinda did get over it.  She has been pleasant with Kat on the ship.


I think Kat has misplaced anger.  It's another reminder of her drunken actions.


I think the reason Kate seemed to be more on Kat's side is that she tires of the pageant Queen smiley face.

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Anyone else chuckle that Jennice, the deckhand most offended by having to do non-deckhand work, failed at her job when they were pulling in.  Eddie had to go running to pull the rope. 


Why the fuck is this woman a deckhand?  I'm sure that other women are capable of doing this job but she can't seem to do much of anything.

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I'm more of less current with Below Deck this season and just in time. I watched Season 1, except for the episode that shall not be re-aired.


So when I watch the show, I am occasionally reminded that Bravo charters this boat and they are Captain Lee's clients. In fact, the crew / cast are also charter guests because the real crew of the boat that has been fake named Ohana has been paid off, except for the Captain and the off-camera guys who keep the boat from actually crashing (until next week, maybe). So it's either all fake or mostly fake, depending on your perspective.


So last year's charter cast was re-hired as a way to get Adrienne back on this year's show. This time, she's spending 90% of the time in a far too showy bikini and with the stick removed from her ass. It also looks like some un-aired confessional where Amy explained the situation was fed to Adrienne by production because it was the only way to air it since Amy apparently would not bring it up to Kat directly.


I found Kat a hot mess last season and about the same this season. She apparently has some loose morals, since she basically did the same thing to Ben that she did with Amy's friend, only Ben explicitly stated he had a GF. I'm Team Amy on this one, especially since Kate looks less and less like a real Chief Stew. That scavenger hunt thing is hilarious. She threw out the last one and had to make a whole new one? Really?


I believe that Amy had an emergency Wisdom pull since the same thing happened on Big Brother this year. Her big crime to me was how she went after Jennice because she didn't want to cheat on her boyfriend with Kelley. Maybe Amy shouldn't have convinced her brother that kissing Jennice was a good idea. I think they're both a little messed up because of their parents, but this show is all about hot messes.

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Man, so much wrong here!

Amy was awful with cornering what's her name, about her brother. What a jerk thing to do! But then I guess he'll never need to grow up with Amy around.

Adrienne... What a totally shit thing to do, to gossip about Kat to the charter guests! That was mean and dirty. 4 years ago! And they laughed about it! Terrible, just terrible. I don't think Kat remembers, I think Amy has let it go, but it sounds like they were close and it blew their friendship, so I can understand the need to not discuss it. 4 years ago!

Ugh. Can we have Andrew back?

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I can't believe that there is a debate over Amy having her wisdom teeth removed.  A wisdom tooth is a tooth.  It can get infected just like any other tooth and cause severe pain, swelling, etc.  And yes, they have oral surgeons in the Caribbean.  Obviously, the boat she and Kat were on at the time wasn't 'on' a charter.  Friends don't come visit crew when the boat is working.  They were probably in between.


Adrienne was wrong to bring up the 'rumor' to the guests.  I think we all agree on this.


Kat wasn't professional in her handling of it with the guests on the beach but the whole scene was unprofessional.    One of the 'guests' tells Kat what was said?  Sure, hindsight is 20/20 but what was told to Kat came out of far left field.  It was crazy.


So, Kat tells Eddie and Ben. the two people who know Adrienne.  Should she have?  Debatable but she could have also figured it would have gotten back to them anyway.  Was Kat wrong to do what she did with the guy Amy 'liked'?  I don't know for sure because we don't know what Amy liking someone meant at the time.  There's 'like' and then there's 'like'.  There's a lot of speculation being made but we just don't know.  Should Kat have been mad at Amy?  No.  Adrienne?  For sure.  Should Kat have told Kate?  I get that.  She's letting her boss know what's going on and why she's upset.  Should Amy have gotten pissed off at Kate?  Nope.  Kate didn't talk crap about Amy.  Kate just listened to Kat and basically shut down the conversation with we have a charter and we'll figure it out after.  Amy then tells Kate that she's as low as Kat.  Amy was wrong because Kate didn't say anything.  This is what pissed Kate off when she was just trying to be nice to Amy who is playing the victim card just as out of proportion as Kat.  Amy approaches Kate again for sympathy that night and Kate's having none of it.  She's got a job to do and Amy wants to be stroked by Kate for things Kate never said. So Kat shut the door on Amy who interrupted.  This is Kat and Amy's problem.  Not Kate's. 


Amy and Kelley are both immature and needy people.  Sure, I understand Amy being upset at the time about Kat doing a guy she liked but that's not what she was upset about on the charter.  And sure, I understand her being upset with Kat being mad at her but she went off the deep end about everything.  She wanted to be coddled by Kate but Kate's priority was the charter and just ending it.  That's why she moved Kat out.  Move on.


Amy's conversation with Jennice was just weird.  Jennice handled it really well.  My brother will be the best thing that ever happened to you and you'll regret it.  While she's saying this, I'm wondering if his girlfriend back home would feel the same way.  A little over the top.  It was uncomfortable to watch.


And lastly, Kat is a very insecure person who drank way too much and her way to make herself feel better was to get the guy any way she could.  I've know a lot of them in my younger single days.  It's sad but it seems that she's getting over that with having a present boyfriend.  We'll see. 


Kat needs to apologize to Amy.  Amy needs to apologize to Kate.  Amy also needs to shut up talking about her brother to Jennice.  Kelley needs to grow up.  Adrienne needs to go far away so I don't have to see or listen to her along with the primary and her family.  Ben needs to learn how to get a meal on the table in a timely matter. 

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I found Kat a hot mess last season and about the same this season. She apparently has some loose morals, since she basically did the same thing to Ben that she did with Amy's friend, only Ben explicitly stated he had a GF. I'm Team Amy on this one, especially since Kate looks less and less like a real Chief Stew. That scavenger hunt thing is hilarious. She threw out the last one and had to make a whole new one? Really?

I believe that Amy had an emergency Wisdom pull since the same thing happened on Big Brother this year. Her big crime to me was how she went after Jennice because she didn't want to cheat on her boyfriend with Kelley. Maybe Amy shouldn't have convinced her brother that kissing Jennice was a good idea. I think they're both a little messed up because of their parents, but this show is all about hot messes.

What exactly did Kat do to Ben? She didn't put a gun to his head and make him do anything with her. If he told her he has a girlfriend or not, she didn't do anything to him. She told him she had a boyfriend, did he do something to her?

From what I recall when Amy was telling the story she shrugged her shoulders and said she kind of liked the guy. And who knows if Amy and Kat were close friends or not.

Edited by Maharincess
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Why does it seem like these  women are jealous of  Kat's ability to attract men?


I don't think they are jealous of any ability Kat might have. Due to how small the industry is, no doubt word is out that Kat is easy. Men are perpetually horny and Kat is in perpetual heat. Whether it's fucking or blow jobs, Kat is ready, willing and able. Nothing to be jealous of IMO.

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There's nothing wrong with that either. She likes sex. That isn't wrong and doesn't make her easy. Does it make the men she's with easy too?

If she can't remember it a decent portion of the time it does get awkward on the guy side fast. I'm not real impressed with guys who have sex with blackout drunk women.


If she's up for it sober, have fun and use protection.

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A woman loving sex is great but is that really what we see with Kat? Last season she was shown naked, being thrown into her bunk, utterly wasted. She constantly has blackout drunk sex with any male within a five foot radius. Sorry, that's just skeevy.


And I can't believe someone on here said Kat is a hot young woman and Amy is not. Are we looking at the same people?? And to say Amy is jealous of Kat?? Uh...okay. To me Kat is not much to look at at all. She does have pretty eyes at least. Amy is very pretty. I honestly can't see more guys hitting on Kat...but they probably do readily respond to her offer to blow them around the corner. Amy is more someone they would date seriously so yea, I guess Kat likely gets way more offers out at sea with guys on vacation.


In the preview Amy is in the hot tub with the new hottie deckhand. Of COURSE Kat has to appear and sit on the side of the tub. Now who's jealous?? I thought Kat had a boyfriend waiting at home?? I call BS on that. She probably told Ben that so she wouldn't feel rejected by him since he has a serious girlfriend.

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I suspect that Kat's calling card is giving great head....and going after guys who are wearing beer goggles.Really, anything that would obscure that man face of hers.

That's it exactly. She has a very masculine face. Sometimes I think she is really cute, but for the most part, I just don't see why a guy would find her appealing, except for the fact that she will apparently blow anyone that she brushes up against. That is something that is guaranteed to get a girl male attention. As for the idea that Amy - or any other gal - is jealous of Kat, I just find that laughable.  I think they are shocked by her behavior, probably disgusted by it, might feel a bit sorry for her, and certainly wouldn't want her around a guy they were interested in, but those are not the same things as being jealous.  Women never need to be jealous of someone like Kat. We could all be Kat if we wanted to be. There is nothing that hard about it. 

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A woman loving sex is great but is that really what we see with Kat? Last season she was shown naked, being thrown into her bunk, utterly wasted. She constantly has blackout drunk sex with any male within a five foot radius. Sorry, that's just skeevy.


And I can't believe someone on here said Kat is a hot young woman and Amy is not. Are we looking at the same people?? And to say Amy is jealous of Kat?? Uh...okay. To me Kat is not much to look at at all. She does have pretty eyes at least. Amy is very pretty. I honestly can't see more guys hitting on Kat...but they probably do readily respond to her offer to blow them around the corner. Amy is more someone they would date seriously so yea, I guess Kat likely gets way more offers out at sea with guys on vacation.


In the preview Amy is in the hot tub with the new hottie deckhand. Of COURSE Kat has to appear and sit on the side of the tub. Now who's jealous?? I thought Kat had a boyfriend waiting at home?? I call BS on that. She probably told Ben that so she wouldn't feel rejected by him since he has a serious girlfriend.


I think Kat has a hot body.  I don't see the bloating others have talked about.  The face looks better this year.  But when guys are drunk, someone with a body like Kat will have no problem. I also think Kat has a great sense of humor.


Amy is better looking than Kat facially but I don't think she's all that great looking and she's got a body that's frumpy before her time.

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I just don't get this season how most of them are claiming to have relationships "back home" but are hooking up with each other and encouraging it. Like Kelley and Jennice....they're both (supposedly) involved back home but yet both Kelley AND Amy are up Jennice's ass about hooking up with him. I doubt his serious girlfriend would be ok with that.


Ditto with Kat and Ben. Both are supposed to be in a relationship, yet hook up. Maybe it's just the temporary-ness of the industry they are in but does nobody give a shit about their significant other anymore?

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I just don't get this season how most of them are claiming to have relationships "back home" but are hooking up with each other and encouraging it. Like Kelley and Jennice....they're both (supposedly) involved back home but yet both Kelley AND Amy are up Jennice's ass about hooking up with him. I doubt his serious girlfriend would be ok with that.


Ditto with Kat and Ben. Both are supposed to be in a relationship, yet hook up. Maybe it's just the temporary-ness of the industry they are in but does nobody give a shit about their significant other anymore?


Not only that, but they are on TV! The proof is right there, there's pretty much no chance their SO's are NOT going to find out.

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If Kate has bitchy resting face, does the Captain have dicky resting face? 


The expectation seemed to be that Kate should smile regardless of what was going on, but the Captain was basically scowling during that entire dinner on the last night. I get it, those people were horrible, but it seems like  he is always preaching about rising above things and making the guests feel comfortable no matter what. 

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Those people were gross. I can't blame the Captain for barely being able to stomach being at dinner.


Kat could improve her looks if she reshaped her eyebrows. They are awful on her (or anyone).


I too wonder why Amy and Kelley didn't share a room?

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I think Kat has a hot body.  I don't see the bloating others have talked about.  The face looks better this year.  But when guys are drunk, someone with a body like Kat will have no problem. I also think Kat has a great sense of humor.


Amy is better looking than Kat facially but I don't think she's all that great looking and she's got a body that's frumpy before her time.

Exactly Kat has a banging hot body. I think she is prettier than Amy any day of the week, so we will just have to differ on that!

I just don't find Amy attractive at all. She is ridiculous with her telling Jennice off about Kelley. What a frickin weirdo.

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I think it's Kat's mouth that is odd looking and messes up her looks.  When she speaks it's like all we see are bottom teeth.  I know she cant help it.  I get the feeling she was a homely girl who the boys ignored until her body developed and the boys started noticing her-- then she realized quickly sex = attention and confused that with sex = love.  She seems to be seeking approval from men.  I knew someone like that years ago-- easy sex but was quickly passed over as real girlfriend material.  Sad.


And if I were on a small cruise like that the last thing I'd want to do is play scavenger hunt.  Did that back in middle school.  Kate seems to have a one track mind on this game.


Oh, I stay in the Virgin Islands at times and they have a regular local population who live there full time, so have hospitals, doctors, dentists, etc.  It's something you might be surprised about because the shows filmed down there mostly focus on the tourist sides and activities.  My hubby had an emergency heart condition a couple of yrs ago and we were quickly recommended 5 different cardiologists on St Croix alone.  So I believe Amy could have easily had some kind of emergency dental work on a wisdom tooth during down time.  (and I also believe Kat would have moved in for the kill whether the guy was just a friend or more than that!)

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Amy bugged me, because she clearly heard Kat say to Kate that she needed to tell her something in private, then Amy followed them to eavesdrop. How then does she get to be upset when she bursts in on their private conversation and has the door slammed in her face. Her whole "boohoo, I was just walking to my room and they were mean to me for no reason" and "when was I rude to you, I don't recall that" made me want to push her over board.

Adrienne was very wrong to discuss a sexual rumor with those guests. I was very suprised to hear the she still crewed a boat, because how would she feel if her sex life was revealed to guests she had to serve. Just vile.

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Not one comment about Adrienne sitting on the kitchen (galley??) counter in her green bikini while talking to Ben?


I noticed this also.  I'm sure IRL she'd have brought a cover up that she would have put on when she got on the yacht.  


Speaking of Adrienne, she said on the Watch What Happens: Live reunion that she was a chameleon, not gay.  If we're to believe both that and this episode's plot line, she's either turned the corner (not that there's anything wrong with that) or the charter group tipped her for hanging out with them.


Meh, I'm rapidly becoming over this show.  It started out as relatively entertaining, mindless, guilty pleasure viewing - attractive young people, amusing guests, luxurious yacht, interesting meals, behind the scenes charter prep, etc.  But now with all the contrived drama and backbiting it's becoming The Real Housewives of Ohana. I guess it's inevitable given that it's Bravo.

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A lot of people siding with Kat. I'm surprised. No, you definitely can't "claim" people. And people like who they like, it can't be controlled.  However, I don't think the guy "liked" Kat more than Amy. I think he saw an opportunity. 


Yes! To me, just knowing that a friend "liked" someone, that would mean to me he was off limits. Because I am a decent person who does not want to hurt  a friend, unlike Kat who doesn't give a shit. Oh, and Kat, Men love blow jobs. It's a fact. They don't care what you look like or who you are. If it is offered to them, they will take it. Especially if they have had a few drinkies. It doesn't make you special or better than any other female out there. 

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Even if I were offered a free charter on the Ohana, all expenses paid. I wouldn't take it. The guests that have been on that boat make me physically ill. They're all just nasty. I'm including gross Adrienne and her ass on the kitchen counter. Disgusting. I wouldn't want to sleep in any of those beds...ugh, retching now. I bet it even smells bad in there.


Luckily in life beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. I myself don't find Kat physically attractive. When have we even seen her "banging body"? Isn't she always in the stew uniform (except last season when she was naked wasted in her bunk)? To each his own!

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Out of curiosity, how do we know Kat is "easy."  She's hooked up with Ben.  But I don't recall others on the ship this season or last?  And the BJ story.  So we have two episodes where a single girl apparently enjoyed having sex with two men?  How does this make her some raging slut?

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Out of curiosity, how do we know Kat is "easy."  She's hooked up with Ben.  But I don't recall others on the ship this season or last?  And the BJ story.  So we have two episodes where a single girl apparently enjoyed having sex with two men?  How does this make her some raging slut?

Even if she does any willing guy in the area, I'm not liking that sort of judgment either. So, she likes sex. Welcome to humanity. Get better at it if you don't understand.

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Out of curiosity, how do we know Kat is "easy."  She's hooked up with Ben.  But I don't recall others on the ship this season or last?  And the BJ story.  So we have two episodes where a single girl apparently enjoyed having sex with two men?  How does this make her some raging slut?


IMO, any woman who claims to have a boyfriend yet continues to flirt with, blow, hand job, get naked and/or have sex with any other guy (onboard or not) is "easy"...or if you prefer the terminology, a slut.

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Regarding Kat and blowjobgate: If I'm giving a guy a blow job, I better be getting something in return! I don't get women that do this and then get up off their knees and go on with business as usual. How is that satisfying to someone who "likes" sex? Looks more to me like someone who will settle for 2 minutes of attention any way she can get it. 

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Why did the producers (because it was so obviously a production setup) think it was a good idea to bring Adrienne back?  Ugh I guess since the episode revolved around her and her gossip spreading and inappropriateness there's the answer.  I did love how everyone from Eddie to Ben to Captain Lee was literally repulsed by the mere sight of her.  Poor Lee and Ben having to touch that mess.  Eddie had the right idea just swimming away.  That scene actually made me LOL.


I think Kat was out of line for addressing the primary guest the way she did ("don't bring her on board") but otherwise I get why she was pissed about Adrienne shit stirring, and I even get why she pulled Kate aside to talk about it.  I think she figured since The Devil (tm Eddie?) was there, it was going to be brought up and get around that boat real quick, so telling Kate (and Ben) herself is an impulse I can understand.  Amy, whatever.  I don't actually think Kate did anything wrong by telling her to shut up and do her job when Amy was being a drama queen.  Wait for the horrid guests to leave before pulling that shit.  Kate didn't actually say anything particularly gossipy, I don't think.  She just listened to Kat tell her the story.  Also, I call total bullshit that Amy just "happened to be passing by" when she heard them talking.  Bitch was eavesdropping on purpose.  As to the BJ and the circumstances surrounding it, I have zero fucks to give.  And I actually don't think Kat (whether she remembered or not) OR even Amy gives a fuck either.  It wouldn't have been brought up at all if not for Adrienne.  I guess she got her revenge on Kat for last year.  Now if they bring back CJ, I'm out.  


Amy was also completely out of line (not to mention kind of weird and creepy, IMO) in the scene with whatsherface the deckhand that rejected her brother.  First, deckhand girl has a boyfriend.  Second, it's none of your goddamn business, and frankly WHY would you want it to be?  Something is off with those siblings.  I get a weird Flowers in the Attic vibe from them.


Are they ever going to get a new deckhand, or just bitch about being short handed the rest of the season?  

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