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Season 2 Discussion


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I don't think anyone needs to edit how they feel about someone on a show just because they may pop in here. All of my own posts are still here, I thought Cassia was a whiny bitchy crybaby when she first appeared on the show. As the show went on, I started to have a little more sympathy for her due to how Jason was treating her. I was also happy to hear her side of things, as only she knows what really went on there. My opinion about her, and a lot of the people on the show, changed with each episode. At first, I remember saying how I thought Danny and Amy were the cutest couple and most likely to make it. Within a couple of episodes, my mind changed.

The season is over and I don't think we need any additional threads. No one should feel that they need to censor their posts. If you remember, people from the show were reading here from day one. We knew it, we contined to express honest opinions. I don't think that should change.

I still think Jason's eBay auctions are junk. :)

  • Love 8
That said, if I were Danny & Amy I would for sure never let my children be around him without me there.


I would argue that their children should not be around him EVER. With or without Amy and Danny. Because how do you explain to kids who are half African that grandpa doesn't like African people or African American people, although he makes the occasional exception for family members like mommy because she has proved herself an exception and therefore worthy of his notice? How do you explain to them why everyone puts up with it?



But Amy and Danny will have children. And they WILL expose those children to grandpa. I have zero doubt about that. Because they don't want to rock the boat. These two - especially Danny - are so incredibly passive. I think it's crazy to think they have some sort of strategy for winning him over with Amy's awesomeness. I think that "strategy" is the story they came up with after getting blow-back from so many people who watched the two of them sitting there like bumps on a log while that man was spewing his bull. I was in disbelief when they explained that they basically overlook the racism thing (as if it's some sort of minor character flaw) because dad is a good guy in other ways. Danny's father is an unapologetic racist. It is who he is, what he is, and what he believes. It is part of his character. It is painful watching them try to tuck that fact away in a little box somewhere so they don't have to think about it or address it.

Edited by sleepyjean
  • Love 8

I'm mainly here for the genuine snark, for those who make me laugh, especially if they can do so when I don't really agree with them, for the thoughtful well-considered comments and the short, sharp, shocking remarks. I get bored quickly when all I read in a forum is a back and forth between fan-girly fawning and people making harsh, gross comments, but fortunately that largely has not been the case here. I've seen no degeneration in the overall tone because a show participant posted and I don't care for the suggestion that anyone bringing any degree of an informed viewpoint is taking the discussion in a bad direction. Unless they are bending it in a pointlessly off-topic direction, it enhances the debate. I wish the discussion on the reunion show had been a fraction as lively. Between the rote questions the glassy-eyed host was reading in a nominally human-like tone, the way the production spent such a huge chunk of the show on clips and then clearly edited out any spontaneous reactions that contradicted the narrative they portrayed on the show (other than Daya's crying jag), it was dull, dull, dull.  If I had watched the season 1 reunion (missed it) and seen something like this waste of time I would have probably given season two a pass and I think this season was more interesting overall. It was very off-putting that the production was so unwilling to let the participants say much about their perceptions of the events as opposed to how it came off on TV. It really underlined how very artificial and reductive the series has been and I found it very boring. It didn't have to be an hour of contradicting what the show had portrayed, It just had to be interesting and if they'd given a little more time to letting the cast speak for themselves it might have been. It was one of the worst reality reunions I've ever seen, just painfully inept.

Edited by yuggapukka
  • Love 7

Actually, I will disagree with this. I think the name of this show should be changed to "Marrying Out of Your League," because that's what most of the American partners are doing. They all think that their overseas fiances/fiancees will be so grateful to be in America that they'll put up with stuff an American girl/guy wouldn't stick around for, and so these relationships are "safe." Good luck with that.


I think that Chelsea/Yamir and Amy/Danny may be the exceptions, since they met IRL and seem fairly evenly matched.


I can't get a good read on Justin from the show, but it doesn't seem like there are a lot of women as sweet and classy as Evelin here in the USA who would want to date him.


Jason would never get a hot 23-yo bikini model like Cassia here in the States. Never going to happen. He just does not have enough to offer. But he can import one from an impoverished nation. I don't mean to sound cruel, but that's exactly what he did.


Brett is a pathetic wimp who does not have the backbone for an American girl. But, again, he can import one from a much poorer nation and tell himself she'll never divorce him. Guess again, Brett.


Danielle is probably the worst of this bunch. Actually, I don't believe at all that she *would* settle for a "normal" guy who's in her own dating league. That's why she went out and tried to buy the arm candy that is Mo.


I'm fascinated with the out-of-your-league stuff and that's the main reason why I watch this show.


This is a good observation. 


I'll argue that Danny and possibly Chelsea fit the pattern too. Wimpy, immature Danny married a beautiful, elegant, gracious woman. He got a much better deal than she did. Plain Chelsea got herself a cute pop star. I seriously doubt that would have happened domestically. However, this relationship seems pretty evenly matched otherwise. 

  • Love 1

Here is 50 cents about this show. When you put your life for the public to see, edited or not, and act "differently than yourself". Then yes you will get a response, maybe you will be liked or not, its not your choice. Its the viewers.

Comments about someone who happen to be from the same country, and that you happened to know personally, is not attacking her/ him. It is giving your fair share of opinion.

Well, I am not here to change someone's mind. Maybe when you are inside a TV show you can understand a little better how things really work. I didn't know till I got in one.

And when some brazilians attack me saying "omg, you are a shame to Brazil" or attack Daya saying "she is not representing her nation" because they don't have people like her in the Philippines I think this is pretty sad. Even if I don't want, I am representing people down in my country. But when they have no idea how production works, I cannot do much. 

I try to talk to everybody and try to be "friends". But when they keep being abusive and disrespectful, all I have to do is block them and ignore. They are not paying my bills anyway.

I read here that someone was complaining about what I wrote about Danny. Well, he is still funny. And if you didn't watch the reunion show, what he said was very mature. His dad is still his dad and Danny and Amy will keep loving him. His dad can have a wrong view about the world, but is his opinion, right? As you have an opinion, he has one too. And Danny and Amy are trying to change that everyday. A little bit everyday. They don't need to fight with his dad.

But now, hate the guy just because he didn't have a discussion with his dad? What good could come from this? This is probably my last post on this forum. I don't want piss people off, thinking I have "special treatment". :)

Thanks for the good treatment I received in here. It was just a show anyway. Thanks for watching!

  • Love 16

Actually, I will disagree with this. I think the name of this show should be changed to "Marrying Out of Your League," because that's what most of the American partners are doing. They all think that their overseas fiances/fiancees will be so grateful to be in America that they'll put up with stuff an American girl/guy wouldn't stick around for, and so these relationships are "safe." Good luck with that.


I think that Chelsea/Yamir and Amy/Danny may be the exceptions, since they met IRL and seem fairly evenly matched.


I can't get a good read on Justin from the show, but it doesn't seem like there are a lot of women as sweet and classy as Evelin here in the USA who would want to date him.


Jason would never get a hot 23-yo bikini model like Cassia here in the States. Never going to happen. He just does not have enough to offer. But he can import one from an impoverished nation. I don't mean to sound cruel, but that's exactly what he did.


Brett is a pathetic wimp who does not have the backbone for an American girl. But, again, he can import one from a much poorer nation and tell himself she'll never divorce him. Guess again, Brett.


Danielle is probably the worst of this bunch. Actually, I don't believe at all that she *would* settle for a "normal" guy who's in her own dating league. That's why she went out and tried to buy the arm candy that is Mo.


I'm fascinated with the out-of-your-league stuff and that's the main reason why I watch this show.

BTW, Brazil is a very rich country. The problem down there is with the politicians. I don't wanna be rude, but if one day you have a talk with a bunch of educated people and say that Brazil is an impoverished nation, they will probably laugh at your face. For your own good, be informed before you affirm something!

Edited by CassiaTavares
  • Love 3

And when some brazilians attack me saying "omg, you are a shame to Brazil" or attack Daya saying "she is not representing her nation" because they don't have people like her in the Philippines I think this is pretty sad.

I agree, and as others I know who have been a part of reality TV, they had no idea of the silly backlash they would get.

Knowing someone else from your hometown as I do, I know the vast opportunities available there. She has a business based from the acai berries that grow there. Very profitable.

Don't get me started on politicians. LOL!!! We have enough problems with those guys right here in the U.S.

  • Love 1

I love having Cassia here and hearing her side of things. I wish the others would all join, too.



I enjoy having Cassia here as well and enjoy her take on the show.  I have to admit my first impression of her was way different than after I saw the last few shows and the reunion show.  The editing for the beginning shows made her look like she was a bit spoiled, but she was much more likeable in the later shows. I think it is great that she isn't afraid to give her opinions.  I look forward to hearing updates on all the couples.

  • Love 2

Marrying out of ones league?


I think Danny and Amy are roughly in the same league.   He is quite good looking as well, and she seems as much a passive wimpish personality as he is.   She doesn't stand up for herself in any of the instances she could.   If anything he seems to wear the pants in the relationship, which probably means despite her seeming intelligent and well put together, she is just as much a coward (or more) than he is.   He comes across a wimp with his disgusting vile father, and his goonish brothers, yet Amy seemingly cant stand up to even him.   Amy seems to have been elevated to some ridiculous god status on forums for this show though.    I think they are most definitely in the same league, and have a lot of the same strengths (mostly just looks, good education and well spoken, and strong religious held views for those who value that) and weaknesses.   I do find it baffling the father who is also Danielle level ugly physically, in addition to being the bigoted/racist arsehate he is, produced such a large batch of good looking sons and daughters though.  I never believed in gene pool theories anyway though and will just use him as my example next time I have an argument with a friend who does.


Mohamed is way out of Danielle's league of course, not since he is even anything special.   In fact I think if he were an American all his life, he would also have a hard time getting a decent (something way above Danielle girlfriend).  She is just disgusting, and I don't feel bad saying that as she seems like an awful and detestable human being, otherwise I would normally not be so cruel.   I cant believe I feel sorry for Mohamed, but I do.  He is definitely a scammer who came just for the green card.   However she has scammed him even more.   I do believe if she was honest about her financial situation, had her priorities somewhat in order, and purchased his work visa which is her responsibility as his sponsor, but which she hasn't done, he would atleast keep up his side of the bargain/game to atleast work while with her, and help support her daughters, atleast until he bolts.   Who knows, he might have even given the relationship a bit of a chance, and tried to something in her that wasn't skin deep.   Instead he is stuck, without even the money to go home probably, and not the opportunity to work.   He cant even raise money for himself to get his work visa to work that wouldn't be against regulations as far as I know.   I think he is the victim here, despite that he is also a bit of an ungenuine scammer himself.


Evilyn is probably out of Justin's league a bit, but on the surface she could do a whole lot worse.   He is a good looking guy (vs some of the others of this season who were kind of gross), with a good body, and seems to be a guys guy who probably has a fair number of friends (unlike most of the men on this season).   He atleast works and is in a decent financial situation (yet again unlike many of this season).   He clearly loves to have sex with his women (already putting him way above many of these others), which lets face it a gorgeous women like her probably wants from her man.    He is strange though, something about him I cant quite figure out.  As long as they can get past whatever that is, and she can tolerate his old school man/women views he seems to hold, which a real American as hot as her would probably never tolerate, they probably should be fine for awhile.


Chelsea and Yamir I find in the same league, other than his so called big pop career.   I don't believe he was a big star at all anyway.  If he were why are they so poor.   Justin Timberblake in his own country, I call BS!   They wouldn't be unable to afford to move to Chicago if that were true.    Maybe he was the only one who did music there, and even making a McDonalds salary that he was still using all up while there like others with even less money, that is what they viewed as huge there, I don't know.   I looked up some videos on youtube and there was nothing that indicated this huge following, and their press conference had hardly anyone there.   He is hardly gorgeous, although in comparision to Jason, Brett, or even Mohamed he seems like a prize even looks wise, and she isn't ugly.   Both are boring people who seem to lack drive, conviction, and ability to dictate a feasible, working plan for themselves.   He does seem like a sweetheart, so I feel sorry for him in a way, but I don't think he had this grand life there as is potrayed, and atleast here he can take a hot shower, so it isn't too bad.   Anyway if he even makes it as a E-level music guy here (the best he will probably ever manage), he probably makes more than a A-one makes there.


Daya is probably out of Brett's league quite a bit, but she seems to be a domineering matrix type personality and probably enjoys having a whooping boy.  He is a good person with a big heart I believe, and she likes a weaker man she can control, so they are probably as good a match for each other as they will get.   It is not like many hotter or better men would be that interested in a bad tempered Latino women, who had to go on a show like this just to get into the U.S, who likes to have a whooping boy for her man.


Cassia is way out of Jason's league, but she seems to like him a lot and it seems genuine.   Beauty and perceptions of people are in the eye of the beholder anyway, and this is probably one of those cases.   There is probably even someone in the world that thinks Danielle is beautiful and/or a great person overall and/or intelligent and/or responsible, etc....that is actually good looking and not clinically insane too.   Likely she will never meet him, as it would be 5 people out of billions, but still is probably out there somewhere.


So basically the only ones I see marrying much out of their league are Mrs. Peter from Family Guy look-a-like (Danielle of course) and Mohamed, Brett and Daya, Jason and Cassia.  However I believe Cassia sees this way more handsome, intelligent, funny, cool guy in Jason than anyone else does, so does not even believe this anyway.   Daya meanwhile seems to be one to like a man mostly inferior to her, so is probably very happy with the situation.   He will become a Bruce Jenner neutered type husband, and he isn't even nearly as ugly as Bruce Jenner (even if he will never achieve anything in life near Jenner's Olympic Decathalon gold either, or be worth nearly as much money), so for someone with her demands could be a lot worse.   She has too many issues at this point to get a guy much better anyway, even if she wanted to.  

Edited by feistyone35
  • Love 1

I think it's also just generally an unwritten rule that when dealing with a significant other or even a friend's parent or other family member, the first thing to do in a situation like that is to let them handle it.  Some people would be quite offended or upset by someone from outside the family going ahead and standing up to a parent, even if the parent is very wrong, as Danny's dad was/is.  


With Danny and Amy, the same goes for the rude and inappropriate comments his brother was making - Amy was staying in his home up until the wedding, and in that situation, it was really up to Danny to speak up on her behalf, not because Amy isn't capable, but because it's his brother.  Particularly upon just meeting her future in-laws, I think Amy behaved as most people would and said about as much as she could have.  Danny on the other hand could have told his brother he was going too far, or told his father that interracial marriages *are* common and accepted in the US.  I think his youth is likely a big factor here though - he's probably never been in a position before where he needed to stand up to his elders that way, let alone on someone else's behalf.

  • Love 6
There are a TON of men who are on online dating sites here in the states who could help Dani, provide for her and her family. But, they are men closer to her own age and background, and they are not nearly as exciting as foreigner Mo. I can see Mo sweeping her off her feet online, whereas a regular Joe here in the U.S. might not do that for her. But if she truly wanted someone as a partner/husband/mate, to provide for her.... they are out there. She just wasn't looking for that, I don't think. And I'm basing that solely on what I've seen on the show, not outside sources. Her body language, the way she'd weep at the drop of a hat when her young boyfriend looked like he might leave. She was looking for someone she could cling to, literally, and her daughters were on their own.



I think the issue with Dani is that she doesn't just want "a man" she wants a man who's "FINE."


The reunion did seem boring, but I really didn't think any hard hitting questions would be asked.  If TLC hired some private interrogator to ask questions, they'd never get anybody else to apply for next season.  No one wants to be or feel attacked.


Mo and Dani didn't bother me, because there are couples like that, those who marry for a green card; or some other kind of arrangement, quid pro quo.  


Danny's dad is a jerk, but shit like that happens in families where everybody's the same race.  My friend has been with her husband for nearly 20 years, and her mother in law still can't stand her.  Not because of race or religion, but because my friend doesn't have the "right look."  WTF?  Some people are just strange.

  • Love 3

The reunion show was all about damage control. Personally, it didn't change my opinion of anyone, but based on the responses here, it seems Justin/Cassia and Brett/Daya did the best job of salvaging their reputations and changing public opinion. Mo/Dani didn't do themselves any favors, but then again, there isn't anything they could do at this point to save face. They could've made out on the couch and nobody would believe it.

Danny's dad is a jerk, but shit like that happens in families where everybody's the same race.


Very true, and often the family members handle it just like Danny's does. Everyone knows there's "an issue." They all go out of their way to avoid it coming up, and when it does come up, everyone clams up, nobody addresses it, and they all go along to get along.

Edited by sleepyjean
  • Love 2

Danielle should just find a nice trucker man.   I think that is an attainable goal for her.    It would still in fact be marrying up for her in a big way, yet it is also something realistic, and he would probably make decent money too which she badly needs.    Lots of trucker guys date someone sort of like her, although nowhere near as insecure and uncommited to all things responsible as she is, but maybe with love (real love) that could change her.   She needs to get out of her fantasy land of dating a much younger and somewhat sexually appealing man, even one not THAT great looking and perhaps a bit of a douche personality wise like Mohamed, as the only way she will ever get someone like that is something like the train wreck that this has been.


Of all 6 couples she is the one by far more than anyone else, reaching way way out of her league. 

  • Love 1

I wonder if Danielle got the idea of a foreign husband from her friend, Angie, who was in a similar situation.  Angie seemed on a par with Danielle, looks-wise.  Maybe she had snagged herself a hot young Muslim husband from overseas and Dani thought she could do the same.  While I might not describe Moe as "hot", I think he is handsome.

  • Love 2

I wonder if Danielle got the idea of a foreign husband from her friend, Angie, who was in a similar situation.  Angie seemed on a par with Danielle, looks-wise.  Maybe she had snagged herself a hot young Muslim husband from overseas and Dani thought she could do the same.  While I might not describe Moe as "hot", I think he is handsome.

Well, if that is the case, then Mo's days are numbered as Angie got rid of the first husband and is working on number 2 from Pakistan. Ain't love grand-- but definitely not long lasting--- well at least for Angie.

  • Love 2
He will become a Bruce Jenner neutered type husband, and he isn't even nearly as ugly as Bruce Jenner (even if he will never achieve anything in life near Jenner's Olympic Decathalon gold either, or be worth nearly as much money)



Ouch!   In his heyday, Bruce Jenner was considered very handsome and personable.  He was a top athlete with a successful career in product endorsements and speaking engagements.  He amassed a great deal of wealth on his own...before ever associating with a Kardashian.

  • Love 5

Danielle should just find a nice trucker man.   I think that is an attainable goal for her.    It would still in fact be marrying up for her in a big way, yet it is also something realistic, and he would probably make decent money too which she badly needs.    Lots of trucker guys date someone sort of like her, although nowhere near as insecure and uncommited to all things responsible as she is, but maybe with love (real love) that could change her.   She needs to get out of her fantasy land of dating a much younger and somewhat sexually appealing man, even one not THAT great looking and perhaps a bit of a douche personality wise like Mohamed, as the only way she will ever get someone like that is something like the train wreck that this has been.


Of all 6 couples she is the one by far more than anyone else, reaching way way out of her league. 

That's an insult to truckers! :D

  • Love 2

I don't think Dani could find a trucker man, or she likely would have. In theory, she could attract someone with a rescue complex, but there aren't that many of those to go around. She's got three dependent teens, no education, she isn't clever or funny, she's dishonest, she lacks confidence (I still can't get over that kindergarten-style hiding her face at the reunion), she's in her 40s...there are a lot of single moms to choose from in Ohio relative to the number of gainfully employed single straight men. That's IF she would accept someone without Mohammed's appeal of being 15-20 years younger, tall, and relatively handsome. There's a reason she's looking abroad.


So much word to the "Marrying Out of Your League" theory.

  • Love 2

I'd be curious to know if Brett or Dani (I believe they are the only ones who went out looking for a foreign spouse) ever tried any Eharmony, match, etc, or even tried to find anyone nearby, before writing off the whole United States and looking elsewhere..

These type of people are delusional and think there is this mysterious love of there life out in the world.I have family in Russia and there are whole schools basically teaching women how to scam these slow westerners.In Tunisia its the same thing but with fat middle aged desperate midwestern white women.

  • Love 3

These type of people are delusional and think there is this mysterious love of there life out in the world.I have family in Russia and there are whole schools basically teaching women how to scam these slow westerners.In Tunisia its the same thing but with fat middle aged desperate midwestern white women.


And Midwestern women are more desperate than those in the rest of the country?  I'm from Chicago, and I never noticed all the fat middle-aged desperate Midwestern white women.

  • Love 2

I want to jump in on Justin and Evelin's behalf - he seems to take quite a beating on here.  My brother is very similar to Justin, he's a super private person and always has been.  When he married his first wife, he didn't tell anyone for 3 months (that she was a whack job played a lot into that) and when he left her, she told my mom before he told anyone.  When he remarried, he had a beach wedding with just our family and her immediate family (they came from Japan), so he doesn't shut us out completely.  Now, unfortunately, it hasn't worked out but we don't know why and we don't even know if he's divorced or just separated. He just tells us the bare facts that he thinks we need to know.  He keeps his problems to himself, and we do our best to respect the boundaries he sets.  He lives across the country from us, but he visits several times a year, we vacation together and he plays games online while skyping with my kids.  If my brother was on that show (which he would die first and I really can't figure out why Justin did it), he would likely come across as detached and weird as everyone sees Justin, when in fact he's pretty much exactly opposite.


Also, going back to E1 when he showed Evelin the sink of dishes for her to do?  Totally staged.  A guy who has a sinkful of dishes wouldn't have the rest of his place neat looking like Justin's did.  It would look like a frat house, with piles of clothes on the floor/couch, Sports Illustrated and Maxim magazines on the coffee table along with half empty glasses of milk and empty potato chip bags.  I didn't see any crumbs on the counter by the sink or jars of peanut butter and an open loaf of bread.  Either that whole "king of the bedroom/queen of the kitchen" schtick was an inside joke between them, or it was production setup.

  • Love 9

I actually agree that Justin is a really private person and I like him and Evelin. I do think that they were quiet during the reunion because like Aya and whatshisname from the first season they probably did not like their experience doing the show too much.

But I wonder, why did they sign up for the show? I could be wrong, but I am guessing they cast more from a pool of Americans. I could see it if Evelin wanting to do the show since she is the more outgoing one. I am just having a hard time seeing Justin wanting to be on reality tv.

  • Love 1

I thought Justin and Evelin were one of the more obviously staged couples.  I even had a feeling that the very first sister in law scene was staged... I mean, come on -- who whispers like that?  I've never seen anyone use their lips and tongue to eee-NUN-cee-ATE so slowly and specifically when she whisper-yelled, "Shee's YOU-zzing HIM for a GREEEN card!"


Another scene was the dishes/washing machine comment, which I agree seemed staged, but I thought it was more of a joke that fell flat.  I really thought that he was trying to be funny and that it was either edited to look otherwise, or he's the worst joke teller in the universe.  I could be wrong, but when he said that I thought, "uh-oh" and then he caught a lot of backlash from that. 


There are other scenes, but their story was a little bit uninteresting to me -- although they were my favorite couple.

I actually agree that Justin is a really private person and I like him and Evelin. I do think that they were quiet during the reunion because like Aya and whatshisname from the first season they probably did not like their experience doing the show too much.

But I wonder, why did they sign up for the show? I could be wrong, but I am guessing they cast more from a pool of Americans. I could see it if Evelin wanting to do the show since she is the more outgoing one. I am just having a hard time seeing Justin wanting to be on reality tv.


I wondered that too but then realized that they're probably like a couple of the other couples who were under the impression that the show would focus on the K1 process and that most of the other extra filming was simply to find cute/good filler, which as we all know isn't what happens.


I thought Justin and Evelin were one of the more obviously staged couples.  I even had a feeling that the very first sister in law scene was staged... I mean, come on -- who whispers like that?  I've never seen anyone use their lips and tongue to eee-NUN-cee-ATE so slowly and specifically when she whisper-yelled, "Shee's YOU-zzing HIM for a GREEEN card!"


Another scene was the dishes/washing machine comment, which I agree seemed staged, but I thought it was more of a joke that fell flat.  I really thought that he was trying to be funny and that it was either edited to look otherwise, or he's the worst joke teller in the universe.  I could be wrong, but when he said that I thought, "uh-oh" and then he caught a lot of backlash from that. 


There are other scenes, but their story was a little bit uninteresting to me -- although they were my favorite couple.


I have known someone much like the sister in law so her actions didn't surprise me. What did surprise me, after seeing the entire season, is why production bothered using their story. Other than the staged stuff they were just a nice happy couple and for that reason, should have been left on the cutting room floor.

  • Love 1

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