ZaldamoWilder October 15, 2014 Share October 15, 2014 Lawd. If anyone on here is a candidate for further plastic surgery it's Hazel. Her nose looks like a damn boxing glove. BWAGHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHGAAAAAA!!! I gotta put my head down! 3 Link to comment
Denverluv October 20, 2014 Share October 20, 2014 There is no way that Mally Mal dates women I just don't see it. Pretty sure Nikki is a beard same with the other and he is doing this to help stay a closet case. I can't really stay interested in this one. It's just beyond fake. 2 Link to comment
MrsRafaelBarba October 21, 2014 Share October 21, 2014 The chick Nikki Wilderstein shoved out the door, reminds me of the singer Amerie. She's pretty. 1 Link to comment
Empress1 October 21, 2014 Share October 21, 2014 Nikki's makeup looked INSANE when she was talking to Masika. Her face was two shades lighter than the rest of her, and the contouring on her nose was crazy. But she gets it from her mom, who was giving me Elvira realness at that dinner. And Nikki has the fakest-looking hair. The only hair that looked faker was Tierra's during her performance. While I don't think Tierra is fat, the dress she wore to perform was not flattering. 2 Link to comment
vavavoom October 21, 2014 Share October 21, 2014 The only hair that looked faker was Tierra's during her performance. She wins the hands down worse weave of the evening award. Nikki is the only one that gives her competition in this category. Teairra’s showcase performance had me hiding under the covers. It was bad. But how is she gonna get mad because he was saying something that she didn’t want to hear? I can’t stand this girl. Can one of you wise people put into words what is going on with Nikki’s and her mom’s hairlines? Her mom’s (Michelle’s?) hairline looks like it was shaved off and then someone sprayed it back on. If I was Amanda, I would be the same way about getting into a relationship with Fizz and his gold(?) toof. I think what he needs is a nanny. A nanny that he can occasionally have sex with. It sounds like he’s looking for someone to share child-rearing responsibilities with rather than a partner. Omarion’s mom looks like an angry little bull with that nose ring. 4 Link to comment
Brooklynista October 21, 2014 Share October 21, 2014 Why is Fizzbo trying to strong arm Amanda into parenting his kid? Be easy. 3 Link to comment
Neurochick October 21, 2014 Share October 21, 2014 I think Nikki was born a man. They did show a picture of her pre surgery and she looked like a Jersey Shore reject. 2 Link to comment
kissedbyarose October 21, 2014 Share October 21, 2014 Teirra did sound horrible and she does need to calm all the way down but that dude with his thrift shop pimp outfit was doing the most. Fizz...smh. Why is he insisting that this girl be his kid's mom though? I can't watch this whole story line. I just feel sorry for the kid. Once again, Morgan has me AGREEING with Ray J which hurts me to my soul. Yes, he's a big whining corny ass mofo but this girl is just unprofessional. He keeps talking about her doing her job and she's all emotional and shit. I wish I could walk into my job tomorrow and pull the shit she's pulling and just say but "I've been holding you downnnnnn." (Speaking of, I wish these girls would stop saying that shit. Please be specific and articulate what you want. Thanks.) Masika? Um, you're going to be the face of something that Nikki's parents own (a strip club) which in turn will put more money into Nikki's pockets. She doesn't need you. You can be replaced. You're losing. I find it hard to like any of these people but I can't turn away. Plus Teddy Riley gon' be on next week. Lawd! 2 Link to comment
Spiderella2 October 21, 2014 Share October 21, 2014 GhettoAssitis? so googled Momomarion' health issues. Her seizures come from alcohol-induced brain damage. Basically, she drank/drinks so much that she drinks herself into brain damage, stupor, and seizures. 2 Link to comment
RealityGal October 21, 2014 Share October 21, 2014 (edited) Okay, I'm only 3 minutes in, but I have to ask, who is sincere, and why is he dressed like a 1970's version of a black grandmother in his confessionals? Its like a pimp named slickback and carmen santiago had a love child. Edited October 21, 2014 by RealityGal 7 Link to comment
RealityGal October 21, 2014 Share October 21, 2014 (edited) Now 7 minutes 52 seconds in, and wondering why Fizz thinks that moving in with him is some great opportunity Amanda should be jumping in on. He has all sorts of drama going on in that tiny apartment. With the way that Moniece behaved, and the fact that Fizz lets her get away with it is not a situation I would want to move in with. Why would any woman want to move in knowing that they are constantly going to have to deal with some crazy bitch saying that she needs a call every 5 minutes. Not to mention the additional pressure of having to take on the care of a child, I'm sure his little boy is very sweet, but thats a lot to ask. If anything, he should be begging her to move in and to not just run as far away from this situation as fast as possible, because no offense, but I have to take on caring for a child and I have to deal with your crazy ass ex and you're sporting a modified eraser cut? No thanks. Fizz's demands for support just sound like needing a free babysitter for his kid. Just because she doesn't have much to do doesn't mean that she owes you free babysitting, she is single and she chose not to encumber herself with children, so she doesn't owe you her time, she has every right to spend her free time as she sees fit and she doesn't owe Fizz an "excuse" as to why she won't babysit for him. And this conversation they are having right now, is the conversation he should have been having with her before involving her in his child's life to the point where the kid is super invested. Edited October 21, 2014 by RealityGal 3 Link to comment
RealityGal October 21, 2014 Share October 21, 2014 Newsflash at 16:09! Ray J can't get himself a drink of water unless an assistant gets it! I wonder how he functions at home? 3 Link to comment
Empress1 October 21, 2014 Share October 21, 2014 because no offense, but I have to take on caring for a child and I have to deal with your crazy ass ex and you're sporting a modified eraser cut? No thanks. *dead* 2 Link to comment
RealityGal October 21, 2014 Share October 21, 2014 There is no way that Mally Mal dates women I just don't see it. Pretty sure Nikki is a beard same with the other and he is doing this to help stay a closet case. I can't really stay interested in this one. It's just beyond fake. well, it makes sense, Nikki looks like a dude. Once again, Morgan has me AGREEING with Ray J which hurts me to my soul. Yes, he's a big whining corny ass mofo but this girl is just unprofessional. He keeps talking about her doing her job and she's all emotional and shit. I wish I could walk into my job tomorrow and pull the shit she's pulling and just say but "I've been holding you downnnnnn." (Speaking of, I wish these girls would stop saying that shit. Please be specific and articulate what you want. Thanks.) Masika? Um, you're going to be the face of something that Nikki's parents own (a strip club) which in turn will put more money into Nikki's pockets. She doesn't need you. You can be replaced. You're losing. Yeah, I sort of agree with Ray J too. Not in that I don't think his assistant can't do anything else, but it sounds like she planned to pass the "" bags out, got the gig with Power 106 and then didn't make any alternate plans to get the bags distributed. And thats where my problem is. If she had hired someone else to do the bags because she would be busy, thats fine, but its like the bags just didn't go out because she was busy doing something else. And that is unprofessional, she could have gone through an agency, she could have even gone on craigslist and found a couple of people that wanted to get into powerhouse for free to pass out those bags. Get one of your friends to do it, Hazel E doesn't have anything better going on, and most of the time neither does Tierra, both of them are trying to break into the industry, so it might be fun for them to be backstage at something like Powerhouse, and even not, they could help a friend out. But its like she completely abandoned her job, and then was shocked that Ray J had a problem with it...what? He was supposed to be happy that all this shit he spent money on for the express purpose of passing out at PowerHouse didn't get passed out because you didn't make any other arrangements? Was he supposed to make the arrangements? Aren't you his assistant? I think if it had just been a matter of getting him some water and he was bitching about that, I would just roll my eyes, but it was more than that. Although - complaining to someone working for the company that hired you is also unprofessional, so Ray J can also suck it in that respect. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think Masika has a point, because I don't really think the money matters to Nikki so much as the fact that she thinks she is the prettiest and the fairest in all the land with that ridiculous looking ass, strange hairline and odd makeup choices. For her to see someone else in a position where they were chosen to be the pretty girl on the poster and she wasn't, is going to eat her up from the inside out. 2 Link to comment
luckyroll3 October 21, 2014 Share October 21, 2014 If I was Amanda, I would be the same way about getting into a relationship with Fizz and his gold(?) toof. I think what he needs is a nanny. A nanny that he can occasionally have sex with. It sounds like he’s looking for someone to share child-rearing responsibilities with rather than a partner. Man, did I want to smack Fizz. Why is he trying to force Amanda into being a mom to his kid? It didn't work with the kid's own mother and it's not going to work with her. She's right to have reservations. It's not just her becoming a mother before she's ready, it's fully committing to an extremely volatile situation, especially knowing that Moneice (?) ain't going anywhere and Fizz wants to breakdown in tears every time Amanda's phone rings. Fuck that. I don't agree with her cheating, but I agreed with everything she said in the car. He either needs to be okay with where she is at right now, or he needs to move the fuck on. Just because she doesn't have much to do doesn't mean that she owes you free babysitting, she is single and she chose not to encumber herself with children, so she doesn't owe you her time, she has every right to spend her free time as she sees fit and she doesn't owe Fizz an "excuse" as to why she won't babysit for him. According to him, she doesn't have anything to do. But working and going to school is a lot and time consuming, and he expects her to add a parenting a kid that is not hers to the mix. That comment from him just shows that he doesn't even respect for her and the things she wants to accomplish in her life. Once again, Morgan has me AGREEING with Ray J which hurts me to my soul. I really want to smack this bitch for forcing me to side with RayJ. Motherfucking RayJ!! I don't have a problem with her working the event. But she didn't even tell him or ask him if it was okay. He is her BOSS. That means if he is working an event, he expects her to be there doing the things he expects her to do, whether that is getting him his fucking water or passing out his stupid bags. And as her boss, he has the right to say, no I need you for this, which she then has the right to either accept or quit if she doesn't. But just going off to do it and letting him find out the same day? Unprofessional. And as someone upthread said, it wouldn't have been difficult for her to make other arrangements, find a friend or volunteer to help out. She couldn't even do that, and she surprised that she got fired? Bitch please! As I said in a previous post, Morgan tries to act like she has her shit together, but she's messier than the rest of them. She's just better at hiding her crazy. And RayJ, why are you yelling at the DJ lady. None of it was her fault. She just offered the opportunity. In fact, she was the one who got you the gig in the first place, so how about a little respect. That made me feel better to find at least something wrong with Ray J. Oh Teairra, Teairra, Teairra. Girl, it's called rehearsal and therapy. Invest in both for the sake of your career, boo. I'm starting to like Nikki's mom. She cut straight through the bullshit Mallie Mal was spouting and busted him on his lies. He couldn't even keep them straight. Love'd mom's "throw all his shit out and shut the fucking door!" Greatness. I wouldn't be surprised if she placed a little something extra in the food he was wolfing down. 2 Link to comment
RealityGal October 21, 2014 Share October 21, 2014 Oh Teairra, Teairra, Teairra. Girl, it's called rehearsal and therapy. Invest in both for the sake of your career, boo. I'm starting to like Nikki's mom. She cut straight through the bullshit Mallie Mal was spouting and busted him on his lies. He couldn't even keep them straight. Love'd mom's "throw all his shit out and shut the fucking door!" Greatness. I wouldn't be surprised if she placed a little something extra in the food he was wolfing down. IKR! She acted like the performance was her rehearsal! WTF? People in the audience looked like they were straight clowning. I agreed with "throw his stuff out" but Nikki's dumb ass is probably going to trip over it in the morning when she leaves the house. Link to comment
RealityGal October 21, 2014 Share October 21, 2014 (edited) so googled Momomarion' health issues. Her seizures come from alcohol-induced brain damage. Basically, she drank/drinks so much that she drinks herself into brain damage, stupor, and seizures. I don't even know what to say. I just.....I mean.....I can't..... So, basically your child should be forced to forsake his own family to take care of you because you couldn't stop drinking? And you won't stop drinking? Thats the game now, because I wasn't really even on your side when I thought you just had a health issue that you couldn't control. But you got to this point by refusing to check into a program and working the 12 steps so now your kid has to take care of you for the rest of your life? Even if it means his family suffers, because you decided that drinking to the point of permanent brain injury was a better idea than going into rehab. Next time I talk to my parents I'm going to thank them. Edited October 21, 2014 by RealityGal 6 Link to comment
ZaldamoWilder October 21, 2014 Share October 21, 2014 so googled Momomarion' health issues. Her seizures come from alcohol-induced brain damage. Basically, she drank/drinks so much that she drinks herself into brain damage, stupor, and seizures. 1a) (™ RealityGal). Thank you for taking one for the team 1b) I don't wanna judge but I've been trying to determine her specific *look* since the series began. It's boozy face. Thanks. I'm sorry, this is gonna sound over the top shitty but if my mom got here, HERE, at life threatening seizures because of alcoholism? She could not use my cash to fix that. Okay, I'm only 3 minutes in, but I have to ask, who is sincere, and why is he dressed like a 1970's version of a black grandmother in his confessionals? Its like a pimp named slickback and carmen santiago had a love child. 2) I can't stand you! 3a) The more I see Nikki, the more astounding I find it that someone has not tried to take a seat on that ass. 3b) She will be back with Jamal two episodes from now. That crazy looking surgery was only a part of her esteem issue. This guy called her (help me somebody) the lowest form of life he knew? Um, a man who sells other women into prostitution just called you the worst person he knew. Let it steep. She is not done with her self hatred, they'll be boo'ed up at reunion. 3c) Nikki said, now mom don't go in on him right away, let him enjoy his dinner. Mom said Hi Jamal, how are you? I love my daughter, do you love my daughter? LMAO!!! Yassssssss, werk Elvira!!! 4) Tierra that was embarrassing. It's been a while since you've sung with a band? Shhhh. Whatever the hell is wrong with her is deeply rooted. Sad. Why does she think the answer to a disagreement is an anointing? Like ain't nobody ever had a different opinion and walked away without her turning up? It's the most childish thing I've ever seen. By the way, why does she think she can ever fight a dude? I hate what Whoopi said about expectations but in this instance I agree that you cannot go swinging on anybody man or woman and expect no return hook off. I mean Sincere was really bout to leap! 5) Amanda needs to get far and away from Fizz immediately. Shame of it is, I think he's a sweet boy but don't no 25 year old girl want an instant family unless she wants one. It'd be some other thing if he really checked Moniece for the trifling heffa she is so at least girl could feel supported. I kinda want her to keep her Miami Cheesecake Factory date. 6) Yes Morgan, it is like that. In the real world your employer has expectations and if and when you defy those expectations in their face, it tends to get you put out. 5 Link to comment
Neurochick October 21, 2014 Share October 21, 2014 so googled Momomarion' health issues. Her seizures come from alcohol-induced brain damage. Basically, she drank/drinks so much that she drinks herself into brain damage, stupor, and seizures. When I saw Mom-Omarion I had a feeling her seizures were due to drugs or booze; she looks like an old drunk. To me these people are sad and I'm going to say something very politically incorrect: These folks are the results of generations of people raised in dysfunction, so much so that they think it's normal. Being raised by a single parent doesn't cause dysfunction all the time; what has happened here is these folks live in a world where women are taught to expect crumbs, that the best you can do is "babymama" that the title of "wife" is for other people; that you have to do everything just because you're female, and you can't expect anything from the man. Men are taught to spread their seed, that nothing is expected of them, that they don't even have to marry the mothers of their children. This show makes me agree 100% with that website that talked about "no wedding, no womb." 4 Link to comment
ZaldamoWilder October 21, 2014 Share October 21, 2014 This show makes me agree 100% with that website that talked about "no wedding, no womb." LOL!! Girl, what? I'm gonna need more words here please. I can't stop giggling. Link to comment
SistaLadybug October 21, 2014 Share October 21, 2014 LOL!! Girl, what? I'm gonna need more words here please. I can't stop giggling. Save yourself and your blood pressure. Don't look any further into that website. I want to spit fire every time I think about it. 1 Link to comment
Neurochick October 21, 2014 Share October 21, 2014 Save yourself and your blood pressure. Don't look any further into that website. I want to spit fire every time I think about it. I don't know, after seeing these fools that website looks fine to me. I mean these women hook up too quickly, have babies with men they barely know and then when the guys cheat on them, they act surprised. WTF? 3 Link to comment
Tallulahbaby October 21, 2014 Share October 21, 2014 Had to catch up on my episodes. Mr. Tallulahbaby walked by, when Hazel was on tv. He took a gander and wanted to know why the dad from Good Times was on. 5 Link to comment
ZaldamoWilder October 21, 2014 Share October 21, 2014 Had to catch up on my episodes. Mr. Tallulahbaby walked by, when Hazel was on tv. He took a gander and wanted to know why the dad from Good Times was on. Please collect your things and see security on your way out. #dead!!!! 3 Link to comment
Jade Foxx October 21, 2014 Share October 21, 2014 Okay, I'm only 3 minutes in, but I have to ask, who is sincere, and why is he dressed like a 1970's version of a black grandmother in his confessionals? Its like a pimp named slickback and carmen santiago had a love child. He reminded me of a third-tier LL Cool J Impersonator, but I like your description better! 2 Link to comment
sparklemotion October 21, 2014 Share October 21, 2014 I need Sincere to have begun and end in this episode, he read Pimpology and took that mess to heart. I can't deal with him weekly. Masika continues to inject sense into a senseless situation. Nikki what does "Not letting the next bitch see you sweat" even mean when she was unbothered, untroubled and nonplussed about the whole thing to begin with. She has ugly duckling syndrome hard (she morphed into Howard the Duck to compensate, but whatever). I also had to agree with Ray J and it gave me acid reflux, common sense says just get someone else to hand out the bags, but we already sorted that Morgan lacks it so.... My winner for the week is Nikki's mom and her sparkling dinner conversation. He didn't even make it through his salad before the heat was on...Good! 2 Link to comment
truthaboutluv October 21, 2014 Share October 21, 2014 While I do think Ray J was justified in being upset about Morgan not doing her job at the festival or whatever, I think he's full of shit constantly bringing up the launch party and what went down with Teaierra because as I recall, Morgan told his wack ass NOT to invite Teaierra because it would just cause issues. And sure enough that's what happened and the drama happened between his current jump off and Teaierra. So how, pray tell, was any of that Morgan's fault? But yeah she was wrong for that event. As for that preview for next week's episode, so I see that whole arrest months ago I read about on TMZ was all storyline for this show. The things people will do in the name of "reality television" and getting some attention. Teaierra's "performance" was a hot mess but at the same time I felt like dude was doing the most and was clearly trying for camera time. But yeah Teaierra needs to get it together if she's serious about wanting some comeback and stop going off on anyone who has anything slightly negative to say about her. And she has definitely filled out some since her days with Roc A Fella. I wasn't sure who she was but noticed in other places people kept talking about her like once upon a time she did have a hit, so I looked her up on YouTube and while I don't remember the song being some huge hit, the video was familiar and she looks SO different. Link to comment
mjt626 October 21, 2014 Share October 21, 2014 I'm sorry, but I will never side with Ray J on anything. Both he and Morgan keep talking about how they are "like" family. I somehow think that he thinks that means that she constantly does more than an assistant would do, yet he has no desire to return the favor. He wants her to be "professional", yet he most certainly isn't. And I don't think that all of his messiness is for this show. I give you. "I hit it first" as an example. Ray J seemed more upset that he had to get his own water at the event, than he was over his promos not being passed out. What the hell is wrong with your hands, dude? He needs to accept that he will always be the name after a more famous woman. Brandy, Kim and Whitney. Who's next. 3 Link to comment
Fairlily26 October 21, 2014 Share October 21, 2014 (edited) All I can say is maybe Morgan and Ray J had a drunken hook up one night, and Morgan fell in love and Ray J kept it moving and thought they would go back to just being boss/employee. Bottom line: Morgan wants Ray J to be her man....thats why she always "Holds him down" Not because she loves her job SO MUCH. Thats all I got. Edited October 22, 2014 by Fairlily26 3 Link to comment
RealityGal October 22, 2014 Share October 22, 2014 Can one of you wise people put into words what is going on with Nikki’s and her mom’s hairlines? Her mom’s (Michelle’s?) hairline looks like it was shaved off and then someone sprayed it back on. I share this request, because the hairline situation is disturbing, and I'm not sure whats going on 1a) (™ RealityGal). Thank you for taking one for the team Ha! This made my day! Nothing warms my heart like seeing my contribution to the world of outlining recognized by my fellow posters ;) 3a) The more I see Nikki, the more astounding I find it that someone has not tried to take a seat on that ass. 3b) She will be back with Jamal two episodes from now. That crazy looking surgery was only a part of her esteem issue. This guy called her (help me somebody) the lowest form of life he knew? Um, a man who sells other women into prostitution just called you the worst person he knew. Let it steep. She is not done with her self hatred, they'll be boo'ed up at reunion. 3c) Nikki said, now mom don't go in on him right away, let him enjoy his dinner. Mom said Hi Jamal, how are you? I love my daughter, do you love my daughter? LMAO!!! Yassssssss, werk Elvira!!! 4) Tierra that was embarrassing. It's been a while since you've sung with a band? Shhhh. Whatever the hell is wrong with her is deeply rooted. Sad. Why does she think the answer to a disagreement is an anointing? Like ain't nobody ever had a different opinion and walked away without her turning up? It's the most childish thing I've ever seen. By the way, why does she think she can ever fight a dude? I hate what Whoopi said about expectations but in this instance I agree that you cannot go swinging on anybody man or woman and expect no return hook off. I mean Sincere was really bout to leap! 5) Amanda needs to get far and away from Fizz immediately. Shame of it is, I think he's a sweet boy but don't no 25 year old girl want an instant family unless she wants one. It'd be some other thing if he really checked Moniece for the trifling heffa she is so at least girl could feel supported. I kinda want her to keep her Miami Cheesecake Factory date. And...if I may respond in kind.... 3a) LMAO. Her ass looks so odd, I was wondering if she has to have pants specifically made for her? the hidden costs of plastic surgery.... 3b) I hadn't even thought of it that way....good point. And who even runs after a dude that you just broke up with? And then is worried about him after he calls you the "lowest form of life." I get that you like him and that he gave you a promise ring or whatever, but he pretty much just got caught cheating on you, and then called you the lowest form of life for wanting to know the truth and you're still running around behind him. Man, you're going to be on national TV! Get some pride, at least in front of the cameras. 3c) Her mother was too much, I don't think he even got to finish the salad course. He was supposed to get through all four courses before the shit hit the fan, he probably had to stop at In-N-Out on the way home. 4) Tierra is so full of it. She hasn't "sung with a band?" and thats why she sounds so bad? Karoke singers sound better. That sounds like code for "I like to use auto tune, and I didn't realize I sounded this shitty in real life!" I mean, all of this, and I mean all of this could have been avoided with a little practice. I can't even begin to imagine what she was thinking, did she think that people were think she was so cute that she could just sound terrible and no one would notice? Does she really think that live bands have autotune? Was she expecting a magic microphone? Was she hoping she could somehow lipsync something? And she did sound winded getting up to the stage, how the hell are you supposed to hold a note if you lose your breath walking the hallway to the microphone. I just can't with her. I'm glad sincere was honest with her, he didn't have to be such an asshole about it, but something tells me that she is the type that if you tell her something soft, she won't take it seriously. Like if you said "Tierra, that was okay, but you probably need to practice a little more before we book you again", she would have only heard "Tierra, you did an amazing job, you really rocked it out, for a second there, I was transported because I thought I was listening to Aretha, or Gladys, and then I blinked my eyes and realized 'no, thats not Billie Holliday up there, thats Tierra'" 5) I agree with this entire point, and will co-sign up to 100% of its value. I need Sincere to have begun and end in this episode, he read Pimpology and took that mess to heart. I can't deal with him weekly. She has ugly duckling syndrome hard (she morphed into Howard the Duck to compensate, but whatever). I gotta say, seeing a Sincere outfit of the week would make for such phenomenal snark, so its a catch 22, but I would love to see where his fashion sensibilities take him. OMG - that is HILARIOUS. Howard the Duck! 1 Link to comment
RealityGal October 22, 2014 Share October 22, 2014 (edited) Well, because I'm a giving person, here is something for everyone I made it 1:35 in, and I really like flashy music videos, but what she is trying to do is......just......for me....a no. Okay, I tried again and made it another minute in, I think Hazel E might have a cameo, but its just based on the nose. Edited October 22, 2014 by RealityGal Link to comment
Tallulahbaby October 22, 2014 Share October 22, 2014 I like Nikki's mom. Funky hairline and all. Teairra looked pretty sad when she stop to talk to Big Daddy Kane/Pimp/someones uncle....Sincere. She was carrying a 2nd graders,pink,glittery backpack. It looked pathetic. Link to comment
ChickenLatte99 October 22, 2014 Share October 22, 2014 I like Nikki's mom. Funky hairline and all. Teairra looked pretty sad when she stop to talk to Big Daddy Kane/Pimp/someones uncle....Sincere. She was carrying a 2nd graders,pink,glittery backpack. It looked pathetic. That backpack looked like something my 6 yr old niece would like. When I watch this show, I am so glad I chose a nursing career. It's not glamorous but it's stable. 3 Link to comment
Tallulahbaby October 22, 2014 Share October 22, 2014 That backpack looked like something my 6 yr old niece would like. When I watch this show, I am so glad I chose a nursing career. It's not glamorous but it's stable. Hey fellow nurse here. :-) My 8 year old has a backpack like it. Times are rough for Teairra Marie...... Link to comment
Brooklynista October 22, 2014 Share October 22, 2014 (edited) Oh Teirra, them cheese grits have not been kind to you. I wouldn't call her fat but she's has definitely been up in Cracker Barrel. And Soulja Boy looking less dirty? Edited October 22, 2014 by Brooklynista 3 Link to comment
ZaldamoWilder October 22, 2014 Share October 22, 2014 Well, because I'm a giving person, here is something for everyone I made it 1:35 in, and I really like flashy music videos, but what she is trying to do is......just......for me....a no. Okay, I tried again and made it another minute in, I think Hazel E might have a cameo, but its just based on the nose. Um, thank you? Try and get all the way through it guh. For your entertainment purposes, Tierra comes the closest she has in a while to a push up at the 3:20 mark. I didn't see Hazel, unless you meant the lady playing friend #2 around the 2:19 mark. Not disputing it's her but the wubba wubba chin and isosceles hair part distracts me from making a positive i.d. Oh Teirra, them cheese grits have not been kind to you. I wouldn't call her fat but she's has definitely been up in Cracker Barrel. And Soulja Boy looking less dirty? Girl, I'm struggling and conflicted. Because the thing is she isn't fat, but damn these chicks and their cut out rainbow attire. She could make it work with a light support spank and a classeek dress and none of us would be the wiser. I really don't have anything against flaunting it if you have it. I did say if, though. Art of the shot I suppose. Seems like the camera crew have taken a page out of teenagers and instastans books and realized that the best angle really is from above. I didn't see one shot of him full on. It's a shame too he's a handsome child, but all that face mess? Not a good idea. How many 60 year old rappers do you know? 2 Link to comment
sereion October 23, 2014 Share October 23, 2014 I want to talk about some of the menfolks for a minute starting with the B2K boys; I like them. They're flawed, yes--specifically Omarian not defending Apryl from his crazy mom (though he did put his foot down about not inviting her to the birthing center), and Fizz trying to make Amanda a stepmom when she clearly is ready. However, they both appear to show genuine love and respect for their women---and they're just decent men overall. I hope this carries over next season. Young Berg is a jerk, but I respect him for being honest with Hazel. I can't feel sorry for her because she knows where he stands, yet she--as he described it--is too delusional to accept that they he will never commit to her. I don't think he even likes her. With that being said, the scenes them are cringeworthy, I need to FF the scenes. The jury's out on Soulja, other than he looks like he could use a good scrub down. I'm looking forward to his meeting with Teddy (who is looking HAWT, btw.) ...and Ray J--Morgan, I didn't want to side with him, either, but....sigh. Yeah. 1 Link to comment
vavavoom October 23, 2014 Share October 23, 2014 Well, because I'm a giving person, here is something for everyone I made it 1:35 in, and I really like flashy music videos, but what she is trying to do is......just......for me....a no. Okay, I tried again and made it another minute in, I think Hazel E might have a cameo, but its just based on the nose. I made it all the way through. It took a good 6 tries, but I did it. I'm pretty sure that girl was Hazel. So Soulja covered up all of his facial tattoos for the video? Teairra (my iPad autocorrected to Tea urea) looked pretty without this week's beyond struggle weave. She looked a lot more toned here. I'm not a fan of her voice though. 2 Link to comment
RealityGal October 23, 2014 Share October 23, 2014 Girl, I'm struggling and conflicted. Because the thing is she isn't fat, but damn these chicks and their cut out rainbow attire. She could make it work with a light support spank and a classeek dress and none of us would be the wiser. Classiq! Just because they call it Forever 21, doesn't mean you can wear it forever. Link to comment
Tallulahbaby October 23, 2014 Share October 23, 2014 Oh, Teairra ain't wearing weaves. She got some cheap little lace fronts. She needs to watch you tube so she can learn how to put some concealer in those parts. She's got her little synthetic wigs.... 1 Link to comment
RealityGal October 23, 2014 Share October 23, 2014 (edited) Um, thank you? Try and get all the way through it guh. For your entertainment purposes, Tierra comes the closest she has in a while to a push up at the 3:20 mark. Oh snap! You were not kidding, she did the full splits! I'm inspired, I'm off now to try to touch my toes! But now I have that song in my head :( Boo!!!!! ETA: but seriously, "Sponsor?" as the name of a sounds like the anthem for mail order brides around the world. Edited October 23, 2014 by RealityGal 2 Link to comment
sparklemotion October 24, 2014 Share October 24, 2014 Well, because I'm a giving person, here is something for everyone I made it 1:35 in, and I really like flashy music videos, but what she is trying to do is......just......for me....a no. Okay, I tried again and made it another minute in, I think Hazel E might have a cameo, but its just based on the nose. Is that Vanessa Simmons singing along when she is in the salon chair? 1 Link to comment
RealityGal October 24, 2014 Share October 24, 2014 (edited) Is that Vanessa Simmons singing along when she is in the salon chair? There is a part of me that wants to re-watch this video to see what you're talking about, but the other part of me knows that this shitty song is already earworming its way into my brain, so I'm conflicted. ETA: ahh, the power of mute, yes I think it is Vanessa Simmons! Edited October 24, 2014 by RealityGal 1 Link to comment
jenifaohjenny October 24, 2014 Share October 24, 2014 Nikki needs to sue her plastic surgeon, because you could drive a freight train through those breasts. They are so far apart! Did she want them that way? We also need to stop whomever is plumping up Hazels's lips. All in all, the amount of boobage going on is terribly distracting. 1 Link to comment
RealityGal October 24, 2014 Share October 24, 2014 Nikki needs to sue her plastic surgeon, because you could drive a freight train through those breasts. They are so far apart! Did she want them that way? We also need to stop whomever is plumping up Hazels's lips. All in all, the amount of boobage going on is terribly distracting. I suggest a class action suit on behalf of the emotional distress all viewers are suffering from having to look at this horrible plastic surgery. 1 Link to comment
kissedbyarose October 28, 2014 Share October 28, 2014 I was lurking after my last post and I just want to say thank you because you guys have me cackling in my little corner at the office. I've come to the conclusion that I watch this show because I like to see what lies and delusions these people are living in week after week. First, up tonight was April and Omarion discussing their private parts. This scene was written because Omarion wanted to let the whole world know that he has more to offer to ladies than just being apart of B2K. He is packing an uncut snake you guys! Bet that makes you think of him as a grown ass man now! Since I don't believe anything that comes out of these people's mouth, I'm just going side eye him and be ashamed that I gave this any thought in my life. Next up! Tierra! Berg says she looks and sounds better. I smirk at the autotune that was not quite hidden in that track...and it goes without saying that he was probably saying all that to get in her draws. He now looks like a walking STD to me. Nia and this kid. I refuse to type out his name. I must have missed a scene because wasn't she mad at him the last time we saw these two? I don't really care. I was just excited to see Teddy Riley. (But on a side note, why Nia's sister came on this show with their weave looking like a bird's nest? My sister would've stopped production and hooked me up but my sister actually loves and cares about me so...) I'm sure others will articulate better as to this ratchetness of this whole storyline but I was paying minimal attention to this show at this point... Ray Is it wrong that I laughed when he played Tierra? I laughed when he tried to get tough with the DJ. I laughed at the "headlines" about his arrest. I chuckled at the conversation with his manager. I watch this show to laugh at Ray J. Hazel, girl... nope. no words for her again. 2 Link to comment
Watermelon October 28, 2014 Share October 28, 2014 I just....Young Berg is a horrible person, but I can't help but find him super hilarious. He all but wears a sign around his neck that says, "Im Trash" and Hazel acts like she's blind. It's amazing. Apryl's a good one, but I would have much preferred she stuck to her guns and said Leslie's been way too negative to be in her delivery room, but she's super welcome to stay in the hall. 3 Link to comment
Brooklynista October 28, 2014 Share October 28, 2014 (edited) I'm starting to feel like this show should just be renamed "Lets clown silly bitches" cause week after week, these chicks get clowned more and more. Tierra's silly ass going to Ray J to make sure he was ok after all of his "arrests" only to have him tell her her was never in a relationship with her. And he was screwing the town down the entire time she was thinking they were in love. Did Berg really call Hazel a Muppet? It's funny cause it's true! Here's another one, clowning this girl about her love letter to him. I can't be mad at Berg because he's told this broad every week that he wasn't interested but she keep on coming back in those ridiculous damn shorts. Last week we had Nikki proclaiming herself the better dick suck. Girl, where is yo pride?? None of the women are looking too bright here. I'm wondering how this show was pitched to them. It's like Ratchet City in here. Edited October 28, 2014 by Brooklynista 4 Link to comment
Empress1 October 28, 2014 Share October 28, 2014 I almost felt bad for Hazel - there was a moment of genuine hurt that flashed across her face. I think in addition to actually loving him (God knows why), she doesn't want to believe that the years she invested/wasted meant so little to him. But goddamn, girl, he doesn't want you. Find someone who does. He's not even acting like get friend - he treats her like shit at this point. The way many of these men treat women is so foul. The way they use "bitch" as a synonym for "woman" ... ugh. April shouldn't let Omarion's mom and her stank energy anywhere near the delivery room. 2 Link to comment
RealityGal October 28, 2014 Share October 28, 2014 This was one of those weeks where I feel like....this show can't possibly be real. It just can't, I mean, come on now. 1. Omarions Mom - awww, she wants to "teach" Apryl things about being a mother. I'm surprised she can remember half of it with all the drinking she's done. 2. Omarion's big black limosine - I agree with the poster who said that was a load of bull. Who has these conversations on camera? Who even has them off camera? I wonder if they are trying to set the scene for a potential sex tape down the line, maybe a pregnant sex tape so they can compete with Mimi. There is a market for that sort of thing. But seriously, this was Omarion's chance to let the world think he has a giant penis, whatever. 3. Nia - why does she do that top-knot? It seriously looks like a pile of rubber dog poo sitting on top of her head. 4. Ray-J - I know he is full of it and he is just acting up to make sure he gets his camera time. I'm impressed by his dedication to the cause, and I wish I could have seen video of his leprechaun like ass kicking out a police window. But I'm not sure what storyline he is going for, I'm starting to think the season is going to end with an intervention for Ray-J, and then he can fill his time in between seasons in Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew and then we can have Ray-J on our screen all the time. 5. Yesi - sad to say, but she is boring. However - I love her for not playing Ray-J's music. How fucking hilarious is that? He co-hosted PowerHouse with you, and he can't even get his music played. Muahahahahaa 6. Tierra - You know what I love, is that for all the shit she was talking about Hazel-E, and how superior she felt because she had a "real relationship" with Ray-J, Ray-J pretty much just told her that she is in the same boat as Hazel-E. He was never her boyfriend, she was just a jump off.......And yes, to the poster who said that there was all sorts of auto-tune in that song, I like how she is "improving her voice" in the recording booth....with the autotune present. 7. Hazel-E - Why??????? Just stop with Berg, I know you like him, but just stop, or at least stop on TV. 8. Next week looks like Berg is making moves....on a dark skinned girl! Why Masika, you seemed like the only one with any sense..... 1 Link to comment
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