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S02.09: There Goes The Neighborhood

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1 hour ago, Lebanna said:

Miranda is still a gigantic snob and should be pleased her kid is at least working hard at something. She’s terrified that their kid will be just like Steve *gasp*. 

I disagree.  When Miranda was Brady’s age she was on her way to Harvard Law.   She graduated in the top of her class.  If I did all that and my kid was putting off college to work the fryer at his Dad’s bar I would be upset as well. 

When Brady said she didn’t find “her path” until she was 56 I wish Miranda would have reminded him she had an entire career on a different path first and Brady should be damn glad she did; it’s why he even has the option for a gap year to bounce around Europe and work part time in a bar while living rent free at home.


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9 hours ago, Rebecca berkowit said:

Wexleys- surprised by the pregnancy.  Why are they introducing a baby into this show about post-menopausal women and their lives now?  How much younger than Charlotte is Lisa supposed to be?  Why is Lisa’s plot (until the pregnancy) identical to Charlotte? (Husband can’t deal with wife’s work schedule, expects wife to cater to him and kids, wife tired of it).  Is that why they had to introduce the new baby, to distinguish them?  

I am irrationally mad at this. Nicole Ari Parker is FIFTY-TWO years old. 52. Fifty two. Why can’t actresses ever play their age once they are over 40?? (I went on a long lament about this in the romantic comedies thread about Gabrielle Union). Are women only interesting if they are reproductively capable? LTW already has THREE children, this writing makes no sense.

At least we have one successful attractive black woman having great sex and not being baby focused in Nya, and I can live vicariously through her. (Off my soap box now)

But I understand why Nya was hurt. She did love Andre, they had been married and together a long time- no she didn’t want a baby, but she did try for him and it didn’t work out. Him being miserable and regretting leaving her for the rest of his life would’ve been nice, but like I said last season- if Nya and Andre broke up, statistics being what they are Andre would find someone else and have a kid somehow, and Nya would be broken hearted. Not that it means Andre didn’t have a right to leave, but I feel for Nya. 

47 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

I disagree.  When Miranda was Brady’s age she was on her way to Harvard Law.   She graduated in the top of her class.  If I did all that and my kid was putting off college to work the fryer at his Dad’s bar I would be upset as well. 

When Brady said she didn’t find “her path” until she was 56 I wish Miranda would have reminded him she had an entire career on a different path first and Brady should be damn glad she did; it’s why he even has the option for a gap year to bounce around Europe and work part time in a bar while living rent free at home.


Yes- you took the words out of my mouth.

1. My mom would’ve smacked the black off of me if I spoke to her in the tone Brady spoke to Miranda (I’m not condoning violence it’s a figure of speech), and 2. Miranda (and Steve) are paying ALL his damn bills. Needs and wants. All of them. He’s living in their house. He could go to community college at the very least while he worked at the bar. 

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4 hours ago, PRgal said:

This.  Brady was born in 2001, if I recall correctly, and Lily’s adoption announcement was in series finale in 2004.  She would have been close to 1 at the time.  They’re probably 2 years apart at most and both in their 20s.  I guess they deaged them to have more teen angst type plot lines (which they could have done with Rose alone).  

I said that last season- and I agree with you. 

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6 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

Well, as Charlotte said, she had A LOT of sex her mother didn't know about.  So did I.  I'm about Charlotte's age and I've never discussed my sex life with my mother; not when I was a teenager, and not now.   😳

What is different is more teens seem to be more open about it, probably because their parents are more open about it.  And guidance about sex and birth control, etc.  starts long before 16 when your teen is already sexually active. 

Neither Brady nor Lily are first timers.

Yeah I’m not concerned about Lily and Brady having sex because Lily has had sex with someone else before. Of all the things that doesn’t worry me. He is older but it’s not predatory, nothing they have shown us would lead to that conclusion so I’m like “yeah it happens.” That other boy dumped Lily, I’m glad she’s over it. 


2 hours ago, CeeBeeGee said:

I loved Miranda's green suit. And Charlotte looked gorgeous at the meet-and-greet.

Yes to both of these. 

Can’t Carrie sublet to the jewelry designer? I like her as a character. Gotta love Michael Bublé!

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2 hours ago, Lebanna said:

But I like Aiden’s ex way more than I like Carrie now and felt bad for her that Carrie might be mindlessly aiming for her kids to move away to Manhattan, to live in luxury, without even asking her.

Same.  Kathy also struck me as being more of a real human, with actual human feelings, unlike these fashion-parading caricatures the bulk of the female cast have become.

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32 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Yes- you took the words out of my mouth.

1. My mom would’ve smacked the black off of me if I spoke to her in the tone Brady spoke to Miranda (I’m not condoning violence it’s a figure of speech), and 2. Miranda (and Steve) are paying ALL his damn bills. Needs and wants. All of them. He’s living in their house. He could go to community college at the very least while he worked at the bar. 

Gosh, I would hope I'm raising my kids well enough not to be entitled brats like Brady and Lily. I can't imagine these parents are ok with their children talking to them like that. Even if they're already out of the house, which they're not, respecting parents still goes a long way.

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3 minutes ago, slowpoked said:

Gosh, I would hope I'm raising my kids well enough not to be entitled brats like Brady and Lily. I can't imagine these parents are ok with their children talking to them like that. Even if they're already out of the house, which they're not, respecting parents still goes a long way.

I know! The way Brady speaks to Miranda and she just cow tows to him, what the fuck is that. Steve always respected his Mom. And Brady’s attitude just sucks. At any age his tone would not be okay.

But when you are 18yrs old and living in Mommy and Daddy’s house, you don’t get to tell them what you’re going to do. They tell YOU what you’re supposed to do. You want adult freedoms, that comes with adult responsibilities (like being self supporting). 

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1 hour ago, Cosmocrush said:

I disagree.  When Miranda was Brady’s age she was on her way to Harvard Law.   She graduated in the top of her class.  If I did all that and my kid was putting off college to work the fryer at his Dad’s bar I would be upset as well. 

I think Miranda just wants Brady to have some kind of plan or goal in mind.  He feels like he is just treading water on the road to nowhere. 

I also loved the portraits of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton.  That's pure Charlotte right there. 

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This episode felt more like SATC to me than any prior one. And the clothes were good! (I'm just going to have to ignore the tighty whities or my JC love will dry up). I thought everyone looked great in pretty much every scene. 

SJP also looked prettier, to me, than she has in either season. Whatever I think about the reunion with Aidan, she definitely feels more like Carrie to me, softer, looser, girlier. I know it's unfashionable to like Carrie but I mostly do like Carrie now. More than I  did on SATC. 

That kitten was PRECIOUS. What's Carrie's deal with pets? I've always had cats and I just don't really understand people who don't want them. No judgment, i just don't get it. 

Toby is who you'd expect Che to be attracted to, which makes the whole Miranda thing even more inexplicable

I liked Kathy. She def seems like a better match for Aidan, but that's not always what works. I hope her boyfriend is Berger! J/k

I recently sold my little jewel box of an apartment for a bigger place (not remotely, of course, as grand as Carrie's) and it made me really sad, but it was time. I do expect Carrie's going to sublet to Lisette so we won't totally lose that place. It's iconic. 



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12 minutes ago, luna1122again said:

This episode felt more like SATC to me than any prior one. And the clothes were good! (I'm just going to have to ignore the tighty whities or my JC love will dry up). I thought everyone looked great in pretty much every scene. 

SJP also looked prettier, to me, than she has in either season. Whatever I think about the reunion with Aidan, she definitely feels more like Carrie to me, softer, looser, girlier. I know it's unfashionable to like Carrie but I mostly do like Carrie now. More than I  did on SATC. 

That kitten was PRECIOUS. What's Carrie's deal with pets? I've always had cats and I just don't really understand people who don't want them. No judgment, i just don't get it. 

Toby is who you'd expect Che to be attracted to, which makes the whole Miranda thing even more inexplicable

I liked Kathy. She def seems like a better match for Aidan, but that's not always what works. I hope her boyfriend is Berger! J/k

I recently sold my little jewel box of an apartment for a bigger place (not remotely, of course, as grand as Carrie's) and it made me really sad, but it was time. I do expect Carrie's going to sublet to Lisette so we won't totally lose that place. It's iconic. 



I agree about the clothes. I loved the outfit Carrie wore to dinner with Seema/Adain- I’d wear that!

Im a cat lady too, Carrie is far too finicky to care for a pet. That kitten was precious though!!! I am surprised Steve doesn’t have another dog, because I think he genuinely enjoyed owning one (would also give Brady/Lily something to do together). I could see Miranda being too busy for another cat after Fatty died when Brady was little. 

The portraits of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton were adorable and so in character for Charlotte as you said @txhorns79. I liked Miranda and Charlotte having scenes interacting. This kind of reminded me of during The Best Man: the Final Chapters when Lance thought Lance Jr had the hots for Kennedy (Shelby’s daughter), he didn’t, but it was funny. 

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10 hours ago, Rebecca berkowit said:

Why does an event he hosts at his house have to be strictly Kosher? (Is the Goldenblatt family Kosher?  I was not aware of that. 

Way back when they were dating, when Charlotte didn't understand how he could eat pork but not marry a non-Jewish girl, Harry told Charlotte, 'I'm not kosher, I'm conservative.'

Another detail the writers don't remember or even know about.

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I'm honestly so glad to see Carrie finally moving on from that apartment. It never made sense to me how she was able to completely downsize her closet to fit all those different outfits in that tiny space. It doesn't fit her current lifestyle at all. It was clearly one of those convoluted plot points made up just for the sake of nostalgia.


And speaking of convoluted plot points, I'm not crazy about this Anthony/Giuseppe storyline. It just feels wish-fullfilment-y.  I'm not saying it can't or that it doesn't happen in real life, but it feels completely contrived and hollow. If Giuseppe wants an older daddy type, I just don't see him going around chasing and begging one to be invited upstairs in a city filled with plenty others that fit the bill. Plus, the two have very little on-screen chemistry.

Edited by Roccos Brother
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24 minutes ago, luna1122again said:

SJP also looked prettier, to me, than she has in either season. Whatever I think about the reunion with Aidan, she definitely feels more like Carrie to me, softer, looser, girlier. I know it's unfashionable to like Carrie but I mostly do like Carrie now. More than I  did on SATC. 

I know she backslides at times, but I think Carrie is showing real growth this season.  She didn't freak out over meeting with Kathy.  She listened to Kathy's points, didn't become defensive at the mention of her earlier relationship with Aidan and they just appeared to have a pleasant conversation.  


15 minutes ago, TakomaSnark said:

Another detail the writers don't remember or even know about.

Was the idea this episode that the Goldenblatts keep kosher or they were hosting an event where they would have guests that kept kosher?  I thought it was the latter, not the former.     

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38 minutes ago, luna1122again said:

That kitten was PRECIOUS. What's Carrie's deal with pets? I've always had cats and I just don't really understand people who don't want them. No judgment, i just don't get it. 

Some people are allergic.  But beyond that, cats (and pets in general) are work/ responsibility.  You can’t just jet off to Paris, or Virginia, and leave them behind for the weekend.  They need to be fed and walked and trained and cleaned up after. No everyone is willing to take that on.  

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In what world (I know which one, but still) does a person have free rein to go in and out of an apartment they are considering buying? In real life, you must be accompanied by a real estate agent and often have to make an appointment to see the home listed for sale. Source: have owned a condo and went house hunting earlier this year.

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49 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

Some people are allergic.  But beyond that, cats (and pets in general) are work/ responsibility.  You can’t just jet off to Paris, or Virginia, and leave them behind for the weekend.  They need to be fed and walked and trained and cleaned up after. No everyone is willing to take that on.  

No, I mean, I get it. This is how I feel about kids. 

I've just been a crazy cat lady my entire life. And not just cats. 

I forgot, I  loved the Ilana Glazer mention! I'm boringly hetero but I'd probably flirt with her too. 




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6 hours ago, RunningMarket said:

Wyatt is more than a typical 14 year old. The way he was angry at his dad for not texting immediately and he was tracking the plane? Are they implying he's on the spectrum? (Dear god no. The show is not capable of handling that well.) Or he's got abandonment issues from his parents' divorce?

When Kathy (Cathie?) called him "our puzzle child" I also thought "autism spectrum". No, let's not go there, Show. I don't trust you to do it well, at all.

4 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I think this is what they will do. They are both older, have their own money and aren't going to have children together so why get married and move in together? I know older couples that have gotten together and kept their separate lives, too. Makes sense to me.

Agree but Aiden should have had this conversation with Carrie. Where is his concern that Carrie would write about his kids? There was no reason for the ex to meet up with Carrie. I also don't think it was any of the ex's business about how Carrie hurt Aiden in the past. Move on, lady. 

Yeah, I'm older and don't want to share my home again so I'd love to date a man exclusively and have him stay over sometimes but not live with him. My widowed mom dated the widower next door to her for several years. They were both in their 50s and had a great time together but kept plenty of space for their own separate lives.

Carrie is a writer who writes very autobiographically. I thought it was ok for Kathy to ask (tell) Carrie not to write about her sons. She was right to think Carrie might not even take their feelings and their privacy into consideration.

And I didn't mind her saying not to hurt Aidan again. It was a kind of warning. She may have picked up that Carrie is kinda self-centered/selfish, and perhaps she thinks they are rushing things and it's likely to crash.

Like the woman who made The Face at Carrie over how Aidan was still hurting from her, Kathy was aware of his feelings about the breakup(s). She's an ex-wife who seems to be co-parenting well, no sign of serious rancor between her and Aidan. Some people care deeply about their ex even if they can't remain married. She came across like a normal person, and reminding child-free Carrie that Aidan's sons would also be affected felt like something a mother would do. 

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Well, the two best lines of the past 2 seasons tonight! (IMO):

"That's like finding out two of my stuffed animals are having sex."
"I've watched 90 Day Fiance for the past 35 seasons."

Why couldn't they write stuff like that for Che so they'd be actually believable as a comedian?

Also, I don't really remember any musical moments from the two iterations of the show (although wasn't Big into "NY State of Mind" in the Suffern episodes?) but I loved them playing "I Feel Pretty." 

Overall, the show is much better. Even Miranda gets points for being the one least likely to talk in an exaggerated fashion.

Is Nya's hookup one of her students? I don't remember where he came from.

The only thing that sometimes still bugs me is the over-the-top "money is no object" constant. Hell, why doesn't Carrie just buy Manhattan?



Edited by JeanJean
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6 minutes ago, JeanJean said:


Also, I don't really remember any musical moments from the two iterations of the show (although wasn't Big into "NY State of Mind" in the Suffern episodes?) but I loved them playing "I Feel Pretty." 

I liked that too. There was also Moon River, and Hello it's Me, after Big died. 

6 minutes ago, JeanJean said:

Is Nya's hookup one of her students? I don't remember where he came from.





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You can bribe me with all the cute kittens you want, show, but I am still not going to like Che.  I am absolutely sure that they’re working on their set for their next “comedy concert” talking about how they’re now even more an expert on handling pussy.

This show has far too many characters and it shows.  

Way back when they were dating, when Charlotte didn't understand how he could eat pork but not marry a non-Jewish girl, Harry told Charlotte, 'I'm not kosher, I'm conservative.'


True to her type A form, when Charlotte converted to Judaism for Harry, she *really* converted for Harry, cooking her  first Shabbos (Shabbat?!) dinner for him and absolutely losing it when he couldn’t stop watching the Mets game on TV:  “pick a date!  Pick a date!”  “I gave up *Christ* for you and you can’t even give up the Mets?”  Davis was absolutely incredible in that scene and I still remember those line readings.

Aidan gets a minus 40-pounds, extensive West Egg money, with a couture jacket that was CINCHED and SNATCHED for the gods glow-up, and we have to see him in the same unflattering tighty-whities 20 years later? Baby, as Beyoncé once said, “let me upgrade you.”

Carrie even *considering* giving up the apartment that she SOLD CHARLOTTE’S RING to make a payment on to buy it out from Aidan, to buy an apartment to better accommodate Aidan’s kids which she has met *literally once*:

Logan Paul Sport GIF by SHOWTIME Sports

Edited by Lethallyfab
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I don't like some of the things Brady has been written to do—mostly season 1 Brady, having sex with Luisa all over his parents' place and leaving a trail of condoms—but I actually enjoy his dynamic with Miranda. I don't see him as Superbrat, although he's had a very comfortable and secure life and takes that for granted, as well-off young people do.

I think the idea they're going for is that he's a lot like Miranda, with less ambition and drive, so the two of them often have this verbal cribbage game going on. He feels she's nagging him; he brings up that she only recently found her own "path"; she immediately pivots to "Look how fast you did that! Math was always your best subject," using flattery and keeping the focus on academic pursuits. They're both always looking for loopholes and weak spots to make their points. 

I'll admit that I thought the young man playing Brady was a casting miss in season 1, but he's grown on me a little as we've seen him in other contexts. 

Nice casting of Rosemarie DeWitt as Aidan's ex, and nice performance too. Still not into Carrie/Aidan 3.0, or whichever release this is. 

Edited by Asp Burger
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3 hours ago, RedHawk said:

And I didn't mind her saying not to hurt Aidan again. It was a kind of warning. She may have picked up that Carrie is kinda self-centered/selfish, and perhaps she thinks they are rushing things and it's likely to crash.

"Kinda?" I think we can remove that word. 😂

I am hopeful they'll crash and burn because the writers have mined this relationship twice already.

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On the Anthony and Guisseppe thing. Yeah the age difference is a bit dodgy but WTAF were they doing with their pants down in a teenagers' bedroom? That just grossed me out so much. If they'd been in the utility room it might have been kind of funny. But they went into the bedroom of two kids that Anthony is pretty much an uncle to, in order to, umm, handle each other. That's just so creepily inappropriate. 

Edited by AllyB
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12 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I think this is what they will do. They are both older, have their own money and aren't going to have children together so why get married and move in together? I know older couples that have gotten together and kept their separate lives, too. Makes sense to me.l 

Agree but Aiden should have had this conversation with Carrie. Where is his concern that Carrie would write about his kids? There was no reason for the ex to meet up with Carrie. I also don't think it was any of the ex's business about how Carrie hurt Aiden in the past. Move on, lady. 

Carrie's new place was weird. The exterior looked like it was in Bay Ridge while the interior looked like it belonged on Park Ave. Did they say what area of the city this place was located? 

Gramercy Park.  Everyone who lives there gets a key to the park, nobody else can use it.  It’s a special, very high-end neighborhood.  

9 hours ago, Roccos Brother said:

I'm honestly so glad to see Carrie finally moving on from that apartment. It never made sense to me how she was able to completely downsize her closet to fit all those different outfits in that tiny space. It doesn't fit her current lifestyle at all. It was clearly one of those convoluted plot points made up just for the sake of nostalgia.


And speaking of convoluted plot points, I'm not crazy about this Anthony/Giuseppe storyline. It just feels wish-fullfilment-y.  I'm not saying it can't or that it doesn't happen in real life, but it feels completely contrived and hollow. If Giuseppe wants an older daddy type, I just don't see him going around chasing and begging one to be invited upstairs in a city filled with plenty others that fit the bill. Plus, the two have very little on-screen chemistry.

Agreed. There’s also something weird about the Giuseppe guy’s accent.  Is he Italian in real life, or is he doing a fake accent?  It sounds exaggerated.  

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9 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

I know she backslides at times, but I think Carrie is showing real growth this season.  She didn't freak out over meeting with Kathy.  She listened to Kathy's points, didn't become defensive at the mention of her earlier relationship with Aidan and they just appeared to have a pleasant conversation.  


Was the idea this episode that the Goldenblatts keep kosher or they were hosting an event where they would have guests that kept kosher?  I thought it was the latter, not the former.     

My issue was that you don’t usually hire a Kosher caterer for a few guests who happen to be Kosher.  It seemed like a very mixed party.  It seemed very much just done so they could make the “joke” (I use that term very loosely) with the stereotypical couple.  

9 hours ago, Litnit said:

1000% The idea that these two wouldn't have some form of reliable birth control....yeah, accidents happen but the writing is so lazy.

The guy most likely would’ve gotten snipped after the third kid.  

Edited by Rebecca berkowit
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1 hour ago, Rebecca berkowit said:


Agreed. There’s also something weird about the Giuseppe guy’s accent.  Is he Italian in real life, or is he doing a fake accent?  It sounds exaggerated.  

He's definitely Italian, as his his name: Sebastiano Pigazzi. Apparently he was born in Italy but lived in the states most of his life. I agree his accent made me wonder if it was fake or not.  I realized I've seen him before, in  Luca Guadagnino‘s We Are Who We Are, where he had a terrible haircut. I think he's pretty but I don't care about him and Anthony. 

I don't mind Lily and Brady hooking up, if they are. I grew up with boys who almost seemed like family, until we all hit teenaged years and suddenly we looked at each other differently. I did have to laugh at Charlotte and Harry's reaction to the thought of Miranda as mother in law. 

I also don't care about Seema's new man, he's creepy. 

11 hours ago, txhorns79 said:


I also loved the portraits of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton.  That's pure Charlotte right there. 

I loved seeing pretty little Elizabeth Taylor. Made me a little sad. 

12 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

I disagree.  When Miranda was Brady’s age she was on her way to Harvard Law.   She graduated in the top of her class.  If I did all that and my kid was putting off college to work the fryer at his Dad’s bar I would be upset as well. 

When Brady said she didn’t find “her path” until she was 56 I wish Miranda would have reminded him she had an entire career on a different path first and Brady should be damn glad she did; it’s why he even has the option for a gap year to bounce around Europe and work part time in a bar while living rent free at home.


I agree with all of this, but I also agree that Miranda doesn't want Brady to turn into Steve, which does her ex a great disservice. But she's done him plenty of those. Also, I still want to know what Brady knows about Miranda finding 'her path". Does he know about her her newfound sexuality, or Che, or  her drinking problem? 

I felt bad for Nya. She's moved on, but seeing your ex, who you still loved when you broke up, with his newly knocked up girlfriend, has to hurt. 

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1 hour ago, Rebecca berkowit said:

 It seemed very much just done so they could make the “joke”

I've said before a lot of AJLT plots (if you can call them that) are built around one joke.  That is not good writing.

2 minutes ago, luna1122again said:

but I also agree that Miranda doesn't want Brady to turn into Steve, which does her ex a great disservice.

Yes.  Brady could do worse than taking over Steve's bar.  Maybe he doesn't want to go to college.

8 hours ago, Lethallyfab said:

Carrie even *considering* giving up the apartment that she SOLD CHARLOTTE’S RING to make a payment on to buy it out from Aidan, to buy an apartment to better accommodate Aidan’s kids which she has met *literally once*:

She has always been impulsive when it comes to men.  She gave up her job (her easy job thousands of women would have killed for) to run off to Paris to be with a man she had known for a brief period of time.

9 hours ago, JeanJean said:

The only thing that sometimes still bugs me is the over-the-top "money is no object" constant. Hell, why doesn't Carrie just buy Manhattan?

I hate Carrie having a seemingly unlimited amount of money.  She buys and sells real estate like it's nothing.  People are going into debt just to be able to go grocery shopping and she is buying what I presume is a house that is at minimum in the $10 million range. 

11 hours ago, luna1122again said:

Toby is who you'd expect Che to be attracted to, which makes the whole Miranda thing even more inexplicable

We know it was because Miranda Cynthia Nixon was attracted to Che Sara Ramirez.

11 hours ago, violet and green said:

Kathy also struck me as being more of a real human, with actual human feelings, unlike these fashion-parading caricatures the bulk of the female cast have become.

This.  On SATC each of them (although some less than others) at their core  were human beings with good qualities and bad qualities.  We laughed with them and cried with them.  We cared about them.  But on this show these women are not those same characters.  Even if they are going through something that is relatable (like losing a spouse, feeling unfulfilled in a marriage, having body issues) they handle it poorly. The writers (and some of them wrote for SATC) seem to be writing for new characters that just happen to be named Carrie, Charlotte and Miranda.



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42 minutes ago, luna1122again said:

I also don't care about Seema's new man, he's creepy. 

Apparently it's supposed to be based on Taika Waititi.


44 minutes ago, luna1122again said:

I felt bad for Nya. She's moved on, but seeing your ex, who you still loved when you broke up, with his newly knocked up girlfriend, has to hurt. 

I never wanted kids, and broke up with my 'Big' after ten years because he did. It definitely stung to see him loop around, marry and knock up someone within a year, as if that ten years was nothing. 

Maybe it comes back to the adage (usually reserved for describing the different ways men and women respond to the loss of a spouse), 'Women grieve, men replace.'

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9 hours ago, Lethallyfab said:

Carrie even *considering* giving up the apartment that she SOLD CHARLOTTE’S RING to make a payment on to buy it out from Aidan, to buy an apartment to better accommodate Aidan’s kids which she has met

In fairness, Carrie already sold the apartment once when she was getting ready to marry Big, so they could put the money into the penthouse apartment they were originally going to live in.  She bought it back after the wedding fell through.  I would agree things feel a little rushed.   


14 minutes ago, bluegirl147 said:

Yes.  Brady could do worse than taking over Steve's bar.  Maybe he doesn't want to go to college.

I think Miranda just wants him to have options.  A lot could happen to that bar between now and a time when Steve decided to retire, so putting all your eggs in that basket could be dicey.  


50 minutes ago, luna1122again said:

I loved seeing pretty little Elizabeth Taylor. Made me a little sad. 

Me too.   

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11 hours ago, luna1122again said:

Toby is who you'd expect Che to be attracted to, which makes the whole Miranda thing even more inexplicable

I have a feeling Che would respond to that with a lecture ("woke moment" sound effect!) about how there isn't any type they're attracted to; they're "pan-attracted," and limiting oneself to particular types propagates a regressive binary.

I would totally have kept that kitten. I'm a soft touch. 

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1 hour ago, luna1122again said:

I felt bad for Nya. She's moved on, but seeing your ex, who you still loved when you broke up, with his newly knocked up girlfriend, has to hurt. 

Yes. She loved Andre. They were together a long time. I’m sure she would’ve preferred they stay married as a childfree couple, but he didn’t want that. Of course he had every right not to want that, but she has every right to be hurt about it. I could see Trey being sad if he saw through the grapevine that Charlotte married Harry, and they weren’t together nearly as long as Andre and Nya. 

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16 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I think this is what they will do. They are both older, have their own money and aren't going to have children together so why get married and move in together? I know older couples that have gotten together and kept their separate lives, too. Makes sense to me.l 

Agree but Aiden should have had this conversation with Carrie. Where is his concern that Carrie would write about his kids? There was no reason for the ex to meet up with Carrie. I also don't think it was any of the ex's business about how Carrie hurt Aiden in the past. Move on, lady. 

Carrie's new place was weird. The exterior looked like it was in Bay Ridge while the interior looked like it belonged on Park Ave. Did they say what area of the city this place was located? 

its Gramercy Park and it does come with its very own private park.  

1. Miranda will buy Carrie's old apartment. Then she can visit it.

2. Lisa is perimenopausal, not pregnant. 

3. I was just discussing how some children these days are little assholes, and a coworker said she thinks it's because the parents weren't brought up to be respectful of adults, aka as having the fear of God put in them at an early age, and that is then instilled in their children.  You don't have to be a disciplinarian to teach your child that you are not going to put up with their bullshit, period. 

4. WTF is with Aidan's ex demanding that Carrie not hurt him? They're divorced and she's seeing someone else. Aidan's a big boy, Kathy, stay out of his personal life. And the boys are old enough to understand if Carrie and Aidan do break up, they aren't little kids getting used to another woman in their life and then she leaves. In fact that 14 year old isn't that into Carrie at all, so it'll be fine. 

TBH I could care less about the new characters. I appreciate they're trying to show that the three OGs have friends who are not white, but not a single one of their story lines is interesting. 

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Is it just me or is Aiden just completely obnoxious all the time? I just can't see Carrie being happy with someone who is so constantly extraverted and over the top, I just don't see him fitting in with the kind of people she socializes with.

As for Anthony, it is EXTREMELY common for there to be big age gaps between partners.

Plus the guy is almost 30, like, it's not like Anthony would look like he was preying on the naivety of someone that hasn't made some decisions about their life, by his age it's not shocking that he might be attracted to the stability of Anthony and his social circle, Anthony is not ugly, he owns a business, is socially well connected. Yeah, there is an age gap but not so much one where they are fundamentally in different life phases. And again, this kind of thing is extremely common in the gay community and not even exclusive to wealthy well connected gays. I'm just thinking about our gay married couple friends, I honestly may be the closest age to my husband at 9 years apart.

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3 hours ago, bluegirl147 said:

I hate Carrie having a seemingly unlimited amount of money.  She buys and sells real estate like it's nothing.  People are going into debt just to be able to go grocery shopping and she is buying what I presume is a house that is at minimum in the $10 million range. 

This. I get that she got Big's money - still, that much money where she can just buy apartments with no consideration to prices, mortgages, etc.?

And out of all the ladies, even back during SATC, Carrie's charmed life has always been a question mark to me. I mean, it's easy to see how Samantha and Miranda can afford their lifestyle, and even then sometimes they complain they can't afford some stuff. From what I remember, Charlotte was a WASP. But except for some rare instances here and there of struggling to afford to buy shoes (shoes, mind you, NOT food, NOT those brunches they have regularly, etc., not to mention clubs, drinks, etc.), and that one time she was forced to take a bus, Carrie never showed any struggle for a weekly tabloid writer. 

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29 minutes ago, John M said:

Is it just me or is Aiden just completely obnoxious all the time?

Yeah, there is an age gap but not so much one where they are fundamentally in different life phases.

It's not just you. They made Aidan a caricature of himself, even more so than they did with the other OGs. The schtick they're making him do is incredibly annoying and overplayed. He has zero chill. I always thought Aidan was a little uptight with the cigarettes and stuff but now he's just ridiculous with the corny behavior. 

I think there's at least a 20-year age gap between Anthony and Giuseppe, which I agree is not uncommon, but it does become problematic down the road. Especially when you cross over into 25+ year gaps. It's all fun and games when a 50-60 year old can still go out and have fun with a 30-40 year old, but a much different story when the 60 year old hits 70 and beyond and their partner is still in the prime of their life. Been there, done that, and I see it a lot where I live, in the land of Peter Pan syndrome and what we call living on vacation. It's the worst.


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Big was supposed to be a stand in for a Trump like character IIRC, as far as being a wealthy business person well known in NYC. He had oodles of money when the show started. I'm not really sure if he was in finance, real estate or what, but it's not hard to buy and sell properties and make a fortune. My former employer owned several office/warehouse and retail properties and sold all of them last year, to the tune of $100 million. (You read that correctly). And they were already multi millionaires. 

So yeah, Carrie having a fuck ton of money now is not unreasonable.  He gave Natasha $1 million, so we should assume Carrie got several times over that. Plus she sold the apt where she and Big lived, so she's sitting on another several million dollars. 

I don't think Aidan is a jerk. He's just a friendly guy. This whole, "you can't have visitors for more than thirty days" is bullshit.. But then again this is a NYC condo board, they're known to not let you in the building for a litany of made up reasons. Remember Charlotte's neighbors in the building where she & Trey lived gave her shit about having male visitors after her divorce.  

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37 minutes ago, slowpoked said:

And out of all the ladies, even back during SATC, Carrie's charmed life has always been a question mark to me.

Carrie's life had to be a fantasy because realistically she couldn't afford what she bought, not to mention regular household bills, on what she made as a writer.  Pretty sure the writers knew that and just handwaved it away like nobody will care.   Well plenty of us did care and it has been discussed for the past 25 years or so.  So this time around it looks like they thought let's make her super rich so then viewers can't say anything.  Sorry but it still bothers me.   It is not enjoyable watching someone who has always been superficial and materialistic have all the money in the world and just throw it around like it's nothing.  Other than her being cajoled into putting money into Enid's website we have seen Carrie do nothing with her money but spend it.  Yes I know it's her money and she can do whatever the fuck she wants with it but I just find it gross.

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6 minutes ago, bluegirl147 said:

Carrie's life had to be a fantasy because realistically she couldn't afford what she bought, not to mention regular household bills, on what she made as a writer.  Pretty sure the writers knew that and just handwaved it away like nobody will care.   Well plenty of us did care and it has been discussed for the past 25 years or so.  So this time around it looks like they thought let's make her super rich so then viewers can't say anything.  Sorry but it still bothers me.   It is not enjoyable watching someone who has always been superficial and materialistic have all the money in the world and just throw it around like it's nothing.  Other than her being cajoled into putting money into Enid's website we have seen Carrie do nothing with her money but spend it.  Yes I know it's her money and she can do whatever the fuck she wants with it but I just find it gross.

Yeah why isn't she writing an endowment to NYU liberal arts program, or being a HUGE donor to a charity, or, God forbid, donating some of those ridiculous get ups to that charity that helps women get ready to go on job interviews, Dress for Success?  I mean, they aren't going to get hired wearing some of them and looking like a circus clown at an interview, but she did have some good pieces that women without the means to buy a decent suit, etc could use. 

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1 hour ago, RedDelicious said:

It's not just you. They made Aidan a caricature of himself, even more so than they did with the other OGs. The schtick they're making him do is incredibly annoying and overplayed. He has zero chill. I always thought Aidan was a little uptight with the cigarettes and stuff but now he's just ridiculous with the corny behavior. 

I've been clear how I feel about Aidan, but I wrote off his corniness as being the result of having raised three sons. Maybe he turned into Dorky Dad because of that? 🤷🏻‍♀️

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I really really hate that they have Nya hooking up on Tinder. It’s just gross, seems super careless in terms of safety and, I don’t know, it just makes me feel yuk. I hope they have something better for the actress to do soon.

The portraits of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton got me totally in the feels.

And while I think John Corbett is a good looking man, the tighty whitey scene just didn’t work. Although Carries outfit in that scene was to die for! 

My favorite part of SATC was always the clothes and the NYC house porn. That house off Grammercy Park, wow. If I win the Mega Millions that’s what I want.

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4 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

In fairness, Carrie already sold the apartment once when she was getting ready to marry Big, so they could put the money into the penthouse apartment they were originally going to live in.  She bought it back after the wedding fell through.  I would agree things feel a little rushed.

Oh yeah! I was thinking of when they actually did get married and she held onto it as a place to go and write.

...but in shitty movie #1 she sold it and Samantha took care of getting it back for her and getting her stuff moved back in. Carrie said  well, apparently you can go home again... but it'll cost you.

and of course she still had it in shitty movie #2 when Big wanted to get a place to spend a day or two a week and Carrie didn't know how to feel about that, so she said use my place.

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