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Season 2 Discussion


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In the bonus scenes where DaniMo and the kids went to Cedar Point - I'm hoping TLC paid for that. The cheapest day ticket is $39.99, so a tad under $200 for the five of them. Plus transport and food, which would probably account for another $100.


I also noticed when they were in the living room when the trip was being discussed that the daughter who looks the most like Dani seems a little ... slow? I also can't help noticing Dani's resemblance to Peter Griffin on Family Guy. Once seen, I can't unsee it.

Damn it, now I totally see that in my head!  

  • Love 2

So is Jason's job a seller on ebay? I thought he worked somewhere else?

He said that he was in the National Guard and that he owns an online business. I just assumed he was selling on eBay since yard sales finds are huge for that site. Maybe I'm wrong and he has an independent shop. Either way, it seems his primary source of income is selling.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 1

Selling crap on eBay is now a "job"?  Maybe Chelsea can go into that line of business, as she probably ran out the "advanced liberal arts degree" string as long as she could before resorting to volunteering.  Even so, she asks, "Who substituted you?"


As for why the rush to the US, as I hypothesized once before: random attractive women were walking up to Yamir and requesting his autograph on various body parts.  He was a rock star.  I suspect she wanted to put a stop to that nonsense, and perhaps she was tired of babysitting Nicaraguan children, too.  It's clear she has a cushy arrangement at age 25 being pampered at home by her parents, and now she can brag that a celebrity loved her enough to follow her across the world.  And what does she mean, "Yamir has 90 days to prove that he wants this lifestyle"?  Some of her phraseology is very odd!  And she will look exactly like her mother in a few years.

  • Love 2

I am now at the point where Danielle and Mohamed amuse me. Each week I look forward to seeing what new tactic he will employ to keep her off of him, and how she will defeat him with her single-minded determination to cling to him as if her next breath depends on it. Holding his drink with both hands was a nice try, but she blows right by that and goes right into the two-handed arm clutch. I thought he might be onto something with the whole "walking around with his hands clasped behind his back" technique, but nope. She latched right on, even though she looked awkward as hell with her hand behind his back, looking for all the world like she was clinging to the hem of his shirt. It doesn't matter where they are or what they are doing. If that hand is empty,by God she's going to hold it! And I don't think it much matters whether that hand is behind his back, down his pants, or picking his nose.


I think that daughter is probably marking the days off on her wall, like a prison inmate. Freedom from that emotional vampire is probably her driving motivation in life.


That sneeze was epic. The spray was almost cartoon-like. Doctors say can't get ebola from a sneeze, but after seeing the velocity and range of the droplets exploding from that man's nose, I have serious doubts.


LMAO, you had me in tears. I am ROTFLMAO visualizing your description of Danielle and Mohammed.


I am going to try your approach and try to look at them with new eyes, so far I have avoided them , FF when they are on screen, I just can't , it is too pathetic that a woman can be 40+ and be so needy and insecure, but now after your hilarious comment I am going to pay attention to those details and she how lovely Mohamed gets more and more creative.


A question for you - if they go ahead with the wedding (miracles do happen) what do you think would be Mohammed's excuse of the day to avoid sex on their wedding night? just curious about your theory.

  • Love 1

LMAO, you had me in tears. I am ROTFLMAO visualizing your description of Danielle and Mohammed.


I am going to try your approach and try to look at them with new eyes, so far I have avoided them , FF when they are on screen, I just can't , it is too pathetic that a woman can be 40+ and be so needy and insecure, but now after your hilarious comment I am going to pay attention to those details and she how lovely Mohamed gets more and more creative.


A question for you - if they go ahead with the wedding (miracles do happen) what do you think would be Mohammed's excuse of the day to avoid sex on their wedding night? just curious about your theory.

You didn't ask me, but I'm betting that he laces her wine with sleeping pills and then tells her the sex was amazing the next day.

  • Love 7

Jason was obviously setting up Cassia to look like a psycho in his father's eyes, threatening that she really "goes off when stressed" and making Ron "want to reach through that computer and strangle someone," and now they're out to stress her.  Was that clown-suit idea stolen from "19 Kids" and clown-phobic cousin Amy?  We can only hope this whole scenario is producer-driven.


What are the moped laws in PA; can Amy not buy a scooter and transport herself to the train station?  Or even call a cab, since she apparently has enough money for airfare?  She might as well be in prison or a nursing home.  And where do they plan to live once they're married; have they said where Danny lives now (not with yet another brother, I hope)? 


I noticed that all of Danny's brothers look just like him, and I'm completely confused by Justin's two brothers, as well.  Not only do they look exactly alike, but they were dressed identically at the pool party.  Fake or not, this show is way too engrossing on way too many levels...

And what does she mean, "Yamir has 90 days to prove that he wants this lifestyle"?  Some of her phraseology is very odd!  

Ugh. I didn't even catch her say that. What does she even mean? Yamir has 90 days to prove he's willing to live in this craphole with me, being broke and not speaking much English, rather than the happy life he had created/was still creating for himself in Nicaragua? Yamir has 90 days to prove that struggling with me and my parents means more to him than his own career? Yamir has 90 days to learn to like the stupid marble-mouthed way that I talk? 


Eek. I get that maybe she wanted to move back to where she felt more comfortable, but it seems awfully selfish to expect Yamir to have tagged along, given the circumstances. I feel kind of bad for our poor sap Yamir... go back to Nica and SIIIING, buddy. 

  • Love 3

Clearly all the foreigners are treated as possessions to these people in their own "unique" ways.


I hope Amy will look into a way to stay for educational purposes or something else.  Danny and his Duggar wannabe family will convert, shape, mold and remove any sense of her South African self.  Danny and his family treats Amy as their "tanned" novelty.  I forsee creepy brother will "accidentally" walk in on her in the shower or another undressed moment.  Like everyone else is saying Run Amy Run!

  • Love 1

His religion forbids him from eating pork.


(Sorry, couldn't resist. I'll get my coat ...)



You didn't ask me, but I'm betting that he laces her wine with sleeping pills and then tells her the sex was amazing the next day.


OMG, you guys are killing me, LMAO


I know it is awful to make fun of a person who obviously has as many issues as Danielle. I have tried my best to symphatize with her and I just can't.


When your dellusion starts to affect your children's lives then maybe is time to take a deep breath. Danielle could be the most beautiful woman in the world and 100 pounds lighter but her neediness and her clinginess would made her unberable. I just laugh now at Mohammed obvious attempts to keep her at bay, but one thing is for sure, before it is all set and done she will get her way with Mohammed. You are talking about lacing the wine. I am thinking the one drinking that wine will be Mohammed and the next day she will tell him a big story as to how amazing it was and that she is pregnant and can't leave her now.  Mohammed would die.

  • Love 1

I just don't believe that anything we see from Chelsea and Yamir isn't drama for the cameras. I believe they love each other and Myla Vox exists, but I think they would have been married as soon as they stepped off the plane and all the melodramatic statements about not wanting to lose each other and all the fish out of water stuff are basically the story they are portraying for the cameras. He's a 28 year old in a boy band that is probably hitting the end of it's run and the chance to get some free publicity via his impending marriage was too much to resist. 

Edited by yuggapukka
  • Love 7

I posted this in an earlier thread but with the questions about Jason's job history I thought it might be of interest here.  Though it raises more questions than it answers.  According to the article in my local paper, Jason went to Bloomington IL to attend college at my alma mater (I'm so proud) and, reading between the lines, didn't graduate for 12 years?  I can't be sure.  No job is mentioned, just that he graduated then joined the National Guard right before the age cut off at 35.  Lotta time to spend in college for one degree.



  • Love 1

^^ that article makes Jason sound like a complete loser. So his job was the National Guard? Sorry, that's one weekend a month and 2 weeks in the summer. You don't make much more than 50-10K a year. So what was he doing the other 300+ days out of the year? The article made it sound like even the National Guard thing didn't go well.  No wonder he is looking overseas to find a wife. Geez. 

  • Love 1

It took me some time to finish my first undergrad degree, so I can't poke fun at anyone for the same. As long as Jason finished, that's all that matters. Maybe it took him some time to figure out what he wanted to do?


In general, Jason just seems very dull and unmotivated. I'm not surprised his current job consists of selling items online with his father because I definitely think he would struggle with face-to-face interaction with customers and/or colleagues.

  • Love 3

I am thinking the one drinking that wine will be Mohammed and the next day she will tell him a big story as to how amazing it was and that she is pregnant and can't leave her now. Mohammed would die.

Gah! No. Why did you guys do this to me? Guiding Light was my favorite soap and I can't resist adding on to this. As she nears the 9 month mark, Danielle is desperate to produce a baby. She heads to the Lobo Lounge and laces the bar skank's gallon of beer. She drives the bar skank home and then kidnaps one of her neglected babies to pass off as Mohammed's.

Either that, or Mohammed pulls a Sideshow Bob and torches the place when Danielle sits down to watch MacGyver.

  • Love 3

Call me crazy, but I don't believe Mo would lie.  My guess is that he's actually pretty devout (aside from drinking beer, which he explained you have to do in this country to meet people).  Notice that the trait he purports to like most about Danielle is her honesty (so much for that), and observe how he outlines his intentions to her son.  Never once does he claim to love her!  His "goals" are to get a job and have a good life.  He promises to treat the family nicely.  He says nothing about sleeping with her!  As long as Danielle gets her "cuddles" or whatever she called them (which I guess means pawing Mo while he stands there like a statue), she'll be fine.  At the top of this heap is Amy; then it's Mo...

  • Love 4

^^ that article makes Jason sound like a complete loser. So his job was the National Guard? Sorry, that's one weekend a month and 2 weeks in the summer. You don't make much more than 50-10K a year. So what was he doing the other 300+ days out of the year? The article made it sound like even the National Guard thing didn't go well. No wonder he is looking overseas to find a wife. Geez.

You can do more than one weekend a month. That's just the minimum. In fact, some people have full-time positions.
  • Love 1

In just about every state, you can ride one without a license. It's why they got the nickname "Dewy" as in "DUI". 

I know you can in CT but I don't think you can in NY.  Could be wrong.


Wonder what Danny was like in Australia that Amy fell in love with?

Daya and Brett seemed evenly matched to me. 

Mo is obviously scamming Danielle but he seems nice and polite.  Wonder why he picked Danielle?  Maybe people of any means don't go on that dating site.

Cassia could be a bar model - one of those Bud girls.  With some better hair and make-up, she could be a Hawaiian Tropic bikini model.

I haven't gotten any sense of Evelin.  But the sis in law is clearly an angry alkie.

These people knew they were being filmed for a television show, right? Did they think they were going to be on The Price Is Right? No, they knew it was TLC and had no doubt been briefed on the setup. I just can't believe Justin would be so callous or stupid. Maybe the SIL wants this to be her shot at her own show? Who knows!

He passed the comment that he had told his family he was on a dating show to explain the cameras.

He passed the comment that he had told his family he was on a dating show to explain the cameras.

But they all have to sign a release from production to be on the show. As well as a contract that explains the concept of the show and how they have to remain silent about any details until the shows have all aired. Plus, they are all given daily filming schedules, set-ups as to what the situation of the day is. I know they get a script which tells them who is going to do or say whatever.

  • Love 1

Of course Mo is nice and polite.   It he were nasty and rude, even a desperate woman would not fall for his lines.   It's all part of the bezness package.   Once he gets the green card he won't give a damn how he treats her.

I know, once he gets his green card he'll be like "ma! the meatloaf!" and bring it to me in a neutral location because I don't want you to know where I live!

Edited by RealityGal

I haven't done Ebay in years. What was "I have to find nineteen items!!" about?

He may be referring to the 50 free listings he can get each month, wanting to fill that quota. Or if he has an eBay store, they have promotions that require you list a certain number of items in order to get a discount.

Not to get too off-topic, but I sell on eBay as my only source of income. I won't go into numbers, but I quit a good full-time job 4 years ago. :) And no, my house doesn't look like Jason's either. However, I do not sell estate sale junk, which can take up a lot of space. His magazine filing system needs some work, it looks like. He' appears to be very disorganized. And that may be an understatement.

  • Love 4

He may be referring to the 50 free listings he can get each month, wanting to fill that quota. Or if he has an eBay store, they have promotions that require you list a certain number of items in order to get a discount.

Not to get too off-topic, but I sell on eBay as my only source of income. I won't go into numbers, but I quit a good full-time job 4 years ago. :) And no, my house doesn't look like Jason's either. However, I do not sell estate sale junk, which can take up a lot of space. His magazine filing system needs some work, it looks like. He' appears to be very disorganized. And that may be an understatement.

Good for you!! That's awesome. I know people who do eBay primarily (a couple sell estate sale finds like jewelry, and another sells luxury shoes/handbags), and they are doing very well for themselves. They also know how to organize their items so they can ship ASAP.  But yes, Jason appears very disorganized. The bins in their garage looks packed to the brim with junk. The stack of magazines in his bedroom didn't look like they were in any kind of order. If they are collectibles, he could have at least placed each one in an individual clear storage bags.

  • Love 1

So (again, not to get too off-topic), I shouldn't declutter and donate all my crap to Goodwill, but store it in the basement until I retire and have the time to list each individual item on eBay all day long and then box them up and run them to the post office to mail, since I don't have a personal Ron.  Good to know!  And there may be a future for us all on "Hoarders" (crossover show).  I'm sure that's not healthy.


Just look at Jason's nail beds...

  • Love 2

(You don't have to go to the PO, they will pick up for free, give you priority boxes for free, and you can schedule it the night before online) :)

Jason doesn't strike me as a very hygenic person. First the sneeze from hell, then the dirty house and pool. I have a friend who is from the same town Cassia is from in Brazil, and she's horrified by what the girl has landed into.

  • Love 4

Ugh, I'm thinking about buying some shoes from EBay, but the idea that they might have been subjected to a home like Jason's is making me think twice.  I don't want my shoes to have Florida sneeze snot all over them.  I don't even want them to have been within the same vicinity as that pool.

This picture made me think of Danielle.



just thinking of this picture 12 hours later is making me smile.  It is very Danielle

  • Love 3

I'd love to know what Cassia sees in Jason.  I just see a messy, dopey cheapskate.  I'd be running.  And I never was half as good looking as her.

I bet thats not the truth at all.  Although, I would not be surprised if she was on that laptop trolling for other men online, this was probably not what she imagined when he told her he lived in Florida.

  • Love 1

From what little I remember of the shot of Jason on the screen when he was Skyping with Cassia, the background was nondescript. Maybe he told her he lived in a big house with a garage, a pool, near Miami and nightlife. That he worked from home and could spend lots of time with her. Something she's bitching about in this episode, that he needs to spend more time with her.

  • Love 2

Why didn't she check out the city Jason lived in?  She obviously had internet in Brazil to chat with Jason.

I wouldn't be surprised to learn that this was all part of same evil masterplan.  She just wants to get a plane ticket to the US, and then realizes she has a 90 day window to "trade up" at least to a guy who has his own apartment, or a pool that doesn't look like a breeding ground.  If she can't trade up in 90 days, she is stuck with Jason, if she can, maybe she convinces the new guy to marry her.  I feel like the "trade up" thing is easier to do if you're already in the country.


I know this is all conspiracy theory, but if I found out she was on some sugardaddy site or "richolddudes.com" I wouldn't be surprised at all.



If it's not the truth that he's a messy, dopey cheapskate, then he must be a neat, well-organized, perky, extravagant spender.



I'm sure you were much prettier than Cassia.  Your personality alone makes you better looking.  ;)  but maybe I just have a thing for toaster pastries.

Edited by RealityGal
  • Love 5

First off, how can anybody who knows Danielle in their right mind believe Mohammad loves her? This cannot be a real couple. I refuse to believe anybody can be that moronic. She needs to focus on feeding her 5000 kids and get her head out of her ass. I mean really. She's how old? And believes a handsome young man would want her? At least her sister acknowledged the fact that she couldn't afford the wedding.

I nearly spit my coke out of nose at the fact that you said Mo is "handsome". LOL. He isn't homely looking and a 10 for Dani but those man boobs.. oh boy!

As for the wedding, doesn't matter if Dani has $0 or $500 to spend. You all know that TLC is going to foot the bill as long as they say 'I do'.

Man, I wish they could capture on film the the excuses for the wedding night.

  • Love 2

I'd love to know what Cassia sees in Jason.  I just see a messy, dopey cheapskate.  I'd be running.  And I never was half as good looking as her.

You and me both. Honestly, even though Danny is a bit of tool, he's kind of cute and I can see why a really young woman would be attracted to him. Same for Justin. But Jason? There is absolutely nothing about him that would make me think 'hey, he's not too bad'. He's not particularly attractive and his personality leaves a lot to be desired.

  • Love 4

You know, when you're ONE payment (or lack of) from having your shit shut off, perhaps adding another mouth to feed isn't in your family's best interest.


She's got 3 "full-sized" daughters in that tiny, cramped apartment plus herself and now she's added another full grown adult.


He hasn't been here a MONTH and utilities are getting shut off - are you KIDDING ME!?  


I have had tight months - the kind where you rob Peter to pay Paul - but by the time your shit actually gets shut off?  I'm assuming it's been a WHILE since they've been carrying a balance.  I've never had anything shut off so I'm not completely sure.


She just angers me so much.  She's so helpless - except not - she's actually the opposite.  She helps herself to whatever SHE *wants* and forgets about the *needs* of the people she's obligated to support. 



  • Love 11

Re: Justin: I find him annoying and douche-y, but as someone with a family like his, I sympathize. I totally agree which what Toaster Strudel said. What a bunch of rude assholes! Ok, you're surprised. Keep it to yourself and make the girl feel welcome FGS!

They are a bunch of narcissists and the mom was just extremely emotionally manipulative in the next meeting. Oh I just want my boys to get along! <tears>  Jesus lady, they're adults--let them work it out.

I don't blame him a bit for wanting to keep them out of his life and elope. Why not? Nothing he could do would please them, I'm sure. If he had told them about Evelin, they would be mad that she's Colombian, or that he didn't tell them even sooner, or whatever, whatever. Why would you want that energy at your wedding? Family is not always the most important thing.

  • Love 8

But they all have to sign a release from production to be on the show. As well as a contract that explains the concept of the show and how they have to remain silent about any details until the shows have all aired. Plus, they are all given daily filming schedules, set-ups as to what the situation of the day is. I know they get a script which tells them who is going to do or say whatever.

Oh, then you're probably right which also means the sister in law knew what was coming and decided to exaggerate her eye rolls to make sure she was noticed. I was only going by what I heard him say onscreen during the show.

I also wanted to comment on the restaurant scene with Mo and Danielle. As they were walking into the restaurant they showed quite a few glimpses of people staring at Mo, producers want us to believe that because he's foreign he's stands out so people stare, how stupid. Mo is not that different or eye catching that people are even going to notice him. If anything they were probably staring at the rest of the crowd and wondering how he got messed up with them.

  • Love 2

What are the moped laws?

From the PA DMV site:


Mopeds don't require its user to have a motorcycle license.

Decide whether or not your bike's a moped.

Mopeds have:

    Operational pedals and a motor.

    They have a motor rated no more than 1.5 brake horsepower, and the cylinder capacity cannot exceed 50ccs.

    Travel no faster than 25 miles per hour.

    Must have an automatic transmission.

Mopeds do not require an inspection during the registration process, but you will need to provide proof of insurance, and a current valid Class C driver's license.

A moped license plate will be issued upon registration; the annual fee is $9.

Moped drivers aren't required to wear helmets or goggles, but it's recommended.


Amy probably cannot legally drive a moped here because I doubt she has a valid US driver's license. But I could be wrong. Also, I do know that the Malvern/Exton Regional Rail station (which I think is where Danny has her stashed) doesn't run as often as a lot of the other stops. I am pretty sure that's part of the R5 line, which only runs as far as Paoli after a certain point in the day.


Even if she can't get to Philly, Malvern is more or less along what's called the Main Line, which is a stretch of route 30 between Philly and Paoli; although Exton and Downingtown are considered western Main Line. It's a slew of upper middle class to rich towns, many of which come from old money. Real estate there is insane, and a few of those towns are considered some of the most elite places to live in PA. So, snobby would be an understatement. I'm pretty familiar with that area and it's rather posh, and there's a decent amount of stuff to do. Not as diverse as Philly, but it isn't a hicktown by any stretch. Even though we've heard that Danny's parents live in TX, his family members living on or near the Main Line means they are doing well for themselves. This family must have some money.

Edited by fliptopbox

The last thing TLC wants is couples who are living in a big, cosmopolitan city where there'd be a big ex-pat community to help the newcomer become integrated and make friends. That's why everyone is living in Nowheresville or Swamptown.

That's what they want us to think anyway. I know for a fact the area Danny lives in is not considered nowheresville. Sure it isn't a huge city, but it's not in some remote backwoods community like they seem to want us to think. Norristown is right outside of King of Prussia, which is a pretty affluent area, and less than 30 miles outside Philly. Trying to make it seem like bumblefuck is a real stretch. The only thing saving that image is the fact that Amy is living in a more rural area about 30 miles from there....which is also far from being a total hicktown. They're doing a good job at making it look like there is nothing but woods around there, but I am betting if we got a real street view it's a normal neighborhood where you can see your neighbor's homes and "civilization" is a short car ride away. Like, 10-15mins max. That area is not that remote. They also probably are not far from West Chester, which has a burgeoning downtown area, a big university, and all sorts of nightlife. I can say with some degree of certainty that with Danny and Amy they are deliberately not portraying those towns accurately.

  • Love 3

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