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Supergirl Speculation

Meredith Quill

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Ya, since they've unabashedly used the LA skyline as part of the backdrop several times, which to me is easily recognizable, I always sort of head-canoned that the real life LA was just called "National City" in this alternate fictional universe. So I took the shows location to be alternate universe Southern California.

I wonder if the production could simply get away with using footage they've already shot of the LA skyline to present the illusion that they are still in the same SoCal/National City from S1? And then when they do film scenes with their actors in outdoor locations try filming in locations that don't too obviously scream "We've moved the show into a completely different climate zone! Pay no attention to the endless expanse of firs and snow capped mountains where once there was desert, scrub, and fan palms!"

I mean I don't know what they're gonna do. It'll be interesting to see if the show tries to explain it or away or just ignore it altogether.

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9 hours ago, regularlyleaded said:

Ya, since they've unabashedly used the LA skyline as part of the backdrop several times, which to me is easily recognizable, I always sort of head-canoned that the real life LA was just called "National City" in this alternate fictional universe. So I took the shows location to be alternate universe Southern California.

I wonder if the production could simply get away with using footage they've already shot of the LA skyline to present the illusion that they are still in the same SoCal/National City from S1? And then when they do film scenes with their actors in outdoor locations try filming in locations that don't too obviously scream "We've moved the show into a completely different climate zone! Pay no attention to the endless expanse of firs and snow capped mountains where once there was desert, scrub, and fan palms!"

I mean I don't know what they're gonna do. It'll be interesting to see if the show tries to explain it or away or just ignore it altogether.

There's no reason they can't continue to use the LA skyline.  Most of the skyline establishing shots they use of Star(ling) City are actually Boston; I'm not sure what the city is that they use for Central (with the river) but I don't think it's Vancouver.


I'm 100% fine if they just say "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" and pretend the scenery never changed, but I will miss the palm trees.

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I was just going to type most of what MarkHB said.  They use Boston, Philadelphia, and Hong Kong for Star City and what looks a little like Cincinnati for Central City.  Just keep using the shots of Los Angeles.  

Thinking back over the season, they really didn't film too much outdoors.  There were some shots in a park and in the plaza outside the Catco building, and scenes in the desert, but only the latter will be tough to pull off in Vancouver.  They never sent Kara to the beach (unfortunately) or did much of anything with the ocean, really.  It is true that Arrow and The Flash film a lot at night but I think they can find a way to make Supergirl look different if they want to do so.  I count myself highly undisturbed by these issues and am so, so glad the show got another chance.     

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On 5/13/2016 at 9:59 AM, MarkHB said:

There's no reason they can't continue to use the LA skyline.  Most of the skyline establishing shots they use of Star(ling) City are actually Boston; I'm not sure what the city is that they use for Central (with the river) but I don't think it's Vancouver.


I'm 100% fine if they just say "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" and pretend the scenery never changed, but I will miss the palm trees.

The palm trees were, in fact, very prominent in the Pilot. Not as sure if they've been as clear in other episodes.

Okay, here's a BIG speculation. But it's also part conspiracy theory too (not in a negative sense, just in the one that there's a piece of info I think we're missing from the picture and I'm gonna guess about it).

A lot of people had somewhat WTF reactions to Kara's open ended promotion in the finale. But I think that was done by the writers for a VERY specific reason, and not one that's obvious at first. On the surface it just seems like it's typical forward motion for a character--a way to change things up, show a progression with her relationship with Cat, etc. But I think it was about more than that. I think it was about them having a backdoor plan already, way back when that was filmed (so months ago) for a possible move to Vancouver they suspected even then might happen, and what kinds of changes might be necessary to support that. 

Follow me here. What does Kara having this new job mean? And what does it do? Well because it's so open ended it could mean a lot of different things, do a lot of different things, but one thing it could so easily be made to do is create CatCo plots that don't involve Cat at all. At least not in person. 

The "you pick" thing was SO open, that this job could literally be shaped into anything from a remote job where Kara only periodically talks to Cat on the other end of a phone line or email, to a more moderate middle ground where Cat just breezes in periodically to "oversee" but otherwise isn't necessary on screen in every episode.  Whereas if Kara had continued to be Cat's assistant, you could only dodge scenes with Cat for so long before it seemed silly.

But Callista was in that scene setting up Kara's new job? Why would she cooperate with that you might ask?  Well she might if phasing back her work was something she already planned. She may have been given a heads up about a possible move far earlier than anyone outside heard. Or perhaps, as the wife of a huge moviestar and a fairly big celeb on her own, she never really was all that committed to the kind of hours the show took anyway. Or finally, maybe that scene was simply written for this possible purpose without telling Callista about that part. After all, the promotion could be played any number of different ways, and the fact that one of them is to arrange less of a dependence on Callista in future episodes isn't inherent in it--just really easy to do.

So... whether you agree or not that this might have been setup way in advance, at the very least does it seem likely that Kara's new job, in execution, is going to be semi-independent of Cat?

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, Kromm said:


So... whether you agree or not that this might have been setup way in advance, at the very least does it seem likely that Kara's new job, in execution, is going to be semi-independent of Cat?

That, and also it makes it much easier to excuse Kara's absences from the office when she's out doing Supergirl stuff.

I hope that Cat/Calista can at least be recurring (appearing every 3-4 episodes?) and not completely absent. Cat as Kara/Supergirl's mentor is one of the good things this show has going.

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One prospect I see as a possible way to use the switch Vancouver to their advantage is make a significant plot out of Project Cadmus and have it located 'up the coast' from National City.

Kara uses her open-ended promotion to ask for a position at a CatCo satellite office in, lets say 'Coast City' as cover for being in close proximity to Cadmus (for whatever reason). Maybe its a new branch that's just being set up so they need an IT guy up there to get things set up and you've got a reason for Winn to come along.

Cat only needs to be involved to the extent that CF is able to be involved in. If MB isn't moving then Jimmy remains behind as Cat's art director. If he is, then Jimmy wants to get back in the field and takes a position at the same affiliate. Lucy remains at the National City DEO installation while Alex and J'onn work out of a field office in Coast City.

Or they just stick to the city proper and use establishing shots and warmer filters and pretend its all still happening near National City.

11 minutes ago, Kendra said:

I think now that the show is on the CW there is going to be crossover after crossover and all these characters are going to intermingle between all the Berlanti shows. ...

I have a feeling that any crossovers with Supergirl will be just with The Flash (and maybe Legends), since it's the closest in tone. Coordinating all 4 DC shows(writing rooms) is going to be a beast. Assuming that all will be airing at the same time -- I wonder if Legends will premiere mid-season again?

1 hour ago, Trini said:

I have a feeling that any crossovers with Supergirl will be just with The Flash (and maybe Legends), since it's the closest in tone. Coordinating all 4 DC shows(writing rooms) is going to be a beast. Assuming that all will be airing at the same time -- I wonder if Legends will premiere mid-season again?

They could play this a few ways. 

If they just go with what's easiest, as well as what's proven to work, they just stick with Flash Meets Supergirl. He's the only one with the power to make the universe jump without having to kludge up a more complicated plotline, after all, and his show mythology is the one with universe portals.

Or they could make a deliberate attempt to introduce her to Arrow just to stoke any potential cross viewership. Never mind that the only way Oliver Queen or most of his enemies stand a chance around her is with a Kryptonite Arrow. I'm sure they'd come up with some reason, some justification, if they really needed one.

Legends of Tomorrow seems like an unlikely crossover. Time travel and universe travel are not interchangeable. You'd have to have some really dumb plot conceit to have the characters of LoT thrown into Supergirl's path. 

I'd bet the big difference is that if there's a crossover now, it's Supergirl being drawn to Earth 1, rather than Flash going back to Earth-S (my arbitrary name for it).  They did the other thing already. So they'd use some kind of portal, or perhaps Flash going to Earth-S just long enough to bring her back to Earth-1.

Hmm. A really interesting twist could be this--she isn't as powerful on Earth 1. Bear with me here. What if the wavelength of the solar radiation is subtly different between Earth-S and Earth-1?  You could have Flash drag her through just for them to be surprised she's powerless on Earth-1, or perhaps just make it that they THINK she's powerless, but she has to be solar charged from zero to have any real power there (and it takes time, during which they think she's powerless).  

1 hour ago, Kromm said:

... Legends of Tomorrow seems like an unlikely crossover. Time travel and universe travel are not interchangeable. You'd have to have some really dumb plot conceit to have the characters of LoT thrown into Supergirl's path. ...

Dude -- you say that as if 'really dumb plot conceit' isn't standard operating procedure in the Arrow-verse. Especially for Legends.  ;-)

They could introduce her to Arrow or Legends through the Flash, since he can cross universes. And yes, she's too powerful, but I think instead of actually de-powering her, just have her not use powers -- at least not flight or heat vision. It would be too big of a deal (too diffucult to explain) on Arrow, but maybe Legends could get away with her being at full capacity. All this depends on whether there's a Supergirl-level threat, though.

I agree that Supergirl coming to the Flash's world is the next logical step, but she'd be the first alien in that universe.

22 hours ago, Trini said:

I agree that Supergirl coming to the Flash's world is the next logical step, but she'd be the first alien in that universe.

Assuming she gets there before the Thanagarians show up :)

It's fun to imagine Supergirl in that sword duel with R'as al Ghul... swords break on her, she picks him up and flies him out over the cliff edge....

I was wondering something. Now that the show's on the CW, do you think there's a chance they could actually get Tom Welling to make an appearance as Superman?

I know people speculated about this before, but it seems to me it might actually be more likely now. If they wanted to. I always thought having Superman show up, no matter who they got, would overshadow her as a character, but if it really is somebody whose own show is over and done with, that seems like less of a problem.

I think it might be kinda cool actually. Don't know if he'd be interested, but I bet they could persuade him, since it'd only be a guest spot and the episode would get a TON of attention. In fact, while they're at it, they could get Erica Durance as Lois too! I wouldn't dare to hope for Michael Rosenbaum, although that would be awesome.

I'm interested to see how this show will write around Cat Grant not being around much. I'm speculating Calista won't be in as many episodes next season. Maybe even only a handful. If that happens, what do they do with Catco? Just ignore that the boss of the company isn't really ever there? Will they hire a replacement? 

I wonder if they would scrap Catco altogether and just shift Winn and Kara to working at the DEO all the time. James would probably step in and fill the role of mentor/advisor/pep talker (but also love interest) if Cat is no longer around to do so. 

1 hour ago, Kendra said:

I'm interested to see how this show will write around Cat Grant not being around much. I'm speculating Calista won't be in as many episodes next season. Maybe even only a handful. If that happens, what do they do with Catco? Just ignore that the boss of the company isn't really ever there? Will they hire a replacement? 

I wonder if they would scrap Catco altogether and just shift Winn and Kara to working at the DEO all the time. James would probably step in and fill the role of mentor/advisor/pep talker (but also love interest) if Cat is no longer around to do so. 

It's not very hard to accomplish. The nature of Kara's new job buys right into Kara potentially being around Kat a lot less (part of why I think they suspected all along this might happen). You can physically move Kara to a new city to manage a new Catco branch (with Winn along as a tech consultant). You can pretend the whole show is still happening in the same city and simply say her duties aren't as Cat's assistant anymore, so she only has to see her occasionally. You can even build a plotline where Cat herself has to go away (she loses the company, or moves herself to start a new branch). It's not going to be that hard.

  • Love 2

You can pretend the whole show is still happening in the same city and simply say her duties aren't as Cat's assistant anymore, so she only has to see her occasionally.

Unless CF is only willing to come back for like 5 episodes, I suspect this is mostly what they're going to do. I doubt very much the show will want to lose Catco, and this seems like the easiest way to keep it.

23 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

Unless CF is only willing to come back for like 5 episodes, I suspect this is mostly what they're going to do. I doubt very much the show will want to lose Catco, and this seems like the easiest way to keep it.

It's also overly simplistic to think by number of episodes. If they manage to be efficient and have most of the scripts written ahead of time, they can block out and shoot the scenes with Cat back to back, regardless of which episodes they land in. You could conceivably have her in every episode, albeit likely in far less scenes per episode than she used to be, and yet shoot her parts over three or four weeks, max. Even Mrs.Harrison Ford can probably bear to live in Canada for one month a year, I think. The person that's likely to be much harder on is Melissa, who's acting may be harder than it otherwise would have to be, flopping around her whole season's chronology like that just to accommodate another actor. And clearly the process can't be perfect, since normally they tweak episodes later on and this makes reshoots harder. But if they constrain Cat to prologue and epilogue type scenes for the most part, It'll be workable.

And really it's so easy to write Cat out completely, it's probably in Calista's best interest to play ball. I mean aside from the angle of Kara going full time to the DEO, or some remote office situation they could conceivably play even with Cat unseen totally on the other end of a phone and lots of "Yes, Miss Grant, No, Miss Grant", they could also have Catco taken over by someone else. Think of the story potential, for example, if Max Lord decides to branch out and take over Catco.

Edited by Kromm

If they manage to be efficient and have most of the scripts written ahead of time

From what I know about TV production, I don't think this is realistic, though (though if anyone else knows more, I'd love to be corrected if it means more CF!). From what I've seen, TV actors often seem to get the final scripts, like, the day before an episode starts shooting. I don't think the show could have an entire season's worth of Cat's scenes scripted to be ready to shoot them all massively out of order. And even if they could have the scripts, I don't know that they would have the time production-wise to be able to do that, since it means MB would have very limited time for non-Cat scenes for like a solid month.

However, I do agree that they'll try to arrange filming to accommodate CF's schedule. Like if there's back-to-back episode where they need her for (say) 2 days each, I'm sure they'd schedule her for 4 days in a row--the last two of the first ep and the first two of the second--and not make her be around the rest of the days the show's filming.

I've also wondered about her salary and budgetary concerns relative to the number of episodes she might be in. I can't imagine CF comes cheap, so I wonder if part of the negotiations (which I take to imply her original contract was probably nullified by the move) is hashing out how much she'll cost per ep and how much the show can afford on a presumably-slashed budget.

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20 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

From what I know about TV production, I don't think this is realistic, though (though if anyone else knows more, I'd love to be corrected if it means more CF!). From what I've seen, TV actors often seem to get the final scripts, like, the day before an episode starts shooting. I don't think the show could have an entire season's worth of Cat's scenes scripted to be ready to shoot them all massively out of order. And even if they could have the scripts, I don't know that they would have the time production-wise to be able to do that, since it means MB would have very limited time for non-Cat scenes for like a solid month.

However, I do agree that they'll try to arrange filming to accommodate CF's schedule. Like if there's back-to-back episode where they need her for (say) 2 days each, I'm sure they'd schedule her for 4 days in a row--the last two of the first ep and the first two of the second--and not make her be around the rest of the days the show's filming.

I've also wondered about her salary and budgetary concerns relative to the number of episodes she might be in. I can't imagine CF comes cheap, so I wonder if part of the negotiations (which I take to imply her original contract was probably nullified by the move) is hashing out how much she'll cost per ep and how much the show can afford on a presumably-slashed budget.

Well it depends, if as I said, Cat is constructed only to do bookends. It's hardly a perfect solution though, and still terribly subject to needing a lot of scenes to either be tossed, or reshot. I'd imagine if they try it, they'd try to get her for as big a block of time as possible for as many scenes up front as possible, and then oblige her to come back for reshoots during a few shorter hauls later in the year.

They could certainly try to simply double up her shooting schedule and bring her in as many days in a row as possible, then as many days off as possible, but that could frustrate her even more, since she'd be flying in and constantly (vs. just living there). Her husband, the guy who loves flying his own planes in and out of his job sites might like that, but I bet she would a lot less.

Edited by Kromm

So... whether you agree or not that this might have been setup way in advance, at the very least does it seem likely that Kara's new job, in execution, is going to be semi-independent of Cat?

Of course, I thought so too. There is no way they can have Cat/Kara scenes the way they used to, when she is no longer Cat's PA . Their relationship will change, Kara will change, so I always felt the actress (Callista) contract was changing after that season finale. I think S2 will be more Supergirl/DEO/other matters and less Kara/Catco.


Legends of Tomorrow seems like an unlikely crossover. Time travel and universe travel are not interchangeable. You'd have to have some really dumb plot conceit to have the characters of LoT thrown into Supergirl's path.

I think that can be arranged


I was wondering something. Now that the show's on the CW, do you think there's a chance they could actually get Tom Welling to make an appearance as Superman?

No no no no. They already had LV playing a totally different character not SG. If anything I think unknown would be far better to play Superman and not overshadow MB/Supergirl than TW who played 10 years of that character IMO.

Edited by WildcardC

Well, with what just happened last night on The Flash (I guess spoilers for whoever hasn't seen it yet), it looks like crossovers with Supergirl could be easier now, with Barry changing his timeline and creating a Flashpoint paradox. I don't read the comics so I don't really know much about Flashpoint, but it sounds like they could easily merge worlds now. Personally, I agree with the worries that have already come up with Barry and Arrow, in that it should be simple to just give a quick call to Supergirl to stop villains on the other shows if they're part of Earth-1/Flarrow-verse. But since they also ignore that tidbit half the time in the Flarrow-verse anyway, I guess they could merge. 

I hope they stick with their two separate worlds, but just have Cisco open a breach between Earth-1 and Earth-SG. Sure, they'd still have the issue about popping over to Earth-SG for Kara's help, but it would be easier to explain why they can't (they can't get to the breach for whatever reason, the breach is closed, etc). 

  • Love 1
7 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Well, with what just happened last night on The Flash (I guess spoilers for whoever hasn't seen it yet), it looks like crossovers with Supergirl could be easier now, with Barry changing his timeline and creating a Flashpoint paradox. I don't read the comics so I don't really know much about Flashpoint, but it sounds like they could easily merge worlds now. Personally, I agree with the worries that have already come up with Barry and Arrow, in that it should be simple to just give a quick call to Supergirl to stop villains on the other shows if they're part of Earth-1/Flarrow-verse. But since they also ignore that tidbit half the time in the Flarrow-verse anyway, I guess they could merge. 

I hope they stick with their two separate worlds, but just have Cisco open a breach between Earth-1 and Earth-SG. Sure, they'd still have the issue about popping over to Earth-SG for Kara's help, but it would be easier to explain why they can't (they can't get to the breach for whatever reason, the breach is closed, etc). 

I went into this a lot in The Flash forum, but I think it's flat out impossible that Supergirl would, or could, move to Earth-1.

It's too complicated. The Flarrowverse is built from the ground up on the notion that before Arrow there were no real costumed vigilantes, and certainly no above-ground openly known superheroes.

Think of the alternatives with Supergirl in Earth-1. All create deep problems. 

1.) Suddenly Earth-1 has to have a history of Kryptonians. You know... that guy who's powers are kind of like Kara's exists too, and was in operation for years. This would deeply change everything in the backstories of ALL of these shows.

2.) But lets say Kara and her cast are upended and recreated on Earth-1 sans Superman. He never existed. Then you have to wank her backstory so that there's a reason she came to Earth in the first place (perhaps the same reason Kal-El did, except she would be totally in his place), but even moreso a reason how if she WAS active all of those years, it hasn't also deeply changed Earth-1s backstory, but if she wasn't active all of those years, a rationale for her not being so.

Either way, we are creating situations where either (or both) the entire Season 1 of Supergirl has to be permanently blitzed out of existence and/or the entire backstory of the Flarrowverse has to be (and if it's just "temporary" how you reset things after that year). And what really would be the purpose of having Supergirl on the same Earth for just the length of the Flash storyarc? But if you LEAVE her there, you leave the undoing of her Season 1, or the Flarrowverse's earlier seasons (which might be acceptable for the earlier Seasons of Flash, because it's a show ABOUT that, but that's not the case with Arrow). 

On 5/25/2016 at 8:12 PM, Kromm said:

Either way, we are creating situations where either (or both) the entire Season 1 of Supergirl has to be permanently blitzed out of existence and/or the entire backstory of the Flarrowverse has to be (and if it's just "temporary" how you reset things after that year). And what really would be the purpose of having Supergirl on the same Earth for just the length of the Flash storyarc? But if you LEAVE her there, you leave the undoing of her Season 1, or the Flarrowverse's earlier seasons (which might be acceptable for the earlier Seasons of Flash, because it's a show ABOUT that, but that's not the case with Arrow). 

I think they might BARELY be able to make Supergirl work in a Flashpointed Flarrowverse. It wouldn't so much require changing anything major for Supergirl, but it would take a bit of redefining what we THINK we knew. The trick would be to run with the Golden Age Superman material where he spent a while as more of an urban legend (that the cops even shot at) than as a widely recognized public hero.

So, proposed timeline...

16 years ago, Barry Allen's mother is murdered by the Reverse Flash. Eobard Thawne assumes the identity of Harrison Wells.

12 years ago, Superman starts acting like a hero, but does so covertly and is seen as an urban legend in the Metropolis area. Kara's ship arrives and she's placed with the Danvers family.

9 years ago, Robert Queen, Oliver Queen and Sarah Lance depart on the Queen's Gambit.

4 years ago, Oliver Queen returns to Starling City and becomes the Hood/Arrow. In reaction both to the Vigilante, Superman goes public by letting Jimmy Olsen shoot a picture of him, but it takes time for people outside Metropolis to consider it more than a wild hoax. The aftermath of the Undertaking keeps Superman from being a priority in the news in Starling City.

3 years ago, The Star Labs particle accelerator explodes. Deathstroke's army lays siege to Star City. The aftermath of both events on the local populations keep Superman relegated to page two in those locatoins... particularly since the big splash is over by then and he's mainly dealing with disasters and not supervillains.

2 years ago, Barry Allen wakes up from his coma and becomes the Flash.

1 year ago, Barry opens up a rip between worlds. Supergirl reveals herself to the public.

Its a VERY tight fit and would probably split its seams if you breathed too hard, but it could very sloppily and with a few excised lines from the Supergirl pilot about when Superman revealed himself to the public... kinda sorta almost let Supergirl exist in the same universe as Arrow, Flash and Legends of Tomorrow.

All that said, I'd prefer she stick to her own universe. Heck, I'd almost prefer Flash and Arrow to be in different universes myself (and the Flash can have the magic stuff too).

Well, no formal merging of universes (yet?), but at the end of the crossover (the Legends of Tomorrow episode) Kara is given a  [plot] device that allows her to communicate with and travel to Earth-1 whenever she wants.

I don't think we'll see much crossing over (besides what has already been announced), but they've opened the door for it to happen more frequently.

Just a gentle reminder from your friendly neighbourhood moderators that this thread is for speculation on upcoming storylines, casting, characters, and other random wishes, hopes, and dreams for the series itself. Actual spoilers, up to and including events from crossover episodes of other shows, are not to be posted here. We have other threads for that.

Thank you and happy speculating. :)

  • Love 2
On 2/9/2017 at 2:34 AM, Trini said:

Based on the new Justice League of America comic DC is putting out, should we be expecting Lobo to turn up on Supergirl? The team is mostly comprised of characters that have more public awareness because of they are featured in the TV shows.

He was alluded to once, in "Truth, Justice and the American Way" (the Master Jailer episode).  It went something like this:



Hank: It looks like we have a galactic bounty hunter on our hands.

Alex: You don't mean....

Hank: No.  If he were here, we'd know.


I'd love to see it, but his whole personality is such a mismatch for the show that I can't see it happening.

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1 hour ago, MarkHB said:

This is pure speculation on my part:

What if Lena finds out that Kara is out of work, and winds up hiring her?  Or even potentially buying Catco, merging it into L-Corp and hiring Kara back?  James can go back to being art director (and there's no reason to say he wouldn't feel more comfortable doing that, since we haven't seen him relishing the CEO role) and Lena can take over the Office of Ozymandias.

Coming over from the media thread with this because I love it. I think there would be lots of potential "business" drama with Lena/Kara/Jimmy working together and the whole aliens/Cadmus thing being a "secret" with all of them. I'm all for anything that requires more characters to interact with each other.

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17 hours ago, shantown said:

Coming over from the media thread with this because I love it. I think there would be lots of potential "business" drama with Lena/Kara/Jimmy working together and the whole aliens/Cadmus thing being a "secret" with all of them. I'm all for anything that requires more characters to interact with each other.


I'd like that but given the show seems to hate having Lena interact with anyone other than Kara and Lillian and doesn't know what to do with Jimmy at all I'm not sure they'd be willing to go that way.

I thought Calista Flockhart was going to have a recurring role and pop in three or four times during the season.  Now that Kara isn't working at CatCo at all now, I guess she's just gone permanently.  I don't get how Kara wouldn't have a job, being Supergirl doesn't pay the bills, unless she's on the payroll at the DEO.  I do like the idea of Kara working for Lena though.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Dobian said:

I thought Calista Flockhart was going to have a recurring role and pop in three or four times during the season.  Now that Kara isn't working at CatCo at all now, I guess she's just gone permanently.  I don't get how Kara wouldn't have a job, being Supergirl doesn't pay the bills, unless she's on the payroll at the DEO.  I do like the idea of Kara working for Lena though.

Well, with Harrison Ford's sucky flying skills, I'd say that keeping an eye on him is Calista's full-time job nowadays anyway.

  • Love 7

When do we think that Lena finds out Kara is Supergirl? I figure it was  going to happen eventually, but with Lena aligning herself with Rhea, I think it could be sooner rather than later. But I kinda hope not because the Kara/Lena friendship has been good so far (if a wee bit underdeveloped), and I think that would end when Kara's secret identity is found out.

She'd better already know. She knew Rhea was an alien after one "thank the gods," yet she didn't notice Kara's, "I flew here... on, on a bus" and wasn't at all suspicious when Supergirl was conveniently "having coffee" with Kara Danvers while Kara and Lena were on the phone, overheard Lena being attacked, and managed to get there just in time to catch her mid-air? They want me to believe this woman is a genius, right?

I do believe she already knows, but is waiting for Kara to tell her out of respect. As for the 'thank the gods' thing, I do find it ridiculous that that is somehow proof of alienhood. I know humans from Earth (pretty sure they're humans) who say 'thank the gods', and 'by the gods'...they aren't even religious, they just grew up watching Xena, and it ended up in their vocabulary.

Since Lillian explicitly mentioned Lena not knowing the identity secret and what her reaction would be to Kara, I would assume that to be setup for Lena to find out in the finale. Either by accident/realization or because Kara finally woman's up and tells her. Otherwise she'll look like a crappy friend if she doesn't tell Lena after it has been explicitly brought up by Lillian. So the only thing that makes sense would be if Kara tells her or if Kara means to tell her, but circumstances are faster and Lena finds out before Kara can tell her. 

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8 minutes ago, tofutan said:

Since Lillian explicitly mentioned Lena not knowing the identity secret and what her reaction would be to Kara, I would assume that to be setup for Lena to find out in the finale. Either by accident/realization or because Kara finally woman's up and tells her. Otherwise she'll look like a crappy friend if she doesn't tell Lena after it has been explicitly brought up by Lillian. So the only thing that makes sense would be if Kara tells her or if Kara means to tell her, but circumstances are faster and Lena finds out before Kara can tell her. 

I am pretty sure the way it looks, Lena might find out on her own and either keep it to herself or confront Kara on why she didn't tell her. Hoping it doesn't lead to Lena going dark (doubt it) but just on a normal circumstances perhaps having a little fight with Kara and their friendship on the rocks, but repaired early next season. 

I feel like Lena knows Kara is Supergirl and is okay with it. Lillian clearly doesn't know her daughter as well as she thinks she does (she actually thought Lena wouldn't mind her double-crossing Supergirl and Mon-El and leaving them on Rhea's ship!), so I don't put much stock in her assertion that Lena will hate Kara.

If Lena honestly doesn't know that Kara is Supergirl... that will be the biggest load of crap this show's ever expected me to buy. Like I said in another thread, the girl was skeptical of Rhea after one "thank the gods," and we're meant to believe that Kara's "I flew here... on, on a bus" slipped right past her? Or that she honestly believes that Kara Danvers just happened to be having coffee with Supergirl when bad guys threw Lena off a roof? Or that Kara is dating Mon-El, Supergirl's alien co-worker? The woman is a certified genius, come on.

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No kidding.  It's like people being astounded that Cat Grant knew that James was the Guardian because she recognized his eyes through the Guardian mask.  This is the same woman who figured out that Barry Allen is the Flash about two minutes after meeting him, remember?  Which is to say that of course she and Lena BOTH have already figured out that Kara is Supergirl and are just playing dumb at this point because they figure that Kara will tell them herself when she is ready to.

Edited by legaleagle53
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1 hour ago, legaleagle53 said:

Which is to say that of course she and Lena BOTH have already figured out that Kara is Supergirl and are just playing dumb at this point because they figure that Kara will tell them herself when she is ready to.

Leaving Lena aside, I think that Cat's "where's Kira?" in the Catco scene in "Resist" was meant to tell us that she bought the MM-doppleganger ploy and no longer thinks the two of them are the same.  Granted, that could have been a fake-out on the part of the writers, but if it isn't answered once and for all in the finale then I will remain convinced that Cat no longer believes Kara is Supergirl.

The problem with show is the writers schizophrenic magic plot bunnies to fit the current ep. Lena has been shown to be very smart and socially aware yet twice now she has been fooled by her mother and by Rhea and acted "shocked" by their actions. Which either means Lena is great at hiding her true self or they are going to actually make a stand on this betrayal thing and blow it up to turn Lena dark. The fact that Lena instantly made the connection that Mon el was Kara boyfriend tells me she has already made the connection between Kara and supergirl. As Maggie said those glasses really are not a great disguise.

On 17.5.2017 at 7:55 AM, Cranberry said:

I feel like Lena knows Kara is Supergirl and is okay with it. Lillian clearly doesn't know her daughter as well as she thinks she does (she actually thought Lena wouldn't mind her double-crossing Supergirl and Mon-El and leaving them on Rhea's ship!), so I don't put much stock in her assertion that Lena will hate Kara.

If Lena honestly doesn't know that Kara is Supergirl... that will be the biggest load of crap this show's ever expected me to buy. Like I said in another thread, the girl was skeptical of Rhea after one "thank the gods," and we're meant to believe that Kara's "I flew here... on, on a bus" slipped right past her? Or that she honestly believes that Kara Danvers just happened to be having coffee with Supergirl when bad guys threw Lena off a roof? Or that Kara is dating Mon-El, Supergirl's alien co-worker? The woman is a certified genius, come on.

Based on Katie's most recent interview it seems she doesn't know, at least to Katie's knowledge. So presumably at least Katie is to her mind not playing it as her knowing it, she prefers Lena not knowing. 

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