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8 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

It's VERY possible. I think Taylor can get the votes to win. I think she has Brittany's vote 100%, I can see her having Alyssa's vote, and I think I can see her getting Michael's (but Michael's vote depends on who sells to him better).

Terrance and Turner vote Monte, Joseph has been close with Monte AND Taylor so it's really hard to say who he'd go for, and Indy/Jasmine are up in the air, but potentially toward Taylor. Kyle SHOULD theoretically vote Monte because of the Pound, BUT I can see him voting with Alyssa. 

So, I wouldn't say Taylor beats Monte easily, but she has a lot of votes that can be swayed her way. 

So, in THIS scenario with Taylor vs Monte (new scenarios!), here is where I see things falling:

100% Taylor:  Brittany

100% Monte: Terrance, Turner

Leaning toward Taylor: Alyssa, Jasmine

Leaning toward Monte: Kyle

Could go either way: Michael, Indy, Joseph

So, not as set in stone, but there are three votes Taylor can sway toward her. 

I think Indy would absolutely vote for Taylor over Monte.

Michael - whomever wins F3 HOH will get his vote.  He's going to respect Monte pushing Turner to evict him at F6, but there's the personal relationship he had with Taylor that he didn't have with Monte, so I think it will really come down to who wins the F3 HOH.

Joseph - who the heck knows?

Kyle - actually, I think he'd vote for Taylor over Monte.  He came out of the house calling her amazing and wonderful, and if Alyssa gets to jury house with positive feelings toward Taylor and feeling salty about the "gentlemen's deal" between Monte & Turner to evict her this week, then I think that would solidify his vote for Taylor.

And, don't forget, we didn't get any jury house footage and we still don't know what's going on with the rumors about Terrance.  Heh...  Can you imagine if he was booted and America did get a jury vote?  Taylor would win that, in a heartbeat, over Monte, lol.

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2 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

Monte did say various time throughout the season he would take a black woman to the final 2. I know he meant Ameerah at first, but he had mentioned it to Taylor a few weeks ago I think maybe in the aftermath of Kyle's cookout 2.0 reveal plan.

Maybe the Cookout cameo on Thursday will inspire him.

1 hour ago, invisiblegirl12 said:

Before leaving Brittney in the HoH room, Brittney tried to have a long talk with Taylor. Taylor basically cut it short, told her to play it cool, not talk strategy to Monte, and to NOT BE ANTISOCIAL.

Guess who’s been sitting in the HoH room by themself for nearly an hour, while the rest of the houseguests are downstairs enjoying breakfast and conversation about music?

ALL WEEK. Ever since Michael left. Every night, they invite her to be a part of whatever they’re doing, and every night she says she’s just going to bed. She has to have the worst social game I’ve ever seen. The only time she’s talking to anyone is when she’s badgering and annoying them. If she weren’t so relentlessly self-sabotaging, there’s a high probability she would be dragged to the end. But at this point, they just can’t, and I can’t blame them.

1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Turner loses against him, but Taylor CAN win; she just REALLY needs to do better at the final speeches than he does. 

Monte's faced less adversity, has better strategic moves that he can speak about and has been in a better position all game, being part of the creation of the Leftovers and not having to make many enemies along the way.

Monte is a man. And let’s face it, that’s 90% of it.

The rest of your argument was very persuasive, btw. But I have a feeling no matter what Taylor says, they’re going to look at her and say “good story. But you got carried by the stronger men. One of whom is right beside you.”

46 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

Definitely sounds like a scene where Jason Voorhees kills two promiscuous teens with a harpoon.

Now that’s a comp I want to see. 

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1 minute ago, Diana Berry said:

So monte won veto, will he use it to save Turner? Pls adv

There are only 4 left so that's not how it works. Whoever wins veto (unless they are HOH) has the sole vote to evict. Monte will be evicting Brittany.

Just now, 30 Helens said:

The rest of your argument was very persuasive, btw. But I have a feeling no matter what Taylor says, they’re going to look at her and say “good story. But you got carried by the stronger men. One of whom is right beside you.”

Yep. Especially in modern Big Brother, the players have more respect for a man winning comps than anything a woman does.

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4 minutes ago, Diana Berry said:

So monte won veto, will he use it to save Turner? Pls adv

Monte can’t “save” anybody with it, because there are no other HGs available to go up as a replacement nom; what his win does is ensure his own safety because if Monte hadn’t won, he would have been the only replacement nom available if either Brittany or Turner had come down.  Noms will remain the same.

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I texted my mom last night who only watches her episodes who her favorite is and it's Monte. Talk about random. 

Earlier Brittany was crying how she ruined her relationship with Monte by protecting Michael. I never thought Brittany held the cookout 2.0 info to protect Michael. But I might be not remembering some details. 

2 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Monte can’t “save” anybody with it, because there are no other HGs available to go up as a replacement nom; what his win does is ensure his own safety because if Monte hadn’t won, he would have been the only replacement nom available if either Brittany or Turner had come down.  Noms will remain the same.

I’m so dumb , your’re right.  So is monte going to vote out turner or Britney ? Pls adv

  • Hugs 1
16 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Monte is a man. And let’s face it, that’s 90% of it.

The rest of your argument was very persuasive, btw. But I have a feeling no matter what Taylor says, they’re going to look at her and say “good story. But you got carried by the stronger men. One of whom is right beside you.”

Oh, 100%. Taylor wasn't offered the luxury of facing less adversity because she was outcast two hours into moving into the house. Monte was able to secure a couple of alliances with the men right off the bat.

I do think there's a high chance what you say happens. Hence why I think Taylor still has an uphill battle to climb if she gets to F2 with Monte. But I don't think it's impossible for her to win against him. 

6 minutes ago, Diana Berry said:

I’m so dumb , your’re right.  So is monte going to vote out turner or Britney ? Pls adv

99% he'll vote to evict Brittany. There's only that 1% chance (that I don't believe but it's there) that he'll listen to Taylor and vote out Turner.

But it's pretty much gonna be Brittany who goes.

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48 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Earlier Brittany was crying how she ruined her relationship with Monte by protecting Michael. 

Brittany had a relationship with Monte?

55 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

I texted my mom last night who only watches her episodes who her favorite is and it's Monte. Talk about random. 

I’m not surprised your mom likes Monte. I would like Monte, too, if I hadn’t seen all the obnoxious stuff he said on feeds. On the episodes, he comes across as friendly, easygoing, and level headed. That’s the side most of the houseguests see, too. Only Turner has heard the disparaging things he says about Taylor, for example. (But Turner will vote for him anyway.)

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6 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Brittany had a relationship with Monte?

I’m not surprised your mom likes Monte. I would like Monte, too, if I hadn’t seen all the obnoxious stuff he said on feeds. On the episodes, he comes across as friendly, easygoing, and level headed. That’s the side most of the houseguests see, too. Only Turner has heard the disparaging things he says about Taylor, for example. (But Turner will vote for him anyway.)

I think she meant the final 3 between her, Monte and Taylor. 

I guess it surprised me because I think Monte is pretty boring. 

Edited by choclatechip45
1 hour ago, Yogisbooboo64 said:

This shit right chere?  Is why I don't give a bluedilly fuck at Taylor's current crying situation....heh, nice to be smug but when the shoe is poking you in your unwashed balls you can't take it huh?


IT'S YOU WHO SAYS IT!!!! tm @Yogisbooboo64 to my earlier post!

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Oh, 100%. Taylor wasn't offered the luxury of facing less adversity because she was outcast two hours into moving into the house. Monte was able to secure a couple of alliances with the men right off the bat.

I do think there's a high chance what you say happens. Hence why I think Taylor still has an uphill battle to climb if she gets to F2 with Monte. But I don't think it's impossible for her to win against him. 

99% he'll vote to evict Brittany. There's only that 1% chance (that I don't believe but it's there) that he'll listen to Taylor and vote out Turner.

But it's pretty much gonna be Brittany who goes.

That’s good.  I think a f3 with monte, Taylor, Turner sounds interesting.  At least for the viewers.

1 hour ago, choclatechip45 said:

Earlier Brittany was crying how she ruined her relationship with Monte by protecting Michael. I never thought Brittany held the cookout 2.0 info to protect Michael. But I might be not remembering some details. 

No… you’re remembering right, and Brittany is full of what farmers use to make the corn grow tall. 💩 🌽  

Brittany withheld because she and Michael were still trying to work with Kyle at the time - and the ONLY “protecting” Brittany did was some soft-pedaled attempts to protect Kyle from himself by suggesting formulation of an Aryan Ideal alliance to combat a possible Cookout 2.0 might not play well in Poughkeepsie.

1 hour ago, Diana Berry said:

I’m so dumb , your’re right.  So is monte going to vote out turner or Britney ? Pls adv

You’re not dumb, this stuff can be confusing - especially in the endgame, when general guidelines which have played out all season are suddenly no longer applicable. 
At present it appears Monte intends to VTE Brittany and keep Turner, and he’s the only HG voting  - but that’s today.  Who knows what tomorrow may bring?

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3 hours ago, twilightzone said:

Taylor isn't going to be mad.  She's in the F3 and will be the last girl standing.  It's no secret that Monte doesn't like Brittany.

She and Monte and Turner are a worthy F3.  It's not like last year where Big D and Azah floated and got dragged along.

Was Xavier’s game really THAT much better than Azah’s? Other than Alyssa, Xavier didn’t have many relationships with people outside of the cookout, and even Alyssa had considered ditching him for Tiffany and Claire at some point .

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1 minute ago, LoveLeigh said:

I am worried Taylor will "persuade" Monte to evict Turner. It's a powerful thing she has. I am hoping Monte stays strong and does not get hypnotized by the real hypnotist on BB 24. 

Well… last I saw, Monte’s eyeballs were still firmly ensconced in their sockets - so I wouldn’t say it’s THAT powerful….  😆

  • LOL 4
12 minutes ago, Nashville said:

No… you’re remembering right, and Brittany is full of what farmers use to make the corn grow tall. 💩 🌽  

Brittany withheld because she and Michael were still trying to work with Kyle at the time - and the ONLY “protecting” Brittany did was some soft-pedaled attempts to protect Kyle from himself by suggesting formulation of an Aryan Ideal alliance to combat a possible Cookout 2.0 might not play well in Poughkeepsie.

You’re not dumb, this stuff can be confusing - especially in the endgame, when general guidelines which have played out all season are suddenly no longer applicable. 
At present it appears Monte intends to VTE Brittany and keep Turner, and he’s the only HG voting  - but that’s today.  Who knows what tomorrow may bring?

Thank you! That is what I remember, but sometimes it's hard to remember the exact details from the lies people tell. 

5 minutes ago, jsm1125 said:

Was Xavier’s game really THAT much better than Azah’s? Other than Alyssa, Xavier didn’t have many relationships with people outside of the cookout, and even Alyssa had considered ditching him for Tiffany and Claire at some point .

The biggest issue with Azah's game is that she wanted to quit week 2 due to her friendship with Britini when Frenchie/Britini got nominated. I personally like Azah better than X, but Azah's attitude about not really caring about the money or getting to the end really bugged me last season. But yes X's overall game wasn't that great. He probably goes home in Christian's spot if he doesn't have Tiffany/Kyland protecting him when DX is HOH.

Edited by choclatechip45
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I can't remember if all three play in the final 3 HOH or if Taylor is ineligible to play.

I think they must because I remember that last HOH as a 2-parter, where the winner of part 1 sits out the part 2 comp. Then part 1 winner plays part 2 winner for HOH. The new HOH decides the last elimination.

Edited by Lamb18
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14 minutes ago, jsm1125 said:

Was Xavier’s game really THAT much better than Azah’s? Other than Alyssa, Xavier didn’t have many relationships with people outside of the cookout, and even Alyssa had considered ditching him for Tiffany and Claire at some point .

X benefited from the Cookout, just like Azah.  Without it, they wouldn't have gotten as far.

Monte will be a much better winner than X (who dragged Big D, one the most undeserving to F2).  Monte played a good game - strategic and social.  Made the big moves.  He was one of the architects of the Leftovers.  And he continued to play his own game.

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I don't see any situation where Taylor and Monte cut each other. Nowadays, being in a showmance on Big Brother means big bucks after the show. Tangela, Jody, Jordeff, etc are basically still living off their showmances.

Montay might not be as serious as those three couples, but cutting a showmance at F3 is post-game suicide in terms of earning power.

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Monte is an interesting one because I don't think he is a great strategic player. This is the guy who almost got sent home because he was bragging to Michael about how great his relationships were with Jasmine, Terrance, Indy and Alyssa and a few days later all 4 of them go to Michael and ask him not to use the veto. That is very similar to X thinking he could stick with the Kings if the Cookout wasn't a thing when all the Kings wanted to target him. 

Monte also was saved by Michael's Cookout 2.0 reveal. As of now I would put him 13 out 23 if he won. For reference I have X 16 out of 23. 

5 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

I don't see any situation where Taylor and Monte cut each other. Nowadays, being in a showmance on Big Brother means big bucks after the show. Tangela, Jody, Jordeff, etc are basically still living off their showmances.

Montay might not be as serious as those three couples, but cutting a showmance at F3 is post-game suicide in terms of earning power.

Eh I think Taylor's attraction to Monte is due to the fact he is the only single guy she's been around in almost a month. I'll be very surprised if they become a couple outside the house. At least the others Jody and Jordeff you knew they would try to see if it worked outside the house.

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11 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

I don't see any situation where Taylor and Monte cut each other. Nowadays, being in a showmance on Big Brother means big bucks after the show. Tangela, Jody, Jordeff, etc are basically still living off their showmances.

Montay might not be as serious as those three couples, but cutting a showmance at F3 is post-game suicide in terms of earning power.

Sure, this is true.

On the other hand, Montay JUST became a thing less than a week ago. Monte's been close with Turner for far longer. So it makes it more complex than a simple showmance thing.

Do I think Monte would cut Taylor? I really don't know, and that'll be the final exciting thing this season has (except for maybe to see if Taylor beats Monte) but it's real hard to tell for sure where Monte would go if he wins F3 HOH. 

I don't think he's made a for sure F2 with Turner, BUT he's been all about the Bros ALL season. Would a week showmance with Taylor suddenly change his plans? Perhaps, but I still see it going either way with Monte. Basically, Monte's best plan is to throw F3 HOH because he REALLY doesn't need to win it.

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6 minutes ago, Coco88 said:

Does Taylor push for Monte to vote out Turner?  I feel if she does, she risks Monte thinking that she doesn’t really plan to take him to F2 which may lead to him not bringing her to F2.  If it comes to that.

She's already pushing, and he doesn't seem to mind it. He knows Turner going is better for her, but also MUCH worse for him, so he's still not going to do it. But I don't think he begrudges her wanting the much better result for her, which would be Turner going home. 

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1 hour ago, CrazyDog said:

I really haven't paid much attention lately, but wow, Taylor and Monte? How did that happen?

Relationship math: Terminal horniness+lack of alternatives=strange bedfellows. 😉

18 minutes ago, Never Again said:

Definitely more punk rock. I can see the Sex Pistols recording it, if they were still around.   Monster hit!

I was thinking more Butthole Surfers, but - yeah.  🤘🏻😎🤘🏻

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Snooze fest going on in the house, despite Big Brother announcing “NO NAPPING!” every 20 minutes. Monte and Taylor snoozing in the HoH bed, and Turner was snoozing in the hammock before being called into the Diary Room. Brittney is wide awake, wandering around looking for someone to interact with and now talking to herself in the hammock. 

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4 hours ago, Nashville said:

 Brittany withheld because she and Michael were still trying to work with Kyle at the time - and the ONLY “protecting” Brittany did was some soft-pedaled attempts to protect Kyle from himself by suggesting formulation of an Aryan Ideal alliance to combat a possible Cookout 2.0 might not play well in Poughkeepsie.

You haven’t spent much time in Poughkeepsie, have you? 😉 (JK, Poughkeepsie!  It’s been a long time! I’m sure you’re much more enlightened now!)

I actually think Brittany has convinced herself that she played no part in keeping the whole Kyle secret a secret— she was really disturbed by it and wanted to let everyone know, but Michael convinced her otherwise. So it was just out of loyalty to him that she kept quiet, not because she wanted any personal gain. Or something like that. Whatever helps her live with herself.

3 minutes ago, invisiblegirl12 said:

Snooze fest going on in the house, despite Big Brother announcing “NO NAPPING!” every 20 minutes. Monte and Taylor snoozing in the HoH bed, and Turner was snoozing in the hammock before being called into the Diary Room. Brittney is wide awake, wandering around looking for someone to interact with and now talking to herself in the hammock. 

This has become a routine with them— they nap all evening so they can stay up all night. Brittany has never tried to adjust to their schedule, so she goes to bed around 10pm while complaining that she’s missing everything. 

I’m not convinced that this schedule of theirs hasn’t evolved as a way to avoid Brittany. But she could foil their plans if she wanted to. 

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17 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

You haven’t spent much time in Poughkeepsie, have you? 😉 (JK, Poughkeepsie!  It’s been a long time! I’m sure you’re much more enlightened now!)

I actually think Brittany has convinced herself that she played no part in keeping the whole Kyle secret a secret— she was really disturbed by it and wanted to let everyone know, but Michael convinced her otherwise. So it was just out of loyalty to him that she kept quiet, not because she wanted any personal gain. Or something like that. Whatever helps her live with herself.

This has become a routine with them— they nap all evening so they can stay up all night. Brittany has never tried to adjust to their schedule, so she goes to bed around 10pm while complaining that she’s missing everything. 

I’m not convinced that this schedule of theirs hasn’t evolved as a way to avoid Brittany. But she could foil their plans if she wanted to. 

I don't think they are trying to avoid Brittany. Taylor has consistently gone to bed 5 am this summer same thing with Turner. 

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Every time I see people talk about Brittany being isolated/isolating herself from the HoH sleepover group, I hear Jasmine's "I am a married woman, sir!" from when she was trying to pretend that Joseph was hitting on her. Not that she was interested because she is a married woman. And also a selfless homecoming queen that may or may not have given away the title but definitely fell off the parade float and was dragged through the mud by her dad on the night they all became homeless.

Godspeed, Jasmine. I'm pretty sure you're dead, along with everyone else in the jury and Big Brother is just trying to cover up the crime before the finale when they announce that they've decided to do away with the jury vote and Julie's just going to spin a wheel to determine the winner out of three options: Taylor, whoever sits next to her, and the guinea pig couple from BB9 because those little shits have to ruin everything.

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While Taylor and Monte slumber blissfully in each other’s arms, Brittany sits alone, counting up the comps she and Turner have both participated in. She arrives at 12, and calculates that he did better than her in 2/3 of them.

I guess this is going to be her Thursday argument? Keep me because I am only 33% the comp beast that Turner is? I guess good for her that she’s not giving up, but it’s so over, and she doesn’t even know why, and that was her problem all along.

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13 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Every time I see people talk about Brittany being isolated/isolating herself from the HoH sleepover group, I hear Jasmine's "I am a married woman, sir!" from when she was trying to pretend that Joseph was hitting on her. Not that she was interested because she is a married woman. And also a selfless homecoming queen that may or may not have given away the title but definitely fell off the parade float and was dragged through the mud by her dad on the night they all became homeless.

THIS is why I miss Jasmine. She was annoying as hell, Brittany is annoying as hell, but Jasmine (RIP) brought the fun.

Maybe if Brittany had made people wipe her ass I’d be sorry to see her go.

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15 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

At least Brittany's trying to fight.  And yeah, it might be futile, but it's a long way to next Thursday.  Anything can change, and with the right case or argument, maybe it might.  So you never know.

"Expected the unexpected" is BB's motto, after all.  That applies to the dynamics and strategies between and among the houseguests, as well.

I definitely agree that you absolutely should keep fighting and, hey, who knows? For instance, Alyssa should have done that last week. However, I think Brit is in a really tough spot (caused by her own personality, of course) where her arguments to keep her will likely actively work to HURT her, since her method of arguing just solidifies to Monte why he wants to get rid of her. 

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2 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

You haven’t spent much time in Poughkeepsie, have you? 😉 (JK, Poughkeepsie!  It’s been a long time! I’m sure you’re much more enlightened now!)

I just wanted to be unique, and everybody ALWAYS says “Peoria”.  
Besides - I’ve been to Peoria, and Poughkeepsie has to be better.

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4 hours ago, Lucas Rowan said:

Typical of the endgame weeks.

Yes… one thing I’m not seeing, though, is anyone preparing for the end games. This time in past seasons, I’d see Enzo pacing the balcony, reciting dates, or Azah on the floor, counting out days in Skittles. This year? Nothing. Overconfidence, or last minute cram session? Bring on the pizza and Mountain Dew, they’re going to need it.

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53 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

They'll probably do it later in the week, when they're closer to the final HoH Competition starting.

I mean, the eviction SHOULD be earlier than Thursday. We're gonna see it on Thursday, but I'm fairly certain it's pre-taped, and they should already be done their first part of the HOH comp by the time Thursday's episode airs.

They should already be in endgame mode since F3 is pretty much locked down. But Taylor/Monte seem more concerned with sex, and Turner seems more concerned with crying about Brittany's move last week. We also DON'T see Turner really talk about game stuff, so he's likely going to wing it, or we're going to see all three awkwardly practice together for some reason. 

Taylor's the only one I trust to be practicing her endgame speech on her own, as it's on par for her to prepare epic speeches. She probably DOES have stuff in mind. But Monte and Turner? Maybe we'll see Monte start practicing, but Turner's the one I think won't have much prepared. Or he'll be doing it silently while he's staring out in space or something. 

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1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

Yes… one thing I’m not seeing, though, is anyone preparing for the end games. This time in past seasons, I’d see Enzo pacing the balcony, reciting dates, or Azah on the floor, counting out days in Skittles. This year? Nothing. Overconfidence, or last minute cram session? Bring on the pizza and Mountain Dew, they’re going to need it.

To be fair minus Michael almost none of the cast members have been practicing days this season. I saw Taylor doing it once last week.  I think it's because none of the people left have seen many seasons rather than being overconfident. Even Brittany has apparently never watched the feeds. 

Edited by choclatechip45
2 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I’m not seeing, though, is anyone preparing for the end games. This time in past seasons, I’d see Enzo pacing the balcony, reciting dates, or Azah on the floor, counting out days in Skittles. This year? Nothing.

Wait, didn’t they just do days yesterday for the veto Monte won?

Did I have to wake up to Monte and Taylor in the HoH shower together?

Edited by dizzyd
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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

I mean, the eviction SHOULD be earlier than Thursday. We're gonna see it on Thursday, but I'm fairly certain it's pre-taped, and they should already be done their first part of the HOH comp by the time Thursday's episode airs.

Julie said the Thursday episode will be live. Typically, the F4 veto ceremony/eviction is live. Also, we've heard nothing about the feeds going down. 

48 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

Wait, didn’t they just do days yesterday for the veto Monte won?


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