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S15.E10: Moody Monthiversaries

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8 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

It was interesting that Miguel noted that he just wanted to enjoy looking at the wedding pictures but that she was snarky/negative about them and kind of ruined the experience for him.

He should've said something to HER. Telling the camera/producers/audience does NOTHING to help his marriage. Tell the SPOUSE so they can fix it! When will they learn that? Season after season, the same stupidity. I can't! 🤣🤣

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Apparently people missed Morgan saying Binh was talking sh*t behind her back & finally gave ONE example & said he told Justin she was "mad that his family's perfect." Which, HUH? Sounds bizarre & lacks all information. ROLL THE TAPE!!! They probably have footage, so why didn't they show it? But they showed Binh & Alexis on FT with Morgan. 🤔🧐 & saying she'd continue to go through the process &, he's going to as well, to see how much he hurt her every day... SAY WHAAAA?!!!! Um. That's crazy as hell. I can't believe she said that craziness. He was shaking his head like, "Oh HELL NAW!!!" I think that just marked the end of their marriage. They're done.

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Interesting timing of Alexis's bombshell. Did she intend to ruin their one month? Did she want to drag them down, spread the misery? She knew Morgan would likely end things. She should've told Morgan right after it happened. I can't understand Binh asking Justin for advice when he can't even get through a difficult conversation with his wife. Binh should've been at that dinner to see that mess! They didn't show J&A's wedding basket or activity besides them making an album, WHAT HAPPENED??? 🤔🧐

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Matching tattoos?!!! HOW STUPID!!! Per Stacia's typical view on Nate's gestures: anyone can get a tattoo & it mean nothing. I mean. WTF?!! & that post-nup, 90-10 shared account BS. That's cute. Don't spouses usually race to empty that account? Do banks still stupidly allow spouses access to their spouse's account because they have a shared account? I'd have my account in a different bank. 🤣 I wondered when they'd get around to that since she asked a few days into the marriage. I'm surprised it took so long. I can't believe she was still doing the same probing about love. So desperate & needy! YIKES! He seems to be saying what she wants to hear. Like. STILL the "love scale" STILL?!! & Only surface? No explanation? STUPID! He said he's falling in love with her & I don't believe it's enough for her. She's still skeptical & now trying to make him prove his commitment. It's uncomfortable to watch her control him. 😬

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5 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

What do you mean by this?

I was off in Pinocchio land where Pinocchio turns into a "real boy", no longer a puppet.  Lindy seems to be saying what she thinks and seems to be free of production interference (scripts and such) and projects genuine joy with her new husband.  She acts both ecstatic and annoyed, showing varying emotions that match the situation. IMO of course.

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14 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I got the impression that the post-nup scene was for tv. and real negotiations were done in private.

I would hope so.  The lawyer did say something like "when you read it over and have questions let me know" and they both just signed it without looking at anything at all.

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On 9/7/2022 at 11:48 PM, Yeah No said:

Stacia and Nate took great pains to look stunning and dressed to the nines in designer clothing at that group meal.  Then I noticed her earrings, which read from left to right looked like they said "Nel" and "Cha".  I was like WTF is THAT?  Then it came to me, it's probably supposed to say "Cha and Nel" for Chanel, LOL.  She was wearing them in the wrong ears!!!  She probably put them on to look right in the mirror, but that's not what the people looking at her see, LOL.  Wah Wah.....(record scratching noise).  That's almost as bad as last season when Olajuwon drank wine out of the carafe and not a glass, LOL.  🤣

This is from RealReal. Steep!


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8 hours ago, Lindz said:

Nate needs a haircut....makeup....&.... a different face! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Something about this guy .. I can’t figure out.  He’s either for real, or a bullshitter.  Statia has plenty of money and should look into him a little more.

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Morgan's over the top behavior when Binh had no idea was cruel and had the maturity of two 7th grade girls having a fight. Dropping the roses, not allowing him to speak, not being specific about what he (allegedly) said to Justin- she doesn't want to make it work; she wants to be an eternal victim and if they were to stay together, would make him grovel every day of his life. Production portrayed her in the most unfavorable light- stomping around in a dress, and punches that were lame at the gym.  

I don't know about you, but I'm so tired of the stupid music that they play on this show. It's obnoxious. And why, when Krysten was doing karaoke, did they play over it with their own show music and not let us hear her? I realize there are probably copyright issues, etc- but I was actually looking forward to hearing her sing and all we got was a cheesy montage of the MAFS "band" while the video showed them swaying and singing something else.

I find Justin to be super immature and unable to navigate a relationship at all. Hence his proclaiming love a mere few days in. And to pair him with a dominieering spouse such as Alexis just seems to bring out his childishness and confusion.

While I get Morgan's anger at Binh's talking about their marriage and denying it, I kinda felt bad for him because he (like Justin) seems very unfamiliar with how to manage a relationship and it was written all over his face. And when she asked him to apologize, he would literally parrot back what she said. "You lied multiple times, TO MY FACE." response: "I'm sorry I lied multiple times to your face." The look he had seemed to be of total befuddlement, like "I've got no clue what I'm apologizing for but maybe this will make her feel better." They are most definitely doomed.

I think Lindy and Miguel are on the closest track to making it. She might settle down over time (she seems to have decreased the chatter and nervous energy from the wedding day/honeymoon) and he seems like a decent guy. I was kind of hoping that when she saw him in his furry attire role-playing in the woods, she might have an entertaining reaction but we haven't been privy to that yet.

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20 minutes ago, pdlinda said:

I'd settle for a haircut  😄

yeah, a new face is kind of difficult to just get and, without that thing hanging in the back i think he's fairly attractive, kind of on the same level as stacia

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First, they are tacky and ugly  

Second, I tend to lose my earrings fairly often.  If I pay $20 for a pair, Its not a big deal when I lose one.   No way am I paying  this kind of price. 

Third, what is she doing on this show?  She can’t find anyone as shady as Nate on her own?  

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13 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:


First, they are tacky and ugly  

Second, I tend to lose my earrings fairly often.  If I pay $20 for a pair, Its not a big deal when I lose one.   No way am I paying  this kind of price. 

Third, what is she doing on this show?  She can’t find anyone as shady as Nate on her own?  

Yes, I agree that the construction and design of those earrings (aside from how impractical they are in case of loss) are the antithesis of the elegance and simplicity of much of Chanel's jewelry.  

I recall seeing the "button earrings" with the intertwined C's on Stasia's ears at the beginning of the show (I haven't watched the last hour as yet) that I thought were tasteful.

It's apparent that Stasia is heavy on "pretense" and "affect."  Nate seems to have his own level of "affect" with the "bad boy" aspects of his appearance and presentation.

In the end, I believe $$$$ will come between these two as Stacia's insistence on "control" and "dominance" in this area will, in time, wear thin with Nate and he will return to his lifestyle, behaviors and friends he enjoyed before Stacia came into his life.

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1 hour ago, pdlinda said:

In the end, I believe $$$$ will come between these two as Stacia's insistence on "control" and "dominance" in this area will, in time, wear thin with Nate and he will return to his lifestyle, behaviors and friends he enjoyed before Stacia came into his life.

I agree.  

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WORST ONE MONTH GROUP DINNER EVAR!!!! One couple missing. One couple making a scene. One spouse flipping the script. I can't stand when Krysten does her theatrics! It's like, STOP THE ACTING!!! She took credit for their progress, RIGHTFULLY SO, but she shouldn't have said all that. That was a conversation to have with him one-on-one & it should've been productive, not a warning. FIGURE IT OUT! Again with talking about being herself. She shouldn't be about to snap because of HER OWN CHOICES! She took it upon herself to worry & such. Demand more from him & don't build resentment. Nobody's fault but her own. ZERO SYMPATHY FROM ME! & take that stupid stuff off your face! It looks ridiculous! & Justin & Alexis. YIKES! Justin shouldn't have pushed. Bet he regrets it. Bad on him for stopping short with saying he's surprised she had nothing to say. & Bad on her for asking bad questions. Their poor communication is so hard to watch! WTF help is "exactly what I said"? & asking what he means doesn't work because he takes it literally. It's, "what do you mean by that"? Or what makes you say that? Why are you surprised? So many better questions! & he doesn't ask direct questions with each extracted response so she went on a tangent. STAY ON TOPIC! ASK DIRECT QUESTIONS! SPEAK THOROUGHLY! It got confusing when he was asking if they're on the same page & she told him to "stand on that" & she said she tells him when she's upset. So many times they should've stopped, but no. I can't imagine how much worse it was in person. Funny. On the honeymoon, the other couples probably left hoping to be as in love as them & left this dinner hoping not to be as bad as them. They seem like the worst couple, but Binh & Morgan are worse off.

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I'm surprised Morgan didn't put hands on Binh, but she sure beat him down with her words. MY GOSH! She really went for the dramatic monologue, huh? She must've gotten tips from Krysten. 🤣🤣 She didn't want to discuss or resolve it, she wanted to tear him down. Again. Nail in the coffin.

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4 minutes ago, Lindz said:

I'm surprised Morgan didn't put hands on Binh, but she sure beat him down with her words.

I wonder if Morgan would have physically assaulted Binh if the cameras weren't there. 

She's so vocal about her physical strength with the boxing and other training she does, it's possible that under certain conditions when she's really ANGRY, she would instinctively "haul off" and physically harm Binh. 

For that, and MANY other reasons, I wouldn't go NEAR her (without "security"😄) if I were Binh.  And, I don't say that lightly!!!

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On 9/7/2022 at 9:34 PM, ECM1231 said:

We still don't know exactly what Binh said about Morgan to Justin and Miguel. Morgan said that he was talking sh*t about her, but Binh didn't really defend himself. Morgan was so angry but Binh is not an assertive person and was apologizing but I get the feeling that he didn't know exactly what he was apologizing for.

I'm starting to believe that Binh, a Mama's boy, had never had a girlfriend. He seems clueless. Maybe he honestly was going to Justin for advice. Advice on how exactly to BE a husband. HOW to please his wife. I just don't know. He seems confused why Morgan is so upset with him. I just want to know WHAT exactly was said to Justin.

Probably nothing.  I doubt he would say anything personal.  Maybe he’s just telling Justin she flies off the handle very quickly, which is true.  Morgan has anger issues.  She hits below the belt.  Is mad at her Father.  I’d like to know what happened there.  She’s not the forgiving type.  He has to say No for his own sake.  She needs therapy for anger.  He was in a spot with Morgan and asked a friend for advice.  He had to talk to someone.  Nothing wrong with that.  She exaggerates about him talking about her, I’ll bet.

Edited by kristen111
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I can't believe it's already been a month for them. Seems so soon. The dates were nice. I really wanna know why A&J didn't do anything or it wasn't shown. Too bad it wasn't asked on the useless after show.

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I suspect Morgan has had a lot of relationships, both platonic and romantic, where the other person somehow let her down by doing something she considered egregious, leading her to fight with them and end the relationship. I’ve known those kind of people.Which is not to say that Bihn wasn’t in the wrong.

Unlike many of you, I actually think Nate is handsome, but is he sincere? 

I normally love looking at neon clothes, but Alexis is ruining that for me.  

And lord help me I’m starting to like Mitch. Especially after watching him on the after show.  I think if they can get past all his Mitch baggage, which he at least acknowledges, and if she can really be herself with him, there could be something there. 

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21 hours ago, KateHearts said:

I don't know about you, but I'm so tired of the stupid music that they play on this show. It's obnoxious.

It's just awful.  I'm imagining that there's a whole industry that writes and records those horrid interstitial songs.  Plus they all sound exactly alike, but have different lyrics, which I know only because I watch the captions turned on.

21 hours ago, KateHearts said:

And why, when Krysten was doing karaoke, did they play over it with their own show music and not let us hear her? I realize there are probably copyright issues, etc- but I was actually looking forward to hearing her sing

As you said, no doubt a rights issue.  But it annoyed me, too, because it's not like they HAD to show her singing.  Just leave it out.

21 hours ago, KateHearts said:

While I get Morgan's anger at Binh's talking about their marriage and denying it, I kinda felt bad for him because he (like Justin) seems very unfamiliar with how to manage a relationship and it was written all over his face.

It's not like he didn't have any guidance.  Like, say, after the honeymoon incident, "Don't talk to any of the other couples about our issues." 

I think what was written all over his face is that he had justified in his own mind why it was okay to talk to Justin about their issues, which in his mind meant he hadn't talked to any of the other couples about their issues. 

It could be that it wasn't like the honeymoon, where he scurried off to tell Justin that Morgan was lying about being a nurse, but instead he and Justin were talking and the relationship issues came up.  But he still shouldn't have said anything if he wanted to respect Morgan's request/demand, which is what I think got Morgan so upset.  She told him not to do it, but he did it.  Seems pretty clear to me.

What he should have done is talk to his mother about their issues.  Morgan would have no basis for objecting to that, and she could learn a valuable lesson about watch out what you ask for.

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On 9/8/2022 at 5:36 PM, Alexander Pope said:

I may be alone in this but I think Mitch has made some progress.  His reaction to Kirsten's complaint at dinner was surprisingly mature.  At the after party he was showing some real self-awareness and seemed genuinely regretful.  He was also impressed by Kirsten standing up for herself.  I have hopes for these two.  I also think Mitch has a great sense of humor and a quick wit, when he is not on his soapbox, and I find that very appealing.

Yes, I'm with you here. Mitch has been by himself for a long while and isn't used to taking another person's needs and feelings into consideration. But, he can un-learn his selfish behaviour if he wants to (and I think he genuinely does). Also, unlike the other couples, he and Krysten are able to have sensible, mature conversations about their issues rather than flying off the handle at one another, storming out or sulking. Out of all the couples this season they are the ones I have the highest hopes for. Mitch just needs to remember that Krysten has her own agency and that there has to be room for her in the marriage too.

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19 hours ago, Lindz said:

Justin & Alexis. YIKES! Justin shouldn't have pushed. Bet he regrets it. Bad on him for stopping short with saying he's surprised she had nothing to say. & Bad on her for asking bad questions. Their poor communication is so hard to watch! WTF help is "exactly what I said"? & asking what he means doesn't work because he takes it literally. It's, "what do you mean by that"? Or what makes you say that? Why are you surprised? So many better questions! & he doesn't ask direct questions with each extracted response so she went on a tangent. STAY ON TOPIC! ASK DIRECT QUESTIONS! SPEAK THOROUGHLY! It got confusing when he was asking if they're on the same page & she told him to "stand on that" & she said she tells him when she's upset.

I think that Alexis (maybe Justin, too) has had her share of "pop psych" sessions with different levels of "counsellors" (perhaps during her romantic interludes when she got 3 PROPOSALS) who gave her certain "buzz words" to use in relationship situations that ARE NOT WORKING!

She uses these "formatted phrases" like "what do you mean by that" and "what makes you say that" or "why are you surprised" , IMO, to deflect any responsibility from herself in the discussion and MAINTAIN CONTROL over whomever she arguing with (Justin).  He is so emotionally "beaten down" by her authoritarian "directives" and confusing phrases, he either starts crying or walks away, frustrated and defeated.

In some cases, when Alexis probably believes she has "won the round" of the discussion, she, too, will "walk away" to give herself "space."

Whatever the dynamic with these two, it is not healthy and should not continue.

However, I saw the previews for next week and production has revved up the activities on the beach with J&A fully participating with a whole lot of congeniality.....so there's that.

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On 9/7/2022 at 11:23 PM, Yeah No said:

And we still don't know what kind of "dirty laundry" he was airing with Justin that maybe Morgan didn't want anyone knowing.  If we knew that maybe we might sympathize with her a little more. 

That's fair. At first, we were made to think the brouhaha was all about the nurse-or-not thing. But in this ep there was something said that did make me wonder if Binh had possibly been sh*t-talking Morgan. Can't trust the editors to give us the real/whole story!

But I still think Morgan's angry, rehearsed speech was ridiculous. Or maybe she was hired to bring the drama. Since they already had a table-tipper in a previous season, they gave her the flower-flinging stalk-off scene.

edit: I should have read further before replying, because you said the same in your next comment 🙂

On 9/8/2022 at 8:51 AM, Jeanne222 said:

She might be great in bed!

Church Girl gone bad!

Edited by kikicat
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4 hours ago, Blissfool said:

Alexis mentioned that they tried to have sex but weren't able to. So is Justin's celibacy not a "choice?"

Alexis' remark robbed justin of any degree of dignity and respect as a MAN and was really abominable.

I "get" that Alexis thinks she is some type of "evolved" and "conscious" new-age woman who is powerful and independent. 

Her "over-the-top" appearance gives away her obsession with being the "center of attention."

Alexis' primary reason for appearing on this show was, apparently, to create a social media presence that can lure a number of candidates to vie for her affection.....AND, if there's a monetary aspect of that presence, so be it!!

Justin seems like a "detail" in her life plan whom she will ditch as soon as her legal obligations to the show expire.

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On 9/10/2022 at 11:44 AM, StatisticalOutlier said:

It's just awful.  I'm imagining that there's a whole industry that writes and records those horrid interstitial songs.  Plus they all sound exactly alike, but have different lyrics, which I know only because I watch the captions turned on.

There are artists that create those songs and beats just for reality TV. So, they are specifically designed to sound the way they do but not cost the shows extra money.

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I find it hilarious that Binh went to Justin with his problems. I kind of get it though. He got stuck with a miserable woman who over reacts instead of just admitting she doesn’t like him. 
Lindy always seems to be sitting around while Miguel cooks and answers the door. Then she has to snark on their wedding basket. I’m looking forward to him dumping her. 
Krysten finally got some balls but because she’s been bending over backwards for Mitch it makes her look inauthentic.

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4 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

Krysten finally got some balls but because she’s been bending over backwards for Mitch it makes her look inauthentic.

Yes, she did and once she found some, I wonder how ugly this may get. Maybe we will see Mitch actually appreciate her? I hope so because she deserves at least that much before she dumps him.

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14 hours ago, Racj82 said:

There are artists that create those songs and beats just for reality TV. So, they are specifically designed to sound the way they do but not cost the shows extra money.

Do people like the music?  Do they listen to the lyrics to see if it matches the tone of what's going on?  I mute it whenever it's on because I hate it so much, but the captions are still there so I can't escape it completely.

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On 9/9/2022 at 2:48 PM, Crashcourse said:

Regarding hair, I think Stacia looks much better with her hair down.  When she has it pinned up it only accents her pointy head and then I really see female Ali Velshi.

To me she looks a lot like Tayshia from The Bachelorette.

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On 9/10/2022 at 10:28 AM, Cramps said:

Unlike many of you, I actually think Nate is handsome, but is he sincere?  

Stacia and Nate are a very good-looking couple, albeit in a brother-sister kind of way.

Is he sincere? That's what I'm waiting to find out. He's giving nothing away since the bachelor party. He didn't even have much of a reaction when Stacia was going through his stuff, throwing things out.

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On 9/11/2022 at 3:09 PM, pdlinda said:

Alexis' remark robbed justin of any degree of dignity and respect as a MAN and was really abominable.

I "get" that Alexis thinks she is some type of "evolved" and "conscious" new-age woman who is powerful and independent. 

Her "over-the-top" appearance gives away her obsession with being the "center of attention."

Alexis' primary reason for appearing on this show was, apparently, to create a social media presence that can lure a number of candidates to vie for her affection.....AND, if there's a monetary aspect of that presence, so be it!!

Justin seems like a "detail" in her life plan whom she will ditch as soon as her legal obligations to the show expire.

yeah, i find her comments disgusting and disrespectful of Justin.  not a nice person at all.

i hope her plan fails and she fades away with no followers

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