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Season 24 Live Feeds Discussion

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5 minutes ago, Shorty186 said:

Did Monte put Taylor on the block before or after they started hooking up?

I started to say if after, then that would be on par with Taylor trying to get a part on a television show by fucking the *writer* - but then I realized only Brittany and Turner are casting votes this go-round, so Monte could conceivably be casting a tiebreaker vote.  So maybe not THAT foolish a move.

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14 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Before. They’ve hooked up early Tuesday morning and today, veto ceremony was on Monday.

Hamsterwatch raised an interesting question: is this the first time an HoH and one of their active Block noms incremented the House makeout tally?

Edited by Nashville
Added linky
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48 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Hamsterwatch raised an interesting question: is this the first time an HoH and one of their active Block noms incremented the House makeout tally?

I think Jesse hooked up with Lydia while she was on the block week 1, but not positive so it might be. 

You've had other instances like Drew nominating Diane at the Final 4 or Boogie nominating Erika at the final 4, but they where hooking up way before then. Or Chiara nominating Roddy as a pawn. 

Edited by choclatechip45

Small talk: Monte and Taylor are probably going to blow their secret because Alyssa commented on someone smelling good and they both said it was them. Baby Alyssa is surprised Elton John is still alive. She again mentioned she was a flight attendant at one time. I knew that she said it before when I was questioning her embarrassing geography. She’s not now but I thought I confused her with Indy who is also one. She said she was drunk during her casting interviews. See there’s another option for you, @PhoneCop

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Taylor told Brittany she was up in Monte's HOH room yelling at him all night. 

As soon as Taylor says something negative about Monte, Brittany is back to liking Taylor. 

Also this might be one of the saddest clips. Turner really doesn't get jury management he is mean to whomever he is going to vote out. 

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8 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Taylor told Brittany she was up in Monte's HOH room yelling at him all night. 

As soon as Taylor says something negative about Monte, Brittany is back to liking Taylor. 

See, who was it that said Brittany would guaranteed flip at least a few thousand more times before tomorrow's vote?  

As far as Monte & Taylor keeping their canoodling off the other HGs radar, I'm not necessarily surprised.  Both of them have been pretty vocal about not being into each other that way and not wanting a showmance the entire season.  So, the other HGs aren't looking for it and none of them are smart enough to pick up on the subtle signs that either M or T are dropping.

13 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Also this might be one of the saddest clips. Turner really doesn't get jury management he is mean to whomever he is going to vote out. 

He’s so bad lol. I think in general he’s just a dick so maybe he can’t hide it after so long but like damn does he forget this is a game where people vote for the winner?

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32 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Also this might be one of the saddest clips. Turner really doesn't get jury management he is mean to whomever he is going to vote out. 

Not cool, Turner - you got me feeling bad for Alyssa now, for crying out loud.  Anybody else getting serious Breakfast Club Bender-trashing-Claire vibes?  😕

Edited by Nashville
Removing extraneous crap
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28 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Taylor told Brittany she was up in Monte's HOH room yelling at him all night. 

Is that what they’re calling it these days? Lot of boring talk on feeds today. A did tell B she’s still trying to get a sympathy vote from Turner. A sympathy vote when it’s 1 of 2 is not a sympathy vote, it’s a change of target. Because if Turner is voting out Taylor, Brittany definitely will. They’re not going to have Monte make the decision. But then again, that’s what I would do. Like @30 Helens said, we have to remember who we’re talking about. 

5 hours ago, Nashville said:

Depeche Mode has been one of my main jams since the’80s, so don’t ask me to pick a favorite; if pushed on it, though, it would probably be a 3-way tie between Personal Jesus / Blasphemous Rumors / Barrel Of A Gun.

"Strangelove" for me, followed by "People are People" and "Behind the Wheel."

17 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Regardless of what Taylor and Monte have said or are saying, they’ve been quite obvious with the sly smiles, longing looks, and flirty banter. You’d have to be a complete idiot not to realize that something has changed.

Oh, wait. I just remembered who I’m talking about. Never mind.

Monte and Taylor, please be smart about this and keep it under your hats, please please please.

Everybody else, please continue being dumb, self-absorbed, and unperceptive about the obvious, please please please.

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3 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Well, if we were unsure if Taylor was a good strategic player, choosing to start a showmance with the HOH as soon as he has no power to protect you is definitely not a good sign for her. 

I know there was some levity in your comment, but honestly I think it would be hard for her to live with herself if she was trading sex for a shot at big money.

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2 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

I know there was some levity in your comment, but honestly I think it would be hard for her to live with herself if she was trading sex for a shot at big money.

I meant the timing. If she just waited, what, three days, she'd be able to fuck him without fear of being voted out by the others because of her now being in a showmance with Monte. Starting a showmance while you're on the block and your showmance partner has no control over the vote is ridiculously bad timing. 

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9 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

I think Jesse hooked up with Lydia while she was on the block week 1, but not positive so it might be. 

Now I'm remembering Jessie's funeral and Kevin's amazing reaction, and laughing to myself in an empty room.

5 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

He’s so bad lol. I think in general he’s just a dick so maybe he can’t hide it after so long but like damn does he forget this is a game where people vote for the winner?

I wonder if it's one of those things where it makes him feel better in some weird psychological way, like it justifies him voting someone out or something. Not defending it, of course, just trying to figure it out.

5 hours ago, Nashville said:

Not cool, Turner - you got me feeling bad for Alyssa now, for crying out loud.  Anybody else getting serious Breakfast Club Bender-trashing-Claire vibes?  😕

Possible '80s John Hughes hot take: Pretty In Pink is better than The Breakfast Club. Don't get me wrong, TBC is obviously awesome, but PIP is just... *chef's kiss*


Edited by Alice Mudgarden
periods end sentences, not commas.

So Brittany, who is a absolutely safe tomorrow, is moping around the kitchen complaining that she doesn’t feel well because she’s panicky and nervous. And Taylor and Alyssa, who are absolutely NOT safe tomorrow, are being sympathetic and kind to her?

I know they kind of have to, but you know it’s taking all of their willpower not to slap her.

ETA: Brittany goes on to elaborate how Stephen is so nice to her when she’s sick, he won’t let her lift a finger.
Taylor: “That’s fun.” 
Heh. She’s so over Brittany.

Edited by 30 Helens
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Brittany is like the emotional succubus version of Jasmine: whereas Jasmine's neediness manifested in (DISGUSTINGLY, INEXPLICABLY) demanding pickles with a cup of sugar from her housemates, Brittany's manifests in constant moping and whining for assurances and displays of comfort regardless of the situation, as if her housemates are there to be emotional support pets.

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39 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

Brittany is like the emotional succubus version of Jasmine: whereas Jasmine's neediness manifested in (DISGUSTINGLY, INEXPLICABLY) demanding pickles with a cup of sugar from her housemates, Brittany's manifests in constant moping and whining for assurances and displays of comfort regardless of the situation, as if her housemates are there to be emotional support pets.

AND - she has a very annoying voice.  I cannot understand how she is a hypnotherapist.   Normally, someone doing relaxation/meditation/hypnotherapy, is a person with a soothing voice.  

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Everyone is sitting around playing Spades. Brittany is watching, wrapped in a comforter. She looks like Caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland. There is a discussion about favorite blankets. Nobody likes Kyle’s yellow blanket, especially since it has not yet been disinfected. “No telling where that blanket has been.” Brittany nods.

Referring to the night Kyle woke Brittany up while, um, petting his blanket, Alyssa says “I cannot contest to what may have happened.” Then:
Alyssa: Wait, contest? Is that a word?
Everyone: Yes.
Alyssa: Did I use it correctly?
Everyone: Yes.
30 Helens: NO SHE DID NOT. 

Poor Alyssa. She really doesn’t have a chance, does she? I must say, though, she is surprisingly good at cards. And Spades is not an easy game.

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36 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

AND - she has a very annoying voice.  I cannot understand how she is a hypnotherapist.   Normally, someone doing relaxation/meditation/hypnotherapy, is a person with a soothing voice.  

There was a segment on her teaching meditation to someone and she had a completely different voice--slow and soothing.  Not at all like she usually talks.

Monte, Turner and Taylor compare notes on their conversations with Brittany today. They’re so annoyed by what they see as transparent attempts at manipulation. Turner rolls his eyes at Brittany coaxing him to give Alyssa a sympathy vote, like there’s any such thing at this stage. He says he told her he’s most likely keeping Taylor, but please don’t tell Alyssa yet.

Meanwhile, Brittany informs Alyssa that Turner said he’s most likely keeping Taylor. Alyssa is crestfallen.

If Brittany really wanted Alyssa to stay, she should have pushed the guys to vote her out. They dislike Brittany so much right now, they probably would have voted out Taylor just to spite her.

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3 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

ETA: Brittany goes on to elaborate how Stephen is so nice to her when she’s sick, he won’t let her lift a finger.

Good thing Jasmine didn’t overhear that, else Brittany might be a candidate for a shallow grave….

3 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

Brittany is like the emotional succubus version of Jasmine: whereas Jasmine's neediness manifested in (DISGUSTINGLY, INEXPLICABLY) demanding pickles with a cup of sugar from her housemates, Brittany's manifests in constant moping and whining for assurances and displays of comfort regardless of the situation, as if her housemates are there to be emotional support pets.

Brittany has two primary expressions in the House: Grandiose Gloating when she thinks she’s in a position of power, and Panicked Paranoia when she knows she’s not.

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I come to the point every season when I don't like any of the people because of something they've said or done over the later course of the season, and I just wish the show would end quickly.  I got there about a month earlier than I usual do this year... But in all seriousness, they really need to speed things up.  This show drags after final 6.  

I truly think this is the least boring F5 in a very long time. This week has been kind of insane lol. Twists and turns no one could have expected. And I hope that continues next week with Taylor/Brittany being safe and the men having to beg them to stay lol.

So sad. They need to implement the 50% policy BTS as well.

Also, apparently last night on the episode the announcer seemed to imply the HOH comp will be shown in it's entirety tonight, so not endurance. Boo! Brittany probably has a chance at winning though since it'll most likely be questions.

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Good morning everyone! When I left for my vacation two weeks ago there were 8 people left and now there's only five.  Thanks to everyone's posts I was able to keep up with what was going on. I'm glad Taylor's still there. I certainly didn't expect her to stay around this long when I was watching the first week of the season.

When I left there was one empty bed in the golf room, now there are two. Camera 1 shows Taylor restlessly sleeping down at her end of the row of beds. The house must seem pretty empty now; everyone has a place to hide without stumbling over someone else. Camera 2 shows the opposite angle from the camera above Taylor's bed. We see Brittany in her cocoon down at the other end of the row beds. Jasmine's and Kyle's beds look untouched from when they were last slept in. I think the pile o' pillows on Jasmine's bed is gone.

Camera 3 shows a closeup of Alyssa sleeping in the bubble room. The pattern on her bedspread makes it look like giant spiders are crawling on her. Camera 4 shows the room from the opposite angle; Indy's and Ameerah's (Michael's) beds empty.  

The speaker is unmuted and there is absolutely no noise. The house sure is quiet!

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2 hours ago, Slider said:

This show drags after final 6. 

This has been a relatively interesting season even if I may not like the ultimate winner or most of the F5. Yet I’d like to see a faster end like you. They could do a condensed week: eviction and F4 HoH Thursday, noms Friday, veto and vc Saturday, eviction Sunday, 1st part of F3 HoH Monday, 2nd part Tuesday, 3rd part Wednesday, live F3 eviction and F2/jury in 2h finale Thursday. When there’s fewer people, the game conversations become repetitive and they just go round in circles, they’re bored and sleep most of the time and we’re bored with nothing substantial to see. 

Welcome back @Lamb18. Hope you had a great vacay! What do you think of all that transpired in the past 2 weeks?

Edited by dizzyd
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18 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

Welcome back @Lamb18. Hope you had a great vacay! What do you think of all that transpired in the past 2 weeks?

Thank you, @dizzyd! I did have a great vacation. I'm trying to get my head back into work. Doesn't help to have half my access cut off. The double elimination results weren't that surprising. I expected Kyle to go and then wasn't surprised to see that Terrance was eliminated. Michael's elimination WAS a surprise! I'm one who wished he could have stayed but I get why people voted him out. I just hope Taylor survives this week. In general it seems things were livelier in the house than expected.

By the way cameras 3 and 4 have switched to Monte, sleeping soundly in the HOH room. So the WE'LL BE BACK SHORTLY that went off earlier must have just been for Alyssa.

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15 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

I think it’s time for an endurance HoH so she may have a shot if she’s still there after eviction. I’d like endurance so we can watch and probably memory wall veto this week? 

I imagine one comp will be days with some physical aspect to it which might favor Taylor since she did decent in comics. 

They haven't done the face morph veto in a long time. 

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27 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

I think it’s time for an endurance HoH so she may have a shot if she’s still there after eviction. I’d like endurance so we can watch and probably memory wall veto this week? 

I posted earlier it doesn’t seem like it’s endurance because the announcer last night said like ‘see who wins HOH and guarantees their spot in the F3’ last night, implying we’ll actually see the comp play out in its entirety tonight.

That would suggest maybe questions for HOH, which Taylor probably won’t excel at. Brittany and Turner would be pretty even. 

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By the way lights are on and everybody should be up. Monte, Taylor and Turner are in the kitchen. Taylor says she's not doing her hair. Taylor is fixing something on the stove. I think it's a big panful of bacon. No, I'm not sure what it is as Taylor said she forgot to put in the spinach. (Fried bacon and spinach seems a little weird.) There's jalapenos in whatever Taylor made. Turner says he couldn't handle Jalapeno the way Taylor did.

Camera 3 shows Alyssa and she is snuggled up to Kyle's nubby orange security blanket. Ugh.  Think I'll go back to the kitchen action.

35 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I posted earlier it doesn’t seem like it’s endurance because the announcer last night said like ‘see who wins HOH and guarantees their spot in the F3’ last night, implying we’ll actually see the comp play out in its entirety tonight.

That would suggest maybe questions for HOH, which Taylor probably won’t excel at. Brittany and Turner would be pretty even. 

I’m guessing either BB Baller, Stairsteps, or What the <BLEEP>.  😁

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