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S18.E2: Rent and Reputations

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4 hours ago, lasu said:

No.  She thought she was getting money from her ex.  Unless that's a lie, she didn't know the money wouldn't be there.  I also have no reason to think she would move her kids into a situation she KNEW was going to work out this way.  I think she went in with honest intentions - though I will absolutely agree her honest intentions seem VERY passive overall.

I am of the opinion she *assumed* he would pay but he lost his job with her family.  Not that she had proof.  But she was the one living there.  It was up to her, if her ex was a ass who wouldn't help, to make sure her kids had a place to live.  The way she carried on with her dad made me think she resorts to crying and all the men in her life cave.  That isn't a plan for survival.

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1 hour ago, Rlb8031 said:

I think this may be a case where folks are misunderstanding each other and everyone is right. 

  • She moved from the house she was in last season because the owner of that property sold it
  • She asked Gina to help her find a new property to move into (I'm assuming someplace she could film in this season)
  • The terms of that move (as Jenn described it) was that her ex agreed to pay a large portion of the rent; Jen agreed to pay a smaller portion - this seems to imply both Jenn and the ex were on the lease
  • Jen needed a co-signer for her portion (possibly because she didn't meet the income levels) and her father co-signed.
  • If they were both on the lease and one of them did not pay, the other is considered fully responsible for the rest of the rent. Given this, as her co-signer her dad is on the hook for the full rent as well

She had been getting support in the old house, and it seems like the ex agreed to pay something (whether it was the same or different $s is unclear). So the landlord had three parties (ex, Jenn, and Dad as cosigner) on the hook for the rent. When one didn't pay the others have to cover 100% which is why her dad is paying. 

I also wonder if Gina agreed to cut corners thinking that her HW paycheck could cover rent - but knowing it won't cover rent, glam, clothes, etc. which is why she is now pissed. Jenn opted to pay for the costs of being a HW and not pay her rent.


 It really is something when regular folk *not on tv* can seem to pay their bills and make a budget.  I find it really gross when someone close to 50 can't fucking figure it out.  Especially since she was a woman of means at one point.  And honestly, I can't make excuses for her. 

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I think it would make a lot more sense (to me at least) if we know what her ex agreed to. If he agreed in writing to pay a portion of the rent and then didn't, then he screwed Jenn and his kids over. If Jenn just thought he would pay the rent without actually confirming with him, then she screwed herself. Her parents do seem sweet.

Tamra saying to Shannon in her meek, sad little voice "You've done horrible things to me" 🙄 Shut up Tamra. If anyone is a bad friend it's you.

I like Katie. I was little confused about her story about the kids though. She has one son with her current husband and her oldest daughter lives with them. She said her daughter doesn't have a relationship with her father but her son lives with his dad in Atlanta? Is that two different dads? And her son in San Diego, who is he living with?


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16 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

 It really is something when regular folk *not on tv* can seem to pay their bills and make a budget.  I find it really gross when someone close to 50 can't fucking figure it out.  Especially since she was a woman of means at one point.  And honestly, I can't make excuses for her. 

Many years ago, my then best-friend moved from NY to LA for a career change. She was introduced to a young lady who was friends with another close friend of ours as someone who could "show her the ropes in LA - where to eat, where to hang, etc". Several months after the move I went to visit, and we hung out with the "show you the ropes" girl. I asked what she did for a living and the woman said that she wasn't working but was hoping to get into the industry as an on-air personality. As we talked more it came out that she was in her late-30's with a 10-year-old child - AND SHE HAD NEVER HELD A FULL TIME JOB! Evidently her parents were in the entertainment industry and supported her - paid her rent, bought her car, etc. She had a college degree and had worked the equivalent of gig work occasionally (modeling or as an extra), but she hadn't ever been employed by anyone.

I was so confused - I kept asking "but what do you do all day"? I came to find out, that her circumstances weren't that unusual in LA for upper middle class and wealthy families. She said she had a lot of friends that did the same thing - just sort of existed doing whatever they wanted while someone else paid all the bills. It was mindboggling...

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The only "horrible" thing I can think of that Shannon did to Tamra was ghosting her when Tamra got fired. 

However. When I think of all the horrible things that Tamra did to Shannon before she got fired? 

Was it ghosting? Or removing a toxic person from her life that she no longer had to work with?


I am living in a topsy turvy world here last season I was defending Heather now I’m sticking up for Gina good god what’s next the world is gonna end if I end up defending Tamra this season hahaha 

Tamra is the reason we're going to be stuck with Teddi Mellengnat for at least one episode this season. Don't you even THINK about defending her!

I'm a little concerned that Satan's Minions aka the producers are considering bringing that self righteous, weight loss scamming, accountability for thee and not for me, into the fold for next season.

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1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

 It really is something when regular folk *not on tv* can seem to pay their bills and make a budget.  I find it really gross when someone close to 50 can't fucking figure it out.  Especially since she was a woman of means at one point.  And honestly, I can't make excuses for her. 

Her crying to her dad —cringe. He doesn’t need that. I would have told her to figure it out.

1 hour ago, dosodog said:

The only "horrible" thing I can think of that Shannon did to Tamra was ghosting her when Tamra got fired. 

However. When I think of all the horrible things that Tamra did to Shannon before she got fired? 

Was it ghosting? Or removing a toxic person from her life that she no longer had to work with?

Tamra is the reason we're going to be stuck with Teddi Mellengnat for at least one episode this season. Don't you even THINK about defending her!

I'm a little concerned that Satan's Minions aka the producers are considering bringing that self righteous, weight loss scamming, accountability for thee and not for me, into the fold for next season.

Probably testing the response. Maybe she’ll try to sell a security system rigged up by Edwin to Heather and Terry.

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8 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

I think Jenn has always gotten by on "pretty"  her whole life.  But 46 with FIVE kids is a lot of baggage and even her parents said she saved herself by finding Ryan which is the same as saying,"You found someone to save you besides us." 

I had the same reaction. I was disappointed in Jenn when her parents said that. Jenn needs to take responsibility for herself and her children, instead of trying  to be saved by someone. 

8 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

Gina re: Shannon:  Sometimes it takes perspective to make people change their own perspective.  Hahahaha

I think Jenn has always gotten by on "pretty"  her whole life.  But 46 with FIVE kids is a lot of baggage and even her parents said she saved herself by finding Ryan which is the same as saying,"You found someone to save you besides us."  In a couple decades I can see her expecting her grown children to save her.  And I wonder where the kid's Dad is in all this? 

Not caring for the bully Gina at all.  It's not like she's the brightest bulb in the bunch. 



Perhaps but Jenn also strikes me as dim. 

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I thought that what Eddie said was fortelling-- you hang out with liars, you become a liar. Since Jenn is with Ryan, I think she's also becoming shady. I also think that Jenn purposely used Gina to get into a rental-- Gina said that she vouched for her so she didn't need a credit check. I think Jenn doesn't feel bad, because she was setting Gina up from the get go. She isn't as dumb as she plays. 

I also think Gina is mad at herself for not ensuring Jenn had the right credit and income to pay for the rent, and she might have just been looking at the commission. So, really Gina is the one who took a shortcut. Gina burned herself.


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I like Katie's snark and sense of humor so far.

I hope she doesn't hold any animosity or resent for her adoptive parents not including Korean heritage in her upbringing. I don't think I'm going out on a limb here, but I think, as adoptive parents they wanted to integrate her and their other adopted children into American culture and to be a united American family, regardless of the different ethnicities involved. I think their intentions were good and they did what they thought was best. A lot has changed since her adoption, and I think it's great that she's educating herself on the culture of her ancestry, I just hope she appreciates what she has as an American as well, and the efforts her parent made, even if it didn't include everything she wish it had (welcome to life!)

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4 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I am of the opinion she *assumed* he would pay but he lost his job with her family.  Not that she had proof.  But she was the one living there.  It was up to her, if her ex was a ass who wouldn't help, to make sure her kids had a place to live.  The way she carried on with her dad made me think she resorts to crying and all the men in her life cave.  That isn't a plan for survival.

I felt sad for her kids. She has created an unstable environment for them. One of them spoke of it. As someone who grew up constantly moving due to my parents' poor choices and erratic behavior, I can tell you it was stressful and traumatic. Jenn needs to get her act together, get a job, and take responsibility for her herself and her children. 

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When Jenn’s parents showed up and was profusely thanking her dad all the while she was crying makes me think it wasn’t for them to help out with the kids but because he gave her some money for her bone headed life choices. Of course she was probably stressing it was the kids she was worried about and not her own selfish needs. 

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Did Alexis' hairstyle in her talking head interviews remind anyone else of  Something About Mary?


Screen Shot 2024-07-19 at 6.45.22 PM.png

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I think Jenn is ignorant and passive. For sure responsible for her predicament and how she is allocating money now...like makeup and hair and new clothes.

But Gina, Gina, Gina...your reputation as an agent is on you. You made the deal.

And now you are on tv badmouthing your former client and screaming at them in a restaurant and stomping out.

Thinking I would never, ever hire her to find a home for me or sell my house.  Or work for me if I owned a real estate company. 

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If what Gina said is true (well played by Emily and Heather to make sure that was known) that she didn't make Jenn do a credit check... did that not send genius Gina who is this prodigy realtor red flag radar off? Also, if Jenn's dad co-signed, then that means he would be responsible for the rent, but it doesn't sound like that happened. So, I call bullshit on these stories. 

IMO, Jenn should be mad at Gina for the horrible advice and support to move into a rental that she couldn't qualify for. If that's what happened. If her dad co-signed, then Jenn's credit wouldn't be relevant. 

If other realtor's don't want to work with Gina, it's likely because they heard she's not ethical. IMO. I don't see why, if Gina had done everything correctly, and Jenn didn't pay rent, why that would fall on Gina. 

When Jenn started crying telling her dad "thank you so much, you saved me" I was like, from what? What did he do? You still got evicted. You have no where to go. Even her dad seemed surprised, like, "your thanking me? Okay."

It seemed like she was trying to make it seem like he got her out of her rental situation... but he didn't. Confused there. I'd love to know the truth about whether her dad or cosigned OR if Gina let her move in and faked her credit check or lied about it. I'm missing something.

When Jenn's mom asked Ryan how long he had lived there, and he said 6 years... I don't believe that. That place looked like they had ALL just moved in.

They are so fake.

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Jenn seems really nice but is too old to be a passenger princess. She needs to get her s**t together for the sake of her kids

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Last season when we first saw Jenn she was in a house that looked really empty and there were a bunch of boxes all over-- the same boxes that are at "Ryan's house" now in that carport thing. The first time we see her and Ryan alone says that she sharing the house with her husband, and when he comes into town she goes and stays with Ryan. 

Apparently, they never needed to use the dishwasher. (sketchy).

Also, Ryan says, "In a year, I would like you to move in with me."


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11 hours ago, dosodog said:

 Otherwise, she was staying at home and relying on her ex and perhaps Travis to cover her rent and expenses.

Gina getting her real estate license was a storyline last season.

In terms of her finances. She owns her townhouse/condo, she bought it years ago. Remember Shannon calling it "sad"? 

You do realize that Bravo is paying them, right? Travis isn't supporting her, this show is. I actually  applaud her for recognizing that won't last forever and planning for a career after the show ends. 

Another reason why I'm confused by the Jenn situation. Is Bravo now paying first season newbies so little that they can't afford OC rent? 

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1 hour ago, bravofan27 said:

It seemed like she was trying to make it seem like he got her out of her rental situation... but he didn't. Confused there. I'd love to know the truth about whether her dad or cosigned OR if Gina let her move in and faked her credit check or lied about it. I'm missing something.

Well, Jenn told Andy that because her Dad was the co-signer he was on the hook for all the back rent.  Otherwise I'm guessing the owner could have sued Jenn for it.  So no real consequences for Jenn outside of being humiliated by Gina, Emily, and Tamra on camera.  


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16 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

Financial independence does not seem to be a priority for Jenn. If it were, I think she'd have picked up more yoga classes to teach or found another source of income to pay her bills, and perhaps move into a casita or sad little house until she can afford more. She either doesn't know what *Ryan does for a living or is covering for him -she didn't even use the infamous "he's an entrepreneur"  She's not curious about how  he makes the money to pay the bills on that fairly large house? She may be the dumbest HW yet


*Has there bee a respectable Ryan on any of these shows?

Jenn is not ignorant, or dumb. She was very well coached to say on Watch What Happens Live when she was asked by Andy Cohen about Ryan's betting scandal that it was Ryan's friend who was responsible, not Ryan, and the truth will eventually come out. But she said on the RH OC that Ryan doesn't really work, and enjoys his time sitting in the sun. So, how can he afford his lifestyle? He is shown on his IG flying private often, traveling to Las Vegas, Hawaii, etc., playing golf there, and so on. 

Jenn doesn't make any money from the yoga studio, or she could any time soon. I'm sure she also pays high rent for it. It's a vanity project, and I think she imitated Tamra and her opening a gym when she was about to join the show (Tamra recommended her to Bravo). 

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16 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

Did he film for this season? I cannot wait to see that shitshow go down if he did! Shannon will trip over herself trying to appear unbothered, and I'm really not sure at this point if Alexis or Johnny J will be more embarrassing. they both seem extremely thirsty. I predict she's going to defend and cover for him and his shitty behavior in the exact same ways that Shannon did, but with less tequila (probably)

I do love that the others roll their eyes when she tries to stand up for him and tells them they don't know him like she does

Shannon said on Watch What Happens Live after the first episode aired that Johnny J appeared on red carpets already, and he loves the celebrity aspect of being with Alexis (and with her before).

16 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

so eddie doesnt have a job for over a year and Tamra is fine with it but Jenn living with a man who doesn't have a "job" ( i mean he must do something hes paying his bills even if Jen isnt) is somehow "bad" and hes a loser am i getting this right

one person doing dishes really doesnt require you to use a dishwasher .. i mean its A plate a fork a cup and whatever i cooked with its a simple wash why would i leave it to sit till i had enough to run a dishwasher

Eddie is responsible/manager for their CBD company. 

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15 hours ago, lasu said:

This isn't quite right.  The rental house was never for sale (at least as far as this story goes).  Jenn moved in, thinking her ex was going to be paying a large portion of the rent and she was going to be paying a small portion of the rent.  She said that her ex then didn't get his financial in, and was not paying his portion of her rent.  I'm not sure if it was reasonable for her to be thinking her ex was going to being paying this - I'm unclear on if she just made this up in her head, or if she had concrete reason to think he would be paying this, and he fucked her over.  I wish I knew more about this, because I think it's vital in understanding what Jenn was thinking about being able to pay the rent when she moved in.

Gina claims she vouched for Jenn, and Jenn didn't have to get a credit check because of Gina.  This may be true, but Gina's vouching couldn't have been 100% because Jenn's father still cosigned.

Then, Jenn is evicted.

Another house (not the house Jenn rented) went on the market, and Gina had a chance to sell the house IF she could get another agent to share her clients.  That agent did not text Gina back, and Gina did not sell the house, losing a potential $50K.  It's unclear how Gina knows the only reason this agent didn't text her back is because of Jenn's eviction.  It's also unclear how she is certain she absolutely would have sold the house if only the agent texted her back.

Even if Gina is right, and the agent didn't text her back because of Jenn, Gina has a right to no longer be friends with Jenn, but Gina needs to understand she still showed poor professional judgment in vouching for someone whose financial and ability to pay on time were unknown to her.  Gina is further showing poor professional judgment by talking about a client publicly.  I wouldn't want to work with her as an agent or a client after this.

IMO, she's really reaching to say Jenn took $50k from her, and it's INSANE to say Jenn's coming for her business.  Even if you agree Jenn absolutely hurt Gina's business, I don't think anyone could say Jenn purposely is trying to undermine Gina.

I will say that I do absolutely think that Jenn (or her ex, depending on how all that went down) needs to pay the landlord for the back rent.

I'm not sure they knew she couldn't afford it, if it was reasonable to think her ex was going to be paying a large portion, which he then didn't.  If she was supposed to be getting support from him and didn't, that's really her getting fucked over, not her fucking anyone else over.

Oooh, this looked a million times worse knowing what we know now.  I THINK at that time she thought he was just RICH and didn't have to work anymore (which fuck yeah, if I had enough money I would just live the dream too, too bad this one was a pipedream based on major illegal shenanigans).

Jenn is the living embodiment of why I worry for women who decide to opt out of the workplace.  I have 0% issue with someone not working, but the loss of independence is too scary for me.  Jenn is sooooo passive it makes me nuts, and I can't imagine living this way.

Jenn rented a very expensive house in order to front for the HWs. She is with Ryan because she thinks he has money. 

She also didn't pay rent for her yoga studio she first rented in 2019. She and her husband were sued, and they finally agreed recently to pay $160,000!


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16 hours ago, lasu said:

It's not a moot point at all.  If she was entitled to spousal/child support that her ex withheld, that's a major thing to note, ESPECIALLY because finances are so often used as a weapon.  We don't know enough here.  I *think* what happened is that her ex had agreed to pay X amount, and then was no longer working (at the job with her family) and then didn't pay HIS obligations, making it impossible for her to meet her obligations.

Again, this is the reason I wouldn't let myself get into this situation, because lots of women stay home and then get screwed over just like this situation.  

But again, it's definitely still not Jenn screwing over Gina.   It looks to me like Jenn got screwed over by her ex, which in turn caused...nah, I still don't think Jenn screwed over Gina.  Gina shouldn't have put her professional reputation on the line for a situation she wasn't sure of - that's poor professional judgment.  If you can say Jenn is in this position because of Jenn, then Gina is certainly in this position because of Gina.

Jenn knew her ex was not paying for any bills for a long time. She didn't pay herself either. I posted a link on another comment about Jenn, and her ex not paying for her yoga studio rent (I'm sure her ex signed in order for her to be able to rent it). They agreed to pay $160,000 (!) recently after they were sued. She first rented it in 2019.

15 hours ago, lasu said:

I love that we're accusing her of fraud now, lol.  She had to move because the owner's of her last rental sold it, not because she wasn't paying for it.

Did she say he was fired, or just that he wasn't working there anymore? It might have become too uncomfortable for either side to have him there, or he might have quit as to not have to pay Jenn.  It happens more often than you would think.

And her dad and Ryan DID pay a lot of her back rent, but she chose not to continue because, without her ex chipping in, she wasn't going to stay caught up.  I'm unclear on if she was actually legally evicted, or if she just moved out.  Either way, she should pay her remaining balance.  That much I do agree with.

She said she was evicted several times on the show, and on an IG story. 

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11 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

She was obnoxious this episode. I don't remember her being this bad when she was a regular. Are the producers goading her to amp up the drama with Shannon or is Alexis just nasty? 

She came in hot after Jenn. I didn't understand it. 

I laughed at loud! 

My first thought is where is he getting all the money to be able to sit around and not work? His house looks expensive. I guess he and Jenn are well matched. Neither seems to have much of a work ethic. 

Ryan was/is involved in an illegal betting scandal which will play at the end of the season.

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10 hours ago, dosodog said:

The only "horrible" thing I can think of that Shannon did to Tamra was ghosting her when Tamra got fired. 

However. When I think of all the horrible things that Tamra did to Shannon before she got fired? 

Was it ghosting? Or removing a toxic person from her life that she no longer had to work with?

Tamra is the reason we're going to be stuck with Teddi Mellengnat for at least one episode this season. Don't you even THINK about defending her!

I'm a little concerned that Satan's Minions aka the producers are considering bringing that self righteous, weight loss scamming, accountability for thee and not for me, into the fold for next season.

Teddi will say "Vicki and HWs" according to previews. Vicki will be angry/shocked. That's a good dig.

I doubt Teddi will join the show. She lives in the Valley, doesn't she?

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5 hours ago, snarts said:

Gina getting her real estate license was a storyline last season.

In terms of her finances. She owns her townhouse/condo, she bought it years ago. Remember Shannon calling it "sad"? 

You do realize that Bravo is paying them, right? Travis isn't supporting her, this show is. I actually  applaud her for recognizing that won't last forever and planning for a career after the show ends. 

Another reason why I'm confused by the Jenn situation. Is Bravo now paying first season newbies so little that they can't afford OC rent? 

Bravo pays minimal amounts to new cast members. They couldn't survive anywhere, let alone in the OC. Not one month's rent could be probably covered. Teresa Giudice said she received $8,000 for her first season. She paid for a party with it. 

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It seems to me Jenn had a nose job, and cheek fillers since last season. Maybe she did something to her eyes, as well. She looks younger, refreshed (botox, lasers?), and her skin looks better. 

Screenshot_20240720_032657_Samsung Internet.jpg

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6 hours ago, ZettaK said:

Jenn rented a very expensive house in order to front for the HWs. She is with Ryan because she thinks he has money. 

She also didn't pay rent for her yoga studio she first rented in 2019. She and her husband were sued, and they finally agreed recently to pay $160,000!


It’s this part she has a history of not paying this isn’t her first Rodeo .. now my only caveat is IF Gina knew this then yes it would be on her .. but Jen is scammy in this regard.. and Gina wouldn’t be dumb enough to think this person wouldn’t screw her over IF she knew she had a history of this .. 

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43 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

It’s this part she has a history of not paying this isn’t her first Rodeo .. now my only caveat is IF Gina knew this then yes it would be on her .. but Jen is scammy in this regard.. and Gina wouldn’t be dumb enough to think this person wouldn’t screw her over IF she knew she had a history of this .. 

I wonder if part of the background check on these HWs is to target women who are in financial trouble and in shaky relationships. Not to mention women who are emotionally unstable. Or does it all come out as a result of these shows? 

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Both? I think the producers do want a mix of women, some of whom are train wrecks and some who are financially well-off, since affluent women is or was the selling point of this franchise.

They want the drama of the Lynne Curtins but also the lifestyle porn of the Heather Dubrows.

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Gina and Jen are both in the wrong here.

Gina should have done her due diligence and had a proper credit check done on Jen, acting in fiduciary responsibility to the homeowner, who was screwed out of 4 months' rent, plus however long it takes to re-rent it, because of Gina's lackadaisical "giggle giggle, she's good for it" attitude.

Jen should not have rented a house she couldn't afford.


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On 7/19/2024 at 9:28 AM, Cosmocrush said:

Gina re: Shannon:  Sometimes it takes perspective to make people change their own perspective.  Hahahaha

I think Jenn has always gotten by on "pretty"  her whole life.  But 46 with FIVE kids is a lot of baggage and even her parents said she saved herself by finding Ryan which is the same as saying,"You found someone to save you besides us."  In a couple decades I can see her expecting her grown children to save her.  And I wonder where the kid's Dad is in all this? 

Not caring for the bully Gina at all.  It's not like she's the brightest bulb in the bunch. 

I can see that. A lot of pretty women seem to think they're entitled to a certain lifestyle just because of their looks, especially pretty women who come from money, which I believe Jenn does. Not saying must be Jenn. I don't know enough about her, but these types often go from their parents to man after man taking care of all the bills.

21 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

Done her own makeup, figured out a cheaper way to get her hair done, picked up a second job, been an adult...

I totally hear you, but I can get some of Jenn's choices to a point. It would be bananas of her to pay what say, Erika Jayne or Dorit Kemsley do on glam. BUT her Housewife job might give her pressure to be dolled up and glamorous. 

I can get Gina's frustration, but she took it way too far imo. I haven't seen any malice from Jenn at this point, so I felt bad for her. You don't kick someone when they're down and as someone without kids, I know a lot of moms don't want their parenting questioned. Didn't Gina get annoyed by Shannon repeatedly bringing up her DUI last season and go "my children, my children" over and over again? Maybe Jenn's made some poor choices, but I am sure her kids will be okay. 

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5 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

I can get Gina's frustration, but she took it way too far imo

I agree.  Inviting someone to a restaurant (to film) just to start yelling at them and stomping out was ridiculous.   And while public screaming scenes are a mainstay for these HWs, Gina went from zero to sixty in record time. 

There is no way I would hire a RE agent who was also a HW, whom by [my] definition are ridiculous people. I wonder if she's made any money yet? 

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21 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

There is no way I would hire a RE agent who was also a HW, whom by [my] definition are ridiculous people. I wonder if she's made any money yet? 

Interesting. The original cast included Jeana Keough who, at the time, was one of the most successful real estate agents in the OC. Curiously, didn't she also have a deal go sideways involving Vicki? 

In terms of Gina, she's apparently closed multiple deals. While I don't think Josh Altman is shaking in his boots, she's earning a living (3% of 1.68M is $50k)  https://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/gina-kirschenheiter-real-estate-career-deals

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13 hours ago, ZettaK said:

Jenn rented a very expensive house in order to front for the HWs. She is with Ryan because she thinks he has money. 

She also didn't pay rent for her yoga studio she first rented in 2019. She and her husband were sued, and they finally agreed recently to pay $160,000!


Just to clarify, the article says 133k of that amount is for damages.  It looks like they missed three months of payments before being sued.

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Typical OC restaurant staff advice to customers:  "OK, it looks like the Real Housewives will be filming here in a minute.  There will be a lot of screaming and outrageous behavior, but just act you're having a normal lunch and nothing unusual is happening."

Edited by Snarky McSnarky
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1 hour ago, snarts said:

Interesting. The original cast included Jeana Keough who, at the time, was one of the most successful real estate agents in the OC. Curiously, didn't she also have a deal go sideways involving Vicki? 

I remember that (I've been watching this mess since S1 E1) but that show has devolved into something different over the last few years.  But even then there was one financially unstable HW:  Whorie Laurie and her Cat Crap Condo in a successful search of a Wallet. 

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34 minutes ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

Typical OC restaurant staff advice to customers:  "OK, it looks like the Real Housewives will be filming here in a minute.  There will be a lot of screaming and outrageous behavior, but just act you're having a normal lunch and nothing unusual is happening."

Watching the people at the table behind Gina and Jenn was the best part of that scene


I still can't believe Gina left that croissant behind! It looked really good!

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18 hours ago, maggiemae said:

I think Jenn is ignorant and passive. For sure responsible for her predicament and how she is allocating money now...like makeup and hair and new clothes.

But Gina, Gina, Gina...your reputation as an agent is on you. You made the deal.

And now you are on tv badmouthing your former client and screaming at them in a restaurant and stomping out.

Thinking I would never, ever hire her to find a home for me or sell my house.  Or work for me if I owned a real estate company. 

Several years ago my husband and I were working with a realtor to sell our home. It wasn't going well--few showings and poor response from the realtor when we asked questions. When we told her our concerns, she went ballistic and started screaming at us that she was the best realtor ever, we were ungrateful, etc. She was unhinged. I'm getting these kinds of vibes from Gina. I hope her behavior is confined to HWS and not future clients. 

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1 hour ago, SweetieDarling said:

Watching the people at the table behind Gina and Jenn was the best part of that scene


I still can't believe Gina left that croissant behind! It looked really good!

Just once, I would love for someone to yell out "HEY! We're trying to eat over here!"

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13 hours ago, ZettaK said:

It seems to me Jenn had a nose job, and cheek fillers since last season. Maybe she did something to her eyes, as well. She looks younger, refreshed (botox, lasers?), and her skin looks better. 

Screenshot_20240720_032657_Samsung Internet.jpg

She's definitely had some work done and they did a really good job. I thought I heard Gina mention "threads" when she was listing off Jenn's spending. That would account for her face looking tighter. Her skin looks much better too. 

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This episode was absolutely priceless.

First of all we have Heather's lunch, which she has named Dunch at the top of the menu.  I assume that is a combination of Dubrow and Lunch? Would Hench have been any better? At least there wasn't HD branding all over table. Baby steps. 

Another priceless scene was Eddie explaining to Tamra that if you associate with liars, you will become one. Eddie of course is married to the biggest liar in the OC. Too funny.

I also laughed out loud when Alexis complained that she was going to have to see Shannon constantly. Honey, you came onto the show that Shannon was already on. No one made you sign up. Or maybe Johnny J did. I did love Katie's interpretation of what the "d" in promised means. Katie is a keeper.

I disliked Jenn last season, and my estimation of her has fallen even further. I didn't think that was possible. So she either doesn't know what her boyfriend of 4 years does, or she knows but it is shady. Either way she has moved her 5 kids in with him. On top of that she is daddy's little girl who at 46, still expects him to bail her out of her bad decisions. I have no use for women who never grow up, and really no use for those who have a gaggle of children that they expect everyone else to look after. What a waste of space she is. 


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5 hours ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

Typical OC restaurant staff advice to customers:  "OK, it looks like the Real Housewives will be filming here in a minute.  There will be a lot of screaming and outrageous behavior, but just act you're having a normal lunch and nothing unusual is happening."

That was truly the only takeaway I had from the entire episode. At first I thought maybe it must be really loud in there. But then I quickly realized they HAD to be purposely ignoring them—especially when Gina was standing up yelling, including while edging toward the door. The people there must just be so used to seeing movies/tv being filmed that it’s just completely mundane. Either that, or they were all aspiring actors themselves that they perfected the background character role of ignoring the stars. Kudos, gang. Here’s your SAG card.

Edited by JenE4
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Gina should understand professional people are professional...and call her clients out on national tv and in a bakery.

Who will trust her now to sell their home?

And really, how successful has she been? How many sales in a year?

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17 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

It’s this part she has a history of not paying this isn’t her first Rodeo .. now my only caveat is IF Gina knew this then yes it would be on her .. but Jen is scammy in this regard.. and Gina wouldn’t be dumb enough to think this person wouldn’t screw her over IF she knew she had a history of this .. 

Gina didn't know because the lawsuit about rent owed for the yoga studio was filed in November 2023, and the Pedrantis just offered (July 2024) to pay the rent owed in order for the lawsuit to be dismissed. Gina helped Jenn to find a house earlier (I believe the previous summer). This segment of the second episode about discussing Jenn's eviction was filmed in January 2024.

Edited by ZettaK
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16 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

I wonder if part of the background check on these HWs is to target women who are in financial trouble and in shaky relationships. Not to mention women who are emotionally unstable. Or does it all come out as a result of these shows? 

I believe Bravo and other reality show production teams somewhat check (these days) potential cast members, and I'm sure they want the ones with juicy storylines. As for Jenn, her issues are old (although some, like Ryan's legal problems are new), but in some cases problems appear after people join those shows as a result of possibly being unstable, and the consequences of becoming celebrities. 

15 hours ago, Starlight925 said:

Gina and Jen are both in the wrong here.

Gina should have done her due diligence and had a proper credit check done on Jen, acting in fiduciary responsibility to the homeowner, who was screwed out of 4 months' rent, plus however long it takes to re-rent it, because of Gina's lackadaisical "giggle giggle, she's good for it" attitude.

Jen should not have rented a house she couldn't afford.


I agree, but Gina thought she was helping a coworker who was separated with five children, and was going through a difficult divorce process.

Edited by ZettaK
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11 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

I agree.  Inviting someone to a restaurant (to film) just to start yelling at them and stomping out was ridiculous.   And while public screaming scenes are a mainstay for these HWs, Gina went from zero to sixty in record time. 

There is no way I would hire a RE agent who was also a HW, whom by [my] definition are ridiculous people. I wonder if she's made any money yet? 

Gina is doing fine professionally. She is a realtor who is on tv/a reality show, and it seems most potential clients don't get bothered by the dramatics (they know it's part of the reality show game). We see the same on other real estate related tv shows- the agents don't always act in a professional way, but they are successful. I will admit that Gina was a little bit extra though. 

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Gina was over the top. I do think Jenn could have pretended that she cared about Gina helping her instead of just acting like she was the victim in the scenario.  She threw her husband out so she could bang Ryan. She did not put her kids or financial futures first. She’s lucky her parents still bail her out. Orange County is an expensive place to not have a job. 
Tamrat needs to shut that giant mouth of hers about Shannon being a bad friend. Rat is the definition of a bad friend. These ladies were only too happy to film with Jesus Jugs throwing gross Johnny J in Shannon’s face. And newsflash Alexis, Shannon may be older than you but she is looking better than you these days. The extensions are ugly and give her face a horsey look. She looked nicer  with that shorter do she wore for a season. It’s also time to drop Jesus from her nickname. Theirs is nothing Christian about this pig. They should change her name to Just Jugs because this woman has nothing else to offer. Definitely no brain to be found. 
I like the new housewife. Ready for her to take on fancy pants.

Edited by Chatty Cake
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