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S04.E14: Never Say I Regret, Always Say I Learned

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A family fight leaves Gabe and Isabel's wedding in jeopardy; Kris and Jeymi have an explosive reunion; Daniele and Yohan's marriage is on the rocks; Oussama asks Debbie to hear him out; Jen and Rishi's relationship reaches a breaking point.

First Look: 05/05/23; TLC: 07/05/23; Discovery+: 07/05/23;

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Jen and her group talk about what happened at Rishi’s home.

Kris returns to Colombia. She has to talk about some issues with Jeymi. Uh, you took off for almost half a year!

Yohan seems checked out. He was playing hoops with Daniele’s ex. He tells Yohan that Daniele is not submissive.

Since my province is still burning, the show had a couple of emergency alerts.

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Kris was supposed to go home to Alabama for two weeks but instead she was away for FIVE MONTHS due to “family problems.” Not too fishy…

Jen bragged to the other two witches about how well their plan to tell Rishi’s family worked. I can’t wait until they learn the truth about what really happened afterwards 

Edited by magemaud
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9 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Since my province is still burning, the show had a couple of emergency alerts.

I hope you are safe there. 

Is it me or did Kris look rough in the THs?  I am wondering if the self medication is getting to her.  Honestly Jemyi should just cut her loses and find someone new.  Out of the two, I think Jemyi is a sweet kid who needs someone to take care of her.

Don't care about Yohan or Danielle.

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3 hours ago, greekmom said:

Don't care about Yohan or Danielle.

Oh yeah, I totally forgot that compelling scene of Yohan and Tayvan shooting hoops then having a man to man talk using a translation device. I did notice they were playing in daylight but it was dark by the end of their convo. 


3 hours ago, greekmom said:

Is it me or did Kris look rough in the THs?

Rougher than usual. I had to chuckle at her little red hat that made her look even more like a character from Grimm’s fairytales. (Then I remembered she was dressed as a fairy when we met her) 

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Watching this show is so challenging. Not one of these women ever researches the conservative culture they say they want to marry into and just a little googling would have saved SO MUCH TIME. I'm looking at you Jen and Nicole.

Then, minutes later, there's Debbie asking for a margarita at a sidewalk cafe in Morocco. 🙄 This totally proves my point about preemptive Googling.

Lord love a duck, I travel somewhere for a short vacation and I put more effort into researching the culture/country than any of these people do who are planning to marry into it!



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Jen, why did you let Rishi waste all those years on you? Rishi, why did you semi string Jen along? You know your culture and your parents/family. You are the eldest son and you know that you are to marry a young Indian girl who will take over for mom. No matter when your astrologer gave a more auspicious date to break it to mom, it would still be the same. The foreign woman, the age difference, etc. Loving someone does not always equal a relationship. Maybe if you went to the UK and practiced law there, things may have been different.

Yohan, you married a version of Daniele that you didn’t know. Or maybe thought she would be different. Now you know that she is stubborn and shuts you down. Think carefully. And yeah, the ticket to the US is swimming away.

At least Debbie could tell Oussama off. I would be very well aware that it would be unlikely that any 24 year old boy would want to marry me because he loves me. Well, he may love me, but he wants to get out of a poor country and sees me as a visa and a ticket to opportunity. She was lucky that he did not attack her or anything. And no, talking to your sister about women is not going to work. Debbie’s losses  could have been much worse.

Kris, you are lucky that Jeymi answered the door. You abandoned her for almost a half year and made a bunch of promises that went nowhere. You surprise her with a birthday party and then things go downhill. What were you expecting?

Gabe, your sister does not have to attend your wedding. Isabel is a lovely woman and you probably don’t deserve her or her kind family.

Edited by Frozendiva
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On 5/5/2023 at 8:38 PM, Frozendiva said:

Jen and her group talk about what happened at Rishi’s home.

Kris returns to Colombia. She has to talk about some issues with Jeymi. Uh, you took off for almost half a year!

Yohan seems checked out. He was playing hoops with Daniele’s ex. He tells Yohan that Daniele is not submissive.

Since my province is still burning, the show had a couple of emergency alerts.

The province’s premier (like a US Governor) finally declared a state of emergency. There was some rain and cooler temps today and a couple of towns are slowly letting people who were evacuated go back. One issue is that we are in the middle of election campaigning and things are messy. Watched tonight’s ep later. I didn’t seem to miss all that much.

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Gabe is exhausting.  He becomes a puddly mess on his wedding day to Isabel because his sister throws a hissy fit?  Let her stay in her room, then.  Go and marry her and be happy.  A family is welcoming you, but all you see is the end of the world over a silly fight. You should have resolved your relationship with your sister, and become much more centered in what you want and who you are before even considering marriage.   Isabel's too good for you, and you will always be overneedy and very emotionally fragile, not a source of strength for her.

Gabe might be the most infuriating cast member this season.  He actually found someone who loves him and the family accepts him, but his insecurities could make him throw it away. What I'd tell him: the older I get, the more I learn that I don't need anyone else's approval for any of my decisions.  Sure, if someone I respect has serious qualms about what I'm about to do (hello, Debbie's son), then I'll take it under advisement.  But something like Gabe's sister's childish act and rude behavior, and I'd tell her to pound sand.  Gabe is afraid of displeasing anyone.  That's why he was afraid to break the news of his engagement in the first place.  It's very hard to have a relationship with someone like this, because they're not being open and honest; they're placating and dancing around issues.  In my age, I've also become one who calls it as I see it.

Debbie, you did a dumb thing but I was proud as hell of you for giving Oussama what for and all but giving him the finger as you flounced off.  I too am glad you didn't lose more or get stuck in that country.  You were very vulnerable in the middle of nowhere!  I hope you have learned a huge lesson and realize that some things are much worse than being single, like getting involved with that gaslighting Nosferatu.

I wish Jenny of Jenny and Sumit had been able to tell Sumit off (and stick to her guns) like Jen did to Rishi.  (On the other hand, they've actually grown on me over all this time).  But Jen, an afternoon of research-or less-would have told you this was a non-starter of an idea.  Rishi, you led her on because you hoped to manifest some reality in which your traditional family accepted Jen with open arms.  Both of you wasted years in which you could have worked on yourselves and your own lives.  

Oh no, Kris, were I in a relationship with you, you don't get to waggle your bony finger in my face and tell me to lower my voice!  I'll get as loud as I damn please. How dare you?  You left for nearly six months, and you have the gall to tell Jeymi off?  Jeymi, you're another one who wasted a lot of time on this flake.  You never had a "marriage". Time to bail out and pick up the pieces. 

Kris,  I call bullshit on "My son was in trouble".  Your son is a grown man and he even has his sister and grandmother there to help him in a crisis.  And why, even if you were (cough) working so hard and dealing with your son (cough), could you not pick up the Zoom and call your "wife"?  

That's the first intelligent conversation I've heard Danielle have all season.  You two are too different, never mind that it was less about you for Yohan and much more about going to America.  Putting aside your mess of a life, why not admit you want two different ideas of marriage, which neither of you will compromise on, and call it quits?

I'm glad we didn't see Machmood and Nicole tonight, I probably would have blown a gasket.



33 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

The province’s premier (like a US Governor) finally declared a state of emergency. There was some rain and cooler temps today and a couple of towns are slowly letting people who were evacuated go back. One issue is that we are in the middle of election campaigning and things are messy. Watched tonight’s ep later. I didn’t seem to miss all that much.

I take it you're Canadian (I have roots in Ontario).  I hope you and your family are safe.  I've really enjoyed your snark :).

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1 hour ago, AR Traveler said:

Gabe might be the most infuriating cast member this season. 

Damn he is a cry baby. He needs to grow up! He has a woman that is crazy about him, her kids love him, her parents are so lovely but he is worried about his bitch of a sister ruining the day? Well, she's about to ruin his life! I want to smack him! And why doesn't his mother tell his sister to stfu and not destroy his happiness? 

Daniele is not willing to compromise at all. Does she understand what marriage is? Yohan is a jerk, too, but a least he realizes he needed to apologize to her "friend". She's awful and deserves to be alone. 

Rishi finally came clean to Jen but neglected to tell her that his parents want grandchildren so she's out. I mean is that so difficult to see? Or maybe he doesn't really want kids. He was never really clear on that. 

Debbie is the MVP of the finale! "I'll have a Texas Margarita" "It's a desert for Margarita's out here"  

Edited by bichonblitz
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5 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Debbie is the MVP of the finale! "I'll have a Texas Margarita" "It's a desert for Margarita's out here"  

I guess Dibby has learned that instead of a Texan Margarita she will have a Moroccan Margarita which is just a cup of tea.

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I have only been watching this show on and off but I have to say I do not like Kris. She left her wife for all that time and then had the nerve to tell her to shut up? Please, Jeymi had every right to be upset. And Kris better watch it, she is no prize. She looks 25 years older than Jeymi and not in a good way. 

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13 hours ago, Zanne said:

Then, minutes later, there's Debbie asking for a margarita at a sidewalk cafe in Morocco.

It was a coffee place.  Like trying to order a “Texas” margarita at Starbucks.   She is daft.

10 hours ago, AR Traveler said:

But Jen, an afternoon of research

She can’t even read her visa, she’s not going to do that.

Edited by MrBuhBye
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10 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Damn he is a cry baby. He needs to grow up! He has a woman that is crazy about him, her kids love him, her parents are so lovely but he is worried about his bitch of a sister ruining the day? Well, she's about to ruin his life! I want to smack him! And why doesn't his mother tell his sister to stfu and not destroy his happiness? 

Getting married is incredibly stressful and emotional. Having a close family member try to sabotage your wedding day over some petty-ass bullshit would be infuriating! I honestly don't know how Gabe wasn't crying more. AND screaming and throwing things. You seem to want to blame Gabe for how his sister is acting, and I don't get that. SHE is the bad guy here, not Gabe. He's just trying to have everyone get along. The one thing I agree with you on is that Gabe & Monica's mom should've done more to intervene. However, I still think all that drama was manufactured. What are the odds that the producers didn't get to film the supposed big fight between Gabe and Monica? Slim to none. If there was real drama to be filmed, the TLC ghouls would've filmed it.


29 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

trying to order a “Texas” margarita at Starbucks.   She is daft.

I feel like she did that for comic effect, for the cameras. Because "This place is a desert for a margarita" was hilariously out of place. I don't buy into Debbie's schtick of "I'm just an eccentric old lady with a bohemian artist's soul." The Debbie character is a deliberately exaggerated caricature of the real Debbie. That whole scene at the café seemed to me like it was a setup for the tired old trope of older women turning to alcohol to deal with their problems. 

Danielle and Yohan make me tired. 

Holy cats, did Kris turn into a flagrantly emotionally abusive, gaslighting spouse with the quickness! "That's it! I'm done. I TOLD you to shut the fuck up and you didn't." Just.. wow. She also seems to continue that abusive behavior at the Tell All, mocking Jeymi's heartbreak and calling her a "victim." I tried to defend Kris all season from the rampant speculation/accusations that she's a junkie because I just wasn't seeing any of the telltale signs, (bad skin/teeth, sunken eyes, gaunt, drawn features, track marks etc.) but I sure as hell am seeing telltale signs of her being an abusive person. 

Jen sure turned on a dime, didn't she? From being all over-the-moon because Rishi's family seemed receptive to her at first to telling him to stop wasting her time and giving him back his ring. Not that I disagree with the outcome, (Jen and Rishi were doomed from the start based just on the age difference/her probable inability to have children at 48) but Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum really didn't help matters. Nevertheless, Rishi is deluding himself if he thinks that he can convince his parents to accept Jen as a daughter in law.

I didn't miss Nicole and Mahmoud this week, but for those who did, I'll recap what you "missed": My love, my dear, I love you, my love, blouse, blouse, blouse, hat, hat, argument, pouting.

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41 minutes ago, FrancescaFiore said:

etting married is incredibly stressful and emotional. Having a close family member try to sabotage your wedding day over some petty-ass bullshit would be infuriating! I honestly don't know how Gabe wasn't crying more. AND screaming and throwing things. You seem to want to blame Gabe for how his sister is acting

I do want to blame Gabe because he doesn't stand up to his sister. If he did, she wouldn't be pulling this crap. Instead he curls up on the bed like a child. He needs to have it out with her once and for all . Be a MAN!

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3 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I do want to blame Gabe because he doesn't stand up to his sister. If he did, she wouldn't be pulling this crap. Instead he curls up on the bed like a child. He needs to have it out with her once and for all . Be a MAN!

It's his wedding day - he's a little too busy to deal with his sister's hissyfit. But given that the only people from Gabe's family attending the wedding are his mom and sister, it's obvious why it meant so much to him for them both to be there. This has nothing to do with "being a man," and everything to do with the fact that according to Gabe, standing up to his sister was what caused the big argument that resulted in her saying she wasn't coming to the wedding.  Monica's behavior isn't Gabe's fault - it's her own fault. 

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1 hour ago, FrancescaFiore said:

I didn't miss Nicole and Mahmoud this week, but for those who did, I'll recap what you "missed": My love, my dear, I love you, my love, blouse, blouse, blouse, hat, hat, argument, pouting.

Re the preview kinda funny if rigid rule follower Mahmoud thinks it’s okay to flirt with other women while married.

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I just couldn’t get over how smug Jen was.  She just knew she had Rishi in the bag.  “I am not moving in with your family,” she declared.  Unbeknownst, his mother and uncle had already pulled the rug from under her.  It was overly confident of her to believe that she could overturn hundreds of years of custom, tradition and culture.  Wish I was a fly on the wall when she broke the news to her coven. 

Ah Debbie! Loved how she told Oussama to take a flying leap.  Wish that more of these women were like her.  I have a feeling she was in Morocco for about a week and then got the heck out of there.  Hence why she wasn't introduced until the second week and was barely shown.  Something tells me that the first thing she had when she returned to Georgia was a Texas Margarita.  

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Chris is such a drug addict. All of her manipulations lead back to drugs. I am a nurse, and have seen it all. She is a classic opioid head.  Jemmye needs to move on. I am sure by this time she is aware of what the real issue is. 

Debbie, while laying it on thick, is such a sweetheart. How nice to not see an older woman continuing to act a fool once the writing was clearly on the wall. Oussama knew the gig was up when she left the cafe. His nastiness just cost him his goal of a ticket to the grand ole USA! Poetry and art my azzz. The man is an very unfortunate looking bastard. 

I adore Isabel and her family. I am saddened that this chaotic family has entered her life. I wish them well, but she is dealing with a trans man who has oodles of issues, and likely needs therapy to deal with the myriad of issues that come with being trans, coupled with an utter inability to deal with conflict. The number of trans people that enter the mental health system is staggering, beginning at a very young age. The struggle for identity is very sad.  His sister... is a menace to society. She has single handedly shown her entire ass on this show, and social media will be gunning for her!~

Was happy to not see Little Lord Faunteroy and Mahhhhmood. They exhaust me. My only interest is how she keeps that hair so perfect.

Danielle is gross. She filed for bankruptcy, over 125K in debt, and fled to DR to escape her debts, lay on the beach with her giant touckus, and gaslight Youhan. Youhan however, is an immature brat who had his eyes on the US Prize. Once he saw that dream fade he became an abusive jerk. Actually they might just deserve each other ;) 

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1 hour ago, Crazydoxielady said:

Chris is such a drug addict. All of her manipulations lead back to drugs. I am a nurse, and have seen it all. She is a classic opioid head.  Jemmye needs to move on. I am sure by this time she is aware of what the real issue is. 


As I said, I don't watch the show regularly but I did get a druggie vibe off of her. Maybe she is, maybe she isn't.... but she reminds me of one. And those eyebrows! 

Edited by libgirl2
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Best Use of "Talk to the hand" since it was popular in the 90's: Debbie

1 hour ago, Crazydoxielady said:

Chris is such a drug addict. All of her manipulations lead back to drugs. I am a nurse, and have seen it all. She is a classic opioid head.

I've seen endless armchair diagnoses to this effect, but I've never seen anything physical that leads me to conclude Kris is abusing opiates. No track marks. Still has nice teeth. Not rail-thin/eyes not sunken in. I've now seen ample proof that Kris abuses people, but not that she abuses opiates. 


1 hour ago, Crazydoxielady said:

Isabel and her family. I am saddened that this chaotic family has entered her life. I wish them well, but she is dealing with a trans man who has oodles of issues, and likely needs therapy to deal with the myriad of issues that come with being trans

Wait - the whole family is "chaotic?" How is the mom chaotic? How is Gabe? And it's really presumptuous to say Gabe has issues and needs therapy because he's trans. Gabe transitioned a decade ago and I'm sure that alone lifted a huge weight from his psyche. The worst thing I can say about what we've been shown of Gabe's flaws is that he needs to be more assertive and less dismissive. He's still a young man and he has lots of time to learn those things. But dang... assuming he's "chaotic" and disruptive to Isabel's life is an enormous freakin' leap, there. There's an effort to be empathetic in what you wrote, so I'm assuming you didn't mean to broad-brush paint all trans people as "having oodles of issues." This isn't meant as an admonition, but rather, as more of a nudge toward better, more holistic understanding between the cis & trans communities. 

Edited by FrancescaFiore
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1 hour ago, Crazydoxielady said:

Debbie, while laying it on thick, is such a sweetheart. How nice to not see an older woman continuing to act a fool once the writing was clearly on the wall.

Debbie is one of my all-time favorites on the show. Once she understood Ossama's selfish motive, she made up her mind. "I will not provide someone a visa to come to the US!" Anyway, there was no begging, yelling, crying and then finally agreeing to this scheme., just to continue having him in her life. She knew she was better than that, held her head up high, and left. So proud of you, Debbie! You are a lady of class and deserve real love.


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Debbie has given me new hope that the 90 day universe is not quite dead yet.


Also when Yohan was sitting talking to her ex did anyone else get annoyed that there were a bunch of people playing basketball & making a load of noise & then they were gone, then back again, then gone again, on & on every time Yohan was talking was different to the last time. Just me ? Okay.

Edited by Shrek
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Kris, you are a moron, pure and simple. What beautiful Jami sees in you I haven't a clue. You are also a runner. You can't cope with much, can you? How do you expect to be in a relationship if you can't discuss things? You must have some pretty intense feelings of low self esteem. I come to that conclusion because if someone is praising you you are there for it. If they have any critical input your ego can't take it, because you know the truth but it's too painful for you to accept it. So just go run away and work on yourself.

Oh, and staying away for five months? That is a hideous thing to do. WHAT A LIAR. Yeah, you promised you'd be back - what was it, a few weeks? So what did big mama bear to help out this son who was in some kind of trouble? Was he under 18? He could have taken care of himself, if that, in fact was true. Of course it wasn't. Liar. All your health issues we see aren't really there (your neck, etc.). Liar. And was it you who decided to marry Jami nine days in? Add in horrible decision maker. What a mess.

Let me add one more thing. You think you dress edgy, unique, have a style "all your own". I guess you do have a style all your own - that is the bag lady look. Nothing goes together and it's just piled on. Visually offensive. 

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OMG Ossouma gaslighting Debbie was infuriating. He could barely contain his hatred of her when she was trying to explain how he pulled a bait-n-switch on her. I'm glad she really spelled everything out for him. "You changed" - OMG, fuck off. I'm glad that his ruse was exposed before they got married and she had possible entanglements in Morocco. I'm glad she got to visit Morocco. I'd planned on spending my winter in Tangier this year and plans changed - I really hope I'm not 67 by the time I make it there! ❤️🇲🇦

I FFd through Yohan/Danielle's bullcrap. Yawn. They're fucking toddlers. They need to be locked away in a room with Maccchhhmoooood and Nicole.

I loved Isabel's dad talking her down before the wedding. He's such a sweet and calm guy. But why was her mom up all night sewing the dresses? Didn't she have enough warning to get them done?

Did Jen's lips get bigger? I feel like they weren't that big before - did she get them done when she went home? I'm surprised she's actually standing up for herself and handing the ring back to Rishi. I also can't believe Rishi honestly thought that his family would be OK with that relationship. Jen's all "it's one of those things you can never be prepared for" - but Rishi hasn't told his family about Jen for THREE YEARS. C'mon, Jen, ya big ol' ding dong. 🙄 The red flags were beating me to death from 13K miles away.

I love how Jeymi was trying to get her frustrations off her chest, and Kris doesn't let her speak AND flips a damn chair. How can she not pay rent on an apartment that her wife was living in, and she never fails to start bitching about how it was $150/mo more that Kris 'agreed' to. Yes, Jeymi needs to get a job and contribute but I couldn't live with myself if I knew that my wife's rent was not being taken care of. Kris needs to find a better dealer in Colombia because that was a lot of physical anger for a conversation.

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3 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

Re the preview kinda funny if rigid rule follower Mahmoud thinks it’s okay to flirt with other women while married.

Polygamy is allowed in Egypt

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3 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

Re the preview kinda funny if rigid rule follower Mahmoud thinks it’s okay to flirt with other women while married.

Why they gotta ruin my Tell All drinking game of Who Tears Off Their Mic And Storms Off?

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6 hours ago, FrancescaFiore said:

Jen sure turned on a dime, didn't she?

Rishi also did a 180 because he's always told Jen he would put her and their love before his family, now he tells the cameras his family will always come first! I keep forgetting she made the trip to India twice this season, first when her visa ran out, then she went back when it was reinstated. Why didn't Rishi tell her the ways things were with his family the first time she left instead of stringing her along? 

Edited by magemaud
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9 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

It was a coffee place.  Like trying to order a “Texas” margarita at Starbucks.   She is daft.

It's more that Morocco is primarily an Islamic country so, while alcohol is available (usually for tourists) at some places, you aren't going to see it served out in the open at sidewalk tables. Most of those sidewalk affairs are coffee or warm soda, if you're lucky.

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"Is Morocco a dry country? Morocco allows the consumption of alcohol. Alcohol must be purchased and consumed in licensed hotels, bars, and tourist areas. You can also buy alcohol in most major supermarkets. [I can't even do that in New Jersey!] The alcohol section is usually in a separate room from the main supermarket. Any attempt to purchase or consume alcohol outside of these areas could result in problems with the police.

Licensed bars tend to have no windows because, while drinking is allowed, you are not allowed to be seen by those outside. There are a small number of bars and restaurants which permit drinking outside, but only tourists are allowed to drink in public. Many Moroccans drink alcohol but are restricted to drinking indoors."

I really think Debbie was trying to be funny on camera when she ordered the "Texas Margarita". 


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20 minutes ago, magemaud said:

"Is Morocco a dry country? Morocco allows the consumption of alcohol. Alcohol must be purchased and consumed in licensed hotels, bars, and tourist areas. You can also buy alcohol in most major supermarkets. [I can't even do that in New Jersey!] The alcohol section is usually in a separate room from the main supermarket. Any attempt to purchase or consume alcohol outside of these areas could result in problems with the police.

Licensed bars tend to have no windows because, while drinking is allowed, you are not allowed to be seen by those outside. There are a small number of bars and restaurants which permit drinking outside, but only tourists are allowed to drink in public. Many Moroccans drink alcohol but are restricted to drinking indoors."

I really think Debbie was trying to be funny on camera when she ordered the "Texas Margarita". 


I had to Google "Texas Margarita."  Never heard the term before.  Now I want one!

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I've lived in Texas my entire life and never heard that term.  And I order margaritas all the time.  2 different restaurants last week alone!

I think Debbie was being funny.

I also want to personally shake Debbie's hand for finally being a woman who doesn't stay and drag this on, saying, "but I wuuuuv him", like so many others.

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1 hour ago, Starlight925 said:

I've lived in Texas my entire life and never heard that term.  And I order margaritas all the time.  2 different restaurants last week alone!

I think Debbie was being funny.

I also want to personally shake Debbie's hand for finally being a woman who doesn't stay and drag this on, saying, "but I wuuuuv him", like so many others.

And degrade herself clinging to the guy, taking a lot of crap. Debbie walked out dignity intact, head held high. 

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2 hours ago, Starlight925 said:

've lived in Texas my entire life and never heard that term.  And I order margaritas all the time.  2 different restaurants last week alone!

I had to google it.  I guess they add orange juice to take the tart lime edge off.  But there are enough sweet drinks so I’ll stay with the standard.

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Well, if Debbie was being funny by asking for alcohol then she really was playing to the cameras as the poor server had no idea what she was talking about.  If Debbie was playing to the cameras then I wonder how much she was playing to the cameras during her entire "story"-maybe she really did promise to bring him to the US and just decided to, instead, change the story for one that she thought would put her in a better light.

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On 5/5/2023 at 10:40 PM, Mr. Miner said:

The ugly Americans rolled in and shit all over that Indian family’s traditions.

Amen. For that alone Rishi should have dumped her. She made the choice between her & his family exceedingly easy. The breakup was like a poorly acted telenovela (without the sexual chemistry), though Rishi gets semi-props for making it seem that he genuinely was sad to be rid of her manipulative whiny annoying ass. 

5 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

And degrade herself clinging to the guy, taking a lot of crap. Debbie walked out dignity intact, head held high. 

Speaking of Debbie’s head, I don’t know how she can stand that long frizzy mop of hair. It must be so hot — especially in Morocco! She must think it makes her look younger, but she’d be more attractive (and comfortable) and her hair healthier with a shorter cut and less bleach. 

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On 5/8/2023 at 12:52 AM, bichonblitz said:

Daniele is not willing to compromise at all. Does she understand what marriage is? Yohan is a jerk, too, but a least he realizes he needed to apologize to her "friend". She's awful and deserves to be alone. 

And I wager she will be. She’s too strident, abrasive and weird to date, let alone have a long-term relationship/marry. That pension decision was a super boneheaded move. Idiot. Maybe she can work as a Baba acolyte. 🙄

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8 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

And degrade herself clinging to the guy, taking a lot of crap. Debbie walked out dignity intact, head held high. 

I loved it when she put her hat on and strolled off. The only thing that would have made it better was if she popped open her peacock fan!

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On 5/8/2023 at 12:37 PM, FrancescaFiore said:

I feel like she did that for comic effect, for the cameras. Because "This place is a desert for a margarita" was hilariously out of place. I don't buy into Debbie's schtick of "I'm just an eccentric old lady with a bohemian artist's soul." The Debbie character is a deliberately exaggerated caricature of the real Debbie. That whole scene at the café seemed to me like it was a setup for the tired old trope of older women turning to alcohol to deal with their problems. 


Thank you.  I am not a Debbie fan and I don't buy her shucks I am an eccentric sweet old lady bit.

She is just as bad as the Skipper, Grangela, and all the other older ladies looking for the younger D in other countries.

If she was that sweet and innocent she would have either a) looked for someone her own age in her own country and b) would have stuck to her age group when looking outside of the country.   Why go looking for a man that is old enough to be your grandson? Because you both are bohemian artists?!  Yeah I dont buy it.  And I don't buy that she didn't dangle the green card telling him at some point they would go back to the US.

Gawd this show has made me so jaded.

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I am always shocked when these women look for a man in some other country, these men never bring anything to the table, have no job skills, no education, no money, etc...as if those women could not find a useless man in their own neighborhood.  

The nicest thing Dibby could do for Oh-sama is send him tapes of that bushy haired guy who paints happy trees so Oh-sama can hone is non existent artistic skills and maybe some Dr. Suess books to sharpen his poetry rhyming skills.

I wish I had the money these people waste on airline tickets and such.

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39 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I wish I had the money these people waste on airline tickets and such.

Right? I don't know how people can afford to travel these days.

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