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Manzo'd With Children - General Discussion

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Thank you so much fliptopbox for taking one for the team! The "black" water may taste just fine but most folks could not get past the, um, blackness. I could see having a few in the fridge and trying to just coax people into tasting it much less picking it out btween that and any other color of water.

This family is really awful with any aspect of business, ie; Cafface, blk, BBQ sauce...

Drinking brown Coke or Root beer is fine, the bubbles and the foam and fizz, override the color. But for quenching my thirst, icy cold water is needed and the black color would be a distraction. Any alleged health benefits wouldn't be enough to get me past the color. 

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I'm here behind the "pine curtain" raiderred1 and I can tell you the east Texas twang is alive and well! I grew up in Houston and have lived here since the 80's. There are people that I STILL cannot understand WTH they're saying!
This show is a loser. Can't stomach any more of it.
I'll still come and read the snark, though!

Edited by goofygirl
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'm here behind the "pine curtain" raiderred1 and I can tell you the east Texas twang is alive and well! I grew up in Houston and have lived here since the 80's. There are people that I STILL cannot understand WTH they're saying!

"The Pine curtain", that name is sweet!  Having been raised in north Texas my best friend's family was from far east Texas and I found myself always saying,"SAY WHAT?" when I heard her parents talking.  It was interesting, to say the least.

I know this is the Manzo's thread but I just don't have a thing interesting to say about them.

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Drinking brown Coke or Root beer is fine, the bubbles and the foam and fizz, override the color.

For sure!  


I drink a lot of water during the day while exercising my horses and the thought of black water just grosses me out soooo much.  Leave it to the Manzo's to think of such a marketing failure.

I'll bet Caroline's BBQ sauce will be clear. 

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What's in it to make it black? Think a search for its nutritional value is in order. http://www.self.com/flash/health-blog/2011/09/black-water-dont-believe-the-h/

I think there's fulvic acid in there.

For sure!  


I drink a lot of water during the day while exercising my horses and the thought of black water just grosses me out soooo much.  Leave it to the Manzo's to think of such a marketing failure.

I'll bet Caroline's BBQ sauce will be clear. 

Didn't Pepsi come out with a clear cola? A big flop if I recall correctly.

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I think there's fulvic acid in there.

Didn't Pepsi come out with a clear cola? A big flop if I recall correctly.

Yep and you are so right it was a big flop.  I think the mind plays such a huge part in all the senses that it just switches to the "yuk" factor when someone tries to retrain it. That's my very scientific hypothesis anyway. ;)

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I just roused from my sickbed long enough to see Bravo is showing the Texas BBQ episode.


I couldn't help but notice the scene where Lauren needed a big-headed cowboy hat.  No judging here...I, too, have a sizable melon.


However, I couldn't help but notice that the bucket of water had more charm and personality than Lauren.


Perhaps even more charm and personality than all of the Manzos lumped together.


Does this thing get put out of its misery tonight?  Is it the season (hopefully series) finale?

Edited by Persnickety1
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This Sunday is the season finale of Manzo'd, right after the RHONJ reunion so be careful, I'm sure there won't be any commercial breaks between shows. :p


I knew they had a boat!  Lauren and the boys were instagramming pictures all summer, obviously the boat was docked somewhere near the boys apartment in Hoboken ... liars.  Here's what we have to look forward to:


10pm ET/PT tune in for the season one finale with back-to-back episodes of “Manzo’d With Children” as Caroline works with a design firm to create the label for her BBQ sauce line. Meanwhile, Albie grows frustrated with Brittany when she’s disrespectful about a gift he gives her. Faced with the decision of whether or not to break up with her, Albie considers getting a tattoo in an effort to break away from what’s expected of him. Then at 10:30pm ET/PT, Caroline and Al Sr. decide to spend their 30th anniversary touring the Hudson River on their brand new boat. While Lauren and Chris debate what to get their parents as a gift, Albie struggles with his relationship before getting some motherly advice from Caroline.

This Sunday is the season finale of Manzo'd, right after the RHONJ reunion so be careful, I'm sure there won't be any commercial breaks between shows. :p


I knew they had a boat!  Lauren and the boys were instagramming pictures all summer, obviously the boat was docked somewhere near the boys apartment in Hoboken ... liars.  Here's what we have to look forward to:


10pm ET/PT tune in for the season one finale with back-to-back episodes of “Manzo’d With Children” as Caroline works with a design firm to create the label for her BBQ sauce line. Meanwhile, Albie grows frustrated with Brittany when she’s disrespectful about a gift he gives her. Faced with the decision of whether or not to break up with her, Albie considers getting a tattoo in an effort to break away from what’s expected of him. Then at 10:30pm ET/PT, Caroline and Al Sr. decide to spend their 30th anniversary touring the Hudson River on their brand new boat. While Lauren and Chris debate what to get their parents as a gift, Albie struggles with his relationship before getting some motherly advice from Caroline.

Let me guess... Caroline's advice? Dump her and cuddle with mommy. Does Albie even have the balls to get a tattoo? And see mommy cry over it? I doubt it.

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This Sunday is the season finale of Manzo'd, right after the RHONJ reunion so be careful, I'm sure there won't be any commercial breaks between shows. :p


I knew they had a boat!  Lauren and the boys were instagramming pictures all summer, obviously the boat was docked somewhere near the boys apartment in Hoboken ... liars.  Here's what we have to look forward to:


10pm ET/PT tune in for the season one finale with back-to-back episodes of “Manzo’d With Children” as Caroline works with a design firm to create the label for her BBQ sauce line. Meanwhile, Albie grows frustrated with Brittany when she’s disrespectful about a gift he gives her. Faced with the decision of whether or not to break up with her, Albie considers getting a tattoo in an effort to break away from what’s expected of him. Then at 10:30pm ET/PT, Caroline and Al Sr. decide to spend their 30th anniversary touring the Hudson River on their brand new boat. While Lauren and Chris debate what to get their parents as a gift, Albie struggles with his relationship before getting some motherly advice from Caroline.


Oh, for fuck's sake, this reads worse than a horrible sitcom plot.


And Brittany was clearly, as most of us suspected, straight out of central casting, probably answering a Bravo call for a hot chick around age 25 willing to pretend she was smitten with Albie...and "Mama Manzo."  And how convenient they're going to wrap it up nice and pretty with a bow on their season finale.  Probably Caroline's idea, to send the message "Pretty girls with big breasts are BAD NEWS."


Oh, spare me, Bravo...Andy, quit trying to make this tribe of knuckle-draggers (and Gretchen Rossi) happen...Please?

Edited by Persnickety1
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Also, they were rerunning an episode earlier today and I think I heard Lauren tell Brittany she had pretty eyes so she "at least had one thing going for her. " Did I get that right!? I cannot imagine being that nasty.

Lauren just seems like a very bitter person. The fact that Vito is willing to spend the rest of his life with this woman boggles my mind. She's just so negative and angry about life. I hope they have enough room in their future home for all of her baggage.

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Just caught a few minutes of Watch What Happens Live with Mrs Manzo. Andy played a Dina clip from tonight's RHNJ Reunion, then asked Caroline to comment. All I heard was "blahdeblahblahblah....Dina needs to grow up."

Geesh that's a great way to make up with your sister! Caroline is one obnoxious person.

What I heard was "Dina tried to give everybody an ultimatum and hasn't been to any Laurita family events in 5 years so Dina needs to grow up."

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Caroline with her arm around Albie, leaning into his neck, while he looks pained and irritated--that poor kid. He's absolutely her surrogate husband and she'll never let go.

That scene was really sick.  Albie's tells his mom too much. He needs to learn from his younger brother and keep his personal life to himself. OH, poor me, I will never find everlasting love like my perfect role model parents. Excuse me, but wasn't Daddy always working and hardly ever home, sleeping in a little apartment most nights because he was too tired to drive home while Caro was raising the kids? Weren't their rumors that Al had that apartment because he cheated?  Picture perfect family, indeed.  

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Did I imagine it or did Caroline have an orgasm when Albie told her he broke up with Brittany?

Albie is 28 years old. He's pretty much failed at everything. Is he working at Little Town in Hoboken? He  seems to have a lot of time to sit around and feel sorry for himself.  Maybe he needs to realize he isn't something all that special, he's just an average guy, like Daddio, and head over to the Brownstone and  continue the family tradition. I think Chris will end up there too, since he has about as much ambition as a slug.

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I can't believe I'm about to type these words but....can anyone give me a brief recap of the second episode? I fell asleep right before Albie was making his tortuous decision on the tatoo, so I missed the end of episode 1 and all of episode 2. I should have probably tried to do that more often during the whole season but now I'm on the edge of my seat knowing about Albie and the tatoo. I read that he broke up with Brittany so I feel much better but I'm also concerned about the success of Caroline's bbq sauce. Not really. But if anyone can tell me what earth shattering events I missed, I'd appreciate it. :)

Edited by parrotlover

I didn't know where else to put this. I work for a children's book publisher in NYC. This morning I went to get my coffee in the cafeteria and next to the Poland Spring and Pellegrino was BLK water, y'all! I was shocked. I didn't realise it was still a thing.

It's definitely still in my local Whole Foods. It's on the top shelf, I can see it from the escalator.

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Around here they sell it in all the local grocery stores, not just the higher end ones like Whole Foods. I am also pretty sure I have seen it in the fridges at local convenience stores.

I'm in Texas and have never seen it.  Doesn't mean it's not sold in Texas, I've just never seen it.  It's on the shelves in your area but does anyone really buy it on a consistent basis?

The Manzos seem to have the worst marketing minds around.  When they showed the BBQ sauce the one they picked was awful.  I liked the plain one but would never buy such crapOne more thing, the pictures that Caroline took were terrible.  Was it a bad photographer?  Homely subject or both? 

Edited by raiderred1

I didn't know where else to put this. I work for a children's book publisher in NYC. This morning I went to get my coffee in the cafeteria and next to the Poland Spring and Pellegrino was BLK water, y'all! I was shocked. I didn't realise it was still a thing.

Whatever you do Lakewood27, do not drink it.  We like you around here.  We don't want you to risk drinking swamp water.  Put on gloves if you ever have to move the bottles.  I'm pretty sure that consuming BLK water will be the start of the zombie apocalypse.  

  • Love 4

I can't believe I'm about to type these words but....can anyone give me a brief recap of the second episode? I fell asleep right before Albie was making his tortuous decision on the tatoo, so I missed the end of episode 1 and all of episode 2. I should have probably tried to do that more often during the whole season but now I'm on the edge of my seat knowing about Albie and the tatoo. I read that he broke up with Brittany so I feel much better but I'm also concerned about the success of Caroline's bbq sauce. Not really. But if anyone can tell me what earth shattering events I missed, I'd appreciate it. :)

I have a vague recollection of that rebel getting an ambilical cord tatooed on his upper arm and wondering why Caroline hasn't appeared on Botched yet.

Edited by Ubiquitous
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Brittany Parks, who is an orthodontic technician by day and one of the Top Rank Knockouts the rest of the time. The Top Rank Knockouts are women that help promote Top Rank’s boxing events. According to her Top Rank Knockouts profile, she loves dirty martinis, hanging out with her friends, meeting fight fans, and traveling.


Brittany has done quite a bit of promotional modeling for brands such as Monster Energy drinks and Bud Light. Brittany has also hung out with the likes of Hugh Hefner, 50 Cent, and Mike Tyson.




While she’s not going out of her way to advertise her relationship with Albie (at the time they were supposedly "dating", she’s certainly advertising Manzo’d with Children. She frequently mentions the show as well as posts promotional pics and videos.



I can't believe I'm about to type these words but....can anyone give me a brief recap of the second episode? I fell asleep right before Albie was making his tortuous decision on the tatoo, so I missed the end of episode 1 and all of episode 2. I should have probably tried to do that more often during the whole season but now I'm on the edge of my seat knowing about Albie and the tatoo. I read that he broke up with Brittany so I feel much better but I'm also concerned about the success of Caroline's bbq sauce. Not really. But if anyone can tell me what earth shattering events I missed, I'd appreciate it. :)

I can't give much of a detailed recap--do you think you could watch it On Demand?  I did.


Eye bleach and brain bleach are needed.  Carolyn kept hugging and kissing Albie to make him feel better about the breakup.  Apparently, she fears that he is burdened by low self esteem.  So gross.  Someone upthread posted a little more about this.  The family also took a pontoon boat ride near the Statue of Liberty, got stuck in some mud, and Christopher had to pee over the side of the boat.

Edited by GussieK

Oh, there's a little more I remember.

Caroline made fun of Lauren's letter that accompanied her gift, but she did like the gift (a framed copy of the photo of the family in Texas.)

Christopher purchased custom pinatas that supposedly looked like Caroline and Al. What was the point, so they can clobber each other by proxy? They looked like paper mache crap. The Al pinata looked exactly like the bizarre paper mache head worn by the rock musician from the new indie movie "Frank." If you don't know it, Google it. The guy was a crackpot who wore a giant paper mache head all the time.

Edited by GussieK

I can't give much of a detailed recap--do you think you could watch it On Demand?  I did.


Eye bleach and brain bleach are needed.  Carolyn kept hugging and kissing Albie to make him feel better about the breakup.  Apparently, she fears that he is burdened by low self esteem.  So gross.  Someone upthread posted a little more about this.  The family also took a pontoon boat ride near the Statue of Liberty, got stuck in some mud, and Christopher had to pee over the side of the boat.

Thanks. I think I'll spare myself from watching it.

Brittany Parks, who is an orthodontic technician by day and one of the Top Rank Knockouts the rest of the time. The Top Rank Knockouts are women that help promote Top Rank’s boxing events. According to her Top Rank Knockouts profile, she loves dirty martinis, hanging out with her friends, meeting fight fans, and traveling.


Brittany has done quite a bit of promotional modeling for brands such as Monster Energy drinks and Bud Light. Brittany has also hung out with the likes of Hugh Hefner, 50 Cent, and Mike Tyson.




While she’s not going out of her way to advertise her relationship with Albie (at the time they were supposedly "dating", she’s certainly advertising Manzo’d with Children. She frequently mentions the show as well as posts promotional pics and videos.



I wouldn't go out of my way to advertise dating Albie Manzo either. Just take those Bravo checks and invest the money wisely. And hope the memories fade away with time.

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