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S17.E21: Climbing Down From Decision Day


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I just saw a sneak preview on the MAFSFan IG site and it showed Cam saying that he has no intention of ever speaking to Clare again; Orion suggests to Lauren that being friends with benefits would be beneficial to both of them; Becca is crying and wondering if she is going to have ANOTHER meltdown (or maybe it is Emily - I can't tell, but it doesn't matter.) And Michael and Chloe celebrate their one month anniversary with more sex.

This is definitely going to be recorded and if I can watch it in less than 10 minutes using FF, I won't bother to record another episode. There are more shows coming up, including one with 2nd chances in the title - and that just goes through March. Apparently, there are more shows in April. Do you think Lifetime is laughing at us for even tuning in? I have an image of a bunch of people in a room trying to come up with stupid ideas they think we will watch.


Edited by CM-CrispMtAir
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8 hours ago, Retired at last said:

I just saw a sneak preview on the MAFSFan IG site and it showed Cam saying that he has no intention of ever speaking to Clare again; Orion suggests to Lauren that being friends with benefits would be beneficial to both of them; Becca is crying and wondering if she is going to have ANOTHER meltdown (or maybe it is Emily - I can't tell, but it doesn't matter.) And Michael and Chloe celebrate their one month anniversary with more sex.

So pretty much the same as last week but without all the “protecting?”

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Chloe wants to force Michael into her desired lifestyle. She looks askance because he might not want 500 animals and 5 foster kids? C'mon. Don't know if this is real or a set-up by the producers to give them conflict.

Becca should get a makeover. Color and cutting her hair would do wonders.


Just had an idea how MAFS can extend the season even more: Married to a Producer at Second Sight


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I don’t say this in support of Austin by any means, but Becca constantly presenting herself to him like a cat in heat probably didn’t help matters.  But at the end of the day, he simply wasn’t sexually attracted to her . . . and that’s okay.  I would just respect Austin a lot more if he flat-out admitted it.  It would definitely sting, but I have a feeling that Becca would, too. 

1 minute ago, Retired at last said:

I still have 2 more hours before it is even on here, so thanks for the comments. You do really help me decide if I want to watch. 

Hey, if we have to suffer, you should, too! 😂

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HA! Austin DID GO "OUT WITH A PRODUCER"! Yeah, he lied to ALL of us, but some of us weren't  fooled!

5 minutes ago, Retired at last said:

On the preview, I think it showed Chloe saying she wanted 5 foster kids at a time. How long does she plan to foster each group?Is she planning to stay home and raise them?

I still have 2 more hours before it is even on here, so thanks for the comments. You do really help me decide if I want to watch. 

"Plan/planning"? 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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Lauren, WTF.  On behalf of all women, why are you entertaining this nonsense?!  A man dumps you like a bag of dirt on your honeymoon and you sit there weeks later, discussing being “more than friends” with him?  I hope that she was at least reimbursed for the gas she burned getting to the archery place. 

Edited by VioletNevermind
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15 minutes ago, Retired at last said:

On the preview, I think it showed Chloe saying she wanted 5 foster kids at a time. How long does she plan to foster each group?Is she planning to stay home and raise them?

I still have 2 more hours before it is even on here, so thanks for the comments. You do really help me decide if I want to watch. 

If you want to see animals and games, watch.  Otherwise, don’t waste your time.  Bunch of B.S.

Edited by kristen111
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Let the analysis begin and the women tell each other in their vocal fry just how amazing they are.  

14 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

Is Chloe high in the hot tub?  She is weird.

LOL, Chloe is always high on everything, senior animals, disabled cows, goat poop, older foster kids and so on and her fake tears at the sight of the cow, she's too much 🙄

46 minutes ago, kikicat said:

Chloe wants to force Michael into her desired lifestyle. She looks askance because he might not want 500 animals and 5 foster kids? C'mon. Don't know if this is real or a set-up by the producers to give them conflict.

Becca should get a makeover. Color and cutting her hair would do wonders.


Just had an idea how MAFS can extend the season even more: Married to a Producer at Second Sight


Ha ha they already did that sort of, one of the guys married the expert!

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56 minutes ago, VioletNevermind said:

Between the animal sanctuary and Chloe’s gaggle of foster children, I think Michael was just given his easy out.  Start picking out which producer you want to spend decision night with! 

Yep, he's thinking..... do I look a farm boy wtf?  What is wrong with Chloe, I've known a lot of people in my lifetime and I've never met anyone quite like her.

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42 minutes ago, VioletNevermind said:

Lauren, WTF.  On behalf of all women, why are you entertaining this nonsense?!  A man dumps you like a bag of dirt on your honeymoon and you sit there weeks later, discussing being “more than friends” with him?  I hope that she was at least reimbursed for the gas she burned getting to the archery place. 

This show is so poorly scripted, it's nuts.  Even Emily almost in the same position as Lauren, talking to her friend and claims she's grieving...... that just insulted and disgusted me 😕 These people have ruined their lives by going on this show basically showing who they are, def not marriageable.

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I have finally figured out the secret of this show... the participants get paid by the word. They get double for "like." I hope Austin got only half because he mumbles so badly, I need subtitles to understand him.


Chloe must be joking about the 500 animals and 5 foster kids

She says that like someone who has absolutely no idea what being a foster parent or running an animal sanctuary entails. In her defense, I don't think anyone really knows until they do either.

I follow a woman on instagram who started and runs an animal sanctuary. She started with one goat, living in her house. I don't know how many hundred animals she has now but she sold her home and bought a farm, has an army of volunteers and has to constantly fundraise. She has posted about how she spends more time on fundraising and social media than she ever imagined, just to get enough money to feed and provide basic vet care to the animals. She is no longer married and has no children - when would she have time?


Lauren, WTF.  On behalf of all women, why are you entertaining this nonsense?!  A man dumps you like a bag of dirt on your honeymoon and you sit there weeks later, discussing being “more than friends” with him?

Yes. They also used a lot of words to basically say:

Orion: I regret divorcing you. Let's date.

Lauren: I don't want to waste time on a guy who has already dumped me once.

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Chloe:  This is the most responsible and fulfilling relationship I've ever been in.

Michael:  Crickets.

He has more reservations after hearing about all the foster kids and rescue animals.  I couldn't believe she was serious about all that.  Is she trying to scare him off?  If she didn't want to she'd hold back a little on the numbers but no.  So I feel like she's acting yet again and/or seriously unrealistic.  Can't believe what comes out of her mouth.  Is the show making her exaggerate for drama?

Whatever, Chloe is a BS artist.  She is not being her authentic self and even Dr. Pia who's like a stopped clock that's only right twice a day sees it.

How much did they pay Lauren and Orion to even talk to each other much less do stuff together again on camera?

That scene with the aura photographer - what a pile of BS.  She had to have background info. on them.  It was too spot-on.  She was probably a friend of Becca's or one of her photographers.  Come on, I'm not that naive!  This show is nothing but scripted nonsense anymore.

Austin seems like he's admitting he didn't do right by Becca but wah, wah, too little too late.

Haven't watched the hour long Afterparty yet but will soon.


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2 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Chloe:  This is the most responsible and fulfilling relationship I've ever been in.

Michael:  Crickets.

He has more reservations after hearing about all the foster kids and rescue animals.  I couldn't believe she was serious about all that.  Is she trying to scare him off?  If she didn't want to she'd hold back a little on the numbers but no.  So I feel like she's acting yet again and/or seriously unrealistic.  Can't believe what comes out of her mouth.  Is the show making her exaggerate for drama?

Whatever, Chloe is a BS artist.  She is not being her authentic self and even Dr. Pia who's like a stopped clock that's only right twice a day sees it.

How much did they pay Lauren and Orion to even talk to each other much less do stuff together again on camera?

That scene with the aura photographer - what a pile of BS.  She had to have background info. on them.  It was too spot-on.  She was probably a friend of Becca's or one of her photographers.  Come on, I'm not that naive!  This show is nothing but scripted nonsense anymore.

Austin seems like he's admitting he didn't do right by Becca but wah, wah, too little too late.

Haven't watched the hour long Afterparty yet but will 

18 hours ago, Maximadc said:

just realized that Becca is 32 and Austin is 28.

Austin is 31.

18 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

She says that like someone who has absolutely no idea what being a foster parent entails

She clearly has not even come close to doing it. I have a friend who adopted her daughter out of foster care. She was single (she’s married now) and her daughter was a teen when she came to live with my friend (she’s grown now!). I’ve known other foster parents too, though not as well. I can tell that Chloe hasn’t even looked at the application, let alone started with home visits, etc. I actually don’t think a placement would be wise until her relationship with Michael is more stable.

Emily was whining about how their husbands didn’t text them … was I the only one like “y’all broke up, what do you want them to say?” I’ve said here that I firmly believe in no contact after a breakup. I think Brennan’s friend was talking about closure … like, the case is closed, is it not? They were all strangers before and it’s not weird to me that they’ll go back to being strangers.

There was a moment when the chyron identified Austin as Brennan, which made me laugh.

Edited by Empress1
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1 hour ago, kristen111 said:
4 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Chloe:  This is the most responsible and fulfilling relationship I've ever been in.

Michael:  Crickets.

He has more reservations after hearing about all the foster kids and rescue animals.  I couldn't believe she was serious about all that.  Is she trying to scare him off?  If she didn't want to she'd hold back a little on the numbers but no.  So I feel like she's acting yet again and/or seriously unrealistic.  Can't believe what comes out of her mouth.  Is the show making her exaggerate for drama?

Whatever, Chloe is a BS artist.  She is not being her authentic self and even Dr. Pia who's like a stopped clock that's only right twice a day sees it.

How much did they pay Lauren and Orion to even talk to each other much less do stuff together again on camera?

That scene with the aura photographer - what a pile of BS.  She had to have background info. on them.  It was too spot-on.  She was probably a friend of Becca's or one of her photographers.  Come on, I'm not that naive!  This show is nothing but scripted nonsense anymore.

Austin seems like he's admitting he didn't do right by Becca but wah, wah, too little too late.

Haven't watched the hour long Afterparty yet but will 


I don’t believe one thing about Michael and Chloe.  Plus, I wish she would stop licking her lips.  Freakin annoying.

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What has happened to Chloe that she wants to love and care for all the wounded animals and children?!? Micheal very reasonably says, I’m on board with your dream as long as it’s two children and a handful of animals, as I don’t feel like I can give my best to care for more than that. And she looks at him like he just let her non-existent children and animals die in the streets. Chloe then doubles down that her five-at-a-time foster children will each need their own bedroom. Who is paying for this 6-bedroom farmhouse?!?! Doesn’t she have some type of a non-profit job? Michael is a project manager. She goes on and on about how healthy their relationship is, but she doesn’t seem willing to compromise at all on this very extreme dream of hers. Meanwhile Michael seems very willing to say I never thought about fostering or having an animal sanctuary but I will do a manageable version of that dream for you. Why isn’t that enough? Then she’s shocked that he “doesn’t have enough information” to say yes tomorrow. There’s definitely something missing there that Chloe is not seeing the disconnect that she’s not going to get 500-1000 wounded animals, five foster children (who will each have their own challenges that will take a lot of care and attention), and Michael. At this rate, it sounds like she wants to start one of those ranches for wayward children. Maybe she should start by going to work for one.

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I actually don’t think a placement would be wise until her relationship with Michael is more stable.

When I was working with prospective adoptive families, a couple had to be married a minimum of one year before we would start the home study. 


What has happened to Chloe that she wants to love and care for all the wounded animals and children?!? 

She has a serious savior complex that I find concerning. 

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Why would Chloe go on this show at this time in her life?  If she's just about to embark on all these big plans, why would you marry a stranger at the same time?  I mean if you've ever watched this show, you know the odd  of the experts even matching you with someone that you have anything in common with are slim to none, so do you really think they found the one in a million guy that wants to foster 5 teenagers and open a zoo all while being newlyweds?  Also, it appears that she does okay for herself (although not sure we ever saw where she lives) but does she really have the money for any of this dream?   Maybe the foster kids, but certainly not for an animal sanctuary.  

Edited by Katie111
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12 minutes ago, Katie111 said:

Why would Chloe go on this show at this time in her life?  If she's just about to embark on all these big plans, why would you marry a stranger at the same time?  I mean if you've ever watched this show, you know the odd  of the experts even matching you with someone that you have anything in common with are slim to none, so do you really think they found the one in a million guy that wants to foster 5 teenagers and open a zoo all while being newlyweds?  Also, it appears that she does okay for herself (although not sure we ever saw where she lives) but does she really have the money for any of this dream?   Maybe the foster kids, but certainly not for an animal sanctuary.  

Maybe she wants a partner to share the work and the expense of her dreams?

I don't think that people realize how much money it costs to do animal rescue. I think Chloe would do better to volunteer at an established rescue. She seems to love the interaction with the animals and she would be a great volunteer with her background in non-profit management. People always seem to want to start their own non-profit and it's often a duplication of efforts for another organization that has an established infrastructure and funders.

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I haven't even watched yet, but I remember when one of the female "experts" (I think Pia) went to her home - I'm pretty sure it was an apartment, and when she was asked where her nightstand was she explained that she's a "minimalist" - which she also told Michael on their honeymoon.  I call BS on her entire thing.  (Although at the time I suspected she had moved her nightstand to the storage room to keep the "expert" out of it 😂)

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After watching the episode as well as the Afterparty, I am convinced that once Clare realized her marriage was over that she actively tried to get the others to end their marriages as well.  It was really interesting that Becca (during the Afterparty) said she had some texts between Clare and Cam and he immediately said he had all of them in context and not selected ones.  Also, when Cam took responsibility for bringing up double dating to Brennan and Clare immediately went after him for it (it was a clip from last week) after which Cam said Clare told him to back her up when she put the blame on Brennan.  I think they are all liars, but it is interesting when we finally get to hear a different perspective and recollection.  

Cam also brought up that Emily actually cheated on Brennan which Becca tried to defend and put the blame on Brennan (but she also acknowledged that it happened).

I so want to know what actually happened throughout the season and not just the sob stories the producers showed us.

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