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S07.E19: Tell All Part 2

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Unremarkable first look.

Libby did her a Mary Had a Little Lamb song with vocal fry or whatever. I didn’t think it sounded any better. I liked Becky’s outfit. Same old family dynamics. Lots of f words. Ed calls Andrei an idiot.

Sorta snoozed through most of it.

Angela returned to the set - maybe they don’t pay you if you do not participate. We are left hanging as to who Mykull is talking to and if the woman is an American! She has also been stressed!!!

Ed spent the small segment talking over Liz.

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Ed is such an asshole.  I wish Liz would run like hell.  Alcohol is the only thing they have in common.  It keeps them together, but will be the end of them, too.

I wish Angela would just stay gone.  Her psycho-level controlling, insecure ways brought about this self-fulfilling prophecy.  Yeah, he may have been destined to cheat no matter what, but no relationship would have stood a chance - a long distance relationship, no less - with that crap.  She acted as his parent or jailer.   

Bilal is just an effing DOUCHE, through and through.  She is horribly desperate and why on Earth she would want to be tied to this man for life by a child is beyond me.  She must hate herself.

Edited by CallmeCray
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OMG… Andrei has stared showing his real colors… He is a manipulator and a control freak. I feel bad for Libby’s family right now because his plan is to destroy it and took over Chunks business.

Libby and Chuck are two gullible idiots. 

I’m not sure if Libby is aware that when Andrei talks, he is cursing in two languages- his native and English, but only English ones are beeped.

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14 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Unremarkable first look.

Libby did her a Mary Had a Little Lamb song with vocal fry or whatever. I didn’t think it sounded any better. I liked Becky’s outfit. Same old family dynamics. Lots of f words. Ed calls Andrei an idiot.

Sorta snoozed through most of it.

Angela returned to the set - maybe they don’t pay you if you do not participate. We are left hanging as to who Mykull is talking to and if the woman is an American! She has also been stressed!!!

Ed spent the small segment talking over Liz.

I love me some Libby. 

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4 hours ago, Maximadc said:

I feel bad for Libby’s family right now because his plan is to destroy it and took over Chunks business.

There is something I really like about Andrei. He's very opinionated but not threatening. LIbby knows exactly how to handle him. He stands up for himself and for his family against this fractured, flawed, self-centered "me, me, me" family, which includes a drunk. Has anyone seen Charlie without a stressed out face, ever? He's wound so tightly at all times that it seems he can burst at the seam any time. Maybe that's why he drinks. He's so worried with a Chuck "likes Andrei better than he likes me" thought process. He seems to be consumed with that  and the thought that Andrei is on track to do much better than he ever did. He's weak, selfish and self-centered and he can't stand that he has this new competition. 

Don't get me started on the rest of the family. I like Libby, who, unlike her drama-loving over-the-top dysfunctional family, holds it together for the most part. 

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14 hours ago, CallmeCray said:

I wish Angela would just stay gone.  Her psycho-level controlling, insecure ways brought about this self-fulfilling prophecy.  Yeah, he may have been destined to cheat no matter what, but no relationship would have stood a chance - a long distance relationship, no less - with that crap.  She acted as his parent or jailer.   


I cracked up when Angela said she never thought Michael would cheat on her. She has spent the entirety of their “relationship” checking his phone and watching his social media and accusing him of flirting with other “winning.” Of course she thought he would cheat!

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4 hours ago, Breedom said:

There is something I really like about Andrei. He's very opinionated but not threatening. LIbby knows exactly how to handle him. He stands up for himself and for his family against this fractured, flawed, self-centered "me, me, me" family, which includes a drunk. Has anyone seen Charlie without a stressed out face, ever? He's wound so tightly at all times that it seems he can burst at the seam any time. Maybe that's why he drinks. He's so worried with a Chuck "likes Andrei better than he likes me" thought process. He seems to be consumed with that  and the thought that Andrei is on track to do much better than he ever did. He's weak, selfish and self-centered and he can't stand that he has this new competition. 

Don't get me started on the rest of the family. I like Libby, who, unlike her drama-loving over-the-top dysfunctional family, holds it together for the most part. 


I just finished watching the preview and couldn’t find anything attractive in Andrei’s personality. 
As I said before, I wouldn’t be surprised if, in a few years, Chuck’s business will be Andrei’s, and Andrei will marry 20 years old from Moldova but keep Libby’s children.
Unfortunately, I am very familiar with this type of man from Eastern Europe. 
And his swearing needs to stop, period.
Charlie is not a part of the cast, so not really my business what he does, but his wife should be the first to be concerned about his alcoholism because she lives with him and has children with him.



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3 hours ago, Maximadc said:

I just finished watching the preview and couldn’t find anything attractive in Andrei’s personality. 
As I said before, I wouldn’t be surprised if, in a few years, Chuck’s business will be Andrei’s, and Andrei will marry 20 years old from Moldova but keep Libby’s children.
Unfortunately, I am very familiar with this type of man from Eastern Europe. 

Interesting theory, that he'll end up taking over Chuck's business, while leaving Libby for a younger woman & taking their kids.

That would be the biggest "I told you so" moment ever from Libby's family.

Andrei is worse than a cross between a Pit Bull and a Rottweiler.  With apologies to the actual dogs.

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I am totally not sure. My listings are all messed up. I posted yesterday mine said stand by me also. I just checked and my tv says the culpo sisters and pillow talk is on right now 10.41 am. I am dvring 8.00 and 11.00 no matter what the tv says and hoping for the best..........

Edited by iloveangelina
so annoyed i can't type lmao
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Charlie is not a part of the cast, so not really my business what he does, but his wife should be the first to be concerned about his alcoholism because she lives with him and has children with him.

I think family members are as much a part of the cast as the couples. Open season on Charlie (I can't stand him but I'm not a huge fan of Andrei either). 

I think Charlie's wife is a classic enabler. I don't know if she also has a drinking problem but I'll bet she spends half her life defending his behavior and the other half cleaning up after it. She seems as unpleasant as the rest of the sisters and not particularly likely to hold Charlie accountable for anything. I do think that she likes the income they have/had and she will be bitching mad if someone takes it away from him (as she perceives Andrei is trying to do now) but she will make that someone else's fault (Andrei; Chuck; Libby) before she finally looks at Charlie to see what his role was.

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Not a tear fell from Wrinkles eyes!!!  Today she was playing the victim.  If everything about Michael is true, divorce his ass.  It's that simple.

(By way, it is not "Valentimes" Day, Wrinkles." - every time I look at her I think of The Portrait of Dorian Gray.)

And as far as Liz is concerned, I just can't.  Someone who loves you does not treat you like Ed treats her.  He has nothing but contempt for her.

Edited by Kid
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This has been the best tell all ever. New information. Surprises, yay!

Libby's singing was horrid. What kid wants to listen to that?

Libby had some hard truths about Andrei. He looked like an idiot and Libby didn't know what to say.

I think Ed wants a 10. He wants a skinny girl. Rose is probably the thinnest person who has ever liked him and he is chasing that because he is so superficial. Just my opinion. 


Edited by bravofan27
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6 hours ago, iloveangelina said:

I am totally not sure. My listings are all messed up. I posted yesterday mine said stand by me also. I just checked and my tv says the culpo sisters and pillow talk is on right now 10.41 am. I am dvring 8.00 and 11.00 no matter what the tv says and hoping for the best..........

Same here, I pushed record on the 8pm slot with a lot of faith.

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8 minutes ago, ChristmasJones said:

My DirecTV is saying this half of the tell all is on a channel I don't get.  Weird.

My tv is showing that the Tell All is on tomorrow.

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My cable guide (Spectrum) shows a new episode tonight at 7 central, 8 eastern, and two hours.     However, the subtitle is Stand By Me, episode 14.  (That's older from this season).    Even the online TLC schedule doesn't show the Part 2 of the episode.   Next weeks 'new' one is also older episode 15.     This is strange.   However, the TLC online schedule lists Part 2, tonight at 7, and then rerun a few hours later. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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17 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

I like Jenny and Kimberly.  They seem genuinely nice.  Jovi seems to be maturing.  Ed is a dick.  And Libby cannot sing.

Jenny and Kim seem like nice ladies to me too. Jovi is getting better, Ed is the same. Libby can sing, but unfortunately, she doesn't have any harmony and it's just noise that hurts. Maybe she sounds good to herself. When I sing I think I sound okay. Now, if I record and play back I want to shrill up and die. 

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Libby can sing

I agree and she clearly has had vocal training. I just didn't like her rendition of "Mary Had a Little Lamb." I don't think it's supposed to be a tragic song but Libby's style is more funeral than fun. Mary's softly fleeced lamb follows her everywhere she goes, but I don't think that includes the slaughterhouse.

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On 1/7/2023 at 12:34 AM, CallmeCray said:

Bilal is just an effing DOUCHE, through and through.  She is horribly desperate and why on Earth she would want to be tied to this man for life by a child is beyond me.  She must hate herself.

Maybe now she’s changed her mind about the baby idea because she finally realizes what a jerk she’s married to. 

Edited by magemaud
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4 hours ago, magemaud said:

Maybe now she’s changed her mind about the baby idea because she finally realizes what a jerk she’s married to. 

Or they've realized that if they want to wring another season from this steaming pile of rotting armadillo kidneys they need a storyline. Even those two cement heads must know they can't continue with "Shaeeda wants a baby and Bilal is stalling". So they cleverly turn it on its head! "Now BILAL wants a baby and SHAEEDA is stalling"! Genius! Someone in the Sharp Productions writers room is kissing his reflection right now. "I still got it, baby!"

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18 hours ago, Kid said:

(By way, it is not "Valentimes" Day, Wrinkles." - every time I look at her I think of The Portrait of Dorian Gray.)

Every time I look at her I think, where is the closest vomit receptacle?

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Angela still had tags on her bracelets, her plan is to return jewelry she has been seen wearing on TV?  Angela needs to learn how to cry real tears and if we were not absolutely sure she and Michael are a business arrangement rather than a real relationship we are now. 

Liz has an unending supply of ill fitting, cheap dresses that are too tight and too short for her figure, if she wore better clothing she would look much cuter, maybe feel a little more confident and move on from Ed. I do not believe they are a couple at all, well they are couple of idiots but not in a romantic way.  They are as ill suited for each other as her dresses are ill suited for her.  There is no reason for Ed and Liz to participate in next season's filming, they are not a couple and both of them are US citizens so can we say goodbye to them for good?

Andreiiii is stupid, he fears someone has ratted him out to the feds and has not done anything to clean up his messiness on camera, he keeps digging himself deeper, he is incapable of rising above the crap.  Libby should not try and entertain children with her bluesy renditions of children's songs, it was a strange styling of a toddler's song.  Becky's dress is not a good sitting down dress, she looks like she is melting out of the top of it.

There is no reason that Kim and Usman should be on next season, they have told us they are not a couple but are friends, this show is not about long distance friendships.



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Looks like Angela got an eye job. The top half of her face doesn't match the bottom.

No wonder she's all shriveled up like a 78 year old.  She doesn't like water.  (runs to sink and guzzles three glasses of water as if there's no tomorrow).

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Liz has an unending supply of ill fitting, cheap dresses that are too tight and too short for her figure, if she wore better clothing she would look much cuter, maybe feel a little more confident and move on from Ed. I do not believe they are a couple at all, well they are couple of idiots but not in a romantic way.  They are as ill suited for each other as her dresses are ill suited for her.  There is no reason for Ed and Liz to participate in next season's filming, they are not a couple and both of them are US citizens so can we say goodbye to them for good?

Andreiiii is stupid, he fears someone has ratted him out to the feds and has not done anything to clean up his messiness on camera, he keeps digging himself deeper, he is incapable of rising above the crap.  Libby should not try and entertain children with her bluesy renditions of children's songs, it was a strange styling of a toddler's song.  Becky's dress is not a good sitting down dress, she looks like she is melting out of the top of it.

Ed says he has been on 10 seasons of this show?!  I never caught the first, actual 90 day, coupling,  and have missed single-life and other spinoffs on principle.  Regardless, I agree that Liz looks a million times better in just a t-shirt and jeans as they showed her on her single-living life cameo.

Andreiiiii is just a jerk.  He knows that, his lawyer knows that.   Becky or others calling him into immigration seems much less likely than his abrasive personality rubbing people the wrong, way, on top of the sting he mentioned on the corrupt Moldavian police he worked with.  

Angela is a trainwreck.  I honestly couldn't care less if Michael were emotionally cheating on her *in exactly the same way* they opened the season with her and her Canadian stripper.  It angers me that the show is trying to gaslight us on this and spin the narrative around 180.  Just get her off the show, please.  We've seen enough.

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It’s almost as if Libby has a huge vendetta against her family and decided to punish them with Andrei.  The thing is, she’s punishing herself.  Living with that dark, negative hateful cloud.  Omg….but this is what she asked for.  I actually think it might work out better if they return to his country and live.  Enough already.    End all that discord in your family.  It’s painful to watch.  

Angela, Mikul, Ed and Liz (perhaps I should include Kim and Usman, though they haven’t said very much)  should stop the lying as well.  People who truly love you do not constantly create discord in your life and hurt you with their words and deeds.  So, they do not love one another, imo.  This is clear. But, all they have are lies, lies, just lies and fake tears.  I’m so over it.  It’s so disrespectful to the real romantically involved cast members.  (Are there any? Lol) And shame on TLC for promoting these unhealthy and potentially volatile disasters.  A professional counselor would likely recommend they separate for their own safety.  It’s so careless to promote this insanity as love. Ugh…..😒 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Angela still had tags on her bracelets, her plan is to return jewelry she has been seen wearing on TV?

Maybe Hazlehurst’s local jeweler is trying to be like the high end jewelry stores who lend their diamonds to celebrities to wear on the Red Carpet, and Friend Jen was their special Security Guard. 

Which reminds me, did anyone else have an Personal Assistant backstage to provide counseling, water and cigarettes? 

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Good to see that Renee is still alive & that Wrinkles didn't actually murder her. The question still remains as to why she vanished and is no longer Wrinkles emotional support assistant and has been replaced with a new one, probably forgot to kiss her non existent ass one time too many.

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"It's okay. Angela. It's okay. Please, please."

Lack of communication skills is the least of Michael's problems. I'm glad that Kimbelly called it out, since Shawn played mute.

These two need to end it immediately and stop dragging this thing out, and I don't ever want to see Angela on The Single Life or ever again, for that matter. Sharp would go broke having to pay single men to be on the show and to have anything to do with this mess. There is not a normal man on earth who would put up with all the abusive "love" that Angela puts out. I don't feel sorry for her and I wish the tell-all really delved into her abusive, yelling, aggressive, histrionic, damaged, car-smashing behavior. But no. She is never held accountable for her actions and is always playing the victim card. Most of the other cast members were terrified of her; so again, she gets away with her behavior. Did it ever occur to her how she contributed to her relationship troubles? It kills me how on this show and Pillow Talk everyone pretends to like this flawed victim of a person.

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I, too, want to know why Angela wasn’t asked about her Canadian crush.  She did the same thing Michael did.  She’s a hypocrite.  I wish she’d get called out for it. 

When Ed asked for the ring back for the umpteenth time, I would have shoved it up his nose.  Or rammed it down his throat.  Does Liz have no pride?  Even after he asked for the ring back, she still didn’t want it to be over.  He’s a man-child.  Ugh!

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17 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

My cable guide (Spectrum) shows a new episode tonight at 7 central, 8 eastern, and two hours.     However, the subtitle is Stand By Me, episode 14.  (That's older from this season).    Even the online TLC schedule doesn't show the Part 2 of the episode.   Next weeks 'new' one is also older episode 15.     This is strange.   However, the TLC online schedule lists Part 2, tonight at 7, and then rerun a few hours later. 

Good news, the cable guide online, and on my TV (Spectrum and Titan TV) seem to have been updated, and are now accurate. 

I'm wondering if Miss Alien Mostly naked is trying out for a reality show?   It certainly looked like the Housewife uniform on those shows.  For a while there, I was wondering about a wardrobe malfunction.  

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On 1/6/2023 at 10:42 PM, Frozendiva said:

Unremarkable first look.

Libby did her a Mary Had a Little Lamb song with vocal fry or whatever. I didn’t think it sounded any better. I liked Becky’s outfit. Same old family dynamics. Lots of f words. Ed calls Andrei an idiot.

Sorta snoozed through most of it.

Angela returned to the set - maybe they don’t pay you if you do not participate. We are left hanging as to who Mykull is talking to and if the woman is an American! She has also been stressed!!!

Ed spent the small segment talking over Liz.

I loved that Ed called Andrei out. Andrei really looked like a fool. He can bully and push around Libby (because she needs him to stay on TV and is now with kids) but she did sort of look like she was having an awakening that Andrei was in the wrong. 

I liked everyone's blank faces when Andrei said that people claim it's not really Libby singing because it sounds so good.

Charlie seemed a little high with his twitching, knocking his knees back and forth, and slouching and weird hand gestures. He seems like he smells bad.

Libby's sister (Becky?) was drunk. She was slurring her words here and there, trying hard to seem composed. I think she and Charlie did some major pre-tell-all'ing before coming on air. Her outfit was very strange. Maybe disco-ish? It seems like it got Andrei's attention cuz he gave her a big hug at the end, and she said, "I don't want to lose you" to him. I think they may be boning later.

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2 hours ago, Midwestern Lady said:

Isn't anyone going to ask Angela about the Canadian stripper hypocrisy???? 

Stay tuned! We still have FOUR MORE HOURS for that to happen! 

1 hour ago, Welshman in Ca said:

The question still remains as to why she vanished and is no longer Wrinkles emotional support assistant and has been replaced with a new one, probably forgot to kiss her non existent ass one time too many.

I did read somewhere that Rene is now Angela's Personal Assistant. A Reality Star needs one, of course! Maybe Rene traveled to NYC with her, I'm picturing her on the plane wearing a little "Emotional Support Animal" vest. image.png.6d10dbe443a2921e96b29a7f98e4ffe9.png

Edited by magemaud
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