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Manzo'd With Children - General Discussion

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What's the thing about Caroline and wiping counters?  I tried googling it but couldn't find anything... 

It's just that she was doing it in two earlier episodes.  Always cleaning the kitchen like a good Italian wife.  It was so noticeable among the boring activities, that we were snarking on it. 

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When she was on RHONJ, she often cleaned the counters.  Whenever they showed her in the kitchen, she would be wiping down the counters.  It's like some weird nervous habit - if she's in the kitchen and not cooking, she must wipe down counters.  Maybe that's why she always looks so sour when she's in other people's kitchens - their counters aren't being actively wiped down while she's there.  

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Ha, because they are a bunch of manzoids, not real humans, probably!  Love that.  Thanks for the explanation of the counter-wiping.  God, but this show is awful!  It has really made me grow to hate... yes hate... Caroline.  Lauren may be a miserable girl, but she's had 20-teen years of being treated like a second-class citizen by Caroline Manzoid.  Between the way Caroline nuzzles her second husband, Albie, and the crap she dishes on Lauren, I'd be a bitter, inauthentic, superficial twat myself if I were Lauren.  Lord but the sour looks Caroline gives Lauren, the relentless teasing and putdowns.  You never hear her talk about Albie that way.  And yes, Chrittofer has been relegated to clown status by Caroline.  I think Chrittofer's only chance at happiness is whatever secret (gay?) life he can carve out.


Love what someone upthread said about Caroline and her idiot shaving.  Clearly it's for excessive peach fuzz.  Who gets wrinkles on their jaw line?  Except Caroline, who has jowls?  


Anyhow, in conclusion, I really hate Caroline.  The whole clan is sad and dysfunctional.  The show is lame.  That is all.  

Edited by OhGromit
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Lauren was in full bitch mode this episode!  She seriously needs help.  Vito's only marrying her because he grew on her (being friends with her brother).  I can't imagine anyone even finding her remotely friendly or girlfriendly upon first meeting her.

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I have a vague recollection of that rebel getting an ambilical cord tatooed on his upper arm


....and the name Caroline in Old English script in a banner below.


Creep factor to the ultimate degree, that's what these two leave me with. She's got a firm grip on Albie's penis and she's not letting go. Andy has no chance of pulling him out of the closet.

Edited by Giselle
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Blk is also available at Sprouts stores in the DFW area.  There are multiple flavor options.

I had no idea it was available in Dallas.  If I get to town I'll have to check it out.  Probably won't buy it but I will take a look.  What are the other flavor options? It just seems so gross and unappealing. 

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What are the other flavor options? It just seems so gross and unappealing. 

The one that stuck in my memory was tropical punch.  It has a slightly red tinge to it.  It manages to look even nastier than the standard black.

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The one that stuck in my memory was tropical punch.  It has a slightly red tinge to it.  It manages to look even nastier than the standard black.

Thanks for the info Texasgal.  I live an hour from Dallas but i am certainly going to remember this when I am in the vicinity, which isn't too often.  Do you think they have it at Whole Foods?

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To get BBQ secrets or some shit.



It was more like get some secret BBQ recipes so Caroline could copy it, bottle it and slap her "Caroline's Kitchen" label on it.

Thanks Petunia and movingtargetgal. Poor Texas. I am so wondering if New Jersey is known for its BBQ... There is no reason for them to pick on Texas like that when Memphis is so much closer...

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I love this quote from the article "“Manzo’d exceeded Bravo’s expectations ratings-wise and they are definitely interested in another season,” the source confirmed."  What were Bravo's expectations, two passed out drunks and a dozen people with an incredible ability to withstand boredom?  

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I love this quote from the article "“Manzo’d exceeded Bravo’s expectations ratings-wise and they are definitely interested in another season,” the source confirmed."  What were Bravo's expectations, two passed out drunks and a dozen people with an incredible ability to withstand boredom?  


Does anyone know what kind of ratings this show received? I know a ton of PTV and TWOP don't like the Manzos but we are not the average American viewer. The Manzos obviously think their big sh*t. Is it possibly they know something we don't? Then again, I wouldn't put it past Andy to push this drivel to satisfy his own agenda. Someone here kindly reminded me that Caroline almost won favorite housewife of all time last year.

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I don't recall what the ratings were, all I know is that their show was pushed on those of us who had our DVRs set to record the RHONJ episode to record it and a lot of people were duped into having this show recorded, too. Every avenue I've read online basically said the show sucks and it's a farce, so Andy needs to stop drinking the Manzo kool-aid.  

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Holy unfuckingbelievable...Although this does add credence to the reports that Bravo is considering putting RHONJ on the backburner until Teresa's release.  What with Caroline and Jacqueline having reported nuclear-level emissions over not getting their counted-on Bravo paycheck, I guess rolling these boring/staged/scripted/phony asshats known as the Manzos out for another season would make sense.  In a twisted Bravo sort of way.



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I actually think this is a bad thing for their family.  These "kids" (really adults) think that they can coast off reality shows and not have to do anything with their lives.  They probably think of themselves as celebrities.

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I actually think this is a bad thing for their family.  These "kids" (really adults) think that they can coast off reality shows and not have to do anything with their lives.  They probably think of themselves as celebrities.


I'm going to tell myself these chucklefucks got a second season simply because Andy has a crush on Albie.


I can think of no other rational reason that Andy keeps trying to shove this family down our collective throats and make them "happen."  Hell, the ratings on this snoozefest were only mediocre, and that was with a RHONJ lead-in.


Anyone who has ever watched RHONJ and seem counter-wiping Caroline in action should know that the Manzos were generating their own storylines for this show.  Hell, Albie and "Crittofer" don't even live at home.  They were outed for that contrived storyline back when season 1 aired.  


There's no way in hell this family does any of this shit done for the show in their real lives.  Well, at least not until this spin off came around.


Just shove Caroline over to The Food Network or The Learning Channel where she can instruct everyone on proper counter cleaning techniques and how to look like the walking dead for your Christmas dinner and be done with it.  


I stuck with this beast last season just for the snark.


This season I'm going to skip the show and just come to this forum for my Manzo snark fix.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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I can think of no other rational reason that Andy keeps trying to shove this family down our collective throats and make them "happen."  Hell, the ratings on this snoozefest were only mediocre, and that was with a RHONJ lead-in.


He really seems very obsessed with this not remarkable family.  It's like the Manzos are the new "fetch".

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He really seems very obsessed with this not remarkable family.  It's like the Manzos are the new "fetch".


And I'm pretty sure this second season will focus on that sloth known as Lauren's  wedding to an apparently blind, deaf, and dumb Vito.


I used to think Run, Vito, Run!, but after all of this time he surely has to know that the sloth will be firmly keeping his balls in her designer handbag.  


More fakery and fuckery courtesy of the Manzos.  Dear gawd, I need more coffee or my head might explode just thinking about it.


That being said, I wonder if that ridiculous Caroline's BBQ sauce ever launched and how sales are doing.


Google, here I come!  

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I am blown away that this series was renewed.  Absolutely hated it.  Not snarking on it mind you, watching it.  My elderly mother will be happy to know her beloved "Manzoid with Children" will be back for another manufactured, snooze-fest season of forced hijinks and whatnot.


Edited by beesknees
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I can't believe it.   That is all.  


This season I'm going to skip the show and just come to this forum for my Manzo snark fix.  

Well, I thought I was going to do that last season, but I ended up watching after what I read here compelled me to see for myself.  Try it and see if you stick to your resolution!

Edited by GussieK
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I can't believe it.   That is all.  

Well, I thought I was going to do that last season, but I ended up watching after what I read here compelled me to see for myself.  Try it and see if you stick to your resolution!

Same here... But we're not helping get rid of them by doing that, lol,

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Seriously? If they're going to do this, at least let me be the producer for this second season. There will be lots of sex scenes with Andy and the boys, which Caroline will walk in on, plus alllllllllll kinds of new humiliations and truth-facing for Caroline and her hosebeast daughter. Maybe even some very special episodes with appearances from Din-yell.


I betcha I'd get some good ratings outta these chucklefucks.

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Same here... But we're not helping get rid of them by doing that, lol,

I didn't watch season one and wont watch this either, so I am a helper. :)     Cant stand Caro-ly'n and her dumb children.  Aka adults who are still dumb

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2. Andy is desperate for a threesome with Greg and Albie, but Albie is still pretending to like girls not realizing mommy would love him even more if he was more like Greg and Andy. Caroline doesn't like females, they are only sperm receptacles to hatch baby boys.


Yeah. The gaydar's pinging hard for Albie. What is it with Real Housewives having sons that seem very, very gay (see: Shane and Ryan on Orange County, Albie here) yet absolutely deep in the closet?

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I don't like C or her fam, but I liked this show. In general, they were not shown in a good or funny light. C was humiliated constantly. It was like watching "Keeping Up Appearances."

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UGH.  I will never ever watch this show.  I cant stand Carolyn and That Grin.  The whole fambly seem fake and acting the parts worse than people on any of the other HW shows.  They seem desperate.  I know it's a way to make a living, but I just cant watch. 

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