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Season 2 Discussion


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Some couple from last season said compensation was an attorney for the visa and small amount of money. The show lied last season about money and jobs of the couples. Petroleum Engineer and Shoe company owner who flies first class does not need to live with parents and can afford $1200 a month rent. <br /><br />Only couples that may last are Danny Amy and Justin Evelin. Evelin and Justin seem just as desperate to be married. <br /><br />Jason is the narcassistic creepy guy who thinks he is cool and funny. Cassie just wants the green card. Jason and Cassie are on the same level of attractiveness but his personality is a 0.<br /><br />Brett is really ugly. He just seems like a momma's boy. My bet there are tons of "Brett's" when it comes to mail order brides. Nice momma's boy who is really ugly. I don't get the choice of choosing Daya, a non kid friendly and not super attractive/doesn't seem to put a lot of effort into pleasing a man. Seems like everything for Daya is a chore. If I was marrying someone for a green card, I would be the same way, but Brett should be smart enough to avoid someone who dislikes meeting family, his lifestyle, kids, lack of money, and so on.<br /><br />

Given that all the families with the exception of Chelsea's have voiced their suspicions, I can't help but wonder why you are singling out Brett's mom for criticism.  

I'm not singling anyone out.  As Cooks mentioned, it was a big part of this episode.  And as some viewers were posting that Brett's mother had her 'reasons' to dislike Daya, I was pointing out that scamming Brett for a green card shouldn't be one of them.


Brett is an adult.  With a failed marriage and a kid under his belt.  Seems odd to me that his roommates and best friend are 3 middle aged women.  Mommy complex?  Who knows.

  • Love 1

@Lola16 I think the mother is voicing the concern over whether she will stay once the green card comes. I think his mother knows he isn't Ryan Gosling or a guy with a great personality. Brett is a really ugly guy with a child and a feminine (momma's boy) personality. I bet that Brett's family has the same views as him as Jason's family does. Guys that are bottom feeders in the dating world so a mail order bride isn't a bad idea. Justin family was puzzled why he had to get a mail order bride sincehe is good llooking with a stable job.

Danny 8.5/10

Mohamed 6/10

Jason 5.5/10

Brett 5/10

Justin 4/10


I wouldn't rate Danny that high  He's like a solid 7 to me.  I think Amy is a 9 though.  She's beautiful.  Here is my list:


Danny 7/10

Justin 6/10

Brett 3/10

Jason 2/10

Mohamed 5/10

Yamir 6/10



Evelin 9/10

Amy 9/10

Chelsea 4/10

Dani - The scale just can't go low enough for that heifer

Daya 5/10

Cassia 5/10 - she could be a lot prettier, but her attitude makes her very unattractive to me


  • Love 1

I actually do see Brett as "really ugly."  I flinch a little every time he comes on screen.  It's his mouth.  Not just that his lips are full...they're full, and very bright red, and his teeth have spaces in between them, and the whole package put together on him just squicks me out.  I paused the episode and put my hand up so it covered his mouth, and when I did that, he looked like a reasonably attractive fellow.  Take the hand away and not so much.  This is just my opinion and not meant to disparage anyone with full lips or people with spaces in between their teeth.  I'm just saying that I find that combination on Brett extremely unattractive.  I'm sure his personality does nothing to help matters.  He's just so...whiny and weird.  I'll admit, the minute he showed up at the airport with that never-ending horrid second-hand embarrassment-giving giggle, it was pretty much over for me.

Danny 8.5/10

Mohamed 6/10

Jason 5.5/10

Brett 5/10

Justin 4/10

You are far more generous than I would be, especially regarding Brett and Mohamed!  :)  What about Yamir?

  • Love 3

I actually do see Brett as "really ugly."  I flinch a little every time he comes on screen.  It's his mouth.  Not just that his lips are full...they're full, and very bright red, and his teeth have spaces in between them, and the whole package put together on him just squicks me out.  I paused the episode and put my hand up so it covered his mouth, and when I did that, he looked like a reasonably attractive fellow.  Take the hand away and not so much.  This is just my opinion and not meant to disparage anyone with full lips or people with spaces in between their teeth.  I'm just saying that I find that combination on Brett extremely unattractive.  I'm sure his personality does nothing to help matters.  He's just so...whiny and weird.  I'll admit, the minute he showed up at the airport with that never-ending horrid second-hand embarrassment-giving giggle, it was pretty much over for me.

You are far more generous than I would be, especially regarding Brett and Mohamed!  :)  What about Yamir?

Yep it's the teeth and the mouth together.  Totally agree.


My Ratings:

Justin- 8/10

Danny- 6/10

Mohamed- 3/10

Brett- 2/10

Yamir- 2/10

Jason- 1/10


Amy- 9/10

Evelin- 8/10

Daya- 5/10

Cassia- 5/10

Chelsea- 2/10

Dansmelle- -45/10


Dansmelle...bahahaha.  I would think Justin is cuter, but his nose bothers me.  I also hate the way he talks.  The way he ends his words on a up and kind of hits his tongue against his mouth.  I feel like he's trying to act like he has a latin accent.  Which he does not.

  • Love 2

Those of you judging these people for their looks should be ashamed of yourselves. These people are human beings just like you and I - and we all are born without a choice of the way we look. This is a public forum and they can come and read this - and they more than likely will. Imagine how this will make them feel? None of these judgments are deserved or justified. If you want to judge people harshly on their personality - fine, but these cruel comments about people's physical appearance are really really awful.

  • Love 8

Yeah, the "rate my looks" thing is something I'm not really keen on.  Most people aren't model quality.  I've been plus sized most of my life, so I tend to ignore the "fat" comments - I'm fairly numb to them anymore.

There are lots of very pretty full-figured girls. Case in point: Amy. Everyone rates her very highly on the beauty scale. It is all about how you carry yourself, and how much care goes into appearance.

Normally, I am of the opinion that you should not judge others on their looks.   You got the genes you got.   However, if you go on a reality tv show, you are putting yourself out there.   You don't want people talking about your looks, your house, your job, your choice of partner, etc. don't go on tv.   No one is forcing these folks to do this.   

  • Love 4

There are lots of very pretty full-figured girls. Case in point: Amy. Everyone rates her very highly on the beauty scale. It is all about how you carry yourself, and how much care goes into appearance.

I'm just more keen on snarking on something other than looks.   Danielle doesn't seem to care about her appearance, and to me, she's just lazy.  She could dress better - even on a budget, and take the time to keep her hair nice, etc.  That's why I call her "Sloppy" as opposed to fat, obese, heifer, etc.  That's what makes her unattractive to me - something she could do something about, but doesn't.


Normally, I am of the opinion that you should not judge others on their looks.   You got the genes you got.   However, if you go on a reality tv show, you are putting yourself out there.   You don't want people talking about your looks, your house, your job, your choice of partner, etc. don't go on tv.   No one is forcing these folks to do this.   

Judge away on life choices, living situations, housekeeping skills, as yes, it's fair game since they put it out there, but again, they can't change their looks.  While I'm sure to slip up occasionally, I try to use words like "Goofy, dorky, cheap, sleazy, etc" - something that specifies what I don't like about the person.

Edited by funky-rat
  • Love 7

I've touched on this before with all of you, early in this series. If you want to make fun of someone, keep in mind they could be reading here (and we know some have been reading here all along).... yes, they do put themselves and their lives out there. Makeup, hairstyles, clothing, whatever.... that's OK to snark at. But let's remember to post unto others as you would want them to post unto you. :)

I don't catch every single word in every single post, it's not like I am ignoring remarks that should be toned down. I hope that we'll all be respectful.

  • Love 7

I agree. There's so much to snark on already that going in on looks this harshly just seems tacky to me. I just feel like it takes the thread into a nasty direction and I don't care for that.


I agree. Danielle is being punished for being chubby and ordinary looking.  Who is Mohamed that he deserves something fantastic?  He's just a grifter from Tunisia that isn't even playing his part by making love to her.  He's no prize.  I don't get why Danielle is catching the most flak on the internet.  It's as if "How dare she expect a handsome man to love her!"  Piffle.

  • Love 8

Honestly, if I went on a reality TV show, I would automatically expect anything and everything about me to be fair game for people to snark about on forums.  Which is why if I ever did that (I wouldn't!), I most definitely would not go on the internet and read anything about the show I was on, ever.  If you put yourself out there, you had better expect that people are going to voice their opinions regarding anything and everything relating to what they've seen.  And if you go to forums to read about it, you had better have a very, VERY thick skin.  That's just reality.  I'm here to snark on the show and people on it, not pussyfoot around their feelings.  I will, however, respect other poster's wishes and refrain from talking about looks in the future.  And that (mods) is all I will say on that subect.  :)


It's interesting to me that someone above insinuated that Amy was full-figured.  I would not consider her a full-figured gal, but I suppose opinions differ on what constitutes full-figured.  Either way, she seems lovely inside and out.  She and Danny both actually look pretty happy in their talking heads together, so I guess Danny might be doing something right in the bedroom.

  • Love 4

You know, if Danielle came across like Amy... a loving, considerate, confident woman....I doubt very much her looks would have ever been a topic of discussion. But she came onto our screens, crying, whining, smiling a vacant smile when people tried to talk some sense to her. We could see her manipulating those around her. We could see her family who wanted her to listen to them. We saw her squandering money she didn't have to chase after a man halfway around the world. That kind of character comes from within, and it's what causes the walls of propriety to start crumbling.

  • Love 8

Personally I am annoyed by Danielle's crappy obnoxious personality. As far as her looks go,  she doesn't look bad for someone of her age and weight but, as others have pointed out she's badly groomed and sloppy, which would still be unremarkable to me if it didn't seem reflected in her lifestyle and personal conduct. Mo is good-looking especially compared to some of the other "Tunisian love rats" I've seen pictured online on links shared on this site but handsome is a bit of a stretch. His looks are acceptable. What he is, is young, drastically younger than Danielle and the gap is wide enough to be unsettling. I have no problem overlooking a wide gap in age in a couple if there is obvious affection, attraction and a sense of genuine companionship, all of which is glaringly absent from their relationship. I would be judgemental towards her delusional drama-queen antics if she were a single woman on her own, but she's not. Worse than being a mere fool, she is someone who has responsibility to raise and set a positive example for her children, especially when they are still dependent minors and what we've seen  (admittedly through a selectively edited view) is someone who puts their best interests behind her desire to do a walk-through of a fairytale fantasy that has no grounding in reality. We've seen scenes where her children seem to be parenting her. I think she's being grifted, but there are ample indications that she's less a victim than someone running her own self-serving game.

Edited by yuggapukka
  • Love 5

Most rational people if they got a mail order bride would make up a story about howthey met at a soccer game, festival, or ssome other gathering. People do it in the US when they meet at nightclubs or online. I think people are begin way too kind with female looks. If this season had 9s last season had multiple 10s. Yamir Danny and Mohammad are a 6 or 7. Danny is short which is a deal breaker with most women. Jason is a 5 on looks. The way he dresses, talks, and loser lifestyle drag him down, but pause his face on TV it isn't worse than the average man. I don't see much difference between Brett and Danielle. Both are scary looking.

No way that Amy is even close to being "full-figured"

She definitely hides it/ carries it well. If she dressed like Cassia, I'm sure it would not do her any favors. In all likelihood, she and Daya are probably the same size, but Amy dresses much better, and is more toned. By no means is she fat, but she is probably a size 12 (which is perfectly respectable, although considered plus-size in today's world). She is thin, but she is wide, if that makes sense. I noticed it the most when she was ice skating with Danny. Or maybe it was the fact that he is TINY that made her seem larger. 

  • Love 3

@DuchessofDork I would be more concerned about how my husband won't kiss me even though the Ramadan allows kissing, but doesn't allow alcohol or eating when the sun is up. Also he is the least religious Muslim when it comes to praying. I don't even think Mo is Muslim he just wants to never have sex or kiss Danielle. Cannot blame him. If Daya did the samething to Brett I wouldn't blame her.

I don't go on reality shows because I don't want to be judged.  I like a private life.  If you go on a reality show, you make your private life public and the public will have stuff to say.  My ratings have nothing to do with appearance but how they carry themselves.  Amy isn't gorgeous by traditional standards but she is eloquent and kind.  Justin could be rated much higher, but his personality grates on me and I find him smug.  I think Dani is ugly because she is a master manipulator that cares about no one than herself.  Cassia could be down right breath taking, but her voice and words are ugly.  I don't think anything is off topic when you go on a reality show.  Part of what we see is their appearance.  But you could be totally average and have an amazing personality and be a 10 in my book. Same with being fat or heifer or whatever. None of that matters to me.

  • Love 3

I will say -- Mo looks "happier" in that pic than Danielle, though it's possible that she was humiliated that he wouldn't kiss her at the altar or is wondering if there will even be a wedding night.


I find the "eastern" cultures (being from one) far more reserved when it comes to wedding pics and other displays of happiness or affection. In a normal U.S. wedding pic, you'd expect the couple to be standing close and the man having his arms around his bride with both having huge smiles. Yet in Muslim cultures, it's perfectly normal for the man to stand that far from his new bride, arms by his side, with no smile or the faintest hint of a smile. Hell -- my cousin got married in Dubai this summer and I didn't attend but saw pics later and the FIRST thing I said "are her parents even happy, I've never seen anyone look so miserable in wedding pics." My aunt/uncle were over the moon about their daughter and new son in law, but to look at the pics -- you'd see the "bitch" faces and think they were there under duress.

I will say -- Mo looks "happier" in that pic than Danielle, though it's possible that she was humiliated that he wouldn't kiss her at the altar or is wondering if there will even be a wedding night.


I find the "eastern" cultures (being from one) far more reserved when it comes to wedding pics and other displays of happiness or affection. In a normal U.S. wedding pic, you'd expect the couple to be standing close and the man having his arms around his bride with both having huge smiles. Yet in Muslim cultures, it's perfectly normal for the man to stand that far from his new bride, arms by his side, with no smile or the faintest hint of a smile. Hell -- my cousin got married in Dubai this summer and I didn't attend but saw pics later and the FIRST thing I said "are her parents even happy, I've never seen anyone look so miserable in wedding pics." My aunt/uncle were over the moon about their daughter and new son in law, but to look at the pics -- you'd see the "bitch" faces and think they were there under duress.


Though in this case we all know that Mo has zero interest in Danielle, so it isn't cultural -- no matter what he says.

  • Love 3

I will say -- Mo looks "happier" in that pic than Danielle, though it's possible that she was humiliated that he wouldn't kiss her at the altar or is wondering if there will even be a wedding night.

I find the "eastern" cultures (being from one) far more reserved when it comes to wedding pics and other displays of happiness or affection. In a normal U.S. wedding pic, you'd expect the couple to be standing close and the man having his arms around his bride with both having huge smiles. Yet in Muslim cultures, it's perfectly normal for the man to stand that far from his new bride, arms by his side, with no smile or the faintest hint of a smile. Hell -- my cousin got married in Dubai this summer and I didn't attend but saw pics later and the FIRST thing I said "are her parents even happy, I've never seen anyone look so miserable in wedding pics." My aunt/uncle were over the moon about their daughter and new son in law, but to look at the pics -- you'd see the "bitch" faces and think they were there under duress.

Lol! That's so true. People are very reserved in Middle Eastern cultures and it definitely shows in the pictures. Especially one's where the moment os supposed to be happy.

Is Mo spreading his elbows out to make sure she doesn't come any closer? What a weird stance.

Haha! Toaster Strudel, your comments are always so funny.

Mo looks like he is getting ready for a duel.

  • Love 3

It's funny how subjective this all is. I would consider Amy beautiful inside the out, like others have said, perhaps a 9/10 in looks. But you think Cassia could be breathtaking and I was surprised when she expressed an interest in a modeling career because I don't find her especially attractive. As for Dani, well I think we could give her a 5/10 for being quite average/plain, but we find her less attractive based on her personality and behavior. I remember when I was in high school and I met the fiance of one of my older sister's friends...his face looked like it had been put together from spare parts. I mean he was a singularly homely man when you met him. But then you go to know him...and his warm personality, his kindness and his sense of humor made him so much more attractive. It didn't turn him into Ryan Gosling, but it made a huge difference nonetheless.

It becomes harder and harder to sympathize with Dani as the season has progressed because her selfishness and propensity for self-pity and drama has become more apparent. As others have said, if you're on the verge of having your utilities cut, and you're responsible for children, maybe you don't need to splash out on a wedding dress. She might have found something pre-owned for much less (if having the white dress was so vitally important to her). Just a quick look at ebay shows a lot of nice enough dresses, in plus sizes, in the $100 range! Or could have bought a nice enough dress to wear at Wal-Mart for even less than that. No, I imagine there aren't any brides dreaming of wearing something that inexpensive, but you can't afford champagne dreams on a Schlitz budget. And if getting married should be about getting married, not about a wedding, wardrobe and festivities. I could even sympathize with a young woman, just starting out, who wanted a traditional white wedding dress...but I've long thought that the princess dress is best left to younger women. I was over 40 when I got married and it never even occurred to me to run out and buy a wedding dress any more than I'd have been compelled to run out for a prom dress if I had a formal event to attend. How much nicer might she have looked in a simple ivory or floral dress? (Okay,not a lot of folks would have opted for my black dress pants and black long-sleeved top with multi-colored polka dots...but it made me happy and comfortable and it was clothing I already owned.)

Oooh, I'm on a bit of a rant. Simmer down, seacow. Simmer down.

Seacow - when I saw she's not beautiful in the traditional sense I mean that the way society would view her. I personally think she's gorgeous but what puts her over the top is her personality. I do think cassia could be really pretty. Just not so great personality. Totally agree on dani and her dress. Clearly she cares more about herself than the well being of her family

I think Amy is absolutely gorgeous.


I didn't think Dani looked so bad.  I try to think all brides are somewhat beautiful.  As far as the princess dress, I thought it was as flattering as any other style could have been.  I am older than Dani and still haven't found my Mo (although now that I know that a Mo can be bought, I need to check out those bezness sites).  If I do ever get married, you could take the weddings of Cinderella, Angelina Jolie, and Kim Kardashian, put them together and multiply them by 10, and that might come close to the extravaganza I would want.  :)  I would totally wear a princess dress.  I do need to get to the gym to tone the upper arms first.

  • Love 5


And if getting married should be about getting married, not about a wedding, wardrobe and festivities.


I think deep down Dani knows she is not getting the marriage, so she wants the wedding.   Except get the damn hair out of your eyes.   Geez, if you can't look not sloppy on your wedding, don't go for the big extravaganza.

  • Love 5

The dress could have covered her feet, going all the way to the ground, but, what am I talking about?  Am I smoking crack?  This "wedding" is for the benefit of immigration officials, the photographs to be submitted as proof in their K1 file.  In reality no one cared about this farce, for their purposes they might as well have hit the Norwalk Halloween Costume Emporium.

  • Love 5

You know, I was wondering why Dani didn't rent a dress. You can do that. Wear it one time and then what.... look at it in your closet? Guys rent their tuxes. I know plenty of bridesmaids that had rental dressed. Heck, you can even rent a fake cake and have a sheet cake in the back to serve guests. The money spent could have been money saved for the phone bills.

  • Love 6

Honestly, if the dress had sleeves or she wore a shawl, it is not a bad dress on her at all. Her arms are the main issue. The waist line hits her at the right spot and the a line is good on her. She could have done a lot worse.

She does look miserable though. Maybe mad that she wasted a couple hundred on a dress for a wedding that she knows is completely fake? Mad that her guests weren't also willing to dress up and go along with the charade? Pissed about missing out on that Mo loving?

Just posted, but as a note on the sleeveless trend, I think it is because it is harder to fit sleeves and more expensive material-wise so dress makers are lazy and have more sleeveless options out there, if that makes sense.

Still, no excuse for her to not throw on a shawl.

Edited by Janet Snakehole
  • Love 4

You know, I was wondering why Dani didn't rent a dress. You can do that. Wear it one time and then what.... look at it in your closet? Guys rent their tuxes. I know plenty of bridesmaids that had rental dressed. Heck, you can even rent a fake cake and have a sheet cake in the back to serve guests. The money spent could have been money saved for the phone bills.


She could have saved even more by marrying a cardboard cutout of Mo!


  • Love 8

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