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Thomas Ravenel & Kathryn Dennis: Will He Put A Ring On It?

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1 hour ago, Major Bigtime said:

The judge barred him from being unsupervised with his grandchildren due to some type of mental issues. The man also has a temper.

Referring back to where I said "fall in line" that is how Thomas thinks. He got mad when dinner wasn't ready when he got home that time, remember? He expects his wife/woman/whatever to serve him. He's living in the past, and since it didn't work for his father, he should probably wake up and realize it won't work for him either. The statements he made to JD about how a woman should feel privileged to be with him is more of his way of thinking about women.

From what I understand about the Ravenel family, they are revered and well thought of. Except Thomas. He's the embarrassing black sheep. 


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19 minutes ago, LIMOM said:

Thomas being thomas



It would never occur to him that there might be many reasons that he was turned away. It could have been closed because it had been booked for a private event. It's possible that he appeared to be already intoxicated and they didn't want to incur any liability by allowing him in and serving him more alcohol. Maybe he acted up the last time he was there and Shep told his staff to not let Thomas in. Maybe they had reached the occupancy limits.

You can't reason with Thomas when he feels like he's been slighted. I remember one of his earlier tweets when he had to take one of the kids to the doctor or hospital out in California. He kept complaining about whatever hassles he was dealing with and how they were caused by the Affordable Care Act when his problem was that the hospital or clinic was out of network for his insurance.

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He's been banned from a dozen or so establishments in Charleston. Maybe Shep has added his to the list. He really needs to lay off the tweets, after reading that custody agreement. He could easily screw it up on his end by being drunk in public or whatever. I don't think he's THAT stupid, but who knows.

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17 hours ago, LIMOM said:

It feels intrusive to read the order.

hope that K. Can live up to the rules.

rooting for her. 

who is Nancy Dennis?

Nancy Dennis is Kathryn's Aunt. With her mother sick with cancer it may be deemed necessary for her Aunt to step in for supervision duties should her mother be in hospital for treatment or too sick to supervise. 

I also found it interesting that if Kathryn stays sober and does not break any of the orders, that a new nanny will be hired September 1st. Seems like the poor children are getting juggled and are not always going to have consistency in their care. There was even a clause stating that TRav cannot have sexual relationships with anyone hired to care for the children. Did KD accuse TRav of sleeping with the nanny? A lot of it was standard but it is a starting point for Kathryn to gain back more time with her children if she toes the line. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
Darn autocorrect
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31 minutes ago, Darva6 said:

That horrid, racist Ravenal who is his father is also "revered" and "well thought of"? Disgusting.

Wasn't the bridge named after him?

2 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

 I also found it interesting that if Kathryn stays sober and does not break any of the orders, that a new nanny will be hired September 1st. 

I find that a little petty too, and surprised the judged allowed that in the clause. It seems like the nanny has taken care of the children well, from various different accounts of people close to Thomas. It looks like Kathryn just has a personal vendetta against that particular nanny, and the judge gave in to that? It seems counter-intuitive to fire the nanny that has taken care of the children while one parent is unstable. 

  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, LIMOM said:

The thinking might be that K would take care of the children at that time?

And yes, she has accused him of sleeping with one of the nanny.

Poor Kinsey, already in therapy at 4.

the good thing about this mess, is that Thomas can afford it.

She can't because as of September 1st she enters into phase 2 and still has to have supervision at all times. The good thing is that if she stays clean and sober in one year she and TRav will have one week on, one week off visitation and Kathryn's won't have to be supervised. 

  • Love 2
Just now, biakbiak said:

It was actually the 19 year old daughter of the nanny who sometimes helps out her mom.

The nanny named in the complete custody agreement as DP and her daughter PP are both out of the picture as of Sept 1st. Darn device won't let me cut and paste it for you. Page 9 in the custody agreement I think. 

  • Love 1
22 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

The nanny named in the complete custody agreement as DP and her daughter PP are both out of the picture as of Sept 1st. Darn device won't let me cut and paste it for you. Page 9 in the custody agreement I think. 

Is this the same nanny we've often seen with Kensie since she was very young? 

  • Love 1
14 minutes ago, Major Bigtime said:

Yes, the nanny we've seen on TV. She has been with them since they were born, I think. 

Then it's a real shame that she's being made to leave. Thomas and Kathryn ought to read about "poor little rich girl" Gloria Vanderbilt and how being separated permanently from her nanny (who was her only stable mother figure) as a young child emotionally scarred her for life. Maybe Kathryn's suspicions about the nanny's 19-year-old daughter having a fling with Thomas, or at least flirting heavily with him, are true. I can see why Kathryn would want HER out of the picture since it could confuse the children if Daddy seemed to be involved with that young woman. Both parents seem to have trusted the nanny so far, thus it's sad and possibly harmful that the kids have to lose her.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 5

I agree, she should not be made to leave. It didn't help that Kathryn made that big announcement when she showed up drunk to the christening, about the nanny's daughter. I doubt anything happened, Thomas doesn't seem the type to sleep with the help. But what do I know! :)

Kathryn wants what Kathryn wants, her kids are not her #1 priority. I see her raising objections about any nanny in the future.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, LIMOM said:

The thinking might be that K would take care of the children at that time?

And yes, she has accused him of sleeping with one of the nanny.

Poor Kinsey, already in therapy at 4.

the good thing about this mess, is that Thomas can afford it.

The agreement doesn't specify the type of therapy for which Kensie has a standard appointment.  I recall reading somewhere that she may have a hearing issue.  If that is the case, developmental speech can often be affected.  It's possible that the "therapy" mentioned in the agreement is speech therapy.  This is pure speculation on my part; I have no inside info.

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

I agree, she should not be made to leave. It didn't help that Kathryn made that big announcement when she showed up drunk to the christening, about the nanny's daughter. I doubt anything happened, Thomas doesn't seem the type to sleep with the help. But what do I know! :)

Kathryn wants what Kathryn wants, her kids are not her #1 priority. I see her raising objections about any nanny in the future.

At this point I think Thomas would have sex with any willing woman, but there are a lot fewer willing women that he views as "quality" women than there used to be, and he's not the type to marry the help. 

He was bemoaning the loss of his mojo to JD in one episode. I don't think fame has garnered him more high-quality partners, just more gold diggers with trashy backgrounds and perhaps drug and alcohol problems. He's not going to marry that sort of woman. I see that part of the reason he's still got the hots for Kathryn is that he views her as "his kind" and likely the last and final sexy young thing of "his kind" that he will be able to attract. At his age, he probably thinks his female peers are "old, fat, bitter divorcees with kids" as one ex friend of mine termed it.

From the first episodes I thought that it was Thomas who seemed "honored and privileged" that Kathryn wanted to be with him. He reeks of low self-esteem. And Gentry bourbon.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 6

No woman of "quality" would even consider marrying Thomas. He has too much baggage, is an alcoholic, went to prison for selling cocaine, had two children with a woman he wasn't married to and still has (and probably always will have) custody issues with and is attracted to in a very twisted way. That was a very long way of saying no woman in her right mind would hook her star to Thomas. 

  • Love 9

I give Landon credit for stepping up and calling Thomas out on his behavior. He sure got a shock! Thought Landon a young female pushover of "his kind" who would accept whatever bullshit he dished out toward Kathryn if it meant getting a ring from him. Well, Landon got some backbone and unhitched her wagon from his train wreck of a life. I loved him basically crying to JD about the huge "betrayal". Here's my Hermès hankie for you, Thomas. No, please keep it. 

  • Love 7
On 7/5/2017 at 4:21 PM, Mindthinkr said:

There is still a lot of room for fighting with these parents. If they argue over something that they think is best for Kenzie it is in the papers that in case of dispute, TRav wins. Let's hope he doesn't abuse this power to his daughters disadvantage. 

He absolutely will abuse this power, same way he abuses absolutely everything. 

  • Love 1
On 7/4/2017 at 5:28 PM, zoeysmom said:

Very interesting read.  Apparently Kathryn has been testing negative since April because the agreement is retroactive.  Also, the testing is for illegal drugs and 'abuse' of alcohol or prescribed drugs.  That's pretty important because it's saying she can drink and she can take prescribed medications, just not abuse them.  If Kathryn was an alcoholic, I don't think TRav would agree to this.

All in all, it looks like a pretty good agreement for both of them.  I think they may both have problem not slamming each other on social media. 

It made me wonder what's in Beth and Jason's custody agreement in regards to making negative comments publicly or on social media.  And dating, etc.

  • Love 4
48 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

So the children are not to be in the presence of the maternal grandfather or HIS DOG? wtf? 

Could be a breed that Kathryn or Thomas thinks is not good with children, or just that the children aren't used to dogs. Who knows? Dogs do bite children sometimes (Kim and Kroy Bierman's son, for recent example) and if there's reason to worry that the grandfather can't or won't control his dog, and he can't be around the kids anyway, best to keep the dog away, too.  

  • Love 6
On 7/4/2017 at 9:04 PM, Major Bigtime said:

He's been banned from a dozen or so establishments in Charleston. Maybe Shep has added his to the list. He really needs to lay off the tweets, after reading that custody agreement. He could easily screw it up on his end by being drunk in public or whatever. I don't think he's THAT stupid, but who knows.

His Stupidity Depends on his Cake- kayn  use that particular day and what Pourtys he has attended with his magical pants.

Edited by Nancypants
On 7/5/2017 at 0:34 PM, Darva6 said:

That horrid, racist Ravenal who is his father is also "revered" and "well thought of"? Disgusting.

He refuses to carry 5 $ bills cuz they have Lincoln's face on them. Think about THAT ALL YOU Ravenel supporters!

Maybe Abraham Lincoln did not have enough Cake- cayne Pourties to suit the slave owners...

  • Love 1

I always thought the TomKat love story was more Bravo inspired rather than based on their actual feelings for each other. They both appear to me to susceptible to hollow flattery so I can see that with some subtle elephant-touch Bravo hints along the lines of  "you guys are the greatest love story ever told," "you two are not just the show but the whole damn Bravo network," that those two nitwits would play into whatever storyline Bravo manipulated. As far as either of them being taken advantage of by the other or who was/is most responsible for the havoc they wreak, it's a tossup.  Kathryn was 21 when they filmed the first season of the show. In my opinion that's far too young for the then 50 year old Thomas but that's also old enough to have graduated college or to have served in the military. I find neither Kathryn nor Thomas as attractive or hot as they think they are. Kathryn, without the pounds of makeup, hair extensions, and the Vaseline filters she uses when posting her (cough) modeling (cough) photos on Instagram, has a simple, Sissy-Spacek-early -days sort of prettiness. Thomas, despite years of hard living, is no movie star but actually is in better shape than most 55 year old men. That's it. They are two moderately attractive people who because of a lethal combination of Bravo marketing and famewhoredom believe that they are somehow licensed to behave in any ridiculous way that they want. Thomas and Kathryn are two assclown birds of a same feather, two dipshits that beat as one, two dumbass peas in a dysfunctional pod, infinity.

  • Love 12
On 5/18/2017 at 7:25 PM, Gam2 said:

Wow! That young woman Thomas is allegedly dating needs a good bra and a new dress. That was nothing to wear out in public! I am so tired of seeing saggy, hanging breasts in low cut clothing on all of these young women. Have some dignity and pride in yourselves, girls. 

As a man, I have to disagree. :P

  • Love 1

With all of the photos of young (and not so young) women nude, in low cut clothing, sex tapes, etc., it's become all too common and nothing strange or tittilating (sorry!). If everyone does it, it's not that interesting anymore. I don't understand why these women film sex tapes and then go ape shit when someone steals them, sells them and shows them. Hey girls. Don't film yourselves having sex. How's that for an idea?  Guess I'm old fashioned-my stuff is for my husband and no one else. And I don't care to see someone else's stuff. Just saying.

  • Love 2
34 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

With all of the photos of young (and not so young) women nude, in low cut clothing, sex tapes, etc., it's become all too common and nothing strange or tittilating (sorry!). If everyone does it, it's not that interesting anymore. I don't understand why these women film sex tapes and then go ape shit when someone steals them, sells them and shows them. Hey girls. Don't film yourselves having sex. How's that for an idea?  Guess I'm old fashioned-my stuff is for my husband and no one else. And I don't care to see someone else's stuff. Just saying.

I'm not interested in seeing a bunch of stuff and junk on my TV either.

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