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Except Chelsea (and Cole)


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 I've been a long time lurker and decided to come out of the closet with a unpopular opinion. Not a fan of Chelsea, at all. I always like to view a person from all different perspectives. And if you look at her and how priviliged she grew up she hasn't done as much as Kail or even Jenelle. I always like to put people in exact the same situation in my mind and then look at how they would be. So Chelsea (like Kail) in a situation without parents and forced to do everything herself and no one to unconditionally love and provide for her. We all know she would totally fail at life. Kail on the other hand in Chelsea's position would probably be working a fulltime job already after earning her bachelor's and would not be calling daddy nor mommie at the drop of a hat. I understand people love 'succes' stories and don't like to deal with the complexity of life but I for one am quite autistic when it comes to this and apply it consequently. Besides all of that I also don't like Chelsea because she only seems pleasant to people that know her. She always comes across really stuck up to people she doesn't know or barely knows. For tv it works I guess since people seem to love her. She loves her kid and that is the only redeeming quality for me. (English is not my first language and maybe I look at this differently coming from a third world country where problems are everywhere so not enclined to give someone a pass for being?..what exactly?)

Edited by TM2
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And if you look at her and how priviliged she grew up she hasn't done as much as Kail or even Jenelle.

Yes, you are right. Chelsea hasn't gone to jail, or been arrested numerous times like Jenelle. Chelsea also hasn't done heroin. As far as Kail, Chelsea hasn't been a manipulative, grifter or tried to remove her child's father from her kid's life. One can grow up without privilege and still be a good-hearted person who doesn't go around acting like the perpetual victim. One can grow up with privilege and be an asshole. Look at Ryan and Adam.


Not at all sure what it is Kail and Jenelle have done in life that Chelsea hasn't. Jenelle has a mother, but she pisses on her every chance she gets. Never a "thank you", never a "I appreciate you". Nothing.  Plenty of people grow up with parents like Kail, but they don't go around acting as if that is a reason for being the person that Kail has chosen to be.


Chelsea has plenty of faults and imperfections, they have been pointed out quite frequently, but it is not a bad thing to have the life and family she did growing up. I'd love Jace and Kaiser to know what it is like to have a mother like Chelsea, not the screaming, loud, cursing, self-centered, and IMO mentally ill mom that they have. Thank god for Barb being there for Jace.



Kail on the other hand in Chelsea's position would probably be working a fulltime job already after earning her bachelor's and would not be calling daddy nor mommie at the drop of a hat.

Kail had that opportunity and shit on it. She had the Rivera's who gave her a roof over her head and were supporting her fat ass. What did she do? She didn't work on that degree she loved talking about. Instead, she said to hell with their rules, called her mommy, and went on her merry way to her mother's home. Chelsea is not the only one who called her parents when things came up. And since when is it wrong to call one's parents when life happens? That's what parents do sometimes. I know I do when my adult children call me up and ask me my opinion on a matter or they cry to me when something has happened to them. That is what being a parent is about.


Kail's life is miserable because she makes her own choices. She chose to become pregnant. She chose Javi to be her husband. She chose to not go to school earlier. She chose to live far away from her friends. She is the one who is at fault for her decisions. It no  longer has anything to do with how she grew up. The past is the past. That shit is dead and tiresome. Kail also has the benefit of having MTV money.  That is a lot more than most young girls who grew up in a home similar to Kail's.  Kail is an adult who has recently stated she regrets having had a baby and marrying Javi. All of that shit is on her, no one else.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 11

Chelsea has never abused her boyfriend on TV and then blamed him for it. Chelsea has never been such a raging asshole that I wanted to throw the TV out the window.

I don't remember her going out and partying, leaving her mom to care for her child when the child was just days old. She's never lost custody of her kid because she's a self centered druggie like Jenelle.

I've never seen one of Chelsea's mug shots. I've never seen her bring multiple men around her kid...

I could go on and on about the things Karl and Jenelle have done that Chelsea hasn't but who has that kind of time? It would take forever.

  • Love 7

TM2, I feel like this is apples and oranges. Kailyn and Jenelle are both diagnosed with mental illness (wasn't Kailyn diagnosed as bipolar a few years ago? I didn't imagine that?) and were raised by people who likely also had mental or emotional disorders. 

Chelsea has had a relatively privileged upbringing compared to those two, yes. And she appears to have come from an emotionally stable home with parents on an even keel who aren't addicted to or abuse whatever intoxicants they prefer. 


I don't think you can compare the two because the playing field isn't level. You'd have to imagine Chelsea coming from a home more like Kailyn's and the emotional baggage that goes along with that.  And then she wouldn't be goofy Chelsea. 

  • Love 4

In defense of Chelsea, Randylicious and Lois Griffin appear to be stable and amiable now, but it's hard to say what the environment was like in the home before the divorce. There could have been a lot of screaming, fighting etc.

I think Randy probably felt a lot of guilt and over-indulged his daughter causing her to become lazy and unmotivated. I think Chelsea has done a fairly reasonable job of getting her shit together; she owns her house and doesn't appear to be pissing away her earnings, it just took her a while to do it.

  • Love 4

TM2, I feel like this is apples and oranges. Kailyn and Jenelle are both diagnosed with mental illness (wasn't Kailyn diagnosed as bipolar a few years ago? I didn't imagine that?) and were raised by people who likely also had mental or emotional disorders. 

Chelsea has had a relatively privileged upbringing compared to those two, yes. And she appears to have come from an emotionally stable home with parents on an even keel who aren't addicted to or abuse whatever intoxicants they prefer. 


I don't think you can compare the two because the playing field isn't level. You'd have to imagine Chelsea coming from a home more like Kailyn's and the emotional baggage that goes along with that.  And then she wouldn't be goofy Chelsea. 

I couldn't agree more. Well said.

  • Love 1

 I've been a long time lurker and decided to come out of the closet with a unpopular opinion. Not a fan of Chelsea, at all. I always like to view a person from all different perspectives. And if you look at her and how priviliged she grew up she hasn't done as much as Kail or even Jenelle. I always like to put people in exact the same situation in my mind and then look at how they would be. So Chelsea (like Kail) in a situation without parents and forced to do everything herself and no one to unconditionally love and provide for her. We all know she would totally fail at life. Kail on the other hand in Chelsea's position would probably be working a fulltime job already after earning her bachelor's and would not be calling daddy nor mommie at the drop of a hat. I understand people love 'succes' stories and don't like to deal with the complexity of life but I for one am quite autistic when it comes to this and apply it consequently. Besides all of that I also don't like Chelsea because she only seems pleasant to people that know her. She always comes across really stuck up to people she doesn't know or barely knows. For tv it works I guess since people seem to love her. She loves her kid and that is the only redeeming quality for me. (English is not my first language and maybe I look at this differently coming from a third world country where problems are everywhere so not enclined to give someone a pass for being?..what exactly?)

I didn't have time earlier to respond but, I am here now and want to respond to this post.


Kail did have a pretty bad upbringing. However, how much of her upbringing can be blamed for the kind of person that she is? In other words, Kail is who she is because she chooses to be that person. She also has a personality that is pretty abrasive. She doesn't like being told what to do, even when it is in her best interest and doesn't take any advice lightly. All of that has gotten her in some situations that she is now regretting. Randy is a great dad but, I doubt even he could have been able to guide Kail because of her personality and how her mind works. His parental guidance worked with Chelsea because she knew when she was in over her head and was accepting of his advice. Kail would have thrown a tantrum and claimed Randy was just being controlling.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 8

I always look that way at life. I know there is a personality and some people are more difficult to deal with or very defensive or just unpleasant but still I like to take my own emotions from looking at a person. But it is nature and nurture. I will never give someone plus points just cause he or she seems the most normal. Normal is relative anyway.

Ow and I don't find Chelsea that nice at all. As I said in my previous post. She seems nice but look at how she was talking about Taylor. She is just a high school drama girl who can act real bitchy if she feels she's above you. Just because her circumstances are stable enough she is not being pushed to show it but I see it here and there and it just makes me not like her. My opinion. It is not a religious doctrine ladies :)

Edited by TM2
  • Love 3

if you look at her and how priviliged she grew up she hasn't done as much as Kail or even Jenelle. I always like to put people in exact the same situation in my mind and then look at how they would be. So Chelsea (like Kail) in a situation without parents and forced to do everything herself and no one to unconditionally love and provide for her. We all know she would totally fail at life. 

I agree with you. Chelsea is doing fine, but since she grew up with such a strong support system, I believe she could have done a lot more.  Yes, Chelsea is arguably the "best" currently of the teen moms, but she has little drive and I think there is no way she would have gotten to her current place without the heavy-handed guidance of her father. Kail, in comparison, had all the cards stacked against her in life which provided the impetus for her less-than-charming personality, the humongous chip on her shoulder, and her short-sighted decision making processes in the attempt to obtain a stable, "respectable" suburban lifestyle (side note: her childhood is no excuse for her behavior, but surely explains the reasons why she is the way she is). I am not bemoaning the fact that Chelsea has been coddled, but this distinction between her and the other teen moms is one that should be made. The other girls lack level-headed parents that can offer emotional and financial support and they are thus suffering accordingly.


Anyway, in my opinion, Chelsea is extremely spoiled and is highly immature, if in a more palatable way.

Edited by nowahuta
  • Love 3

I think it takes plenty of drive to go forward and complete schooling and start q career when she already had plenty of money from the show.

Kail hasn't done shit. I also sometimes question this horrible childhood. Her mom has said and done some flaky shit but weve also seen her open her home to Issac and Karl without hesitation, give Karl a car and not have her arrested for stealing her TV.

We only have Karl's word on this horrible childhood and she isn't always truthful.

I'm not saying her childhood was all rainbows but who's is?

  • Love 7

I think it takes plenty of drive to go forward and complete schooling and start q career when she already had plenty of money from the show.

Kail hasn't done shit. I also sometimes question this horrible childhood. Her mom has said and done some flaky shit but weve also seen her open her home to Issac and Karl without hesitation, give Karl a car and not have her arrested for stealing her TV.

We only have Karl's word on this horrible childhood and she isn't always truthful.

I'm not saying her childhood was all rainbows but who's is?


Judging from what we have actually seen of Kail's mother, I do not question the fact that her childhood was traumatic and unstable. I do not know the details of what she claims went on, but for me, it is inconsequential -- the scenes with Kail's mother's are proof enough that she was a neglectful, selfish and wholly incompetent parent. The old scene of her at Jo's parents house when she tells her pregnant 16 year old daughter that "absence makes the heart grow fonder, so let me leave" was vile.


I don't believe that Kail is more successful than Chelsea or has done more than she has, just that she did not have ideal guidance to put her on the right path to accomplish anything. Chelsea, however, did and it took her what felt like eons (and only after incessant prodding from her father) to get her GED and finish a 2 year (max) beauty school program. It may be harsh, but I don't really qualify that as the actions of a "driven" individual given her circumstances.

Edited by nowahuta
  • Love 5

I think Chelsea could have done a lot more as well. She started a bit closer to the goal line than either Kailyn or Jenelle, but we weren't (or I wasn't at least) talking about their relative levels of success compared to the general population, but compared to one another.


Sometimes I watch 16 and Pregnant and think "this is what this girl was always going to do. This is her plan or path."


With some girls (like Jenelle for instance) I think "she could have done so much more" and being pregnant and trying to raise a child really derails whatever she might have done. Then again, I also think that Jenelle always would have struggled with addiction. It's a disease that she apparently has the correct receptors for.

I think Chelsea has done just fine. I don't know if she's bitchy in real life or not. Probably. I am an advanced maternal age mom so none of these girls appeal to me as friend material, more as cautionary tales. Chelsea did struggle with being a teenage mom but really she is one of those girls that I thought "well, she was always going to finish high school, stay in her hometown and find a trade or a husband to support her."  I don't think Chelsea was ever really on the college track, even though she had the right financial circumstances to support it if she had wanted. 

  • Love 8

I think Chelsea could have done a lot more as well. She started a bit closer to the goal line than either Kailyn or Jenelle, but we weren't (or I wasn't at least) talking about their relative levels of success compared to the general population, but compared to one another.

Sometimes I watch 16 and Pregnant and think "this is what this girl was always going to do. This is her plan or path."

With some girls (like Jenelle for instance) I think "she could have done so much more" and being pregnant and trying to raise a child really derails whatever she might have done. Then again, I also think that Jenelle always would have struggled with addiction. It's a disease that she apparently has the correct receptors for.

I think Chelsea has done just fine. I don't know if she's bitchy in real life or not. Probably. I am an advanced maternal age mom so none of these girls appeal to me as friend material, more as cautionary tales. Chelsea did struggle with being a teenage mom but really she is one of those girls that I thought "well, she was always going to finish high school, stay in her hometown and find a trade or a husband to support her." I don't think Chelsea was ever really on the college track, even though she had the right financial circumstances to support it if she had wanted.

In Chelsea's case, she had a sister or two who were also teen moms. Birth control and sex ed were not a priority in the Houska household.

Jenelle - I have always gotten trainwreck vibes from her.I think she would have ended up exactly the same or worse (dead).

Kail - I believe with a different upbringing, could have accomplished much more. She would have graduated from college, gotten a stable career etc.

Leah has always given me Britney Spears-level trash vibes. Girlfriend was destined to be a teen mom and sadly, I'm afraid her girls will follow the same path.

  • Love 6

In Chelsea's case, she had a sister or two who were also teen moms. Birth control and sex ed were not a priority in the Houska household.


Birth control had not been used properly by any of the girls or guys on TM, TM2, and 16 & Pregnant. Whether or not they were a priority or discussed in each individual household, who is to say? As for her sisters, here is a run-down of Chelsea's four sisters, one of which had two children by the age of 25. Her name is Emily. She is not married. Nothing wrong with that. Better for someone to not be married than to end up like Jenelle, Leah, and Kail. Two of which have divorces under their belts and the third one is screaming for a divorce: http://salutesandsmiles.blogspot.com/2012/10/teen-mom-2-from-outside.html


Out of TM2, Chelsea is the only one who has not given birth to a second child or has been married and divorced.


Leah has two marriages under her belt. The ink hadn't dried yet on her divorce papers before moving on to Dick Tres. She has had three pregnancies. I see a third marriage soon. I guess things happen in threes for Leah. Unfortunately, Leah is bound to always be a married person with no career or even a basic job. Her girls will likely fall in the same trap.



Chelsea is doing fine, but since she grew up with such a strong support system, I believe she could have done a lot more.

What does this even mean? Are girls like Chelsea who have a great support system and a parent or two who pulls in money like Randy does, supposed to go to a four year college and graduate with honors? Obviously Chelsea's career goals didn't include a four year college. I have children and they had a great support system. Not all of them went to college. The ones who didn't, have careers and are doing exceptionally well. One of them owns a business. My own late father didn't finish high school. He owned three businesses. I think too much emphasis is put on the idea of going to college when not everyone is college material. Having a college education doesn't always guarantee a promise of a career just like not going to college means one is doomed to being unemployed.


Chelsea found something she wants to do in life. She went to cosmetology school. I have a cousin who did the same thing. She now owns two salons after working her ass off. There is nothing degrading about her career choice. It is nothing to turn one's nose at either. I certainly don't see Kail being the kind to go to a four year college. Could she acquire a career? Yes, of course. I think she has the mindset to want to have a career but, I don't see her achieving that by way of a four year college education.

  • Love 6

What does this even mean? Are girls like Chelsea who have a great support system and a parent or two who pulls in money like Randy does, supposed to go to a four year college and graduate with honors? Obviously Chelsea's career goals didn't include a four year college. I have children and they had a great support system. Not all of them went to college. The ones who didn't, have careers and are doing exceptionally well. One of them owns a business. My own late father didn't finish high school. He owned three businesses. I think too much emphasis is put on the idea of going to college when not everyone is college material. Having a college education doesn't always guarantee a promise of a career just like not going to college means one is doomed to being unemployed.


Chelsea found something she wants to do in life. She went to cosmetology school. I have a cousin who did the same thing. She now owns two salons after working her ass off. There is nothing degrading about her career choice. It is nothing to turn one's nose at either. I certainly don't see Kail being the kind to go to a four year college. Could she acquire a career? Yes, of course. I think she has the mindset to want to have a career but, I don't see her achieving that by way of a four year college education.


Oh dear, I was worried someone would be offended at that post, but I hoped it would be taken in the intended spirit.


I do think Chelsea has done just fine. She's not a cosmetologist though, she's an aesthetician. It's a different program. Personally, I've had three friends complete an aesthetician licensing program. Only one of the 3 is working as a makeup and eyebrow artist.  The one who is working in her field is fucking awesome - such a great talent - she's a makeup application and brow genius and good business woman. She kept moving up to better and better salons until now she's a part owner in a new makeup line.


The other two got licensed and then it just kinda sat there. One quit her job in the cosmetic surgery field to dedicate her efforts to her children and the other went back to her office job. The job prospects weren't what they anticipated. I was nervous when Chelsea was pursuing her license for this very reason. 

In my (personal and limited) experience, people who finish a cosmetology program are more likely to actually use their skills in the future. You don't have to have a college degree to be a success, but there are certain jobs where the degree of licensure and training makes a huge difference in income and job prospects right off the bat - CNA vs. Medical Assistant for example.  Or Dental Assistant vs. Dental Hygienist. Or Aesthetician vs. Cosmetologist.


I still think Chelsea can keep moving onwards and upwards, but I also still maintain that if she hadn't had a child at 16 she might have been able to achieve a greater degree of success earlier.


I didn't know that about her sisters.  Do they all have the same mom? I've not been overly impressed with Chelsea's mom and her...are they insensitive or clueless...remarks about Chelsea's lovelife. She seems like a bit of a ditz.

  • Love 6

I'm not on the Chelsea support train. But she's better than the rest of the moms. She didn't have a second kid, get married, or bring every Tom, Dick, Billy around Aubrey. She's doesn't abuse drugs or comes in and out of Aubrey's life. Chelsea has a ton of support. Especially from her father. Some teens don't have that. The support from her family really helped her. I do think she's somewhat babied and has low self esteem. She also tries to be Aubrey's friend/sister instead of her mother.

If Chelsea's 2 other siblings were teens moms, then maybe she came from an abstinence only household or sec wasn't really talked about.

Edited by Darknight
  • Love 2

I'm not on the Chelsea support train. But she's better than the rest of the moms. She didn't have a second kid, get married, or bring every Tom, Dick, Billy around Aubrey. She's doesn't abuse drugs or comes in and out of Aubrey's life. Chelsea has a ton of support. Especially from her father. Some teens don't have that. The support from her family really helped her. I do think she's somewhat babied and has low self esteem. She also tries to be Aubrey's friend/sister instead of her mother.

If Chelsea's 2 other siblings were teens moms, then maybe she came from an abstinence only household or sec wasn't really talked about.

I wouldn't be surprised, in her 16 and pregnant episode she made the comment that "We don't do that" in regards to terminating the pregnancy. So I would assume that it was probably a Christian based home for them, abstinence and all that jazz. 

  • Love 4

Not sure why that article that I linked to above suddenly goes nowhere.


The story is by Chelsea's sister. Chelsea has three older sisters. The third sister, Emily, has had two children. She is not married. I didn't read anything that indicated Chelsea had two sisters who were teen moms. As far as I can see, only one sister had two children without the benefit of marriage. Where does this rumor of Chelsea having two sisters who were teen moms come from? Source, please.


Back to Chelsea's sister with the two kids, I believe she was 18 when she was pregnant the first time.

I wouldn't be surprised, in her 16 and pregnant episode she made the comment that "We don't do that" in regards to terminating the pregnancy. So I would assume that it was probably a Christian based home for them, abstinence and all that jazz.

Because abstinence has worked so well for Chelsea and everyone on this show (just ask Bristol Palin).

I don't understand the logic of "Don't have sex." Human beings are designed for it. What is so taboo about birth control in 2015?? If I had a daughter I would put her on birth control at 13, no questions asked. It's really a responsibile thing to do, IMO.

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I think Chelsea wanted to get pregnant by Adam. Even though she comes from a seemingly loving family, her self esteem was in the toilet during her 16&P episode. I can't see the appeal, but maybe Adam was the Dylan McKay of Vermillion High School and Chelsea wanted to cement her status with him. Teenaged thinking often defies logic.

  • Love 3

I think Chelsea wanted to get pregnant by Adam. Even though she comes from a seemingly loving family, her self esteem was in the toilet during her 16&P episode. I can't see the appeal, but maybe Adam was the Dylan McKay of Vermillion High School and Chelsea wanted to cement her status with him. Teenaged thinking often defies logic.

Ha! How dare you. Dylan had a Porsche and a million dollar trust fund. Adumb is totally John Sears!
  • Love 4

I think Chelsea wanted to get pregnant by Adam. Even though she comes from a seemingly loving family, her self esteem was in the toilet during her 16&P episode. I can't see the appeal, but maybe Adam was the Dylan McKay of Vermillion High School and Chelsea wanted to cement her status with him. Teenaged thinking often defies logic.


I just watched her 16 and pregnant. While I'd say he was never in Ryan Edward's league (in his prime) the difference between Adam at 18 and Adam at 24 is really, really shocking. It's like seeing Tara Reid in American Pie 2 and then seeing her in Sharknado 3 (and at least her decline took the better part of a decade).


Seriously, I don't know that I would have recognized Adam if someone had showed me a picture of Adam circa 1999 and asked me to guess who it was (I didn't watch the original airing of Chelsea's 16 and Pregnant and didn't really watch the early seasons of Teen Mom 2 very much).


Adam was definitely very manipulative and would act like an ass to her, and then just when you thought he'd pushed her to the point where she would finally kick his ass to the curb, he would act very sweet to her.


I honestly don't know though if she was hoping to get pregnant. I think a case could be made that Adam refused to wear a condom, and Chelsea was uncomfortable asking her parents about birth control and of course she wasn't going to insist Adam do anything he didn't want to do. But given how self conscious she seemed to be the entire episode (not just about her body, but being an unwed teen mom and disappointing her father), I don't know if a pregnancy was what she wanted. I think she was probably just crossing her fingers the year she and Adam were having unprotected sex.

  • Love 7

I think Chelsea might be worried about the "friends" Adam would make at the visitation center. Really, if he could either hang out with Aubree and Paislee reading books or doing puzzles, or see if he can make friends with a blonde single mom fresh out of rehab, which do you think he would prefer? If I was Chelsea, I would be afraid that my kid would either be his wingman, or be ignored.

  • Love 2

Does anyone know when this season was filmed? I just saw pics of Chelsea and she looks great! She's always been heavy, and while she does look a little thinner on these episodes, she's still a little heavy. She seems to have lost a lot of weight fairly quickly. I see on her instagram that she's doing crossfit and eating healthy, but going by her body type/size these last few years, I'm guessing she's someone for whom weightloss and fitness is difficult? And I remember that Adam used to make fun of her stretchmarks, but I don't see any now (though they have had time to fade). Anyway, what I'm getting at... I wonder if she's had some surgery. A tummy tuck and then working out/eating right. I'm not saying she was obese, but her body looks shockingly different.

  • Love 1
Does anyone know when this season was filmed? I just saw pics of Chelsea and she looks great! She's always been heavy, and while she does look a little thinner on these episodes, she's still a little heavy. She seems to have lost a lot of weight fairly quickly. I see on her instagram that she's doing crossfit and eating healthy, but going by her body type/size these last few years, I'm guessing she's someone for whom weightloss and fitness is difficult? And I remember that Adam used to make fun of her stretchmarks, but I don't see any now (though they have had time to fade). Anyway, what I'm getting at... I wonder if she's had some surgery. A tummy tuck and then working out/eating right. I'm not saying she was obese, but her body looks shockingly different


I don't know anything about those body wrapping weight loss treatments, but I think the salon she works at offers those.  Maybe she used this in combination with the diet and exercise. 

I come from a "working poor" upbringing (but a family who valued education), yet I managed to go to a top tier university and go to grad school. While I have student loans and debt that perhaps children of wealthier families wouldn't have accumulated in college/grad school, my husband (the first man in his family to complete post-secondary education) and I are solidly middle class. Could I have done "better" with Randalicious, DDS and all he could offer if he was my parent? Probably so- less debt, even more opportunities (junior year abroad, the ability to take unpaid summer internships), even better schools/colleges, etc. What could I have done with parents with resources of the likes of Paris Hilton? Heck, I probably could have become a senator or presidential candidate. Maybe that means Chelsea or Paris Hilton squandered what relatively amazing opportunities they were born into. Many of us have done more than Chelsea with less. Many of us would have done more than made a sex tape & reality show off of the Hilton or Kardashian names/fortune. But here's the thing - we aren't those people and they aren't us. Chelsea was never going to be a neurosurgeon and Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian were never going to be congresswomen or senators.

I'm willing to give Chelsea props for completing some sort of career training and working in that field. I don't even care if it's part time - plenty of Teen Mom girls have made the show their only job. She can always go full-time later. She probably could have just gone on for years on MTV and Randy's dime continuing to talk about getting her GED while doing nothing. But she didn't. She does appear to be a good person, unlike some of the terrible people we see on the show (cough *Jenelle* cough) and gets genuine enjoyment from being around her child. She's made stupid mistakes (see: everything with Adam until last season or so) but none of them were out of malice or spite but instead immaturity. She's wised up a lot more quickly about Adam (and while her child was still relatively young) than some women I have known who much older than her but in similar situations. If all we can really find annoying about her is her voice, then really- there's nothing to see here.

I could have done a lot more in Chelsea's situation (even with a baby) than she's done with the resources available to her. But again, Chelsea isn't me. Her aspirations, goals, and abilities are different. Props to her for taking advantage of what she was given as far as Randy and MTV plus her own abilities and doing something to better her and her daughter's life (even if many of us could have done something even more impressive), for being a good person, and for not having a second child or quickie marriage with some guy only out for MTV fame (cough *Nathan, Javi, Jeremy* cough).

ETA: I've had some Riesling, so I hope this post makes sense.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 7

I adore Chelsea... I do... She is not only one of my favorite teen moms, but she just seems really awesome. She also reminds me of my best friend, who looked EXACTLY like her in High School.

That being said, I don't think she started getting REALLY smart about Adumb until she started seeing Cole. Once she wasn't hooking up with him anymore, and found someone good, she opened her eyes. I just hope she doesn't start dogging Taylor again, and instead see's that she is just a person.

Also someone said Paislee hurt (broke?) her arm while in Taylor's care, and Taylor was afraid that Adumb was going to use that against her. 

  • Love 6

I adore Chelsea... I do... She is not only one of my favorite teen moms, but she just seems really awesome. She also reminds me of my best friend, who looked EXACTLY like her in High School.

That being said, I don't think she started getting REALLY smart about Adumb until she started seeing Cole. Once she wasn't hooking up with him anymore, and found someone good, she opened her eyes. I just hope she doesn't start dogging Taylor again, and instead see's that she is just a person.

Also someone said Paislee hurt (broke?) her arm while in Taylor's care, and Taylor was afraid that Adumb was going to use that against her.

I remember reading that, and also reading on radar or somewhere that Adam claimed to have broken up with Taylor because of her drinking. Obviously I don't think that anything Adam says holds much worth. But I don't think he's ever really said anything negative about Chelsea that would reflect on her parenting.

  • Love 2

I'm thinking he might have because the article said "the judge denied his request for unsupervised visitation and the right to drive with Aubree in the car"... So he might have gotten it back, but Chelsea still doesn't want Aubree in a car with him (Which.. DUH!) 

I read this as "the judge denied his request for unsupervised visitation AND the right to drive with Aubree in the car" meaning he doesn't get to do either one.

I read this as "the judge denied his request for unsupervised visitation AND the right to drive with Aubree in the car" meaning he doesn't get to do either one.

Yea, I was saying that if the judge says that, then he petitioned to be able to drive with Aubree, which most likely means he has his license again. I mean, he is dumb, but I don't think he is dumb enough to go to a judge and be like "Can I drive with Aubree in my car even though I don't have my license" lol. 

  • Love 1

Adam has much to recompense for. I don't believe for a minute that Adam's a good parent and I'm shocked that a judge would grant him 50/50 custody of Paislee. I only hope he is taking a new path. He can boast all he wants about how he's changed and what a great parent he is, but until he puts in serious time and consistency into making better life decisions I won't believe it. A leopard doesn't change his spots, but I hope for Paislee and Aubrey's sake he follows through and can be a responsible, loving parent who puts his daughter's first for once. I felt so bad for Aubrey when she said Adam promised that she would visit him in his own place and that you can't break a promise. My heart broke in two! You could see and hear how much she loves her dad and believes him.

  • Love 2

Yea, I was saying that if the judge says that, then he petitioned to be able to drive with Aubree, which most likely means he has his license again. I mean, he is dumb, but I don't think he is dumb enough to go to a judge and be like "Can I drive with Aubree in my car even though I don't have my license" lol.

Well, he's dumb enough to go to court with an active warrant for unpaid child support and get arrested so....

  • Love 5

Adam has much to recompense for. I don't believe for a minute that Adam's a good parent and I'm shocked that a judge would grant him 50/50 custody of Paislee. I only hope he is taking a new path. He can boast all he wants about how he's changed and what a great parent he is, but until he puts in serious time and consistency into making better life decisions I won't believe it. A leopard doesn't change his spots, but I hope for Paislee and Aubrey's sake he follows through and can be a responsible, loving parent who puts his daughter's first for once. I felt so bad for Aubrey when she said Adam promised that she would visit him in his own place and that you can't break a promise. My heart broke in two! You could see and hear how much she loves her dad and believes him.

The 50/50 may have just been chosen because Taylor didn't protest. I too can't believe a judge would give him 50 if Taylor really put up any kind of a fight.

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