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S05.E24: Cabin Fever

Tara Ariano
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 I can't seem to find why Leah took Corey to court?  Here's the full description:


Jenelle and Barbara clash over Jace's behavioral difficulties; Kailyn tries to get the children ready for Javi's return; Leah takes Corey to court; Chelsea learns of Adam's new girlfriend.

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It seems, according to reading some articles, Chelsea feels Adam can just come and go as he pleases, go out, party, date, whatever he does, and do it with ease because he doesn't have to tend to Aubree whereas she, as the primary parent with primary custody, cannot do the same. I think it is similar to the gripe Maci Bookout had with Ryan when she said he could come and go as he pleases because the parents are there as his back-up. Adam has the same luxury. 

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It seems, according to reading some articles, Chelsea feels Adam can just come and go as he pleases, go out, party, date, whatever he does, and do it with ease because he doesn't have to tend to Aubree whereas she, as the primary parent with primary custody, cannot do the same. I think it is similar to the gripe Maci Bookout had with Ryan when she said he could come and go as he pleases because the parents are there as his back-up. Adam has the same luxury. 

I like Chelsea, but them's the breaks when you choose to procreate with an irresponsible douchebag. The only way to ensure Adam has less free time to party is to give him more custody of Aubree. It's a lose-lose either way. 

Edited by BitterApple
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How long have Chelsea and Adam been broken up? At some point, shouldn't you stop caring that your ex has a new girlfriend?


It pains me to say it, but I think she'd take his loser ass back in a heartbeat if he showed any interest.  


I've been watching the 16 and Pregnant episodes of these girls on HuluPlus and, wow, this dude was an absolute douche canoe from "go."  


I'm actually sort of perplexed how he continues to get girls willing to bang him (much less PROCREATE with him) after seeing how vile he is on this show.


Then I remember, well, he is on this show and that's probably why the girls continue to flock around him.  


The mind, it boggles.  

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It pains me to say it, but I think she'd take his loser ass back in a heartbeat if he showed any interest.  


I've been watching the 16 and Pregnant episodes of these girls on HuluPlus and, wow, this dude was an absolute douche canoe from "go."  


I'm actually sort of perplexed how he continues to get girls willing to bang him (much less PROCREATE with him) after seeing how vile he is on this show.


Then I remember, well, he is on this show and that's probably why the girls continue to flock around him.  


The mind, it boggles.  

I said this once on TWoP, but I think the only reason that Chelsea hasn't done something like get knocked up again is because she doesn't want to do anything to permanently sever ties with Adam.

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How long have Chelsea and Adam been broken up? At some point, shouldn't you stop caring that your ex has a new girlfriend?

Didn't someone in a previous thread mention that Adam is currently dating a stripper? When I first read this, that's what first came to mind for me. I don't blame Chelsea for being concerned about what kind of women Adam is bringing around Aubree. I think most mothers would be. That said, Chelsea still is way too attached to the jerk.

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We were rooting for you, Chelsea! We were ALL rooting for you!

I still have hope for Chelsea. She needs to go to therapy for her issues with being attracted to losers. I remember in her 16 and Pregnant episode she said she'd been in therapy for depression(I think) and she was trying to sort out why she likes douchebags so much. I don't know if she continued with therapy but she needs to go back if she stopped.

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Is she out of her fucking mind? Chelsea has always been a dim bulb, but this is just above and beyond. Also, not to mention, this type of nonsense is going to confuse poor Aubree. It's great when people can co-parent and be friends for their child's sake. It's irresponsible to give small children the impression that Mommy and Daddy are a couple and they're going to be a happy family. Can't wait to see what happens when Adam eventually knocks up Baby Mama #3 and bails yet again.

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sneak peak:




In this exclusive clip, Chelsea tells her bestie, Chelsey Grace, all about how Adam has a new girlfriend named Jessica — which brings us to Taylor.  "She's like 'I'm so sorry for always posting pictures of Aubree because now I understand what it's like,'" Chelsea explains. "Because Adam's bringing their kid around a different girl.”
“And I'm like, 'Don't text me trying to relate.' Don't be my friend…don't come to me. I don't want to sit there and talk s—t about Adam with you. I don't care about what you think, all I care about is my situation, bitch.’"

The reign of Shady Chelsea is upon us.

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sneak peak:




In this exclusive clip, Chelsea tells her bestie, Chelsey Grace, all about how Adam has a new girlfriend named Jessica — which brings us to Taylor.  "She's like 'I'm so sorry for always posting pictures of Aubree because now I understand what it's like,'" Chelsea explains. "Because Adam's bringing their kid around a different girl.”

“And I'm like, 'Don't text me trying to relate.' Don't be my friend…don't come to me. I don't want to sit there and talk s—t about Adam with you. I don't care about what you think, all I care about is my situation, bitch.’"

The reign of Shady Chelsea is upon us.


Wow, way to be mature Chelsea. Why not respond with something like, "thank you for the apology, I appreciate it" and keep it moving? 


Seriously, Adam must be hung like an elephant to have all these stupid bitches fighting over him.

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I remember Chelsea stopped going to the counselor because she said the counselor was telling her the things her friends were already telling her, and why should she pay someone to tell her what everyone else was saying?  Completely disregarding the fact that EVERYONE was telling her because it was true.  She didn't want to pay someone to tell her what she didn't want to hear.


I guess she's still stuck on the "I want us to be a fammmmillllyyyyyy-uhhh!" dream that so many teen mothers seem to have.  My teen mother cousin won't let go of her loser baby daddy (to whom she's been "engaged" for over 4 years) because she is bound and determined to "be a family" with him.  Sigh...

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Gosh, maybe she's taking a family picture for Aubree because douche that he is, he's still her baby daddy and it's something nice for Aubree to have. It doesn't mean she's still hung up on Adam. He was likely her first love so maybe there'll always be a slight ping, but I doubt Chelsea would seriously consider going back to him and if she did Randylicious would disown her. It's not like she's looking longingly at the idiot.

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My sentiments exactly. Is Aubree not supposed to have a photo of her parents together? Ever? What kind of logic is that? My Facebook feed is filled with several friends who have taken photos of their kid with their ex on their kids' first day of school because you know, that ex is their kid's parent. When I saw that article and the photo, I wondered how long before it ended up here with speculation that Chelsea is playing family with Adam.


Aubree's father is Adam, until he dies. Even when Chelsea finds another to spend her life with, Adam will remain  her father. As much as that pains us, there is not a damn thing anyone can do to change that. Aubree is allowed to have memories and she is allowed to have photos of her parents together. Thank goodness that douchebag showed up for her first day of school. Hurray! Even better that Adam was willing to pose for a photo with Chelsea. Some exes are so aghast at being seen in a photo with their ex.  Now, Aubree will have that good memory to cherish along with a nice photo. God knows that child has had so many other disappointments in life to remember, she deserves to have this moment without the speculation that Chelsea took that photo with an ulterior motive in mind.

Edited by GreatKazu
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I agree that having photos taken with an ex doesn't necessarily mean she wants him back.  When my son graduated college I asked his dad to pose with us for a photo so our son could have a photo with both his parents.  However, I never cared about my ex having girlfriends because as long as they weren't inappropriate for my son to be around I just didn't care.  I may be wrong, but were there ever any indications that Taylor was inappropriate for Aubree to be around?  As far as the "stripper", well, it is still a legal job.  I have a friend who worked her way through college as a "bikini model" because it paid well.  She is now an engineer.

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I think one of the issues might be that Adam moves in with these girlfriends that he has barely met. Also, Adam is supposed to have visitation at his parents' home, not his place or anyone else's place. He has taken Aubree to his place with Taylor, playing family man. Now, he has dumped her and moved in with Jessica. Aubree is going through this revolving door with her dad, seeing a new "step-mom" in her life.  Adam will certainly make sure Jessica plays mommy to Aubree just like he had Taylor do.  Imagine if it was Chelsea who had two or three guys in Aubree's life? 

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God knows that child has had so many other disappointments in life to remember, she deserves to have this moment without the speculation that Chelsea took that photo with an ulterior motive in mind.

Except Chelsea made it public. People are going to speculate.

Edited by BitterApple
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My sentiments exactly. Is Aubree not supposed to have a photo of her parents together? Ever? What kind of logic is that? My Facebook feed is filled with several friends who have taken photos of their kid with their ex on their kids' first day of school because you know, that ex is their kid's parent. When I saw that article and the photo, I wondered how long before it ended up here with speculation that Chelsea is playing family with Adam.

Aubree's father is Adam, until he dies. Even when Chelsea finds another to spend her life with, Adam will remain her father. As much as that pains us, there is not a damn thing anyone can do to change that. Aubree is allowed to have memories and she is allowed to have photos of her parents together. Thank goodness that douchebag showed up for her first day of school. Hurray! Even better that Adam was willing to pose for a photo with Chelsea. Some exes are so aghast at being seen in a photo with their ex. Now, Aubree will have that good memory to cherish along with a nice photo. God knows that child has had so many other disappointments in life to remember, she deserves to have this moment without the speculation that Chelsea took that photo with an ulterior motive in mind.

If foolish Chelsea hadn't put that picture out there, there would be no speculation. By sharing it with a world of strangers, she should expect judgment and speculation. Maybe she should have taken a Polaroid and put it away for Aubree's eyes only. Edited by DangerousMinds
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Excuse me, I am only referring to the comment that was posted with that photo above that reads, "Chelsea's not over him". Nothing in that photo indicates Chelsea has an ulterior motive or that she is not over Adam. THAT is what I was responding to. As if every photo Chelsea takes with Adam means she is not over him. Also, the article makes it clear why and where the photo was taken. That is all I am referencing. If there was no information to back up the photo, I too would speculate since Chelsea has made the mistake of going back to that loser.

Edited by GreatKazu
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You know Leah, all the money you blew on Mary Kay, your 3000 washer/dryer set, your awful hair, nails, vacations, etc, could have went to your little girl's medical bills.  Stop whining and manage your money better!!!!

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Leah KILLS me with the amount of likes she uses in a conversation.  UGH


Chelsea, dear gosh!  She is over the top tonight.  The baby voice, the cussing, the awful conversation. I did NOT need to know that about her laser hair removal. I'd be embarrassed to be her parent!

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You know Leah, all the money you blew on Mary Kay, your 3000 washer/dryer set, your awful hair, nails, vacations, etc, could have went to your little girl's medical bills.  Stop whining and manage your money better!!!!

No lie. $3000 for a washer/dryer set? For that kind of money, that set had better wash, dry, iron, fold the clothes and put them away for me and knit me socks out of the dryer lint

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What skeeved me out was she said it in that ridiculous high pitched baby voice. Now that made me feel icky. Put some bass in your voice if your going to talk about your lady bits. At least sound like a grown woman.

And is it me, or was the Chelsea baby voice on full tilt the entire episode.

Edited by Brooklynista
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I think Barb is doing a bad job with Jace. She WAS the superior choice for a parent/guardian of Jace, given the state Janelle has been in the past few years, but her lack of effective parenting skills is really starting to show now that Jace is getting older. She should have more tools in her tool box than just screaming. I mean, even Kail demonstrates better parenting skills than she does at this point.


My heart just breaks for Jace. He has been deal such a crappy hand in life. He has been surrounded by domestic violence, mostly in the form of screaming, since was born. He IS damaged by that. His brain has not been able to develop properly in such an environment. And unless one of the adults in his life gets it together enough to be calm, loving, and consistent with him, his problems are only going to get worse.


I predict he will have serious conduct problems by the time he is in middle school, and it will go downhill from there.

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My heart broke for Jace even more while his Grandma, mom, and new daddy talked about him as if he weren't sitting right there with them.

Barb said something along the lines of "If you don't start behaving, you can't live here anymore."

Like the poor kid doesn't have enough shit to deal with.

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Gosh, maybe she's taking a family picture for Aubree because douche that he is, he's still her baby daddy and it's something nice for Aubree to have. It doesn't mean she's still hung up on Adam. He was likely her first love so maybe there'll always be a slight ping, but I doubt Chelsea would seriously consider going back to him and if she did Randylicious would disown her. It's not like she's looking longingly at the idiot.

Thank you! I agree a hundred percent. She took a picture with her daughter and her daughter's father, how in the world does that mean she wants him back?!

As for her face being so close to his, her face is next to her daughter, otherwise she'd be cut out of the picture.

I think its nice for Aubree to have things like this. I don't see how it would confuse her or make them think they'll all be together again.

I also don't think she would take Adam back. I think she finally sees his true colors and wouldn't put Aubree through that again.

I would imagine Chelsea got the hair removal because maybe...she wanted to?

My 5 year old granddaughter came to spend the night last weekend. We had a great time. She has been taught her whole life that no means no, she's a great kid.

That said, I'm younger than Barbara and by the time my granddaughter went home, I was worn the hell out. As good as she is, I couldn't imagine having her full time and raising her myself.

Grandchildren are meant to be fun. You get to spoil them and play with them and have a great time, then send them home until next time.

This should be the calm, relaxing time of Barbara's life. I feel so bad for her.

Leah has my popcorn popper. I can not stand microwave popcorn. IM surprised she makes real popcorn. Its much cheaper and so much better than that microwave nasty shit.

Edited by Maharincess
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While I agree that Barb yelling at Jace as a means of discipline isn't helping, I find it laughable that Jenelle has the gall to give Barb parenting advice. She's never raised Jace. She put all of her responsibilities on Barb. Barb has the right to be frustrated. She shouldn't have to raise a four-year old at her age. She doesn't have the energy or patience. It's easy to solely blame Barb for the way Jenelle turned out, but Jenelle made a her own choices. Some kids are defiant no matter what lengths you go to as a parent to properly raise them.

If Corey is already covering the girls with his insurance, why is he paying more of the out of pocket medical expenses than Leah? I wouldn't trust Leah with the child support either. She seems so fiscally irresponsible. She does something dumb with money most episodes but I'm supposed to believe Corey doesn't support his girls.

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I'm done with Barb. Done. I tried giving her the the benefit of the doubt for a lot of years, but I am officially through with her. Who sits there and threatens a 4-year-old with having to live somewhere else if they don't behave??? That is absolutely reprehensible. No wonder Jenelle is a mess. She's an adult now and needs to own her own shit (which she probably will never do), but damn if she isn't right about how all Barb does is scream. It was interesting that Jenelle said that's why she started being sneaky and lying to her mom, because she didn't want to get yelled at. I get the impression that Barb is mostly bark, with little bite. She screams at you all day long, but there's no follow through. Did she ever stop to think that maybe HER behavior has something to do with why Jace is acting out? He's not some demon spawn who just started behaving badly for no reason. Shit, his mother abandoned him and is now creating a family with someone else, and here's his so-called support system letting him know he's one tantrum away from being shipped off. My heart just broke for him last night. 


How nice. Jenelle got her divorce 3 weeks before baby Kaiser Roll makes his debut. Whew. That was a close one. She keeps using the word "excited", but I don't think she knows what that word means. The only time she shows any emotion is when she is fighting with someone. And, by the by, Jenelle - having only one big blow out in a 2-3 month time span isn't some huge achievement. Let me know when you and Inmate Val Kilmer can go a whole year without locking yourselves in the bathroom, having the cops called on you by the neighbors, and accusing each other of "talking" to people on social media. I won't hold my breath. 




You know, I had a thought last night - with their matching proclivities for cycling through bedmates as quickly as they get arrested, Adumb and Jenelle might be a great match. I bet one fight between those two would cause a massive explosion - and the world would be a lot better off. 


Seriously, though....Adumb is like a walking episode of Maury Povich. And I don't blame Chelsea on bit for being pissed that he's always dragging Aubree around his latest chick. Kids get attached so easily. Shoot, I was getting pissed myself watching that broad snapping pictures of his kids at the zoo like she was some loving parent. Girl, you have been around all of 2 seconds. Take a seat. Please don't let him get this one pregnant. 




Kail must be getting a good edit this year, or something is going horribly wrong inside of me. Because I've actually liked her these last few episodes. I have a 6 year old, a 4.5 year old, and a 3 year old. I know just how frustrating dueling tantrums can be - or having to deal with one kid while you're nursing another. I was impressed with how calmly she handled Isaac (although, maybe that was just for cameras? Maybe she learned her lesson after going full Hulk on Javi?). And I like that she is frequently doing crafts with him. Javi's love of not just his son, but his step-son is absolutely adorable. Isaac has a lot of love in his life. If his parents can just continue to be mature and work together, he's probably going to be alright. 




I don't know what to say about the situation with Corey and child support. I feel like I need to know more about his side before I form an opinion. Leah loves to rewrite history, so I never take the things that come out of her mouth as solid truth. And Germy just loves to jump on any little flaw Corey exhibits, because he has always felt insecure about the relationship between his wife and her ex (can't exactly say I blame him). I mean, not only is Germy a better father, provider, all around man than Corey, apparently his insurance is vastly superior as well. THEY would have definitely already given Ali her chair by now. *Rolls eyes*  

Edited by ghoulina
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Thank you! I agree a hundred percent. She took a picture with her daughter and her daughter's father, how in the world does that mean she wants him back?!


I agree with this. My mom and dad actually separated while I was still in the womb and were divorced before I was one. But for the first few years, before they remarried and starting having other kids, they would do a family photo with me so I would have something with my mom and dad together. As an adult, that really means a lot to me. Aubree seems to love taking pictures, maybe she asked them to both take one with her?

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Jeremy and Leah seem to be obsessed with Corey. That's all they talk about, Leah seemed to be really excited and hoping it would be $1,600 a month. I have an ex I had two kids with and I am now remarried, my husband has no interest in discussing my ex or what his reactions to things will be because he doesn't care. That's how it should be, focus on your own relationship. I hope she doesn't get much more and they run into issues with Jeremy's insurance too and see that's just the way insurance companies are.

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Regardless of what an idiot Leah is, Corey has an absolute responsibility to provide support for the girls. Child support goes to support the household, put a roof over his children's heads, food in their mouths. If Leah uses child support to pay part of her rent, that's what it's for. If Corey doesn't like it and wants to buy the girls things rather than pay support, that's just too bad, CS is not meant for extras, it's to pay for essentials, even if it goes toward the electric bill. And yes Corey, the more you make, the more they take. It's done on a formula, which is a percentage of income. The court presumes that your children should live a lifestyle that is commensurate with your salary. If you make more money, your kids get more money, period. As far as insurance, I think what dumbass Leah meant was that Corey is supposed to pay 60% of non reimbursed expenses, like copays, deductibles, and things that are not covered by insurance. Leah is an idiot if she thinks that "bugging the hell" out the insurance company is going to get her anywhere. It would be a waste of Corey's time. 


I didn't understand why Leah was talking about moving again. Didn't they just move in? I thought they wanted to be in a first floor apartment because it was easier with Ali. Why the hell is she talking about moving? 


I think Chelsea has been dealing with Adumb so long that she lives for the drama of that situation. It's a constant in her life. 


I felt for Kail and was chuckling with her double meltdown. Every parent with more than one kid has probably BTDT. I thought she handled it well. It's clear that Isaac loves Javi and Javi adores Isaac. The two of them together are very sweet. Lincoln is one of the smiliest babies I have ever seen. 


I am over Janelle. Have she an Nathan gotten married? God I hope not. I love how Barb and Janelle sit around and talk about how bad Jace is. WTF people, why do you think he is the way he is? And threatening to send him away unless he behaved better is just so wrong. 

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My heart broke for Jace in this episode, too.  That poor kid doesn't stand a chance.  Threatening him like that was absolutely inappropriate and let's face it, Barb has two kids whose children are now living with her.  That does speak to her parenting skills, or lack thereof.  Yes, as adults we all make our own choices, but damage done during our early formative years effects how we make those choices.  I'm shocked, shocked that Jenelle had little Kaiser roll two whole months ago and there haven't been any arrests or break ups yet.


Chelsea bugged me this episode with her incessant baby talk and bitchy attitude towards Taylor.  Is Taylor's dumb ass getting her karma two-fold for knowingly procreating with the known douchebag Adam?  Sure. But gloating about it and being horrible to her just makes Chelsea look petty.  And for the love of god SHUT UP with the damn baby talk!  She's watched herself for 5 seasons now.  Does she not hear how grating it is?  I'm chalking this week's behavior up to the Bud Lights consumed, however.  


Leah bugs the crap out of me.  I also don't understand how Corey isn't paying the girls medical bills, as they're on his insurance.  Having dependents on your insurance policy is not cheap.  We had to move our son on to my husband's insurance because having him on mine shot my premium up substantially.  As in hundreds of dollars every month.  Also, I thought they already had court ordered child support? Didn't they go through the courts before?  Her repeated attempts to paint Corey out as some deadbeat dad would have me livid if I were him or his wife.  I know she's stressed out and understandably so, but trying to demonize Corey isn't going to make things any better. She just bugs. 


Also, am I the only one who thought that friends makeup she was airbrushing on made her look like an oompa loompa?  My god, when her arm was next to her face it was ridiculous.  She was ORANGE.  Has Leah ever had any lessons in how to actually apply make-up on people before putting herself out there as some kind of expert?  At least her hair was looking better this episode.  That girl is a MESS.

Edited by lezlers
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I didn't understand why Leah was talking about moving again. Didn't they just move in? I thought they wanted to be in a first floor apartment because it was easier with Ali. Why the hell is she talking about moving?


I think she was saying that they wanted to find another house - to be more wheelchair friendly for Ali. What I don't get is why didn't they just stay in the old house until they found a new one? Why live in an apt during the interim? They're on the second floor, surely that apartment is not any easier than their home was. 

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I didn't see the broken wheelchair this episode, so I assume the hospital took it back.  As far as child support goes, whatever Corey is supposed to pay he should be able to deduct that by the premiums he's paying for the medical insurance as well as the room and board he provides the girls on the weekends.  I feel Leah's only making it an issue because she splurged on makeup, Michael Korrs handbags, and $3k washers and dryers and is now trying to dig her hands into Corey's income.  I hope the court shuts her down.


I still don't get why Chelsea needs to have this procedure done, I'm surprised Randilicious is giving her money, or maybe she gets the free service at work.  Does so not realize what her twat is going to look like when she gets older?  What a nitwit, maybe she should spend the money on getting her windshield fixed in her car.  It's been a while now and I still see the crack.


Edit to add: I love love love Isaac. He's the sweetest most well spoken child I've ever seen on TV.  Lincoln is a doll and kudos to Kail for remaining calm and disciplining Isaac the way a parent should. 

Edited by JerseyGirl
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