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Maddie said that Meri was a monster in her tweet.

Paedon said that he couldn't say everything about Meri because he didn't want to end the show for his parents.

Christine cut Meri off from her kids.

I think this thing with Meri is bigger than we think.

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Isn’t there a passage in their book, Becoming Sister Wives, that addresses the split between Meri and Christine having to do with a fight over how severely Meri disciplined some of C’s children?

I believe that Meri probably did physically discipline some of the kids—not all of them likely got fair and equal punishment for the same offenses. I can’t imagine that Leon got the same treatment as Maddie for a similar offense, for instance.

Paedon talks about how Kody smacked his bottom or tapped him on the face a few times (he admits he was a smart mouth), but didn’t think it was undeserved or a big deal. So I imagine whatever Meri allegedly did was more severe.

Another tidbit in the interview was that Christine told Paedon that Kody was trying to have TLC (or the production co.) draw up contracts for some of the adult kids to sign saying they would be prohibited from talking negatively about Kody on any platform.

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6 minutes ago, Libby said:

Christine cut Meri off from her kids.


When did Christine cut Meri off from her kids? She packed up Ysabel and moved her into Meri's around the same time.

There is no excuse for abuse at all. I have not heard any accusations of physical abuse against Meri but I can see how she could have lost her shit in that system. I can see a case for verbal abuse. I actually don't think anyone is denying that Meri was problematic. All the adults struggled with emotional regulation, but hers was the most abrasive for sure. 

The physical abuse accusation we have heard is from Gwen - about Paedon. Normal roughhousing is normal. Bullying to the point that they no longer speak is not normal. Gwen said it was relentless. The aggression in that house was unchecked and allowed to fester for years - by all the adults.

I also think there is an abuse of the word abuse, as it gets bent through many different perspectives and lenses. When we look at the kids behaviors - it's not to judge the kids but to examine the context. The more rebellious ones HATE Meri. The rule followers loved her. Ysabel, Gwen, Logan and even Hunter ( who was angry but didn't take out his aggression on younger siblings).

I think if Paedon want's to make such an accusation he should make one.  Of course.  But don't lump it into a giant "tea spilling" interview designed specifically to light up social media and garner more attention. I feel like we can question Paedon's motivation and credibility without invalidating his experience. 

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I might be way out of line typing this, oh well, but I’ve suspected for a looong time that Meri might enjoy a little drinky. She often seems a little off in her reactions. Her talking heads last season (or maybe the one before) were very slurred and odd. She didn’t talk like that at all in the early seasons. It might be something else entirely though. *shrug*

I could absolutely see her throwing slaps around quite readily to anyone that wasn’t her kid, either way. Didn’t she and Janelle get physical way back at the start? I don’t believe for a second that Janelle would be the one to start that - Janelle just walks off in a fight. 

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1 hour ago, Auntie Freeze said:

I don’t believe for a second that Janelle would be the one to start that - Janelle just walks off in a fight. 

lol off camera I could totally believe Janelle went off. She said she stuffs and stuffs and stuffs and then blows. 

None of them had healthy communication or coping skills 

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5 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

When I wrote above, I was angry because I was sensitive to the undertones in his interview. It's clear that I do not agree with his many problematic views. However I didn't mean to invalidate his experience through his lens. My issue is more about how that lens was formed. I am not entirely sure his stories are credible. Do we find it odd that he "confirms" everything we knew? Why now? Why is he doing these TikToks and explosive interviews? Well he lives for drama - from his own mouth.

So I question  Paedon's motivation in this "explosive interview." He is attacking Gwen, Leon and Leon's mother and I don't think that is a coincidence. Certainly every family member has a right to their opinion and their perspective, but he frequently speaks on behalf of all the Brown children - which he should not.  There are a multitude of inconsistencies, and given the context of his offensive statements, I'd say he's prone to massive exaggeration. He has a narrative, that he wants to create and sell. He also has people he wants to punish. We've seen this same behavior in Kody. Paedon knows exactly what to say to fuel fires.

So while I understand this is his lens. We have to put these stories context. He's been incredibly cruel to two of his siblings. It's not a coincidence that he's craving and loving the attention. Mykelti too, just made a patreon account. 

Sometimes I wonder if we, the audience are doing the kids a disservice by encouraging the exploitation of family drama. Perhaps we should pay for their therapy bills rather than inflammatory tea.


One thought. Paedon was the first to interview with social media. Gwen the second. Gwen did it smarter, made a bundle in the first month with Patreon subscribers. 

Maybe a little sour grapes? Just me wondering. 

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One thing that comes across to me in Paedon's interview, Gwen's youtube recaps, and Gabe, Savanah, and Ysabel's talking heads is that these kids love their father.

Paedon says over and over again what a great father Kody was until he was 12. He says that he hopes to have a good relationship again with Kody some day.

Gwen says that Kody is trying to do better. She tries her hardest not to put Kody down as she recaps the episodes and listens to all of his crazy talk.

Gabe cried when he was telling the audience about his birthday conversation.

Ysabel and Savanah jump through hoops to excuse him after he let them down.

I'm sure that all of Kody's kids with the first three wives feel the same. They love him. It breaks my heart.

I don't know how Kody lives with himself. His children with the first three wives love him and long for his company and he treats them so horribly. Then he tells them that it's their own and their mother's fault that he treats them that way.

There's a special place in hell for people like Kody.

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That interview could have been so much shorter. Trim the fat and make it an hour. And the main host was awful. Speaking of the host, I vaguely remember who he is but who were the women on the screen? Top right looked very familiar. No idea who bottom right was or why she was there. And the woman with John…his mom or sister?? 

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physically discipline

I dislike that phrase. I don't think there is any type of "physical discipline" that is appropriate or, for that matter, healthy and effective. 


Paedon talks about how Kody smacked his bottom or tapped him on the face a few times (he admits he was a smart mouth), but didn’t think it was undeserved or a big deal.

That is sad to me in multiple ways - that any parent thinks that is appropriate and that any kid grows up thinking that's no big deal. That Paedon thought it was no big deal and may someday use these methods on his own kids. 

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4 hours ago, Adiba said:

Another tidbit in the interview was that Christine told Paedon that Kody was trying to have TLC (or the production co.) draw up contracts for some of the adult kids to sign saying they would be prohibited from talking negatively about Kody on any platform.

Ahhh ha ha ha ha.....Or WHAT? 

Here, please legally gag yourself and your point of view, for no benefit to yourself.

Wow! Where do I sign? 


Edited by eskimo
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Did Paedon call Kody abusive? For taping his mouth shut? Because to me that is abusive.

IIRC, Maddie went on her Meri rant after Meri fired Maddie when she was helping Meri with LLR.

I never allowed any of my kids to get away with anything because of their gender. To me roughhousing is physical play with no intent of hurting each other - no punishment needed. Name calling and hitting out of anger, IMO are behaviors that need correction whether the child is male or female.

I'm sure Paedon was very jealous of the Robyn 3, just as his mom was jealous of Robyn, but that does not mean his bullying should be tolerated. IIRC, when Paedon admitting to bullying the Robyn 3, he was actually smiling.

Robyn appears to be raising mean girls and Christine raised a bully. Paedon gets no passes from me because he is male.

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15 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I agree - everyone's perception is unique to them. The way I understood the statement is Paedon, now as an adult, is saying Robyn by virtue of joining the family, saved his life when he was younger. 

And again, where were his 3 other parents when this was happening?

I think TLC needs to suspend filming and initiate an investigation. Maddie said Meri was an abuser and now this. It could be Gwen (?) said she was a “sweetie” because she was:is afraid of her.

Apparently, Christine found out about the “disciplining” of children and her relationship with Meri switched after that (see Meri thread with recap of Paedon’s interview). When Robyn came into the family, they learned about signs of abuse because Robyn had experienced that. 

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I can totally see Meri being verbally, emotionally, physically, and financially abusive. She’s jealous and resentful, and I can see her taking out her own frustrations on some loud kids. I can also see Christine ignoring her kids loud obnoxious behavior just to pick back at Meri. Both have potential to be total Mean Girls. Meri bc she is Mean to the core, Christine bc she’s the Royal princess and is dramatic. 
Now Robyn - if she stopped some abuse, I guess there is some good in her actions, but she’s going to use anything she sees as potential to innocently make herself look angelic and the other wives bad, so if there was a hint of abuse, I’m sure she jumped right on the rescue wagon to benefit herself as munch as the abused person. She’s not as outwardly sour as Meri yet, but I still don’t trust a word out of her mouth or any single action she does. 

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If Meri beat those kids then she truly is a monster. If Meri beat those kids then Janelle and Christine are monsters too. I wouldn't allow anyone to strike my child once, never mind allow it to continue to happen to the point of them nearly dying.

Or is Paedon conveniently using Robyn as an end of they abuse because the cameras show happy kids with no signs of abuse of neglect?

I really don't see Janelle and Christine as moms who would allow their children to be beat. I don't even see Kody as someone who would allow his children to be abused.

I truly hope Paedon is lying because no child should be abused.

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I think Paedon is a troubled soul, who is enjoying all the attention. I am sure there was conflict between Meri and some of the kids. I'd bet a sizable amount of money he is exaggerating problems between Meri and some of the kids.

I am sure Meri probably lost her shit (verbally) with some of the kids sometimes. She didn't want them running through her quarters in the Levi "plyg" house. She didn't want the girls dressing immodestly (remember her telling Mykelti that she shouldn't see so much of her skin). She took all the kids to task when they were bullying Robyn's kids early in the relationship. She is also prickly and difficult, but I do not believe she was a threat to their lives.

I find it interesting that Gwen, whom we know Paedon hit, says Meri is a "sweetie," but won't have a relationship with Paedon (and, if I recall correctly, Christine could not leave Gwen alone with Paedon, when they were in Vegas). 

For me, the above makes me doubt Paedon's allegations. I wonder if Meri witnessed Paedon mistreating Gwen and/or other kids, and if he's now trying to cast aspersions on her.

There are too many kids, too many moms, and a father who, for all his faults, flaws and narcissistic tendencies, does have affection for his children, for there to have been some life-threatening abuse situation in the Brown family that no one knew about, until St. Robyn floated down on a sunbeam.

Janelle, Christine, and even Kody might have tolerated Meri being hard on the kids in a way that reasonable people could disagree as to whether or not it was emotional abuse. They might have tolerated the kind of corporal punishment that reasonable people may disagree as to whether it's not it's abuse (so a spanking or a slap, but not beatings or other life-threatening actions). I don't think Janelle, Christine, and Kody would have tolerated physical abuse. And in a family this big, I don't buy that they wouldn't have known about it.

In a monogamous 2-parent home, or a single-parent home, physically abused children feel they have nowhere to turn. One parent abuses them, and if there's a second parent, they enable it. It's not that hard to keep it a secret, or go into denial about it. That would not be the case in this huge herd.

No matter the flaws in the Brown family organization, they all seem to be decent-enough people, who love the kids, and mostly try do the best with what they have. Kody's biggest flaw (family relationship-wise) is that he has narcissistic tendencies (and imo, polygamy has fed those tendencies), but even he tries to be decent, in his limited way.

And Robyn, having escaped a previously abusive marriage, might have pointed out that some of Meri's behavior with the kids was unhealthy. But she let Meri take Breanna with her to Utah, when Meri was trying to fix things with Leon (post catfish/emotional affair). I don't think Robyn would hand her little girl off to someone from whom she had to save the other kids' lives.

I don't even think Robyn would hand her little girl off to someone she thought would be mean. Robyn has a lot of flaws, but she seems far more likely to be over-protective than to hand over her kid to a threat. She also seems to be be closer to Meri than to anyone else (save Kody). The only time there was a chill between them was after the "catfish" revelations. She wouldn't have worked Meri so hard to stay with the family, if she thought Meri was a threat to kids.

If Meri had been a threat to these kids' lives, neither Janelle nor Christine would have tolerated it, and one of the more well-adjusted older kids would have pled their case to the parents.

I call b.s.

Edited by General Days
word omission
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8 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Did Paedon call Kody abusive? For taping his mouth shut? Because to me that is abusive.

IIRC, Maddie went on her Meri rant after Meri fired Maddie when she was helping Meri with LLR.

I never allowed any of my kids to get away with anything because of their gender. To me roughhousing is physical play with no intent of hurting each other - no punishment needed. Name calling and hitting out of anger, IMO are behaviors that need correction whether the child is male or female.

I'm sure Paedon was very jealous of the Robyn 3, just as his mom was jealous of Robyn, but that does not mean his bullying should be tolerated. IIRC, when Paedon admitting to bullying the Robyn 3, he was actually smiling.

Robyn appears to be raising mean girls and Christine raised a bully. Paedon gets no passes from me because he is male.

I think it was said Kody tapped his mouth not taped.

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I can totally see Meri being a parent who walks around with a wooden spoon in her back pocket ready to strike at anything that upset HER. Which the threat of can be as terrifying as the action to a kid. Beatings, prob not. Frequent spankings for any instance that frustrated Meri, absolutely. 

I can also see Robyn milking everything for all it’s worth to Saint-ify herself even more. Paedon is as dramatic as kody and Christine combined, so there’s that. 

Robyn sent Breanna with Meri as a spy. 

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22 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I didn't watch the video, but from the description I don't know of another way to interpret it. Could you please explain?

On another note. I wouldn't put too much weight in Paedon's shit talk. He was raised by professional truth stretchers and outright liars. I'm sure his suffers from my fish was this big syndrome.

I can't explain without breaking the "rules".

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2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

If Meri beat those kids then she truly is a monster. If Meri beat those kids then Janelle and Christine are monsters too. I wouldn't allow anyone to strike my child once, never mind allow it to continue to happen to the point of them nearly dying.

Or is Paedon conveniently using Robyn as an end of they abuse because the cameras show happy kids with no signs of abuse of neglect?

I really don't see Janelle and Christine as moms who would allow their children to be beat. I don't even see Kody as someone who would allow his children to be abused.

I truly hope Paedon is lying because no child should be abused.

If he’s lying or exaggerating, he should be held accountable for that. It’s not something to be taken lightly.

It’s out there now it needs to be investigated on all fronts. You can’t just say that and expect nothing to happen. 

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There was a lot going on in Brown family in those early years. Despite what Meri has said about not being jealous of Janelle/Kody, her being overly affection with him in front of Janelle speaks for itself. And she was admittedly jealous of Christine. Everyone acknowledges that Christine was brought in to calm the waters. 

Then they bring children into this. And Meri only has one, then goes through years of infertility treatments that don’t pan out. Meanwhile, J & K are literally popping them out one after another. 

We know enough about Meri to know that was a hard pill to swallow EVERY DAY. I can easily, very easily see her resenting those children. Add in the fact that she is a lot more tightly wound than any other wife (pre-Robyn), and I get why some of the kids would say she was strict. 

I’m not discounting anyone’s lived experiences, but I can’t really see Meri being physically abusive. She was likely the strictest mother figure they had.

Janelle was working most of the time and probably tired and passive when she was home. Christine had to be overwhelmed. How could she not be? She was in a constant cycle of pregnancy, home schooling, child rearing (ALL the kids, including Meri’s) and work. When the father of those children was asked for help, he refused. So, yeah. I could see her being like screw it. Let them climb the walls for a little while. I have morning sickness again and I have to make dinner for 15 people.

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3 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

If he’s lying or exaggerating, he should be held accountable for that. It’s not something to be taken lightly.

It’s out there now it needs to be investigated on all fronts. You can’t just say that and expect nothing to happen. 

I doubt any investigation will happen after so much time has passed. Unless he's accusing her of sexual abuse I'm guessing the time frame would prevent any punishment. And even if it involved sexual abuse a child has limited time to press charges after reaching adulthood/or remembering the incident(s). And the adult child would have to press charges, not TLC or their parent.

TLC filmed the Duggars for more than a decade and the Bates for a few years. Both families believe in harsh punishments and "instant obedience" from their children. Also the Duggars had at least two scandals break over the course of the show. They didn't get cancelled by TLC until the third and arguably most egregious scandal.

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24 minutes ago, Mother of Odin said:

It's probably against the GLADD guidelines that this forum follows.

But there are ways to respect the guidelines. I don't have to deadname (i.e. use the name Kody and Meri gave to their only biological child together) Leon, in order to note that Paedon did. I can even say that, by deadnaming Leon, Paedon seems to be rejecting their identity and disrespecting their wishes.

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11 minutes ago, General Days said:

But there are ways to respect the guidelines. I don't have to deadname (i.e. use the name Kody and Meri gave to their only biological child together) Leon, in order to note that Paedon did. I can even say that, by deadnaming Leon, Paedon seems to be rejecting their identity and disrespecting their wishes.

That's the way I see it too. We can't be disrespectful or spread hate but we can quote and discuss the negative comments Paedon has said.

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Based on what Paedon said, I think that there's only two options. Meri beat some of the kids, or Paedon is outright lying. He said,

1. Mean and abrasive weren't strong enough words to describe Meri's behavior.

2. Kody flicked his mouth and paddled him. He said that when Kody did these things he was being a good father. He said that he deserved these punishments. 

3. He said that whatever Meri did went beyond verbal. He said that verbal didn't exist with her.

4. He said that he couldn't say exactly what went on because he was afraid it would get the show canceled.

I don't think that there's much room to think that Meri was just strict. If he thinks lip flicks and paddling is ok, whatever Meri did, had to be worse than that.

I believe Paedon. Maddie, Christine, Janelle, and Kody have also alluded to Meri being abusive in my opinion.

One other thing, Paedon has admitted that he was aggressive toward others. It's very common for children who are hit to hit other people.

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5 minutes ago, Libby said:

Based on what Paedon said, I think that there's only two options. Meri beat some of the kids, or Paedon is outright lying.

It's hard to say "lying," only because he didn't specify what he meant. I do not believe he is being truthful, though. That's why I said, "I call b.s."

6 minutes ago, Libby said:

4. He said that he couldn't say exactly what went on because he was afraid it would get the show canceled.

I don't think that there's much room to think that Meri was just strict. If he thinks lip flicks and paddling is ok, whatever Meri did, had to be worse than that.

I believe Paedon. Maddie, Christine, Janelle, and Kody have also alluded to Meri being abusive in my opinion.

If Meri physically abused him and/or his siblings, that 24-year-old-man shouldn't care if their TV show gets cancelled.

I think he thinks he's being smart. He's implying physical abuse, while propping himself up with the "I can't go into specifics," so no one who is in the know can really prove he's being dishonest, but I think he is being dishonest. He understands what he's implying.

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56 minutes ago, Libby said:

One other thing, Paedon has admitted that he was aggressive toward others. It's very common for children who are hit to hit other people.

Actually its not common for children who are hit to hit others. Most don't. It is more likely that an abusive adult has abuse history, though.

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Didn't I read that Paedon said he would likely be dead at the hands of Meri if not for the arrival of Robyn?

How much more pointed could he get? He said his step mom almost killed him. I don't think sharing the details of said abuse is worse than saying that. So if he's worried about TLC cancelling (IMO, they won't), the cat is already out of the bag.

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I don’t think Paedon is lying about Meri hitting him and some of the other kids.

I don’t have to agree with someone about their other opinions about social or world issues (particularly Queer issues) to believe them about other things. 
I do think, however, that Paedon is using hyperbole to make his point about Meri—and he shouldn’t if he wants to be taken seriously. He’s a 20-something guy that is coming off a little cocky, which may rub some people the wrong way. 
Paedon is telling his story about his childhood, so of course all of the other kids in the family may not have had the same experiences or feelings as him. If I wrote a memoir about my childhood, I’m sure that there would be things in it that my siblings did not experience, remember or agree with.

FWIW, I found this excerpt from Becoming Sister Wives 



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2 hours ago, General Days said:

But there are ways to respect the guidelines. I don't have to deadname (i.e. use the name Kody and Meri gave to their only biological child together) Leon, in order to note that Paedon did. I can even say that, by deadnaming Leon, Paedon seems to be rejecting their identity and disrespecting their wishes.

Too many landmines surrounding this issue. I'm not getting banned. I shouldn't have posted.

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life-threatening abuse situation

Abuse doesn't have to be life threatening to still be abuse. And we do know of at least one situation of life threatening neglect - when Truley was ill and ended up in kidney failure and Kody, who was the adult in charge of her care at the time, didn't notice. If nothing else, it seems to me that those kids all grew up in a pretty chaotic household, with so many young children and a rotating cast of adults responsible for them at any given time. Plus seeing how "well" Kody and his wives agree on and communicate about expectations, I'm sure the "rules" were not clearly outlined and enforced. It's hard enough to do that with two parents and one kid.


I doubt any investigation will happen after so much time has passed. 

CPS is more likely to investigate if the alleged perpetrator still is responsible for the care of minor children and is still in their jurisdiction (and information is provided that enables them to locate the alleged perpetrator). Even if it's not possible to take legal action against someone for abuse, that isn't CPS' sole focus; they also are focused on stopping and/or preventing abuse of other children. Paedon could report and provide Meri's contact information but given that Meri is seldom (if ever?) responsible for the care of minor children, this would probably be a low priority investigation. If the allegations were against Christine or Robyn, who both have minor children at home, they would be more likely to investigate. 

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19 minutes ago, General Days said:

I absolutely agree with you. The issue is that Paedon said, "Robyn probably saved several of our lives."

I don't believe him about that.

Could he have meant that if parents ignored any abuse that may have taken place the affected kids may have gone off the rails and resorted to a defiant, dangerous lifestyle?

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I have to think Paedon was exaggerating.  While I could maybe see Meri swatting a younger child on the rear, I can't see her literally beating a child nor can I see the other parents or older children permitting it.  

Robyn, who supposedly stopped it, I could see easier being abusive since she thought nothing of kicking a dog.  

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Paedon is playing a dangerous game at the moment because it won't take too much time for the fandom to realize...

If his allegations are true to the extent that he seems to be insinuating. Then he is also implicating his mother.

Christine, Janelle, and Kody are negligent. We've seen prior evidence of this anyway. 

I don't know what Paedon's definition of abuse actually is since he seems to be saying some was  "justified" while Meri's was "beyond." But if his life was truly threatened then all the adults in that house are at fault. 

And then after the incident,  they went on Sister Wives to "sell us their happy family."

Edited by Tuxcat
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Paedon was intentionally and purposefully nonspecific. Who knows if the alleged abuse was actually beating with an object, smacking with a fly swat, or one of the more modern yet weird “spare the rod” but lock them out of the house, hot sauce on the tongue, cut up their favorite toy type abuse.

One of my great grandparents didn’t hit her kids, but she’d make them sit at the table with no plate and no food while everyone else ate, or lock them in a dark closet but leave the window open for the Boogeyman to come and get them. Not hitting, definitely abusive, and for very minor offenses like not completely wiping their feet or cutting a loaf of bread crooked. 

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15 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Did he say what he was referencing was prior to the show?



He says when Robyn first entered the family which was before filming occurred or at the very least before the show aired. And I can't recall if he confirmed the measles story. I think he did? and if that's true then yes it would have been well before filming when Robyn came in as savior angel. Either way, Paedon seems to insinuate it was ongoing "beyond" and Christine said "harsh." So they knew - and did nothing.... or there is much more to this story. Sounds like the family was one complete ball of messy and irresponsible adults.

Edited by Tuxcat
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If Paedon's goal is to increase the hate Meri receives - mission accomplished. But what he is also doing is increasing the hate of all his parents. Even in the eyes of the law a parent who allows another to abuse their child is culpable.

So now his mom, who said she left Kody for the kids, waited a dozen years after a decade of abuse? That doesn't make much sense to me.

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1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:

What is the measles story?

The measles story is that the whole family had an outbreak of measles which caused a long delay before the first year of filming. 

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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

That doesn't make much sense to me.

None of it makes sense. These are the nebulous ramblings of a Lost Boy who insinuates situations but does not give specifics just to turn attention to himself.   His sisters are out making money off of SM so what better way to be noticed than to suddenly come forward with stories designed to stir up a big pot of controversy.

I think he's going to be really sorry he did this shortly.  It was impulsive and poorly thought through and I get he's getting it from all sides right now.  Accusations of abuse are very serious and if he's hinting at things that are simply a child responding to discipline, that's very immature and irresponsible.

He himself was accused of bullying and aggression.  He needs to think very carefully about his statements - stories on social media never go away.

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