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 After listening to them, I understood how someone cynically using racism for their own benefit could be so much more offensive than the actual racism, vile as that is.

I think there are very good reasons to be madder and more hurt by M/B particularly since Taylor really put her trust in them (Monty and Terrance eh) . And I think it's understandable to be angrier at the white liberal who is pretends to be woke than at the maliciously ignorant, like Kyle. But I think going through this in a game about relationships and trust and manipulation and lies really complicates the moral scale. Kyle tapped out and was able to just own his mistake, M/B compounded holding on to it for game reasons, by not admitting whole cloth that is why they did it. I feel like both know it is, so pretending they didn't, and then thinking pretending that was a good strategy is wild.

Terrance and Monty also liked Kyle and don't want to feel like stooges, to rationalize how duped they were it makes them feel better to think of M/B as worse and Taylor as the REAL dupe. At the end of the day and game though I'd guess that M/T/B will still be friendly and T/M/K...won't. Because Kyle's remorse is performative bs, fed to him line for line by BB, and I think M/B apologies post game, will be genuine and in their own handwriting. 

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12 minutes ago, blixie said:

I think there are very good reasons to be madder and more hurt by M/B particularly since Taylor really put her trust in them (Monty and Terrance eh) . And I think it's understandable to be angrier at the white liberal who is pretends to be woke than at the maliciously ignorant, like Kyle. But I think going through this in a game about relationships and trust and manipulation and lies really complicates the moral scale. Kyle tapped out and was able to just own his mistake, M/B compounded holding on to it for game reasons, by not admitting whole cloth that is why they did it. I feel like both know it is, so pretending they didn't, and then thinking pretending that was a good strategy is wild.

Terrance and Monty also liked Kyle and don't want to feel like stooges, to rationalize how duped they were it makes them feel better to think of M/B as worse and Taylor as the REAL dupe. At the end of the day and game though I'd guess that M/T/B will still be friendly and T/M/K...won't. Because Kyle's remorse is performative bs, fed to him line for line by BB, and I think M/B apologies post game, will be genuine and in their own handwriting. 

Well based on previous tweets. I wouldn't consider Kyle a white liberal...

I think Terrance/Monte/Taylor have legit reasons to be hurt by Michael and Brittany. I definitely got the vibe Terrance and Monte are mad at Michael and Brittany because they where trusting a racist on national tv and I think that anger is a bit misplaced. 

Edited by choclatechip45
23 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Kyle isn’t sincere lol. I suspect the DR coached him on what to say because it was the same shit over and over. It annoys the hell outta me he is gonna come out of this completely unscathed.

I'm just speculating why Taylor might have taken him as such given her personality etc.; not saying I necessarily think he is!

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16 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Well based on previous tweets. I wouldn't consider Kyle a white liberal...

I think Terrance/Monte/Taylor have legit reasons to be hurt by Michael and Brittany. I definitely got the vibe Terrance and Monte are mad at Michael and Brittany because they where trusting a racist on national tv and I think that anger is a bit misplaced. 

The white liberal under discussion would be Michael (and Brittany), not Kyle.  

I get the anger at Michael & Brittany, for only speaking up when it benefited their game.  Kyle did a good job of parroting whatever the DR therapist told him he needed to say, and it was very easy for him to present as truly remorseful since he was devastated his game had just crashed and burned so spectacularly.  

Honestly, of the five white people left in the house when this all went down, the ONLY one who I genuinely believe was shocked, offended and distraught by what Kyle said and did was Alyssa.  The other four, to varying degrees, have been quite performative in their shock, remorse, and allyship - and they can all go fuck themselves post-game for that.

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11 minutes ago, blixie said:

I think there are very good reasons to be madder and more hurt by M/B particularly since Taylor really put her trust in them (Monty and Terrance eh) . And I think it's understandable to be angrier at the white liberal who is pretends to be woke than at the maliciously ignorant, like Kyle. But I think going through this in a game about relationships and trust and manipulation and lies really complicates the moral scale. Kyle tapped out and was able to just own his mistake, M/B compounded holding on to it for game reasons, by not admitting whole cloth that is why they did it. I feel like both know it is, so pretending they didn't, and then thinking pretending that was a good strategy is wild.

Yes, I agree. It really seemed like the lying about it afterwards, not owning their reasons, was the bigger sin in Taylor’s eyes. The racism was hurtful, but probably not something she’s unfamiliar with. Using that racism for personal gain while they knew (or should have known) how that would make her feel, is another level. Denying they did that is another level still. 

I have my own opinions on these matters, but they’re not relevant. I’m a middle aged white woman who has never walked in Taylor’s shoes. If she finds one act worse than another, or if she chooses to forgive both, I’m sure she has her reasons. 

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7 minutes ago, blixie said:

M/B are the white liberals, Kyle is the maliciously ignorant.

Got it make sense!

7 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

The white liberal under discussion would be Michael (and Brittany), not Kyle.  

I get the anger at Michael & Brittany, for only speaking up when it benefited their game.  Kyle did a good job of parroting whatever the DR therapist told him he needed to say, and it was very easy for him to present as truly remorseful since he was devastated his game had just crashed and burned so spectacularly.  

Honestly, of the five white people left in the house when this all went down, the ONLY one who I genuinely believe was shocked, offended and distraught by what Kyle said and did was Alyssa.  The other four, to varying degrees, have been quite performative in their shock, remorse, and allyship - and they can all go fuck themselves post-game for that.

I agree. Turner in particular was very performative in my opinion. 

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Turner in particular was very performative in my opinion. 

Right how shocking can Kyle's plan be when he said to Turner's face the bit about looking like a Filipino in his hat? Turner for sure had a WTF face and said noo, but he also just kept on keeping on with Kyle, *because it suited his game* and he never brought it up to anyone as a red flag.

Anyway I still hate Monty and this whole group of dumbass players who have decided that because they want to play badly everyone else will do the same, so even though nominating Turner is actually best for his game, Monty who really want to keep Taylor is putting her on the block, with two voters whose best game option is to keep Alyssa and vote out Taylor. This is why I used to thrown fits in college when discussing game theory, in the real world with imperfect info, you can not count on people to actually know what IS in their best interest.

1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I hope people let Taylor know that what Kyle did was worse than what Michael did. Like that’s so obvious it’s insane to me that people are even questioning it. I’ll give Taylor a bit of a pass because Michael didn’t tell them about the microaggressions. Perhaps Michael didn’t even notice them tbh.

Monte can fuck off with any and every opinion he has because he truly sucks lol.

I can see how Taylor and Monte would have a stronger response to Michael's actions because they experienced those in the moment and yet Michael did not really take responsibility for his choice NOT to come forward earlier. Kyle's actions they only heard about and then saw them get called out and Kyle express remorse. So Michael's actions still feel fresh to them.

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1 hour ago, HighQueenEB said:

Honestly, of the five white people left in the house when this all went down, the ONLY one who I genuinely believe was shocked, offended and distraught by what Kyle said and did was Alyssa.  

And yet she fucked him again multiple times. I actually hope she wasn’t that offended because if she was that’s just kinda something else lol.

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The day of the Kyle reveal, Alyssa and Turner spoke at length trying to figure out ways to keep Kyle in the house. They really didn't give a crap about what Kyle said. It's interesting to me that Turner and Alyssa are still considered good even though they seemingly agreed with Kyle at the time, or even if they didn't agree, they didn't think it was bad enough for him to be voted out. Now that he's gone and they potentially need jury votes, they're saying they disavow Kyle but in that moment they wanted to keep him. They're mad at M/B for hurting their game by eliminating a number for them, not mad at Kyle.

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2 minutes ago, LeDucDiableBleu said:

They're mad at M/B for hurting their game by eliminating a number for them, not mad at Kyle.

Yep. That’s why Terrance was so mad at Michael, too. I think for Monte it’s more game related, too. Or just simply that he already liked Kyle more than he liked Michael so he’s more willing to overlook his odious behavior.

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I find it funny that people on the outside think they're more qualified to judge Kyle's remorse than the folks he's lived with 24/7 all summer.

But if Taylor et al. buy his apologies and attempts to grow, I'm not going to gainsay them. They KNOW him; I don't. They seem to think he's sincere; all right, then.

(Personally, I agree with them - I think Kyle is an extremely sheltered, privileged white guy who's just now experiencing the big wide world. Sucks for him that it was on national TV, but that's what he signed up for.)

Meanwhile, M&B cynically held onto their knowledge of his racist fears & comments until it was useful, while pretending it was idealism that forced their hand. THAT's what pissed everyone off. It's not "calling out the racist is worse than the racism itself." Michael's move was transparently gameplay that he tried to dress up as principle. Everyone saw thru it and it insulted everyone's intelligence. 

Michael's gonna have a helluva reception at jury house. Hope he's got his asbestos pants on.

Edited by Gummo
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21 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

And yet [Alyssa] fucked [Kyle] again multiple times. I actually hope she wasn’t that offended because if she was that’s just kinda something else lol.

IMHO Alyssa’s reaction to Kyle’s exposed racism was maybe 10% moral offense, and 90% trying to dodge any public blowback from association.

3 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Yep. That’s why Terrance was so mad at Michael, too. I think for Monte it’s more game related, too. Or just simply that he already liked Kyle more than he liked Michael so he’s more willing to overlook his odious behavior.

In an intellectual sense, the whole Kyle/M&B situation raises an interesting question:

  1. Kyle’s racism (both casual and not-so-casual) was an overt display of malicious ignorance; theoretically, though, ignorance may be remedied via education.
  2. Unlike Kyle, M&B’s actions in delaying the Big Reveal were neither overt (until revealed, at least) nor ignorant; their weaponization of Kyle’s racism for personal game benefit, though displayed a degree of cynical manipulation which - while maybe not specifically racist in and of itself - demonstrated a rather large degree of amorality and social tone-deafness.
  3. One could also suggest Kyle’s racism, disgusting though it may be, was largely unconscious on his part - an engrained part of his psychological/sociological makeup - whereas M&B’s decision to keep their information under wraps until it could be revealed for maximum game benefit was a conscious, calculated decision.

So the basic question boils down to, which is worse: one’s own unconscious act of malicious ignorance - or one’s conscious act of cynical manipulation which weaponizes the malicious ignorance of another?

(And no, I’m not even going to try and answer THAT.)

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56 minutes ago, Gummo said:

I find it funny that people on the outside think they're more qualified to judge Kyle's remorse than the folks he's lived with 24/7 all summer.

But if Taylor et al. buy his apologies and attempts to grow, I'm not going to gainsay them. They KNOW him; I don't. They seem to think he's sincere; all right, then.

(Personally, I agree with them - I think Kyle is an extremely sheltered, privileged white guy who's just now experiencing the big wide world. Sucks for him that it was on national TV, but that's what he signed up for.)

Meanwhile, M&B cynically held onto their knowledge of his racist fears & comments until it was useful, while pretending it was idealism that forced their hand. THAT's what pissed everyone off. It's not "calling out the racist is worse than the racism itself." Michael's move was transparently gameplay that he tried to dress up as principle. Everyone saw thru it and it insulted everyone's intelligence. 

Michael's gonna have a helluva reception at jury house. Hope he's got his asbestos pants on.

None of the houseguests in the house or in the jury house have all the information. They just have Michael/Brittany's story about what happened and what Kyle's side of the story.

They don't know all of Kyle's microagressions because Michael/Brittany didn't witness all of them. I think once they get out of the house there will be a second round of apologies that will happen. If they decide to forgive Kyle's apology and decide to be friends with you then I'll agree with you. 

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17 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I have to say, I was a little disappointed in Taylor tonight.

Me too! While watching the episode, I didn’t even realize she quit because it went by so fast and all I saw was the 60 minutes score. I empathize with panic but if you’re playing for big $, you have to overcome your fears and push yourself when it counts. She probably would quit critters/disgusting food challenges too. She was my last dog in the race despite her horrendous HoH but a quitter is not deserving of a win imo and I’m sure jury will see that in their clip of the week. At this point, they’ve all given me reason to not root for them so I’ll pretend it’s a clean slate and root for whoever has the best end game. Or really, I’ll just push on till the end because I’ve already invested 2.5 months in this batch of idiots and I enjoy snarking about them with y’all.  Cheers🥂 

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23 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

Me too! While watching the episode, I didn’t even realize she quit because it went by so fast and all I saw was the 60 minutes score. I empathize with panic but if you’re playing for big $, you have to overcome your fears and push yourself when it counts. She probably would quit critters/disgusting food challenges too. She was my last dog in the race despite her horrendous HoH but a quitter is not deserving of a win imo and I’m sure jury will see that in their clip of the week. At this point, they’ve all given me reason to not root for them so I’ll pretend it’s a clean slate and root for whoever has the best end game. Or really, I’ll just push on till the end because I’ve already invested 2.5 months in this batch of idiots and I enjoy snarking about them with y’all.  Cheers🥂 

She quit because she had a panic attack because it brought up trauma from when her classmate was murdered when she was 5. She stayed up all night and slept in the bathroom so she would have light. I don't think this is the same as quitting over a disgusting food challenge.  

On the feeds you could hear her calming herself down by her self in the bathroom with no one around. 

Edited by choclatechip45
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42 minutes ago, Coco88 said:

According to another supposed spoiler account that I follow.  There was a blowup at Jury. But everyone is still there.

Spoiler Girl says it's between Terrance and Michael - and Michael holding on to the race comments for so long before saying any thing.  They will show it, because we saw how angry Joseph and Jasmine were, who said that those who held on to it - are just as guilty as Kyle.  Spoiler girl also says the jurors have been trashing Michael.

Edited by twilightzone
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2 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

She quit because she had a panic attack because it brought up trauma from when her classmate was murdered when she was 5. She stayed up all night and slept in the bathroom so she would have light. I don't think this is the same as quitting over a disgusting food challenge.  

On the feeds you could hear her calming herself down by her self in the bathroom with no one around. 

Thank you. With a full blown panic attack, your entire body is involved. It isn't easy, sometimes not possible, to stop it once it starts. If your heart is pounding, your body shaking, and your brain is telling you that you are in danger, you go into fight/flight/freeze mode. Taylor knew she had to leave the situation. 

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I’ve been enjoying the debate on…well…the THING this season. Who is the most awful, who feels what about it, why they feel what about it, what it actually is. It’s interesting to me that the first two seasons of CBS making it a point to have a diverse cast made these kind of conversations front and center.

Last year it was the Cookout. Was it a noble attempt of a group of people who finally had a way to make sure a person in their particular minority group got the win, putting their best interests behind a more powerful motivation for them? Or were they just a bunch of reverse racists (whatever the fuck that actually is) who handed Xavier the win. 

This year, Kyle was the inevitable outcome of the Cookout. Of COURSE the white, “sheltered” guy who sees the show in its most basic form saw a black alliance dominate and panicked that he would have no shot unless he could fight back against this “threat” the only way he knew how. Despite Ameerah and Nicole being voted out early. However, he lost me  trying to frame it as Monte, Taylor and Terrence having “big personalities”. Honey, no. 

Whereas the 20+ Seasons before, we did get some absolutely terrible racism (hello, Aaryn and Jack) that made the news and even had Julie calling them out, but mostly it was the same old kind of alliances forming, the same folks who were never really a part of the inner group, the same old outcomes. And apart from a few angry posts here and there, it was all just “oh well”. 

I was pissed at the way M/B handled it, and I still am. Someone here once said that Michael doesn’t see anyone else in the game as people, but just pieces that he can manipulate in the game he is playing. And Brittany saw her only way to second place was to hitch onto Michael. They both played the only games they knew how, but I ALSO don’t have to like it, or how they try to justify it.

Basically, I like the discourse, and quite frankly like y’all a hell of a lot more than anyone left in the game right now. Except Taylor. She’s a sweetheart. Which is all I care about at this point. 

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It’s sad how this season turned from positive to negative so quickly. Just a few weeks ago, we were celebrating the triumph of underdogs uniting, bullying was stopped in its tracks, and the ickiest thing about the season was poogate.

 Now, we are mired in a debate over racism vs race manipulation, the house is teeming with misogyny, and the jury house is full of tension. It’s so disappointing. Every time I think people can do better, they… just don’t.

I’m ready for the season to be over. 

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1 hour ago, Lucas Rowan said:

Assuming that it's true.

I'm skeptical. I mean, it's just such a random and kind of dumb accusation. Is trash talking Brazilians even a thing? I can't think of a single stereotype about them as a people. It's a huge diverse country. And Michael of all people?? Really? It's too bizarre to contemplate even for a loose cannon like Indy. 

We'll see I guess. I admit I'm a bit let down after believing for a few short minutes that Terrance had been kicked out of JH, lol.

Edited by kassandra8286
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Plans are to have another HoH sleepover tonight. The four wonder if they should invite Brittany: “there’s no room, but we should at least ask… she goes to bed before us anyway.” Alyssa’s glad she’s not the one going to bed early any more, because she missed out on all the fun.

Before production cut them off, they started talking about making their welcome videos. Monte’ and his dad were grilling. Turner: “Did you offer them (the crew) any food?” Monte stumbles: “They uh, they had eaten just… they had eaten recently.” Translation: “I did not, because I’m rude and thoughtless, and thanks for pointing that out.” 

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They’re still talking about Michael. Taylor notes that he went out in the same place as Tiffany. They all say he definitely would have won if he were still there. Taylor: “He’s for sure getting America’s Favorite Player.” They all concur.

Nope. Well, maybe. Who knows what the average casual viewer thinks about Michael.

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Lots of talk tonight about past events, clearing up each other’s misconceptions and explaining why things happened like they happened. Lots of jury fodder, here.

Alyssa discloses that Old School was never really a thing, that none of the girls ever really trusted Nicole and Daniel. So when she spilled that alliance to Kyle, it was just a way to build trust with him. She was just giving him information about something that was only briefly considered.

The former LO’s are floored: That’s what brought us together! We formed over a lie? Taylor says America must think they’re bullies, joining forces to combat an imaginary threat.

ETA: Now they’re remembering all the times people told them it wasn’t a thing, on their way out. And nobody believed any of them. They’re stunned.

ETA2: Alyssa wants everyone to know that despite what Kyle said, she was not drunk when she told Kyle. She wants everyone to be clear on that. It was NOT a drunken slip up. (She has another thing to be mad at Kyle about now.)

Edited by 30 Helens
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Alyssa tells everyone about the time Terrance called her “slim thick”. She was in the bathroom at the time and didn’t understand what he meant. “Is that a good thing?” she asked. “Mmm-yeahhh,” was his response. “Ew ew ew” is the reaction from everyone now. “Just like Daniel”, she shrugs.

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I know Alyssa’s getting voted out, and I’m fine with that, but weirdly I’ve come to like her since she’s been on her own (that is, without Kyle). In her interactions with the other HGs this week, she has seemed really sweet and funny. Too bad she threw her game away for a paranoid racist, because even though she’s not the brightest bulb in the lamp, she’s maybe one of the nicest, and I think she could have done well on her own.

For her sake, I hope she takes what she’s learned about Kyle, moves past him, and gains more self confidence. Oh, and that she stays far away from Daniel and Terrance at the season after party. Because those guys are gross, and she does not need to be subjected to any more of their leering.

Edited by 30 Helens
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