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Season 10 (Andi) Spoilers

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Rhondinella, these are great spoilers, but shouldn't they be in the Bachelor in Paradise forum instead of here on the Bachelorette forum?


Oh, and Ben Scott was they guy on Desiree's season who whored his son out to get noticed.

Edited by chocolatine
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Rhondinella, these are great spoilers, but shouldn't they be in the Bachelor in Paradise forum instead of here on the Bachelorette forum?




Yeah, I just realized that.  Sorry.  I'm moving them.   I apologize if I spoiled anyone unwittingly.


I really should not post after a certain hour.

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NOTE FROM THE MOD: On reflection I decided to delete all the "I hate Reality Steve" posts as both off-topic and unnecessary.  As I said before, I'm sure there's a forum somewhere on the great interwebs where you can bash Steve to your heart's content.  Just not here.


Also, please don't post things like, "Reality Steve's new column is up and there's some interesting things."  I mean, there's no point to that unless you are going to go ahead and actually give us the information from the column.  In other words, spoiler posts should have actual spoiler information in them, or be a discussion of said information.


I also would prefer if you don't just give a link to the RS column (or any other source) with no comment.  Links are fine, but the post should also either summarize what it says, take direct quotes from it (properly formatted as a quote) or comment in some way on it.  Does that make sense? PM me with any questions.


Thanks guys.

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IMO, nothing in the article really proves that Josh has slept with this woman since being on the show and presumably being picked by Andi. Unless I missed some piece of smoking gun evidence.

For me, what is really suspect, is Josh's big sell throughout the season was that he hadn't had a relationship in 5 years. So what was this woman? Of course I always thought that claim was a little suspect.

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That article says someone named Britteny McCord tweeted a pic of her with Josh and said they used to date. Then she tweeted a pic of her with Aaron and said they used to date. Nothing confirmed, just a girl with a smartphone, as far as I can see. (Not that it would surprise me if there was something deceptive about him or he's a player. Just not seeing it here.)

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I think it's fairly obvious that the girl is just some football fan who took pictures with them at a Meet & Greet and posted them with funny comments that got taken seriously by stupid people from gossip sites. It's just a way of calling them hot, nothing to do with actually dating them. I doubt there's any connection between her and that Snapchat user Josh has been active with, other than a few letters in their names.

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I doubt there's any connection between her and that Snapchat user Josh has been active with, other than a few letters in their names.

Ah, that's why I got confused. I thought this was the same Brittany some referred to with regard to his snapchat account. But yeah this girl in the twitpic is likely just some fan and I still have no idea how the leap was made that Josh has hooked up with someone since the show. Though I still call bullshit on his 5 years without a girlfriend - sounds like 5 years of having hookups and casual flings and I would be suspect of someone who in 5 years didn't have at least one serious relationship.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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That photo, and an identical one the girl had taken with his brother Aaron, has been floating around the Internet since the Contestants names were released by ABC on May 6th.  Neither Murray has ever dated the girl, it was a joke that she circulated amongst her friends and it basically went viral...


I'm sure Josh casually dated plenty of girls for the last 5 years, but to me a "Relationship" means meeting the parents.  And for Josh, that would mean driving from Atlanta to Tampa, (7 hours) and back, plus overnights with mom & dad.   Casual dating & hookups usually don't warrent that.  And when his parents would travel to Atlanta, I imagine they wanted to spend time with him and his siblings.  


It would be different if he lived 4 miles from his parents, or even in the same town.  Then I imagine they would have met some girls. 

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And from the same completely reliable and objective website we have this:  "Andi Dorfman Admits Making Love With BOTH Nick Viall and Josh Murray in Fantasy Suites":




This "admission" (which they get through an article in In Touch, so . . . ) consists of her not actively denying that she slept with both guys.  In Touch ran a story claiming she was pregnant and didn't know who the father was.  Andi tweeted a joking response about not being pregnant, but because she didn't actually SAY the rest was false, this ridiculous article assumes it's true and moreover calls it an "admission."


To quote Inigo Montoya:  "You keep using that word.  I do not think it means what you think it means."

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Making sure I understand you, do you mean that she chose Josh because he was likely better in bed? I don't know, as they often say, "sometimes the quiet ones are the wildest". If some of Andi and Nick's makeouts are anything to go by, I wouldn't dismiss him that quickly. Not to mention, Josh may bring his "me-me" personality into the bedroom as well and yeah...


But in all seriousness, I may be being naive, but I actually don't think she slept with them both. Although come to think of it, I was never entirely clear on whether she slept with Juan Pablo. Juan Pablo was definitely one of those bachelors I could see sleeping with all the women in his fantasy suite and he seemed so satisfied with how the night went with Andi before she basically chewed him out. So if she'd sleep with that horn dog, she really might have slept with both Nick and Josh.

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I'd like to think she slept with Josh, but didn't sleep with Nick.  I think she knew going it that it was all Josh, all the time.  I'm sure she could have convinced Nick that she wasn't going to sleep with either of them, so the overnight was just a getting-to-know-you-better occasion.  


I also think she actually spent so much time with Nick to give herself every chance to legitimately be able to pick him (her head) over Josh (her heart).   But it just didn't work that way for her in the end.  


Probably all wrong, but that's my opinion....*LOL*


Does anybody know who got the first overnight date?  

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IMO, nothing in the article really proves that Josh has slept with this woman since being on the show and presumably being picked by Andi. Unless I missed some piece of smoking gun evidence.

For me, what is really suspect, is Josh's big sell throughout the season was that he hadn't had a relationship in 5 years. So what was this woman? Of course I always thought that claim was a little suspect.


Definitely odd.  And his family said he hadn't 'dated' for 6 years too.  Made quite a deal out of that.




The articxle was more about "Snapchat" 'cheating' -- (media sites are all looking for an angle like that) ...  The thing with Snapchat is that it's known for one feature in particular.  You "snap a photo or a video, add a caption, and send it to a friend.

  They’ll view it, laugh, and then the Snap disappears from the screen – unless they take a screenshot!

  No evidence left behind.  Photos are deleted by default.


I followed a link in that story to this:


    "However, what is interesting is the one person he interacts with more than Andi on Snapchat, is his ex-girlfriend Brittany McCord."


  And then they show some kind of image of the notice that shows the most-frequent contacts.  IF true, I think that would bother me a bit if I were Andi.  But despite what the story writer says, I don't see any numbers involved that indicate actual frequency.

Edited by pitchy
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Yeah I heard about the snap chat stuff because it was another bit of proof that Andi picked him and I have an account so I know how it works. But my confusion comes in that I thought this Brittany referred to in the article and with the picture of them together is a different one than the one who follows him on snap chat. Unless it's the same person - this is where I've gotten confused. 


Not a crier, but he does get misty-eyed pretty often.



I honestly haven't noticed. I just remember Nick getting emotional last week and I really think that was a combination of all the drama with the guys combined with his feelings for Andi and then getting misty this week talking to his mom but Josh teared up seeing his family. 

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Making sure I understand you, do you mean that she chose Josh because he was likely better in bed? I don't know, as they often say, "sometimes the quiet ones are the wildest". If some of Andi and Nick's makeouts are anything to go by, I wouldn't dismiss him that quickly. Not to mention, Josh may bring his "me-me" personality into the bedroom as well and yeah...


Not necessarily better, but more aggressive.  Andi has made it clear week in and week out that she likes her men sexually aggressive.  Sure, Nick is assertive about spending time with her, but I doln't see him being as bold as Josh in the boudoir.  Just a hunch.

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I am assuming Andi slept with Juan Pablo and it probably was the main reason why she got so mad when he didn't seem that interested in her afterwards in the Fantasy Suite. So I can see her sleeping with Nick and Josh. Maybe Josh is a real slugger in the sack and knows how to hit all the bases while going for the homerun. *rimshot*

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I definitely thought Andi slept with JP and then got angry when he was so impersonal afterwards--then left the room...coming back when the staff saw a good opportunity to make him look bad in the sack (or like a jerk). He seemed a little of both, but she overdid it so I didn't think she came off that well either. Plus, I don't think she liked the idea he was "testing them out", all three of them.


It wouldn't surprise me at all if Andi slept with Josh and Nick. But it -would- surprise me greatly if she did with Chris (hopefully he's figured out from her tepid reaction to the love letters and banner that he's just not the one). I really hope she -didn't- sleep with him, knowing how he feels about her, because it seems so obvious she's just not feeling it.


Curious how she'll avoid it, though...

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I figured that Jaun Pablo would have been pouting if he'd spent the night with Andi and she turned down sex.  As for Andi, I bet she found out that JP was selfish in the sack.  Girlfriend was definitely worked up and upset the next day, and JP was clueless.  Not a big surprise there.


Anyway, when it comes to the Fantasy Suites, I expect her to sleep with Josh, possibly also with Nick, but I doubt she'll invite Chris to stay the night.  Besides, if she extended an invitation to Chris, I wouldn't be surprised if he politely turned her down.  I thought he was picking up on her true feelings about him.  He'll play it out for the camera's, but I think he already knows it's not happening.

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Andi definitely does NOT sleep with Chris, according to Reality Steve. He says she sends Chris home after the daytime part of the date, so there is no Fantasy Suite


(ETA: A BIG thanks for being considerate of other posters, but Spoiler threads are enter-at-your-own risk and don't need tags.)

Edited by Bella
removed spoiler tags in spoiler thread
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Andi definitely does NOT sleep with Chris, according to Reality Steve. He says she sends Chris home after the daytime part of the date, so there is no Fantasy Suite



I'm glad to know that. He's too nice a guy it seems to be led on when its so obvious she doesn't have much attraction to him.


I think she slept with Nick which is why he thought he was going to be F1. Too bad, since his HT made me like him and his family a lot and I hate this part (never understand why it works, but hate it) where the runner-up is madly in love and blindsided.  However, I'm sure that now Nick Is part of the "Bachelor Family" (which seems to work well off camera as a dating service) he will find someone else.  (I don't see him with Sharlene, but stranger things have happened. I'm glad she's taken the approach she has in her blog, esp. since he's going to be pretty upset to be dumped.) 

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Not necessarily better, but more aggressive.  Andi has made it clear week in and week out that she likes her men sexually aggressive.  Sure, Nick is assertive about spending time with her, but I doln't see him being as bold as Josh in the boudoir.  Just a hunch.



It's so funny and interesting how this show can be so subjective. In regards to the comment above, I just saw on another board a quote from former Bachelorette Jillian who is of course blogging about the show (I swear I think every single one of them have some kind of blog about the the show) where she says that Nick and Andi's relationship actually remind her of Andi and Juan Pablo's relationship (yeah confused me too) - that it's all just passion, kissing, heat and no real conversations and connection. That's the first time I've seen anyone view Nick and Andi's relationship that way. So go figure...


eta: The Men Tell All was filmed this weekend and no major spoilers about what happened, yet…however there were many pictures of the guys hanging out backstage/later/etc. with Chris very visible in most of them which pretty much confirms he gets sent home at F3. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Picked it up and did some speed-reading.  According to the mag, Andi was pretty sure of her choice before the Fantasy Suite dates, then changed he rmind after sleeping with both of the final 2. ( Now, THAT sounds pretty unbelievable, because if she was SURE, why would she have to sleep with both? )

Anyway the article goes on to say that Andi told F1 she knew right away it was him and only him.  Then F1 finds out she slept with F2, and gets upset, possibly breaking up with her because of it.

I'm thinking it's a lot of speculation, but also a lot of drama over next-to-nothing.   She was leaning one way, then went the other way.  Isn't that typical of the show?   If the 'B' is 100% sure, he/she is not allowed to choose BEFORE the Fantasy Suite,  even if head-over-heels "in true love".



This was posted by backformore in another thread re: a tabloid article about Andi and the "shocking Fantasy Date that changed everything" or something.  I copied it here so we could speculate about it with the spoilers.


Ok, I know it's a tabloid so . . . yeah.  But this one actually has something of the ring of truth to it to me.  Maybe not all the details are correct but I wonder if there isn't a kernel of truth in there somewhere.  Because, it's seriously the only thing I can think of that would explain why she chooses Josh over Nick at this point.


So she tells Nick he's the F1, sleeps with both guys, he finds out she slept with Josh, and then she either a) dumps Nick in favor of Josh; or b) Nick gets mad and tells her he doesn't want to be with her anymore.  The final rose ceremony then is just a sham for the cameras, in terms of Andi and Nick.


I don't know, either of those scenarios seems possible to me honestly.  Nick is pretty dang sensitive; I mean, not that he has no reason to be.  In the "real" world your girlfriend sleeping with another guy would clearly be an issue.  But it's the Bachelorette!  Have they never seen this show before?  Unless she told him specifically that she didn't (or wouldn't) sleep with Josh and then did it anyway, it seems weird for him to be upset enough to break it off before it even was.


Anyway, pure speculation, but I'm in a speculative mood.  I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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The whole thing for me comes down to this....The video transcript of Nick saying:


"2:48-3:00…“No, nope, ummmm, I mean, she went back to what she’s used to…I mean, I don’t know how else to…I mean again…actions speak louder than words, like, I don’t know what else to say other than, like, it seemed like she really changed her mind, like, at the last moment.” 


I believe it was absolutely Andi's decision to dump Nick, not him dumping her.  If it had been in any way his decision, I don't think he would have said what he said in that phone call. 


Do we know what order the Fantasy Suites were in?  Did Nick go before Josh, or after?

Edited by leighdear
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The only reason I don't buy that story though is because of that "smoking gun" video RS has of Nick talking to what sounds like his brother on a plane. If you believe that video is real, that scenario does not match up with what he's saying on the phone. Nick sounds completely confused as to why Andi chose Josh and sounded like he was truly gob-smacked by her decision and then he makes the comment that ultimately she went with what she knew, which sounded like he was assuming that's why she picked Josh. If she really had told him she slept with them both or whatever and he was upset about that, I feel like he would have referenced that or sounded more angry at her. Nick didn't sound angry in the video - confused and hurt but that was it. 


Of course there are some who are convinced the video is one big fake, set up to screw RS over. While I don't believe that, it would be awesome, if true, especially coming on the heels of the mess that was Desiree's season and all those poor Brooks fans who kept waiting for him to come back and swoop her off her feet because RS swore they were together and engaged and anyone who believed otherwise was a moron. Yeah...


But personally, I think Josh is her pick, the Nick video is real and this article is just some usual speculation/fan fiction that comes up at the end of every season. I don't think it's so strange that Andi picked Josh. Yes, from the editing it's clear she has a really, really good connection with Nick that seems to work on a physical and emotional level and that according to her, he seems to just get her and she can be herself around him. All that said, Andi was clearly physically attracted to Josh from day one and on top of that, she herself admits that she's always gone for the athlete and consider her physical chemistry with Juan Pablo before he really pissed her off in the fantasy suite. IMO, it's as simple as what Nick stated in that video - she went with what she knew.


Despite whatever connection she and Nick has, at the end of the day he's unconventional to her, not her usual type while Josh is everything she's always been attracted to complete with brother who played for the team her father and likely her whole family loves. At the end of the day, Josh is the one that just made "the most sense". I will also add that to be fair, the editing might have downplayed their relationship to not make it too obvious she picked him and because they were too busy trying to make Nick this "big evil villain".

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I agree, truthaboutluv, it was always going to be Josh. I can't buy a last minute FS debacle knocking Nick off an F1 throne he never held. He and Andi had a connection, but Josh is her type; they're from the same part of the country; her dad is a huge UGA fan; and so on. Josh and Andi could pass for siblings! That's how alike they are.

Edited by Bugs Meany
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How I interpreted it was this -   Andi was torn between nick & Josh, but leaning toware Nick.  Until the Fantasy Suite dates, where either Nick did something wrong, or Josh did something right, and she changed her mind, deciding to choose Josh.  She told Josh she knew right from the start that it was gong to be him, then divulged that she had slept with Nick. Josh gets pissed, nearly breaks it off, or does break it off, but then they reconcile.


The article also talked about the ring -  you know, biggest, most expensive in the history of the Bachelorette - but I didn't see that she got TWO proposals, so I wonder about that.

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I think the no two proposals can be explained away as simply as she stopped whoever was not her pick before they could propose. Goodness knows poor Ashley got raked over the coals by some for making Ben actually propose before telling him he was not her choice. So it could be as simple as Andi does not give the guy, assuming it is Nick, a chance to start talking and propose and quickly lets him know that she chose Josh. 

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How I interpreted it was this -   Andi was torn between nick & Josh, but leaning toware Nick.  Until the Fantasy Suite dates, where either Nick did something wrong, or Josh did something right



I think the assumption that someone who wasn't chosen "did something wrong" or "wasn't good" in the fantasy suite is oversimplifying it.  Sexual chemistry is something that happens (or doesn't happen) between two people, and sometimes it doesn't happen for couples who are compatible in every other way - It's neither person's "fault".

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"2:48-3:00…“No, nope, ummmm, I mean, she went back to what she’s used to…I mean, I don’t know how else to…I mean again…actions speak louder than words, like, I don’t know what else to say other than, like, it seemed like she really changed her mind, like, at the last moment.”

I believe it was absolutely Andi's decision to dump Nick, not him dumping her.  If it had been in any way his decision, I don't think he would have said what he said in that phone call.



Maybe.  But I think it's not impossible that Nick was hedging and not telling the full truth to whoever he was talking to.  I mean, would you want to admit to your friends or family that a girl dumped you after sleeping with you when everything else pointed to you being the final one?  "Actions speak louder than words" could indicate his dismay over her sleeping with Josh even when she told Nick he was her final choice.  I don't know.  Yeah, it may not be the mostly likely explanation, but I think it's not completely out of the question, even with the evidence from his phone call.

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I doubt the story is accurate.  If we fanwank that Andi slept with both Josh and Nick, she may have found Josh a caveman in bed and Nick to be more gentle and with more 'give and take'.  (Or, he could have been horrible, but Nick's HT date has made me like him a bit more so I'm going with the better scenario.)  Nick and Andi got along very well, and her head may have been telling her he was the better bet in many ways, but her sexual attraction to Josh was pretty strong.  Maybe her libido trumped her head, as I doubt that none of these people know each other well enough to be "in love".


Whatever happened, I doubt Andi would talk to one man about her sexual experiences with the other man.  I'm not wild about her, but I don't see her doing such a thing, especially when that was one her complaints about Jaun Pablo. 


BTW, Andi's oft-stated proclamations of her preference for her men to be sexually aggressive may get her into trouble someday.  I can see some stupid drunk recognizing her and deciding that the perfect way to introduce himself would be to walk up to her, grab a handfull of hair with one hand and a boob with the other, then try to stick his tongue down her throat. 


Pretty sure that Andi only wants that aggressiveness with a man that she's gotten to know and has developed a sexual attraction for.  I'd have loved to see her decide she wants to kiss the guy, grab him and give him a nice thorough kiss, and then say "That's the way I like it.  Your turn!"

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Whatever happened, I doubt Andi would talk to one man about her sexual experiences with the other man.  I'm not wild about her, but I don't see her doing such a thing, especially when that was one her complaints about Jaun Pablo.


I absolutely agree with this.  NO WAY do I think she would have told either one of them that she slept with the other.  She has been very circumspect about talking to the guys about each other throughout this whole season. 

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Sorry, I'm a little slow today. Why do we think Andi chose her F1 based on Fantasy Suite "performance"? Is it because of this phone call quoted below? I didn't go to RS's site, so maybe there's more to the phone call or RS's theory that I'm missing.


"2:48-3:00…“No, nope, ummmm, I mean, she went back to what she’s used to…I mean, I don’t know how else to…I mean again…actions speak louder than words, like, I don’t know what else to say other than, like, it seemed like she really changed her mind, like, at the last moment.”

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Sorry, I'm a little slow today. Why do we think Andi chose her F1 based on Fantasy Suite "performance"? Is it because of this phone call quoted below? I didn't go to RS's site, so maybe there's more to the phone call or RS's theory that I'm missing.


I think it's due to a celebrity magazine article.. I forget which one but I saw it last week in the grocery store.

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Andi definitely does NOT sleep with Chris, according to Reality Steve. He says she sends Chris home after the daytime part of the date, so there is no Fantasy Suite offer.



ABC has been running promos for the episode all morning and I am pretty certain that there are shots of what clearly looks like Chris and Andi during the night-time part of their date. There was also a clip of Chris and Josh at the rose ceremony, with Nick out of the shot, perhaps to suggest he was eliminated. I mean it is all but a fact that Chris is the one who leaves tonight, particularly with the spoilers from the filming of the MTA but it is odd RS would state something that could so easily be disproven. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Of course there are some who are convinced the video is one big fake, set up to screw RS over.

If the video was faked to "trap" Reality Steve, and Nick is the actual F1, then:

 Andi, the lawyer, would have had to support and allow her actual fiance', Nick, to not only trash Josh on video, but also make her look like a flake in the process.  In the video Nick said about Josh: "he just eats, sleeps, and sh*ts and like, has a bad temper, and…you know, and…I mean, he’s really competitive yeah…he’s super emotional, he’s really insecure".


He says about Andi: "ummm, she’s incredibly stubborn, and if someone is passive aggressive and bottles it up, it probably…you know what I’m sayin?”


Neither of these descriptions is legally defamation, but I really can't see a lawyer being deliberately complicit in setting up a reality show "spoiler" like Steve in that manner.  I don't see her doing it on her own, or in collusion with the show producers, nor Nick doing it deliberately.  I also don't believe Andi would be involved in anything that tasteless and thoughtless, especially since that discription would embarass Josh's family.  


To me, that video being created as a setup to "foil" Reality Steve would make all invoved look incredibly petty and vindictive.  I absolutely think it's legit. 


strange RS would screw up something so obvious and easy to confirm by stating Andi lets him go during the daytime.

RS didn't say Chris went home in the daytime, he said Andi didn't take Chris to the Fantasy Suite.  I paraphrased, so my "after the daytime" actually meant "in the evening".....*LOL*  My apologies for the confusion.  

Edited by leighdear
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FTR, I made it very clear I don't buy the theory of the tape being fake because really...come on now. However, would I think it is hilarious if it was, hell yeah. Just like I thought it was hilarious when he ended up with egg on his face over Desiree's season because RS is such a smug, obnoxious tool, watching him come out looking like a fool is always entertaining. But I have been saying since the second episode of the show that Andi likely chose Josh and I'm sticking with that and it's not like I care either way. I pretty much rarely have much faith in any relationship coming from this show lasting. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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ABC has been running promos for the episode all morning and I am pretty certain that there are shots of what clearly looks like Chris and Andi during the night-time part of their date. There was also a clip of Chris and Josh at the rose ceremony, with Nick out of the shot, perhaps to suggest he was eliminated. I mean it is all but a fact that Chris is the one who leaves tonight, particularly with the spoilers from the filming of the MTA but it is odd RS would state something that could so easily be disproven. 


As leighdear said, he could have been denied the FS card at dinner (at night), which is when it's typically presented.


As for the second one, my bet would be that Nick causes some sort of delay during the RC.  Maybe he takes her aside before she gets started, or he's in his room, needing to be coaxed out or something.


I think the fake-tape theory is too implausible to buy.  To us, Reality Steve is invoked so frequently that we just write "RS."  Out in the real world, not so much.  If Nick intended to be heard and recorded "unknowingly" by someone who would get the tape to RS, he would have had to go around blabbing for a long, long time, in all sorts of public places, before he happened upon such a person.

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