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Except Chelsea (and Cole)

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I think she probably did. A huge down payment, small monthly payments to build credit, and then paid in full. The new car is probably just a splurge. A splurge she happens to be able to afford. Moms that mostly stay at home usually get the nicer car while Dads drive the one that the miles are put on, correct? (Traditionally speaking)

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1 hour ago, Uncle JUICE said:

Guys, isn't it likely she paid for most of the house, or at least laid by enough money so that they aren't going to have the stress of a mortgage like most people? It's South Dakota, that house can't be more than what, $600K (which I think is probably overstating it by 25%, but let's be safe). We know she's got Aubree's college paid per Randy, why wouldn't she have used some of her clearly invested money to buy most of a house?

I don't know if she paid cash for the house, but I would bet she put down more than the standard 20%. If someone has the address, you can look it up on the county website. Some (not all) list the mortgage filed along with the sales history. I believe all counties in Florida do, and all counties in NY. Not sure about South Dakota.


I thought someone posted the Zillow link awhile back and I thought the house price was around $300K, but I might be thinking of Kailyn. I am not sure I would advise buying outright though even it was only $300K, let alone $600K. That would be 2-4 years worth of total take home pay, which is a lot of cash reserves to tie up in a an asset that would not be easy to liquidate in an emergency. And unlike other people in that income range, Chelsea has nowhere near that earning potential if TM2 came to an abrupt end.

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The listing was posted here once by me. ? I'm positive it wasn't over 300,000.  I think her county didn't list it on their website so I had to go the Zillow route. 

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I remember reading in the property transfers that Chelsea paid $228,000 for her place.  It's a nice place and only about a 10 minute drive to Sioux Falls.  She won't have any trouble selling it when she decides to move.

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If this is the most exciting thing to say about Chelsea then she will survive this show. 

Chelsea isn't the brightest bulb but I don't think she would do anything to harm herself/the baby during pregnancy and she would listen to her doctor regarding appropriate workouts.




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That's a really irresponsible article. As long as Chelsea's doctor gave her the go-ahead, there is no reason to believe she's endangering her child. In a healthy pregnancy, people can continue physical activities for a long time. Starting a new form of exercise (other than something mild like prenatal yoga) is a bad idea, but otherwise, lifting restrictions are for when there's a medical issue.

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I may be wrong and certainly do not mind if I'm corrected, but, I thought 50/50 custody had more to do with parental rights -like decision making- than actual time spent with each parent. 
Adam allegedly has 50/50 custody of what's-her-face-ee but doesn't get her every weekend. Probably doesn't want her, either, but that's for another thread.

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Not really. Primary custodian is what you are thinking about with decision making. For example, where the kids will go to school. This is usually the parent that has the kids more than half of the time. The parent they live with. The other parent gets visitation. If both parents can't agree on something, they can go to court and the judge makes the final decision for them. Basically.

Adam is stupid. He just likes the sound of saying he has 50/50 custody of Aubree. He doesn't. Adam doesn't even have 50/50 custody of his own brain. 

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Oh please. Women who exercised before conceiving are usually quite capable of continuing their normal routine, as long as there are no medical issues that put her at risk.  I have a friend who is 36 weeks and has been doing Crossfit the entire time. She is the picture of health. Chelsea will probably have a smoother labor because of staying active. That article is crap.

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33 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Oh please. Women who exercised before conceiving are usually quite capable of continuing their normal routine, as long as there are no medical issues that put her at risk.  I have a friend who is 36 weeks and has been doing Crossfit the entire time. She is the picture of health. Chelsea will probably have a smoother labor because of staying active. That article is crap.

But what gets me is that's all anyone can say about Chelsea. "Oh she's working out!", compared to the other drama in the lives of the TM2 and TM:OG women she's a snooze fest (in the best way of course). 

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7 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

But what gets me is that's all anyone can say about Chelsea. "Oh she's working out!", compared to the other drama in the lives of the TM2 and TM:OG women she's a snooze fest (in the best way of course). 

Heaven forbid that someone in the TM2 franchise make a good decision about their health!  Leah's exercise involves lifting bags of tinned food from the car and getting it on with various emotionally unattached men.  Kail eats crap and then moves the fat around her body and Jenelle's fitness is the least of her problems compared to jail, drugs and custody.  I agree that it is rather amusing that Chelsea's SCANDAL (!!!) is consulting with a doctor before undertaking exercise while pregnant. 

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Many people lease cars rather than buying, it doesn't make them financially irresponsible.  She'd had that Jeep for a few years and it likely wasn't too practical with a car seat.  PLus, her new ride is a Land Rover not a Range Rover (huge price difference).

Living where they do, if Chelsea is investing her Teen Mom money in her house & Aubrey's education, they will be fine with the show ends.  Combined income for the two of them will be more than enough to live comfortably, especially without a mortgage payment.  Chelsea is the Teen Mom I worry about the absolute least when it comes to finances.  Randy did that right.

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A lease is really just an expensive rental. You get new cars every few years, but you also have never ending car payments as well. Chelsea can easily afford the Land Rover, but in the big scheme of things it's a waste of money. It's a status thing, nothing more. 

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She's allowed to indulge on a few things that she likes though. As far as we can see Chelsea doesn't live outside of her means, she lives in an area with a very low cost of living, and it seems like she has some investments. For now she's raking it in with MTV -- I don't think it's bad for her to indulge on a car she wants when before this one she drove the same car for several years. She's not like the other girls all of whom have moved a million times and had a new car every six months. 

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According to the peeps over at Modern Topics, Chelsea has been adding baby girl's outfits ONLY to her Pinterest account in the past few days.

Edited by Katt
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A lease is really just an expensive rental. You get new cars every few years, but you also have never ending car payments as well. Chelsea can easily afford the Land Rover, but in the big scheme of things it's a waste of money. It's a status thing, nothing more. 

Your opinion of course.  Many economists view leasing as a sound option vs. 6-8 year auto loan with the average payment now greater than $500/mo .  And no, driving an older used vehicle with a higher propensity to break down is not always feasible, especially living in a fairly rural area, with young children.  

It's not like she bought a yacht.

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Many economists view leasing as a sound option vs. 6-8 year auto loan with the average payment now greater than $500/mo . 

Depends on how long you actually want to keep your car. And how much the car actually costs. $500 a month even on an 8-year auto loan would be an unnecessarily expensive car. But if the car is reasonably priced, and you have the credit to get a low interest rate, then it can sometimes come out cheaper to finance than to lease. There are a lot of variables. Personally, I don't buy cars just to chuck them three years later, so I've never had any use for leasing. If I'm going to throw my money away on a big ticket item that will never be worth any more than it was on the day I got it, then I'm going to get all the use I can get out of it for as long as I can get it until/unless the car goes to hell or I can replace it with a car so much better and nicer that it's worth it to toss the old one.

Edited by Chicken Wing
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I live in a city and I drive very little so my car is about 7 years old at this point and still works very well because  of low mileage. But if I drove a lot, I'd probably lease over buying, because I don't really know (or care to know) much about maintenance and all the fussy stuff that comes with having an older car-- I'm not a DIY person, and have no interest in being one, so I'd have to pay someone else to do it all the time. My dad also leases but, in his case, cars are his one indulgence in life. He certainly works hard and deserves it. 

I don't know about Chelsea but we know she can afford whatever her purchase plan is. She also had her old jeep for like 5 or 6 years. Maybe technically she's wasting money, or not being as frugal as she could be, but we all have things we think are worth indulging on (for me personally it's travel) and for the most part Chelsea isnt flying to New York to shop at Valentino, leaving Aubrey alone,every 4 weeks .

Edited by evilmindatwork
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I would say Chelsea is wasting money only in the sense that buying cars is by definition technically wasting money. But cars are a necessary waste of money we all must deal with in some financial form or another. And she's not like the other girls getting a new overly expensive gas guzzler every other year. She originally had that cute blue bug, then she's had that Jeep for at least four years or so. Maybe the Jeep was giving her issues. Maybe she felt that the new DeBoer family needed a new ride. Maybe she just felt like buying a new car just because she could. She certainly has the money to do so. The timing of the purchase seems unnecessary to me what with wedding preparations, a new baby coming and presumably house-hunting in the near future, but again, she can afford it so whatever.

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32 minutes ago, Tatum said:

Has Chelsea mentioned house hunting? That's weird to me. That's a pretty big house she's in now, and she hasn't been there long.

She and Cole previously looked into a buying a house together, but the owners accepted another offer. Chelsea seemed interested in getting another house that was "theirs." I didn't presume that idea went away when they lost out on that one house. I figured they'd still be looking to get another house sooner or later, especially now that they'll be a family of four. (I mean five. Sorry, Pete the Pig!)

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17 hours ago, evilmindatwork said:

She's allowed to indulge on a few things that she likes though. As far as we can see Chelsea doesn't live outside of her means, she lives in an area with a very low cost of living, and it seems like she has some investments. For now she's raking it in with MTV -- I don't think it's bad for her to indulge on a car she wants when before this one she drove the same car for several years. She's not like the other girls all of whom have moved a million times and had a new car every six months. 

And unlike the other Teen Moms, she hasn't thrown a ton of money away on plastic surgery and/or tattoos. 

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On 8/18/2016 at 0:58 PM, ChocolateAddict said:

Absolutely but with all the disposable income that the girls have they probably just see the constant upgrades as standard.  It's stupid for sure and I wonder if Chelsea was influenced by the other girls and their flashy cars as opposed to her Jeep (and whatever the other one was).  It's not a good financial choice especially before a wedding and maybe buying a house.  

Her second car was also a Jeep.


On 8/20/2016 at 10:46 AM, DoctorWhovian said:

These girls make well into 6 figures a year, even after taxes. Who's to say the jeep didn't have some issue that needed to be fixed, and the cost just didn't make sense when they could buy a new car instead. Or she just wanted to buy a new car and had no issue affording it. Or any other reason. Sure, these girls won't be making this money forever, but I doubt six years ago we'd have guessed they'd still be doing it now. Chelsea gets more leeway because, in general, she's not doing the same outlandish things as the other girls. But, lets be real, with the salaries these girls are making, of course they're going to spend. If I could afford regular vacations, I would do it too.


I have had 3 cars in 8 years. The first one lasted me for 12 years.  When my second car hit the 100k mileage mark, I began to have problems with it. It was going to cost big money to get certain things fixed. Living in So. California, gas can get pretty damn pricey here while it can be cheaper in places such as where Chelsea lives. The gas was costing me too much every month. The insurance was expensive as well. I then traded it in for a brand new, smaller car which in the end was cheaper for me.  I don't have MTV money, but I did what was financially better for me in the long run.

Chelsea took a vacation last year. Wasn't that the first one she has ever mentioned taking in all these 7 years?   Before that, she was going out with friends to concerts. In 7 years, she has been raking in MTV money. It is a good bet she has invested her money or at least has a large chunk put away.

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I wonder what Adam's excuse will be this time? Assuming this is for Aubree, I'm sure he'll pull the "Chelsea makes so much more money then me!" excuse again. I hope all his bragging about his fat TM2 check will come and slap him in the face. What a loser. I guess I know what his storyline will be for next season.

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It looks like two warrants were issued on the same day, a few minutes apart. I bet he hasn't paid support for Aubree or Paisley (or Paislee, Paisleigh, Payslee or however the hell it's spelled). What a low life piece of crap. We know Chelsea doesn't depend on child support to help make ends meet but I'm sure Taylor isn't rolling in dough and needs the child support Adam is ordered to pay to help her meet expenses.

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52 minutes ago, ChristmasJones said:

Given the disparity between their incomes, I am surprised that Adam needs to pay much child support. Do we know how much he has to pay per month? And how it is calculated there?

Most courts look at what both parents makes per month/year and what both custodial and non-custodial parents pay for the child's upkeep and make their decisions from there.   Plus, according to Adam's own insinuations, as one of the original dads he is in the same pay bracket as Chelsea http://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2016/03/12/adam-lind-exposes-chelsea-houskas-teen-mom-2-salary-during-instagram-rant/ , which the Ashley confirmed as true and she has pretty solid sources. Meaning he is probably being paid anywhere from 80 grand to the low six figures for one season. And really, unless he is penniless there is no excuse not to pay something for both of his children's needs. He was also supposed to be providing Aubree with healthcare, a very important and costly expense, and the last I heard he never got her any.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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I don't think he shouldn't pay anything....  I just wondered how they figure it out when one parent earns so much more. It sounds like he is making a decent amount from MTV (I thought it would have been lower). 

Is there any particular reason he has to provide health insurance rather than Chelsea? Or rather than them splitting the cost?

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Generally, both parents do split the costs. One parent has the responsibility to provide the coverage though. This is an expense factored into support. Think of it this way: if the child gets hurt and there's a bunch of medical bills because the child had no insurance at the time, the parent that was supposed to provide coverage will be responsible. If there is insurance, each parent is responsible for half of the "out of pocket" amount.

Basically. It gets complicated but that's the gist of it. Adam probably had a job that offered coverage when it was ordered. Chelsea is a contract worker so there is no group of employees to offer coverage to as benefit. So Adam got that responsibility and his support amount was calculated with that expense credited to him. Chelsea has Aubs covered anyway, probably through Papa Randylicious, but doesn't get that expense credit. It's just something she chose to provide on her own. Which, considering everything, seems to be a wise choice. 

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I find it bizarre that Adam thinks that one parent should shoulder all the costs for a child that has two parents. Chelsea earns more but even if she makes 10 times what Adam makes (and I doubt it) that doesn't mean that Adam shouldn't pay anything.  No one is saying that he should match Chelsea's contribution but Aubree is his child and he should bloody well contribute to her costs.  His child support doesn't match what Chelsea pays anyway.  I think that at one point Randy and Chelsea said that it barely pays for her weekly food.  Chelsea pays for her clothes, the roof over her head, her school expenses, her transport, her sport, her food and all the other expenses of raising a child.  Adam isn't living in a homeless shelter living off the dole.  He makes a reasonable income and legally (and morally) has to support his daughter.  

He bitches about how he wants Aubree more, about how Chelsea is a horrible cow for not letting him have her more often and then he goes and doesn't pay child support.  So in his mind, he deserves time with his daughter without paying a single dollar towards her upkeep.  He can't have it both ways, either he pisses off for good and never sees Aubree again or he stays around and contributes to the cost of keeping her fed and clothed. 

ETA: Adam says that he is oh so stable now so he really can't claim that he is flat out broke and unable to help out.

Edited by ChocolateAddict
Missed the double negative - sorry ChristmasJones!
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4 hours ago, ChristmasJones said:

I don't think he shouldn't pay anything....  I just wondered how they figure it out when one parent earns so much more. It sounds like he is making a decent amount from MTV (I thought it would have been lower). 

Is there any particular reason he has to provide health insurance rather than Chelsea? Or rather than them splitting the cost?

I think it's determined by income and how much time the child spends with each parent. Adam only has Aubree two weekends a month, which means Chelsea shoulders the bulk of her day to day expenses.

As far as the health insurance, I believe Adam was supposed to cover Aubree when he was with his old job but never put her on his policy. Chelsea ended up paying for it on her own. I'm not sure what the deal is currently, if she's asking to split the cost or wants him to pay it all, but I remember it was one of the things she was factoring in when she went to have child support increased.

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It's not based on the other parent's income, but on your own.

@Lm2162 -A dissomaster is used to calculate support and yes, it is based on both parent's income whatever that income may be including, but not limited to, wages, self-employment, unemployment, taxable disability, and other non-taxable income, public assistance, and both parents must supply both federal and state income tax information for the prior year. Some information that is required for the dissomaster is mortage payments, property tax, and health insurance costs.


Adam has no issue asking for more time with his kids because all he ends up doing is dumping the children with his parents. He rarely spends proper one-on-one time with his daughters.

Edited by GreatKazu
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11 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

@Lm2162 -A dissomaster is used to calculate support and yes, it is based on both parent's income whatever that income may be including, but not limited to, wages, self-employment, unemployment, taxable disability, and other non-taxable income, public assistance, and both parents must supply both federal and state income tax information for the prior year. Some information that is required for the dissomaster is mortage payments, property tax, and health insurance costs.


Adam has no issue asking for more time with his kids because all he ends up doing is dumping the children with his parents. He rarely spends proper one-on-one time with his daughters.

Yeah, I wasn't clear. But what I meant was that even if Chelsea was the richest woman in America and didn't have to work a day, he'd still owe child support (and rightfully so) unless he was literally 100% penniless. 

Edited by Lm2162
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10 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

Yeah, I wasn't clear. But what I meant was that even if Chelsea was the richest woman in America and didn't have to work a day, he'd still owe child support (and rightfully so) unless he was literally 100% penniless. 

And even if he was not working nor had any money, the courts would keep the case open and attach arrears. There is that chance the person will work. If they work, there is a tax refund that the state can garnish. There is also lottery winnings that can be garnished.

Not sure about South Dakota, but here in California, if one gets behind on their child support, they cannot register their vehicles and will get their driver's license taken away. People, like Adumb, cannot walk away from their obligations. They can, but the courts and the states they live in will make things harder for them.

Edited by GreatKazu
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The thing that kills me about Adam acting like Chelsea is using his funds to bankroll her lifestyle is its not like Chelsea just waltzes into court and gets whatever she demands. She still has to produce expenses, receipts, tax returns etc. As others have noted, there's a formula and the judge plugs in the numbers. It's not like Chelsea has single-handedly rigged the system in her favor.

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16 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

The thing that kills me about Adam acting like Chelsea is using his funds to bankroll her lifestyle is its not like Chelsea just waltzes into court and gets whatever she demands. She still has to produce expenses, receipts, tax returns etc. As others have noted, there's a formula and the judge plugs in the numbers. It's not like Chelsea has single-handedly rigged the system in her favor.

Plus, he bitches and moans all over the place about how incredibly stable he is. If he's so stable, why can't he pay child support? 

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18 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Plus, he bitches and moans all over the place about how incredibly stable he is. If he's so stable, why can't he pay child support? 

Because he's a selfish asshat.  He'd rather spend that money on cars and steroids.  

I absolutely love how stupid he is though.  Publicly bragging about his Teen Mom salary and the house he bought.  Gee, I wonder I why the court agreed that he should pay more bare minimum in support.

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On 9/17/2016 at 2:07 PM, BitterApple said:

The thing that kills me about Adam acting like Chelsea is using his funds to bankroll her lifestyle is its not like Chelsea just waltzes into court and gets whatever she demands. She still has to produce expenses, receipts, tax returns etc. As others have noted, there's a formula and the judge plugs in the numbers. It's not like Chelsea has single-handedly rigged the system in her favor.


He has so much anger directed at Chelsea. Anything that is connected to Chelsea, and it affects him, he takes it out on her. But sadly, he also takes it out on her by way of their child. He knows by hurting Aubree, by extension he is hurting Chelsea.

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On 9/18/2016 at 7:07 AM, BitterApple said:

The thing that kills me about Adam acting like Chelsea is using his funds to bankroll her lifestyle is its not like Chelsea just waltzes into court and gets whatever she demands. She still has to produce expenses, receipts, tax returns etc. As others have noted, there's a formula and the judge plugs in the numbers. It's not like Chelsea has single-handedly rigged the system in her favor.

Ummm OBVIOUSLY you haven't been paying enough attention. 

Corey used his impressive rhetoric to sway the evil judge away to take the girlses away from poor suffering Leah and Chelsea has used all her mathematical skills to fudge the numbers on child support because she hates the completely innocent Adam.  Where have you been for the past 6 years???

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