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S25.E19: Eviction #6

Message added by Dustbunny,


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5 minutes ago, Maya said:

I am curious to know why Jared voted for Izzy. 

I can think of three reasons:

1. It allows Jared and his mother to continue to play both sides of the house.

2. It increases Cirie's dependence upon Jared as her primary game companion.

3. It gets rid of the only person in the House who knew Jared‘s and Cirie’s secret.


Edited by Nashville
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1 minute ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

Probably because Cirie told him to in the hall before he went in to vote...

Allegedly of course. Ha

exactly, Cirie told him which way to vote

Now they can comfort and tell Felicia that they protected her by making sure that Izzy would be evicted with Jareds vote but knew that Felicia would understand Cirie giving Izzy a sympathy vote from THEM both (Felicia and Cirie)

Cirie is great at pulling at heart strings and looking like the soft hearted caring one while really only looking out for herself and Jared.

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How refreshing to have what I wanted to happen actually happen. Izzy was gross and annoying and so very thankful she is out and didn't even come close to the jury with the reduced number.

Cory didn't seem too happy after successfully executing his plan.

Jared....pathetic to the end for having to be coached by mommy right up to the voting room door!!

Felicia's Cheshire grin in the nominations chairs was telling.

MeMe talking trash in the voting booth has my curiosity up...snakes and cowards? Who could she be talking about?

They cast two young women of color this season but unfortunately, the wrong one went home. They have done absolutely nothing by way of letting us get to know anything about MeMe or her game. Does she have a ride or die or a final two? If Kristen had stayed at least she was single and we might have gotten some showmance mileage out of her.

Julie dropped the ball not even mentioning Izzy dissing Cam on the way out the door and by not showing his goodbye message which must have been priceless.

Anyway, Cam is DOA unless the house decides to put a wrecking ball to Cirie and Jared and then fight it out for who gets to the final two chairs.

Lastly, someone want to send some coffee to production and Alison Grodner...you can bet they are burning the midnight oil working overtime to find some way to salvage Cirie/Jared's game after the foolishly wasted "reset" week when now is the time they needed it most.

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14 minutes ago, Dustbunny said:

exactly, Cirie told him which way to vote

Now they can comfort and tell Felicia that they protected her by making sure that Izzy would be evicted with Jareds vote but knew that Felicia would understand Cirie giving Izzy a sympathy vote from THEM both (Felicia and Cirie)

Cirie is great at pulling at heart strings and looking like the soft hearted caring one while really only looking out for herself and Jared.

Yes totally.  It was a great move to keep Felicia their orbit.

9 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Glad Izzy is gone.  

Jared and Cirie deserves that alliance broken up and hopefully Felicia sees what laying down your life for Cirie does. 

Felicia didn't say that, Izzy did.  And Izzy got out of the game what she needed.  She lacked any self-confidence when she entered the game and leaves with a lot of growth in that direction in part because of Cirie.  I hated to see Izzy go though.

Cory better watch out.  He's been hiding in the bushes too scared to do anything all season but America puppeteered him into doing her work and now he has the spotlight on him.  Wrong time to leave the bushes, wishy-washy boy.  You are now seen as a prime target by most everyone.

Edited by Skooma
14 minutes ago, SHD said:

I’d like to see a true blindside this season. Not just flipping the votes, but where one side of the house has no idea that who they thought was safe goes home until Julie announces the votes.

I wish they would make the weeks shorter so that could happen. Hopefully, we will have a blindside during the double eviction. 

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Best week of Big Brother in quite some time!  At first, I didn't care whether it was Izzy or Felicia who got sent home (glad to see either of them go) but all the secret machinations going on last night, and the revelations to several of the contestants about what was REALLY going on behind their backs (Cam finding out about Jared working against him; Cory finding out he wasn't as close to Cirie and Izzy as he thought; Matt and Jag finding out their 7 Deadly Sins alliance was fake, etc.) was so exciting to watch.

After all of that, I was rooting so hard for Izzy to get sent packing; and then, she was!  So THIS is what happens when you're part of 7-8 different alliances in the house at the same time! haha

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Ordinarily I don't mind when an evicted houseguest gets a little salty on their exit and refuses to hug people. The goodbyes are pretty insincere IMO. But Izzy was a bad sport. All those people she did hug voted her ass out of the house too so they are just as responsible for her leaving as Cameron or Cory. 

And as much as she might not like Cameron personally, he helped her complete that mud slinging punishment when there was absolutely no motivation for him to do so whatsoever. In fact quite the opposite. He should have sat his ass down and made her do the whole thing herself because it only benefits his game if she loses her chance to play the next Veto comp. But did he do that? No. 

So, bottom line, Izzy can shove it. 

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Not a lot of action from Izzy to back up all her "I'm going to get you" comments about Cam. He never did anything to her to deserve that. Izzy was also too stupid beyond words to think that she ever had a chance to win aligning with Jared and Cirie. She'd be used and discarded with the 2 of them sitting on the final 2 chairs.

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I can't help but wonder what kind of player Izzy would have been in another season.  I found her to be likeable except for the Cirie worship, which kept her from playing the game smarter.

All the lies and switching of loyalties really brought to light what an advantage Cirie and Jared have. Nobody else can trust anyone in the house, they're making promises, talking behind backs, nobody knows who to trust. Except for mother and son.   I hate it.



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9 hours ago, Shrek said:

Izzy came across as a horrible spiteful nasty person in the way she treated Cory & especially Cam on her way out.

What exactly has Cameron done to her to make her hate him so vehemently since day 1? 

Exactly Cam nommed her after being backstabbed, lied to by Izzy and her people, they also lied to Red and made him turn against and hate Cam, all the while the three of them knew the big secret in the house and were laughing their asses off behind closed doors but OMG! How dare Cam finally start putting shit together and going after them in return!!  How dare he nom Izzy!!  

Jeez she needs to get a reality check, she loved every minute of shitting on other peoples games and treating them like chess pieces for her entertainment but typical hypocrite bully, they're cowards and can't stand a taste of their own medicine.

Good luck with thinking she can ride Cirie's coattails to fame and fortune, Cirie is smart enough to know how to work people and flatter people, Izzy is starstruck idiot with no finesse.

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Izzy isn’t a misunderstood genius, nor is she evil; she’s just another in the long LONG long line of BB HGs who convince themselves they are masters of the game because their alliance maintained dominance through several evictions - then fold like a cheap card table as soon as another HG/alliance pushes back effectively.

Or, as Joe Lewis put it: every fighter has a great plan - right up until they get hit.

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I have a question, but it's from trying not to watch this show, but if it's on and I'm just looking up every great while...Why has Cam been HOH for the last 2-3 weeks? It just seems like (to me) he's always HOH. I thought there used to be a rule that the HGs couldn't be back-to-back.

Ok, one more question: has the showmance of Jared & Blue split up? The timing of my sporadic viewing played it out in my head that once the HGs figured out someone's been using the condoms, they haven't been hooking up.

Thanks in advance for the answers. I'll try to pay more attention or just not care to ask questions for clarity. lol

12 hours ago, Katmai said:


I have a question, but it's from trying not to watch this show, but if it's on and I'm just looking up every great while...Why has Cam been HOH for the last 2-3 weeks? It just seems like (to me) he's always HOH. I thought there used to be a rule that the HGs couldn't be back-to-back.


Cameron’s HoH reigns haven’t been back-to-back.

The HoHs, in order:

  1. Reilly (Kirsten evicted)
  2. Hisam (Reilly evicted)
  3. Felicia (Hisam evicted)
  4. Cameron (Power of Invincibility, no eviction)
  5. Jared (Red evicted)
  6. Cameron (Izzy evicted)
  7. TBA
Edited by Nashville
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On 9/14/2023 at 9:59 PM, North of Eden said:

hey have done absolutely nothing by way of letting us get to know anything about MeMe or her game. Does she have a ride or die or a final two?

This might be on tonight's show: 


Following the eviction/HOH, Felicia asked Meme if she wanted to be her final 2.  Meme said yes.  So she now has a final 2, but she did absolutely nothing to achieve it herself.  Maybe Felicia would have asked whoever happened to be standing in the storage room at the time.  🙄


On 9/15/2023 at 12:06 PM, Shrek said:

What exactly has Cameron done to her to make her hate him so vehemently since day 1? 

I had forgotten this until I read it the other day, but Izzy is the one who said Cameron looked like a serial killer on the first night they met.  For some reason she had a visceral reaction against him. 

I can see how Cameron would rub some people, women in particular, the wrong way.  He is a blowhard that thinks he's the smartest person in the room and he is more than happy to tell you that and then offer follow-up explanations. 

With analogies. 

And charts.   

But I can't get past how polite he was to Izzy during the mud flinging punishment.  And all she has done since is complain about him and talk about how stupid he was to think they could ever be friends or work together.  

On 9/14/2023 at 10:35 PM, After7Only said:

I was surprised how little Cam was involved in the campaign to vote out Izzie in this episode.

I was reading another Izzy interview this morning and she said something I hadn't heard -- that apart from just wanting to make Cameron miserable, that for some reason he couldn't campaign one on one while in the Pig costume.  That makes no sense to me tho, since it wasn't a punishment designed for the HOH.   I did see him say he spent a lot of time in his room snacking since he didn't want to cook and eat in front of the house of Havenots.  Another polite thing he did that he got no credit for.  

Cameron is clearly odd man out in the house now that Red is gone.   No one really wants to hang with him.  Sometimes it is a bad idea for them to vote out someone just because they don't like him, but Cameron is a comp monster.  That combo is going to limit his days in the house.  

Edited by Thalia
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It's the venom with which she hates him since the first time she saw him that amazes me. Sure he can be annoying & a know it all etc. but any normal person would at least give him a chance to grow on them or not before making such a snap judgement but her vitriol & hatred from the off is ridiculous. She can fuck off back to oblivion now anyway.

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Izzy is just lucky they are going old-school.  When she taunted Cam with "see you soon, Pig!", I was thinking "Nope, Bacon-breath!  Cam's made Jury, you won't see him until November!"

But even a blind(ed by bitterness) piglet finds a truffle every so often, it appears.  Oh well.

Nasty title for a contestant thread that won't be?

Izzy Gleicher: Blows Hot Air  (And plays the flute, too)

Best wishes to The Space Cowboy and Miss America, my two current faves.  Which I guess means that my Steve Miller Band selection for this post is fairly obvious:

Somebody get me a cheeseburger!  (Except I hate cheese. Oh, well.)

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2 hours ago, Skooma said:

^  Cam hasn't made jury.  There are still 2 more evictions before jury.

Chances are high he won't make jury either since everybody, especially the women, hate how he acts to them.

Dunno about that; if Cirie/Jared/Felicia get to going at it with Cory/Mauritania/Jag, then Cameron’s current state as designated House pariah may stand him in good stead.  Cam may end up being the lone soldier standing in no man’s land, watching shells go back and forth overhead as the opposing artillery batteries take turns trading shots.

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On 9/18/2023 at 12:20 AM, Skooma said:

^  Cam hasn't made jury.  There are still 2 more evictions before jury.

Yes, that was my point about how Izzy had gotten lucky that her insult had a chance of coming true.  Had this been any recent season, she would have been up a creek without a pork chop.

Which begs the question, did Izzy somehow know they were doing a 7-person jury?  Or did she just not think about whether Jury would (as normal now) be starting with 11 left in the game? Did the DR clue her in, for some reason?

No idea.  So I shall spare you any further ham-fisted puns, lest you start ribbing me.

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Message added by Dustbunny,


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