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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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Boy, the DeJesus witches really want to be famous don't they? Why are they even involved in this? Their show bombed because they were so damn boring. I remember reading interviews with the coven blaming the cancelation on the other 3 girls being so boring.

I'm surprised they didn't get a second season seeing as how they're milking this one for all its worth. Their ratings must have been horrible. I don't think I watched the entire season.

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I think liposuction should be first on her list, but maybe he's going to do both.  For sure she doesn't need a Brazillian Butt.


I'm sure "Dr. Miami" is doing it gratis for the publicity.  As trulovekiss said upthread, Kail believes any attention is good attention, so why not make a public spectacle of herself if she's going to do it.

A "famous" plastic surgeon is going to perform some procedures on two Teen Moms and a TM's sister on Sunday. He is reportedly known for doing surgeries such as vaginal rejuvination on Snapchat in real time.

One of the Moms is Kail. No word on what she is having done, or if it will be performed on Snapchat.




Ugh, so we have been trying to sell my moms house for nearly 6 months now, she passed away last year... My sister and I have a group text with the realtor, and my sister just used the phrase "open concept". Part of me wants to stab her in the eye, and the other part is kicking myself because the house is in Houston, and not Delaware... I totally could have sold it to Kail.

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My morbid curiosity got the best of me and I watched a little of the Snapchat surgery debacle so now I can say that I've seen Kail's hideously tattooed body getting fat sucked out of it. And her ass is GIANT now because of that butt lift. Like Kardashian status. The surgery definitely made a difference but now she has cartoonish proportions. Oh, and if anyone has brain bleach, please pass it my way. I've seen things nobody should have to see.

Edited by Spacecow
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I understand that child support is totally separate from however much money the other parent has and how he/she chooses to spend it but I seriously don't understand bitching and moaning how Jo's contribution doesn't even put a dent in the school tuition. Complaining about it like that makes it sound like she is struggling to afford it. Maybe don't get a butt lift while not being able to pay tuition? Did she get her chin(s) fixed?

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Liposuction and butt lifts.....just a normal occurrence in the life of a young American woman who had a baby in high school. Oh, wait......

Yeah, MTV you don't glamorize teen pregnancy and bad decisions at all.

(I assume Javi's mom and sister are caring for Lincoln - and possibly Isaac - while she is in Florida having this done. Must be nice to have all those free, available babysitters who watch kids for multiple days/nights at a time....just another thing most teen moms have, right? /sarcasm)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 9

Liposuction and butt lifts.....just a normal occurrence in the life of a young American woman who had a baby in high school. Oh, wait......

Yeah, MTV you don't glamorize teen pregnancy and bad decisions at all.

(I assume Javi's mom and sister are caring for Lincoln - and possibly Isaac - while she is in Florida having this done. Must be nice to have all those free, available babysitters who watch kids for multiple days/nights at a time....just another thing most teen moms have, right? /sarcasm)

I'm sure Javi's family has Isaac, because Jo sure as hell won't get Isaac for an extra second outside of their agreement. If Jo has Isaac because it's because it's his normal time I'm sure.

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Her body was very lumpy and shapeless which is funny to me because in all of her instagram pics she makes herself look so slim with those damn waist trainers + photoshop. I don't have anything against plastic surgery but having it done on Snapchat is a new level of famewhore-ness. And feel free to send the brain bleach in the general direction of Denver ;)

Edited by Spacecow
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Here are the Before and Afters.  




"First up on the operating table was Kail, who was undergoing a Brazilian butt lift, liposuction on her neck, and a tummy tuck. In case you were unaware, a Brazilian butt lift consists of removing fat from undesirable parts of the body (waist, arms, back, etc.) and then injecting it back into the butt and hips to create a more curvy figure."


So if I'm reading this right, her chin(s) are now in her ass?  How lovely.


I do have to admit the tummy tuck part looks good, even before she's healed from the surgery.  They didn't really show her neck/chin in the article and I'm scared to watch the video, so not sure how that came out.  I can't believe one of them (not Kail) underwent the labiaplasty on snapchat.

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Wow, that Doctor has a star studded list of patients doesn't he? Everybody from Octomom to Michael Lohan. I'm impressed.

Karl is getting ready for Javi's deployment by getting this surgery. I'm betting that she files for divorce while he's gone.

I like tattoos and have some myself, but Karl's work is horrible.

What is it with all of these girls wanting big butts? I don't understand why somebody would go through all of that pain and effort to get a bigger ass. How are all of these injections and implants going to look in 10 or 20 years?

This kind of thing is getting out of control in my opinion, these days plastic surgery is as normal as having your nails done for these girls.

Edited by Maharincess
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Well, I feel sufficiently traumatized now. 


I think it was really dumb of Kail to do a butt lift/implant. Her body is just not naturally curvy. She has more of an athletic build. She could certainly lose some weight and tone up and look very nice, I've never thought Kail was hideous or anything. But giving HER body type a Kardashian style butt is just ridiculous. I want to see an "after" pic, fully clothed. 

Edited by ghoulina
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My morbid curiosity got the best of me and I watched a little of the Snapchat surgery debacle so now I can say that I've seen Kail's hideously tattooed body getting fat sucked out of it. And her ass is GIANT now because of that butt lift. Like Kardashian status. The surgery definitely made a difference but now she has cartoonish proportions. Oh, and if anyone has brain bleach, please pass it my way. I've seen things nobody should have to see.

I watched the entire thing (including Brianna's labiaplasty holy CRAP WHY) because I am a glutton for punishment (and I'm almost done with nursing school and this was fascinating from a medical standpoint to see the surgeries performed). But omg. Between her tummy tuck, the violence of the Lipo, and the fight club level of...pink slurry injected into her ass. My god. I think I can safely say I wouldn't work in a plastic surgeon's office.

  • Love 5

So I'm guessing some of that child support money went towards Karl's plastic surgery. I wouldn't be surprised.

Jeebus she looked pretty bad before surgery though..just unhealthy. But I think it's nothing working out and losing weight wouldn't cure. I don't understand this plastic surgery craze, especially with the butts. Why get a huge butt on purpose?

Edited by MsSilverSpecs
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Y'all.....I watched some of the Kail's surgery stuff. While I'm annoyed that these girls are portrayed as struggling teen moms but get procedures most of us moms with degrees, jobs, and employed partners can't get (because kids, mortgages, and bills are expensive), I kind of understand why Kail would have lipo around her neck. I carry weight in my and neck and it's always the absolute last thing to go when I lose weight. It's extremely difficult to thin out your face and neck, particularly if you carry weight there and don't have much of a neck to begin with. Plus, people are always harping on Kail's chins. So I kind of get that. I'll own up to the fact that before I had a child and had expendable income, I had some Botox in my forehead a couple of times for deep lines (which consequently also helped my migraines, but that's honestly not why I got the Botox...it was for wrinkles).

In all honesty..If MTV wanted to give me a show called "Early 30s Educated & Employed Mom" and a doctor offered me free procedures to thin out/help out my neck/chin area, I'd go for it. I'd also consider a tummy tuck, cause yeah, after I had my nearly ten pound baby, my muscles spread. And I'd even consider (but be too chicken, I'm sure) to get a small boob job, just up to a B or small C to fill out what's deflated into As after pregnancy and breastfeeding. But as for lipo in other areas, I think I'd stick to dieting and the gym. The garments you have to wear after the procedure sound awful. And no way would I go for a bigger butt. How do you find clothes without having them altered? Surely this big butt craze is going to run its course and these chicks will look ridiculous. And the recovery for that procedure looks like no fun and takes about a month. The doctor and MTV would also have to supply a live-in nanny for when my husband was at work, cause we don't have a "Javi's mom," or anyone, who could come stay with us for an extended period of time like that to care for our child.

That butt lift looks like a ridiculous procedure. I'm not opposed to plastic surgery - as I said I'd take some free procedures myself (and pay for them if all of a sudden became wealthy) and had help while recovering. But I'm not on a show about how hard it is to be a Teen Mom. I never posed for a "Beauty is size less" campaign. I am not a crunchy, granola mom who doesn't vaccinate etc. (cough Kail cough).

And for the record, while Kailyn had some extra fat on her body, she looked to me like an average American woman - not a bad body at all. Considering she's had two kids and breastfed at least one, I was jealous of how full her breasts still were. Kail was, IMO, a normal, pretty woman without her clothes on (except those ugly tats). I hope someone told her she didn't really need all these procedures and was pretty normal naked.

And Briana.... with the bigger boobs and a labiaplasty....she's going into porn, right? I mean, my nearly ten pound baby tore my inner labia during birth and let's just say, months later when I finally worked up the nerve to look down there, things did NOT look the same post-baby AT ALL. But the only person who sees that is my husband and he was there for the birth (and is a RN), so he knows what happened and that he had a hand in it since it happened having his son. Unless something was causing her discomfort or she's going into porn where her labia will be on display, I also think that was ridiculous.

Javi gets upset when Kail is alone with Joe but basically anyone who was brave enough to look saw most of her naked body last night. I mean, I'm a perfect stranger complimenting her boobs. How is he okay with that?

ETA: Sorry this post is a long rant session.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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Karl  has chin city because she likes to eat microwaveable foods and all that junk food. She wasn't born thick with no neck.  She and Catelynn have something in common: food.  It is not that Karl has always had a fat neck and an endless sea of chins. Check out her earlier seasons (a  marathon is on right now) and you will see she didn't carry that much fat. The girl was pretty damn slim from her neck to her thighs. I guess Kail's exercise plan didn't work. Well, no exercise plan will work if one continues to eat frozen fish sticks, pizza, and whatever is easy to pop in the oven or microwave.  Good luck on this procedure, Karl. Just like exercise, a healthy diet and motivation, being slim now from medical intervention won't last if you continue to eat the way you do. 

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I could be wrong, but I'm kind of guessing that the surgery was free in trade for the publicity.

Isn't this guy a famous plastic surgeon? I did read the client list of the PR Firm that represents him and Kail, but I can't believe that this guy really needs this much publicity. I checked out the photos and hell, they look pretty good. I would think he'd have a line out his door of people wanting to see him. Hell, now I want to see him. Dammit Kail!


For real, though IF she did pay for this, even a small portion, I really don't want her complaining about struggling to take care of Isaac when she's trying to live the lifestyle of the rich and famous. Javi better watch out. She starts thinking she's "FINE", she's going to want to upgrade her man.

Edited by MitaJo
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I watched the entire thing (including Brianna's labiaplasty holy CRAP WHY) because I am a glutton for punishment (and I'm almost done with nursing school and this was fascinating from a medical standpoint to see the surgeries performed). But omg. Between her tummy tuck, the violence of the Lipo, and the fight club level of...pink slurry injected into her ass. My god. I think I can safely say I wouldn't work in a plastic surgeon's office.

I didn't know you went to nursing school, I recently graduated too and I'm taking the nclex in a few weeks.

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Let me guess, Javi's mother and one of his many sisters are taking care of the kids the while Kail recovers? I suspect they're doing most of the child rearing given Kail's book tours, countless vacations, club appearences, and plastic surgery procedures. And speaking of plastic surgery, I hope she doesn't become addicted to it like she's addicted to getting shitty tattoos!

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Karl is getting ready for Javi's deployment by getting this surgery. I'm betting that she files for divorce while he's gone.

For a guy as jealous as Javi, I can't believe for a second that he's not concerned that his wife just got lipo and a new booty right before he's being deployed. While the cat's away, the Karl will play.

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Isn't this guy a famous plastic surgeon? I did read the client list of the PR Firm that represents him and Kail, but I can't believe that this guy really needs this much publicity. I checked out the photos and hell, they look pretty good. I would think he'd have a line out his door of people wanting to see him. Hell, now I want to see him. Dammit Kail!


lol I know... I'm not a fan of the ginormous butt surgery (on anyone), but I thought he did a very good job on the rest of her even working around the tattoos. I'm not in the market for plastic surgery but if I were, I'd be tempted. He seems pretty good.


I am confused by the client list. It's all of these tabloid "stars" (Octomom, Tan Mom, Teen Moms, etc.) but maybe they're the only ones that will let their names be sold?  It's like he's famous among the infamous. Honestly it seems like his photos should kinda sell themselves. Maybe he was hoping people on the various forums would be talking about what a good job he did and become clients (like we are?  hehe... kidding, sort of)

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Let me guess, Javi's mother and one of his many sisters are taking care of the kids the while Kail recovers? I suspect they're doing most of the child rearing given Kail's book tours, countless vacations, club appearences, and plastic surgery procedures. And speaking of plastic surgery, I hope she doesn't become addicted to it like she's addicted to getting shitty tattoos!


One of my first thoughts on seeing her pics was that she must have been planning the surgery for awhile, and that's why her front and butt weren't covered with tattoos. The entire rest of her seems to be. When I saw the after pics I was wondering how long before her front had  (ETA or will have) crappy tats all over it too. And of course, her new butt.

Edited by NikSac

I didn't know you went to nursing school, I recently graduated too and I'm taking the nclex in a few weeks.

Congratulations leighroda! How exciting! Good luck to you. 



Best of luck!!! I graduate in May with my ADN. :) i have nightmares about select all that applies.

Congratulations to you too Mya! This is great. I wish you both the best. I had a desire to be a nurse for the longest time when I was growing up. Such a wonderful profession. 


Oh good god. What on earth did my eyes just see here??? Kail is definitely on the famewhore train. 



So if I'm reading this right, her chin(s) are now in her ass?  How lovely.

Yes, all 50 pounds of her chins. I guess her ass will quiver now when she gets riled up. 


The plastic surgeon has sure caused some controversy and has offered up people free plastic surgery in exchange for publicity and free advertising for himself.  




I am confused by the client list. It's all of these tabloid "stars" (Octomom, Tan Mom, Teen Moms, etc.) but maybe they're the only ones that will let their names be sold?

This plastic surgeon seeks out patients who want work done for free (per the article I posted above) so he can advertise his business. He must be in cahoots with the agents or managers of these Zzzzz list personalities. 

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Best of luck!!! I graduate in May with my ADN. :) i have nightmares about select all that applies.

Im gonna send you pm, since nursing is off topic :)

I guess I can't really blame Kail for the neck lipo, seeing as her chins are often fodder for discussion here, and as said above that's kinda a hard area to lose weight/tone. But I do judge the dr for being snap chat famous, that's just weird to me, I don't know why, there are plenty of surgery shows but it just seems sketchy.

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the dr for being snap chat famous, that's just weird to me, I don't know why, there are plenty of surgery shows but it just seems sketchy.

Oh, I think you know why! Because it's f*ing bizarre!!!

I saw the pics on TMZ and actually felt sorry for her, wondering if she knew she consented to pics during the procedure splashed across the tabloids. After all, Kate Gosselin and Kim Zolciak had tummy tucks on their shows, and the pics released were not so graphic.

But Kail agreed to having her surgery performed in snapchat???? That is crazy to me. Seriously, the kids at her sons school must have seen and that poor child is probably getting teased mercilessly.

Edited by TaxNerd
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For a guy as jealous as Javi, I can't believe for a second that he's not concerned that his wife just got lipo and a new booty right before he's being deployed. While the cat's away, the Karl will play.

Deployment or not, I'm surprised he allows it at all. Well that makes it sound like I think a wife needs a man's permission and I don't think that. I guess I'm just thinking that if I told my husband I was going to have these massive surgeries done he would very adamantly express his displeasure. I guess if it's free that's not an issue but I think a lot of people would not want their spouse having painful and risky procedures done for no real reason. I know someone here will now tell a story anout their wonderful husband who was supportive of their plastic surgery and I am sure those men do exist but I just don't understand it. It absolutely would not be my family's priority but to each his own I guess.

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Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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