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Chit-Chat: What's On Your Mind Today?

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

We all have been drawn into off-topic discussions, me included. There's little that's off-topic when it comes to Chit Chat, so the only ask is that you please remember that this is the Chit Chat topic and that there's a subforum for all things health and wellness here.

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27 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

Oy vey.

I haven't blocked anyone in a long time, but I used to occasionally block people. But I blocked more as a "brace myself before reading" or as a reading-time-saver filter, and would generally read one of their blocked posts out of every 2 or 3. Eventually they all became less upsetting to me in the way they had adjusted how they worded their posts, and all got unblocked.
Or disappeared?

I think the strong moderation here now might also be why I haven't blocked anyone in probably the last year. Do moderators get paid, or is it all volunteer? Seems like a thankless task. Thank you, Mods!

Do you ever look at the current posts of any of your block-ees,
Of course, 20 blocked users would be a real chore to uncover, but maybe just peek at a post or 2 by someone who's very active in a favorite forum? 

With the Writers and Actors strikes, the show forum posts have been pretty sparse for me since last spring, but that should change in February.

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On 12/30/2023 at 1:17 PM, Quof said:

On a recommendation from someone here, I bought a Cuddle and Kind doll for friends having their first baby soon.  It's gorgeous, but spendy, so I'm happy I hit upon a Black Friday sale.   

Cuddle and Kind totally rocks.  Every new baby in my family gets one!  Which one did you get?  My son has Max(imus) the cat and a few others, including a dog (he was born in the year of the dog).

Edited by PRgal
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I don't have anyone blocked on here, either. I've never had any issues when talking with anyone on this site :). 

I don't tend to block people on any sites in general, though, really, mainly 'cause I often forget the option is even there :p. If someone's posts really bug me, I just scroll past them and move on. 

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22 minutes ago, PRgal said:

Cuddle and Kind totally rocks.  Every new baby in my family gets one!  Which one did you get?  My son has Max(imus) the cat and a few others, including a dog (he was born in the year of the dog).

Oh! A lamb! And a penguin!
And, of course, a donation.👏

But my daughter has a poorly behaved dog that loves to chew socks and has a lot of toys that are shaped like those dolls. So probably not for my grand-lambchops. 

I'd like to get a baby doll for the soon-to-be 2-year-old and big brother. 
Any suggestions?

4 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

Oh! A lamb! And a penguin!
And, of course, a donation.👏

But my daughter has a poorly behaved dog that loves to chew socks and has a lot of toys that are shaped like those dolls. So probably not for my grand-lambchops. 

I'd like to get a baby doll for the soon-to-be 2-year-old and big brother. 
Any suggestions?

I often get the animal of the year the child was born, if they exist. Since the almost two year old was born the year of the tiger and there’s no tiger (yet), I’d get whatever.  Do you have the mini (baby) animals?  

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Amazon sells Cuddle and Kind (officially, including the donation), so you can save on shipping and they have occasional markdowns.  I signed up on the C & K website for emails, etc, and was almost annoyed enough by the frequency that I was going to unsubscribe when they hit me with 25% off for Black Friday.   I went with Lucy the Lamb, for a connection to a family name. 

I only have two people on my ignore list here. I guess people don’t bother me as much as they do on other sites. 

On my old Reddit account I blocked a rabid shipper/bully in one of my show subs because she was weirdly defensive to anyone who didn’t like her ship and it was clear she didn’t like me that much for whatever reason. If you have enough back and forth, though, it eventually comes out that she causes problems too but paints herself as always in the right. 

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Now I’m wondering how many ignore lists I’m on…

I'm sure the site wouldn’t disclose who’s ignoring you (at least I hope not!) but it would be interesting if members could see a count. 

Oh and fwiw, I don’t have anyone on ignore. Some posters might mildly annoy me on one thread, but have something interesting to say on another, so I guess I don’t want to risk missing something I might want to read. 

Edited by SoMuchTV
Adding a thought
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Not a complaint or call out:


This thread is very circular and ignore lists have been discussed several times over the years. If the glitch had not happened that caused the very beginning of the thread to be lost one could just scroll back in several pages over the years and find out how many pages are on your ignore list. Ignore list has been discussed several times. I remember internally giving you the hall of fame award when you revealed how many pages (a big amount!) your ignore list contained. 

Edited by stewedsquash
35 minutes ago, stewedsquash said:

This thread is very circular and ignore lists have been discussed several times over the years. If the glitch had not happened that caused the very beginning of the thread to be lost one could just scroll back in several pages over the years and find out how many pages are on your ignore list. Ignore list has been discussed several times. I remember internally giving you the hall of fame award when you revealed how many pages (a big amount!) your ignore list contained. 

Oh wow, I thought I had been following this thread for a few years but I don’t remember the ignore list coming up before. I’m interested in why people ignore other posters though. I do get annoyed at people occasionally but I guess I’m not following any threads where things get ignore-worthy. 

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2 hours ago, PRgal said:

I often get the animal of the year the child was born, if they exist. Since the almost two year old was born the year of the tiger and there’s no tiger (yet), I’d get whatever.  Do you have the mini (baby) animals?  

No, this is the first time I've seen them. 
But my sister's mother-in-law knitted nurse dolls for my 3 girls and her granddaughter. They were knitted from a pattern very similar to these animals. She was a nurse herself, but passed away from a stroke about 20 years ago. I probably have a picture of one of the dolls somewhere…

Good to know about the animals' years. I didn't think of looking them up. 
The almost-2-year-old was a tiger for Halloween!

Year of the Dragon is great. 


I suppose I've been ignored/blocked for my long, frequent posts.😁

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16 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Maybe because I’ve been on similar forums since about 1998, I now take board crashes as wake-up calls regarding my online addiction, and try to welcome the downtime as an imposed-but-needed break.

I did, too, but when I was first having an issue, I tried to open the site in incognito mode, and it looked like it was fine, and people were posting. I eventually remembered that there was a "contact us" link on the main site, so I used that, and told them my issue. I was getting something like "Poochie died" and I told them I didn't think I was banned, unless Poochie was my account. 

I've been backing off from online places in general, just because I'm chronically online, and I need to be more grounded IRL, but I am too attached to this place. It would be odd to not be able to come on and see how you all are doing.

I checked my block list, and have two people blocked. Neither of them have been around for four or five years. I think one started a new account, and I'm not sure about the other. People don't usually bother me that much. Not here. I probably am on ignore lists, and it might upset me a bit, if I knew that I was, but I can also understand it. 

I've seen people get downvoted on reddit, for no good reason that I could see. I think some people just like to lurk and down-vote. I avoided people today, because I got an hour's sleep (maybe). I remember waking up at one point, checking the time, and I'd only slept for twenty minutes. Now I've got the "in with anger, out with love" lady in my head, from AbFab. 


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41 minutes ago, BuckeyeLou said:

Happy New Year to all fellow posters!  I am enjoying chuckling at Anderson & Andy on CNN, they are a hoot!

I just put on ABC and I don’t think they can call this thing that LL Cool J is doing “a performance.”

I only watch it as ritual. When I was younger and Dick Clark used to be on, I’d watch all night but now it’s more like I put it on at 11:30 and go to bed as soon as the ball drops. I also used to fantasize about being in Times Square for NYE and now I would never ever consider that… 

Edit: Maroon 5 sounds pretty bland too. 

Edited by Cloud9Shopper
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I switched back and forth the last few minutes between ABC & CNN. Burst out laughing when I heard Megan the Stallion yell out that she was in awww (then realized that I used to tawk that way too 😎). Was Auld Lang Syne the Guy Lombardo version? Loved that as it brought back memories of watching his NYE show as a little kid with my parents. 

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Thankful, I was in the cozy home celebrating with Mama  (thankful that she's made it to 2024 !)instead of downtown with a packed crowd- and dreading making a beeline to a remote parking place before getting into a notorious traffic deadlock in the wee hours!

As long as I'm here there, I'll chew the fat about a situation Mama's gotten into with someone I'll term Mrs. D.

Long-short is that Mrs. D. used to live in the same neighborhood and was a bit of a busybody was also an overwhelming chatterbox re inane stuff. On the one hand, Mrs. D. has never been malicious or toxic by any stretch of the imagination but she's never been someone I've ever wanted to be more than civil when our paths happened to cross but otherwise I've been relieved when I could avoid her. Anyway, since she's roughly Mama's age, time's not spared her and she's moved into an assisted living facility and been widowed in recent years. All during her marriage, her husband had somewhat indulged her chatterbox deal but in her newer residence, the other residents thusfar have  evidently all individually decided that life's too short and they haven't wanted what little time remaining having to be taken up by her endless prattle. So, she recently sent a small Christmas present to Mama which prompted Mama to do the polite thing and call her to thank her. Guess what happened? Yep, Mrs. D. spent the next X number of hours [yes, HOURS] gabbing nonstop while Mama braced herself for it since Mama feels sorry for her even though Mama as well as Mrs. D's own family have pleaded with her to at least give the other residents the chance to get to converse two ways with her instead of having her steamroll them first thing which inevitably gets them to avoid her but Mrs. D. either won't/ can't change her ways! 

I've tried to tell Mama to consider just claiming to need to attend to something then ending the convos after maybe five or ten minutes but Mama thinks it's better to let herself be pinned down by this gabber until Mrs. D. finally exhausts herself from blah-blah-blahing than to attempt to cut short these sessions.

No, I'm not truly seeking any solutions since Mama's far more patient and considerate than I am  but I'm wondering if anyone else has this issue with relatives and their acquaintances.



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5 minutes ago, Blergh said:

No, I'm not truly seeking any solutions since Mama's far more patient and considerate than I am  but I'm wondering if anyone else has this issue with relatives and their acquaintances.

Even though you say "no solutions," I am still curious about what would happen if you or someone at her assisted living facility set her up with a YouTube channel. 
Okay. Bad idea.

When I was in my 40s I befriended a woman almost old enough to be my mother who was sort of like your Talker. 
When I moved to another area code in the 90s, it was a toll call, and neither of us wanted to pay for it.

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I saw Andy and Anderson on Colbert Thursday night and so wanted to watch them bring in the new year, but, alas, I do not currently have access to CNN. 
Based on the beginning of this clip, it sounds like it was a fabulous line up:

So, instead I watched some Reggie "Guitaro" videos:


I like Google's New Year's art for 2024 for its simplicity:


Edited by shapeshifter
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Happy new year everyone! 

Does anyone still do resolutions? I don’t per se but I do have overall goals for the year. Just listing them briefly so I don’t derail this thread too much and can put more details in the relevant threads but among mine are:

-Get a better job. I want to wake up this time next year with a job that is not a call center.

-Save more money and try to pay off some debts. I think I can realistically pay off two credit cards but it would be nice to be able to do more.

-Get healthier again. 

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54 minutes ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

Happy new year everyone! 

Does anyone still do resolutions? I don’t per se but I do have overall goals for the year. Just listing them briefly so I don’t derail this thread too much and can put more details in the relevant threads but among mine are:

-Get a better job. I want to wake up this time next year with a job that is not a call center.

-Save more money and try to pay off some debts. I think I can realistically pay off two credit cards but it would be nice to be able to do more.

-Get healthier again. 

I don't recall ever having done resolutions in my 70 trips around the sun, but those sound like excellent goals.

I've never played the lottery either, which might reflect a similar way of thinking about the future as not doing resolutions. 

But then I've never sung karaoke or visited the Grand Canyon either — albeit not for lack of desire.

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17 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Do you ever look at the current posts of any of your block-ees,
Of course, 20 blocked users would be a real chore to uncover, but maybe just peek at a post or 2 by someone who's very active in a favorite forum?

I do, and doing so has changed my mind a few times and gotten me to unblock blockees. Also, when I looked at my list for the purpose of counting the number, I noticed that a bunch of them are long gone--or have changed their screen names. Meaning the list is largely irrelevant. But if someone is consistently negative, or sexist, or harps on the same issue all the time, that's reason enough. I don't come here to be brought down.

I'm very grateful for @ABay and her 33, meaning I'm at least not the crankiest person on Primetimer.  If there's some kind of prize, though, I'd be glad to block a few more people so I can win it.  😉

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3 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I don't recall ever having done resolutions in my 70 trips around the sun, but those sound like excellent goals.

I've never played the lottery either, which might reflect a similar way of thinking about the future as not doing resolutions. 

But then I've never sung karaoke or visited the Grand Canyon either — albeit not for lack of desire.

I've never accomplished any resolutions so I quit trying many years ago (was also never good at giving up stuff for Lent 😁).

You never played Powerball or Mega millions? The pipe dreams are where all the fun is (since who the heck ever wins in my world?) A few times I won $2.00 & "re-invested" it in another try. It's the pipe dreams that make the occasional purchase of one or two tickets fun. 

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12 hours ago, Blergh said:


No, I'm not truly seeking any solutions since Mama's far more patient and considerate than I am  but I'm wondering if anyone else has this issue with relatives and their acquaintances.



I know you're not seeking solutions, but an easy one is for your mom to put the phone on speaker, put it down, and carry on with her day.  That way, your mom can kind of listen periodically if she wants to, but isn't anchored to the phone physically.  Unless of course she's doing this already!

Edited by Ancaster
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9 minutes ago, PRgal said:

I've never played the lottery, but my maternal grandmother did it all the time.  I think the most she ever won was $50.  I DID win around $25 from a slot machine when I was 23 at a family trip to Vegas.  

I won eighty bucks at the track the one and only time I ever went. I put it down to beginners luck

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I have terrible luck at any type of gambling or game of chance.  I have bought many, many raffle ticket over the years, fundraisers for kids' schools or sports teams, and I've never won a thing.  

15 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Gee, if I don’t care for what someone is saying I just scroll on by. 
I’ve never thought to block any of you. 

I am the same.  

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A downside to living in Vegas is that the state doesn't participate in any lotteries, including Powerball or Mega Millions, so if I want to participate I'd either have to drive 30 minutes to Stateline (Primm) and stand in a huge line there, or get a friend in another state to pick up a couple tickets for me (and paid via Venmo), or remind my mom to buy a few tickets.

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I went to the racetrack and won $225.00 on a $2 bet. That was it for the night. Then years later I went to Las Vegas with a high school friend and won enough to pay for my plane fare, room (mind it wasn’t a big expensive hotel), a really nice dinner out and came home with over $500 extra in my pocket. I went with the caveat that I would allow myself to bet $100 on the trip…no more. I’m well over a thousand ahead. So now I just don’t bet save the occasional lottery ticket. I just don’t think that kind of luck lasts. 

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5 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I went to the racetrack and won $225.00 on a $2 bet. That was it for the night. Then years later I went to Las Vegas with a high school friend and won enough to pay for my plane fare, room (mind it wasn’t a big expensive hotel), a really nice dinner out and came home with over $500 extra in my pocket. I went with the caveat that I would allow myself to bet $100 on the trip…no more. I’m well over a thousand ahead. So now I just don’t bet save the occasional lottery ticket. I just don’t think that kind of luck lasts. 

Sooo...would you come with me to Safeway and hand over my $4.00 (1 Powerball & 1 Mega Million), pretty pleeeeeze? I'll treat ya to a Starbucks beverage 😎

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Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

We all have been drawn into off-topic discussions, me included. There's little that's off-topic when it comes to Chit Chat, so the only ask is that you please remember that this is the Chit Chat topic and that there's a subforum for all things health and wellness here.

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