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Except Chelsea (and Cole)


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Studies have shown that heterosexual marriage benefits men WAY more than women and that men tend to be happier than women in marriages. Even the same marriage. Even though the trope is that women drag men to the altar. The Patriarchy.  The Patriarchy. The Patriarchy.

Every single one of these girls would be in a better place emotionally, financially, educationally, career-wise, if they had waited to have kids. I think even with Chelsea, we forget that it's fucking emotionally draining to have an abusive, dead beat, baby daddy who holds you back, makes you doubt yourself, and presents constant challenges to your physical and emotional well-being. I am guilty of thinking "why do these girls make so much money?" and then I have to remind myself that I wouldn't trade places with them for the amount of money they get. They still have to suffer through the bad decisions we all make in our 20s, but they get to do it in public. With children. 

Edited by guilfoyleatpp
  • Love 15
18 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Studies have shown that heterosexual marriage benefits men WAY more than women and that men tend to be happier than women in marriages. Even the same marriage. Even though the trope is that women drag men to the altar. The Patriarchy.  The Patriarchy. The Patriarchy.

Oh TOTALLY!!! As a childfree straight woman marriage has no benefit to me- personally. Not saying other childfree straight women don’t benefit from marriage. Why should I work so hard to have sex and recreational companionship?!!

Motherhood is emotionally, physically (if you and Bio children) and financially draining for women in a way it RARELY is for men (there are men who understand the financial/emotional aspects but they aren’t the minority), I do wish more women can acknowledge that. Although I have my issues with how the black community worships at the alter of the single mother, as a community we do acknowledge that motherhood is hard ass work. 

  • Love 12
11 hours ago, Talky Tina said:

And that's one of the reasons I've never had and never wanted kids. I'm a great auntie to my niece and 2 nephews but I never wanted kids of my own. Everyone told me I'd change my mind when I announced at 12 that I would never have kids. I didn't change it. 

I've had my life planned the way I wanted it for a long time and kids were never part of that plan.  I put in my 25 years with the government and retired before age 50 and moved to the country to the property I purchased when I was in my 20s.  I now live in a beautiful little log cabin in the middle of 36 acres and I have a small farm. I couldn't have done any of that if I was responsible for kids. 

People tell me that with no kids I'll be lonely when I'm older. Nope. I love being alone,  I'll be just fine.  

EDIT: Sorry, I went so off topic.  

Just had to chime in because ahhh, your user name!!! <3 Fav episode.

On the flip side, I knew at like 7 that I wanted kids more than anything. In life, sometimes experiences do change us once we have years under our belt and some life we've lived...but there are some things I think that are just innate wants and preferences. I hope that people have been respectful of your choice! 

  • Love 9
19 hours ago, Talky Tina said:

And that's one of the reasons I've never had and never wanted kids. I'm a great auntie to my niece and 2 nephews but I never wanted kids of my own. Everyone told me I'd change my mind when I announced at 12 that I would never have kids. I didn't change it. 

I've had my life planned the way I wanted it for a long time and kids were never part of that plan.  I put in my 25 years with the government and retired before age 50 and moved to the country to the property I purchased when I was in my 20s.  I now live in a beautiful little log cabin in the middle of 36 acres and I have a small farm. I couldn't have done any of that if I was responsible for kids. 

People tell me that with no kids I'll be lonely when I'm older. Nope. I love being alone,  I'll be just fine.  

EDIT: Sorry, I went so off topic.  


Even though I have always wanted kids, so I'm kind of at the opposite end on that one thing, I love how your life has gone!!! I love how you were confident enough to stand up to society and do life the way you wanted (and also @Scarlett45). So many women insist they don't want children (or have some other desire that goes against the norm) and then fold when there is pressure. I agree about the alone part...I love alone time! If I never get to have kids, the joy of solitude is one thing I will be okay with.

I wish that we as women had as much time as men to have kids, because the pressure is what's annoying, not the solitude, IMO. I feel like I need to hurry up, because I am 31, but I am content and happy with my life right now otherwise. I have grown so much as a person in the last few years, and really know who I am and what I want. I have a dream that I haven't accomplished yet, and the fact that everyone else has is super annoying, but my actual life is very fun. Of course, I'm the nerd who daydreams about cooking for a family while I'm making dinner, and admires my clean kitchen when after the meal, while patting myself on the back about being wife material. But I am not at all an unhappy person, and I hate the trope of the desperately unhappy single woman who clings to any man like he's the last one on earth. I think of it as the same as anyone who hasn't accomplished their dreams yet. Do I think everyone who wants to be a famous singer, but isn't there yet, has a miserable day to day existence? Of course not! People can be happy single, and I honestly am. I just feel the time pressure. I think I could be one of those women who was fine being single after divorce, since I'd hopefully already have kids. Not that I want to get divorced, but if it happened, I'd be independent enough to be all right. I wouldn't be the one chasing all the old men around in the nursing home! ??? of course, I do want a good marriage that can be the "great love" of my life, at least for a few decades. It would totally suck to tell my grandkids, "well, I was with this douchebag, and then that one." But I do feel that I'm independent enough in many ways that the single women stereotypes of helpless waifs who can't be alone for three seconds bother me, not the least because they scare men away from relationships who might enjoy committing to someone who's not needy, like me. 

Edited by Christina87
  • Love 6

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to get married and have children. I certainly don’t think a woman is any less strong or less feminist for wanting those things- I HATE that attitude. I don’t think Chelsea is “less than” for wanting to be a SAHM and have an emotionally fulfilling marriage. I do think where the Chelseas Of the world falter is in wanting ONLY that, because yeah it’s dependent on another person, and in our present economy you HAVE to be able to be self supporting if something happens to your marriage.


It does suck @Christina87 that women have a much shorter reproductive life span than men- it really affects a woman’s choices if she wants a partner and bio children. 

One of the only things that truly URKS me about Chelsea is that she doesn’t seem to know how good she had it. Of course she loves her parents and appreciates them, but I think not meeting her “Cole” until she was in her early 30s would’ve allowed her to develop her own self a little more and she would’ve been young enough to have more children. But that’s life. 

  • Love 8

I often fantasize what my life would have been like had I waited to get married and have children. I envisioned myself backpacking in Ireland, Egypt, Thailand and any other beautiful place outside of the United States. Dreaming about meeting the natives in all of the places I’d visit and sharing meals and fun stories. Getting “one with nature” in far away lands. LOL. 

My reality for ALL of my adult life has been sippy cups, immunization appointments, diaper coupons, researching pediatricians and schools. Soccer practice, band, and teacher conferences and report cards. She started it, no HE started it. Just five more minutes and you said it was my turn to pick what movie we watch. 

Sleepovers, birthday parties, Halloween costumes; too much money on Xmas toys. Tooth fairy money, book fairs, and your shoes are already two sizes too small good bye money hello sneakers that are too expensive but all the other kids are wearing them.

I wouldn’t trade my life for anything. I love my husband and kids to pieces but man, fantasizing about the exotic life I would have (most likely would be more boring than the fantasy) had, had I waited to start my family gets me lost in a daze while I load the dishwasher for the millionth time. Lol. 

What was I saying? ?


Oh yeah, I believe that all women have the right to not feel pressured to follow their hearts. Whether it’s kids at 20 or 40. They shouldn’t be made to feel any certain way for their choices because it’s THEIR choice and women have been told what to do and how to feel for wayyyyy too long.  ? ?? ?

Edited by Calm81
  • Love 12
2 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to get married and have children. I certainly don’t think a woman is any less strong or less feminist for wanting those things- I HATE that attitude. I don’t think Chelsea is “less than” for wanting to be a SAHM and have an emotionally fulfilling marriage. I do think where the Chelseas Of the world falter is in wanting ONLY that, because yeah it’s dependent on another person, and in our present economy you HAVE to be able to be self supporting if something happens to your marriage.


It does suck @Christina87 that women have a much shorter reproductive life span than men- it really affects a woman’s choices if she wants a partner and bio children. 

One of the only things that truly URKS me about Chelsea is that she doesn’t seem to know how good she had it. Of course she loves her parents and appreciates them, but I think not meeting her “Cole” until she was in her early 30s would’ve allowed her to develop her own self a little more and she would’ve been young enough to have more children. But that’s life. 

To be honest, as a woman, I would not want the ability to have children later in life like a man can. From my experience that usually happens when a man gets a younger wife, who will shoulder the burden of childcare more, both because she is younger and likely more energetic/healthy, and because childcare is still mostly foisted on to women. I can't imagine being 50+ and having a newborn, with the expectation that I will be doing the majority of the raising. Hell, I'm tired as it is and I'm only in my early 30s! I'm not sure I want another now, much less when I'm older.

I agree about Chelsea, but then all of these moms have been spoiled, in that way. None of them really had to struggle with the very harsh realities of being a teen Mom, and all of them really have no backup plan if the show stops and/or their marriages/relationships fail. I mean, Kail has some kind of degree and Chelsea has the certificate, but those aren't really solid back up plans. Oh well, I guess.

  • Love 6

@Scarlett45 I can't agree more!!! I think not meeting the right guy until her early 30's (or even late twenties!) would have been good for her. She hears all these people CONSTANTLY praise her for "how long she waited," and I want to throw tomatoes at the phone screen every time I hear that! Even meeting Cole at her current age would still be young, much less four years ago. I remember meeting a serious boyfriend at 25, and it felt like a fairytale finding someone good after my Adam, and like I'd waited forever. Yet, that didn't work out, and neither did the next relationship, or the next one. That's real life! These girls have been sheltered from harsh realities in a lot of ways. While being on a show doesn't guarantee dating success, I do think it makes it hard for the genuinely good guys to walk away over a small problem, lest they become a villain on national TV. Cole might have decided they didn't have chemistry after a year, but think of how he would have been raked over the coals! He may have felt stuck unless she cheated or something. I'm not saying at ALL that he felt this way; in fact, I think he didn't have any reservations about moving forward. However, if he had, breaking up over something small on national TV, breaking the girl's heart that the audience had been rooting for for years, would have been no easy task.

And I really don't think Chelsea appreciates how good she has it, either. She doesn't have the life experience to, or an introspective personality to make up for the lack of it. While I do think she appreciates Randy's money and support to some degree (though she doesn't have perspective to realize how different it could be), and Cole's kindness, I'm not sure if she's REALLY stopped to think about how the stars aligned to give her the life she has now. She seems to see the show as a nuisance, and doesn't seem grateful for the lifestyle and opportunities it has provided, nor does she really seem to realize how lucky she got with Cole. She could have turned the show into an empire beauty brand type thing, but doesn't appreciate that. She gets portrayed 100% as the food gkrl, but flips out every time her editing isn't perfect and seems to want privacy. As far as Cole, she's used to getting what she wants her whole life, but dating for most people is really hard, yet alone a single mother without a reality show. Finding someone like Cole is rare, and the more she harps on how long she waited, the more I wonder what her life would have been like if Cole had peaced out after a year, and she'd eventually met her husband a decade later. If her story looked more like mine, she may have developed more perspective from the rejection. She would have had so much time to develop herself, and a lot more incentive to do so!

I love what you said about being a SAHM! It's not realistic to plan to be dependent on someone and not be able to support yourself. There is NOTHING wrong with being one, and I wish all women could who wanted to. Still, she is incredibly lucky. My mom worked in corporate America for ten years before becoming a SAHM, and I am so thankful for that. She was able to help make all my school projects "real" with her knowledge of the working world, and how these skills could apply to real life. I always felt grateful to have such a smart woman raising me full-time! Not saying Chelsea would have become a corporate worker, but a more experienced Chelsea might be a more dynamic SAHM. She reminds me of the girl barely out of college (which she would have been at her marriage) who is still learning how to not have clutter and clothes everywhere. It would have been cool if she'd had more time to develop homemaking and intellectual skills before having more kids. Plus, I wonder what will happen when she's in her thirties and gets babyyyyy fever again!

and to everyone who will say, "who cares if her house is clean? She's not a maid!" I'm not saying she's a bad SAHM now. She would just be a better one if she were more mature!

10 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Chelsea's plan will be to quickly find another male provider.

Or go raid randyyyyyyy's retirement fund! Lol!

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Calm81 said:

I often fantasize what my life would have been like had I waited to get married and have children. I envisioned myself backpacking in Ireland, Egypt, Thailand and any other beautiful place outside of the United States. Dreaming about meeting the natives in all of the places I’d visit and sharing meals and fun stories. Getting “one with nature” in far away lands. LOL. 

My reality for ALL of my adult life has been sippy cups, immunization appointments, diaper coupons, researching pediatricians and schools. Soccer practice, band, and teacher conferences and report cards. She started it, no HE started it. Just five more minutes and you said it was my turn to pick what movie we watch. 

Sleepovers, birthday parties, Halloween costumes; too much money on Xmas toys. Tooth fairy money, book fairs, and your shoes are already two sizes too small good bye money hello sneakers that are too expensive but all the other kids are wearing them.

I wouldn’t trade my life for anything. I love my husband and kids to pieces but man, fantasizing about the exotic life I would have (most likely would be more boring than the fantasy) had, had I waited to start my family gets me lost in a daze while I load the dishwasher for the millionth time. Lol. 

What was I saying? ?


Oh yeah, I believe that all women have the right to not feel pressured to follow their hearts. Whether it’s kids at 20 or 40. They shouldn’t be made to feel any certain way for their choices because it’s THEIR choice and women have been told what to do and how to feel for wayyyyy too long.  ? ?? ?

So interesting to hear from someone with the opposite experience of mine!!! My first reaction is, "yeah, like anyone would ever want to give up the love and security of a husband to go on a bunch of crappy dates and cry themselves to sleep because the guy who said he loved you is breaking up with you to party"...but then...I have LOVED sleeping in every Saturday of my twenties!!! It's been exciting to fall in love many times, and go on different adventures with different boyfriends (and female friends!). I've traveled so, so much more than the average person my age, and I've never had to share the TV or covers. I can totally just decide to go to a 9 pm movie on a weeknight and just take off. I don't have any drama over who I spend thanksgiving or Christmas with, and the idea that I will eventually have to spend them away from my family makes me teary! I love exercising at about 7:30 at night, and then coming back and crashing. So though I would still feel a little jealous of someone who has been married their whole adult life (grass is always greener), there ARE a lot of awesome things about a single twenties life...and it has nothing to do with the partying lifestyle one might expect!

  • Love 8

This may be better placed in small talk, but in reference to the current convo,  my dream was to be married and have kids.  I found my guy, he was killed in a car accident 2 months befor our wedding (after 5 years of dating and 1 full year of engagement, marriage prep classes completed all that).  Went on to a relationship with a complete sociopath unbeknownst to me until 5 years later, I was left broke and broken, got wrapped up in bad decisions, ended up serving jail time for DUMB ASS stuff.  Picked me self up, resumed my job, moved 3 states away all on my own.  Got established in my new place, 5 years later I’m facing 40 and still no prospects in the dating pool.  But hey I still wanted to be a mom, so there are other ways about that. Needless to say, I started fostering and adopted my son after 2 years of placement on 9/19/18.  Everyone has their own path and sometimes the harder you have to work at it the more you appreciate it.  I’m sure Chelsea is content and she should be.  I just don’t get why she is lauded as some great person when she is as vanilla as they come, living in a simple town, posing in her lumberjack gear.  

Yay.  She got a certificate in a  VERY fluid occupation.  If you are not keeping up and practicing, you are behind.  Are you really gonna call someone to do your wedding make up that hasn’t done make up in years and has no look book?  Nope.  It was a hobby for her for a hot minute.  

  • Love 17
14 hours ago, geauxaway said:

This may be better placed in small talk, but in reference to the current convo,  my dream was to be married and have kids.  I found my guy, he was killed in a car accident 2 months befor our wedding (after 5 years of dating and 1 full year of engagement, marriage prep classes completed all that).  Went on to a relationship with a complete sociopath unbeknownst to me until 5 years later, I was left broke and broken, got wrapped up in bad decisions, ended up serving jail time for DUMB ASS stuff.  Picked me self up, resumed my job, moved 3 states away all on my own.  Got established in my new place, 5 years later I’m facing 40 and still no prospects in the dating pool.  But hey I still wanted to be a mom, so there are other ways about that. Needless to say, I started fostering and adopted my son after 2 years of placement on 9/19/18.  Everyone has their own path and sometimes the harder you have to work at it the more you appreciate it.  I’m sure Chelsea is content and she should be.  I just don’t get why she is lauded as some great person when she is as vanilla as they come, living in a simple town, posing in her lumberjack gear.  

Yay.  She got a certificate in a  VERY fluid occupation.  If you are not keeping up and practicing, you are behind.  Are you really gonna call someone to do your wedding make up that hasn’t done make up in years and has no look book?  Nope.  It was a hobby for her for a hot minute.  

I agree! It may be an unpopular opinion, but her field seems like one that someone could easily dabble her toes in while being primarily a SAHM. Chelsea could do a wedding every few saturdays and have a good portfolio to show people if she ever wanted to go back to it full time. It seems like at this point, her best option if she needs to go back to work will be shilling makeup at the department store. Good, honest work for sure, but not anything I could ever see her doing. I bet when that time comes, she'll either become Randy's secretary or go back to school for hair (which may or may not prove to be successful).

I know I might get stoned for this, but I don't see why Chelsea's big fans don't looove Vee. IMO, she is everything Chelsea wants to be, but does it better. Vee has long dark hair and a fashion sense that I could see Chelsea evolving into if she'd never met Cole. She doesn't look low rent (ratty hair that's an unnatural color, fake tan, nose ring...Chelsea's pretty, but Vee could get a job at a bank while Chelsea couldn't based on looks alone). She's also an esthetician, but uses her degree and seems successful and bright. In addition, she does real estate! She hasn't had as much monetary success as Chelsea from the show, but has done what she can with the opportunities she's been given. All this still leaves her with a lot of time to spend with her children, who seem well cared for. She's married to a nice guy and their relationship seems like the real deal. They don't feel the need to scream out their perfect love for each other 24/7, and seem to be more authentically #goals, to me. Vee apparently has hobbies / interests if she used to be a dancer and do music videos. She managed to do all this without coming from money (which isn't a problem in and of itself, but has made Chelsea spoiled and lazy) and having someone constantly hold her hand and tell her how to be a productive citizen. She is a person who impresses me a lot more than Chelsea, but she is underrated IMO. I'm sure it has to do with being a minor character, but she is who I think Chelsea could be with a major upgrade. 

  • Love 5
27 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

I agree! It may be an unpopular opinion, but her field seems like one that someone could easily dabble her toes in while being primarily a SAHM. Chelsea could do a wedding every few saturdays and have a good portfolio to show people if she ever wanted to go back to it full time. It seems like at this point, her best option if she needs to go back to work will be shilling makeup at the department store. Good, honest work for sure, but not anything I could ever see her doing. I bet when that time comes, she'll either become Randy's secretary or go back to school for hair (which may or may not prove to be successful).

I know I might get stoned for this, but I don't see why Chelsea's big fans don't looove Vee. IMO, she is everything Chelsea wants to be, but does it better. Vee has long dark hair and a fashion sense that I could see Chelsea evolving into if she'd never met Cole. She doesn't look low rent (ratty hair that's an unnatural color, fake tan, nose ring...Chelsea's pretty, but Vee could get a job at a bank while Chelsea couldn't based on looks alone). She's also an esthetician, but uses her degree and seems successful and bright. In addition, she does real estate! She hasn't had as much monetary success as Chelsea from the show, but has done what she can with the opportunities she's been given. All this still leaves her with a lot of time to spend with her children, who seem well cared for. She's married to a nice guy and their relationship seems like the real deal. They don't feel the need to scream out their perfect love for each other 24/7, and seem to be more authentically #goals, to me. Vee apparently has hobbies / interests if she used to be a dancer and do music videos. She managed to do all this without coming from money (which isn't a problem in and of itself, but has made Chelsea spoiled and lazy) and having someone constantly hold her hand and tell her how to be a productive citizen. She is a person who impresses me a lot more than Chelsea, but she is underrated IMO. I'm sure it has to do with being a minor character, but she is who I think Chelsea could be with a major upgrade. 

I think most people that like Chelsea do like Vee.  In fact I haven't heard otherwise....  I think they both seem like they are doing the right things, enjoying their lives, focusing on what is important to them.  I don't think Vee has ever been underrated--she always gets a lot of praise as far as I have seen.  

I think Chelsea will be fine should she decide to work again.  Right now I think she is happily focused on her kids, and there is nothing wrong with that.  Some people want to work, some people want to just be with their kids...they are both fine if their circumstances allow it.  I think she sees all of the speculation on her life and probably just laughs because she knows she is happy and that is all that matters.  

  • Love 16
37 minutes ago, alexa said:

I think Chelsea will be fine should she decide to work again. 

Not only that, but the area of Souh Dakota that she lives in has a very low unemployment rate (2.5%) and great job growth rate (2.1% for 2018 and projected to be 41% over the next ten years.)

Nobody has trouble finding a decent job in Sioux Falls.

  • Love 8

Let’s imagine a cage fight...Chelsea vs Vee. 


Vee would kick Chelsea's ass in under 30 seconds. 

Leah vs Vee - Vee. But it would take longer. 

Jenelle vs Vee - Vee. 

Kailyn vs Vee - Vee. 


I have satisfied myself that Vee could kick the ass of every TM2 and then go home and whip up some delicious food for Jo. 

  • Love 10

Hahahaha @guilfoyleatpp Agreed!!! She could whoop them all!

Just to clarify, I didn't think people disliked Vee specifically, just that they were more neutral. I don't see any superfans like Chelsea's; for example, if someone said they didn't like her hair, everyone wouldn't jump all over them. People seem to like Vee but worship Chelsea, but I see her as by far the more worship-able of the two. Haha. Now I have the mental image of her coming to The Laaaaaand and taking down Jenelle and David, and then bringing their poor children to live with them, Isaac, and Vivi!

  • Love 4
24 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Let’s imagine a cage fight...Chelsea vs Vee. 


Vee would kick Chelsea's ass in under 30 seconds. 

Leah vs Vee - Vee. But it would take longer. 

Jenelle vs Vee - Vee. 

Kailyn vs Vee - Vee. 


I have satisfied myself that Vee could kick the ass of every TM2 and then go home and whip up some delicious food for Jo. 

Yes. With her eye makeup on point. 

  • Love 9
9 hours ago, Christina87 said:

Hahahaha @guilfoyleatpp Agreed!!! She could whoop them all!

Just to clarify, I didn't think people disliked Vee specifically, just that they were more neutral. I don't see any superfans like Chelsea's; for example, if someone said they didn't like her hair, everyone wouldn't jump all over them. People seem to like Vee but worship Chelsea, but I see her as by far the more worship-able of the two. Haha. Now I have the mental image of her coming to The Laaaaaand and taking down Jenelle and David, and then bringing their poor children to live with them, Isaac, and Vivi!

I am not exactly sure who you are referring to by superfans--I think if you are referring to any positive feedback on this page, it is more described as people that generally like Chelsea but know she is a human being with faults and all, just like everyone else in life.  I think many of Chelsea's supporters are simply people that appreciate that she has found her way in life, and is a good person trying to do the right things (compared to the other TMs).  Plus she has really cute kids and she is a good mom to all of them.  In my world of trying to keep things simple and not overthink things, I really appreciate the Chelsea's of the world, but also know they aren't perfect (but who cares).  

  • Love 15

@alexa there are definitely people (not just here but on other sites too) who can't be objective about Chelsea. A lot of people seem to have their happiness tied up in hers. Maybe they are lonely, or a single mother who is having trouble in the dating world, but so many people are "waiting for their Cole" or consider her an inspiration because she "showed" them they can have a good guy. They're the people who can't tolerate any questions about her that may cast her life in a negative light. "Of COURSE she's happy! Some people just really are in love, and don't fight all the time, you jellus h8trs. Would you rather her be married to David?! My eighth cousin once removed and her ex-boyfriend were really happy, and used to write sappy messages on fb every day too!" They can't tolerate people speculating negative things about her, even on the most speculative, basic level; I.e. "I really hope she is as happy as she seems" sets them off. Note that this is different from saying, "well, in my opinion, I can definitely believe she's happy. I think that because [insert reason here that doesn't involve other people being jealous or haters, but an actual observation about something they witnessed on the show / something about Chelsea's personality]."

i was once told it must be hard admitting I don't like Chelsea for no reason. That is so ridiculous because it implies there IS no good reason to dislike her! Any human can find a valid reason to dislike any other human, honestly, because every human has flaws that may or may not be a big deal to another human. Plus I like her on a human level because she is a decent person. I just wouldn't call myself a "fan," because to me, she is nothing special. She is the epitome of wasted potential and (slightly below) mediocrity to me, but I don't actively DISLIKE her because she seems to be a good wife and mom. I would probably never comment on her if it weren't for the insane double standard, but I don't really think it's fair that you can't say something like, "wow, her hair looked bad on this episode!" or "there were clothes all over her stairs" without people sending the demons out to get you.

i think people fall into two camps with Chelsea: people who compare her to the other teen moms, and people who compare her to other people in real life. She is BY FAR the best one on this show, for sure! But I grew up a dentist's daughter, and knew a lot of other dentist's daughters, and honestly she is so far below mediocre compared to what was expected of all of us. Mediocre to me would be someone who worked hard before she met Cole, and then quit to be a SAHM. I'd say Chelsea is below mediocre because she waited around all those years for a guy to save her (and I know Randy forced her to get her GED and esthetician certificate, which is more a reflection on him than her). It also does bother me that she does things that you shouldn't do past college age, like leave clothes all over the stairs and making Cole come home because someone knocked at the door. I thought it was kind of adorable when she was very young and adam moved in, and she told him he could have the closet because her clothes were all over the floor. Reminded me of my little sister who was about the same age, and totally did the same thing! Now, it's just not not charming. My little sister has long since grown up, but Chelsea seems stuck in a teenage mindset in many ways. I know this is highly controversial, but I can't think of anyone I know in my real life who would do these things. Most people can deal with basic life situations like this, and they work full time! 

Everything has worked out okay for her now, and I am genuinely happy she is happy! I just don't consider the fact that she's better than the nitwits on this show to make her above reproach. She took a loooong time to get it together, and is now living the most basic life possible. She should be praised and given credit for how far she has come, but not blindly worshipped, and those who disagree shouldn't be attacked. I wish we had a better role model on this show for people to get excited about, like that Taylor Lumas girl from 16 and pregnant, who put herself through nursing school without MTV money. Now someone like that is truly an inspiration! 

ETA: @alexa the way you worded your comment is not what I'm talking about here! You explains calmly why you like her, and that's what I wish everyone could do. It's clear you aren't living life through Chelsea. If all Chelsea's fans could just be fans like that, there would be no issue! You're not vilifying people who disagree with you. 

Edited by Christina87
  • Love 4
1 minute ago, galaxychaser said:

I wish US had one year paid maternity leave. It would allow women to have a kid and be able to stay home and not worry about bills...

i want one kid but doubt I will have any. I’m sad over that. It’s hard to date in nyc. 

AMEN!!! I always thought teaching would have a great maternity leave, because so many young women are in it...nope! Six weeks max, and you have to use your sick days. And my prayers go out to you about dating in NYC. I have heard that from other people too. 

  • Love 2
44 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

@alexa there are definitely people (not just here but on other sites too) who can't be objective about Chelsea. A lot of people seem to have their happiness tied up in hers. Maybe they are lonely, or a single mother who is having trouble in the dating world, but so many people are "waiting for their Cole" or consider her an inspiration because she "showed" them they can have a good guy. They're the people who can't tolerate any questions about her that may cast her life in a negative light. "Of COURSE she's happy! Some people just really are in love, and don't fight all the time, you jellus h8trs. Would you rather her be married to David?! My eighth cousin once removed and her ex-boyfriend were really happy, and used to write sappy messages on fb every day too!" They can't tolerate people speculating negative things about her, even on the most speculative, basic level; I.e. "I really hope she is as happy as she seems" sets them off. Note that this is different from saying, "well, in my opinion, I can definitely believe she's happy. I think that because [insert reason here that doesn't involve other people being jealous or haters, but an actual observation about something they witnessed on the show / something about Chelsea's personality]."

i was once told it must be hard admitting I don't like Chelsea for no reason. That is so ridiculous because it implies there IS no good reason to dislike her! Any human can find a valid reason to dislike any other human, honestly, because every human has flaws that may or may not be a big deal to another human. Plus I like her on a human level because she is a decent person. I just wouldn't call myself a "fan," because to me, she is nothing special. She is the epitome of wasted potential and (slightly below) mediocrity to me, but I don't actively DISLIKE her because she seems to be a good wife and mom. I would probably never comment on her if it weren't for the insane double standard, but I don't really think it's fair that you can't say something like, "wow, her hair looked bad on this episode!" or "there were clothes all over her stairs" without people sending the demons out to get you.

i think people fall into two camps with Chelsea: people who compare her to the other teen moms, and people who compare her to other people in real life. She is BY FAR the best one on this show, for sure! But I grew up a dentist's daughter, and knew a lot of other dentist's daughters, and honestly she is so far below mediocre compared to what was expected of all of us. Mediocre to me would be someone who worked hard before she met Cole, and then quit to be a SAHM. I'd say Chelsea is below mediocre because she waited around all those years for a guy to save her (and I know Randy forced her to get her GED and esthetician certificate, which is more a reflection on him than her). It also does bother me that she does things that you shouldn't do past college age, like leave clothes all over the stairs and making Cole come home because someone knocked at the door. I thought it was kind of adorable when she was very young and adam moved in, and she told him he could have the closet because her clothes were all over the floor. Reminded me of my little sister who was about the same age, and totally did the same thing! Now, it's just not not charming. My little sister has long since grown up, but Chelsea seems stuck in a teenage mindset in many ways. I know this is highly controversial, but I can't think of anyone I know in my real life who would do these things. Most people can deal with basic life situations like this, and they work full time! 

Everything has worked out okay for her now, and I am genuinely happy she is happy! I just don't consider the fact that she's better than the nitwits on this show to make her above reproach. She took a loooong time to get it together, and is now living the most basic life possible. She should be praised and given credit for how far she has come, but not blindly worshipped, and those who disagree shouldn't be attacked. I wish we had a better role model on this show for people to get excited about, like that Taylor Lumas girl from 16 and pregnant, who put herself through nursing school without MTV money. Now someone like that is truly an inspiration! 

ETA: @alexa the way you worded your comment is not what I'm talking about here! You explains calmly why you like her, and that's what I wish everyone could do. It's clear you aren't living life through Chelsea. If all Chelsea's fans could just be fans like that, there would be no issue! You're not vilifying people who disagree with you. 

Honestly based on this long response on how you feel about Chelsea, I feel that there is actually a much stronger reaction for those that don't like Chelsea versus any superfan.  And honestly I haven't seen anyone on this forum be like you describe.  It must be outside this Chelsea/Cole thread.  And I honestly still don't get why her normal life is being described as so far below mediocre when her life is similar to many other people that I wouldn't consider far below mediocre.  And I am not even comparing her to the other teen moms--I am referring to normal everyday people that choose to finish high school/ged, and then decide to have children versus being work focused. But I understand that we are all different, and it is okay to think differently.

Maybe it is just from things I have experienced, and knowing that too many people try to hard, take things too seriously, the list goes on--that there is something to be said for the simple life and being okay with your struggles, your mountains and valleys, and knowing that you are figuring it out along the way.  Some people are driven from a young age, and  some people it takes them a while to get started.  It isn't like Chelsea sat around to age 40 doing nothing, waiting for a guy.  She is in her early 20s.  She is actually far ahead of many other people that take much longer than that to discover where they want their life to go.  

  • Love 17

I've experienced strong reactions, here and otherwise, when I've made lightly critical statements about. Lightly critical meaning saying Chelsea seems nice, like a decent mom, but is pretty ordinary and mostly looks so good because she's showcased along with the other three bozos. So yeah, people feel a strong need to defend Chelsea even when the criticism is rather mild. 

  • Love 7
40 minutes ago, alexa said:

Honestly based on this long response on how you feel about Chelsea, I feel that there is actually a much stronger reaction for those that don't like Chelsea versus any superfan.  And honestly I haven't seen anyone on this forum be like you describe.  It must be outside this Chelsea/Cole thread.  And I honestly still don't get why her normal life is being described as so far below mediocre when her life is similar to many other people that I wouldn't consider far below mediocre.  And I am not even comparing her to the other teen moms--I am referring to normal everyday people that choose to finish high school/ged, and then decide to have children versus being work focused. But I understand that we are all different, and it is okay to think differently.

Maybe it is just from things I have experienced, and knowing that too many people try to hard, take things too seriously, the list goes on--that there is something to be said for the simple life and being okay with your struggles, your mountains and valleys, and knowing that you are figuring it out along the way.  Some people are driven from a young age, and  some people it takes them a while to get started.  It isn't like Chelsea sat around to age 40 doing nothing, waiting for a guy.  She is in her early 20s.  She is actually far ahead of many other people that take much longer than that to discover where they want their life to go.  

Hahaha don't read too much into my long winded response. I am pretty known to talk and talk and talk on any topic. ??? I could probably write this much on my views about bees or notebook paper, LOL! But many people can attest that saying something slightly critical of Chelsea is met with venom. I will say, this thread isn't as extreme as it was a couple of years ago. But if you are in any other TM groups, it's pretty standard across the spectrum. 

Also, she didn't really have the option to be kid-focused in her early twenties. She wasn't married or in a relationship with someone who let her be a SAHM. She sat around on the couch and cried over Adam while her father begrudgingly footed the bill. I would love to be a SAHM, but I am 30 and single, so I have to be work focused. My dad could fund my sitting around and crying, but I would never ask or expect him to do that. When Chelsea met Cole, things changed. I have no issue with her being kid-focused now, but I think a single mom needs to develop a skill to support her child, not sit around crying while her father foots the bill.

ETA: I think most people who don't love Chelsea are just so used to having to defend their views that they have a pretty standard "script" that they follow while defending them. Most of us just cracked a joke about her one day, not thinking much of it, and got pulverized. Now, we have to have all our reasons ready upfront about why she's not our cup of tea because we'd know we will have to defend or position. Every once in awhile, a newcomer joins he group and says their honest opinion about Chelsea, and gets run off. There was a girl not long ago who came in and innocently said Chelsea and Cole don't have chemistry, and she kind of thinks they settled, and the venom was unreal! She was run off pretty quickly. I think a lot of us "detractors" started out just making an innocent joke, but now we know we have to write an essay explaining why she's not our role model. 

Edited by Christina87
  • Love 4
38 minutes ago, alexa said:

I love this!

I love this pic being taken by the fields like this...very cool.  

This pic is so sweet, and I love the big bow :-)

If you skip to about 10 minutes into this video you will see Watson with his little cousin running around and Aubree hanging out with her cousins. Nice big family gathering. 

A perfect day, grilling and Family. And a baby Layne

Edited by druzy
  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Christina87 said:

AMEN!!! I always thought teaching would have a great maternity leave, because so many young women are in it...nope! Six weeks max, and you have to use your sick days. And my prayers go out to you about dating in NYC. I have heard that from other people too. 

 I taught school in a private school and had 12 weeks paid. I also had the option to stay home a year and maintain health coverage for my family without pay. 

I haven’t known any teacher (public at least) have less than 12 weeks. 

**our maternity care in the US still is embarrassing in general.

  • Love 4
22 hours ago, Christina87 said:


I know I might get stoned for this, but I don't see why Chelsea's big fans don't looove Vee. IMO, she is everything Chelsea wants to be, but does it better. Vee has long dark hair and a fashion sense that I could see Chelsea evolving into if she'd never met Cole. She doesn't look low rent (ratty hair that's an unnatural color, fake tan, nose ring...Chelsea's pretty, but Vee could get a job at a bank while Chelsea couldn't based on looks alone). ...

I agree - Vee is everything and MORE.  And she does it all without ANY whining!  


1 hour ago, Christina87 said:

Hahaha don't read too much into my long winded response. I am pretty known to talk and talk and talk on any topic. ??? I could probably write this much on my views about bees or notebook paper, LOL! But many people can attest that saying something slightly critical of Chelsea is met with venom. I will say, this thread isn't as extreme as it was a couple of years ago. But if you are in any other TM groups, it's pretty standard across the spectrum. 



I also have stated negative opinions about Chelsea and have gotten backlash.  I have made fun of Cole's squeaky voice and his job of putting up signs (heh) and people did not like that.  

Amen to your whole post!


15 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Yes. With her eye makeup on point. 

Vee's eyeliner is everything.


2 hours ago, galaxychaser said:

I wish US had one year paid maternity leave. It would allow women to have a kid and be able to stay home and not worry about bills...

i want one kid but doubt I will have any. I’m sad over that. It’s hard to date in nyc. 


I was actually shocked to find out how little time my company, and most companies give.  It is a sad comment on our country.  My sister got 6 months - she works for a philanthropy.  They actually care about people and put them ahead of the bottom line.  I work for a bank, and they didn't feel the same way.

My uncle works for an international company and he said that in France they get 1 year minimum paid leave and also a lady to help you with laundry and stuff around your house!  How amazing would that be?  Something similar for the Netherlands, and that area, unless I am misremembering.

Edited by heatherchandler
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Farmfam said:

 I taught school in a private school and had 12 weeks paid. I also had the option to stay home a year and maintain health coverage for my family without pay. 

I haven’t known any teacher (public at least) have less than 12 weeks. 

**our maternity care in the US still is embarrassing in general.

That's amazing to me. I work in higher ed in a state with no mandated maternity leave.  I came back to work five weeks after my babies were born because I had to.  I had to use FMLA & cash in sick leave hours to get paid. 

I know a few K-12 public school teachers here and they have done the same thing- FMLA and they're only paid what they can get from using sick leave.  Most only take 6 weeks (8 if they had a c-section), although some may take 12 if their husbands have awesome jobs, etc, and can afford to lose out on pay once they've used all their sick leave up.  

I just realized none of the TM girls (maybe Briana?) has ever experienced trying to figure out how to pay the bills while they take FMLA leave after having a baby.  I know for most moms who have to work (which would include most of these girls if they're weren't on the show) end up shocked to learn there's not actually maternity leave at their job/in their state (unless you're lucky), etc. This is a HUGE problem that people either don't realize until they're in it or that is just ignored by our society.  In fact, around 1 out of 4 new moms in the US have to return to work only TWO WEEKS after giving birth. We have the worst parental leave policy in the developed world, and it's women and babies who suffer because of it.  This is just another issue this show could highlight if these girls (who had babies as the show went on) worked actual damn jobs. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/08/19/the-shocking-number-of-new-moms-who-return-to-work-two-weeks-after-childbirth/?utm_term=.d86f4b278a77


Back to Chelsea and Cole- their family is super cute. I want them to do a Christmas card shoot in matching pajamas BUT I want Pete the Pig to be included (in matching piggy pajamas) in it, too. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 12
2 hours ago, Christina87 said:

Hahaha don't read too much into my long winded response. I am pretty known to talk and talk and talk on any topic. ??? I could probably write this much on my views about bees or notebook paper, LOL! But many people can attest that saying something slightly critical of Chelsea is met with venom. I will say, this thread isn't as extreme as it was a couple of years ago. But if you are in any other TM groups, it's pretty standard across the spectrum. 


I applaud her for creating the life she wants for herself, but she's not my cup of tea.  (too silly/whiny/slight mean-girl vibe/traditional) however, I love me some Papa Rand!!!

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

I've experienced strong reactions, here and otherwise, when I've made lightly critical statements about. Lightly critical meaning saying Chelsea seems nice, like a decent mom, but is pretty ordinary and mostly looks so good because she's showcased along with the other three bozos. So yeah, people feel a strong need to defend Chelsea even when the criticism is rather mild. 

Let’s just say there was a time (many years, in fact) where any criticism about Chelsea elicited STRONG reactions from other members. Thank goodness that has since changed. . . . 

  • Love 4
28 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Let’s just say there was a time (many years, in fact) where any criticism about Chelsea elicited STRONG reactions from other members. Thank goodness that has since changed. . . . 

not here!  We threw mad shade over the decades-long pursuit of the GED, and the fact that she kept on letting Adam back in, and crying when he was mean. (there was also her multicolored hair & layers of makeup, but...)

uggghhhh, imagine having a period of your life like that forever on film?  thank god I'm a) unfamous and b) old as hell!!!

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

That's amazing to me. I work in higher ed in a state with no mandated maternity leave.  I came back to work five weeks after my babies were born because I had to.  I had to use FMLA & cash in sick leave hours to get paid. 

I know a few K-12 public school teachers here and they have done the same thing- FMLA and they're only paid what they can get from using sick leave.  Most only take 6 weeks (8 if they had a c-section), although some may take 12 if their husbands have awesome jobs, etc, and can afford to lose out on pay once they've used all their sick leave up.  

I just realized none of the TM girls (maybe Briana?) has ever experienced trying to figure out how to pay the bills while they take FMLA leave after having a baby.  I know for most moms who have to work (which would include most of these girls if they're weren't on the show) end up shocked to learn there's not actually maternity leave at their job/in their state (unless you're lucky), etc. This is a HUGE problem that people either don't realize until they're in it or that is just ignored by our society.  In fact, around 1 out of 4 new moms in the US have to return to work only TWO WEEKS after giving birth. We have the worst parental leave policy in the developed world, and it's women and babies who suffer because of it.  This is just another issue this show could highlight if these girls (who had babies as the show went on) worked actual damn jobs. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/08/19/the-shocking-number-of-new-moms-who-return-to-work-two-weeks-after-childbirth/?utm_term=.d86f4b278a77


Back to Chelsea and Cole- their family is super cute. I want them to do a Christmas card shoot in matching pajamas BUT I want Pete the Pig to be included (in matching piggy pajamas) in it, too. 

With the risk of sounding completely ignorant and insensitive...what do the parents do with the baby after 2 weeks? All the daycares I looked into didn’t take infants under 6 weeks and they needed a doctors note clearing them to be healthy enough to attend. 


Again, I want to say a million times over US maternity leave is embarrassing. We can and should be doing better. 


Also, my daughter is now 4. I’d still like the cleaning help! 

  • Love 3

IMO I find that there is at lot of speculation about Chelsea which doesn't always seem fair. She's cultivated a very careful image of herself both on TM2 and on social media of a happy, perfect family which people seem to find completely fake. She's been labelled

A mean girl,




Having a low IQ, 

Only having Aubree to avoid going to college,

Likely to fail college,

Likely to be jealous and bring other people down,

Probably going to leave Aubree out of her "new" family. 

If there was any actual evidence for this besides "I know a person like her and they are really awful", complete speculation  or one scene one time on TM2, it would probably be taken more seriously. Just on this page people have speculated that Cole might not actually like her and is just in it because he doesn't want to look bad! A couple of episodes ago Cole scratched his nose when she asked if he was excited and people were like "he's lying, he's not excited about the baby". 

She's been called mediocre and lazy for choosing to stay at home with her kids after getting her certificate. She's like millions of other women around the world who chose to do the same so I'm not sure why she gets so much flak for it. Not to mention she's bringing in six figures a year for doing so. 

I'm doing things differently in my life. I'm a couple of years younger than Chelsea but I've got a degree and am working. I don't think that makes me a better person! I haven't had to deal with an emotionally abusive relationship and then trying to fight to keep a alcoholic, drugged up criminal away from my kid. Chelsea had certainly had it good but most of us have never had to worry about our ex driving dangerously and crashing a car with the kid in the back not wearing a seatbelt. 

I'm not a superfan and I totally agree that Chelsea should be called out for her poor choices rather than being held up as a model for motherhood. She was hung up on Adam for too long, looking for a fairytale guy, slow to get an education and obsessed with whatever trend is going. She talks about Cole completing  her rather than building  self esteem and recognising her own worth. That should be and is called out. But maybe I'm missing something but I don't see half the things that she's been labelled as. 

Edited by ChocolateAddict
Words are important
  • Love 14
1 hour ago, teapot said:

not here!  We threw mad shade over the decades-long pursuit of the GED, and the fact that she kept on letting Adam back in, and crying when he was mean. (there was also her multicolored hair & layers of makeup, but...)

uggghhhh, imagine having a period of your life like that forever on film?  thank god I'm a) unfamous and b) old as hell!!!

Absolutely HERE. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, ChocolateAddict said:

IMO I find that there is at lot of speculation about Chelsea which doesn't always seem fair. She's cultivated a very careful image of herself both on TM2 and on social media of a happy, perfect family which people seem to find completely fake. She's been labelled

A mean girl,




Having a low IQ, 

Only having Aubree to avoid going to college,

Likely to fail college,

Likely to be jealous and bring other people down,

Probably going to leave Aubree out of her "new" family. 

If there was any actual evidence for this besides "I know a person like her and they are really awful", complete speculation  or one scene one time on TM2, it would probably be taken more seriously. Just on this page people have speculated that Cole might not actually like her and is just in it because he doesn't want to look bad! A couple of episodes ago Cole scratched his nose when she asked if he was excited and people were like "he's lying, he's not excited about the baby". 

She's been called mediocre and lazy for choosing to stay at home with her kids after getting her certificate. She's like millions of other women around the world who chose to do the same so I'm not sure why she gets so much flak for it. Not to mention she's bringing in six figures a year for doing so. 

I'm doing things differently in my life. I'm a couple of years younger than Chelsea but I've got a degree and am working. I don't think that makes me a better person! I haven't had to deal with an emotionally abusive relationship and then trying to fight to keep a alcoholic, drugged up criminal away from my kid. Chelsea had certainly had it good but most of us have never had to worry about our ex driving dangerously and crashing a car with the kid in the back not wearing a seatbelt. 

I'm not a superfan and I totally agree that Chelsea should be called out for her poor choices rather than being held up as a model for motherhood. She was hung up on Adam for too long, looking for a fairytale guy, slow to get an education and obsessed with whatever trend is going. She talks about Cole completing  her rather than building  self esteem and recognising her own worth. That should be and is called out. But maybe I'm missing something but I don't see half the things that she's been labelled as. 


I DO think she is most of the things you listed. My opinion only. It’s just nice to be able to articulate my opinions now without being attacked. She still gets far less criticism than anyone else on the show.

Edited by DangerousMinds
  • Love 5
21 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

I DO think she is most of the things you listed. My opinion only. It’s just nice to be able to articulate my opinions now without being attacked. She still gets far less criticism than anyone else on the show.


Agreed. I think there is some evidence for a lot of these assertions, too. Also, I'm the one who said it would have been hard for Cole to leave after a year or so if he wasn't "feeling it" because they're on TV...but I was quick to add that my gut feeling was that he had no reservations about moving forward in the relationship. I try to be as fair as I can when speculating or critiquing Chelsea, but it seems like that fairness is often overlooked. Am I saying he chose to stay to avoid looking like the bad guy? Absolutely not! Am I saying that it would be possible for someone to be in that position, where they would have left if they hadn't been on tv but stayed because they were? Yes! Do I think it's possssssible Cole could have felt that way? I mean...we'll never know. We're not him. It could be, but my gut feeling says no. Just something to think about.

I just don't think it's horrible to point out speculative possibilities like that, as long as it doesn't come from a hateful / venomous place! I feel like when I purely speculate, I always do say something like "this is my take on one possibility," "I could be completely wrong," or "this is pure speculation / would make sense but I have no proof this is true." If you aren't presenting something as truth, I think it's fine to give a theory of what you think something could be. There's all kind go speculation about what might be going on on the laaaaand, and as long as the person isn't presenting it as indisputable fact, I don't see a problem 

Edited by Christina87
  • Love 3

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