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Season 2 Discussion


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I am always amazed at the differences between the first season of a "reality show" and the subsequent seasons.


I watched the first season and it just felt "more real" since they were navigating new waters...this second season? It reeks of playing it up for the camera..I will still watch it but I found myself saying...REALLY? lol


Tunisian dude? yeah..he is bad news and I don't think he is into it for any other reason than a green card. I don't feel bad for Dani though because well, she chose this route.

  • Love 6

Chelsea and Yamir’s story seems scripted.  “Latin Super Star falls in love with a beautiful blonde and despite his manager’s objection, gives up everything and moves to a small town in the Midwest.” The premise is straight out of a Hallmark Channel movie. 


Justin seems to be playing for the camera.  His “I am the man and you are the woman” routine fell flat.  I agree with the poster who said that if he had time to buy roses and spread the petals on the bed, then he had time to do the dishes.  Plus, the fact that he hasn’t told his family about his “fiancé” seems tailored made for maximum drama. 


For someone born and raised in the Philipines, Dya’s command of the English language is quite impressive.  I have a feeling she didn’t learn by just watching “American television shows."


I was a little freaked out by Danielle’s facial expression when she was hugging Mohamed at the airport.  I have a feeling he won’t be able to get away from her so easily.



Heck! Add in a missing mother and a love triangle you'll get a Kdrama out of that couple!


What did that one guy mean by good marriage values? When referring to women in the Philippines?  It was just kinda creepy for some reason.

I am always amazed at the differences between the first season of a "reality show" and the subsequent seasons.


I watched the first season and it just felt "more real" since they were navigating new waters...this second season? It reeks of playing it up for the camera..I will still watch it but I found myself saying...REALLY? lol


Tunisian dude? yeah..he is bad news and I don't think he is into it for any other reason than a green card. I don't feel bad for Dani though because well, she chose this route.


There use to be a show on ID that film women who married prisoners and were totally in love with these guys. Saw no fault in them when they did awful crimes, and did everything for the prisoners that they were married too. Dani seems to fit perfectly for that women, having a long distance or media relationship that same way the prisoners wives did. They can build up the romantic fantasy in there heads and say they have it, but him being here now...


My only problem is that there are children in the mix, even though they are teenagers there going to be effected anyway. I know its been mention before you don't know if he is a predator or not. Just major flags all over.

  • Love 2

So I finally caught the first episode and I had watched Season 1 so what do I have to add....


Umm...I know it's producer driven but man none of these couples screamed anything but self serving to me. Every couple seemed like they were in for their own reasons from coming to the US, to security, to just wanting a women/man around. It's weird.


My brother actually married a women from China, he went back and forth a few times before proposing a few years later. We were all in love with the idea that he found her and it wasn't till she was here that we started thinking maybe she wanted just a green card (as it's natural to think) but she's very smart, bright and really loves life here in the US and now I clearly see my brother. (It helps they live in Cali where the Asian culture booms)


My best friend did the same, met a guy online and he was here on a Educational Visa and they married quickly once it expired and she kept it secret from tons of people because of the judgement it would bring so I totally get it. In fact to this day, not alot of people know she's married and to whom.


So on those two notes I totally get the judgement from others about these type of relationships and you are on national television so I feel like you are just asking for scrunity and skeptism but these couples seem to be filling storylines rather than an actual real story. I feel like I shouldn't be such a cynic esp with my own personal look at it but really? Pop star leaves, man marries women with 3 teenage girls? And wow could that girl from the Phillipines BE any more rude and standoffish. I had to cover my eyes...out of all of them that was just terrible! (Even with Danielle's hysterics!) What did the mom think of that?


The whole thing is bizarre and not because these people did it but the perception of all these couples. Perception is people's reality so I would say these poor people are going to have to defend their relationships (those who make it) till the cows come home. When you go a tv show you have to realize everyone has an opinion. God Bless them all but it makes me realize this is the type of relationship I could never have!


To those who said they can't go more than 60 miles, agree! Tinder is so messed up with milage! haha!


*gotta stop the judgment but SO hard*





  • Love 3

Danielle is most likely a lovely person.[...] I do not think anyone's perception of her physical appearance is relevant.


Maybe she is a lovely person.  Maybe we'd be best friends.  But she is not someone that a devout Muslim beznessman from Tunisia, who is not 15, but actually 20 years her junior would actually fall in love with.  Age, physical appearance, weight, religious differences, vastly different values, her being divorced with 4 teenage kids... yes that does matter when trying to figure out if Mohamed is in it for the green card.  I find that he is.  It's rather blatantly obvious.


  • Love 9

Maybe she is a lovely person. Maybe we'd be best friends. But she is not someone that a devout Muslim beznessman from Tunisia, who is not 15, but actually 20 years her junior would actually fall in love with. Age, physical appearance, weight, religious differences, vastly different values, her being divorced with 4 teenage kids... yes that does matter when trying to figure out if Mohamed is in it for the green card. I find that he is. It's rather blatantly obvious.

Brett is major creepy and major pervert too me. I don't think he dated much in high school or college maybe? He seems really repress and really pervy. Oh boy! His girlfriend! She just had a look of pure disgust when Brett hug her at the airport. Yeah she in it for the money...

It may be just a different degree of acceptable public display of affection. he held the hug too long

I agree with you. However, the "bezness" has been performed (lack of better vocabulary due to the newness of the culture to myself) on women who are successful in their careers and stereotypically beautiful. I am repulsed by the quickness of the fora to judge Danielle when we know little of her situation.

I would like to clarify. I meant judge Danielle by her physical appearance.

  • Love 2

My son is about to propose to his girlfriend who is from the Philippines. Totally different situation though, they've been together 6 years and she became a citizen 3 years ago. So I don't know anything about the K1.

I have a question, I'm sorry if it's been discussed already. Does either side have a way out if they want/need it?

Say a woman arrives from another country and the guy is just a raging asshole who treats her badly.

Or on the American side as well. If the person arrives and after a week, you hate each other.

Is there any place, immigration or who ever that they can call and end the 90 day thing and call it quits?

The immigrant just has to return home before the 90 days are up to avoid being an illegal alien.The petitioner can contact USCIS to cancel at just about any point. The first question an agent ask when you are adjusting to permanent status months after the wedding is do you want to back out.

After the wedding though the immigrating spouse does have a greater chance to remain as a resident alien dependent upon why the marriage failed

What did that one guy mean by good marriage values? When referring to women in the Philippines? It was just kinda creepy for some reason.

Because much of the Philippines Family law reads as if they were written by Pope Francis divorce only for those who marry Muslims who have proved willing to take up arms and fight, the true picture iof family break up is hidden and the ad copy of the dating agencies get spouted

I am repulsed by the quickness of the fora to judge Danielle when we know little of her situation.

I would like to clarify. I meant judge Danielle by her physical appearance.


(1) That's what we do.  We watch "reality TV" and we judge based on what is presented to us.  This isn't a court of law, we don't dish out jail sentences, only snark.  Our "judgment" is for entertainment purposes only and has no consequences beyond the bruised feelings of being on a reality TV show and finding out that people are judging you based on what is presented to them.


(2) We are judging her physical appearance, but we are not judging her by her physical appearance.  Most of us think she is unattractive, which isn't a big deal as she's in good company in that department, but I don't think it's unfair to state that her appalling gullibility, and her dragging her teens into her stupid, self-serving and avoidable "love" drama is the least attractive thing about her, not her physical appearance.


  • Love 17

Yes, I watched it again last night.  Perhaps I should try international dating, because I obviously don't have a life.  Do women not give it up easily in Nicaragua?  Because a pop star who is stopped by women in the street for his autograph (which is probably why she's hauling him back to the Midwest); just sayin'!  Can't understand why he's willing to give up his friends, family, group, and career for some American chic with a very annoying baby talk/vocal fry (which, before I'm reprimanded for this, isn't a "disability," but is deliberate and a thing these days) who is clearly manipulating him with wild sex.  I'd also be interested to know what the manager was referring to when he accused her of lying in his letter, because that guy speaks truth. My sympathies are currently with him, Ms. Alec Balwin from Columbia with the pile of dishes, and - amazingly - Mohammad from Tunisia, from whom I don't get any malicious vibe; he seems like a sincere and kindly young man who simply wants to live in America?  But when the mother-of-three voiced suspicion at one point, I almost suspected a sort of reverse scam on her part (she was clearly trolling the Internet for a likely target, and when she vowed, "I'll never leave you"...  SHUDDER! 

  • Love 2

Where to start....


Courtney reminds me of someone - I can't put my finger on it.  Their union seems the most genuine, as others have said.  Yeah, maybe he's some big deal in Nicaragua, but maybe he wants more from life.  I understand his producer's viewpoint, but his letter was better left unsaid.  All it's going to do is drive that wedge deeper, as it will likely be seen as a personal attack.

Daya is high maintenance and I don't see that working.  I think she sees him as a pushover, and he is - he needs to grow a set.  I wonder if he was cheated on previously, with his "marriage values" comment?

The gym teacher?  I hope that's all an act for the camera.  And IIRC, there was a dishwasher to the left of his sink, so I'm wondering about that whole scene.  And no on the Alec Baldwin thing.  Billy Baldwin, maybe, but not Alec.  No way.

And Danielle....oy.  I'm 41, so I knew she was not my age.  She reminds me so much of my husband's late Uncle's wife.  She married him while he was in prison.  She was worried the family would abandon her after he died. We all kept in touch and would drive out to visit her.  She started internet dating very quickly after he passed (they had no physical connection - marriage was never consumated).  She's a sweet person, and we all love her, but she's gulliable.  And she started in with this guy she met on a dating site.  He was handsome, and sent gifts - supposedly an art dealer in London.  Then he took the relationship off the site, and that's always a red flag.  Then she told me that he was going to come visit as soon as he got back from a business trip in Nigeria.  I told her as nicely as I could that there were lots of scammers in Nigeria and perhaps he wasn't one of them (even though I knew different), one may assume his identity and try to get her to send money, and I told her not to do it (she was laid off from her job she'd had for over 25 years when she was 55, and was scraping to get by on part time jobs).  She humored me, but I'm not sure what happened afterward.  She stopped returning my e-mails and changed her phone number.  I found out recently, after not hearing from her in some time, that she's married and happy, and he seems like a decent guy, so I'm happy for her.  But I see so much of her in Danielle.  Overweight (not criticizing - I am too), plain, gullible, eager to send money because she's desperate - it's sad.  Danielle would do much better for herself if she would be less "sloppy" about her appearance (as a plus sized gal, I am extremely anal about that type of thing).  She needs an updated hairstyle, some clothing that's a little more stylish (it's expensive, but stores like Catherines offer cards that you can use to parlay into big discounts - especially on clearance items), and some good self-confidence.  She would benefit from a singles group at a church, or something similar.  On one hand, she gets what she deserves, but on the other hand, I hope he doesn't take her too badly.

ETA: I tried to watch again last night but fell asleep.  I thought that Mohammed said that he found her appearance "unacceptable" but I may have mis-heard.

Edited by funky-rat
  • Love 2

I finally caught this show last night. Agree with what everyone has already said about Danielle, not Alec Baldwin and Brett and Daya.

I don't understand Chelsea and Tamir. If he is the Justin Timberlake of Nicaragua why is he leaving such a great career in his country to move to Galesburg, Illinois? It's beyond stupid. I know Galesburg, I have family there. There is nothing there. The manager is right. I could understand if they were going to live in Miami or someplace where there is a large Latin community Yamir could build a new career. But this won't happen in Galesburg. And Chelsea seemed to speak fluent Spanish so why not stay in his home country. I think she's being very selfish.

  • Love 4

The total population of Nicaragua is something like 6 million. So I doubt Yamir is really cleaning up financially, and since boy bands in general have short shelf lives, he might not be giving up too much in terms of future success by leaving the country. But it's his choice so I don't fault Chelsea for wanting to move back to the U.S. 


Danielle stated, out loud, that she was 41 years old and 15 years older than Mohammad. So if she's now claiming it's TLC that got it wrong...yeah, not quite. 

  • Love 4

I don't understand Chelsea and Tamir. If he is the Justin Timberlake of Nicaragua why is he leaving such a great career in his country to move to Galesburg, Illinois? It's beyond stupid. I know Galesburg, I have family there. There is nothing there. The manager is right. I could understand if they were going to live in Miami or someplace where there is a large Latin community Yamir could build a new career. But this won't happen in Galesburg. And Chelsea seemed to speak fluent Spanish so why not stay in his home country. I think she's being very selfish.

It's a 2-hour train ride from Chicago, which has a MASSIVE Hispanic/Latin American community that is larger than Miami's. He could easily play Chicagoland clubs and weddings/quinceras on the weekends, making more money than in Nicaragua.

  • Love 2

Funny, I briefly talked about this episode with my Filipino MIL and she sort of sympathized with Daya's pouting about the flowers. She said that in her community back in the Philippines, they associated any non-rose flowers with funerals and would not imagine getting non-roses for a living person. That is not to say that Daya is not entitled and overbearing (which it seems like she is), but I wonder if this could be a factor in her dissatisfaction with the flower choice.

Edited by IAmJ
  • Love 1

Yes; she TOLD him she liked roses, LOL... And the whole "hour late" thing... You almost have to wonder if some TLC funny business wasn't behind that "mix-up"...

I think it is a matter of the cultures being compatible but not identical. I was hearing Brett say he was bringing roses. They normally shy away from definite statements unless they are carried out. On the other hand while we would get a few or a bunch they are more likely to spell out get four pieces Dealing with Manila traffic you get a sense of pinoy time and as long as at least a text message went out people being late is a normal fact of life.

My neighbor's son has a gf from Nicaragua (they started dating in hs and six years later just got engaged) and she has a lot of family over there so I just started the conversation with them a couple of days ago about yamir and Chelsea and encourage her to watch the show. I saw her at the farmers market this morning and we had a juicy talk as she did saw the show and is now hooked.

First of all she was very upset at the portrayal that Chelsea made of Nicaragua. She mentioned that like any central American country they do have very poor villages and being that Chelsea went on missionary work then most likely she was in those poor villages were they probably lack water, but in the city of Managua which is where they met, is just like any other city, clubs, restaurant, buildings and what not, so Chelsea didn't meet yamir in a run down village, she met him in a club where he was performing.

Second, and amazing to me, she has heard about yamirs group through her younger cousins so they do indeed seem to be a big deal in Nicaragua but of course in a nation of 6M people what it is big deal to them might not be a big deal to us do YMMV. I was LOL because she mentioned that Chelsea is hated in Nicaragua so this romance is shaping more and more as a Yoko kind of deal which I found fascinating.

  • Love 3

Love that story, thank you for sharing. I'm finding out more and more about these types of shows and how fake they are. To the point scripts are emailed to the principal cast members each week before filming starts so they know what they are supposed to say and do. I'm keeping eyes open and an open mind where this season is concerned, since it does appear to be shaping up to be one that's drama-fueled.

  • Love 1

Funny, I briefly talked about this episode with my Filipino MIL and she sort of sympathized with Daya's pouting about the flowers. She said that in her community back in the Philippines, they associated any non-rose flowers with funerals and would not imagine getting non-roses for a living person. That is not to say that Daya is not entitled and overbearing (which it seems like she is), but I wonder if this could be a factor in her dissatisfaction with the flower choice.


There is a "language" of flowers in many cultures--colors, types, occasions, etc., so flowers can be a tricky gift to get right. Still, Daya might just have been difficult. It's appropriate in every culture I've interacted with to accept a gift graciously. 

  • Love 1

Mmhm, it 'was listed incorrectly.' Sure, Danielle! More like she either lied to the production company or to her Tunisian scam artist-- sorry, fiance, or both, and has now been caught in the lie. I wouldn't be surprised if she's older than 46, really.


I was thinking she seemed more like 51, but... she'd probably look younger if she got her hair styled and her eyebrows waxed and wore a little makeup.

  • Love 2

I am re-watching last week's episode, and I am so disturbed by Danielle's conversation with her daughters before Mohamed arrives. It is like watching a 14 year old freaking out about a potential date and her parents comforting her/trying to talk her down. I feel so bad for these girls, they should not be in the position of having to comfort their mom over this or having to be her voice of reason. I hope they are able to be there for each other during this and have some other adult to lean on.

  • Love 5

I'm mostly interested in this Brett/Daya and Danielle/Mohammed, simply because they seem sooo mismatched and like a train wreck waiting to happen.  But i really keep wracking my brains for why Justin doesn't want to talk to his family about Evelin.  All I can come up with is that perhaps they are racist?  I know that is a terrible assumption to make but, it's all I can think of....

  • Love 1

Daya wants Brett to prove the ring is real? Wow. 


I also don't understand why Justin doesn't introduce Evelin to his family. Maybe he knows they will treat her horribly. 


Chelsea says that if you love someone you follow them. Ok, Yamir must want to to be in the US. Because otherwise why doesn't she stay in Nicaragua. 


Danielle seems like she is perpetually on the verge of tears all the time. Mohammed's religion dictates no sex before marriage. He was looking pretty relived when he said that.

  • Love 7

I think the entire Chelsea story is "made for reality TV" because if there were 50 people in that room, that would be a stretch. And probably paid to be there, promised dinner, etc. And her voice grates on my nerves.

My best hopes for true love and happiness hinge on Danny the Virgin. He seems like a sweet kid, and he worked really hard to make a nice place for his fiance to live.

Something is up with Justin. You don't get engaged to someone from another country and not tell your family unless you have some sort of history with women that you know your family will be gunning for this one.

The scenes with Mohammed and her son were painful. And forced. And the kid was reading from a script, obviously. It was like he was trying to remember his lines the entire time.

Daya continues to be a piece of work. Brett should already be seeing the signs that are hitting him over the head like a mallet, but he's ignoring the obvious. He deserves whatever happens to him, at this point.

  • Love 3

9 minutes and 40 seconds in on episode one - Hello Brett - its nice to see a grown man going for a Golden Girls living situation.

I'm mostly interested in this Brett/Daya and Danielle/Mohammed, simply because they seem sooo mismatched and like a train wreck waiting to happen.  But i really keep wracking my brains for why Justin doesn't want to talk to his family about Evelin.  All I can come up with is that perhaps they are racist?  I know that is a terrible assumption to make but, it's all I can think of....


My family isn't racist, but we are rough, and we can be assholes.  We are those people that when you say "90 day visa" we are probably going to think "she wants a green card!"  I don't think thats racist, but we realize that a lot of times people want to get to the United States, in fact, my parents, as foreigners realize that more than anyone.  But at some point you're going to have to face that from a family like mine and its better to ease us into it, let us have our objections and then go about proving us wrong.

  • Love 1

Justin's apprehension about Evelin meeting his family makes me very nervous for her. I don't know if they have prejudices, but I do find the whole situation suspicious. Justin clams up every time Evelin mentions family. In her culture, family is huge, so I totally get why she doesn't understand why Justin is so uncomfortable.


As cute as that attic room was, I don't blame Amy for feeling uncomfortable. IMO, for the first night, I think Danny should have stayed with her longer than 45 minutes as a courtesy. She had a very long flight, she was in a strange new city, and she was in a home with people she doesn't know. Awkward situation all around. Plus, Danny said something about his dad not agreeing with interracial relationships. Eek.


I'm not that interested in Danielle or Mohammed anymore. I did laugh heartily at Mohammed beating Danielle's son at pool. He looked like a pro.

  • Love 4


Tunisian dude? yeah..he is bad news and I don't think he is into it for any other reason than a green card. I don't feel bad for Dani though because well, she chose this route.


 My sister was describing the show to me, and she specifically told me that Mohammed was pretty much trying to hide from her.  I think he was.  He didn't look like he was looking for her at all, he wasn't trying to find a pay phone, he wasn't trying to find a courtesy desk with a phone, he was just standing behind a pole somewhere.  I wouldn't be surprised to learn that he had called for an uber and had to cancel it.


What really jumped out at me, and I was watching closely for it, is that when Mohammed and Danielle met at the airport, he would not kiss her on the lips.


I would predict that if you showed their clip to 1,000 people from ages 14 to 94, 9998 of them would say this is a green card/financial scam.


Hopefully he is not into teenage girls as well. :::shudder:::


Well, luckily for her, he probably wouldn't be into those teenage girls.  But I can certainly see a situation where she is giving him money, buying him a car and he is using the car and the money to court more comely teenage girls.


After doing some web research (not extensively, but enough, lol!), I am under the impression that Yamir and his group are nowhere near as famous as Chelsea said.


That makes sense, so it may all be a marketing opportunity.


Chelsea and Yamir’s story seems scripted.  “Latin Super Star falls in love with a beautiful blonde and despite his manager’s objection, gives up everything and moves to a small town in the Midwest.” The premise is straight out of a Hallmark Channel movie. 

That sounds like an awesome Hallmark Movie....when are they going to introduce the beautiful blonde?

  • Love 7

Now...if defense of Daya...


I once dated a man who was very Brett like.  Very sweet, but there was just something about that type of guy that for a woman like me will end poorly.  I walked all over him and he could annoy me to no end.  It seemed like he was doing annoying and stupid shit all the time.  But he was very sweet, he would just do stupid and annoying stuff.  I didn't like the person that I was around him, because I could just be mean when it came to him.  Ultimately, I think I didn't respect him, and so I would walk all over him.


I'll give you an example.  We had to pick up a birthday cake that I had pre-ordered from Wal-Mart.  We didn't have much time before the party started, so I said, just drop me off in front of the Wal-Mart.  I'm going to be in and out like a flash, so just circle the parking lot.  Because it was a full sheet cake, I knew I would need both hands, so I left my cell phone in the car and took only my wallet so I could have both hands free.  So I'm in and out of the Wal Mart in 7 minutes flat.  And I'm holding this giant ass, heavy, full sheet cake looking for his car.  And looking.....and looking....and looking.  For 10 minutes....20 minutes.....I'm walking the lot with this heavy ass cake which is starting to sag.....30 minutes, I finally had to set the cake down and it messed up the decorations.  And I'm fuming, he is nowhere to be found......40 minutes later he rolls up.  Apparently, he decided that the best thing for him to do was park his car, put on his AC and listen to the radio for 35 minutes and then drive up to the front of the store.  I mean, sure I told him I would be in and out in a flash, and that he should only circle the lot and I would be out, and yes, my cell phone was sitting right there in his car, but somehow his plan seemed like a great idea.  I couldn't even talk to him, I couldn't even look at him I was so pissed off, because now instead of being on time, I knew we were going to be late.  And then, of course, he was driving like we had Miss Daisy in the car with us.  65 miles an hour the entire way there.  


And he would do stupid, annoying shit like that all the time.  and maybe if I respected him it either wouldn't have bothered me, or whatever else I felt would have outweighed it, or maybe I would have just not thought about it, but I didn't respect him and so I would get annoyed, and it would show.  and he was a nice guy, but he would do stupid shit, like this guy showing up late to pick up someone flying in from another country.  Thats already going to put her in a pissy mood, and now you're handing her these flowers and laughing like a hyena and its a recipe for disaster.

Edited by RealityGal
  • Love 14

That sounds like an awesome Hallmark Movie....when are they going to introduce the beautiful blonde?


Chelsea isn’t bad looking.  She just needs access to a hot bath, a comb and some makeup. 


My heart broke for Amy.  I can’t imagine flying half way across the world on a one-way ticket to live in the attic of perfect strangers in the middle of nowhere.  I don’t think Danny thought this through. 


I hope Brett grows a pair.  Justin seems to be hiding something.  Mohamed is clearly using his religion to get out of being intimate with Danielle. 

  • Love 1

I thought it was very telling when Brett "made dinner" (using the word made loosely, since they ate out of take out cartons) , and served her wine, when she doesn't drink wine. Then he asked her what she drank and she said tequila. So you have this long distance thing going where all you can really do is talk. You would have thought that they would have discussed their likes and dislikes, especially having to do with the basics, like food. I honestly don't think he knows her at all. When they were touring his house, I was lol at all the quilts and older woman stuff around the house. 


As for Danny the virgin, what an ill-conceived plan to have her at his sister's house 45 minutes away. I get that they have said no sex before marriage, but I do not understand why it's so imperative that they not live under the same roof. Are they so afraid that they will be tempted that they have to be separated by 40 miles? Why couldn't he just sleep on the couch? She would probably be much more comfortable in his house rather than with his family, who aren't even home all day. He looked kind of scared by the whole sex thing anyway. And why couldn't he take one day off from work to give her a tour? The whole thing made no sense. 


When Mohammed looked around Danielle's apartment, he looked disappointed. It's pretty clear she has little or no money. A work colleague of mine met an guy on a student trip while she was in college. 25 years later he found her on the Internet and started pursuing her. She ended up going over there and marrying him. When they came back to the US, he was upset once he got to her house and realized that she was not a rich American. He also found out that he was going to be denied citizenship in the US because of his criminal record in his home country that he didn't tell her about. After a couple of months he started hitting her. She finally was able to get him deported, but it cost her huge amounts of money to get a divorce. I know it makes me biased, but that's why I give the side-eye to most of these relationships. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 4

As cute as that attic room was, I don't blame Amy for feeling uncomfortable. IMO, for the first night, I think Danny should have stayed with her longer than 45 minutes as a courtesy. She had a very long flight, she was in a strange new city, and she was in a home with people she doesn't know. Awkward situation all around. Plus, Danny said something about his dad not agreeing with interracial relationships. Eek.

Word to this. From the pics it was hard to see what Amy's ethnicity was but seeing her in talking heads she seems to be of mixed raced. How disappointing that with all the intercultural, interracial marriages featured the first time race does rear its ugly head is now and in relation to what seems to be a very lovely girl. Well, at least the 2 brothers and his sister seemed kinda cool with it so some apples can roll down a hill from the poisonous tree. Didn't Danny mention he was 1 of 7 kids? I wonder if they are Duggar-lite types? They seem to marry young.


And why couldn't he take one day off from work to give her a tour?

I was thinking the same thing because he did say that he works for his 2 brothers who started a construction business. I hate to assume anyone's working circumstances because maybe they are in the busy season or something and he needs to money because he is about to get married but damn, he really didn't seem to think things through. Yeah to Amy being in an awkward position. It is great that he has a wonderful work ethic, wants to save it for marriage and took the trouble to make the accommodations lovely for her but damn, he mentioned the place was only about 45 minutes from his house, he couldn't stay longer? Spent the night on the couch there?  Ate dinner with her? Something? It did seem like he was sorta dumping her off out a relative's house.


LOL! at Yamir's exhale of extreme relief during the celibate until married embrace. You would have thought he got a call from the governor commuting his sentence. Dude that is just a slight reprieve. You will still have to perform sooner or later. The conversation with the son was indeed awkward but something that definitely had to happen. Yamir handled like the true hustler he is - deftly and diplomatically. Is it me or did that son look like Danielle's brother only about 80 lbs lighter?


That fan event was a little sad. Looked like a meeting room at a Hilton with the divider up. Something tells me that was production driven. Seriously, they would have been better off just continuing to show the same concert footage over and over again. What does Myla Vox mean?


I was in the manager's corner last week because he was spitting truth but this week I thought he was a spiteful lil' bitch for what he did at that 'fan event.' I thought it was unprofessional to blindside his client like that, especially since Yamir stated that he has kept his private life private. To me it smacked of Yamir is leaving the group high and dry for a blonde, hair, blue eyed American, especially since he had Chelsea stand up. He not only hurt Yamir but also could have potentially hurt the group. I feel like the manager also wanted to hurt any future plans Yamir might have if he either changed his mind or if he wanted to somehow work on a singing career later in his home country. 

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As for Danny the virgin, what an ill-conceived plan to have her at his sister's house 45 minutes away. I get that they have said no sex before marriage, but I do not understand why it's so imperative that they not live under the same roof. Are they so afraid that they will be tempted that they have to be separated by 40 miles? Why couldn't he just sleep on the couch? She would probably be much more comfortable in his house rather than with his family, who aren't even home all day. He looked kind of scared by the whole sex thing anyway. And why couldn't he take one day off from work to give her a tour? The whole thing made no sense. 


ITA. I just have to assume he's too immature to truly understand that the arrangements might have made Amy uncomfortable. She doesn't know his brother, yet she's expected to stay in his home? I would have objected if I were her. I didn't quite understand his housing situation - did he live with his parents? Did he have his own place? I get wanting to stay away from temptation, but I think the arrangement wasn't fair to Amy.


Now...if defense of Daya...


I once dated a man who was very Brett like.  Very sweet, but there was just something about that type of guy that for a woman like me will end poorly.  I walked all over him and he could annoy me to no end.  It seemed like he was doing annoying and stupid shit all the time.  But he was very sweet, he would just do stupid and annoying stuff.  I didn't like the person that I was around him, because I could just be mean when it came to him.  Ultimately, I think I didn't respect him, and so I would walk all over him.


Daya, as particular as she is, wouldn't last with someone who she couldn't walk over easily. A lot of men would have told her off if she told them that the ring he proposed with was 'dusty'. A lot of men would have ignored her request to go to the jewelry store to check if the ring was real. She found the right one with Brett. She can complain all she wants and he will bend over backwards to make her happy.

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That sounds like an awesome Hallmark Movie....when are they going to introduce the beautiful blonde?



Chelsea isn’t bad looking.  She just needs access to a hot bath, a comb and some makeup.


Awww. She is not great beauty but I think she is attractive enough. Yamir seems like a sweet kid but I don't think he is all that cute either. So I'm just seeing a case of a pot finding its lid. 


Dya. Just damn. She ain't playing about that ring. If Brett imported a bride hoping for someone who wasn't a materialistic nag than he should have left Dya as unclaimed cargo with Customs at the airport. It seems like the only true joy I saw on Dya's face was when she saw the house she would be living in and the lovely outdoor dinner Brett had arranged. Her resting face seem to hover somewhere between sourpuss and bitch. Brett just seems so eager to please and she seems so eager to find fault. Not a great combo.


Did anyone else LOL at the scene where Brett slides the patio door open and the dog excitedly hops in and then seems to almost just as quickly run out almost like he was afraid of Dya?

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I think Daya seemed a lot better this episode.  To me she really likes Brett but he is definitely a push over and she knows that.  I was surprised she was ok with the house and the roommates (for the most part).  To me she had some moments where you could see she genuinely cares for him. 

I feel like the Danielle/Mohammed scenes are giving us foreshadowing of a not very happy ending.  The music they play is not very cheerful and happy. 

and OMG she is like glued to that poor man's arm. 

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I was in the manager's corner last week because he was spitting truth but this week I thought he was a spiteful lil' bitch for what he did at that 'fan event.' I thought it was unprofessional to blindside his client like that, especially since Yamir stated that he has kept his private life private. To me it smacked of Yamir is leaving the group high and dry for a blonde, hair, blue eyed American, especially since he had Chelsea stand up. He not only hurt Yamir but also could have potentially hurt the group. I feel like the manager also wanted to hurt any future plans Yamir might have if he either changed his mind or if he wanted to somehow work on a singing career later in his home country. 

Yes to this! I forgot about this scene. Yamir looked positively gutted, like the wind had just been knocked out of him. I didn't think it was fair to Chelsea or Yamir to make the announcement like that. It wasn't Gabriel's place. Why not wait until after the fan event and have Yamir announce on his terms in his own words via a statement? Gabriel handled this very immaturely and he was being very spiteful.

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The Nicaraguan pop star: no matter how tiny Nicaragua is and how little actual fame he seems to have at the moment, taking him away as his career seems to be gathering steam is STUPID. Do you have any idea how huge Latin American pop stars get in South and Central America??? He may only be big in Nicaragua right now, but that is a stepping stone to gigantic success in Central and South America -  which can lead to success in the US and the rest of the world. Stopping everything to go live in an empty field in the middle of BFE, Illinois is idiocy. Chelsea is wrong if she pressured him into that.


Danielle is the saddest. Sad. I can't figure out how she even landed her first husband. She is damaged and fragile. I also think that Mo was incredibly disappointed when he saw her house and her obvious lack of money. Does she even have a car??? I think we will see a lot of THs with Mo complaining about not having use of a car or being able to buy new things. If TLC doesn't alert the INS or some other law enforcement agency, they are complicit in the tragedy which will befall her and her family.

Edited by PityFree
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