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1 hour ago, Quof said:

She said "so if you cheat on me, I can't leave

Why would a guy with minimal interest in sex cheat?

4 minutes ago, Breedom said:

And if she truly loves you, she needs to consider getting a job. Or does she have one?

She was a teacher but claims after Gino sent her topless pics to his ex they ended up on the internet and she was fired and can’t get another teaching job.  Why she can’t wait tables I don’t know.

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1 hour ago, Adeejay said:

Razvan is a good-looking guy.  He is from Romanian which is part of the European Union.  He can travel around the world somewhat freely.  He has a visa for the US, which he obtained without Amanda’s help.  I don’t understand why he is wasting his time with her.  She is a wet blanket.  If he wants to move to boost his career, I am sure there are thousands of women in Europe and the US who would be happy to have him. 

It seems that Razvan has a lot to offer and has been very understanding and kind to Amanda. He must be a saint to put up with this girl. Amanda has a constant little smirk on her face which I find annoying, and why is she always shooting Razman down with her stupid reactions and comments? What up with her?  She doesn't realize that very few guys would keep their interest in her with that attitude. I have a feeling that Raz's end goal is to get to the US. Oh, when Raz got very serious and said he wanted to ask Amanda something - and then the little smirk came out in full force on Amanda's face - with her saying, "stop!" ------- it was clear she thought she was going to get a proposal, not a key to his apartment. Very clear. Girl, go home and be with your kids. You shouldn't have involved Razvan in your recovery period.

One more thing: Amanda, please style your hair differently. That strand hanging on the side of your face while the rest of your hair is being held back is bothersome to look at. Get rid of it. Thank you.

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4 hours ago, FrancescaFiore said:

I don't care how curious they are, Cleo's genitalia and sexual function are nobody's business but her own and her partner's. Mr. Hipster Waxed Mustache reduced Cleo to an object with "titties and a dick," as though her body is the sum total of who she is. People like Cleo need champions in their lives. People who speak up when others try to dehumanize or 'otherize' trans people. Christian is not one of those champions.

I agree with this. That was so off putting and just basically rude. If Cleo wanted to bring it up/discuss it with people that’s her decision, Christian should stand up for her privacy if he was actually serious about a relationship with her. Just on an emotional trust level. 

Let’s see what else we get from these two. I’m not expecting a great romance. 

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Amanda always snickering at whatever he says is getting annoying. That and covering her mouth with her hands like she's surprised or shy about something. 

Riley is the corniest person I've seen on this show and that is saying something. His face and facial expressions are so stupid-- he just seems like a moron when he looks in the camera and nods his head with a smirk in that stupid plaid button down, with his little boy haircut. He is seeing Violet for the first time and all he can say is, "Oh, if you hug me you lose the bet!" 

He's just a moron. Violet can do SO MUCH BETTER than that cheesy dumb man. That said, his love for her was very sweet and hopefully he doesn't get into his own head and let his insecurities make him act douchy and ruin it. 

I don't think Jasmine is going to be on board with the pre-nup.

Gino has some pretty interesting facial expressions. He has very tiny hands.



Edited by bravofan27
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Jasmine looked like she was gonna accept the conditions of that prenup contract until she read the part about if she ends the marriage she get’s nothing 🤣 …. Like Gino how much more of a sign do you need?  

Should Cleo & Christian even be featured? U.K citizens can enter the U.S anytime they want as long as they have the correct documents & allowed up to 6 months stay in either country, with no limits on how often they can visit & re-enter the country. Plus The process to become a UK/US citizen is about 11-13 months, whereas some of the other couples are stuck waiting years! 


It just seems like another way for TLC to exploit people for views or a fake story to give someone 15 minutes of fame. 

Edited by Hellohappylife
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2 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

He's just a moron. Violet can do SO MUCH BETTER than that cheesy dumb man. That said, his love for her was very sweet and hopefully he doesn't get into his own head and let his insecurities make him act douchy and ruin it. 

I agree. I've come to the conclusion these men and women clearly are failing at any relationship they want in north america, but for some reason feel anyone in a 2nd or 3rd world country should be THRILLED they're going to take an interest in them.  His entitlement is so off-putting, and I hope Violent loves herself enough to tell him to go pound sand.

21 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

Well there’s an earlier couple where the guy has a criminal record and has been waiting for years and they have a baby together.  Jon and Rachel.

But his crimes were violent and he disabled someone for life. I would hope immigration bases each case on its own merit.

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1 hour ago, Hellohappylife said:

🤣 Cleo & Christian even be ? U.K citizens can enter the U.S anytime they want as long as they have the correct documents & allowed up to 6 months stay in either country, with no limits on how often they can visit & re-enter the country. Plus The process to become a UK/US citizen is about 11-13 months, whereas some of the other couples are stuck waiting years! 

(I don't know how to delete that widget)

I agree completely. It's as if the franchise has a checklist of couples to profile. They've done the very old/young, different religion/cultural, same sex couples, and the trans man/woman (which I enjoyed because he was clearly meant to be a man). So what's next... Oh yeah, a trans woman and douchy creep?  (And I'm not even sure how much she's committed to being a woman.)

They went all out this season with profiling autism, the deaf community, trans community, and the WTF community (Gino). It bothers me the franchise is trolling for anything to make a "splash", but it also bothers me the participants are allowing it.

15 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

She’s starting to look like Pedro’s sister.


Edited by Chalby
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Just some food for thought (and yes, I'm aware correlation does NOT imply causation)

i read a research study that found 5% of the cisgender community has autism, but 24% of the trans community has autism.

Given all the autistic students I've  taught over the years, I'm not totally surprised. Once someone on the spectrum has a thought, reckoning, or passion they wish to pursue, they perseverate upon it until it becomes a reality.

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Just when I thought Amanda has complained about the most ridiculous thing, she hits you with something else…. SERIOUSLY, complaining about freaking birds flying around in a park area, outside in their natural fucking habitat. 

She went to the store too find “American food”…. but we basically found out she doesn’t eat dairy, meat or processed foods…Good for her for eating healthy, but does she really think American’s are the only ones with vegetables & fruits? 


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5 hours ago, Hellohappylife said:

She went to the store too find “American food”…. but we basically found out she doesn’t eat dairy, meat or processed foods…Good for her for eating healthy, but does she really think American’s are the only ones with vegetables & fruits?

Amanda is the girl who peaked in high school, where she was the queen bee of mean girls. Her proudest achievement is that she can still rock a crop top with jeans after pushing out two kids. The grocery store scene was just ridiculous----I feel like she is SEARCHING for shit to bitch about. "I want American food." Um ok, no dairy, no packaged foods. What "American food" was she expecting to show up freshly prepared in a Romanian grocery store? I am sure they had fruits and vegetables and meats....she could have picked out something to make a meal for them. God love him, he is working for that green card. Or just more exposure for his Onlyfans, which is my bet. 

Edited by Stuckathome
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10 hours ago, Hellohappylife said:

Should Cleo & Christian even be featured? U.K citizens can enter the U.S anytime they want as long as they have the correct documents & allowed up to 6 months stay in either country, with no limits on how often they can visit & re-enter the country. Plus The process to become a UK/US citizen is about 11-13 months, whereas some of the other couples are stuck waiting years! 


Does she have UK or EU citizenship?  Perhaps she is on student visa in London?  Mentioned Italy, but not sure if that’s where she was born or spent time.

And I’ll defend Violet.  I was pissed for her that he didn’t notice that she never wears pearls or do any basic level research about her home country and discover that she could easily get better pearls than he can in the US.  And, she said that she had something work related the next day and could meet up for dinner after.  Of course she could have said it nicer, but their “thing” seems to be acting like a couple of angsty 13 year olds.  They are both challenging individuals and might just deserve each other.

Edited by Booger666
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14 minutes ago, Booger666 said:

Does she have UK or EU citizenship?  Perhaps she is on student visa in London?  Mentioned Italy, but not sure if that’s where she was born or spent time.

And I’ll defend Violet.  I was pissed for her that he didn’t notice that she never wears pearls or do any basic level research about her home country and discover that she could easily get better pearls than he can in the US.  And, she said that she had something work related the next day and could meet up for dinner after.  Of course she could have said it nicer, but their “thing” seems to be acting like a couple of angsty 13 year olds.  They are both challenging individuals and might just deserve each other.

I wonder if he even asked Violet about the dates that worked best for her…and even if he did, who can take a couple of weeks off work to entertain a visitor!

  • Like 6
2 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

Amanda is the girl who peaked in high school, where she was the queen bee of mean girls. Her proudest achievement is that she can still rock a crop top with jeans after pushing out two kids. The grocery store scene was just ridiculous----I feel like she is SEARCHING for shit to bitch about. "I want American food." Um ok, no dairy, no packaged foods. What "American food" was she expecting to show up freshly prepared in a Romanian grocery store? I am sure they had fruits and vegetables and meats....she could have picked out something to make a meal for them. God love him, he is working for that green card. Or just more exposure for his Onlyfans, which is my bet. 

When I was in Poland I was surprised to see Mission tortillas and other American items.  In fact, I thought the grocery store had a much better selection of many things in Poland than I could get at home. The produce was swoon worthy.

I am finding Amanda to be a complete wet blanket.  That chick is NO FUN at all!

  • Like 7
17 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

When I was in Poland I was surprised to see Mission tortillas and other American items.

When I was in France I was surprised to see Weight Watchers frozen meals. French version (packaging entirely in French) and different options, lol. But, even if Razvan found her a box of Cheerios or Lays chips, she would have sneered---she doesn't do prepackaged food with all the preservatives. So she was looking for preservative free, non prepackaged American food. In a Romanian small grocery. OK beeyotch. 

Riley seems super insecure. And Violet likes to poke the bear and stir up shit. No idea what her life is like in Vietnam (I may have missed it but did they show like where she actually lives) but it could very well be that she is fine there and has a semi comfy life. Certainly didn't get a scene with Sheila like we did with Violet---meeting up at a nice looking cafe with girlfriends to dish about Riley over coffees. I assume Violet has a few foreign guys that she chats with and gets $$ from once in a while. I am from PA and Stroudsburg is nowhere close to being cosmopolitan or even super close to a big city; it would be a huge culture shock for her, Ho Chi Minh is, as she said, a large very cosmopolitan place. All that said, no idea what her work is like or how they handle taking time off. It could very well be that if she has a decent paying job, she CAN'T take time off for fear that they will simply replace her. And if they are on again off again, yeah, I am guessing he didn't even ask before booking his tickets. Love how she jumped in her cab after dinner and there was no big scene of the two of them going up to his room and gushing over how great the sex was and how they both dreamed of this night, lol. 

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6 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

So she was looking for preservative free, non prepackaged American food.

If she doesn’t buy packaged food she is buying raw ingredients and I’m sure they had those.  Maybe she buys fresh hot prepared entrees (versus frozen or boxed) in American groceries stores like Whole Foods and just assumes there aren’t chemicals in any of the ingredients used lol.  

10 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

All that said, no idea what her work is like or how they handle taking time off.

I thought she said that she had a mission for her church but I may have misheard.

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14 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

Riley is the corniest person I've seen on this show and that is saying something.....  He is seeing Violet for the first time and all he can say is, "Oh, if you hug me you lose the bet!" 

Ugh, this guy.  I bet he is one of those guys that is just full of stupid "inside jokes" and imposes them on all his girlfriends.  'I give Violet the finger because it's my secret code for I love you.'  'The first person to touch the other one is a dirty, rotten egg!'  'Pull my finger'  Ugh.  Grow the eff up.  No wonder he's single.  I would last 20 minutes with him.  Which would probably give him enough time to come up with a special inside joke between the two of us before I tell him to fuck off.   


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1 hour ago, Stuckathome said:

So she was looking for preservative free, non prepackaged American food. In a Romanian small grocery

They were in an organic grocery store (the name of the store included "Bio", the European label for organic/no GMO). The first thing they looked at was produce, but didn't appear to buy any. I didn't recognize the American products they picked up, but they were presumably organic. Doesn't mean they weren't crappy, and they were certainly packaged/processed.  

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On 6/26/2023 at 5:44 AM, Stuckathome said:

Her amount of luggage and shoes was just insanity. 

My wife travels more than half the year on business. She immediately pegged Meisha as someone who doesn't travel much or at all: Business travelers figure out a system that does not involve completely unpacking all their suitcases and strewing stuff everywhere. Not only does that leave you nowhere to sit or put things, there's WAY too much risk of accidentally leaving stuff behind when you leave. When Mrs. RaiderDuck and I travel together (or I have the opportunity to visit her in a market), I always stay the heck out of her way when she's packing up, as she has a specific system she uses to make sure she doesn't forget anything.


On 6/26/2023 at 8:40 AM, Pixilicious said:

As for Cleo, everytime she's on I feel i'm looking at Marilyn Manson's sister...the eyes...the shape of the face...am I the only one?

Cleo bugs me (and it has nothing to do with her being trans -- I couldn't care less about that). Like her, I grew up mildly autistic and had to practice how to act and what kinds of things to say. You imitate people you know or see on TV or in the movies, and gradually learn by trial and error what works and what doesn't. But you should have this crap figured out by the time you're in your 30s. After a point, you're just using it as a crutch.


On 6/26/2023 at 10:48 AM, magemaud said:

Meisha and Nicola are such "God Botherers"! Seriously, praying that his car doesn't break down? Why not just a quick prayer for "safe travels" without being so specific? I think God has more important prayers to answer than taking care of your car maintenance for you. 

Maybe they attend services at Our Lady of the Jiffy Lube?


22 hours ago, FrancescaFiore said:

Ugh, Amanda just go home already. Nothing pleases you. Dude makes you pancakes, you shit on them. Dude takes you to a beautiful park, you bitch about there being too many birds and question him about it, like it's his fault. Is that what guys are into? Some almost-beautiful girl to be a total bitch to them 24/7?

She entered into an online relationship before her dead husband's body was even cold. She realizes now she went WAY too fast but instead of just admitting it and telling Razvan how she feels, she's trying to nag him into dumping her so she doesn't have to admit how unfair she's been to both him and her kids.  Example: He makes it clear he's going to film a video where he kisses a woman, then asks if she wants to be the woman in the video. Rather than saying Yes, she refuses but then acts hurt that he's going to kiss someone else. He literally can't win with her.


21 hours ago, Quof said:

Her rage made no sense. She said "so if you cheat on me, I can't leave"(because she gets less if she is the one to end the marriage).  The clause purportedly said she wouldn't get less for initiating the divorce if he cheated. 

I'd think a clause like that would be largely unenforceable. If Gino cheats but denies it, how would Jasmine prove anything without hacking his phone or hiring a PI?


20 hours ago, Breedom said:

So far I like Riley and would also feel annoyed if the person I traveled across the world to see made other plans on day #2. I don't like Violet. I think she said to her girlfriends that she "liked to tease men" to get them mad.  How charming and cute. Not. Agree that the pearl jewelry was very cheap, but still, could Violet have taken the high road and shown some appreciation? I guess she expected expensive gold jewelry and what she received was a step above garbage that meant nothing to her. I don't know Riley's budget but maybe this was the best he could do. Plus many men don't have a clue about jewelry and don't want to shell out much.

What he bought her was nice. She could have at least been thankful. And she wouldn't be the first woman (or man) to find out that "Playing hard to get" only occasionally works. More often than not, the other person will eventually tire of the constant hoop-jumping and just go find someone else.


20 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

She was a teacher but claims after Gino sent her topless pics to his ex they ended up on the internet and she was fired and can’t get another teaching job.  Why she can’t wait tables I don’t know.

My guess (and I do not have or claim any "inside info"): Her school district was already looking to fire her, and the pictures were just a convenient excuse. If what we've seen is any indicator of her true personality, would you want this shrieking harpy teaching your children?

Edited by Sir RaiderDuck OMS
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On 6/26/2023 at 1:27 PM, MrBuhBye said:


I know hair grows slowly but can’t you gradually grow your own and phase out the extensions?  I’m thinking Crystal Gayle lol.

Not really. I have had many hair extensions. I added length to my hair but I got them more to make my hair thicker. My hair is not terribly thick to start and everyone’s hair is thinner at the bottom. Plus as your hair grows, the ends get older so they thin and split and will eventually break off. In theory, someone could end up with super long hair but it would likely be pretty thin and damaged.


22 hours ago, FrancescaFiore said:

Yes. The hair gets damaged through wear and heat styling etc. It also sheds over time (depending on the kind of extensions they are - sewn-in wefts last longer than microbeads) making the overall hair less voluminous. When I was still getting extensions, I paid about $300 for each package of hair and used about 6 packages. I'm itty-bitty and have a smaller head, so 6 did the trick for me, but it was ridiculously expensive. 

I have had multiple kinds. There are tape-in extensions that you can remove and reuse. As your hair grows, they have to be removed and moved closer to the root. Eventually you do have to toss them because hair falls out. I have had the sewn-in kind. They lasted longer but also have to be moved up as your hair grows out. With those first two kinds, too, you have to be very careful how you brush your hair, starting below where the extension is attached to your own hair. If they are mis-applied or improperly maintained, they can damage your own hair or your own hair can become so tangled and locked that you have to cut them out. That’s disastrous.

The last time I had extensions, they were good for one application only but they lasted about 9 months. My hair grows fast. They are installed in very small sections and you can brush your hair like a normal person. I had minimal matting with just regular washing and brushing (plus you have to braid it to sleep). Those looked like the kind that Jasmine had and to get hair as thick as hers, she probably did have at least 6 packages in there. Once they are removed (or if they fall out, which they can, especially if you get oil or hair conditioner on them), you cannot use them again.

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7 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

Amanda is the girl who peaked in high school, where she was the queen bee of mean girls. Her proudest achievement is that she can still rock a crop top with jeans after pushing out two kids. The grocery store scene was just ridiculous----I feel like she is SEARCHING for shit to bitch about. "I want American food." Um ok, no dairy, no packaged foods. What "American food" was she expecting to show up freshly prepared in a Romanian grocery store? I am sure they had fruits and vegetables and meats....she could have picked out something to make a meal for them. God love him, he is working for that green card. Or just more exposure for his Onlyfans, which is my bet. 

I went to China with a team of teachers, to a city in the northeast not terribly open to Westerners (yet).  Some angel found a convenience store with Pringles and Oreos.  The best Oreos of my life!  If that city had KFC (their version) and a McDonalds, I'm sure Bucharest has McDonalds as well.  

This girl wants to be high maintenance but as the saying goes, all hat and no cattle.

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4 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

Maybe she buys fresh hot prepared entrees (versus frozen or boxed) in American groceries stores like Whole Foods and just assumes there aren’t chemicals in any of the ingredients used lol.  

Somehow, Amanda doesn't strike me as a WF shopper. 

2 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

If what we've seen is any indicator of her true personality, would you want this shrieking harpy teaching your children?

Wasn't she a high school teacher or a college professor? Edited to add her (supposed) CV. YEAP!:  image.thumb.png.443f714b84864a1e8f9380044e5f8e8e.png

Edited by magemaud
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4 hours ago, Cementhead said:

Ugh, this guy.  I bet he is one of those guys that is just full of stupid "inside jokes" and imposes them on all his girlfriends.  'I give Violet the finger because it's my secret code for I love you.'  'The first person to touch the other one is a dirty, rotten egg!'  'Pull my finger'  Ugh.  Grow the eff up.  No wonder he's single.  I would last 20 minutes with him.  Which would probably give him enough time to come up with a special inside joke between the two of us before I tell him to fuck off.   


And his constant whining. OMG, just shut up. He is literally a big toddler (talks, dresses, acts, and that haircut--UHG like a child), and immediately whines when he doesn't get his way. His strategy of being a huge asshole is lame. He is textbook douche. 

The hiring a PI is all hot air. He don't got money for that and him trying to act like a high baller is laughable given his terrible social skills which insinuate he has never spent any significant time in a professional or sophisticated setting. 

Edited by bravofan27
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I follow Jasmine on insta and around the time of their first season on the show, she posted about having alopecia. I think without the hair extensions, she is almost bald. So, yeah, it is a necessary expense for her. I think Gino is just a steroetypical clueless man who has been single for a while and his only contact with women/relationships have been online sexting, sugar babies......I do think he has reason to be concerned that she won't be happy with their middle class hum drum life in the States. 

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