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S12.E01: Twenty Klicks

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So, what'd everyone think?  Personally, I love how Glasberg connected this season's Russian baddie to Ari.  I also liked the techie mumbo jumbo that Abby did with the cage and the firewall (even though they didn't work.)


Thought Kevin was a creep.  Not sad that he's in jail.

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Really enjoyed it.  Everyone was given something to do. It was great for this season to have a fresh start versus having to deal with lingering business from last season.  I also liked that they are continuing with Tony/McGee giving Bishop lessons on how to be a "Gibbs whisperer" versus her having a special relationship with him that trumps everyone else's.  


My one complaint was that it was dumb for Abby to take all of those precautions but leave the computer plugged in.  

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I don't watch this show often, but my girlfriend loves it so I saw tonight's episode. In the interest of realism:

- Would the Russian government allow an unmarked American helicoptor to fly several hundred miles inside its own territory? How did it get there in the first place? Why would anyone be outraged that it got shot down?

-Why do you have to fly someone to the Arctic Circle? Why not over the nearest friendly border or directly to the Baltic Sea? I didn't understand why the Russian would block a flight to Finland but not to the Arctic.

-When you have someone who is shot and has trouble walking and are being tracked by bad guys, why do you blow up their truck rather than stealing it?

-How do the good guys get from Washington to the Finnish border so quickly?

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My very first thought was: "hey, it's Arkady from The Americans!" I knew then it was going to be a good episode.

I had to laugh-- the bad guys DRIVE up to ambush Gibbs/McGee and they have to close the doors quietly?! That was hilarious.

I have to roll my eyes that there's yet another bad dude pissed off at NCIS/Gibbs but at least he's Russian. I thought Gibbs shot him in the head, but I'm guess it was actually the torso and he was wearing a vest. Or he winged him? Hmmm I have to say I was also pretty surprised Sergi managed to get away but hey, tv.

I thought this was a pretty good premiere, and I'm also glad we're starting off with a fresh start. Everyone was competent and good at their jobs and there wasn't too much clowning around.

My very first thought was: "hey, it's Arkady from The Americans!" I knew then it was going to be a good episode.

I had to laugh-- the bad guys DRIVE up to ambush Gibbs/McGee and they have to close the doors quietly?! That was hilarious.

I have to roll my eyes that there's yet another bad dude pissed off at NCIS/Gibbs but at least he's Russian. I thought Gibbs shot him in the head, but I'm guess it was actually the torso and he was wearing a vest. Or he winged him? Hmmm I have to say I was also pretty surprised Sergi managed to get away but hey, tv.

I thought this was a pretty good premiere, and I'm also glad we're starting off with a fresh start. Everyone was competent and good at their jobs and there wasn't too much clowning around.

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Good start but did everyone other than the three have to die in the crash? I know NCIS is unrealistic but this was ridiculous.

I'm fanwanking that the time DiNozzo left from the night scene was about 12 hours? Went fast by jet and they knew where the guys were from satellite. Why am I trying to make sense of this?

I did like Kevin- too bad he's doing "time".

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-When you have someone who is shot and has trouble walking and are being tracked by bad guys, why do you blow up their truck rather than stealing it?

Absolutely.  When Gibbs snuck up on the far side of the truck, I thought "How's he gonna kill that guy from there????"


Bishop was actually an equal part of the team and relatively tolerable, given that, you know, she's Bishop.



it was dumb for Abby to take all of those precautions but leave the computer plugged in.

Yeah, that too.  But then, we knew that was gonna happen the instant we heard it was a virus chip. And we knew the team would get around it, too.

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Quite a predictable episode, I knew everything that was going to happen at least 5 minutes before it actually did. I knew from the start that Sergi would survive the episode and become another probably season long antagonist for the team, having them play up his connection to Ari made that obvious.


-When you have someone who is shot and has trouble walking and are being tracked by bad guys, why do you blow up their truck rather than stealing it?

When you're on TV, that's why. All TV shows run off of 2 things, the Rule of Drama and the Rule of Arbitrary Character Stupidity. Anything that a reasonably intelligent person would do to solve the entire problem the plot hinges on in less than 2 minutes won't happen no matter how intelligent the characters are supposed to be, especially if it's dramatic that they don't.



-How do the good guys get from Washington to the Finnish border so quickly?

That at least can be explained by it taking significantly longer than it appeared for the group to hike 12 miles, which is fairly realistic while held back by an injured guy.

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As an IT professional, my only complaint was the chip, like everyone above me.  Disable wireless and disconnect from the network completely!  Heck, to be doubly sure, remove the machine from the domain and work at your local Panera!!


Disappointed that the helicopter pilot died -- she seemed cool.


Agree with everyone who was pleased that Bishop was contained.  And if we ever have to meet "Jake", I'd appreciate it if he was wearing a State Farm shirt and khakis.

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Agree with everyone who was pleased that Bishop was contained.  And if we ever have to meet "Jake", I'd appreciate it if he was wearing a State Farm shirt and khakis.


When Bishop took the call and said "it's Jake..." I expected someone to add "from State Farm"?

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When Bishop took the call and said "it's Jake..." I expected someone to add "from State Farm"?


Leave that to Michael.  I doubt he'd be able to get away with actually saying "State Farm," but I can definitely see him trying to slide in a "I thought you sold insurance" ad lib to that effect whenever we do meet Jake.

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Overall, except for the very beginning (going to Russia, the helicopter, getting shot down) the episode felt tired.  It seems like they manufacture things so our characters have something to do.  Why did Ducky have to call the family of what's-his-name?  Don't they have professionally-trained grief counselors (not that they knew one way or the other if he were dead) for that?
Harmon/Gibbs never seems to age much, though.
I do wish the helicopter pilot had made it.  Except for the fact that she seemed mighty young, I could see her with Gibbs.  Or, maybe, not that way but maybe like a father-daughter.

Seriously -- how does he get the boats out?

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{suspension of disbelief and all that!}

I loved it! I can't recall the last time I said that about this show. And I also squeed: "it's Arkady!" And then I double squeed "ARI!" Because Rudolph is so very Hawt!

Love Gibbs in sniper mode and how he cauterizec Kevin's wound. And I totally loved McGee'a "are you delirious" at Kevin and his nimrodic assumption that Gibbs' team wouldn't investigate.

In Short, loved the season opener and am hoping for good things this season.

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I enjoyed it.  My standards are that no one, especially Tony, acts completely stupid.  I  know low standards, but it Is what NCIS has become.


I like Bishop.  I like her a lot.  She is smart, but not superhero smart.  She is competent, but not superhero competent.  Her resources and sources make sense, like the NSA, that's  where she used to work.  As opposed to her resources being the President of Russia because he owes her because her superhero abilities saved his ass at some point in the past.


It was nice, well maybe not nice for the character, that the pilot did die even though Gibbs was more or less ordering her to live.  I like it so much better when he's not perfect.  But I agree with the idea that, really, another vendetta aimed at Gibbs and NCIS.  They could let him know that Ziva was the one to kill Ari, maybe that would solve their problem.  Just kidding. 


Yes, I really enjoyed the season opener, and on a completely shallow note, Tony looks amazing.  There I've said it, but I have discovered it is easier to get out of the deep end than the shallow end.  I guess it's because it's so much fun in the shallow end.

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And then I double squeed "ARI!" Because Rudolph is so very Hawt!



Don't forget that SEXY accent that Ari had!


But I agree with the idea that, really, another vendetta aimed at Gibbs and NCIS.



But, but Shadda, here is my fervant hope,  Sergei has ties to Ari.  In S1, Gibbs shot Ari in the shoulder.  Now, in S12, Gibbs shot Sergei.  It's like some odd circle,.  Gary Glasberg has taken pieces of the mythology that have preceded him by years and put his own spin on them.  Like creating the character of Kate's sister to reintroduce Kate back to the canvas a bit.  Or the backstory that Glasberg wrote about Gibbs' boats.  Ari was the first baddie on NCIS, and Sean made mention to "classic" NCIS in one of his interviews.  Maybe Gary wants to explore Ari.  This prospect excites me because I think Ari was a great villain.


I also think it was purposeful that Ari was mentioned as tied to Gibbs, not Ziva.  I'm very much hoping that this is because Glasberg wants to explore Ari as more than just related to Ziva.  Ari was on the canvas for two years before Ziva was introduced,  He was a character in his own right, and it's my great hope that Glasberg wants to explore that.

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That is true Ohmo and while it is a vendetta I suppose you could make the case that it is a continuation of the original vendetta and thus not a new one.  It will be interesting if this one takes as long as the last one and we are looking at 2 years before all is said and done.  Will we also, please, keep getting pictures of Ari?  As I said, the shallow end is so hard to leave.  Flashbacks would be so nice too.

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Ratings are essentially where they ended last season.  I know a lot of people who DVR the show so the final numbers will be up.  Looks like they carried over most of the active audience to NCIS-NO but next week will really tell the tale.  18 million viewers for a 12 year old show has got to make CBS happy.


I liked the episode other than too much blue light for the night scenes.  I have to admit I was laughing during the wolf part because I kept hearing Mark Harmon's description, on Letterman, of filming that.

Michael Weatherly looked great...his time off tri training paid off.  Abby wasn't annoying which is always good. 
The writing for Bishop should be more even this year than it was last.  At least I hope it will be as I like the idea of the character once they fine tune her.


I noticed in the new opening David McCallum is now listed as "with" along with Rocky Carroll so that likely means we will see less of Ducky and more of Jimmy.  Considering David's age a less than full time schedule is not a total surprise but he'll be missed

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Don't forget that SEXY accent that Ari had!


OH GOD, YES! And how pained he looked when Gerald was stripping the gears of Ducky's Morgan! Ahhh, good days! Hey, did you know Rudolph appeared on Legends a few weeks ago? Man still has IT as far as I'm concerned, and since we now have another goon obsessed with Gibbs because of Ari, like Shadda, I want, no, I DEMAND more flashbacks of Ari...just because I'm a shallow, shallow wench.

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Guest Accused Dingo

Super Gibbs alert! Who needs Rambo when you have The Gibbs? The man who can take out an entire team of terrorists almost/basically alone.

Edited by Accused Dingo
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Yes,  David has always been "with David McCallum".  The "with" is always a cherished spot in the credits and usually goes to one of the more experienced cast members.  


It maybe an unpopular opinion but I don't give a crap that Dietzen/Jimmy is in the opening credits because I really don't give a crap about the character.

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Yes,  David has always been "with David McCallum".  The "with" is always a cherished spot in the credits and usually goes to one of the more experienced cast members.  


It maybe an unpopular opinion but I don't give a crap that Dietzen/Jimmy is in the opening credits because I really don't give a crap about the character.

I don't much either, but it's hard to really give a crap about a character that's pretty infrequently even in most episodes, appears for 5 minutes at the most when he is, and doesn't actually do much of anything even when he is there. Ducky doesn't appear for much longer in most episodes, but the role he fills is important and he appears in just about every episode so I actually can care about him.

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Yes, David has always been "with David McCallum". The "with" is always a cherished spot in the credits and usually goes to one of the more experienced cast members.

I can't even think of anyone else who's been a TV star for fifty years, and he was a movie star before that. I think it shows, too, because they underwrite Duckie worse than they underwrite Gibbs, and he's still a great character.

Edited by Julia
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As an IT professional, my only complaint was the chip, like everyone above me.  Disable wireless and disconnect from the network completely!  Heck, to be doubly sure, remove the machine from the domain and work at your local Panera!!

This to the nth degree!!!!!!!!


Every time NCIS gets taken down by an external piece of hardware I start yelling at the TV.

When hard-drives fry because an incorrect password was entered into the machine I'm wondering why they didn't remove the damn drive and use a reader to view the contents! For such a high-tech lab they're missing essential basic equipment.


Otherwise I have no complaints about the episode. I like it when long-running shows circle back to earlier days. I don't read spoilers or casting info but if Ari is involved maybe we'll get to see Ziva. I just don't want an appearance to bring back angsty Tony. Let's see them happy to see each other but at peace with their history (professional, personal, whatever, just at peace with it).

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Can you get a virus into a computer system by being plugged into the same AC system only? And if you can, why doesn't Abby know that? And given how many times they've had some sort of confiscated computer try to get into their system, why do they have to jury-rig a set-up every time they are working with a confiscated laptop? Why don't they have an area that is fully set-up permanently to be ready deal with the protocols of computer forensics? They are certainly working with that stuff often enough.


I really liked Kevin in the episode where he faked all those backgrounds noises and voices at "Gitmo" . I especially loved that he would be the person that would be racially profiled as the potential security problem, but it turned out he was a loyal American and valuable member of NCIS. They didn't hit us over the head with political correctness or message... they just hinted as a mislead, and then used him well. I would have liked to see more of his character.


So it really steams me that they chose THIS character, of all the potential options for creating this storyline, to be a traitor. I'm usually one of the last people to pick up on, or comment on, the "whitewashing" of tv shows. So iffind it problematic, it's a problem. CIA-Ray the Hispanic (not to mention all the Reynosa's). Gerald (who stayed a good guy but got replaced quickly). Agent Lee the only Asian character I remember off the top of my head. If it weren't for Rocky Carroll, would there be ANY minority players who got any real story that didn't turn out to be bad guys? Instead of red shirts giving away imminent demise, we can predict who will turn out to be bad guys even if it takes awhile for the show to get there.


Obviously, not all the bad guys were non-caucasian. But it seems most of the non-caucasians are some degree of "bad guy". Even Cote'de Pablo, a Latina, played an Israeli. Am I forgetting someone?

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So it really steams me that they chose THIS character, of all the potential options for creating this storyline, to be a traitor. I'm usually one of the last people to pick up on, or comment on, the "whitewashing" of tv shows. So iffind it problematic, it's a problem. CIA-Ray the Hispanic (not to mention all the Reynosa's). Gerald (who stayed a good guy but got replaced quickly). Agent Lee the only Asian character I remember off the top of my head. If it weren't for Rocky Carroll, would there be ANY minority players who got any real story that didn't turn out to be bad guys? Instead of red shirts giving away imminent demise, we can predict who will turn out to be bad guys even if it takes awhile for the show to get there.



Nikki, she was great and stayed great , just like Gerald did. I don't think being Hispanic had anything to do with Ray being bad that seems to be everyone in the CIA that we have meet. All the Reynosa were bad cause they were the bad Druggy Family.


But i think you are right about Kevin and Lee but the story also gave their actions an out by them both being blackmailed and bad things happening to innocent family members and they have to pay the price for their choices.


But i think it comes from having less minor characters to choose from than anything else. They are looking for people the team trusts and we know work at NCIS, not that many to pick from.


As an ep i found it ok really. The one thing that i do question is why is it Gibbs and McGee as the big relationship on the show now. Not saying i don't like it just wondering why it's them at the forefront all the time now, is this part of the story arc or just the way it is now ?

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Leave that to Michael.  I doubt he'd be able to get away with actually saying "State Farm," but I can definitely see him trying to slide in a "I thought you sold insurance" ad lib to that effect whenever we do meet Jake.

except this would make no sense to those of us non-USA viewers and I suspect the show is aware enough of its global market to avoid americancentric jokes

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I almost thought that Bishop would go in Tim's place. But "McPaper" Tim got picked. They were lucky the surface to air missile must have only clipped them.

I figured with NSA System Admin Kevin Hussein something was up. His chip had a bad virus on it that it took even Abby awhile to fix it. Thinking WWMD, What would McGee do?? Then Gibbs long distance call telling not to download it, lol Was interesting that the "Uncle's" body had the chip in it.

I figured when Gibbs and Tim got on the helicopter with Navy Lt. Commander Hannah Banks and Lt. Joseph Hagan, that they would be "Red Shirts" on this mission. Wished at least Banks would have made it injured but safe at end. But she did take one killer with her, Yuri. I worried he was going to try and rape her anyway.

It was funny they drove up and then quietly shut the door.

Liked how Gibbs and Tim both were Being Prepared as Boy Scouts, lol.

Gibbs is told that Mercenary Sergi Mishnev is after him for Ari Hashwari's death. Won't he be after Ziva also? Maybe she should be notified.

Gibbs sniping was nice on the Mercenaries chasing them. I figured when he shot Sergi that he had to have on a bullet proof vest and lived. Did Gibbs double pump him? Like he had used in past? Nice to have Tony pick them up. But he got there awful quick. So we will see him again. Gibbs told Vance after he said"He will be gunning for us", that " Not if we find him first!" Should be a good story line.

Jake from NSA did also remind me of Jake from State farm, lol

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Gibbs is told that Mercenary Sergi Mishnev is after him for Ari Hashwari's death. Won't he be after Ziva also? Maybe she should be notified.


Sergei believes Gibbs killed Ari.  Is that something on the official records?  Originally Ziva killing Ari was Gibbs and Ziva's secret.  Then the team seemed to know the truth.  I'm not sure if everyone on the team knows about Ziva's role in all of that or if it is a known fact to everyone in NCIS and in general that she killed Ari.  I assume that it's not known to everyone that Ziva did it, and Gibbs is still labeled as Ari's killer.


I liked the episode.  The only thing I missed was the humor.  There was a little of it in the beginning but then it got serious very fast.  That's okay, but I hope to see some lighter moments in the next few episode. 

Edited by Betweenthisandthat
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Really liked that we got to see McGee being competent

Really disliked that Abby was fairly weak and incompetent - really using a laptop but keeping it plugged in???

Bishop continues to be a waste of airtime (or bandwidth -depending on how you are viewing)

And I wonder how Bishop could patch into NSA system from NCIS. Would have thought the gov would have sealed NCIS and their network off from any other gov system to contain the virus??? But perhaps is she hadn't plugged herself into outlets in NCIS she'd be OK

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I just watched this on the rerun, and noticed that in the final scene in Gibbs' basement there is a mug with RALPH in large letters on it.  I'm  thinking that must be a shout out to Ralph Waite.  Didn't see it the first time.

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Watching the rerun and I am super annoyed that Abby clicked that stupid button before unplugging the machine from the network, disabling the wifi and for extra safety, disconnect and unplug all the wifi routers. I don't usually have issues with her but Abby should have been be way smarter than that.

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