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Season 2 Discussion


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If her income from her job was so low, why was she spending money on bringing her gigolo over?   If she used the child support money she may be getting that is wrong.   The kids' cellphones should not be turned off because she spent the money on her boyfriend.    Child support can be used indirectly for the kids, like paying the rent or the car payment because the kids have to have a roof over their head and be driven around in said car.   But if you are literally not using the child support for the kids in any way but spending it on your new toy, that is a big problem.   


I get that in so many cases.   Oh she is using the money to go the clubs, not the kids.   Yeah prove it.    Well here, the ex-husband might have documentary proof the child support is not being used for its intended purposes.   Plus the eviction, the phones shut off, while Mom spends on her boyfriend (the wedding may be paid for, but nothing else is by the network), not to mention moving an unrelated male in with the teenage girls.   Dad gets to get some backbone and go after custody.   See how long Danielle keeps Mo if she is paying child support instead of receiving it.

I honestly don't think TLC pays for any of the weddings. Last season we saw a big range of wedding expenses, and this season seems to be on the same track. Knowing what I do about what production will and will not pay for, the flights, bus rides, weddings and receptions are all on the bride and groom to pay for. Which may help explain why Dani is acting so crazy about wanting a fancy wedding. She wants to look good on TV. Justin and his fiance plan to elope, but something tells me the drama created by sister-in-law will make up for it.

OK, I call total BS on Cassia and Jason and the editors. After I watched the episode, I kept thinking to myself, WTF does Spring Hill have a brazilian bikini shop for? So I did a little internet detective work and it turns out that the bikini shop they visited was in Miami. As were all the beach scenes. So the BS story about going out to see the sights in town was really shot in Miami Beach. Such crap.

You may call it BS, I would call it very bad editing by the show. Edited by cooksdelight
Posting media links and possible spoiler information in an episode thread
  • Love 3

Yes, I'm overthinking this and need to get a life, but Justin's Latino accent reminds me of my brother; we moved to the south from the north and, within a week, he was speaking with a southern accent (I vowed never to assimilate and, 50 years later, still haven't).  But my brother is very passive and the "go along to get along" type.  It reminded me of Justin worrying that his family's disapproval would influence his feeling toward this relationship.  I wonder if, for whatever reason (maybe growing up in his sainted brother's shadow), he just doesn't have a very strongly defined identity of his own?  Having his best friend call him "Hugh Hefner Jr." and "the other Alec Baldwin" probably doesn't help...

Edited by joanofarch4
  • Love 2

Yes, I'm overthinking this and need to get a life, but Justin's Latino accent reminds me of my brother; we moved to the south from the north and, within a week, he was speaking with a southern accent (I vowed never to assimilate and, 50 years later, still haven't).  But my brother is very passive and the "go along to get along" type.  It reminded me of Justin worrying that his family's disapproval would influence his feeling toward this relationship.  I wonder if, for whatever reason (maybe growing up in his sainted brother's shadow), he just doesn't have a very strongly defined identity of his own?  Having his best friend call him "Hugh Hefner Jr." and "the other Alec Baldwin" probably doesn't help...


I know that I totally do what your brother does.  When I would travel for work, it would always happen.  If I went to Texas, I would find myself talking in like the love child of Yosemite Sam and Peggy Hill.  If I was in the south, I would start with a southern accent if I had to travel to the South.  It was nuts.


I believe she mentioned somewhere that her ex-BF was chronically unemployed, maybe they receive some public assistance


She might have a child support order, I believe that they would take the money out of his unemployment check or any tax refund he would receive.  But of course that would probably require her to file a complaint or some sort of paperwork and I'm not 100% sold that she would be on the ball about doing any of that.

  • Love 2

I'm from Clearwater Florida, Springhill is only a 30 to 40 minute drive to beaches, shopping, restaurants, night life galour. It is less than an hour to Orlando. Tampa has a Hugh Hispanic population. Yes Springhill is retirement world on the lower income side and the area is "redneckish" but, that area is vacation, tourist, generated and the weather is beautiful. You can go to the beaches practically year round. There are a lot of wealthy widows and a thriving night life for any age. My ex is 65 and single, he has no problem with a social life. Safety Harbor Spa has weekend oldies dance night, he loves it.

My point is, another example of misleading representation. Also, most subdivisions in Spring Hill have HOA's that would not put up with Jason's mess and green pool.

  • Love 1

You can fly from Brazil to Tampa for 130.00 cheaper than Brazil to Miami. Was she already in Miami? If you take a bus from Miami to Tampa you could be on there for a long time and it costs about 70.00 for one person one way. You still have to drive to Tampa to catch the damn bus. Or to pick up someone, the bus doesn't stop in Spring Hill. I smell a rat, and it's probably in Jason's house.

  • Love 2

Generally speaking, it is little bit cheaper to fly to South America from Miami. Airlines may run sales and it may SOMETIMES be cheaper for an individual flight, but typically, Miami is the gateway, so you save a little plus there are many more flights to choose from. Jason picked up the bus at the Tampa airport, I recognized it in the shots. I too didn't understand why he took a bus. If I wanted to fly out of Miami, I'd probably just drive to Miami and park at the airport. But then again, I don't drive a POS El Camino with no AC. Maybe they wanted to do some filing in Miami. There is a large Hispanic community there, so there would be opportunities to film at bikini stores, etc, lol. Once she hits Spring Hill, it's strictly the Wal Mart and Cracker Barrel. 

  • Love 1

You know being from Clearwater I think of Spring Hill from the US 19 side, not the I 75 direction, so I think Weeki Wachi, Homassassa, Tarpon Springs and Clearwater as places I would take someone to see, not Brooksville, etc. Either she likes eccentric, nasty ass Jason and maybe (if she has gotten the pool clean) she will whip him into shape or she will ventur out and hook up with someone else. I'm sure what we are seeing is dramatization, ya think?

  • Love 2

How in the world did Danielle manage in a foreign country? She can barely function in her own podunk town! She and her family are so culturally challenged, I just can't see her swanning around in Africa.  Where did she stay? Certainly not with Mo's Muslim family--who wouldn't approve of his dating an older American woman. They speak Arabic and French in Tunisia--she can barely speak proper English! You need a certain level of sophistication to navigate a foreign country. Or at least, the ability to think on your feet.  I just can't see her doing that. I wonder if it's a producer-driven fake story, and that actually, she's never been out of the States in her life. 


As for Mo, he's kind of endearing. I dated a Muslim Egyptian named Mohammed (also nicknamed Mo) once. (I use the term "dated" loosely. I was an older woman living in Venice and he was well, a booty call!)  He was a total womanizer while in Venice, and drank freely, but then would go back to his family and be devout. It is a common, semi-condoned practice for young Egyptian men to have affairs with us loose Western floozies, get sexual experience, and then go back and marry virgins.  So Mo on the show--I seriously doubt the dude is a virgin, or that he wouldn't have sex with Danielle if he were attracted to her. And I can't help but root for him, because she is such a dimwitted disaster. 

Edited by venezia54
  • Love 6

You know being from Clearwater I think of Spring Hill from the US 19 side, not the I 75 direction, so I think Weeki Wachi, Homassassa, Tarpon Springs and Clearwater as places I would take someone to see, not Brooksville, etc. Either she likes eccentric, nasty ass Jason and maybe (if she has gotten the pool clean) she will whip him into shape or she will ventur out and hook up with someone else. I'm sure what we are seeing is dramatization, ya think?


Personally, I think she is probably trolling for men online to rescue her from that disaster.  But I think that has probably been the plan all along.  I don't think she has any intention of being stuck in that retirement community, and you're not going to convince a 38 year old man to suddenly get a job so he can make good money.  And you're not going to convince anyone to hire a 38 year old man who only has one year of experience working for the national guard.  Former inmates have more work experience.  So she got on the plane knowing that she met the only sucker stupid and desperate enough to go through all the procedures to get her the K1 visa so she would have a full 3 months in the US to find a better man.  And she gets to live rent free and has her meals paid for, even if they are at the local buffet.  And since she is going to start "modelling" she will have a convenient cover for leaving if/when she goes out on dates/meets.


There are a lot of foreign women looking to hook up with American men, but it has to be easier to meet and date if you're already in the country.  And Cassia doesn't have the looks to stand out enough online to separate her from the countless other women looking to meet a gree--I mean guy online



How in the world did Danielle manage in a foreign country? She can barely function in her own podunk town! She and her family are so culturally challenged, I just can't see her swanning around in Africa.  Where did she stay? Certainly not with Mo's Muslim family--who wouldn't approve of his dating an older American woman. They speak Arabic and French in Tunisia--she can barely speak proper English! You need a certain level of sophistication to navigate a foreign country. Or at least, the ability to think on your feet.  I just can't see her doing that. I wonder if it's a producer-driven fake story, and that actually, she's never been out of the States in her life. 


I suspect that until Mo came to pick her up she was in her hotel room, watching TV and eating Cheez-It's, petrified to go out and explore on her own.  

  • Love 6

The article in the Norwalk Bugle or whatever it's called said that she spent her time visiting Mo in Qatar in the hotel room watching TV.


Cassia is inexplicably into Jason.  Not everyone has sensible taste in men like I do, LOL

Well, there is no better way to explore a country than to fly thousands of miles to visit and than watch the local news.


I feel like Cassia's interest in Jason can easily explained by her desire for a green card, and a semi-well thought out plan to trade up as soon as possible.  If I could offer her some advice it would be to find a rich old dude.  And I mean really old, with eyesight good enough to appreciate that she has a great body, but bad enough to not see the terrible cat eye and messed up teeth.

  • Love 3

I think Daya is probably much nicer than being portrayed on the show.  She is putting up with a lot, most of us would bolt at marrying a guy that is renting a room in some couple's house, after traveling around the world to immediately become a full time babysitter, and co-sleeping with a stepchild.  I would be out of there so fast you'd see nothing but smoke and skid marks.  But Daya is good-natured and she's sticking around.  That diamond better be real, though.

  • Love 4

Meh, Mo's alright.  If he's a con artist, he's not a very good one lol - so they're matched in the sense that they're both dimwitted.


I do think if he WAS a con, he could have done better for himself.  I've seen them on Dateline and shit where decent looking, articulate, childless(or with grown children) women with money get conned - He's batting a -100 here.


I mean just reading that Tunesian Love Rat site, there are lots and LOTS of women to choose from for these con artists. You mean Mo couldn't pick one that had at least:


- outer beauty (so he could at least get sex out of it)

- money (or at least not be living last month's paycheck to next month's bills)

- childless (for me, the idea of a childless man taking on a woman with FOUR kids is crazy - especially for a con)

- intelligent/articulate - hell, at this point I'd settle for literate

- lived in a more cosmopolitan city (ie. NY, LA, Miami) where he could work his next con if this one didn't work out



I mean he's really getting NOTHING out of this - except perhaps the ridicule of his friends.


  • Love 10

Meh, Mo's alright.  If he's a con artist, he's not a very good one lol - so they're matched in the sense that they're both dimwitted.


I do think if he WAS a con, he could have done better for himself.  I've seen them on Dateline and shit where decent looking, articulate, childless(or with grown children) women with money get conned - He's batting a -100 here.


I mean just reading that Tunesian Love Rat site, there are lots and LOTS of women to choose from for these con artists. You mean Mo couldn't pick one that had at least:


- outer beauty (so he could at least get sex out of it)

- money (or at least not be living last month's paycheck to next month's bills)

- childless (for me, the idea of a childless man taking on a woman with FOUR kids is crazy - especially for a con)

- intelligent/articulate - hell, at this point I'd settle for literate

- lived in a more cosmopolitan city (ie. NY, LA, Miami) where he could work his next con if this one didn't work out



I mean he's really getting NOTHING out of this - except perhaps the ridicule of his friends.

I have to agree with you.  I think Danielle is just as much, if not more of a con artist than Mo is.  My feeling is that there is sort of an unspoken agreement in these sorts of things.  Danielle gets to have a guy at least 15 years younger than her who is out of her league, both looks wise and in terms of intelligence.  I'm not saying he is Brad Pitt, nor Stephen Hawking, but comparatively for her, he is a catch both in terms of looks and intelligence.  The trade off is that, in exchange for basically having that man under her thumb for at least two years, she is supposed to sponsor him so he can get his green card.  She knows that this is an exchange because she failed to mention her financial difficulties to him, knowing that he would have stayed home because he is not that into her, but he is into getting the chance to get a green card.  So far, he has kept up his end of the bargain, he has gone everywhere with her, put up with her ignorant family, and her constant clinginess with understanding, kindness and respect. She, on the other hand I think has sold him a defunct bill of goods, I feel like she gave him the impression that she was doing good financially and could take care of him.  I think this is why he was somewhat put off by where she lived and her vehicle, because I can imagine that in order to get him to agree to come to the US, she probably misrepresented a lot of things to him just to get him here.  

  • Love 7

I have to agree with you. I think Danielle is just as much, if not more of a con artist than Mo is. My feeling is that there is sort of an unspoken agreement in these sorts of things. Danielle gets to have a guy at least 15 years younger than her who is out of her league, both looks wise and in terms of intelligence. I'm not saying he is Brad Pitt, nor Stephen Hawking, but comparatively for her, he is a catch both in terms of looks and intelligence. The trade off is that, in exchange for basically having that man under her thumb for at least two years, she is supposed to sponsor him so he can get his green card. She knows that this is an exchange because she failed to mention her financial difficulties to him, knowing that he would have stayed home because he is not that into her, but he is into getting the chance to get a green card. So far, he has kept up his end of the bargain, he has gone everywhere with her, put up with her ignorant family, and her constant clinginess with understanding, kindness and respect. She, on the other hand I think has sold him a defunct bill of goods, I feel like she gave him the impression that she was doing good financially and could take care of him. I think this is why he was somewhat put off by where she lived and her vehicle, because I can imagine that in order to get him to agree to come to the US, she probably misrepresented a lot of things to him just to get him here.

Honestly, I think this is giving danielle way too much credit. I don't think she thought that far ahead. I couldn't even picture her fudging too much to get him here; I just don't think it's in her abilities. She doesn't seem that crafty to me, because if she was, she'd at least hide it until after he got the green card. I don't think she's got enough going on upstairs to be that conciously manipulative.

Meh, Mo's alright. If he's a con artist, he's not a very good one lol - so they're matched in the sense that they're both dimwitted.

I do think if he WAS a con, he could have done better for himself. I've seen them on Dateline and shit where decent looking, articulate, childless(or with grown children) women with money get conned - He's batting a -100 here.

I mean just reading that Tunesian Love Rat site, there are lots and LOTS of women to choose from for these con artists. You mean Mo couldn't pick one that had at least:

- outer beauty (so he could at least get sex out of it)

- money (or at least not be living last month's paycheck to next month's bills)

- childless (for me, the idea of a childless man taking on a woman with FOUR kids is crazy - especially for a con)

- intelligent/articulate - hell, at this point I'd settle for literate

- lived in a more cosmopolitan city (ie. NY, LA, Miami) where he could work his next con if this one didn't work out

I mean he's really getting NOTHING out of this - except perhaps the ridicule of his friends.

Sometimes I wonder if he actually does have a glimmer of love for her. If he were a beznessman, would it behoove him to go on this show? He can't be that dumb, can he? Lol.

I wonder where Danielle got the money to fly to Quatar and stay in a hotel. She seems to live quite a hardscrabble life. I wold think she would barely be able to afford the passport fees, much less travel expenses.

Children's college fund.

  • Love 3

I think that Danielle actually thought that, for once in her miserable life, things were going great.  She met this incredible guy online, he's good-looking, and really cares about her and her kids.  If they both knew that the relationship was a contract, so to speak, for a limited duration, with an exchange of services (companionship for a green card), then whatever.  But I don't think she sees it that way. 


As to whether Mo might care for her because he can't be that dumb to come all this way for a broke chick, maybe he's just not experienced enough at the con.  This might be his first time.

  • Love 6

Honestly, I think this is giving danielle way too much credit. I don't think she thought that far ahead. I couldn't even picture her fudging too much to get him here; I just don't think it's in her abilities. She doesn't seem that crafty to me, because if she was, she'd at least hide it until after he got the green card. I don't think she's got enough going on upstairs to be that conciously manipulative.

Sometimes I wonder if he actually does have a glimmer of love for her. If he were a beznessman, would it behoove him to go on this show? He can't be that dumb, can he? Lol.

Children's college fund.

You think those kids are headed for college?  I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say "technical school fund" -- just kidding, those kids are total Rhodes Scholars, I can tell.


It seems to me like she was desperately trying to hide her financial status until the marriage.  Like someone else said, when they finally get around to cutting off your phone, its because you haven't paid in a minute.  Which means Danielle likely knew there were bad financial times coming before the cell phone got cut off, but she didn't want him to leave so she kept her trap shut.  


I think Mohammed realizes he is on TV, and if he behaves kindly towards someone who is as hard to handle as Danielle he may actually get a couple of better offers out of it.

Edited by RealityGal
  • Love 3

Venezia 54 says: They speak Arabic and French in Tunisia--she [Danielle] can barely speak proper English!

I must have missed the episode she used proper English. Hey, I'm from the deep south. Although I speak proper English - with a decidedly southern accent - I also speak fluent redneck, Ebonics and general cracker with ease. I'm multilingual (ha!). Danielle's weekly butchering of English grammar makes me wish Mohammed would punch her! Or at least correct her. The whine and the pitch of her voice is the proverbial nails-on-a-chalkboard. I confess: I watch every single week for the sole purpose of watching Mohammed's face when Danielle talks to him. One day, he's going to throw up, I just know it. Every week, while she's clinging, I'm thinking RUUNNNNNNNNN, FORREST!!!!

I truly think TLC stooped too low to include Dani/Mo this season. I am actually a little embarrassed for myself that I can't wait to see groveling, sniveling, pathetic Danielle every week. She's quite obviously a little slow and it's not acceptable for her to be exploited. (But it's SO entertaining!) I know better, and I'm obsessed. What was Mo thinking? He saw her in Tunisia, he knew what he was getting - and yet he came to America. His FACE is priceless to me at every turn. Every.Single.Week. I think he's going to say (with a snort he's been holding back since the airport scene) "You know what? Just kidding. See ya!!!"

Then again, maybe the "face" I'm seeing is just Mo processing what Danielle has just said. He's processing an English translation for whatever mumbo-jumbo she just has spilled with her face mashed against his sleeve... Maybe what I'm reading as gas or nausea (or even slight desperation) is actually just "Huh???"

  • Love 8

Venezia 54 says: They speak Arabic and French in Tunisia--she [Danielle] can barely speak proper English!

I must have missed the episode she used proper English. Hey, I'm from the deep south. Although I speak proper English - with a decidedly southern accent - I also speak fluent redneck, Ebonics and general cracker with ease. I'm multilingual (ha!). Danielle's weekly butchering of English grammar makes me wish Mohammed would punch her! Or at least correct her. The whine and the pitch of her voice is the proverbial nails-on-a-chalkboard. I confess: I watch every single week for the sole purpose of watching Mohammed's face when Danielle talks to him. One day, he's going to throw up, I just know it. Every week, while she's clinging, I'm thinking RUUNNNNNNNNN, FORREST!!!!

I truly think TLC stooped too low to include Dani/Mo this season. I am actually a little embarrassed for myself that I can't wait to see groveling, sniveling, pathetic Danielle every week. She's quite obviously a little slow and it's not acceptable for her to be exploited. (But it's SO entertaining!) I know better, and I'm obsessed. What was Mo thinking? He saw her in Tunisia, he knew what he was getting - and yet he came to America. His FACE is priceless to me at every turn. Every.Single.Week. I think he's going to say (with a snort he's been holding back since the airport scene) "You know what? Just kidding. See ya!!!"

Then again, maybe the "face" I'm seeing is just Mo processing what Danielle has just said. He's processing an English translation for whatever mumbo-jumbo she just has spilled with her face mashed against his sleeve... Maybe what I'm reading as gas or nausea (or even slight desperation) is actually just "Huh???"

Your post is brilliant.


I think his face is hilarious too.  Especially when she tries to grab his forearm, its like he is actively fighting the instinct to yank his arm away and make for the hills, or the nearest Diary Queen.  Wherever he can go to feel safe (well the local DQ is probably not it, since it sounds like it would be the hangout for Dani's friends and family).  While she isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, I do think that she realizes this is some sort of exchange, which is why she hid her financial problems for as long as possible.


And don't feel bad, my sister is the one who turned me onto show, her opening selling point is "its one of those shows that will make you feel better about yourself."  And then she told me the story of Dani and Mo, she was like "you could tell he was like trying to hide behind a post or something" and I truly wouldn't be surprised if it turns out he had ordered an Uber or a Lyft and had to quickly cancel it once she found his hiding place.

  • Love 1

I am almost kind of bored with Mo and Danielle at this point. They both suck so much that it is hard for me to care at all. I feel bad for her kids, but other than that, they deserve each other. I wish that they weren't on this show.

Jason looks too dead inside for me to really care about as well. It weirdly makes me miss Aziza, she had dead eyes too but her and Mike were so twisted that I had to watch.

I am rooting for Justin and Evelin, mostly because I think she is a sweetheart and genuine, so I want to believe it is real.

Chelsea and Danny have most of my ire. I still think Danny is gay. Not seeing their chemistry. His brother is so annoying too, like give them some space. I really don't think these two will make it.

Chelsea would have so much of my respect if she and Yamir would go back to Nicaragua. Or give at least one compelling reason why she has to be in the US. She knows the language, and could continue volunteering, particularly if he is supposedly an oh so famous pop star there. If he made money, she could continue with her do gooder hippie life there while he pop stars it up. She has no job in the US and has not mentioned going to school. And I rolled my eyes so hard when they were both so shocked that he was out of the band. And why the hell would them being in the US most of the time, but him occasionally going back for shows while she stays in the US be any better than the both of them being in Nicaragua?! I mean that is setting yourself up for a lot of separation, and if she has jealousy issues as speculated (not sure that I agree that she does, but just saying) that would just make that issue worse.

  • Love 1

Jason has no conversation skills.  What a monumental bore.  What a boring proposal.  He is lucky that Cassia is temporarily insane and said "yes."  Jason actually proposed to the sharks.  Cassia, have that diamond appraised, LOL.  He probably traded it on Ebay for a pile of Playboys.


The best thing about tonight's show: the Pillsbury advert touting that Toaster Strudels now have MORE FRUIT!


Cassidy was a brat because she locked out Daya for 3 seconds?  Give me a break.  Don't be petty, you're the adult.  OK so you're now a full time babysitter, but you knew that going in.


Amy's sisters-in-law were so nice.  They are all sex-crazed from all the repression and all the virginity worship, but they're nice.  Amy's mom was an angel.


I was proud of Justin for telling his shit family that he's going to elope with confidence and certainty.  Darth Vader's phoney, grimacing expression of disappointment fooled no one.  What does she expect after once again welcoming Evelin with an interrogation like she's a criminal defense lawyer grilling a rape victim?  Jason's brother played his usual role as enforcer of the manipulative mother.  Screw him and Darth Vader and manipulative mother.  Look at how nice Amy's in-laws were (except racist dude), and shame on you dysfunctional lot.  Justin, escape and save yourself!

Edited by Toaster Strudel
  • Love 15

Can I just say how much I love Amy? What a sweet girl, so appreciative of those around her. And her mom is equally as wonderful. Even Danny's family didn't bug, and I thought the bachelorette weekend was sweet. And she rocked that gown. 


Maybe it was just my TV, but Yamir sounded really bad when he was signing. The woman producer was following script, but the look on her face said it all. 


Jason and Cassia drove an hour on a summer day in his broke down El Camino? They must have been a sweaty mess by the time they got to the aquarium. The doors had no side panels on the inside. Love Jason's dad. He just sits there and sighs and shakes his head over the whole thing. At least they cleaned the pool. 


Liver lips thinks that disciplining you child is the equivalent of putting them in jail, Dude has zero clue. 


Jennifer is a bitch. She pretty much accused Evelin of having a secret life, sordid past or a couple of kids stashed somewhere. 

  • Love 6

Initial Thoughts:
Jason actually cleaned the pool. That was the only thing I cared about in his whole segment.  Wonder which estate sale did Jason get that ring and how much ebay crap did he have to sell on to get it?  
Amy’s gorgeous. Loved all the wedding dresses that she tried on. What a waste on Danny. Run away Amy. The sisters in law were super nice and loved how they all just are including her which is a complete flip to Evelyn's situation.....
Poor Evelyn. If she is that crazy about Justin, they should just elope. That man comes from a cray cray family.  Unless it is a TLC cooked up storyline? I wouldn't put it past them.
Brett seems like a poor dad with his attitude towards Cassidy.  Daya, for all her faults and attitude can do better.  Please do not say instan-mom again.
Yamir. Just go back home.
No Dani or Mo till next week. Miss that hot mess.

  • Love 4

Daya has an odd way of running.

Jason reminds me of a cartoon turtle; his eyes don't open all the way.

I have a lot of Chelsea hate right now. Gawd forbid that she does one unselfish thing for Yamir, apparently. It's clear to me now that she was more in love with other women being jealous that she was dating a pop star than she was with Yamir.

ETA: Just how petite is Danny? When Amy was standing next to him, she looked big, but seeing her standing next to other women in this episode, I realized how tiny she is. Danny is an actual marionette!

Edited by PityFree
  • Love 11

Chelsea needs to suck it up and move to Chicago. How far are her parents anyway? The only issue might be rent payment, but I bet she has more chance of employment there.

Jason and Cassia and Brett and Daya.....snooze.

Jennifer was really pushing it, so was the brother. Evelin has a lot of patience. She and Justin should elope with maybe mom in tow. And not bother trying too hard to get on the brother and sister in law's good side.

Amy and her mom were wonderful. She looked so pretty trying on dresses. I definitely prefer Danny's sisters to the brothers, even if I think that the focus on virginity makes them all super weirdly focused on sex. I hope she is happy, but I have my doubts about Danny and her.

I may be alone here, but frankly, I was relieved to have a week off from Mo and Danielle.

Edited by Janet Snakehole
  • Love 4

How interesting that Yamir could leave a promising music career, his family and friends, and everything he's even known behind, but Chelsea isn't comfortable moving 2-3 hours away from mom and dad. She is selfish as fuck. There is no career for Yamir in her little town - he needs to move to a major city.


Amy is so damn lovely that she saves this show for me. She just seems like a genuinely kind young woman. Her SIL was pretty awesome for creating such a sentimental Bachelorette weekend, too.


I don't like how Justin introduced Evelin to his family (I actually thought it was incredibly disrespectful to his mother AND Evelin), but I admire him sticking to his guns about wanting to elope. However, something is very odd about his relationship with his family.

  • Love 14

Chelsea, wow. Selfish bitch. Really, she was moving all around and is worried about being far from her parents NOW?! you can't say you want his music career to take off, and then not make one sacrifice for it to happen...even though he sounded like he was shouting at us in Spanish, come on.

I got so excited about the toaster strudels, I actually cheered to my husband.

Liver Lips is everything that's wrong with parental guilt. Discipline is not jail, you dumbass. I also fear that if him and Daya had a baby, it'd be one giant lip for a head.

Dude, Jason just gets uglier and uglier each episode, and it's not just looks that make a person hideous. He's so boring. Those photo booth photo strips made me laugh...she's all animated and he's the same boring face each time. Lmao.

Justin's bitch sister in law is hideous and has arms similar to Danielle's, who I totally missed this week :(

I love Amy, it's too bad she ended up with such a douche.

  • Love 11

Venezia 54 says: They speak Arabic and French in Tunisia--she [Danielle] can barely speak proper English!

I must have missed the episode she used proper English. Hey, I'm from the deep south. Although I speak proper English - with a decidedly southern accent - I also speak fluent redneck, Ebonics and general cracker with ease. I'm multilingual (ha!). Danielle's weekly butchering of English grammar makes me wish Mohammed would punch her! Or at least correct her. The whine and the pitch of her voice is the proverbial nails-on-a-chalkboard. I confess: I watch every single week for the sole purpose of watching Mohammed's face when Danielle talks to him. One day, he's going to throw up, I just know it. Every week, while she's clinging, I'm thinking RUUNNNNNNNNN, FORREST!!!!

I truly think TLC stooped too low to include Dani/Mo this season. I am actually a little embarrassed for myself that I can't wait to see groveling, sniveling, pathetic Danielle every week. She's quite obviously a little slow and it's not acceptable for her to be exploited. (But it's SO entertaining!) I know better, and I'm obsessed. What was Mo thinking? He saw her in Tunisia, he knew what he was getting - and yet he came to America. His FACE is priceless to me at every turn. Every.Single.Week. I think he's going to say (with a snort he's been holding back since the airport scene) "You know what? Just kidding. See ya!!!"

Then again, maybe the "face" I'm seeing is just Mo processing what Danielle has just said. He's processing an English translation for whatever mumbo-jumbo she just has spilled with her face mashed against his sleeve... Maybe what I'm reading as gas or nausea (or even slight desperation) is actually just "Huh???"

Lmao @ watching to watch Mo's face!!!

You think those kids are headed for college? I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say "technical school fund" -- just kidding, those kids are total Rhodes Scholars, I can tell.

It seems to me like she was desperately trying to hide her financial status until the marriage. Like someone else said, when they finally get around to cutting off your phone, its because you haven't paid in a minute. Which means Danielle likely knew there were bad financial times coming before the cell phone got cut off, but she didn't want him to leave so she kept her trap shut.

I think Mohammed realizes he is on TV, and if he behaves kindly towards someone who is as hard to handle as Danielle he may actually get a couple of better offers out of it.

Lol!!! I was being hopeful. Where else would she pull it from? Her 401k? Lol.

Good point on Mo. He might actually have a fetish for middle aged fat women. It's weird but true.

  • Love 1

Not really related to this episode, but my brothers and I were talking about the lack of Dani and Mo on this episode and I was filling them in on her money woes, my youngest brother wants to start a Kickstarter or a GoFundMe for DaniMo.   I'd be onboard for that.  If we get to watch their married life, I would.    We are mean people.  


Amy is so sweet.  Chelsea is awful.  I mean, you can't leave your parents?  They are not infirmed.   I honestly don't know what foolishness Yamir was doing in that recording studio, but they'd both probably be able to have a better chance of making something of themselves in Chi-town than in Bumblefuck, Il.  

  • Love 3

Not really related to this episode, but my brothers and I were talking about the lack of Dani and Mo on this episode and I was filling them in on her money woes, my youngest brother wants to start a Kickstarter or a GoFundMe for DaniMo. I'd be onboard for that. If we get to watch their married life, I would. We are mean people.

Amy is so sweet. Chelsea is awful. I mean, you can't leave your parents? They are not infirmed. I honestly don't know what foolishness Yamir was doing in that recording studio, but they'd both probably be able to have a better chance of making something of themselves in Chi-town than in Bumblefuck, Il.

*breaks out wallet*

  • Love 3

Lmao @ watching to watch Mo's face!!!

Lol!!! I was being hopeful. Where else would she pull it from? Her 401k? Lol.

Good point on Mo. He might actually have a fetish for middle aged fat women. It's weird but true.

My spidey senses tell me high interest credit cards and cash advances on said credit cards.


I also wouldn't be surprised to learn that she spends all of the money she makes working on Mo, and tries to live exclusively off of any state assistance or child support payments.  I would also think she would get a pretty reasonable income tax check back every year, and that also must go straight towards whatever she is planning for Mo.


The look on Mo's face says anything but a fetish for middle aged larger ladies.  Whenever Danielle starts grabbing at his forearm he looks ready to gnaw it off so he can escape.  But hey, if he can convince America he is a nice guy who can really love a Danielle, I think women might come out of the woodwork who are at least a little better off.

Edited by RealityGal
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