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S10.E17: The Reunion, Part II

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On 6/1/2023 at 10:27 AM, Jel said:

I really felt for Scheana too. As a mom to a toddler, who needs her mom so much, the thought of being taken from her, i'm sure it was a visceral reaction she had (I sure would have) that would not have been be be anything short of terrifying. And Raquel put her through that.  She did this to another woman who befriended her, and took her in, helped her emotionally, financially, socially.  It's beyond.


I don’t know if she hit her, but even shoving or pushing is not ok.  She did this to herself, and her daughter.

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I think that the difference between this situation and Ariana/Lala is that if this was a part of their "open relationship" agreement than neither Sandoval nor Raquel would have gone to such great lengths to hide it. They were obviously aware that Ariana would not be okay with it, so they deceived her for months instead. 

No one, including Sandoval and Raquel, is claiming that this wasn't a cheating situation. Sandoval is making excuses as to why he cheated but he isn't claiming that his actions were something other than cheating. That wasn't the situation with Ariana and Lala. 

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Not that we haven't seen this many times over the years, but they showed a flashback scene of Katie and Schwartz and they were arguing about something - while Katie is speaking, Tom is also speaking about something at the very same time, unrelated I think. He does this all.the.time too.  No wonder Katie was so angry - dealing with this asshole would have driven me around the bend.  I'm so happy she finally saw the light and dumped him.  

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10 minutes ago, whydoievencare said:

while Katie is speaking, Tom is also speaking about something at the very same time, unrelated I think. He does this all.the.time too.

That is their MO aka Show Tactic per the #1 tom. “Never let them finish the sentence”

"Sandoval insists Ariana always called him dumb in the relationship. While defending herself Ariana exposes one of Scamdoval's show tactics to deflect the heat off himself."


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3 hours ago, itsadryheat said:

Ariana didn't bat an eyelid when he called her that, which implies that he has yelled and called her names throughout their relationship. She was clearly not lying when she said he screamed at her for three days straight then acted contrite as soon as cameras went up


Please watch the YouTube Viall Files interview with Brad Kearns.

On the Scandoval episode do you remember Ariana's friends coming to her home to rally around her? On screen they showed Meredith - she's the one that was holding Ariana first.  Meredith and Brad are in the close inner circle of friends with at one time BOTH Sandoval and Ariana. Brad goes into detail about being a witness to the screaming.

He  discusses parts 1 & 2 of the reunions. Hear his take on what he thinks about Tom & Raquel

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On 6/1/2023 at 11:27 AM, Jel said:

I really felt for Scheana too. As a mom to a toddler, who needs her mom so much, the thought of being taken from her, i'm sure it was a visceral reaction she had (I sure would have) that would not have been be be anything short of terrifying. And Raquel put her through that.  She did this to another woman who befriended her, and took her in, helped her emotionally, financially, socially.  It's beyond.



Scheana Shay's channel on YouTube. Watch her interview with Neama Rahmani who is her lawyer. They go into detail about the type of TRO that was filed and talk about the document that Andy handed her on Reunion Part 2. It was another lie on Raquel's part. Filing that piece of paper wouldn't drop the charges. With the type of TRO filed there is NO document or form that can be filed or submitted to drop the TRO or court date of March 29th

Tell me who you believe Scheana or Raquel

On Reunuon Part 2 remember how Raquel says she should write Scheana a letter. Scheana said to this day, 2 months later, she hasn't gotten squat from Raquel

Edited by KungFuBunny
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2 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:


Scheana Shay's channel on YouTube. Watch her interview with Neama Rahmani who is her lawyer. They go into detail about the type of TRO that was filed and talk about the document that Andy handed her on Reunion Part 2. It was another lie on Raquel's part. Filing that piece of paper wouldn't drop the charges it was the wrong paperwork submitted.

Tell me who you believe Scheana or Raquel

On Reunuon Part 2 remember how Raquel says she should write Scheana a letter. Scheana said to this day, 2 months, she hasn't gotten squat from Raquel

The thing that is telling about it, imo, is the talk of regret and remorse, on camera, but but zero action to back it up off camera. No attempts at amends. 

I come down firmly in the camp of “don’t put your hands on people “. But, that doesn’t mean that in every case a shove or a slap is infinitely worse than what ever non physical things can happen. In a way it reminds me of my days of talking to people on the phone for a living. The rule was the second a caller would curse, you could hang up. It didn’t matter how desperate and frustrated the person was, so frustrated that they let an f bomb slip, for example, because they had been legitimately mistreated and screwed around, but that one act of verbal abuse (which is really in the eyes of the receiver) and they immediately now lose any claim to redress. Not exactly the same thing of course, but in the same vein. There were also people who were smart enough to not curse, but still were very rude, even hurtful, worse to me than hearing someone say, this is fucked up!, but those people did not get disconnected. We had to deal with them, no matter how unpleasant the call. 

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6 hours ago, ZettaK said:

I believe it's hype for higher ratings, which already generated some wild theories. It's no secret that the cast doesn't want to film with Raquel (they said so), and that Sandoval started an emotional affair of kinds with Raquel after Coachella in April 2022 (that was revealed in the reunion). It seems that Raquel will reveal something on her one on one interview with Andy Cohen according to the previews, that's why it's something that the rest of the cast doesn't know about. I have no idea how "mindblowing" it could be. 

I want to know what Sandoval is going to answer when he is asked if he loves Raquel. I'm sure it's going to be something non committal.

There are a lot of kinds of love. My guess is that's where he will go. 

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6 hours ago, TheCouchPotato said:

Ariana and Tom had a dodgy relationship. I’m sorry; even if I was bi, I wouldn’t drunkenly hop in the back seat with a good friend in front (or behind) my boyfriend even with his consent. There has to be some level of commitment, and these two are weird to say the least. Let’s be honest - she wasn’t into the guy (again, don’t blame her) and their relationship was a facade. 
Everyone in this show has slept with one another and have been deceitful to some extent or the other. I’m not going to be “poor Ariana” when she met the guy while he was cheating (with her) on his then girlfriend. The signs were all there. There are many women that have men cheat and/or abusive, and don’t have a dime to their name - they’ll get my sympathy. To me, this whole thing looks scripted. From everyone knowing to the sad acting.  

I don't Think most of the outrage Is about the cheating. It's about Raquel pretending to be Ariana's friend to get close to Tom. The outrage to Tom isn't because he split with Ariana, it's because he didn't do it sooner. At the time Arianna cheated with Tom, she and Kristen were not friends. There are degrees of crappy things people get judged for. Cheating with your friends partner is disgusting. But this Skank took it one step further, she just pretended to be friends with Ariana. Personally, I also think part of the anger from viewers is that, in a sense, we were lied to. Most of us would have bet money that Raquel couldn't organize a trip to the grocery store by herself, yet she has planned to get Tom away from reasonably intelligent Ariana, while filming a TV show. Pretty damn cunning.


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14 minutes ago, Jel said:

The thing that is telling about it, imo, is the talk of regret and remorse, on camera, but but zero action to back it up off camera. No attempts at amends. 

I come down firmly in the camp of “don’t put your hands on people “. But, that doesn’t mean that in every case a shove or a slap is infinitely worse than what ever non physical things can happen. In a way it reminds me of my days of talking to people on the phone for a living. The rule was the second a caller would curse, you could hang up. It didn’t matter how desperate and frustrated the person was, so frustrated that they let an f bomb slip, for example, because they had been legitimately mistreated and screwed around, but that one act of verbal abuse (which is really in the eyes of the receiver) and they immediately now lose any claim to redress. Not exactly the same thing of course, but in the same vein. There were also people who were smart enough to not curse, but still were very rude, even hurtful, worse to me than hearing someone say, this is fucked up!, but those people did not get disconnected. We had to deal with them, no matter how unpleasant the call. 

I'm curious in what your opinion of this is:

Let's say you believe there was something physical that happened i.e. Scheana slapped/scratched Raquel and pushed/shoved her away from her.

To obtain a TRO, a party must convince the judge that he or she will suffer immediate irreparable injury unless the order is issued. If the judge is convinced that a temporary restraining order is necessary, he or she may issue the order immediately, without informing the other parties and without holding a hearing.

Do you think Raquel thought she was in danger? That if she didn't get this TRO Scheana was going to hunt her down and attack her?

My take is that Raquel didn't think she was in danger at all - she filed for a TRO because it is easy to obtain. You really don't need to provide proof. I do think she wanted to punish Scheana for the altercation - what she should have done is filed assault charges.

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 it doesn't matter if they thought she "didn't want to know".. it doest matter if one of her friends sat her down and asked her questions about maybe they "might" be cheating and some light bulb should have went off for her....it doesn't somehow magically absolve them of wrong doing.. it literally is attempting to shift the blame and somehow try to make it ok they did this now thats really SHITTY.....

.ITS NO WHERE on HER she had no say in HIS actions... he was the one fucking someone else and not just ANYONE else but her CLOSE CLOSE friend ...... he was the asshole who hid it ... trusting someone you have been with for 9 years isn't "not wanting to know" its I trust you thats an adult relationship. isn't that a normal relationship trait  that you would want to strive for??.... this trying to blame her and somehow make it her fault like well she was somehow ok with it  is ridicules .......

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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On 6/1/2023 at 10:03 AM, Grammy47 said:

A really shocking development would be when Sandoval and Schwartz admit they love each other!

That’s been pretty evident for awhile. At times, they seem to have the most genuine friendship, but that’s largely because Schwartz swallows Sandoval’s bullshit hook, line, and sinker no questions asked. There was always three people in Tom and Katie’s relationship/marriage, and that was enough to kill it.

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22 hours ago, Stiggs said:

Watching Sandoval start to spin out when he realized that Raquel was putting 2 + 2 together, and that he wouldn't have the time or space to fix it? It was the only really genuine moment that jerk face has had thus far. That was 100% real panic, and his Miss Teen South Carolina word salad response that somehow involved fashion approval choices and a green-sequin flashback... It's the nuance of shit like this that I have a hard time explaining to my non-watching friends, heh. 

I had a former boss who was convinced that all tall, skinny people were aliens. He told me they all had a "switch" of sort in their brains and one day their mother planet would turn it on and they would destroy us all. (This man was an executive, lol.) I always thought that boss a tad cray, but watching Raquel's lack of response to destroying the feelings of people she claimed she loved ... she might be an alien. Like, I want her to be an alien. Cuz that disconnected and cold is unsettling. 

Lala and James are both ridiculous but this show is ridiculous and Tom and Raquel deserve all the yelling. Nobody deserves death threats, but catching hell for devastating shit you do just because you are horrible? They still need some more of that. 

If I were James, I'd feel betrayed. But I also think the whole affair started pre-Rachella, so I'm in deep. 

I have a feeling the revelation will not be terribly shocking. It's Bravo. 

Maybe Raquel is a Tall Grey 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


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1 hour ago, Keywestclubkid said:

 it doesn't matter if they thought she "didn't want to know".. it doest matter if one of her friends sat her down and asked her questions about maybe they "might" be cheating and some light bulb should have went off for her....it doesn't somehow magically absolve them of wrong doing.. it literally is attempting to shift the blame and somehow try to make it ok they did this now thats really SHITTY.....

.ITS NO WHERE on HER she had no say in HIS actions... he was the one fucking someone else and not just ANYONE else but her CLOSE CLOSE friend ...... he was the asshole who hid it ... trusting someone you have been with for 9 years isn't "not wanting to know" its I trust you thats an adult relationship. isn't that a normal relationship trait  that you would want to strive for??.... this trying to blame her and somehow make it her fault like well she was somehow ok with it  is ridicules .......

And to try to convince other people that she was gullible or obtuse or plain dumb for not being suspicious of them is just reprehensible! I can’t believe anyone would even seriously try to employ that tactic.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I am curious if Tom knew Raquel's plans to give Scheana (through Andy) a copy of the Request to Dismiss (or whatever) that was filed.**

I assume Raquel would have told Tom her plan, but when Andy was talking to Scheana about it there was one shot of Tom looking confused. (Not calling him dumb...)

** my Scooby Senses are on alert. Andy told us that he sat down with the 3 the day before the reunion was taped. But when he talks to Scheana about the Request to Dismiss he says he believes it was filed today (i.e. the day of the reunion). So, Andy has either lied to us about it being a copy of a court-filed document (which would show a time-stamp of when it was filed); or the sit-down and the reunion were actually taped the same day. Neither scenario amount to very much of anything, but The Lies, The Lies!

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1 minute ago, TattleTeeny said:

And to try to convince other people that she was gullible or obtuse or plain dumb for  not being suspicious of them is just reprehensible!

its super twisted .... we are being fed you should ALWAYS be Suspicious of your significant other and if you arnt then you are just asking for it.. who wants to go into a relationship with that mind set? no wonder so many fail 

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2 minutes ago, FlyingEgret said:

I am curious if Tom knew Raquel's plans to give Scheana (through Andy) a copy of the Request to Dismiss (or whatever) that was filed.**

I assume Raquel would have told Tom her plan, but when Andy was talking to Scheana about it there was one shot of Tom looking confused. (Not calling him dumb...)

** my Scooby Senses are on alert. Andy told us that he sat down with the 3 the day before the reunion was taped. But when he talks to Scheana about the Request to Dismiss he says he believes it was filed today (i.e. the day of the reunion). So, Andy has either lied to us about it being a copy of a court-filed document (which would show a time-stamp of when it was filed); or the sit-down and the reunion were actually taped the same day. Neither scenario amount to very much of anything, but The Lies, The Lies!

Please listen or watch the YouTube video I mentioned above.

The type of TRO Raquel received - once it goes into affect it's 21 days automatic. Raquel/Lawyer/family knew this before the TRO was granted. There is nothing that could be done before the court date that was set - March 29th. There is no form or letter Raquel's lawyer could send anyone to drop the charges. That paper Andy handed Scheana had zero validity in any court of law. If Scheana moved one yard in the wrong direction outside of her trailer, she could have been arrested.

It was mandatory for Scheana to appear in court. The case literally got thrown out because Raquel/Raquel's lawyer/Family did not bother to show up in court when the judge had them come forward. Per Scheana - Raquel was in bed with Tom while Scheana was in court on the 29th.

I really hope Scheana files papers for defamation of character and sues Raquel for all of the legal fees Scheana accrued

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19 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

And to try to convince other people that she was gullible or obtuse or plain dumb for not being suspicious of them is just reprehensible! I can’t believe anyone would even seriously try to employ that tactic.


13 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

its super twisted .... we are being fed you should ALWAYS be Suspicious of your significant other and if you arnt then you are just asking for it.. who wants to go into a relationship with that mind set? no wonder so many fail 

This is the narrative that Scandoval is pushing.

We've already heard him say it's Ariana's fault that she didn't follow him to Schwartz's. We are hearing from Schwartz that he observed inappropriate behavior early (Schwartz isn't observant!) - Tom bragged that he banged Raquel as soon as it happened. So Schwartz is just as guilty pushing this false narrative along.



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31 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

its super twisted .... we are being fed you should ALWAYS be Suspicious of your significant other and if you arnt then you are just asking for it.. who wants to go into a relationship with that mind set? no wonder so many fail 

It’s wacky. I can honestly say that I have never once looked at or asked to look at a boyfriend’s phone for suspicious reasons (I’ve replied to texts for him if he was driving and I’ve played some word game on it, but I don’t even know his PW), but some people seem to find it a perfectly normal thing to do.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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3 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

I'm curious in what your opinion of this is:

Let's say you believe there was something physical that happened i.e. Scheana slapped/scratched Raquel and pushed/shoved her away from her.

To obtain a TRO, a party must convince the judge that he or she will suffer immediate irreparable injury unless the order is issued. If the judge is convinced that a temporary restraining order is necessary, he or she may issue the order immediately, without informing the other parties and without holding a hearing.

Do you think Raquel thought she was in danger? That if she didn't get this TRO Scheana was going to hunt her down and attack her?

My take is that Raquel didn't think she was in danger at all - she filed for a TRO because it is easy to obtain. You really don't need to provide proof. I do think she wanted to punish Scheana for the altercation - what she should have done is filed assault charges.

I agree. I don’t think she was afraid of Scheana. And I think Rachel getting a tro was retributive. 

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1 hour ago, FlyingEgret said:

I assume Raquel would have told Tom her plan, but when Andy was talking to Scheana about it there was one shot of Tom looking confused. (Not calling him dumb...)


I think there might be some truth in Raquel not telling Tom about her plan.

According to that interview with her lawyer, Scheana said that before she got exiled to the trailer she had a dressing room on set. Brock was back there while Scheana was filming.

Scheana said at one point Sandoval came up to her and Brock in her dressing room and threatened her. He screamed at her saying you're in so much trouble there's a video. Scheana said bring it, I never punched her, I never did any of the things she alleged in her TRO application.

Can you imagine their deep conversations? I like the way you did your hair. I like the way you did your hair too. You can sing. Yeah I'm a rock star. You're a good person. You're a good person too. You're not a pathological liar. You aren't either - I can't say that word beginning with a P too many syllables


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4 hours ago, chlban said:

I don't Think most of the outrage Is about the cheating. It's about Raquel pretending to be Ariana's friend to get close to Tom. The outrage to Tom isn't because he split with Ariana, it's because he didn't do it sooner. At the time Arianna cheated with Tom, she and Kristen were not friends. There are degrees of crappy things people get judged for. Cheating with your friends partner is disgusting. But this Skank took it one step further, she just pretended to be friends with Ariana. Personally, I also think part of the anger from viewers is that, in a sense, we were lied to. Most of us would have bet money that Raquel couldn't organize a trip to the grocery store by herself, yet she has planned to get Tom away from reasonably intelligent Ariana, while filming a TV show. Pretty damn cunning.


Agree with this. Crucify Raquel - something is not all there - as well as Tom, but the whole putting Ariana on a pedestal and glorifying her is throwing me off. 

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12 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I wouldn't do any of this either. Doesn't mean that they wouldn't. All I am saying is, from what we see and in terms of the word "cheating," he cheated with Raquel, she did not cheat with Lala. These 2 situations are incongruous. I am not even talking about all of the rest of it, just these 2 situations that people are pretending are the same. 

Thank you, no not the same at all.

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3 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

its super twisted .... we are being fed you should ALWAYS be Suspicious of your significant other and if you arnt then you are just asking for it.. who wants to go into a relationship with that mind set? no wonder so many fail 

Exactly. I still can't get over "she could have followed me." I almost married a cheater. 5 months before the wedding he cheated for the 3rd time (that I know of.) All were one night stands and he begged me to forgive him. Again. I realized if I did, I would spend my life checking up on him. I am not a jealous person and knew I would be, forever if I was with him. I married a man I trusted and it would never have occurred to me to follow him or check up on him.


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2 hours ago, TheCouchPotato said:

Agree with this. Crucify Raquel - something is not all there - as well as Tom, but the whole putting Ariana on a pedestal and glorifying her is throwing me off. 

I don't much like Ariana, never have. She always wants to prove she's the smartest one in the room. Most of the time she is, but around this group? If the bar got any lower we would need to dig a really deep trench for it.


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2 hours ago, TheCouchPotato said:

Agree with this. Crucify Raquel - something is not all there - as well as Tom, but the whole putting Ariana on a pedestal and glorifying her is throwing me off. 

After much thought (Sweet Baby Jesus help me) - this is my thesis on Scandoval. 

Not only was what he did was really, really fucked up (and salacious - good job Chucklefucks) he did on national TV.

This fucking idiot literally tried to gaslight his “life partner” and since it came out after 2nd/3rd episode - we got to watch him try and do it. He was trying to gaslight us too and I take personal offense to that. His flying monkey too.

As I said before about Raquel - there is just something seriously wrong with that girl. And it just gets more apparent with each episode. I truly hope she gets the therapy that she needs and that she stays off the show for her own sake.




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1 hour ago, Carolina Girl said:

But worked so nicely when sandwiched in with their bullshit "death threats" narrative.  

Scheana's lawyer said that Raquel better tread lightly with this talk about the FBI. The FBI are busy handling serious issues such as human trafficking, drug cartels, terrorism. They don't have time to deal with someone who is getting mean posts on the internet.

I personally think Raquel is LYING. If the FBI were really investigating and agreed to take on your case - the first thing they tell you is DO NOT TALK to the press. If you blatantly disregard them, they are done - you're on your own.

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5 hours ago, bosawks said:

I disagree with the idea that Raquel hasn’t shown any emotion.  She did look like she wanted to vomit during the story of her mom asking about James’ dick at the Thanksgiving table……

I agree, but her lackluser and emotionally stunted reaction(s) to the rest of any conversations relating to her and the situations were completely devoid of any emotional reaction. 

That lack of visual reaction on Raquel's part made me wonder if she was heavily medicated with anxiety meds for the reunion taping.

Edited by njbchlover
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29 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

I agree, but her lackluser and emotionally stunted reaction(s) to the rest of any conversations relating to her and the situations were completely devoid of any emotional reaction. 

That lack of visual reaction on Raquel's part made me wonder if she was heavily medicated with anxiety meds for the reunion taping.

But she’s always like that. Remember when Katie was yelling at her at the SAH celebration? It’s bizarre. Unless it’s her own pain/hurt, it doesn’t affect her. 

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14 hours ago, chlban said:

I don't Think most of the outrage Is about the cheating. It's about Raquel pretending to be Ariana's friend to get close to Tom. The outrage to Tom isn't because he split with Ariana, it's because he didn't do it sooner. At the time Arianna cheated with Tom, she and Kristen were not friends. There are degrees of crappy things people get judged for. Cheating with your friends partner is disgusting. But this Skank took it one step further, she just pretended to be friends with Ariana. Personally, I also think part of the anger from viewers is that, in a sense, we were lied to. Most of us would have bet money that Raquel couldn't organize a trip to the grocery store by herself, yet she has planned to get Tom away from reasonably intelligent Ariana, while filming a TV show. Pretty damn cunning.


This. Raquel falsely advertised herself as a perpetual sweet angel victim. 

Re Ariana “cheating” claims:  Kristen & Tom had been cheating on each other for ages. Kristen slept with JAX, that trust was done & over. Tom was never staying with her. What people are missing is viewers are shocked at little miss angel R and her cunning, backstabbing deceiving  ways.

JAX was fabulous. He never acted like an angel, we knew he was a ho. We knew Kristen was volatile & flawed. They Did NOT hide this from us. It was entertaining reality tv.

I’m not sure how anyone can defend anything about R. She has boldfaced  lied continuously on such a cunning level to her friends who trusted her, and took advantage of everyone. She is mentally unsound as she shows zero remorse. Hurting people left and right with her shenanigans to hog camera time. Using James to fund her lifestyle. Perhaps this explains his anger.

The snake deserves all our criticism, for her angel victim act.





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12 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

 it doesn't matter if they thought she "didn't want to know".. it doest matter if one of her friends sat her down and asked her questions about maybe they "might" be cheating and some light bulb should have went off for her....it doesn't somehow magically absolve them of wrong doing.. it literally is attempting to shift the blame and somehow try to make it ok they did this now thats really SHITTY.....

.ITS NO WHERE on HER she had no say in HIS actions... he was the one fucking someone else and not just ANYONE else but her CLOSE CLOSE friend ...... he was the asshole who hid it ... trusting someone you have been with for 9 years isn't "not wanting to know" its I trust you thats an adult relationship. isn't that a normal relationship trait  that you would want to strive for??.... this trying to blame her and somehow make it her fault like well she was somehow ok with it  is ridicules .......

Fabulous post.

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10 hours ago, TheCouchPotato said:

Agree with this. Crucify Raquel - something is not all there - as well as Tom, but the whole putting Ariana on a pedestal and glorifying her is throwing me off. 

Who’s putting her on a pedestal, I have not seen that.

However, she was a GREAT friend to Raquel the backstabber, and always defended R and always stood up for her. For that she can certainly be admired.

Edited by lili45
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10 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Scheana's lawyer said that Raquel better tread lightly with this talk about the FBI. The FBI are busy handling serious issues such as human trafficking, drug cartels, terrorism. They don't have time to deal with someone who is getting mean posts on the internet.

I personally think Raquel is LYING. If the FBI were really investigating and agreed to take on your case - the first thing they tell you is DO NOT TALK to the press. If you blatantly disregard them, they are done - you're on your own.

The nitwit has no idea what an absurd idea it is that the FBI is investigating Death threats against her. Can you imagine how many threats are issued on Social Media alone against politicians in all level of Government? I am sure there are threats against SCOTUS when they make unpopular rulings and every ruling is unpopular to someone. But they are putting time and resources to investigate threats against some stupid Bimbo that is Cleary enjoying her 15 minutes? Um, no.

9 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I agree, but her lackluser and emotionally stunted reaction(s) to the rest of any conversations relating to her and the situations were completely devoid of any emotional reaction. 

That lack of visual reaction on Raquel's part made me wonder if she was heavily medicated with anxiety meds for the reunion taping.

Then I want some of those drugs.

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18 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

y take is that Raquel didn't think she was in danger at all - she filed for a TRO because it is easy to obtain. Y

She had visible injuries, that’s usually all it takes to get a TRO in most states, not sure for CA obviously as I don’t live there. A permanent one after that requires more proof etc. Rachel not showing up for court is all it would take to get the TRO squashed. Not sure what the paper she filed was all about but regardless, how she explained it is exactly how it would work here (had a friend go thru a similar situation years ago). 

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4 hours ago, lili45 said:

’m not sure how anyone can defend anything about R. She has boldfaced  lied continuously on such a cunning level to her friends who trusted her, and took advantage of everyone. She is mentally unsound as she shows zero remorse. Hurting people left and right with her shenanigans to hog camera time. Using James to fund her lifestyle. Perhaps this explains his anger.

James was clearly happy funding, and therefore in a way, controlling Rachel’s life while they were together. That’s on him, not her. She was the dumb one to spend so much time with that asshole. Ally seems to be enjoying the fruits of his labor too. She should pay close attention to all that’s happening now.

Cheating is cheating, and I find this situation no worse than what Ariana, Jax, Schwartz and Kristin have done in the past. Of course LVP didn’t need ratings back then.

I’ve always found Sandoval creepy and controlling too and I want to hear from Rachel after this all dies down, exactly what he was telling her all along. I 100% believe he was feeding her BS about Ariana, making himself out to be some sort of victim, in turn making her not give a shit so much about Ariana anymore. I would love to see a sit down between the two women in 6 months or so, so they can swap stories. I guarantee Toms sleeze-level increases tenfold. 

Rachel is also clearly medicated through all this filming. 

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15 minutes ago, hottesthw said:


Cheating is cheating, and I find this situation no worse than what Ariana, Jax, Schwartz and Kristin have done in the past.

Personally I think it’s the extra level of betrayal here not only from him but her CLOSE friend .. yes cheating is cheating but your best friend fucking your bf adds another level that be like a sister doing it not just some random person NOT in your life 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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18 hours ago, chlban said:

I don't Think most of the outrage Is about the cheating. It's about Raquel pretending to be Ariana's friend to get close to Tom. The outrage to Tom isn't because he split with Ariana, it's because he didn't do it sooner.

The cheating story with one of her closest friends makes you a bad person lacking a moral compass.

But the outrage is a result of the plotting of her downfall, an incessant and calculated smear campaign, behind Ariana's back for months, in order to "not hurt Ariana more". The outrage is fueled by the visible glee, enjoyment, and empowerment displayed during the process of hurting people. 

Add on the lies, weaponization of Ariana's mental health, and the nonstop lawfare - lawyers, courts, and the cherry on the cake, the FBI - this dark duo of South Park characters and their flying monkey scwartzie ARE dangerous.

If Sandoval was able to control the narrative the way he tried to, he would have succeeded in painting Ariana as an insane, unstable, emotionally abusive partner. He could have destroyed her reputation and prospects. He could have destroyed her financially.

All to salvage himself.


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18 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

I'm curious in what your opinion of this is:

Let's say you believe there was something physical that happened i.e. Scheana slapped/scratched Raquel and pushed/shoved her away from her.

To obtain a TRO, a party must convince the judge that he or she will suffer immediate irreparable injury unless the order is issued. If the judge is convinced that a temporary restraining order is necessary, he or she may issue the order immediately, without informing the other parties and without holding a hearing.

Do you think Raquel thought she was in danger? That if she didn't get this TRO Scheana was going to hunt her down and attack her?

My take is that Raquel didn't think she was in danger at all - she filed for a TRO because it is easy to obtain. You really don't need to provide proof. I do think she wanted to punish Scheana for the altercation - what she should have done is filed assault charges.

If someone put their hands on me I’d do the same thing.  She should not be pushed, shoved or hit- for any reason.  I’d want an order that says, go ahead and hate me but you will not attack me again.


5 hours ago, lili45 said:

Ok. To be fair then sleeping with close friend’s partner of 9 years is also not ok. Raquel  also did this to herself.

Sleeping with your friend’s boyfriend is legal, the other is battery.  

No one deserves to be hit, no one.

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Nah sometimes ppl deserve to be hit. Raquel is a psycho who fucked one of her best friends long term boyfriends while on tv and pretending that these ppl would be her friends forever. She basically said on the show these are my ppl now and acted like they all had some friend group that would last forever. While she said this she was fucking Tom actually in the house while Ariana was sleeping in another room. This is not normal behaviour and is not the same as the other cheating on the show. The other cheating wasn’t right either but Tom and Raquel is some fucked up shit. For ppl to try to blame Ariana blows my mind. Tom is a fucking loser too and always has been. He was trying to pull the same shit too where he spun a story of Ariana being crazy. Tom Sandoval is disgusting. Schwartz is disgusting. If I was Scheana I would’ve hit Raquel too or pushed her and I wouldn’t feel bad about it.

LVP is also a joke but it does not surprise me at all. She’s a fucking pick me girl and basically hates other women. She’s a producer on a show and pushes the loser men on it to suck up to her and grovel at her feet. I have never bought into her hype. Ken was a ho when LVP got with him prob why she defends the loser Toms.

Edited by Marley
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5 minutes ago, Marley said:

Nah sometimes ppl deserve to be hit. Raquel is a psycho who fucked one of her best friends long term boyfriends while on tv and pretending that these ppl would be her friends forever. She basically said on the show these are my ppl now and acted like they all had some friend group that would last forever. While she said this she was fucking Tom actually in the house while Ariana was sleeping in another room. This is not normal behaviour and is not the same as the other cheating on the show. The other cheating wasn’t right either but Tom and Raquel is some fucked up shit. For ppl to try to blame Ariana blows my mind. Tom is a fucking loser too and always has been. He was trying to pull the same shit too where he spun a story of Ariana being crazy. Tom Sandoval is disgusting. Schwartz is disgusting. If I was Scheana I would’ve hit Raquel too or pushed her and I wouldn’t feel bad about it.

Bravo to you!

What I think happened when all of this was going down is that Raquel grabbed Sheana's arm to try to explain. Whatever Raquel and Tom's plan was - it was not this and Raquel doesn't know how to react when it's off script. Raquel panicked - she did not want to lose Scheana - she really believed she could literally take Ariana's place - not just being Tom's girlfriend but also being Scheana's BFF ON THE SHOW

She put hands on Scheana first. I do think Scheana pushed her away and probably scratched her and not on purpose it's just those damn long fake nails. When Raquel grabbed her arm and Scheana reacted - that is not assault - it is an altercation between 2 parties that turned slightly physical.

This happened on March 1st and on March 3rd did you remember her showing Sandoval the mark? It was an itty bitty scratch on her eyebrow - that's not a punch.

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