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S27.E10: Week 9


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Okay, I think Zach redeemed himself with that little speech about his Catholic guilt and how he always ratted himself out as a kid. That seemed to endear him to Kaity. She now knows even if it’s hard, he’ll always be honest with her. I really didn’t know where he was going with those speeches to Gabi and Kaity, but all three of them got too in their heads today and had meltdowns, so let’s just say they cancel each other out. We’re not going to find out whether he slept with Kaity? Guess we’ll find out if he tells Gabi. Ariel is also a person who is in Thailand.

Edited by JenE4
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I’m behind and just got to him telling Gabi about no sex week. I love his choice to do that but the way he explains it is SO bad. Of course these women are thinking - ok he’s saying this to me because I’m not his F1 who he doesn’t want to ultimately upset. It would have been better for him to explain that he’s going about it that way with everyone because he wants to give that “gift” to his final pick - like I would say to Gabi.. if I choose you at the end, I want you to have one less thing to feel insecure or concerned about. Framing it directly to each woman that way might have allayed some fears. 

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I'm going with Gabi didn't give him much of an option.

I would never be able to be with a guy after he told me what he told Katy - but then I would never be able to be in this type of show.  I'm getting stress/nerve nauseua just thinking about it - and it wasn't even me!!!!

I kind of love Katy telling Gabi she knows they did it - and thus saying she and Zach didn't.  I understand Gabi being mad cause she thought no one would no they did it, and now the whole world does - but I would think it would make her feel better that she was the only one.

If Katy is the final....and as much as I say knowing is so much better than finding out later, getting over this would be hard.  But than...she actually was already of the opinion that he was going to, she just didn't want to hear it, so it might be easier for her to take.

Can't wait for Dear Shandy tomorrow!!!!

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I can't help but think sleeping with Gabi was to reassure and make her feel better after her unprompted freak out.

Ariel dodged a bullet.

I almost wish Kaity didn't agree to the fantasy suite just to teach him a lesson. But she may have thought that if she turned down his invitation, it might've ruined the momentum they were building. We know she really likes him. If it was her choice not to have sex with him after he came clean about Gabi, then good for her.

He tried to be noble with his no-sex rule and his choices bit him in the ass. 

Edited by funnygirl
Suite not Sweet. lol
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Okay it is clear that Zach is an idiot (although Ariel should be thankful that he is).  But I wonder if given that he is a mess if the following is possible:

1) at the beginning of celibacy week he really wasn’t sure between kaity and gabi.

2.  Gabi starts to spiral.  He is afraid she is going to quit.

3. He panics and like a doofus decides that he sleeps with her he will stay.

4.  He panics (AGAIN) because now he is afraid kaity will find out and leave.

5. he gives in to guilt and tells her.

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I have to say, this was more dramatic than I thought it would be! No one would have guessed it was Gabi that he slept with, as she was the primary freaker-outer in the preview. She was freaking out unprompted, on her own accord. Next week she’ll be freaking out because she did sleep with him, but he made it such a “thing” that now she feels uncomfortable about it. I think there’s something to be said about the old-fashioned way of just leaving the viewers guessing. Things really went off the rails ever since Hannah Brown started screeching about having sex in a windmill four times. We don’t really need this much information. I mean, you give it to us, and we’re going to talk about it and judge your choices! 

Edited by JenE4
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2 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

I have to say, this was more dramatic than I thought it would be! No one would have guessed it was Gabi that he slept with, as she was the primary freaker-outer in the preview. She was freaking out unprompted, on her own accord. Next week she’ll be freaking out because she did sleep with him, but he made it such a “thing” that now she feels uncomfortable about it. I think there’s something to be said about the old-fashioned way of just leaving the viewers guessing. Things really went off the rails ever since Hannah Brown started screeching about having sex in a windmill four times. We don’t really need this much information. I mean, you give it to us, and we’re going to talk about it and judge your choices! 

Why should it be the women and not the men who get judged? 

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Ok I TOTALLY get the Catholic guilt thing. The amount of anxiety when you do something “wrong” and needing to confess and get it off your chest ASAP even when it’s not a good moment or time to address it. As it clearly wasn’t here.. take the poor girl out into a snake infested river and confess to her when she can’t possibly get away. 

Also the speech was unnecessary at the Rose ceremony. If he wasn’t picking Ariel he didn’t need to say that and clue her in about it in that moment. Also it’s fucked up for Gabi because he’s running around acting like having sex with her was some evil and terrible thing that he totally regrets. 

ETA - also kind of fucked up that he gave Gabi her rose second when she confessed how triggering feeling second is for her. 

Edited by GracieK
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It's interesting that the consensus seems to be sex or no sex was all entirely Zach's decision. As if the women had no autonomy. I'm specifically referring to Kaity's talk with Gabby at the end, making it clear that he only slept with Gabby.

Some seemed shocked by that because yes, admittedly the editing has certainly made it seem like he's really into Kaity. However, maybe the reason they didn't have sex is because Kaity didn't want to. Sure, she worked through some of her initial hurt and anger over his need to overshare but that doesn't mean she was completely over it enough to sleep with him. Especially since I imagine that there was now the lingering thought and reality in her mind that, "he just did this with someone else barely three days ago."

That's why possibly my favorite thing Kaity said to Zach after his telling her about the sex with Gabby, is that she knew what the show is, what could happen, that she knows he's developing separate relationships with other women. But that she didn't want to know the specifics of those relationships and his experiences with them.

I thought that made perfect sense on her end. Because it's already a challenge for the contestants to NOT get in their heads and just focus on their relationship with the lead and that's what Kaity was doing. But then here he comes volunteering information she didn't ask for and so now, she can't just focus on their relationship because he forced her to have to deal with intimate parts of his relationship with someone else.

So yeah, with all that I can see a scenario where Kaity and Zach maybe just talked a lot more about the situation for most of the night and she wasn't interested in having sex with him. At least not that night. As for Kaity's walk, it's obvious one of her feet is slightly bow-legged and so it makes her walk a bit funny. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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1 hour ago, MissPriss said:

Yes! This has been driving me nuts. She “clomps” around like a horse. I knew the night in the museum something was off with the walk. 

I wonder if she has low tone. My daughter has it. She’s 22 months old and literally finally started walking independently yesterday (which YAY I’m so relieved - it was totally stressing me out and killing my back). But anyway.. her physical therapist said her delay was due to low tone. She said her kids and husband have it and when her kids were in PT the therapist mentioned that her husband has low tone. She was puzzled because the therapist had never met him and he wasn’t in the room.. but the therapist heard him walking around the house. People with low tone often walk with heavy steps.. they don’t realize it but those around them may get annoyed and say “why do you walk so heavily???”  Anyway just thought I would share because it’s something I never knew until my daughter!

Edited by GracieK
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Why doesn’t Kaity say “I’m not upset that you told me, I’m upset that you DID IT”.  He keeps apologizing for telling her.  I could care less if he told me or not, I’d care that I thought I was his top pick and he had sex with someone else the night before.  Telling me about it doesn’t absolve you from what you did.  I know it’s part of the premise of the show but that would be a dealbreaker for me.  And it seems like he & Gabi agreed to keep it a secret and now the whole world knows.  Shitty thing to do to Gabi. 

Also, I thought Kaity was a bit rude to Gabi with her “I know you’re the only one” comment.  Gabi didn’t cheat on her, Zach did.  And yes to the comments about her walk.  I think Kaity is a total dork that was put into a very attractive body.  (but I like her)

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4 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Zach, as he runs from Thailand to Cambodia, chased by three angry women.  And there is Rachel, a hovering menace overhead, cackling, "Get him, my pretties!" She does a figure eight, then plunges into a long nose dive, aiming towards Zach like an arrow to the bull's-eye.

You mean Pilot Rachet pulls a kamikaze?
Poor Zach taken out by an insecticide bomb. 

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3 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Oh, jeez! He should have just fucked Kaity! Now Hester Prynne over here is having a meltdown that he DID sleep with her. Zach just went and made it awkward both ways by being too honest with both of them. 

Yeah, I think Gabi mentioned her 'scarlet letter' more than once!

I have the feeling it was Kaity's choice not to be intimate...otherwise, this episode and Zach's crazy plan to avoid sex, but yet agreeing to do so with Gabi would not make any sense whatsoever.

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3 hours ago, Riplet68 said:

I would never be able to be with a guy after he told me what he told Katy - but then I would never be able to be in this type of show.  I'm getting stress/nerve nauseua just thinking about it - and it wasn't even me!!!!

I would never be able to deal with this show either. I couldn't handle being part of a harem of women. "Sex week" is probably what kills a lot of the relationships that come out of the show.
But I guess at least some of the girls that do take part can accept the Bach "traditions". Kaity seems to be someone who may be able to handle what happened if she is picked as the final one. She has shown herself throughout the season to be blessed with a lack of envy.

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So this was great.  Ariel can feel like crap because apparently Zach was not into her enough to be overcome with lust and have sex with her. Gabi can feel like crap because apparently Zach was overcome with lust and had sex with her but he feels horrible about it and spent the entire next day groveling before Kaity about this huge mistake he made having sex with Gabi. And Kaity can feel like crap because apparently Zach was overcome with lust for one of the other women and felt compelled to talk to her about it the next day and ruin her entire date and make her question everything she thought she was feeling for Zach all along.

Good job!

And then he talks about it AGAIN during the rose ceremony!  And picks Gabi second. And afterwards is obviously talking to Kaity while pretty obviously not making eye contact with Gabi, as she pointed out and we could see for ourselves.  If I were Gabi I'd be so upset. And we already know she was kinda spiraling before all of this.

Those monkeys can be pretty aggressive if they think they can get treats out of you. At least they were in Japan. They're cute, but when they come toward you like that, in a group, it's kinda scary.

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2 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

Those monkeys can be pretty aggressive if they think they can get treats out of you. At least they were in Japan. They're cute, but when they come toward you like that, in a group, it's kinda scary.

I was bitten by a 2 ft. spider monkey when I was a kid. It grabbed me by the knee with a mouthful of sharp teeth and would not let go despite all my frantic attempts to shake it off! If I had been Kaity I would have sprinted back to my room and refused to come out again unless someone chased the monkeys off the path!😂

I wonder if there were any monkeys lurking around in these trees. I see they have plenty of vines to swing from...vines from which they can launch themselves at hapless Bachelor victims stupidly wading around in murky snake-filled water.


Edited by Melonie77
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I was rewatching the rose ceremony….I felt for Gabi…she told him how she hated always being #2 yet he gave her the 2nd rose….and really delayed giving it to her…it looked like he was agonizing over the choice between her and Ariel, yet he quickly and confidently gave a rose to Kaity. 

eta.  When Zach came back after walking Ariel out…he only had eyes for Kaity, walking directly to her, hugging her and talking about meeting his parents.  Way to make Gabi feel even more of a #2. 

Edited by DEL901
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3 hours ago, Melonie77 said:

I was bitten by a 2 ft. spider monkey when I was a kid. It grabbed me by the knee with a mouthful of sharp teeth and would not let go despite all my frantic attempts to shake it off! If I had been Kaity I would have sprinted back to my room and refused to come out again unless someone chased the monkeys off the path!😂

I wonder if there were any monkeys lurking around in these trees. I see they have plenty of vines to swing from...vines from which they can launch themselves at hapless Bachelor victims stupidly wading around in murky snake-filled water.



3 hours ago, Melonie77 said:

I was bitten by a 2 ft. spider monkey when I was a kid. It grabbed me by the knee with a mouthful of sharp teeth and would not let go despite all my frantic attempts to shake it off! If I had been Kaity I would have sprinted back to my room and refused to come out again unless someone chased the monkeys off the path!😂

I wonder if there were any monkeys lurking around in these trees. I see they have plenty of vines to swing from...vines from which they can launch themselves at hapless Bachelor victims stupidly wading around in murky snake-filled water.


Yikes! That must have been terrifying! Now you’re making me rethink our “Monkeyland” excursion on our Dominican Republic cruise stop this summer.

This picture reminded me that I didn’t comment on the editing continuity (or lack thereof) since there was so much more to chat about. Zach told Kaity his big secret in daylight. Then it was pitch black when they were having their heated argument, and she stormed off to broad daylight to sob to the producer, while Zach was still waiting for her in the dark. I mean, okay, he tells her, she storms off crying, maybe for hours, and then comes back into the jungle at night to continue talking to him about it.

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32 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

I was rewatching the rose ceremony….I felt for Gabi…she told him how she hated always being #2 yet he gave her the 2nd rose….and really delayed giving it to her…it looked like he was agonizing over the choice between her and Ariel, yet he quickly and confidently gave a rose to Kaity. 

He was trying so hard with the rose and only looking at Kaity to prove to her that sleeping with Gabi meant nothing. Yet, he told Gabi he’s falling in love with her!! Does he not get that that’s the more “devastating secret” here? He went out of his way to go tell Gabi—on the morning of his date with Kaity—that he loves her (okay, falling in love, but said it twice). I get that in his mind he’s trying to do the “right thing” but he doesn’t seem to understand that he’s just leaning into each of their biggest insecurities and making everything worse. I think he is one of the leads who ends up falling in love with two people and just implodes because of it. He had this calm and collected demeanor—even cold at times to some of the women. But now we’re seeing what happens when his walls come down, after talking so much about Ariel’s walls. My man’s walls coming down is like a breach in a dam. Now I’m starting to see what Jesse meant about this season’s end being emotional. I don’t even think it’s the women’s emotions he meant. When Zach has emotions, it’s just oozing all out of him and wreaking havoc.

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