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S02.E06: Bomb Cyclone

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I hope this means that Miranda and Che have finally broken up.  Both of the characters are much more likable when they are not with one another. Miranda just had a completely different personality when it came to Che. I actually enjoyed Che supporting Carrie and trying to come up with a joke for Carrie tell before the reading. 

I was happy to see Steve finally express his sadness and anger. I do not understand why Miranda was so indignant after she found the condom. I think she expected him to keep moping and not living his life after she left him, moved out (across the country) and upended their whole lives. 

I really hope the writers have Miranda explore what happened to her. I think there are women who suddenly find themselves not recognizing who they were and a loss of their previous sense of self.  The alcoholism, discovering new aspects of sexuality, the complete personality change when she was with Che -it would be nice as viewers and long time fans who invested in the shows, movies, etc.  for us to see Miranda process all this.

All in all I liked the episode, again Cynthia Nixon directed - the three episodes in the entire series I enjoyed the most are ones she directed. 

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1 hour ago, zamp33 said:

I do not understand why Miranda was so indignant after she found the condom. I think she expected him to keep moping and not living his life after she left him, moved out (across the country) and upended their whole lives. 

Seriously. This just proves that Miranda doesn’t truly feel remorseful about anything, she just hates feeling guilty. So Steve had sex, it doesn’t mean he still isn’t hurting by what she did! And then all her bullshit about how she and Steve should have broken up while they still had the chance to be friends?! Bitch, I didn’t see you handle things “amicably when he cheated on you!

2 hours ago, bluegirl147 said:

If I'm supposed to feel sorry for Miranda I don’t. She had no regard for Steve when she was off living in a rom com. Good for him for moving on.  With Miranda now living with Nya I think they will pair them up since that was supposed to be the original plan.

Oh no. I don’t want her anywhere NEAR Nya or anyone else until she starts acting her age and not her shoe size. She needs to get over herself, get a handle on her midlife crisis, take actual accountability for what she did and make a sincere apology for what she did to Steve before she even thinks about being in a relationship.

I don’t want Carrie anywhere near Aidan either. It’s not gonna end well.

Edited by Spartan Girl
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"And just like that... I realised some relationships are meant to stay in the past... and some aren't."

It makes no sense in the context of this show and what we've just seen of her life in it for her to say that, but I'm glad she pressed send. I would have rather Seema accidentally sent the email during the house viewing.

I'm glad Steve finally shouted at Miranda, but directionwise it needed a beat before the apologising and remorse. How AJLT became the Miranda show, instead of the Carrie show still bemuses me. I never liked Aiden, but his reappearance might even things out a bit.

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Che and Miranda's break up feels like their hook up...random. No thought or consideration was placed in either. It still burns me up that Steve and Miranda's history, the one we watched step by step in SATC was just tossed aside for.....this. 

5 minutes ago, thesupremediva1 said:

This episode was honestly a lot for me, for many different reasons. 

1. AMAZING that I like Che so much as Carrie's friend and NOT AT ALL around Miranda. They did the best thing dumping Miranda. Too bad Miranda clearly learned nothing.


I was thinking  how funny they actually were with Carrie this episode . 

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1 hour ago, Spartan Girl said:

Seriously. This just proves that Miranda doesn’t truly feel remorseful about anything, she just hates feeling guilty. So Steve had sex, it doesn’t mean he still isn’t hurting by what she did! And then all her bullshit about how she and Steve should have broken up while they still had the chance to be friends?! Bitch, I didn’t see you handle things “amicably when he cheated on you!


That line was super confusing and made no sense.   Does this mean Miranda wanted to break up a long time ago? That should be explored a lot more. 

And maybe if she actually thought about her fixation on Che before she cheated, her and Steve might have been able to work through things or attempt counseling and break up more amicably. Instead she cheated, lied, dropped the news on Steve out of the blue and then went off to California. Again no indication beforehand that she was so desperately unhappy. I wish the writers took time to explore or show hints of what led to the spiral instead of having her immediately crushing on Che.

Regarding the house - even if Miranda's name is the only one on the mortgage  New York is a no fault divorce state Steve is entitled to half of the equity in the house. It is a marital asset - unless it is specifically stated in the pre-nup or a post nup. (my mom bought my dad out of the house  and it was only in her name, and then was informed it was a marital asset even though her name was on it and she bought him out). 

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54 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

Oh no. I don’t want her anywhere NEAR Anya


2 minutes ago, luna1122again said:

If Nya is going to suddenly become gay or bi or pan, I can't imagine that Miranda would be the woman who could cause that. There's literally not one attractive thing about her anymore. 

I also think it would be a bad idea and I think Nya deserves better than the Miranda we have now.  But MPK and his writing staff are just too lazy and uninventive to come up with a better story.

59 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

She needs to get over herself, get a handle on her midlife crisis, take actual accountability for what she did and make a sincere apology for what she did to Steve before she even thinks about being in a relationship.

Agreed.  I don't think the plan was for all that happened with Miranda to be considered a midlife crisis but in my eyes that is what it was. I am too much of a cynic to not think if there hadn't been such a negative reaction to Che and Miranda they wouldn't have broken them up.  And I'm not buying Miranda's agreeing with Che that it wasn't working.  We all know it wasn't working but Miranda was way too invested to just be like OK. 

51 minutes ago, violet and green said:

I'm glad Steve finally shouted at Miranda

She deserved it.  She didn't want him till Debbie had him.  And she did almost end her pregnancy.  Sure what Steve said hurt her but he bit his tongue for too long with her.

57 minutes ago, violet and green said:

How AJLT became the Miranda show, instead of the Carrie show still bemuses me

It doesn't bemuse me. It annoys me.

57 minutes ago, NeenerNeener said:

Although I can't get a handle on the weather and time of year for this season. It's Christmas, it's summer, it's a snow cyclone....oy!

They are still doing time jumps and I swear it feels like the only reason they are is so they can show weather or holidays.  The jumps don't seem related to the stories.

So Carrie send the email to Aiden and it's winter right?  So if the next episode is Spring or Easter then he doesn't respond for a month?  Two months?



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I know not everyone is an Aidan fan, but what is this person's problem with Aidan? It feels personal. AIDAN is a 'dirtbag ex'? Aidan caused problems in Carrie's relationship with Big? Isn't this at least slightly revisionist history?  (frankly, it feels way more than slightly to me, but again, I know some folks just hate Aidan, and he and Carrie did kiss while married to others, which, ick, so okay.) For me, Big was the problematic dirtbag ex. Of course, you can always have more than one of those.

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1 minute ago, violet and green said:

I am surprised SJP has allowed it to happen.

It has not gone unnoticed (at least by me) that SJP has done very little press for this season. And even going back to last season SJP has not spoken publicly about the Che/Miranda story. I don't think she is as invested in AJLT as she was SATC. Cynthia Nixon OTOH is way too invested.


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4 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

pretty much the only reason she didn’t get an abortion was because she felt guilty about Charlotte’s infertility and even after that she had to be dragged into telling Steve she was pregnant.

She was always having 2nd thoughts about the abortion, though, or she wouldn't have asked Carrie about how long it took for her to stop regretting hers. That "I'll let you know when it happens"  sealed the deal for Brady's birth.

This better be the end of Che and Miranda for good. The writers never showed any signs that Che wanted anything other than "friends with benefits" with Miranda, so letting Miranda move in with her in California never made sense. A restraining order, though.... that would have made sense.


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Just so I'm clear... Miranda, who left her husband over a year ago, is surprised by/offended at the reality that her husband - WHO SHE LEFT - has not spent that time since she left him being celibate? Or is that he should have had the 'decency' to rent a hotel room for any sex rather than use the bed *Miranda* is the one who brazenly abandoned?

Harry/Charlotte and Lily: The AV Club summed it up best, this show's idea of parenting is deranged. 

The keynote speaker at a conference just reads from her book? That's not what keynote speakers do.

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4 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

Miranda finally got what was coming to her for a very long time.

Good for Steve. He didn’t say a damn thing to her that wasn’t true: pretty much the only reason she didn’t get an abortion was because she felt guilty about Charlotte’s infertility and even after that she had to be dragged into telling Steve she was pregnant. I hate that he immediately backtracked and apologized when she turned on the waterworks, especially when she had the audacity to accuse him of playing the victim when she saw that condom on the floor. For all she knew, it could have come from Brady!

I may not like Che, but they did the right thing in dumping her ass.


Okay, reading this, I'm gonna have to break my rule of not watching this mess. This episode sounds like my dream has come true!

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5 minutes ago, TakomaSnark said:

Just so I'm clear... Miranda, who left her husband over a year ago, is surprised by/offended at the reality that her husband - WHO SHE LEFT - has not spent that time since she left him being celibate? Or is that he should have had the 'decency' to rent a hotel room for any sex rather than use the bed *Miranda* is the one who brazenly abandoned?

Now this is just what I think because God knows the writers don't think beyond what they write and even then don't remember it.  I think on some level Miranda thought Steve would be her fallback if things didn't work with Che.  If she was truly done with her marriage and genuinely wanted the best for Steve she would be happy he is moving on. 

8 minutes ago, TakomaSnark said:

Harry/Charlotte and Lily: The AV Club summed it up best, this show's idea of parenting is deranged. 

I get being sex positive but I don't think I would be that supportive of my teenager losing their virginity. 

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I didn't get the impression that Charlotte and Henry were encouraging sex, they were being realistic.  the majority of teens have sex before they are 18.  Charlotte obviously thinks its better that her daughter not get pregnant and to do what she can to prevent it.  if you forbid sex, forbid your daughter to see a certain guy, or otherwise restrict contact, all that is going to do is make the daughter more  determined to see the guy and have sex and that might be unprotected and she won't tell you about it.  and same with boys.  i applaud that Charlotte and Henry didn't make that big of a deal out of losing virginity, as long as it was actually Lily's choice, not being forced into it.  I did love their sudden silence and looks on their faces when Lily made her announcement, they were not quite expecting it so soon.  And hopefully Charlotte made it clear to Lily that she should always have her own supply of condoms.  

Miranda was so wrapped up in her own guilt over leaving Steve, she missed the signs that Steve wasn't as devastated as she thought, or at least had already started to move on.  course, it didn't help that Carrie told her that Steve said he'd never take off his wedding ring.  I bet he will at some point.  It will be interesting to see how they handle the split of property.  its her mortgage, but Steve refuses to leave.  Will he buy her out?  can he afford to?  Did they maintain separate accounts?  can they afford to pay off the mortgage and then just go their separate ways with no alimony (since Steve owns his bar and Miranda is not currently working)?

I think it can be hard to remain friends with someone you married, no matter how amicable the divorce seems to be.  there are always some slights and hard feelings during the split that are hard to overcome, because you still made the vow and at least for many people, it still means something.  so a break up like that can still have issues that are never 100% resolved to remain friends.  At least Carrie didn't marry Aiden, so it may be possible for them to reconnect and reconcile.  


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44 minutes ago, bluegirl147 said:

It has not gone unnoticed (at least by me) that SJP has done very little press for this season. And even going back to last season SJP has not spoken publicly about the Che/Miranda story. I don't think she is as invested in AJLT as she was SATC. Cynthia Nixon OTOH is way too invested.


SJP has a reputation to protect. She did this for a money grab and likely, initially, thought it was going to be well-received, but now that she knows it's not, the less she says the better. 

NuMiranda and Che are the worst things to happen to the Sex and the City universe. And if you think their breakup is going to stick, I've got news for you... surely and unfortunately, MPK will have them back together by the end of the season. Because despite the overwhelming criticism, MPK and Cynthia and Sara Ramirez do not care. They think they're doing something special here. 

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48 minutes ago, luna1122again said:


I know not everyone is an Aidan fan, but what is this person's problem with Aidan? It feels personal. AIDAN is a 'dirtbag ex'? Aidan caused problems in Carrie's relationship with Big? Isn't this at least slightly revisionist history?  (frankly, it feels way more than slightly to me, but again, I know some folks just hate Aidan, and he and Carrie did kiss while married to others, which, ick, so okay.) For me, Big was the problematic dirtbag ex. Of course, you can always have more than one of those.

This person - like the writers - might need to watch and appreciate the original series.

Aidan was not right for Carrie. SATC drove that point home, clearly, many times. He was in no way a dirtbag. I wouldn't even call Big a dirtbag, except when he and Carrie were both dirtbags cheating on their partners.

For most of the series, both men were very clear about who they were and what they wanted from Carrie. Carrie didn't belong with Aidan. It took Big a decade to get it together. Nothing about Aidan or any of the men from the old series who were major players deserves the label "dirtbag" - even Berger and his post-it note.

Now, this show, with all the nuance of a sledgehammer, I can't say the same for. It sounds like they are bringing Aidan back as a saintly deus ex machina. Maybe Carrie is the Big in this scenario and has changed enough to appreciate him - but I wouldn't bet on it. And I can't imagine they're dumb enough to turn Aidan into a dirtbag, but I would put nothing past this bunch assholes after what they did to the character of Steve. 

OT, but wanted to say: I think characters can be interesting and complex without being divorced later in life. Aidan included. The writers have missed that memo. 

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22 minutes ago, NeenerNeener said:

She was always having 2nd thoughts about the abortion, though, or she wouldn't have asked Carrie about how long it took for her to stop regretting hers. That "I'll let you know when it happens"  sealed the deal for Brady's birth.

I want to clear this up, because it's important. As follows is the transcript from that conversation.

Miranda: What about after? How long until I feel back to normal?

Carrie: You're gonna have to ask them [the abortion clinic healthcare providers].

Miranda: How long until you felt back to normal?

Carrie: Any day now.


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2 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

5. Charlotte and Harry are the worst parents I have ever seen. What utter pushovers. They're not even doing that gentle parenting BS - they're not parenting at all. They're ATMs for their entitled, sullen little monsters who look to be in a position to bring zero value to society in the coming years. Whoever Blake's mother is - I hope she gives Charlotte hell for enabling their kids' duplicitous behavior  and treating two high school teens like they're full-grown adults. Thanks for giving me a primer on how NOT to raise my son, you two doormats.

Um, is this not the exact opposite of what Lily did? She did not lie or hide what she was doing, she was honest with her parents about it.

Teenagers are going to have sex. The best thing parents can do is be open and honest and educate their kids about safe sex. 

Edited by rainbowbanana
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1 hour ago, luna1122again said:


I know not everyone is an Aidan fan, but what is this person's problem with Aidan? It feels personal. AIDAN is a 'dirtbag ex'? Aidan caused problems in Carrie's relationship with Big? Isn't this at least slightly revisionist history?  (frankly, it feels way more than slightly to me, but again, I know some folks just hate Aidan, and he and Carrie did kiss while married to others, which, ick, so okay.) For me, Big was the problematic dirtbag ex. Of course, you can always have more than one of those.

That writer clearly has a bias against Aidan.  I'm not an Aidan fan but the way she describes him is not the way I remember it. Speaking of remembering let's see if the writers remember anything about the original pairing of Carrie and Aidan. Or the second pairing.  Or their interaction in the second movie.

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Oh hell no, Miranda is not allowed to be pissed at Steve for being with someone else. She cheated on him! She dumped him! She ran across the country to play groupie for the person she cheated on him with! Especially after she tried to kick him out of their home! I don't care if her name is on the paperwork, Steve deserves the damn house! I'm so glad that Steve finally got to be angry and hurt and show Miranda how hurt he was by what she did, but of course then he has to walk it back when she turns on the waterworks and then comforts her, only for her to get pissed off at him for daring to move on. They're separated, she's in a relationship, how the fuck does she have the right to be mad at him

I would be thrilled to see our long national nightmare that is Che/Miranda come to an end, but I fear that its not to be. CN and the show are so obsessed with this character and this awful relationship I feel like they wont end it so abruptly. It makes total sense for them to break up, Che and Miranda have always been poorly matched and a chemistry black hole, but their break-up was so seemingly random I feel like they'll end up together again just as randomly. 

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57 minutes ago, rainbowbanana said:

Um, is this not the exact opposite of what Lily did? She did not lie or hide what she was doing, she was honest with her parents about it.

Teenagers are going to have sex. The best thing parents can do is be open and honest and educate their kids about safe sex. 

Lily was honest with Charlotte. It was made clear that Blake was not honest with his parents. Lily told Charlotte as much at his house. It's great that Charlotte and Lily have a relationship like that (though I really don't buy most of that plot, but I don't buy much with the writing the way it is), but it doesn't sound like Blake's parents would have been so thrilled about what was going down in their house without their knowledge. So no, I don't think it's admirable to cosign behavior that clearly involves a kid lying to his parents. YMMV.

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1 hour ago, bilgistic said:

I want to clear this up, because it's important. As follows is the transcript from that conversation.

Miranda: What about after? How long until I feel back to normal?

Carrie: You're gonna have to ask them [the abortion clinic healthcare providers].

Miranda: How long until you felt back to normal?

Carrie: Any day now.

My apologies, it's been quite a while since I watched "Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda" and I didn't remember the exact dialog. But the point stands, Miranda wasn't sure about going through with it or she wouldn't have asked Carrie about "when would she feel back to normal". Carrie's answer was pretty much "never".

Edited by NeenerNeener
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So let me get this straight... for a year since Miranda dumped her husband and child, she been living with Che and not only getting finger banged on a regular basis, but having threesomes and playing around with strap ons, but I'm supposed to feel bad for her because Steve clearly had sex with someone else?

Fuck her.

At least our long nightmare as over, as she and Che have broken up but that ugly fight with Steve was entertaining as all hell. I get that the show wants us to be on Miranda's side because Steve gave Miranda some harshly spoken truths, then they are worse hacks that we already assumed. Miranda was, at best, ambivalent about having Brady and while she did care for Steve, certainly didn't put a fraction of the effort into their relationship that she did with Che. She'd bitched endlessly about moving to Brooklyn since in her eyes, NYC ended at the Williamsburg Bridge but thought nothing about running off to LA to be Che's housewife. Steve has been taken for granted over his near devotion to Miranda for far too long and I'm glad that he's standing up for himself.

Carrie's story continues to be a yawn festival and the lack of any kind of real stakes in her life just bores me. Of course Aiden is conveniently available and still carrying a torch for her, which is kind of pathetic, After all, she is widowed by the man that she cheated on Aiden with and then went on to marry. Why he's even entertain the idea of being with her is beyond me.

I'm trying to find a redeeming quality for this pile of burning garbage, but... nope. It all sucks. The story sucks, the characters suck, the writings sucks... it just sucks.

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2 hours ago, bilgistic said:

I want to clear this up, because it's important. As follows is the transcript from that conversation.

Miranda: What about after? How long until I feel back to normal?

Carrie: You're gonna have to ask them [the abortion clinic healthcare providers].

Miranda: How long until you felt back to normal?

Carrie: Any day now.

Well, "normal" can mean a lot of different things to different people.  Does anyone who had an abortion feel exactly the same way they did beforehand?  Isn't that what Miranda is asking, did Carrie feel "back to normal", i.e. back to the way she felt before the abortion, or even getting pregnant?  Does that mean they didn't feel it was the right decision at that time?  Does this mean that Carrie "regretted" her abortion?  Or does this just mean that Carrie sometimes thinks 'what if' she decided to go through with the pregnancy and have the baby, and because she does, she can't ever go "back to normal", i.e. what she was like beforehand?  Plenty of people think this sometimes, even if they have absolutely no regrets in the decision they made at the time to have the abortion.  

And just because someone does decide to go through the pregnancy and have the baby doesn't mean that sometimes they might not think "what if" they had decided not to.  It shouldn't be thrown back in their face that they did consider the possibility of having an abortion way back when.  


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22 minutes ago, Hana Chan said:

Carrie's story continues to be a yawn festival and the lack of any kind of real stakes in her life just bores me.

Totally agree. Carrie is now a supporting character. 

4 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

It shouldn't be thrown back in their face that they did consider the possibility of having an abortion way back when.  

I'm not going to fault Steve for doing that.  He was angry and his anger was valid.  Was it hurtful and cruel? Yes. But so was the way Miranda cheated on him and then dumped him before she ran off to play groupie. 


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Aside from that conversation, I definitely never got any impression that Carrie regretted having had an abortion. Though the religion I grew up in insisted that any woman who did have one would forever be hopelessly depressed, suicidal, drug addicted and that no man would ever want her, most women I know who've had them considered it a medical necessity that they did not regret. 

I always wondered at the intent of that dialogue and concluded that Carrie was just being pithy, not that she actually felt forever changed or remorseful about her decision. 

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6 minutes ago, bluegirl147 said:

Carrie is now a supporting character. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again... the show made a huge mistake by giving her this kind of wealth following Big's death. She's got nothing outside of landing a new man that has any kind of real relevance in her life. If she takes on a "job" like the podcast, it's more of a hobby than a way to make a living. It would have been so much more interesting of she and Big's divorced or he died and didn't leave her enough that she'd ben independently wealthy for the rest of her life. A fifty-something women having to start over again when the job she'd worked at before her marriage is no longer relevant could make for an interesting storyline. But right now she's just drifting and wearing a lot of outlandish costumes. There's no meat to her story.

18 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

It shouldn't be thrown back in their face that they did consider the possibility of having an abortion way back when.  

I would normally agree. And showing that this is the other side of regret - that maybe Miranda would have been happier and more fulfilled if she'd had that abortion and never married Steve could be told in a way that is respectful to all the characters. But these are not good writers and the story is being told in such a careless manner that it's hard to feel sympathy for Miranda. Steve has bent over backwards to give Miranda what she needed to be happy. If she bent in the slightest way to accommodate Steve and Brady, Steve would be turning handsprings to make up for that. It was such a one-sided relationship - as if Steve was trying to make up for any regrets that Miranda had by not having that abortion.

And we saw Miranda embracing being a wife and mother, finding a happiness that she hadn't considered possible for herself. She could certainly be torn by the "what ifs" and go through a mid-life crisis, but it was handled so badly that I find it nearly impossible to sympathize with her. She's become so unwaveringly selfish that she doesn't seem to care that she hurt Steve and Brady so deeply. It's all about her wants at this point.

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I don't understand how Steve having sex makes it okay to be mad at him now. Like it means he doesn't care or isn't upset and hurt that his wife cheated on him and has spent the past year fucking someone else?

Does sleeping with someone mean you've moved on and have no right to be angry? Since when?

Miranda is an idiot. He IS still the victim. 

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11 minutes ago, luna1122again said:

I always wondered at the intent of that dialogue and concluded that Carrie was just being pithy, not that she actually felt forever changed or remorseful about her decision. 

We never heard of Carrie having an abortion before or after that episode.  Samantha said she had two abortions.  I think the writers had Carrie having an abortion to add something to episode and I think it worked but I don't believe she regretted her decision.

15 minutes ago, luna1122again said:

most women I know who've had them considered it a medical necessity that they did not regret.

And there are women who just made a choice that was right for them that they did not regret.

8 minutes ago, Hana Chan said:

I've said it before and I'll say it again... the show made a huge mistake by giving her this kind of wealth following Big's death.

I thought he should have went to jail and their assets froze.  She would have had to move back to her apartment and find a way to support herself. Which other than the husband going to jail happens to a lot of women Carrie's age group.

10 minutes ago, Hana Chan said:

And we saw Miranda embracing being a wife and mother, finding a happiness that she hadn't considered possible for herself. She could certainly be torn by the "what ifs" and go through a mid-life crisis, but it was handled so badly that I find it nearly impossible to sympathize with her.

I do think as Brady got older she started to miss the life she would have had if she hadn't had Brady.  She went back to school because she wanted to do something different.  We didn't see Miranda being a mom from the time Brady started  school to last year when he was in high school.  Last week's episode she mentioned she had been cutting carrot sticks while other people were off living their more exciting lives but I don't believe she was like Charlotte who is heavily involved with her children's school and activities. And there is nothing wrong with that.  I think Miranda had that guilt that all working mothers have. Are they working hard enough and are they being involved enough with their kid. 

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5 minutes ago, luna1122again said:

Yes. This is really what I meant to convey, not that it's just right if it's a medical reason. My statement was incomplete. 

I think one reason SATC had Carrie say she had an abortion was they wanted to show it was a choice some women make. They were going to have Miranda choose not to have an abortion so they had Carrie say she chose differently. 

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I posted a video of Carrie and Aiden  over on the compare and contrast thread...  as it allows spoilers.


I agree with those who stated Carrie and Aiden weren't compatible; they gave it a go, twice.

I never saw Aiden as a dirtbag, that article was harsh.  I thought what they had him doing in shitty movie #2 seemed out of character, hitting on Carrie a moment after showing her  photos of his children.



Regarding the long awaited confrontation between Steve and Miranda..

As is bound to happen when someone bottles up feelings that should be discussed, Steve went too far IMO with the "you never wanted Brady" thing. You cannot tell me any woman goes through 9 months of pregnancy and 18+ years of raising a child in this day and age if she doesn't really want to. Remember that was back before Miranda's brain got taken over by aliens bad writers.

I was happy Steve expressed himself in that it's really not fair for him to be ousted from a home he enjoys living in and wasn't contemplating leaving when Miranda is the one who caused the upheaval in their lives. After they divorce and go through   a fair division of assets  I don't get the impression it's financially not going to be possible  for Miranda to find a new place.

It appeared to me that Miranda felt  more of her newly acknowledged guilt about doing Steve wrong when Carrie said what she did about him declaring he'd never take off his wedding ring. Carrie even stated that's why she didn't tell Miranda at the time  he said it, that she didn't want to make Miranda feel even worse. That's why she was so surprised to see evidence  right in front of her face that he wasn't too depressed to bed someone else. I'm sure there was an extra bit of sting that it was the bed they'd shared over the years.

Steve and Miranda should have had a reasonable conversation about what to do when she declared she  hadn't been happy for  a long time (last year). I'm still unclear about what happened in the counseling sessions, was it always family counseling? I certainly don't recall Steve and Miranda working on their marriage, as she was already obsessed with Che.  Maybe a trial separation would have benefited them.


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21 minutes ago, bluegirl147 said:

I do think as Brady got older she started to miss the life she would have had if she hadn't had Brady.  She went back to school because she wanted to do something different.  We didn't see Miranda being a mom from the time Brady started  school to last year when he was in high school.  Last week's episode she mentioned she had been cutting carrot sticks while other people were off living their more exciting lives but I don't believe she was like Charlotte who is heavily involved with her children's school and activities. And there is nothing wrong with that.  I think Miranda had that guilt that all working mothers have. Are they working hard enough and are they being involved enough with their kid. 

And that could have been interesting in the hands of the right writers. But what we got here was so haphazard that they squandered a huge amount of possible good will. There would have been a way to tell this kind of story without totally destroying Miranda's character in the process. I look back to a man my mom worked with who came out late in life to his wife (after both their daughters were born). It was difficult at first, but they divorced amicably and remained good enough friends that eventually they were in one another's wedding parties to their new partners. He also made a career change late in life, going from being a dentist to a lawyer and model. 

What Miranda did was just utterly obliterate her family without any thought except that Che excited her in a way that Steve no longer did (or as she now claims, never did). She showed no caring or respect for her husband or her son, ran off with Che and now acts like she has a right to be the injured party when Steve lashes out at her. She acted without any thought or care for her family, her own career (whatever she wanted it to be) or anything outside of servicing Che's needs. It's not too much of a surprise that so much of the audience didn't find this as enthralling as CN did.

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3 minutes ago, Hana Chan said:

What Miranda did was just utterly obliterate her family without any thought except that Che excited her in a way that Steve no longer did (or as she now claims, never did). She showed no caring or respect for her husband or her son, ran off with Che and now acts like she has a right to be the injured party when Steve lashes out at her. She acted without any thought or care for her family, her own career (whatever she wanted it to be) or anything outside of servicing Che's needs. It's not too much of a surprise that so much of the audience didn't find this as enthralling as CN did.

I watched the old show too many times to count and Miranda.... uh, he did. 

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4 minutes ago, Hana Chan said:

What Miranda did was just utterly obliterate her family without any thought except that Che excited her in a way that Steve no longer did (or as she now claims, never did). She showed no caring or respect for her husband or her son, ran off with Che and now acts like she has a right to be the injured party when Steve lashes out at her. She acted without any thought or care for her family, her own career (whatever she wanted it to be) or anything outside of servicing Che's needs. It's not too much of a surprise that so much of the audience didn't find this as enthralling as CN did.

We know Cynthia left her longtime male partner, father of her children, to be with a woman.  So my opinion is CN thought well if I can do that and it turn out OK (at least in her mind) then Miranda can do it too and it will be OK.

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8 minutes ago, T Summer said:

That's why she was so surprised to see evidence  right in front of her face that he wasn't too depressed to bed someone else. I'm sure there was an extra bit of sting that it was the bed they'd shared over the years.

I'm sorry, but Miranda has absolutely zero right to be upset that Steve was moving on from her. She was the one who left him for someone else and they have been separated for going on a year at this point. All the while, Miranda has been living with and having sex with Che (including threesomes with Che's sort-of-ex-husband). I'm sure that her ego would love the idea that Steve was going to be her devoted puppy for the rest of their lives, hanging on the hope that she might come back to him. He had every right to move on and try to find some kind of happiness for himself (even if only temporary) the instant that Miranda took off to LA. The fact that it took him time to do so is just evidence of how much he loved her and how much her leaving damaged him.

Steve might still love Miranda, but his anger at her actions is more than understandable. As was his moving on to find new partners to share his bed, if only to prove to himself that while his wife might not want him sexually that other women would. His feelings are just as valid as Miranda's.

4 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

I watched the old show too many times to count and Miranda.... uh, he did. 

Oh, we certainly did see that. Him and his amazing one testicle. 

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5 minutes ago, Hana Chan said:

Steve might still love Miranda, but his anger at her actions is more than understandable. As was his moving on to find new partners to share his bed, if only to prove to himself that while his wife might not want him sexually that other women would. His feelings are just as valid as Miranda's.

I agree with this however human nature being what it is I just imagine hearing from Carrie at lunch that Steve expressed to her that he'd never take his wedding ring off had Miranda imagining that Steve was depressed still pining away for her. Then later that night after their row and decompressing from it and semi spooning... seeing that condom wrapper and realizing he was having sex with other women brought her crashing down to earth. Plus it would make her feel something that he's doing so in their bed, it's only natural. I'm not saying her extremely selfish shitty actions didn't kick off the whole thing.



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Whassat?!  Am I getting my birthday present four months early?  NO MORE CHE?!

Humph, we’ll see….usually I cain’t have pretty thangs, I’ma let a few eppies go by before truly celebrating.

DAMMIT, STEVE!!!!  Your speech to Miranduh was long overdue, so what do you do?  Pussy down when she cries!  She deserved what you said and then some, I hate that he immediately apologized.  And so what if he fucks his way through Whole Foods, Costco, hell, Ralph’s Market…..does she expect the man to wither away, doddering with his hearing aids?  Nah, I’m all for Steve Fuckfest ’23, get all the booty while you can dude!!

Love Rachel Dratch but the Karen/Karrie character got on my nerves with her passive-aggressiveness….Carrie said she’d attend your event, stop yapping about what she did in the past!

Finally….see, this is why I don’t have kids, ‘cause what kind of bullshit does a 17 year old with no job, house or car announces in my muhfuckin’ house that she’s going to fuck her boyfriend?!!  A shocked Charlotte I can understand, but Harry?  After his Matthew Rhys shtick last week, he should have gone ballistic.  Kids today, these bastards grow a little pubic hair and think they know everything and own the world.  If I had a daughter and the heiffa told me what Lily told her parents, she’d still be rubbing her throat from where I karate chopped her!!

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