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S10.E01: The Conspiracy In The Corpse


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Booth is in jail and awaiting trial as Season 10 begins, but the Jeffersonian team wonder if the remains of a man who died 16 years ago have something to do with the conspiracy that put him in prison—a place Booth shares with criminals he helped lock up. Meanwhile, Sweets and Daisy share a surprise with the lab.


This thread will open at 9:00 p.m. once the episode finishes airing on the east coast.

Wow! I had no idea we were losing Sweets! That is a real shocker.  And it makes me sad.


I thought it was a pretty well done episode.

It's well done. But I'm still pissed off. Daisy deserved better, heck... they both did. They were broken up, and then the pregnancy, only for him to be shot? WTF?!


I hope they catch the bastard who did this.

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Um, wow.


Granted, I probably shouldn't be shocked at the end given John F. Dailey's other activities, but I had major Vincent Nigel Murray flashbacks. Funny how both Booth and Brennan were almost in the same position physically as they were with VNM.


The case itself is a bit convoluted, but for the emotional stuff, I thought it was done well enough. And NuChristine looks cute.


So is James Aubrey the new Sweets? Young agent instead of shrink?


And it figures it took Sweets biting it for Daisy to not be annoying.


And on shallow notes, Emily Deschanel looked rested, David Boreanaz was rockin' the T-shirts and beard, and yay for Cam growing out that haircut - finally.

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It was pretty good given the past few years; I just felt they telegraphed Sweets dying throughout the episode - his declaration that Booth was family, that he did so much for Bones while Booth was in prison, his taking the subpoena to go off to get the documents was the final penny that dropped for me.  


Gotta say they were all pretty cool at the end in their demeanor - I would have been sobbing in their shoes.  


I really wished they didn't have to kill him even if the actor wanted to move on - and, leaving a baby behind too.  Sniff.  I've always liked the character - rats.

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It's well done. But I'm still pissed off. Daisy deserved better, heck... they both did. They were broken up, and then the pregnancy, only for him to be shot? WTF?!


I hope they catch the bastard who did this.

I agree. Sweets is one of my favorite characters! I love the way he and Brennan play off each other and how he fits into the group. Ugh. I wonder if this will be a season long or multiple episode mystery.

Not sure about the new guy. Something is off that I can't put my finger on.

  • Love 3

Um, wow.


Granted, I probably shouldn't be shocked at the end given John F. Dailey's other activities, but I had major Vincent Nigel Murray flashbacks. Funny how both Booth and Brennan were almost in the same position physically as they were with VNM.


The case itself is a bit convoluted, but for the emotional stuff, I thought it was done well enough. And NuChristine looks cute.


So is James Aubrey the new Sweets? Young agent instead of shrink?


And it figures it took Sweets biting it for Daisy to not be annoying.


And on shallow notes, Emily Deschanel looked rested, David Boreanaz was rockin' the T-shirts and beard, and yay for Cam growing out that haircut - finally.

Yea it looks that way.


Disagree there. Thought they were cute together... so I was bummed when he was shot :(. Liked the guy.


Agreed. And Word. And the makeout was nice ;).

I agree. Sweets is one of my favorite characters! I love the way he and Brennan play off each other and how he fits into the group. Ugh. I wonder if this will be a season long or multiple episode mystery.

Not sure about the new guy. Something is off that I can't put my finger on.

Yea they worked hard on that and it sucks that he isn't around anymore.


That's what I was thinking too. He just seems too green, too almost too innocent. I think he could be someone's pawn.

Well color me surprised. I figured there4 was going to be a storyline re: Sweets feeling afraid of fatherhood, not being sure of his relationship with Daisy.  I think they made a bad decision. If the actor wanted to leave they could have him away with Daisy.  The only thing that would make me feel better is if Gordon Gordon comes back to help them deal with their feelings of greif/guilt

Edited by arcadia63
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Well color me surprised. I figured there4 was going to be a storyline re: Sweets feeling afraid of fatherhood, not being sure of his relationship with Daisy.  I think they made a bad decision. If the actor wanted to leave they could have him away with Daisy.  The only thing that would make me feel better is if Gordon Gordon comes back to help them deal with their feelings of greif/guilt

I think so too. Actor wanting to leave aside, there were better ways (like the one you mentioned) to have gone about it. Maybe. I'm not a huge fan of the actor who plays him, but I don't mind him as a character. I think he'd do everyone good there.

I'm shocked too. I loved Sweets and while I'm glad they look like next week will be a great farewell for him, killing him off in such a way should have a long lasting impact that would forever change how everyone went about doing their jobs and lives.  Bones has always done a piss poor job in long term continuity (Bones getting shot and people barely mentioning it, Hodgins and Angela losing his whole fortune) and I cringe thinking in a few episodes they will attempt to get back to the typical routine of light hearted comedy when Sweets was such a driver of that.


Plus damn them for making me feel sorry for Daisy.  


OTOH, WTF are they doing with Sweets body?  Since when would he brought to there for the autopsy?  And OMG, why in the HELL do you let Daisy in there . She should NOT be in there for a number of reasons.

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I loved Sweets and will miss him, but they can kill a different character every week if it means this type of show versus that comedy crap they try most of the season.  I like Bones the drama...I do not like silly Bones.


I would have liked more of a sentimental reunion with Booth and everyone, but I get the urgency. 


Hope they keep this up for the season....it was a good start.

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I must admit, the end of this episode was the first time in a long time a show has truly surprised me. Usually I can figure out what's going to happen at least 5 minutes ahead with a great degree of accuracy these days, but Sweets dying I honestly did not see coming.


I loved Sweets and will miss him, but they can kill a different character every week if it means this type of show versus that comedy crap they try most of the season.  I like Bones the drama...I do not like silly Bones.


Couldn't disagree more. I not only like the silly Bones but it's important that the show thrown in some silly every episode, it makes the drama have so much more impact than it could have otherwise. There's only so much drama that they can drag out before one stops really caring anymore, so some comedy helps, even if it doesn't work that well sometimes.

Edited by immortalfrieza
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Do Dr. Edison and Bones really not like each other? Because I know she's supposed to be terrible with interpersonal interactions, but she's always a right asshole to him. 

I'd say it's more like they're both arrogant and superior to each other and that gets on each other's nerves a lot, but I don't think they don't like each other.

Edited by immortalfrieza
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I must admit, the end of this episode was the first time in a long time a show has truly surprised me. Usually I can figure out what's going to happen at least 5 minutes ahead with a great degree of accuracy these days, but Sweets dying I honestly did not see coming.


Couldn't disagree more. I not only like the silly Bones but it's important that the show thrown in some silly every episode, it makes the drama have so much more impact than it could have otherwise. There's only so much drama that they can drag out before one stops really caring anymore, so some comedy helps, even if it doesn't work that well sometimes.


Seconded. Any flaws with the comedic ones aside, they help keep things sane.

Sonuvabitch. You know, I'd been suspicious for a while now, between John Francis Daley's writing/directing gigs and the hiring of a new "recurring" young agent. But then when I saw spoilers about Daisy's pregnancy, followed by friggin' Boreanaz saying he and Sweets would get closer because of the pregnancy, I was so relieved. Yet then, today, I saw the promo about Booth and Sweets and how far they'd come as friends and I just ... I just knew. I knew they were going to do something awful. And then every anvil that could be dropped was dropped as the show went on. Booth thanking Sweets for taking care of his family and Sweets saying, "You'd do the same for me." BAM! Daisy saying Booth would be godfather "of course" because Sweets says he's family. WHAM! Brennan telling him he was going to make a good dad. SLAM! "I finally get to use my siren!" DAMN! I got sicker and sicker as the show went on. But even with all that, I still just can't believe they friggin' beat him to death. Our sweet abused foster child baby duck got friggin' BEATEN TO DEATH. I seriously don't know if I can even go back and watch reruns now unless I just pretend this didn't happen. Really, really a devastating way to send him out. 

  • Love 5

Well, he did get her job when she was gone, and sort of still when she was back...

That's not at all his fault though.  Maybe I just read too much into it, but when he asked who the corpse was, and she shut that down so condescendingly I was shocked.  He has every right to know who it is, unless there's a reason he shouldn't(which she could have said).


The fact that Cam immediately picked up the file 2 feet away made it obvious Bones was acting out for no reason.

So was the scary blue coloring on Sweets' body more realistic than they usually show for TV corpses, or was it extra blue for shock effect because it was a beloved character?

Boreanz really looked like he could physically take on those other inmates, heh.

I liked the new guy. That's how you introduce a new character!

Maybe if I'd watched it without commercials (not live) I wouldn't have had time to figure out that Hodgins would have already stashed some of the bones.

  • Love 1

I'm dreading seeing Daisy grieve, fall apart, single parent or move in with Booth and Bones because Booth is the godfather who made a promise, etc. I really hope they don't go that way, but they set it up so bluntly, it seems like the sort of  mistake they might have made.


I liked Sweets a lot and am really sorry to see him go.


I don't really like the new agent; he's just sort of a bland, generic white guy to me at this point.


I thought Cam's hair was horrendous. I don't mind her growing it out, I like long hair, but I thought it just looked messy and weird the way it was hanging.

  • Love 4

...I thought Cam's hair was horrendous. I don't mind her growing it out, I like long hair, but I thought it just looked messy and weird the way it was hanging.

Thank you for being the one to point out that the emperor had no clothes.

On days when my hair looks like that, I plug the iron back in and have another go at it. And she's got frickin' stylists to do it for her. People: I'm sorry, but that is not a style. </rant>

  • Love 3

I'm disappointed that they killed off Sweets; they could have let him and Daisy go off into a happy sunset.  But what really distracted me in the parking garage scene was this: New Agent calls B&B at the retirement home, presumably after New Agent calls 911.  How in holy hell did B&B get there before the ambulance?  You'd think DC response times would be quicker than that, especially for a federal agent.  Or is that part of the deep FBI conspiracy too?


On a completely different note, I like B&B's new house.  It suits them better than the old one, even before it was shot to smithereens.

  • Love 3
I think they made a bad decision. If the actor wanted to leave they could have him away with Daisy.


I disagree. If the actor is becoming unavailable and the show is in the middle of a serious conspiracy theory, they should kill him off. Where is the urgency if the characters can go up against the conspiracy which causes people to die left and right, but they are immune? Sure, Booth took a few punches (and bullets), but he survived a major attack. Sweets death reminds the viewers of the danger. Having him suddenly lark off in the middle of the serious conspiracy would have decreased the urgency (the characters don't even take it seriously or are running away from it - Sweets doesn't run away).


It is sad that Sweets can never return to the show, but I think that they made good use of the actor's departure. He got to go out a hero.

  • Love 2

I'm disappointed that they killed off Sweets; they could have let him and Daisy go off into a happy sunset.  But what really distracted me in the parking garage scene was this: New Agent calls B&B at the retirement home, presumably after New Agent calls 911.  How in holy hell did B&B get there before the ambulance?  You'd think DC response times would be quicker than that, especially for a federal agent.  Or is that part of the deep FBI conspiracy too?


On a completely different note, I like B&B's new house.  It suits them better than the old one, even before it was shot to smithereens.

For real life civilians it's about right.


I work across a courtyard from a DC hospital. Someone who worked in building with me had a heart attack and collapsed.  30+ minutes is what it took to get him to the hospital 2 minutes away (4 if you count the emergency exit).

As soon as Booth called the new agent a kid, I knew Sweets was in trouble.  I wasn't sure if he was going to die, but Booth had already replaced Sweets, in a way, so I knew he wasn't going to be on the show much longer.  A shame, I'm going to miss the character.


I'm not, however, going to miss Brennan's constant attacks on psychology and, by extension, Sweets himself.  Always annoyed me.

As soon as Booth called the new agent a kid, I knew Sweets was in trouble.  I wasn't sure if he was going to die, but Booth had already replaced Sweets, in a way, so I knew he wasn't going to be on the show much longer.  A shame, I'm going to miss the character.


I'm not, however, going to miss Brennan's constant attacks on psychology and, by extension, Sweets himself.  Always annoyed me.

Same here. But to be fair, the last one she did wasn't that bad. She was kidding with him and vice versa from him.

I kind of liked the character of Sweets at first, but started disliking him as the show seemed to be showing too much of his character, especially as it came at the expense of the characterization of Booth. You know, the guy that used to be really good at reading people and doing things like interrogations, and figuring out people's motivations? So if Sweets being gone means the show might get back to Booth being more competent in those areas again? More power to getting rid of Sweets.


But that doesn't mean we're stuck with Daisy, does it? Can't she decide she wants to raise her/Sweets child with her family? somewhere far far from DC.  (my fingers are crossed) though to be fair, her character didn't grate last night. And I'll agree, that should have been my first hint of impeding doom for Sweets. 


I liked last night's show, and hope they can keep that tone/quality for the rest of the season. Some quirkiness is fine, but I'm one of those that think they pushed too much of that in later seasons, to detriment of the show. 

Edited by WedgeOfSpite
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I was absolutely bored at this episode of Bones....until Sweets died.  I really liked him on the show.  He was a great piece of the puzzle with Booth, Bones and Sweets.  I won't be the same without him.  


I've also been a big honkin' fan of Daley since his Freaks and Geeks days.  He'll be missed by me...for sure.

  • Love 2

ok, I did NOT see that coming. It's been awhile since I've been this shocked and sad over something that happened on a tv show. Sweets annoyed me sometimes but he was such a staple part of the group, it's hard to imagine the dynamic without him.


But, please, oh, please don't let Daisy move in with Booth and Brennan

  • Love 1

Whew - Just caught up on Hulu and I'm glad I wasn't the only one yelling "Nooooooo! WtF!" Man, the whole cast rocked the final scene in the lab. Even JFD, and all he had to do is lay there too convincingly dead-looking.

Just a geography-based quibble: the nursing home is in Abingdon, Va. That's about 4.5 hours south of DC.

I will miss Sweets terribly, but I have to hand it to them. .. for one of the senior citizens of the procedural crime drama roster, they can still pull off a surprise or two.

  • Love 2

Everyone is going to hate me but I'm kind of happy he's dead...




I kind of think, Sweets kind of eventually hurt the show. His existence made it more of a cutesy romantic comedy, he kind of took away from the Squints when he became the "third" main character. I liked Sweets at first but he became a crutch of a show, a way for them to say, "Ain't Booths and Bones CRAZY!"...And he was a way for Booth to avoid the Squints. If you watch the superior early seasons versus now, Booth doesn't interact much with the Squints outside of Wendell. I know David has, to the huge detriment of the show, asked not to be in the lab. But I just feel there is this huge divide in the show and I've always preferred all the Squints to anyone in the FBI save for Caroline(and I'm including Booth :p).


So yeah...I'm not heartbroken over Sweets lose because I'm hoping it means the show can bring these two universes together again and stop with the "Booth and Bones be crazy and they got problems!"

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But, please, oh, please don't let Daisy move in with Booth and Brennan

With Sweets dead I don't see any reason for the writers to even keep Daisy any longer. Daisy existed solely so Sweets would have somebody to hook up with, now that's he's dead Daisy pretty much has zero purpose that the other squinterns couldn't fill.

Edited by immortalfrieza
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Well, not happy.

I don't like how goofy this show could be, but I hate how dark it looks to become. Sweets was arguing that Booth should still trust the system and with him dead, it looks like Booth will go rogue and turn into an antihero. 

We definitely see more of Daisy, I was surprised at how pregnant she was. Also given Sweets said to Booth you would do the same for me, she will definitely be close to the Bs.

I really wish it was more just a solving crime and catch the killer kind of show, but it's clear the writers got bored with that years ago. Why do people who hate mysteries write mysteries? Ah well

Edited by Temperance
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