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Except Chelsea (and Cole)

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On 3/4/2017 at 11:14 AM, FairyDusted said:

Aubree is so dang cute and most behaved of the bunch. 

Somewhere in Delaware, Isaac is throwing his hands up in the air yelling "what am I? Chopped liver?"

And if you're including TMOG, Leah and Bentley are doing the same.

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6 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

LOL! AWWW! No no OG's included. And yes Issac is well behaved too. But I focused on Aubree since this is their thread. I'm so pissed at Jail (leaving it) I didn't even have them on my mind.

I agree,  how is it wrong to say how adorable Aubree is in Chelsea's thread?  Aubree is my favorite kid from the show and Chelsea is the only decent human being out of all of them. 

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I didn't mean to offend by pointing out that Isaac, Leah, and Bentley are as well-behaved (if not better) as Aubree. It's just that @FAIRYDUSTED said she was the "most behaved of the bunch" and i thought I'd humorously stick up for the other kids. Sorry if my humor didn't come through in my post.

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What a douche canoe. I know Cole can be a bit annoying with his voice and sappiness and whatnot, but at least Aubree is never going to have to wonder if he's going to test dirty for meth. I hope Paislee eventually (or already? I don't really keep up with them) has someone in her life who can step in and fill the role that Adam won't.

I wonder how long he's been using? Maybe that's why he didn't want the cameras around last season. 

Edited by Birdee
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Oh wow he has totally been hitting the meth pipe. (Or however you take it) He used to be way bigger than this. 


43 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

It's Chelsea's fault. She and Randy probably broke into his house in the middle of the night and spiked his protein shakes with meth.

You know they did. Then MTV edited it to make him look bad.  Ha

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To further my above comment:

Adam looks like a guy you see in a club and you immeidately just see the word "skeevy" in your head and think that anyone who hooks up with him is going to end up with some kind of awful communicable disease he got due to drug use or unprotected sex. 

I've never found him attractive, but I feel like Chelsea and Taylor probably feel like telling everyone that he didn't look THIS bad when they were with him back in the day.


Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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44 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:


I've never found him attractive, but I feel like Chelsea and Taylor probably feel like telling everyone that he didn't look THIS bad when they were with him back in the day.


oh, but we all have TVs...and eyes.

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I could never, ever be with a guy that poses in a mirror and takes selfies. Just like I can never be with a guy who wears flip flops or other open toed shoes but thats another story. 

Chelsea needs to ask for anybody other than Adam's parents to supervise his visits. They've been shown that she can't trust them to actually supervise and they seem to let him do what he wants with her.  If I were chelsea I would ask for some kind of official supervision provided by the courts. 

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On 4/20/2017 at 8:19 PM, GreatKazu said:

There is this one particular person who knows I am a faithful watcher. She tries to watch the show when she can, but isn't always able to. She will ask me what is new with the cast because I told her about this page and how our great members here keep us updated with the current events in the cast members' lives. When I told her about Kail being pregnant, she was shocked beyond belief. I remember when I told her about Leah and deercam gate. lol  

My daughter and I used to text each other while we watched,  since I stopped watching she hates not having anybody to talk to about it. I keep trying to get her to come here and make an account.  Between her and all of you guys, I get to keep up with everything without watching and worrying about my blood pressure. 

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On 4/26/2017 at 9:51 PM, Maharincess said:

I could never, ever be with a guy that poses in a mirror and takes selfies. Just like I can never be with a guy who wears flip flops or other open toed shoes but thats another story. 

Chelsea needs to ask for anybody other than Adam's parents to supervise his visits. They've been shown that she can't trust them to actually supervise and they seem to let him do what he wants with her.  If I were chelsea I would ask for some kind of official supervision provided by the courts. 

I have to ask what's wrong with sandals/flip flops?

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5 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Just wrong. But YMMV.

I cringe when I see a man wearing open toed shoes. I just find it extremely unattractive.  Yuck.  A man could be great in other ways but if he wears any type of sandal, its a deal breaker. 

Edited by Maharincess
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Y'all, one of my coworkers just named her baby Watson!!! She is really fakey fake and tells anyone who will listen that she grew up poor, but married a well-off husband, so she is getting as much flashy stuff as she can to show the world she is well-off. She is also completely unoriginal, and a huge copycat. I can tooootally see her being a Chelsea worshipper, with her picture perfect Pinterest lifestyle lol. 

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18 hours ago, Maharincess said:

I cringe when I see a man wearing open toed shoes. I just find it extremely unattractive.  Yuck.  A man could be great in other ways but if he wears any type of sandal, its a deal breaker. 

Lol. Love a guy in jeans or khakis and flip flops. 

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3 hours ago, Christina87 said:

Y'all, one of my coworkers just named her baby Watson!!! She is really fakey fake and tells anyone who will listen that she grew up poor, but married a well-off husband, so she is getting as much flashy stuff as she can to show the world she is well-off. She is also completely unoriginal, and a huge copycat. I can tooootally see her being a Chelsea worshipper, with her picture perfect Pinterest lifestyle lol. 

Sounds more like Kail, the queen of Pinterest and being flashy. 

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2 hours ago, AmyFarrahFowler said:

My husband gets pedi's with no polish. If he didn't have nice, taken care of feet I would definitely nix the flipflops. I can't stand scary claw looking nails.

I agree. You have a nice tidy foot with pink nails, bring on the sandals.  Your foot looks like something Mr. Hyde might be sporting, it's shoe time.  Male or female, makes no difference.

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To each their own, but flips on a man would be a deal breaker for me as well - nice feet or not. 

Actually, I don't even really like to see flip flops on women either. Feet freak me out. Unless we're at the beach, I really don't want to see them. 

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2 hours ago, poopchute said:

I think chelsea has a new nose and chin plus her dad gives Botox to her while grilling up hot dogs.

I think a lot of that is contouring and what she learned in aesthetician school. My friend who is an award-winning drag queen showed me how he can make his nose thinner and chin more pronounced with make-up. It was amazing. She's also lost weight from the first couple of seasons so that has changed her face as well.

But yes, the Botox is definitely a thing she's done from videos she posted. Lots of dentists apparently also do Botox. I can't hate on her for Botoxing it up- if my dad was a dentist who did Botox, you better believe I'd be getting it, too. (I did Botox in my late 20s - very early 30s...before I was pregnant and/or poor from kids. It helped with my migraines but also made the awful lines on my forehead basically unnoticeable. I can't hate on Chelsea taking advantage of Botox if her dad is doing it. Especially since she's on TV...as long as she doesn't end up Botoxing her face to the point where she looks like Marcia Cross on Desperate Housewives). 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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10 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I think a lot of that is contouring and what she learned in aesthetician school. My friend who is an award-winning drag queen showed me how he can make his nose thinner and chin more pronounced with make-up. It was amazing. She's also lost weight from the first couple of seasons so that has changed her face as well.

But yes, the Botox is definitely a thing she's done from videos she posted. Lots of dentists apparently also do Botox. I can't hate on her for Botoxing it up- if my dad was a dentist who did Botox, you better believe I'd be getting it, too. (I did Botox in my late 20s - very early 30s...before I was pregnant and/or poor from kids. It helped with my migraines but also made the awful lines on my forehead basically unnoticeable. I can't hate on Chelsea taking advantage of Botox if her dad is doing it. Especially since she's on TV...as long as she doesn't end up Botoxing her face to the point where she looks like Marcia Cross on Desperate Housewives). 

How did it help with your headaches? I have them daily (woke up with a killer this morning) and would be willing to try Botox if it gave me some relief. 

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Long-term migraine sufferer here.  Also woke up with one this morning!!! I did Botox for them many years ago, and it did help quite a bit. Unfortunately, I developed hives after the second round, and haven't had it since. This seems to be a very rare problem (my neurologist at the time had never heard of such a thing), so I would say give it a try.

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It paralyzes the muscles, which helps prevent them from tensing up and putting pressure on the nerves in the head, neck and shoulders. (When I had it, I had shots across the forehead, into the hair at the temples, and then down the neck and across the tops of my shoulder muscles).

It isn't necessarily a cure, but more of a deterrent to the headache escalating into a full-blown migraine. I still had migraines after the botox, but less often, and not as intense. I probably still needed meds when I did get one, but this was back in 2005 or so, so I can't recall.

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Awesome. Definitely makes me want to give it a shot. Ha I take Maxalt and it helps, but it makes me feel like a zombie once it kicks in.  This input makes me want to ask about it. 

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On 5/13/2017 at 9:36 PM, poopchute said:

I think chelsea has a new nose and chin plus her dad gives Botox to her while grilling up hot dogs.

Really Chelsea? I just thought she lost weight and made better makeup choices. 

It drives me crazy these 20-somethings getting Botox. But I guess if Randilicious can do it for free...

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3 hours ago, Jennifersdc said:

Really Chelsea? I just thought she lost weight and made better makeup choices. 

It drives me crazy these 20-somethings getting Botox. But I guess if Randilicious can do it for free...

Yep.    She had a cookout and did a Snapchat video while Randy was giving injections to her and a friend. 

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10 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

Chelsea didn't get plastic surgery on her nose or chin. She uses make-up. Just like Leah's nose looks bigger but only because she lost weight. 

I agree. Chelsea contours the shit outta her face ala Kim K. Ole Americana vest probably has no clue what Chelsea's real face looks like. She strikes me as the girl who jumps out of bed 10 min before her man to respackle.

Edited by Brooklynista
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4 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

I agree. Chelsea contours the shit outta her face ala Kim K. Ole Americana vest probably has no clue what Chelsea's real face looks like. She strikes me as the girl who jumps out of bed 10 min before her man to respackle.

You reminded me of the late Tammy Faye Baker. When she was on the show, Surreal Life (I miss that show!), she revealed she got up earlier than her spouse so she could do her face and hair before he woke up in the morning. She said he had never seen her without make-up. 

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7 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

I agree. Chelsea contours the shit outta her face ala Kim K. Ole Americana vest probably has no clue what Chelsea's real face looks like. She strikes me as the girl who jumps out of bed 10 min before her man to respackle.

I can only imagine what her pillow case looks like. 

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10 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

I agree. Chelsea contours the shit outta her face ala Kim K. Ole Americana vest probably has no clue what Chelsea's real face looks like. She strikes me as the girl who jumps out of bed 10 min before her man to respackle.

IN her case, maybe one hour instead of 10 minutes.

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If only the rest of the girls on this show had the problem of wearing too much make-up and not be the fuck-ups they are in other areas of their lives. Things would be simpler. 

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8 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

You reminded me of the late Tammy Faye Baker. When she was on the show, Surreal Life (I miss that show!), she revealed she got up earlier than her spouse so she could do her face and hair before he woke up in the morning. She said he had never seen her without make-up. 

The mere mention of that show brings tears to my eyes. I miss it too. Even that lame Fame Game season.

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On 5/17/2017 at 8:52 AM, GreatKazu said:

You reminded me of the late Tammy Faye Baker. When she was on the show, Surreal Life (I miss that show!), she revealed she got up earlier than her spouse so she could do her face and hair before he woke up in the morning. She said he had never seen her without make-up. 

So weird that you mention that show. I just watched the first 2 seasons on YouTube and am reading the old Surreal Life TWoP forum.  

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That's a nice picture. I like that top on Chelsea. Watson is a cutie but I can't figure out who he looks like. When Cole holds him I think he looks just like Cole, but when Aubree holds him I think he favors Chelsea's side. Either way, I'm happy to see one functioning family in this disaster of a TV show.

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Ahhh! I love babies in "big people clothes" like suspenders! What a nice, happy family. I wish all the other MTV kiddos had a 1/10 of the love, support and stability Aubree and Watson are going to have.

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