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S8.E20: Reunion, Part 2

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Robyn and Gizelle would be the last two to EVER say anything about my man to me. I can't stand women who have been cheated on that revel in cheating allegations against another woman. They know first hand what that feels like, and still push on. All money isn't good money, Candiace did right by leaving this group. In Candiace's own words, they, or Gizelle since Robyn is allegedly fired, will have to earn their check another way. 

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56 minutes ago, ZettaK said:

Robyn reveals the reason her friendship with Candiace came to a seeming end;

The real reason is because Gizelle told Robyn that Candiace had to go.

Robyn & production played in our faces by pretending Candiace's tweets were the reason Robyn didn't want anything to do with Candiace when the real deal is Robyn had washed her hands of Candiace during the Miami trip.

(because we now know Robyn is in regular chats with the blogs about her castmates, I'm pretty convinced the rumor that Candiace was fighting down in Miami came from her).

Robyn claims she was hurt by Candiace's "white looking ass" comments to Gizelle and that's why she was ignoring Candiace. Then why didn't she express that? Why let everyone believe it was her comments on Juan/Patreon/fraud that was the reason why she decided to wash her hands of the friendship?

Robyn is a clown ass clown and I'm glad Chris shut her down.

1 hour ago, Stats Queen said:

These women talking about the evils of Florida. Seriously, that is ridiculous. There are no safe spaces for anyone anymore and stereotyping a whole state is ridiculous.

The governor of Florida has gone out of his way to paint Florida as a safe space for white Christian males and if you are not part of that cohort too bad so sad. Who is to say if Grace wanted to pledge AKA sorority that the current governor would ban that and other predominately black Greek organizations (or other black organizations period) on the basis of DEI or some other ridiculous excuse? Or if Grace needed an abortion for any reason? Maybe it's cool because Grace can skip back to Maryland where it's legal.

I'm glad we got to see how nasty Gizelle was when Candiace cried for Gizelle's father dying. Yet if Candiace had rolled her eyes or showed no emotion, Gizelle would've had a problem with that too.

I think Nneka had more to say on this episode than Ashley. Ashley knows she knew all about the lawsuit. I wouldn't be surprised to see Michael filming next season now that Candiace is gone...if Ashley is back.

I did have to chuckle at Nneka telling Iyke to either support her or go wherever Juan was.

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Here's a thought Andy.

Maybe Candiace teared up because she has a little thing called:  Empathy.

You and Gizelle should try it sometime. Gizelle could have acknowledged that Candiace felt for her, even though you don't like each other, but she just refused.

Oh and Mia?  You lie when the wind blows left.

Honestly. I'm only 20 minutes in and I think I'm done.  The blatant favoritism has ruined it. Gizelle was so focused on "I didn't know you mom was in the hospital" and could not be bothered to apologize for calling her mom evil.

She has no accountability. None.

Edited by dosodog
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I don’t have much to add. Gizelle refused to acknowledge Candiace saying she felt for the loss of her dad . When Wendy said she congratulated her about Grace, Gizelle said it never happened. When Karen said she’s not responsible for people making faces, Gizelle was ready to go in on her. Gizelle herself had next to nothing going on. Her supposed boyfriend Jason we barely saw. I don’t think Andy even needed to bring him up.  
I’m annoyed that Andy spent so much time on her.

I hope Gordon’s bombshell is worth tuning in for part 3.


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18 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

I hope Gordon’s bombshell is worth tuning in for part 3.

You mean The Cuckold that is Gordon?

Mia was so blatant with her relationship and having G be all chummy with Ink on Facetime, I am not buying what they are selling as in Mia and G will not/do no have a contentious divorce/relationship.

Why would Ink call Mia so many times when he knew should would be filming? I think she is dumping one controlling guy for another.

Mia telling us she lost three grandparents in one year, (year right), that they all left her money, the same grandparents that let her be in the foster system for any amount of time, didn't want to take care of her while they were alive but in death suddenly remember her? She really doubled down on that lie.

8 hours ago, drivethroo said:

I did have to chuckle at Nneka telling Iyke to either support her or go wherever Juan was.

 Nneka did not even care the cameras were on, she jut blurted that out, whats it like when they are home alone, yeesh!

Gizelle used to be cool, now she is being totally uncool, what happened to her? As for Grace going to school in Florida, something tells me she will be transferring some where closer to home by next semester, isn't that what all the RH kids do? The HW makes a meal out of the kid going to college for an entire season only for us to find out they came home after their first year to attend school closer to home or they drop out completely.

Look out Karen, Wendy is the new voice of reason! Andy might be asking her to host the next reunion, she got more info out of the women than Andy did! BTW, her make up and hair look horrible. 

One thing I have learned from Shark Tank is when someone says they have sold 2 million dollars worth of product they are not telling you what they have cleared, Eddie probably has a long list people that have to get paid before he sees his cut but still good for them, Robyn must seethe when she sees Wendy and Eddie's success, they are a team where Robyn is a team of one while Juan is not supportive but just wants to be financially supported and does not care how Robyn gets the money...the man needs his quarters for the coin op machines, lol.

Candiace will be just fine without RHOP, she is busy with her career and Chris is very supportive of her.   Candiace will have moved on, earning her own money, living her best life while Ashley will still be rubbing Michael's feet next season.

Did Andy ask about AnG(st) legging business at all? Like no questions about the outfits that can go from the gym to the club by simply adding a cape?




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13 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

These women talking about the evils of Florida. Seriously, that is ridiculous. There are no safe spaces for anyone anymore and stereotyping a whole state is ridiculous.

As someone currently living in Florida, they are absolutely correct. 

11 hours ago, drivethroo said:

The governor of Florida has gone out of his way to paint Florida as a safe space for white Christian males and if you are not part of that cohort too bad so sad. Who is to say if Grace wanted to pledge AKA sorority that the current governor would ban that and other predominately black Greek organizations (or other black organizations period) on the basis of DEI or some other ridiculous excuse? Or if Grace needed an abortion for any reason? Maybe it's cool because Grace can skip back to Maryland where it's legal.


3 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Gizelle used to be cool, now she is being totally uncool, what happened to her?

Gizelle was never cool. She's always been on a mean girl power trip since the first season that got worse when she realized she was one of Andy's faves. 

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I found it hella crazy how Robyn and Gizelle took bites out of that ridiculous allegation towards Chris. Robyn pointedly asking Chris about a "photoshopped screenshot" and when Chris shut it down quick because AHEM, Andy's card started AND ended the accusation in one reading because the last sentence mentions the accuser admitting that it was all a lie" the next move was for Robyn and Gizelle to then state the accuser THEN took that back as well as if that meant ANYTHING. But then it gets better when Gizelle says the accuser then goes on to vindicate Gizelle in stating that Gizelle has nothing to do with it. Oh okay so the accuser is believable when absolving Gizelle and retracking her retractment regarding the accusation against Chris but not believable when she admits to lying about the original accusation??

Lord make it make sense!!

Sounds to me the accuser just a cray-cray or a plant.

Either way the level of weight Gizelle and Robyn try and through on that piece of nonsense information is all kinds of disturbing, distasteful and repulsive. 

They are just both trash human beings. Period! 

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4 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Gizelle used to be cool, now she is being totally uncool, what happened to her?

 I will paraphrase what Michelle Obama said about the power of the presidency.  She said it doesn't change you, it reveals you.

Gizelle has great power on this show.  It has revealed her to be a petty bully.

  • Bullies need an entire support system to operate who could shut down the bullying but they also don't like the victim (Andy, Bravo*, Truly Original).
  • Bullies need foot soldiers & useful idiots(Robyn, Ashley).
  • Bullies need bystanders who don't want to get involved (Karen, Mia).
  • Bullies need fans & followers, who are just happy to be there (Nneka, Charrisse).
  • Above all, the bully needs a victim that nobody likes & who has no support (Candiace, Wendy).
  • The only way to stop a bully is to starve them of their resources, rock their shit or to leave.

Here's where colorism comes into play: You CAN NOT go up against somebody from the favored group if you are part of the undesirable group.  If you do, you will need the support of somebody from the favored group. The people from the favored group are ONLY going to listen to someone from their own group.

This is why Gizelle tried to shut Karen down from speaking up in support of Candiace/Wendy.  This is why Ashley was able to break down GEB's skin color privilege in Season 1 with no blowback from GEB but when Candiace said the same thing (just not as nicely) in Season 7, GEB and Ashley pretended not to know what Candiace was talking about and what she said was ridiculous.

Candiace saw the writing on the wall and decided to leave.  That's a big win for Gizelle but a big loss for the show because this is the 2nd time Gizelle has bullied somebody off the show. She's not going to stop unless BRAVO/production stops her and they showed they're not going to stop her.

They may as well keep Ashley & Robyn on the show and only cast Gizelle's friends because I can't see too many other DMV women signing up for this show to be Gizelle's target, especially if they are of a darker hue.

Gizelle & the Plastics better bring it for season 9 because I see a white woman being cast for Season 10 if they don't ...and Gizelle will not be able to play her tricks and games with the white woman.

*While I think Truly Original/Andy do not care for Candiace, I think NBCUniversal does see the value in Candiace and I wouldn't be surprised to see her on another show.

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Jesus Andy and Gizzard, it is possible to have empathy for someone that lost a loved one whether you care about them or not!  Real rhymes with shunty move of Andy to ask the question and for Gizzard to not even acknowledge or appreciate Candiace’s condolences regarding her father.

Loving Chris not giving a bluedilly fuck about the GEBs anymore….UO here, but gonna miss him.

How convenient to TPTB to not have the footage of Wendy congratulating Grace only for Gizzard to look right through her….I remember seeing that as well, Wendy.

Karen’s gown is everything!  Between that and the funky wig, she was definitely best dressed.

Robbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb having the camera was focused on her when the other husbands explained why they were supporting their wives….it made her look more foolish than usual, she’d better not come back next year.


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14 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

Robyn looked like a fool asking Chris if the photos were of his limp penis especially with Juan being a no show to answers questions about his scandal. She and Gizelle really wanted to plant that seed of doubt about the woman retracting her retraction.  Btw, did anyone else hear that? I never did.

I mean the straight audacity of Robyn piping up like that had my jaw on the floor. No this brainless twit did not gleefully try and legitamize the ramblings of some random crackpot who lied, retracted and then claims to have lied about the retraction. This woman has not one iota of sense rolling around in that head of hers. 

Add the next part where they made it clear that the woman claimed profusely that Gizelle was not involved KEPT my jaw on the floor. Oh, okay she's credible in those parts put not the parts where she retracts her initial allegations. 

It's the confidence in their attempts that has me all the way dumbfounded.

Lord take the wheel!

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Gizelle is just getting away with everything I’m over this. I’m sorry she lost her dad but they just let her do whatever on the show. She is never held accountable for anything. Also are ppl still buying her fake ass relationship with Jason? Lol it’s obv not real and so lame.

Robyn shut up. Robyn going so hard for Chris is lame she’s such a joke. The woman defending Gizelle who was accusing Chris makes Gizelle look even more involved lol.

Juan’s a joke.

The reunion is kind of dragging I thought this was part 3 lol.

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17 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

Robyn looked like a fool asking Chris if the photos were of his limp penis especially with Juan being a no show to answers questions about his scandal.

How would Robyn really know the picture was of Chris' penis? Has she seen it? And why would he send screenshots of his penis instead of taking an actual picture of it? She sounded so dumb.

17 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

She and Gizelle really wanted to plant that seed of doubt about the woman retracting her retraction.  Btw, did anyone else hear that? I never did.

Robyn & Gizelle wanted to plan the seeds of doubt because they are most likely the ones who started the rumor in the first place. 

9 hours ago, Marley said:

Gizelle is just getting away with everything I’m over this. I’m sorry she lost her dad but they just let her do whatever on the show. She is never held accountable for anything.

Production and Gizelle (and Robyn's) refusal to share their reality while making up alternate realities on everyone else will be why RHOP ends up on a long hiatus and reboot with a brand new (white) cast on Peacock.

I think Candiace realized how fake, phony and wack production was and what lengths they would go to protect Gizelle and she was done.  It's been said Candiace actually quit on the set during an exchange with Gizelle that went something like this (I think there was a bunch of cross talking during this exchange with everyone talking):

Gizelle: Leave! / Get out of here!

Candiace: I'm done / I'm gone

Gizelle: Good!

As long as BRAVO continues to employ Truly Original and protect Gizelle, this show will continue to go down the toilet (and that goes for RHOA as well).  If Wendy was smart, she'd be walking out the door with Candiace and if Nneka had a brain she would leave too.  Wendy hangs out with the Vice President and the Governor of Maryland. She doesn't need to be associated with "Gizelle."

*I wonder if we will see cries for Monique to come back now that Candiace is gone?

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Wendy, you can shut your pie hole about anyone having "range" to discuss anything. You're a thirsty, desperate, fame-whoring nitwit scrapping and screeching on a low-rent, trashy reality show. You ain't the prestigious, distinguished, accomplished national treasurer Professor Henry Louis Gates. You, Wendy, are a random idiot on a ho-wives show. The only range YOU need is to screech, fight, argue, and throw things at people. 

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I have one bone to pick with the Bassetts. When Chris was defending himself about the women he just kept saying "I never met that woman" He was very clear and kept saying MET. He was so clear that it made me think that he might have never met her, but he was deflecting from something. I really hate to defend Robyn on anything but I think that was what she was trying to figure out. She asked if those were his DMs and he didn't answer.

Robyn needs to stay out of it if she's not ready to talk about her own mess.

None of these ladies should be coming after them because their own houses aren't clean, but I would like to know, I'm nosy.

I think Robyn, Wendy and Nneka need to go, they are boring and I can't be bothered with any of them.

Gizelle and Ashley can stay, they are both garbage but Ashley is earning that check and Gizelle and Karen are gold together. Karen is on notice for that DUI nonsense, I like her but drinking and driving is not acceptable, and to do it twice? Shame!

Mia has a golden ticket for next season as far as I'm concerned, Mia came to work this season!

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I think Chris wanted to just shut it down and not talk about it. You can tell he’s over the bs. There’s no evidence for any of the Chris stuff. Apparently it’s believable to Gizelle and Robyn some chick just spouting off tho but Juan actually going to a hotel and signing a receipt is just Juan being a swell guy. Robyn and Gizelle are gross.

I personally think Robyn and Gizelle were involved with the whole rumour.

Edited by Marley
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27 minutes ago, Marley said:

I think Chris wanted to just shut it down and not talk about it. You can tell he’s over the bs. There’s no evidence for any of the Chris stuff. Apparently it’s believable to Gizelle and Robyn some chick just spouting off tho but Juan actually going to a hotel and signing a receipt is just Juan being a swell guy. Robyn and Gizelle are gross.

i personally think Robyn and Gizelle were involved with the whole rumour.

Hey now, sometimes a guy shows up to sign hotel receipts for ladies they don’t know. It doesn’t mean they’re up to no good. Just like when a married man goes to the laundry mat with a woman he knows from work. Or to a nail salon. Also some guys delete all calls and from their phone because they don’t like clutter. 

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2 hours ago, Arynm said:

When Chris was defending himself about the women he just kept saying "I never met that woman" He was very clear and kept saying MET.

The rumor was Chris was having an affair with the woman, got her pregnant and made her go to Oklahoma to get an abortion. It was debunked because the story was fishy and she recanted the story.

If Chris never met the woman, he could not have gotten her pregnant.

Robyn claiming he sent the woman penis DMs was brand new information.  I do believe he communicated with the woman via DM but I don't believe he sent her "screenshots of his limp penis."  The blogger the woman went to would've gladly blasted pictures of Chris' penis DMs if the woman had them. 

Chris' main problem is he wants to be nice & friendly to women who don't like his wife.  He figures if he's nice to people, they will give Candiace a break and that's not how it works.

Hopefully he's learned his lesson after this abortion lady debacle and stops trying to be in the Get Along Gang with people who do not like his wife.

It didn't matter what Chris said to Robyn because she already had a preset narrative in place to spread to the blogs.  Remember, the original rumor was he got this woman pregnant and made her get an abortion.  Now Robyn's story is he was sending penis pictures to the woman and the woman recanted her recantation.  So think whatever you want, spread whatever rumor you want, IDGAF because the damage to my reputation has already been done.



Edited by drivethroo
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I'm also side-eyeing Robyn because of all of the heat that Monique got from these women about her involvement with "bloggers". It was the height of betrayal that Monique was friends with "bloggers" and was supposedly talking to these folks and planting stories. But when Robyn is caught doing EXACTLY the same thing somehow, it's just Robyn talking to her friends. And we see exactly how petty those friends are because one of them took pictures of their text chain and sent it directly to Candiace. 

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16 hours ago, drivethroo said:

The rumor was Chris was having an affair with the woman, got her pregnant and made her go to Oklahoma to get an abortion. It was debunked because the story was fishy and she recanted the story.

If Chris never met the woman, he could not have gotten her pregnant.

Robyn claiming he sent the woman penis DMs was brand new information.

Ok, so is this 2 different women?

I also don't believe that Chris got this woman pregnant, but he is being cagey. I have to believe he had some DMs that someone got a hold of and he is choosing his words very carefully in case they do come out and he is proven a liar.

Did he send a dick pic? I'm leaning towards no, only because who sends a limp dick pic? It's very strange.

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I loathe Gizelle.

Candiace and Robyn were finally hashing things out in a very adult and articulate manner, and they were both listening to what the other person was saying, and I felt they were going somewhere. But then Gizelle had to jump in and stir the pot again. She didn't give Candiace a chance to respond to Robyn's hurt feelings about the colorism remark. I wanted Gizelle to shut the F up for once! I can't stand her!! 

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1 hour ago, Arynm said:

Ok, so is this 2 different women?

I also don't believe that Chris got this woman pregnant, but he is being cagey. I have to believe he had some DMs that someone got a hold of and he is choosing his words very carefully in case they do come out and he is proven a liar.

It's the same woman but I don't believe there are any suspect DMs because if the woman had any, she would've given them to the blogger.  That particular blogger would have exposed any dicc pics or shady DMs if she had them.

I do believe there are DMs between them that are innocent but because Gizelle & her flunkies have painted this picture of him being this predatory cheater it doesn't really matter anymore. Even after the woman in question said she made it all up, Robyn sat on national TV to claim the woman was lying about lying and Chris was sending dicc pics.

So think what you want, say what you want, IDGAF because we out.

2 hours ago, Glama said:

Candiace and Robyn were finally hashing things out in a very adult and articulate manner, and they were both listening to what the other person was saying, and I felt they were going somewhere. But then Gizelle had to jump in and stir the pot again. She didn't give Candiace a chance to respond to Robyn's hurt feelings about the colorism remark. I wanted Gizelle to shut the F up for once! I can't stand her!! 

How Robyn felt about Candiace's comments was brand new information. They could've worked it out during the season but Gizelle was right there whispering in Robyn's ear NOT to engage with Candiace in any way.

Wendy was correct to shut down the colorism conversation because none of the lighter cast members was going to be honest and it would've just been turned back onto the darker cast members ...you called Ashley a bedwench & a roach, your momma bleaches her skin, Candiace/Wendy wish they were light skinned like Robyn & Gizelle, instead they are "Crunchy Black" and "Crunchy Blacker" (h/t Robyn's blogger friend), etc etc etc.

Colorism should not be brought up on the show ever again. If fans want to discuss it, cool, but cast shouldn't bring it up again because no one is going to be honest.

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On 4/7/2024 at 7:28 PM, Stats Queen said:

These women talking about the evils of Florida. Seriously, that is ridiculous. There are no safe spaces for anyone anymore and stereotyping a whole state is ridiculous.

Agree and many people disagree with them and are flocking to Florida and Texas. 

I don't understand what is going on with Candiace and Chris. What was the deal with the woman that posted the message and then deleted it? Robyn was calling Chris out on it. Did he cheat or are Gizelle and Robyn just determined to destroy Candiace's marriage? Why do they hate her so much?

Speaking of cheating, either Gizelle and her lover boy have an open relationship or he has cheated on her or moved on. And he's not exactly hiding it. Perhaps this is why Gizelle is coming for Candiace and Chris. She is projecting. 

On 4/7/2024 at 8:02 PM, LaurelleJ said:

Robyn and Gizelle would be the last two to EVER say anything about my man to me. I can't stand women who have been cheated on that revel in cheating allegations against another woman. They know first hand what that feels like, and still push on. All money isn't good money, Candiace did right by leaving this group. In Candiace's own words, they, or Gizelle since Robyn is allegedly fired, will have to earn their check another way. 

Watching this I was beginning to understand why Candiace decided not to come back. She seems over all of them. 

Edited by Sweet-tea
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On 4/9/2024 at 4:43 PM, Chatty Cake said:

Hey now, sometimes a guy shows up to sign hotel receipts for ladies they don’t know. It doesn’t mean they’re up to no good. Just like when a married man goes to the laundry mat with a woman he knows from work. Or to a nail salon. Also some guys delete all calls and from their phone because they don’t like clutter. 

Seriously! Robyn sounds like a fool. "He's really focused on deleting his texts" or whatever she said. Is she an idiot? Uh... Robyn. Have you heard of getting rid of the evidence? Sure, I'd have no problem with my husband paying for a hotel room for a random woman out of the kindness of his heart. Unbelievable that she's calling Chris a cheater when she is living with a serial womanizer who rubs her nose in it. 

Edited by Sweet-tea
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On 4/7/2024 at 10:25 PM, drivethroo said:

I'm glad we got to see how nasty Gizelle was when Candiace cried for Gizelle's father dying. Yet if Candiace had rolled her eyes or showed no emotion, Gizelle would've had a problem with that too.

Candiace and her cryangle tear blotting is as fake as the wig on her head.  Gizelle knows Candiace hates her with the intense heat of a thousand suns. She couldn't give two shits about Gizelle's dad dying just like she doesn't give two shits about Gizelle's daughter's safety at school. I Dont blame Gizelle for not falling for Candiace's grab for attention.  That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. 

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On 4/9/2024 at 6:06 PM, drivethroo said:

Chris' main problem is he wants to be nice & friendly to women who don't like his wife.  He figures if he's nice to people, they will give Candiace a break and that's not how it works.

Hopefully he's learned his lesson after this abortion lady debacle and stops trying to be in the Get Along Gang with people who do not like his wife.

I think he was like that in the earlier seasons but once he saw how low these women are willing to stoop, he backed off. Which is why he was barely in this season. Good for him and Canciace for realizing it wasn't worth it and leaving the show. I loved him shutting Gizelle down

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15 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

What was the deal with the woman that posted the message and then deleted it? Robyn was calling Chris out on it. Did he cheat or are Gizelle and Robyn just determined to destroy Candiace's marriage? Why do they hate her so much?

Number 1, Robyn is no one to be questioning anyone about what's going on in their marriage. Seriously, she needs to just sit down, shut up and eat her food.  She can't even question Juan without him yelling and barking at her but she's grilling everybody else?

The woman came forth to a YouTube blogger and claimed she and Chris got pregnant and he made her go to Oklahoma to get an abortion. She claims she did it because Candiace is a mean bitch who was nasty to Ashley.  Robyn & Gizelle jumped on the story and said on their podcast the story was very credible and maybe Candiace should've listened to them and maybe next time you don't talk about other people's marriages because yours is shitty too. 

The blogger was skeptical and viewers pulled up receipts to show the abortion paperwork was a stock image from Google.  People also questioned why Chris would make the woman go to Oklahoma to get an abortion when Maryland is right there.  The blogger actually questioned if maybe Robyn & Gizelle were behind this woman coming forth.

The woman came forth and said she made it all up.  Chris has maintained he's never met the woman. (I do think they communicated via DM but it was innocent; otherwise the woman would've given the blogger the salacious receipts).

Robyn & Gizelle claiming there are penis screenshots and the woman said to leave Gizelle out of the situation is brand new information and only lends to the theory that Robyn & Gizelle (and Ashley) were behind this stunt.

I personally think GEBNA were behind this woman's story because Gizelle  needed to justify why she lied on Chris, Robyn just wanted get back for Juan (even though Candiace has never to this day said anything about Juan cheating) and Ashley wanted Chris to be dirtied up the way Michael was dirtied up.


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On 4/9/2024 at 6:06 PM, drivethroo said:

The rumor was Chris was having an affair with the woman, got her pregnant and made her go to Oklahoma to get an abortion. It was debunked because the story was fishy and she recanted the story.

If Chris never met the woman, he could not have gotten her pregnant.

Robyn claiming he sent the woman penis DMs was brand new information.  I do believe he communicated with the woman via DM but I don't believe he sent her "screenshots of his limp penis."  The blogger the woman went to would've gladly blasted pictures of Chris' penis DMs if the woman had them. 

Chris' main problem is he wants to be nice & friendly to women who don't like his wife.  He figures if he's nice to people, they will give Candiace a break and that's not how it works.

Hopefully he's learned his lesson after this abortion lady debacle and stops trying to be in the Get Along Gang with people who do not like his wife.

It didn't matter what Chris said to Robyn because she already had a preset narrative in place to spread to the blogs.  Remember, the original rumor was he got this woman pregnant and made her get an abortion.  Now Robyn's story is he was sending penis pictures to the woman and the woman recanted her recantation.  So think whatever you want, spread whatever rumor you want, IDGAF because the damage to my reputation has already been done.



EXACTLY! Chris was addressing it in a nutshell. He. Has. Never. Met. The. Women. Period! I took that to mean that he has had nothing to do with her. Nothing more needs to be said. Chris wasn't going to customize his response to whatever new drivel Robyn was spouting cause it's all just a bunch of bullshit to begin with so no Chris doesn't need to tailor his responses exactly and specifically to any and all iterations of the rumor Robyn is speaking on. 

The whole rumor has been thrown away and the GEB haven't gotten the memo. Plain and simple. 

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Why are the GEBs so intent on ruining Candiace and Chris' marriage? Why do they hate Candiace so much? I don't get it. 

Also, can anyone enlighten me on the colorism discussion on this episode? It sounded like a world salad to me. What were they trying to convey? Does Candiace really think Robyn and Gizelle are blameless or was she being PC? 

Shallow note. Whatever surgery Karen had did not make her look significantly younger to me. It could've been her hairstyle, but she looked about 60 to me. Good for 60 but still 60. It might have been that her makeup and/or the lighting was a little harsh? 

Edited by Sweet-tea
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19 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

EXACTLY! Chris was addressing it in a nutshell. He. Has. Never. Met. The. Women. Period!

Take note, Robyn. Notice how Chris says he never met the woman and that's the end of his story. Not that he's never met the woman but decided, out of the goodness of his heart, to rescue her from a Canadian laundromat and then periodically factory reset his phone while paying her hotel tab or whatever.

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17 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

Why are the GEBs so intent on ruining Candiace and Chris' marriage? Why do they hate Candiace so much? I don't get it. 

I think the main goal is to humiliate Candiace, to put her in her place. s, whe I think most of the cast interactions has been some form of trying to put Candiace in her proper place, from clowning her husband, clowning her for having financial support from her mom (when both Robyn & Katie still get some support from their moms), to claiming she is the least accomplished person on the cast, to trying to prove her husband is just as grimy as theirs.

Lets not forget the constants demands Candiace apologize for the things she says, but nobody else is forced to apologize for saying somebody has stovepipe legs, a broken ho from Hampton University, has a hot box, went to Sing Sing, their husband has a dried up penis, they need to start filling the hole in their heart instead of the hole between their legs, they only have $25 in the bank, they are loose because they got surgery & started wearing tight clo"thes but another cast member also got surgery & dances in skimpy clothes but it's ok because its for the Tik Tok etc.

I dunno. I think I'd rather be called a "sinister imp" than a "broken whore from Hampton University" but your miles may vary.  Gizelle probably didn't even know what an imp was.

17 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

Also, can anyone enlighten me on the colorism discussion on this episode? It sounded like a world salad to me. What were they trying to convey? Does Candiace really think Robyn and Gizelle are blameless or was she being PC? 

Robyn claimed to have been triggered by Candiace's "wicho white looking azz" comment to Gizelle. This was the "real" reason Robyn was angry with Candiace, not the Juan/fraud stuff.  Candiace explained race was a regular topic in her household and she assumed it was in other black households as well.  Robyn claimed that doesn't go on in her household and never in her life has anyone said something like that to her.  Which Candiace didn't say it to her, she said it to Gizelle.

Wendy shut that topic down when Karen tried to act like the RHOP cast would be perfect to discuss colorism.  Wendy correctly said the cast didn't have the "range" to discuss it so the topic doesn't need to be discussed.  If Karen really wants to delve into colorism, she can start by explaining why she and Gizelle were discussing why Wendy didn't have the right "look" to be on the Potomac cast.

18 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

Aren’t abortions also available in DC?  I mean, if they’re available in Maryland, which they definitely are, and DC, why would anyone go to Oklahoma?  Or go there for any reason, really.

Yes, which is why people were immediately suspicious of this lady's story.  I personally was suspicious because she claimed she decided to seduce Chris as revenge for Candiace being so mean to Ashley.

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On 4/12/2024 at 7:29 PM, Sweet-tea said:

Why are the GEBs so intent on ruining Candiace and Chris' marriage? Why do they hate Candiace so much? I don't get it. 

Also, can anyone enlighten me on the colorism discussion on this episode? It sounded like a world salad to me. What were they trying to convey? Does Candiace really think Robyn and Gizelle are blameless or was she being PC? 

Shallow note. Whatever surgery Karen had did not make her look significantly younger to me. It could've been her hairstyle, but she looked about 60 to me. Good for 60 but still 60. It might have been that her makeup and/or the lighting was a little harsh? 

Yes, Karen's makeup was harsh, and the lighting was not good either. She looks good in other photos, and I mean that it is not that obvious she had a facelift (I mean the pulled look). The objective is not necessarily to look that much younger (like decades younger), but it is to look better. 

ETA: Just look at Kathy Hilton's latest facelift. It's bad, in the territory of Cat Lady. 


Edited by ZettaK
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2 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

Agree. I only mentioned it because Ray commented that she looked a lot less than triple 20.

Karen looked good, but she looks her age. However, by the 3rd show, whatever she did with her mouth was bugging me. She continuously pursed her lips, but her bottom lip would lay flat in a strange way. The mechanics of her mouth were strange.

Additionally, one time she spoke she sounded garbled as though her dentures fell out of place mid-sentence.

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