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S02.E06: Abductions

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  On 12/5/2022 at 4:22 AM, Irlandesa said:

That confused me too, especially when they kept pointing to themselves as DiGrassos and tried to connect with the other DiGrasso family but as relatives to their mother.  But wouldn't DiGrasso be Grandmpa DiGrasso's father's last name?  Not mother's?  Unless she was also a DiGrasso. 


OMG!  This irked me so much, I had a hard time concentrating on the rest of the episode. The Angry Artichoke matriarch is a DiGrasso, so unless Dirty Grandpa DiGrasso’s father AND mother were also cousins in addition to husband and wife, it makes no sense.  Dirty Grandpa is using his patriarchal surname to seek out relatives.  His mother’s family most likely has a different last name, so why would he keep up the effusive chitchat about how his mother shares the same last name as the these Sicilian women?

If she survives her vacation, Tanya needs a real therapist stat.  She needs someone to give her real hard truths of her ‘poor little rich girl’ and rudderless victim personas.  It’s obvious Tanya has employed various healers, seers and new age gurus to “help” her, but I assume they are all yes men/women to keep the checks coming.  I also assume Tanya bolts from the room if anyone presents her with criticism or tells her she is part of her own problems.

As convoluted as these long cons are for Lucia and Quentin/Gregg to be involved in, these are also my theories.  Not sure what the outcome is for Ethan and Harper, but I do not think they belong together. 

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  On 12/5/2022 at 12:56 PM, slowpoked said:

For me, her character flaw is being slow on the uptake. When Jack kept on drinking and making up ways to not get her back at the villa, it should have set alarm bells already. And when he went on his drunken rambling and fell asleep, she should have hightailed it out of there.


Also it is kind of self preservation 101 not to let a stranger take you to a remote, unknown location if we are going with the abduction theme. She is WAY too passive with her own physical safety. I don't care they had sex, they had sex in places where she was relatively close to help. The palazzo might not really be that safe but Tonya was around kind of. And now she's in a random hotel in an area she doesn't know well. We never see her text Tonya or anyone really. I actually thought she might text Albie asking for help. Her stranger danger gene is broken. Tonya was dead right that she needs to pull herself together. I just wish Tonya's wisdom had survived past those pineapple mimosas. 

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  On 12/5/2022 at 1:57 PM, Baltimore Betty said:

I don't, I think she is repulsed by him, knows his dick has been in a lot of places, sees Daphne as someone that is probably hurt by all his indiscretions and now is forced in to a bad pattern of coping mechanisms... with Cameron she is just keeping her enemy closer, trying to expose him for the fraud she senses him to be.



This. I don’t think Harper will hook up with Cameron. She thinks too highly of herself and too lowly of him (and Daphne, by extension). But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t enjoy mindfucking Ethan on whether she and Cameron were hooking up. 

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  On 12/5/2022 at 2:19 PM, BusyOctober said:

I also assume Tanya bolts from the room if anyone presents her with criticism or tells her she is part of her own problems.


This was already shown earlier when she hired a tarot card reader as she was doubting Greg’s fidelity to her, and when the tarot card reader confirmed her suspicions, she threw her out of the room. Tanya is exactly the kind who only wants yes people and those who flatter her to be around her. She knows she can buy these people with money, so why bother with even a mild criticism.

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These stories are about manipulation, yes, but not necessarily gaslighting. Gaslighting is like “look what you made me do, it’s your fault for being upset about it, you did this” and taking no accountability for one’s own actions.

I see a lot of bullshit behavior and lies going on but it’s not gaslighting by definition. 

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I also didn’t like the dark turn this episode took. It felt sinister. 

I was so frustrated with Portia not getting herself out of there. Lots of tidbits dropped too, a line about having to do things you don’t want to do, getting out alive, etc. I felt like Portia was putting it together and wanted to get back to Tanya, and I don’t want it to be too late. 

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Great review by Mark Blankenship. I, also found episode 6 rather underwhelming.  And dark in a stodgy kind of way.  

I did think the visit of the three men to their “Italian roots“ was quite interesting though.  Was their promiscuity was some kind of search for “home“.?  As the grandfather (great actor) said, rather movingly, “there is no homecoming“….. Perhaps I’m reading too much into it though?  It was interesting that it was three women who pushed them away.

As for the rest, it became a little bit overblown, soggy, dark.  Thankfully, there wasn’t too much explicit sex in this episode. Perhaps it’s just me, but I really get sick of seeing arses thrusting away, threesomes, etc.  I wish the director would stop trying to “shock us with sex”, it seems both childish and distasteful. One can easily allude to it without explicitly showing it in that indulgent way.  And I feel sorry for the actors having to do the soft porn turns as well :-(.

I love Portia, the character and the actress. I love her clothes too, so funky fashion.  I also like the English dude.  He is playing the part so well. The next Daniel Craig perhaps?  I’m English so I guess I “get it”perhaps more?  But regardless nearly all the actors are fabulous.

However episode 6 was dark and quite slow. I was literally addicted to the series to begin with.  Now I think I will be glad when the whole thing is over in episode seven. I will miss gazing upon the gorgeous actor who plays the psycho stockbroker though!

One thing that was terrific. I think, that nobody has much mentioned, is the music.  The soundtrack/music in the series is amazing to me. I found myself singing Amore off and on all week. Always the music, often quirky or unusual, is perfect for the scene.

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Ever since I found out they filmed in February and the actors wore puffer jackets between scenes, I feel bad for the actors on any scenes on the beach. Haley looked cold fake eating her ice cream on the sea wall. The way she was curled into herself. 

I also hate the way she drinks coffee. Two hands like a kid or someone slurping soup? It bugs me. 

Also I think Mike White fell down on the food porn for this season. We barely got good food pics. I can forgive this in Hawaii where it was probably fish and fruit, but Italy??? Forget sex scenes. I want food shots. 

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I guess I didn't find this episode slow or lacking in plot.  Just in this episode, we had so much movement that was clearly setting up the finale:

  • Ethan started unraveling.  I suspect he's going to be one of the dead bodies.  Maybe Cameron too in a mix of toxic masculinity taking each other out.
  • It was revealed that Tanya was being set up.  I know many on this site predicted it, and it was guessed Greg was the cowboy, but if you weren't on a site full of speculation, I imagine that might come as a rather big surprise to a lot of viewers. 
  • There was the hilarious anticlimactic conclusion to the DiGrassos searching for their roots.  (Does grandpa kill himself?  Maybe he's a dead body too?)
  • The rose-colored glasses are falling off Portia in regards to Jack.
  • And Valentina got laid.
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I agree with the review, it's time to wrap up this story. It's time to put an end to this passive aggressive shit that's been going on between Ethan and Harper since Episode 1. It's time to find out whatever the hell Quentin has planned for Tanya and whatever Jack has planned for Portia and whatever Lucia has planned for Albie. At least we got some closure with Valentina.


I understand this is a drama that is going to have contrived situations, but like maybe try communicating openly with your wife instead of acting either weird or paranoid about everything?


This is the same thing she did to him when she found the condom wrapper. They are both passive aggressive with each other. It is not a healthy relationship. And as I said above, it's time to end it. 

I have distant relatives somewhere in Italy that I have never met. I imagine if I ever tracked them down the meeting would be similar to what the Di Grassos experienced. 


I'm assuming this 'well hung hetereosexual' is another rent boy like his 'nephew'.


He wasn't even that well hung either. Just average.

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If it was a long con, how did Greg know how rich she was?  And he went out to an expensive Hawaiian resort just to meet her?

People with the kind of wealth Tanya has would have 2 or 3 Portias with her all the time.  They'd also have savvy lawyers and business managers who wouldn't expose her to a big liability.

But Greg convinces her to go to Sicily where Quentin lives?  Where there just happens to be another White Lotus hotel?  In real life they're both Four Seasons hotels.  If bodies turned up at two Four Seasons hotel, it would be international news.  Actually surprised the Four Seasons cooperates with this show, because they show the hotel managers acting pretty unprofessionally.

Again, the payoff for Greg and Quentin really seems questionable.  A more likely ploy is to kidnap Tanya or someone very close to Tanya and demand a big ransom.

Edited by aghst
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  On 12/5/2022 at 8:15 AM, LEILANI2 said:

I'm assuming this 'well hung hetereosexual' is another rent boy like his 'nephew'.


I don't think Quentin even pretended he's not a rent boy. Tanya would be so dense and naive to not figure that out based on Quentin's description of him.

  On 12/5/2022 at 12:50 PM, BC4ME said:

And why in the hell was that picture left out for her to see? That doesn't track with the scam.


I don't think it was left out for her to see. It's just one of those things that may have been easily forgotten that it's even there. Quentin doesn't live in the villa. It's easy to forget things that are there when you don't see it regularly. It was a small frame too, not like those huge paintings that can easily be noticed.

  On 12/5/2022 at 3:15 PM, jeansheridan said:

Forget sex scenes. I want food shots. 


What?! You mean Tanya slurping on her pasta noodles back in ep2 or ep3 wasn't enough for you?! 

  On 12/5/2022 at 4:01 PM, Dminches said:

It is interesting that Daphne and Cameron are not faithful to each other but really seem to love (and like) each other while Harper and Ethan are faithful, but miserable. 


I think it's because both Daphne and Cameron understand they're not in a traditionally monogamous marriage and both have accepted it, and decided to be happy about it instead of being on each other's throats. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Daphne reveals later on she really did get it on with Italian Timothy Chalameet. 

Meanwhile, Ethan and Harper both think of their marriage as this paragon of virtue to be followed and be impressed by. But like you said, because they are both forcing themselves to be that "model" husband and wife, they end up being miserable with each other instead.

Edited by slowpoked
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  On 12/5/2022 at 12:50 PM, BC4ME said:

And why in the hell was that picture left out for her to see? That doesn't track with the scam.


BTW, I could not actually see that it was Greg in the picture, too blurry.  But I knew it was important, so I had to come here for the summaries to find out.

  On 12/5/2022 at 3:05 PM, RedDelicious said:

I also didn’t like the dark turn this episode took. It felt sinister. 


I feel like the whole point of this series, seasons one and two, is to be sinister. 

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I'm disappointed that Broke Back Mountain story is true. Seems too cornball. And Tom Hollander wasn't wearing a Western cowboy hat in the pic. He looked like he was dressed for a part as an ANZAC soldier. Agree that it's looking like a long con from the start by Greg/Quinton on Tanya.

Is Daphne pregnant???

Oh, and I hate that bile green nail polish Portia was wearing. Ick.

ETA: When Greg was having sex with Tanya and just pumping and pumping away...Jack's pumping away on Quinton reminded me of that. Greg was just going through the motions as it were. 

Edited by carrps
Ack! Portia is not Tanya.
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  On 12/5/2022 at 2:45 PM, SnazzyDaisy said:

Recording in progress??! 🤨



Holy cow, great catch @SnazzyDaisy! Eagle eyes on the job!

My thought about the drug dealer/man whore is there might be a cheating clause in Tanya and Greg's prenup, if she cheats she pays Greg big bucks or Uncle Q will try to blackmail Tanya in to paying big for the footage of her and another man.  

When presented with the fat rails of coke Tanya said it had been a while since she did coke but she dove right in and inhaled those rails like a champ, do we think she might have had a problem with the blow in the past and Greg knew about it and that she would be too weak to abstain? 

I was hoping Portia, upon hearing what Jack said about Q's finances would have quickly put two and two together and got a cab back to the house to check on Tanya, you know her boss, the person paying her way for the trip.

I do not believe that Lucia was in danger with Alessio (was that his name?), and that other guy, I think these are the lengths people will go to for a con, she is putting on a good show for a big payoff. 

Mia and Valentina, something tells me it is not going to be just a one and done sort of evening, I think something messy this way comes.

Harper is doing a mind fuck on Ethan about Cameron and her which is a shame because I thought she wanted honesty in their relationship.  

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I thought it was interesting how the three DiGrasso men responded to a possibly dangerous threat. Albie was all like Lucia knows what she is doing, his dad looked ready to argue but those two guys were bigger and he is there with his son and elderly father. And he isn't supposed to know she is a sex worker. He probably suspects that is her pimp. And then you get grandpa who has the will but not the strength to fight. And it did feel like watered down American men facing off against strapping young men from their home country. The fact the grandma chased them off with an artichoke is funny too.

I am not saying the American DiGrasso's are wrong for not fighting or getting more aggressive.  They just come a very different world. 

Also...stranger danger! Don't pull over in an empty location! Go back to the town square. 

  On 12/5/2022 at 5:03 PM, EtheltoTillie said:

And why in the hell was that picture left out for her to see? That doesn't track with the scam.


It almost feels like a Quentin joke. This woman is so stupid I can leave this out and she won't know. His "vision in salmon" was such a sly burn. Salmon sounds slimy,  fishy, and most pink salmon is fake. Color is added. He is wonderfully snide. 

Edited by jeansheridan
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I wonder if Harper's doing a mindfuck on Ethan or if Ethan's doing a mindfuck on Ethan. We've seen Cameron do flirty and harassing stuff to Harper but I don't know if we've seen any real reciprocity. All of Harper's actions can be explained innocently this episode, while it's what's in Ethan's imagination is what he is obsessing over. On one hand, I get it, since Cameron went after all of Ethan's crushes in college but on the other, Ethan's obsessing over something with no evidence. No smoking condom wrapper, if you will. Maybe it's projection? Ironically, he's sees Cameron as a threat to his marriage when the real threat is his complete lack of communication. He needs to tell Harper if he's not attracted to her and why or if there is some other issue if he wants to fix anything.

So Greg is the cowboy? I couldn't see the picture that clearly so I still wouldn't be clued in if I hadn't read about the cowboy theory here. I do think that the reason Jack got so wasted while with Portia is because he knows Quentin is up to something nefarious and he's having a crisis of conscience. I don't think it was supposed to be a comparison to Albie but rather an explanation as to why Jack became an escort and is helping Quentin even though he feels bad about it.

I'm surprised Albie didn't offer up the money Lucia needed to pay off Alessio right off the bat. Maybe he's smarter than I think. He didn't even ask how much she needed.

Did anyone else notice that the DiGrasso matriarch was yelling about the 3 guys coming for the "pretty money"? Do they actually have money? Did she think they were scammers?

I loved this episode. It was very tense. Whenever Jack said "you never know how much time you have left" I was reminded that there are a few people who don't have much time left and enjoyed watching what might be their last moments. Not in an evil way, just an interested way.

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  On 12/5/2022 at 5:03 PM, EtheltoTillie said:

BTW, I could not actually see that it was Greg in the picture, too blurry.  But I knew it was important, so I had to come here for the summaries to find out.

  On 12/5/2022 at 5:06 PM, carrps said:

And Tom Hollander wasn't wearing a Western cowboy hat in the pic. He looked like he was dressed for a part as an ANZAC soldier.

  On 12/5/2022 at 5:47 PM, DoubleUTeeEff said:

So Greg is the cowboy? I couldn't see the picture that clearly so I still wouldn't be clued in if I hadn't read about the cowboy theory here.


Here’s the clearer pix.


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  On 12/5/2022 at 12:40 PM, dmc said:
  On 12/5/2022 at 12:26 PM, WatcherUatl10 said:

Coke is not really the best drug to get one loosened up, in my experience, either. Hot Freddy Mercury is hot, though.


Agreed.  Coke is the drug that you use when you to rage all night at the club. 


Having only taken cocaine once in the 70s at a dinner party and almost dying from an "allergic" reaction (nobody else had a problem) I am not familiar with its effects, so I was confused as to what Tanya's state of mind would be after So. Much. Coke. 
Based on the remarks here, it seems Tanya may have heightened awareness from the coke, and be able to save herself.
No? Yes? Maybe? 


Upthread there seems to be a lot of agreement that this episode was weighted down with too much exposition necessary to the finale.
I agree, but running the 2 episodes together would have been too long.
There are at least 3 main plots and 3 subplots.  


  On 12/5/2022 at 12:50 PM, BC4ME said:

And why in the hell was that picture left out for her to see? That doesn't track with the scam.


There were a crap-ton of pictures and paintings all over the villa. Sometimes a picture is just a picture.
If Tanya is less oblivious than usual due to the coke, the picture may have unpredictably caught her eye just like a glimpse of someone you've seen before makes you do a double take sometimes.
I don't think Tanya (or anyone) would otherwise have recognized either present-day Quentin or Gregg from that picture. 


  On 12/5/2022 at 12:56 PM, slowpoked said:

When Jack kept on drinking and making up ways to not get her back at the villa, it should have set alarm bells already. And when he went on his drunken rambling and fell asleep, she should have hightailed it out of there.


As a paid assistant to Tanya, Portia should have called her at that point, opening the conversation with the fact that they were not making it to the party because Jack had passed out. 
But would Tanya have even heard or seen the call? 

Edited by shapeshifter
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  On 12/5/2022 at 5:51 PM, SnazzyDaisy said:

Here’s the clearer pix.



Thanks for this. The edge of Quinton's arm looked like a strap holding up the side of the hat that the ANZAC soldiers wore. Now that, I can see it clearly I can see it's a kind of cowboy hat. And that's definitely Greg. Looks just like Lazlo.

Edited by carrps
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  On 12/5/2022 at 5:03 PM, EtheltoTillie said:

BTW, I could not actually see that it was Greg in the picture, too blurry.  But I knew it was important, so I had to come here for the summaries to find out.

  On 12/5/2022 at 5:47 PM, DoubleUTeeEff said:

So Greg is the cowboy? I couldn't see the picture that clearly so I still wouldn't be clued in if I hadn't read about the cowboy theory here.


I'm probably one of the few not convinced by the "Greg is the cowboy" theory. Just too convoluted to be realistic, IMO. My thinking is that, Tanya picked up the picture because it confirmed for her the cowboy story of Quentin was indeed true. It sounded bullshitty when he was first telling her about it, and maybe then she was just humoring him by nodding along. Now that there was a picture, the story is indeed real. If it was a truly a long con, why would Quentin even drop hints before they pull the scam off?

But maybe I'll be wrong next week and this was a really a long con and Tanya finally got scammed after not being too smart with the company she keeps.

Edited by slowpoked
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  On 12/5/2022 at 5:47 PM, DoubleUTeeEff said:

Did anyone else notice that the DiGrasso matriarch was yelling about the 3 guys coming for the "pretty money"? Do they actually have money? Did she think they were scammers


I noticed that too.  I wondered what that meant.  Will this also come back to haunt the story?  Or will it just be a closed thread.

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  On 12/5/2022 at 5:51 PM, shapeshifter said:

Having only taken cocaine once in the 70s at a dinner party and almost dying from an "allergic" reaction (nobody else had a problem) I am not familiar with its effects, so I was confused as to what Tanya's state of mind would be after So. Much. Coke. 
Based on the remarks here, it seems Tanya may have heightened awareness from the coke, and be able to save herself.
No? Yes? Maybe? 


No not exactly heightened awareness just more energy and you feel more alive and just energized. Like the you are able to write an entire term paper in one night, you can dance all night and not notice...so many writers in Hollywood used to/still do take coke to work.  I would say she will be wired but without the shakiness of coffee and more euphoria...and you lose some inhibitions too also there is a numbing affect...like you pain doesn't bother you

I am glad you were ok after your allergic reaction, that's scary.  

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  On 12/5/2022 at 6:30 PM, dmc said:

No not exactly heightened awareness just more energy and you feel more alive and just energized. Like the you are able to write an entire term paper in one night, you can dance all night and not notice...so many writers in Hollywood used to/still do take coke to work.  I would say she will be wired but without the shakiness of coffee and more euphoria...and you lose some inhibitions too also there is a numbing affect...like you pain doesn't bother you.  


One of my best friends took coke once on peer pressure from her college friends. She said it made her so energized afterwards, she cleaned her entire apartment, including the bathroom.

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  On 12/5/2022 at 6:33 PM, slowpoked said:

One of my best friends took coke once on peer pressure from her college friends. She said it made her so energized afterwards, she cleaned her entire apartment, including the bathroom.


Yes, this is the effect of coke.  I am not worried about Tanya though because she was already suspicious plus I think the video will be a nonstarter since she already is already working an annulment.

I admit I am completely perplexed who the dead bodies are...but my guesses are Mia and Ethan

Mia because I think Valentina is a lot more unhinged than she thinks and the same with Ethan...I tend to trust quieter people less than people who just lose it which in my opinion is healthier.

Also they are discussing this on reddit...but what is everyone's thoughts on the fact that both hotel managers have gay and predatory in S1&2 of White Lotus?

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  On 12/5/2022 at 4:42 PM, slowpoked said:

I don't think it was left out for her to see. It's just one of those things that may have been easily forgotten that it's even there. Quentin doesn't live in the villa. It's easy to forget things that are there when you don't see it regularly. It was a small frame too, not like those huge paintings that can easily be noticed.


Still not buying this story. If Greg and Quentin are really in cahoots to scam and/or kill Tanya, Q would have taken great care *not* to reveal his connection to Greg to her, and he wouldn't even have mentioned his love story with the straight cowboy. It was such an elaborate plan to "accidentally" run into her with his group of friends, invite her to the yacht, have Jack distract Portia, bring them all to the villa, throw a party with local socialites, rent boys, and cocaine, to then just have a picture out that she can stumble over. Doesn't make any sense.

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My prediction: Portia (one of my favour characters) will go hot-footing it back to her boss on the island.  She’ll have figured stuff out from her “cave man’s” drunken ramblings.  Maybe she’ll get her “shit” together as her boss advised her (whilst herself falling down the rabbit hole).

I guess we’ll have to see! I think the conclusions to the various shenanigans will be interesting.  At least I hope so!

Edited by DawnGame
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  On 12/5/2022 at 6:47 PM, DawnGame said:

My prediction: Portia (one of my favour characters) will go hot-footing it back to her boss on the island.  She’ll have figured stuff out from her “cave man’s” drunken ramblings.  Maybe she’ll get her “shit” together as her boss advised her (whilst herself falling down the rabbit hole).

I guess we’ll have to see! I think the conclusions to the various shenanigans will be interesting.  At least I hope so!


And this week I'm pretty sure it's the British guy and her who will die. They did show that gun in Italian guy's bag not without a reason. 

  Reveal spoiler

I really do hope I 'm wrong though. 

  On 12/5/2022 at 7:01 PM, Mindthinkr said:

What worried me about the coke was Tonya’s age. It can over stimulate the heart and cause a heart attack. 
Not so much with young healthy people, but the risk does increase with age. 


Probably this is the reason they feed her with coke in a first place. 

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  On 12/5/2022 at 7:01 PM, skotnikov said:

And this week I'm pretty sure it's the British guy and her who will die. They did show that gun in Italian guy's bag not without a reason. 

  Reveal spoiler

I really do hope I 'm wrong though. 


Perhaps Portia does make a run for it while he is sleeping off his bender and does something that foils their plan. He seems disposable to the hierarchy of gays. 

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  On 12/5/2022 at 6:45 PM, chocolatine said:

Still not buying this story. If Greg and Quentin are really in cahoots to scam and/or kill Tanya, Q would have taken great care *not* to reveal his connection to Greg to her, and he wouldn't even have mentioned his love story with the straight cowboy. It was such an elaborate plan to "accidentally" run into her with his group of friends, invite her to the yacht, have Jack distract Portia, bring them all to the villa, throw a party with local socialites, rent boys, and cocaine, to then just have a picture out that she can stumble over. Doesn't make any sense.


I tend to find all the speculations about this series to end in red herrings.  It's fun to think about it, but in the end they're usually wrong LOL.  The same was true for me for Better Call Saul.  The writers surprise the viewers. 

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  On 12/5/2022 at 4:24 AM, thuganomics85 said:

Well, Daphne is likely safe (unless she somehow gets killed between finding the initial bodies and then when we see Valentina/Rocco after), but everyone else seems like they are in prime spots for something bad to go down.  Can't wait!


When I first saw Ep 1, when Daphne was swimming in the ocean, and came across the dead body, she swam back and ran on the beach, then into the arms of a man. I thought the man who first held her when she was yelling for help was her own husband, so I thought Cameron was safe for sure. But when I rewatched ep 1 again, especially for this scene, they actually didn't show the man who held her, as his back was to the camera. So Cameron is definitely not safe, I guess.

I wonder though if Daphne even saw the face of the dead body. Because if that was her husband, I'm sure she would have had a more primal reaction rather than just calling for help. Same if the dead body was either Ethan or Harper, people she actually knows.

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  On 12/5/2022 at 5:03 PM, EtheltoTillie said:
  On 12/5/2022 at 3:05 PM, RedDelicious said:

I also didn’t like the dark turn this episode took. It felt sinister. 


I feel like the whole point of this series, seasons one and two, is to be sinister. 


Yea. After next week’s finale, I think this is the last of this series for me. 

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  On 12/5/2022 at 7:06 PM, Mindthinkr said:

Perhaps Portia does make a run for it while he is sleeping off his bender and does something that foils their plan. He seems disposable to the hierarchy of gays. 


This is my thought too. And this is why Daphne didn't recognize the body. Tanya's "friends" are the  only one Daphne didn't see in  the hotel, because she was away  on the day they met Tanya, and she at least saw Tanya and DiGrassios and the Italian girls and would be able to recognize them.  

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  On 12/5/2022 at 7:24 PM, skotnikov said:

Daphne didn't recognize the body. Tanya's "friends" are the  only one Daphne didn't see in  the hotel, because she was away  on the day they met Tanya, and she at least saw Tanya and DiGrassios and the Italian girls and would be able to recognize them.  


I just rewatched that opening scene in "Chiao."
Daphne's reaction was to run and scream for help. This does not imply to me that she did not recognize the body of another guest. 
Also, Rocco tells Valentina that there were "several" other "guests" killed too.

New theory (completely spoiler-free):
Alessio (regardless of his true relation to Lucia) kills everyone who slept with her at the Hotel.
Not sure if Ethan would escape such a plot, but doubtful, which would be fitting with his having chosen to keep the Silence Of The Bro Code rather than full disclosure to Harper. 


They didn't show any blood with the lifeless leg in the water. It looked Caucasian. To me it looked like maybe Albie's? 

So Quentin really is out to scam Tonya with Greg? Kudos to everyone who called Greg being the cowboy Quentin was talking about, I really thought that was just a random tangent and Quentin and company were just hanging out with Tonya to see what ridiculous thing she says next. Too bad Quentin didn't think to hide the pictures of his....co-conspirator? And too bad that Jack drinks like a fish and couldn't keep his mouth shut. I am not sure its a murder plot yet though, he might just be getting her to like him so that she can loan him some money.

Portia's face while Mike got increasingly drunk screamed "I really backed the wrong horse." You cant choose who your attracted to, but she realized that she blew it with an actually nice guy to mess around with a messy bad boy type who had ulterior motives. Really, both she and Albie got just what they wanted, the bad boy and the wounded bird, but both of them were being played. I absolutely think that Lucia is playing Albie and that her "pimp" is just a friend or brother playing a part, but I also think she really does like him. She told him that she thinks he's a good man and that she wishes more men were like him in Italian, which he cant speak, so I think that was genuine. She'll probably end up taking him for a ton of money, but she'll feed bad about it. 

The Di Grassos trip to some distant relatives went the way I think a lot of these kinds of trips go if you just decide to show up to someone's house at random who've you've never met before because your a distant relative. No one wants their day interrupted by some stranger who's treating you like a tourist attraction you found on Ancestory.com. I did feel bad for Bert, it seems like this familial and cultural connection meant a lot to him. Like this could be a new start with new relatives now that he has upset his close family so much. 

Ethan and Harper are exhausting, I do think they love each other but they have no clue how to communicate, they hardly even seem to like each other. Their spark has mostly died, all they have is being passive aggressive and annoyed with each other. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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  On 12/5/2022 at 7:01 PM, skotnikov said:

And this week I'm pretty sure it's the British guy and her who will die. They did show that gun in Italian guy's bag not without a reason. 

  Reveal spoiler

I really do hope I 'm wrong though. 

Probably this is the reason they feed her with coke in a first place. 


Yes, I remember the gun too.  Tanya knows where it is, which may be telling.  Even in her heightened drugged state, she seems to be filing away a lot of stuff.  She also gave Quentin a very strange direct look at the party - and it wasn’t friendly.  It also brings to mind her powerful retort to her husband in the restaurant in an earlier episode. “I’m paying attention!” So whilst she’s a vain spacey klutz, she also notices stuff.  I guess we just have to wait and see.

Harper and Ethan are such a weirdly antagonistic and miserable couple I am less invested in what happens to them.  It was odd he swam right out to the sea when angry.   Just like his running every morning.  Is he really just a pretty angry porn-addled loser, despite his $$$?  Harper clearly either (a) had sex with Cameron or (b) pretended to to wind up Ethan.  There is no other logical reason to put chain across the door when you are getting a hat!  Not nice!   But I think she’s an alpha female and smarter than any of them, Cameron included. “Tough”.  She “wins every case” at the office and is the “star” of her law firm.  She’s probably playing them all now. Just saying.

p.s.  Albie appears nice, albeit in a drippy sort of way, but is it true? Clutching at straws here, lol! 

Of course I could be and almost certainly am completely wrong 😆!!!

Edited by DawnGame
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So Greg is the cowboy? I couldn't see the picture that clearly so I still wouldn't be clued in if I hadn't read about the cowboy theory here.\


I did not recognize Jon Gries from that photo, even after seeing the screenshot here. I had no idea who that was supposed to be until I came here. I did recognize Tom Hollander though. So I'm not sure if we were meant to make the connection or not. Clearly sharp-eyed posters on this forum recognized him; I did not. And I'm not clear on whether Tanya recognized him either.  


I don't think it was left out for her to see. It's just one of those things that may have been easily forgotten that it's even there. Quentin doesn't live in the villa. It's easy to forget things that are there when you don't see it regularly. It was a small frame too, not like those huge paintings that can easily be noticed.


It seems like very lazy writing for Tanya to conveniently stumble upon a framed photo that gives the whole thing away, because Quentin conveniently forgot it happened to be in the very place where he was setting her up to be bedded by Italian guy.

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  On 12/5/2022 at 12:50 PM, BC4ME said:

And why in the hell was that picture left out for her to see? That doesn't track with the scam.


It tracks with there's no such thing as a perfect crime. There's almost always a tell, no matter how careful a criminal intends to be. Here, the house was enormous, and filled with myriad pieces of art and presumably numerous photos as well, not just in that room. Perhaps Quentin just never envisioned Tanya wondering into that particular room, or had the house only imperfectibly "swept" for incriminating stuff like this. Perhaps Quentin simply forgot that picture was there, and hadn't been in that room for years. Leaving that picture out is inconsistent with a perfect scam, but not entirely inconsistent with a realistic scam.

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