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6 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Monte tells Kyle he can leverage Alyssa's obsession with Kyle for info. "Pillow talk," as he puts it. Kyle does not seem enthused about this. I think he's scared of Alyssa.

Kyle may not be Mormon now, but he was brought up Mormon.  I don't know a lot about the religion,  but I am positive that having a girl lick your arm and fondle your junk are outside of the acceptable or expected behaviors.

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2 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Nicole saying if she's on the block with Taylor, Nicole is going home.
Jasmine asks why.
Nicole wonders what Taylor is saying.
Jasmine: "She can't say shit about me because I don't talk to that girl. I should be the last person she has in her mouth."

Jasmine is such a nasty bitch.

Jasmine, refusing to speak to someone is another form of bullying. 

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2 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

Kyle may not be Mormon now, but he was brought up Mormon.  I don't know a lot about the religion,  but I am positive that having a girl lick your arm and fondle your junk are outside of the acceptable or expected behaviors.

It’s not just unacceptable for Mormons, it’s unacceptable for everyone.

4 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Jasmine: "She can't say shit about me because I don't talk to that girl. I should be the last person she has in her mouth."

I don’t think Taylor wants you anywhere near her mouth, Jasmine, much less in it. Gross.

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Nicole is adamant: "There was no girls' alliance! We looked out for each other and I was closest with Ameerah, but there was no alliance!" Then, "I don't know what she's saying about me!"

Jasmine asks Nicole: "Are you OK with her going home?" Nicole says, "No, I don't want her to go home," then starts laughing. "Of course I want her to go!" 

Nicole will not try to win veto so she and Taylor can be backdoored - I think that's what she meant.

Nicole leaves. Alyssa asks "Is she lying?" Now they're whispering about Nicole, saying she lied about saying she would never throw a competition. Jasmine says pay attention to her body language.

Alyssa does not trust Nicole. She thinks Nicole will go up there and say Alyssa and Indie should go up. Jasmine says Nicole needs to keep her name out of her mouth and she's done with Nicole. Alyssa says, I don't like her. Alyssa says to Indie we have to get off the block! You're strong, you're a fighter, we can get off the block!

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Monte is such a smooth talker. He's talking to Nicole and Taylor. He goes through all the teams, leaving Taylor and Nicole, and Indie and Alyssa for last. He says he didn't want to put Taylor on the block as she's been on twice and Nicole is his BP (not sure what that means) and he wouldn't put her on. So his best option is Indie and Alyssa. Taylor is going along with all this.

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Monte and Taylor are talking now, Nicole having left the room. Monte says he really wants to get Nicole out, even though it means Taylor would be on the block. But if Taylor tells him she absolutely does not want to go on the block, he won't put her up. Taylor says she feels physically uncomfortable with Nicole and she doesn't want to hide anymore. She'll be strong like she has before. I think she may be OK, but it's not decided for sure yet.

If Nicole goes home, Taylor would choose Indie and Alyssa to be her new besties. That keeps the rest of the Leftovers safe. Monte promises protection if Nicole is OK with being a pawn.

Edited by Lamb18
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1 hour ago, Mediocre Gatsby said:

I didn't even know there was a Newark in Delaware! But at least I know it's not the happiest place on earth. 

And they pronounce it New-Ark so as not to confuse it with the one in NJ.😎

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Monte's talking to Terrance now. Terrance sounds OK with Nicole going out. Monte is summoned to the diary room.

3 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

How could she choose new besties if she goes home?  Do you mean that Taylor would choose Indy and Alyssa?

You're right, Taylor would choose Indy and Alyssa.

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13 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

Given how close they are, I'm actually shocked that Terrance is okay with that.

Terrence said that he has caught her (Nicole) lying to his face so there.  But also I think people in general tell the HOH whatever they think the HOH wants to hear.

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3 hours ago, thestorm said:

They can't with COVID.  Besides, it wouldn't make sense to bring anyone back since Julie already revealed to Ameerah The Leftovers and to Pooch (who has been out on social media) the Girls alliance.

I'm aware they can't do it now.   My point is, the HGs don't know that--theyre cut off from the outside world.   They should at least be considering the possibility.   When there's a returnee, the evicted houseguests are isolated so it shouldn't be a COVID issuesl. 

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1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

Just curious… those of you who like pickles, is Jasmine curing you of that? 

The bond between dill pickles and myself is far too strong to let Jasmine and her Mommie Dearest brows ruin it.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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I always think that if I went on BB I would die of starvation.  After listening to the feeds for years I am so disgusted by the chomping and chewing.  I would be hypersensitive to the loud chewing and I’d be afraid to eat. With 21st century technotronics you’d think they could come up with microphones that could filter out the chewing but still pick up the whispered conversations. Joe was just going to town on an apple while talking to Indie and I really wanted to hear but ugh.  

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15 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Jasmine says when she doesn't eat, she gains weight. 

She definitely has a warped idea of what she's eating. She was complaining the other night that she hadn't eaten dinner. But she'd been snacking the whole day. I think she really only keeps track of meals that she sits down and eats. 

eta: it's not helping that she's not being active. I broke my foot a few years ago (and now realize how stupid I looked on my knee scooter!) and it was hard to make myself move. 

Edited by Mediocre Gatsby
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Just now, Mediocre Gatsby said:

She definitely has a warped idea of what she's eating. She was complaining the other night that she hadn't eaten dinner. But she'd been snacking the whole day. I think she really only keeps track of meals that she sits down and eats. 

So eating while lying down doesn’t count?  No wonder she’s always hungry. 

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Big questions: How many Super Bowls have there been? Daniel thinks 30-something. Also what does L stand for in Roman numerals? (50) Taylor, Daniel and Terrance don't know. Taylor was wondering because she's seen "L" in association with Super Bowl logos.

I think it's 56. It was 52 the year I volunteered.

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Oh Geesh. Taylor, Nic and Dan are trying to figure out what Roman Numeral L is. They think it it’s in the Super Bowl logo.  And they don’t know how many Super Bowls there have been. Daniel thinks 30 something.  The first Super Bowl was played on January 15, 1967. The day before I was born. And my dad went.  I guess he left my 9 month pregnant mom home alone in a day without cell phones. Not like he had to be there for the birth anyway. He was out having a cigarette with my moms dr when she was pushing. The good old days   

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1 hour ago, Lucas Rowan said:

Given how close they are, I'm actually shocked that Terrance is okay with that.

She literally just lied to him about not voting him out just a day ago. 

52 minutes ago, Maverick said:

I'm aware they can't do it now.   My point is, the HGs don't know that--theyre cut off from the outside world.   They should at least be considering the possibility.   When there's a returnee, the evicted houseguests are isolated so it shouldn't be a COVID issuesl. 

I imagine the HGs are pretty well-informed on how COVID would affect the bootees, as well, really.

4 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Big questions: How many Super Bowls have there been? Daniel thinks 30-something. Also what does L stand for in Roman numerals? (50) Taylor, Daniel and Terrance don't know. Taylor was wondering because she's seen "L" in association with Super Bowl logos.

I think it's 56. It was 52 the year I volunteered.

In defense of the HGs (just a SLIGHT defense), the Super Bowl specifically avoided using the Roman Numeral for Super Bowl 50 for that very reason, that Super Bowl L would look stupid. 

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27 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

She literally just lied to him about not voting him out just a day ago. 

Nicole told Terrence she was evicting him, didn't she? Personally, I like to think he dropped her once he found out she was a cop, like Joe did lol. But really, Terrence just goes wherever the power is and parrots whoever he thinks is running things.

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I'm amazed that Terrance hasn't told everybody that Nicole's an ex-cop. Maybe he's saving it for just the right moment whatever that would be.

I either forgot or completely missed that Joseph knew, too.

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43 minutes ago, Pixiebomb said:

Oh Geesh. Taylor, Nic and Dan are trying to figure out what Roman Numeral L is. They think it it’s in the Super Bowl logo.  And they don’t know how many Super Bowls there have been. Daniel thinks 30 something.  The first Super Bowl was played on January 15, 1967. The day before I was born. And my dad went.  I guess he left my 9 month pregnant mom home alone in a day without cell phones. Not like he had to be there for the birth anyway. He was out having a cigarette with my moms dr when she was pushing. The good old days   

I remember Super Bowl 30 when it's number was XXX, the local morning radio guys thought that was the funniest thing ever ! A triple X-rated Super Bowl. Funny at first but not after they said it over and over for a month before the game !

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2 hours ago, Lucas Rowan said:

Given how close they are, I'm actually shocked that Terrance is okay with that.

But it was his "friend" Nicole who basically gave him a good bye, nice knowing you speech.

Whereas the guys encouraged Terrance to campaign and fight.  This lead to him asking Daniel for a sympathy vote.  Notice that Joe nodded to Terrance to join him and Monte.

Edited by thestorm
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1 hour ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

The bond between dill pickles and myself is far too strong to let Jasmine and her Mommie Dearest brows ruin it.

Jasmine puts Mommie Dearest brows to shame...just sayin!

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3 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Monte promises protection if Nicole is OK with being a pawn.

Given what literally just happened, and knowing she was left out of the loop, if Nicole is ok with being a pawn, she’s even dumber than I thought.

1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Nicole told Terrence she was evicting him, didn't she? Personally, I like to think he dropped her once he found out she was a cop, like Joe did lol. But really, Terrence just goes wherever the power is and parrots whoever he thinks is running things.

I think Nicole said she was giving Terrance her sympathy vote, but didn’t. She also told him she was her #2, but then he learned he wasn’t. (It was Ameerah.) Terrance hasn’t fully believed that Nicole has his back for awhile now, and her crocodile tears over his eviction just solidified things. He doesn’t trust her, and he thinks she was too quick to tell him to give up.

Edited by 30 Helens
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1 hour ago, thestorm said:

Whereas the guys encouraged Terrance to campaign and fight.  This lead to him asking Daniel for a sympathy vote.

Turner gave Terrance his word that he was safe. And from everything I saw, Terrance didn't question it. Supposedly Terrance even changed his clothes last second for the live show as a way of messing with Ameerah.

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1 hour ago, willco said:

I remember Super Bowl 30 when it's number was XXX, the local morning radio guys thought that was the funniest thing ever ! A triple X-rated Super Bowl. Funny at first but not after they said it over and over for a month before the game !

Yeah, I remember that, too. People were making jokes about how they couldn't wait to see the halftime show, haha.

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3 hours ago, Yogisbooboo64 said:

She must have an anorexic mindset then, 'cause bitch is hella swole!

She’s likely carrying 70 lbs of water weight, she IS Shenee (my 600 lb life.) 

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Alyssa now telling Kyle about how much her ex "sucked." And that when she met Kyle, she thought "if there's people out there like Kyle, there's no reason to be with someone like him."

Alyssa says that her parents withhold affection from her if they don't approve of her. Guess we know where all her raging insecurity comes from.

Alyssa says "why are you that attractive and that nice and that perfect and still single? What's the catch?" 

Kyle says it's because of his strict, harsh religious upbringing.

Edited by Lady Whistleup
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5 hours ago, Maggie Mae said:

Jasmine puts Mommie Dearest brows to shame...just sayin!

It seemed as if they were painted on with her mascara. I don’t have feeds, has anyone seen her draw those big hairy caterpillars on? She might have a Eugene Levy fetish. It is comical. 

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1 hour ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Alyssa now telling Kyle about how much her ex "sucked." And that when she met Kyle, she thought "if there's people out there like Kyle, there's no reason to be with someone like him."

I wonder if that's the ex who was on social media claiming that he wasn't actually an ex when she went in the house. There's one every year...

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I really need some enterprising BB fan on Reddit or Twitter to post a meme of Jasmine's eyebrows as they grow during her time in the BB house.  I didn't notice them until last night and was all WHOA!

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I wonder if that's the ex who was on social media claiming that he wasn't actually an ex when she went in the house. There's one every year...

She did say she was "talking to" the guy when she went in the house, so I think it's the same guy. 

She honestly sounds like a bundle of insecurities and I don't blame Kyle for wanting her evicted. He doesn't like her AND he doesn't want to be a Mike Boogie type asshole.

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10 minutes ago, TheGapper said:

It seemed as if they were painted on with her mascara. I don’t have feeds, has anyone seen her draw those big hairy caterpillars on? She might have a Eugene Levy fetish. It is comical. 

7 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

I really need some enterprising BB fan on Reddit or Twitter to post a meme of Jasmine's eyebrows as they grow during her time in the BB house.  I didn't notice them until last night and was all WHOA!

She definitely fills them in and shapes them with an eyebrow pencil. That in itself isn't strange, but the size and intensity is certainly... something. She also looks like she brushes the brows up, which I know was a trend for awhile (don't ask me why) but only adds to the overall monstrocity.

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Nicole is trying oh so hard to be sociable and not act like she's both seething and spinning out about the next vote. But you can see it her eyes.

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I do agree with the point that I think Joseph has made or maybe Kyle that the longer Daniel is in the house the less likely Taylor turns on them. I could see once Daniel leaves and Jasmine/Alyssa/Nicole decide to be nice to Taylor her joining them, but I don't think Jasmine/Alyssa/Nicole are smart enough to realize that. 

Edited by choclatechip45
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4 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

Monte and Joseph have repeatedly tried to drill that into his head, too, and he does know that.  He should also know that evicting Alyssa this week just gives Daniel and Nicole time to regroup.

He knows it. I think emotionally he's just so uncomfortable with Alyssa. Every day she starts crying around him and complaining that he doesn't spend enough time with her or spends too much time with someone else. She's gone full bunny boiler.

For someone who says he's still dealing with issues that stem from his harsh, stern religious upbringing, I can imagine that he just doesn't know what to do with her. 

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